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PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

PRELIMS BOOSTER by Bookstawa ( Youtube Channel )

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The Hindu
G Subramaniya Iyer


Surendranath Banerjea Bengalee

Sisir Kumar Ghosh & Motilal Ghosh Amrita Bazaar Patrika

GK Gokhale Sudharak

Manmohan Ghosh & Devendranath

Tagore Indian Mirror
(NN Sen- writer)

Devendranath Tagore National Newspaper

Voice of India
Dadabhai Naoroji
Rast Goftar

GP Varma
SK Verma Indian Sociologist

Aurobindo Ghosh
Barindra Kumar Ghosh Bande Mataram (from Paris)
Madam Cama- Paris publication

Madanlal Dhingra
Bhikaji Cama Talwar
Virendranath Chattopadhyay -(founder)

Lala Hardayal Ghadar

Sambad kaumudi
Banga- Duta (+ Dwarkanath Taagore &

BM Malabari Indian Spectator

Girishchandra Ghosh
Hindu Patriot
(later- Harishchandra Mukerji)
Bankimchandra Chatterjee Bangadarshana
Dayal Singh Majeetia Tribune
Bipin Chandra Pal Paridasak
Barindra Kumar Ghosh
Bhupendranath Dutta
Taraknath Das Free Hindustan
GD Kumar Svadesh Sevak
Ajit Singh Reshwa
Pherozshah Mehta
Bombay Chronicle
(editor- Horiman)
MK Chand Milap
Abhyudaya (Hindi weekly)
Bahishkrit Bharat (1927)
Mooknayak (1920)
BR Ambedkar*
Janata (1930-56)
Prabuddha Bharat (1956)
Sachindranath Sanyal Bandi Jivan

J Nehru National Herald

Motilal Nehru Independent

Vegetarian (England)
Young India (1919)
Indian Opinion (S Africa, 1903)
Gandhi* Harijan (English)
Harijanbandhu (Gujarati)
Harijansevak (Hindi)

New India
Annie Besant
ICV Som Prakash
Gopal Hari Deshmukh Induprakash
Karsondas Mulji Satya Prakash (Gujarati, 1852)
Mohammad Ali Comrade
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq
Al- Hilal
Maulana Azad
Al- Balagh
Swami Vivekanand
Prabudha Bharat*
KM Pannikar Hindustan Times
VM Mandalik Native Opinion
The Bengal Gazette James Augustus Hicky (#1st)
TK Madhavan Deshabhimani
Marshman***(PYQ-CAPF) Samachar Darpan (1st weekly Bengali)
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Sir Syed Ahmed Khan The Causes of Indian Revolt (to support* British)

Viceroy Hardinge My Indian Year

RC Dutt Economic History of India (1901)

Dadabhai Naoroji Poverty & Un-British Rule in India (1901)

MG Ranade Essays on Indian Economics (1898)

PC Ray The Poverty Problem in India (1870)

ICV Barnaparichay, babuvivah

Din Bandhu Mitra Nil Darpan

The Things Mirror (English translation of Nil Darpan)
Michael Madhusudan Dutta
Meghnad Badh Kavya
Nazir Ahmad (PYQ-CAPF) Mirat-ul-uroos (The Bride's Mirror)

GE Ward the Bride's Mirror (English translation of Mirat-ul-uroos)

Stanley Wolpert Nehru: A tryst with Destiny

Arvind Pangariya
India's tryst with Destiny
Jagdish Bhagwati
S Radhakrishnan Glimpses of World History
The Story of My Experiments With Truth
Hind Swaraj (Indian Home Rule)
M Gandhi
Key to Health
A Nation In Making (PYQ)
The Indian War of Independence 1857
Hindutva: Who is Hindu (Ratnagiri Jail)
SA Dange Gandhi v Lenin
Raja Yoga
S Vivekananda Jnana Yoga
Karma Yoga
SC Bose The Indian Struggle (PYQ)

S Banerjee Hind Swaraj

LL Rai Autobiographical
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• famine 1770
• economic hardships
• raided company factories & treasuries
• Hindus+ Muslims
Majunu Shah • Anandmath (1882) ( National Song
Chirag Ali → Vande Mataram→ written in 1870s
#Sanyasi 1763-18 Bihar+ Bhawani Pathak + 1937 oct INC working comm
revolt 00 Bengal Debi adopted as National song), Devi
Chaudhurani Chaudhurani (highlights the
Musa Shah importance of women participation &
their role in early resistance against
Britishers)- novel by: Bankim Chandra
Chattopadhyay is based on it

• also called- Fakir rebellion (Fakirs

from Madariya Sufi order)

• Dasnami Naga Sanyasis

Revolt in • new land revenue system in 1772
(Izaredar s/s)
Mindapore Damodar Singh
1766-74 Bengal
& Jagannath Dhal
Dhalbhum • good relations b/w- Zamidars,
Taluqdars, Ryots
• King of Darrang assisted by band
ofburkandazes(demobilised soldiers
of the Muslim* armies and zamindars)

Revolt of • Moamarias- low caste peasants

1769-99 Assam Krishnarayan following teaching of Aniruddhadeva
• HQ- Bhatiapar
• challenged Ahom King of Assam
(Ahom- British help)
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Uprisings in • against izaradars (revenue farmers)
1781 UP
Basti • secret expt by company- involved
and Major Alexander Hanny

Revolt of • Ananda Gajapatiraju + English

treaty--> oust French from N. Circars
Raja of
1794 N. Circars Vizayaramaraju
m • against demand of 3 lakh rupees from
Revolt of
1799-18 • He organised force consisting anti-
Dhundia in Karnataka Dhundia Wagh
00 British elements
• Exorbitant tax rates on peasants
of Kerala • Organised large force of
1797; Kerala Varma
Varma Kerala Nairssupplemented by Mappilas and
1800-05 Pazhassi Raja
Pazhassi Pathans
• used guerrilla warfare techniques
Rebellion in 1799 UP Wazir Ali Khan • Massacre of Benares--> killing of
George Fredrick Cherry & others
Strikara Bhanj
Uprisings in
1800, Dhananjaya
Ganjam and E. Orissa • Refusal to pay revenues
1835-37 Bhanj
Doora Bisayi
Uprisings in • crises of agrarian landlordism and
1800-02 JH Bhukhan Singh
Palamau feudal system
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• taxation
• poligars were landed military magnates in
S India (origin- Vijayanagara E.- KDR-->
Nayaka--> Poligar)

• English considered and treated the poligars

as enemies*

• 1st phase:
◦ K Nayakan was hidden in Pudukottai
1795-180 to British by Ettappam,
5 Raja of Pudukottai)
(2 Kattabomman
Poligars’ phases:
Nayakan ◦ other asso killed.- Subramania Pillai,
Revolt 1st: (poligar of Soundara Pandian + many were jailed
1795-99 Panjalankurichi)
2nd: • 2nd phase:
◦ poligars imprisoned in fort of
Palamcotta were escaped

◦ reached to Sivagangai where Maradu

rebellion (led by- Maradu Pandian)
was going on [1801]

◦ Kaval s/s was ended by British +

poligars were forced to disband their
armies---> so, poligars transformed
into mere rent-seeking zamindars or
Uprising in
1809 HR • Jats rebelled

• subsidiary ally- unable to pay subsidy->

British interference in internal matters
Diwan Velu
1808-180 • so, revolt led by Diwan of state
Thampi’s Kerala Velu Thampi
• Kundara Proclamation- open call for
taking arms against British to oust them
from native soil (magna-carta of Travancore)
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Dawa- Killadar
of Ajaygarh
Darya Singh- • Ikarnamahs- contractual obligations
s in
1808-12 MP, UP Killadar of to bind down the hereditary chieftains
Kalanjar of Bundelkhand
Gopal Singh-
Parlakimedi Narayan Deo
1813-34 Odisha • revolt by zamindars and rajas
Outbreak Gajapathi Deo
Kutch or
1816-18 • Admin innovations by regency council
Cutch GJ Rao Bharamal
32 + excessive land assessment
Rising at Muhammad • immediate cause- police tax
1816 UP
Bareilly Aiwaz- religious
leader • later became religious issue
Upsurge in Bhagwant Singh • resistance against municipal tax turned
1817 UP
Hathras (Raja of into religious jihad
• Paikas- traditional land-owning militia of
OD & served as warriors

• this movement is regarded as earliest

peasant uprisingin modern India

• it is also treated as India's 1st mutiny

against British

Jagabandhu • revolted against British coz- r/c of Walter

Bidyadhar Ewer commission
1817 Odisha Mukunda Deva
Dinabandhu • r/c- hereditary rent-free land granted to
Santra Paikas be taken over by British admin

• another reason- EIC's conquest of OD in

1803, & dethronement of Raja of Khurda

• rise in salt price

• abolition of cowrie currency
• tax payment in silver coins
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Waghera 1818-18 Waghera chiefs

MH • against Alien rule
Rising 20 of Okha Mandal
Ahom Konwar • British didn't withdraw from Assam
1828 Assam after 1st Burma War (1824-26) as
Revolt Maharaja
Purandar Singh
Surat Salt
1840s GJ • increase in salt duty
• Gadkaris- hereditary military class:
Gadkaris Maratha fort- garrison
1830, Phond Sawant
1836, MH Subana Nikam • garrisons disbanded- so
1838 Daji Lakshman unemployment
Har Sawant
• so revolt
• Islamist revivalist movement
Bihar, • Dar-ul-Harb- (the land of kafirs) was
Wahabi Syed Ahmed
1860s Bengal, to be converted into Dar-ul-Islam-
Movement of Rai Bareilly
NWFP, PB (the land of Islam)

• jihad against Sikh kingdom, ... etc

Mal ( Sian
Saheb) • after British takeover of PB
1840 PB Baba Ram
Movement • propagated concepts of Swadeshi
and Non-cooperation
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• to rise against landlords,

mainly Hindu, who imposed a
beard-tax on the Faraizis, and
Narkelberia Mir Nithar
1825-35 WB British indigo planters
Uprising Ali/ Titu Mir
• 1st armed peasant* uprising against

• a semi-religious group mainly

constituting the Hajong and Garo
tribes of Mymensingh district
The Pagal earlier Karam
Panthis Bengal Shah
• they refused to pay rent above
certain limits & attacked zamindar
• followers of a Muslim sect- founded
by him

Faraizi Haji Shariat- • advocated socio-political religious

1838-1857 Bengal changes
Revolt Allah
• he was son of Dadu Mian
• aim- to expel British intruders from
• against hike in revenue demand and
reduction of field size
1836-54 Malabar
• 2nd Moplah uprising during NCM
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• against British expansion on their

Pahariyas’ Rajmahal
Rebellion Hills
• territory declared as- damni-kol

Jagannath Singh • rise in demand + economic privation

Shyam Ganjan
Chuar Midnapore, (Dhaka) • Chuars- prominent in Manbhum and
1776 Barabhum
Uprising Bengal Durjan Singh
Madhab Singh
Subha Singh • also called Revolt of the Jungle
• British on land + transfer of land to
Kol Mutiny 1831 Buddho Bhagat
• against British revenue & judicial
• = against Singbhum occupation by

• = against new farming policy

• Ulugan / the Great Tumult
uprising (PYQ 2020)*- against
intro of feudal, zamindari tenures,
Ho and moneylender, forest contractors
1820-1 Chhotanagp Raja Parahat
Munda (startedas religious movement)
837 ur Birsa Munda
• it forced the colonial govt to
introduce laws so that the land of the
tribal could not be easily taken over
by dikus

• Chhotanagpur Tenancy Act

(CNT), 1908 was passed after the
Birsa Munda uprising
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• against zamindars+ moneylender:

outsiders (whom they called diku)

• Santhals were 1st to declare the

formation of independent tribal
Santhal Rajmahal Sidhu kingdom
Rebellion Hills Kanhu
• Santhal Pargana Tenancy Act,
1876 was enacted which granted
special protection and land rights to
the tribes & prohibited the transfer of
tribal land to non-tribal

Khond 1837-18 • to oppose the suppression of human

TN to Bengal Chakra Bisnoi sacrifice, new taxes, and the entry of
Uprisings 56
zamindars into their areas

1803, • against
1845, Andhra(E.G Tomma Sora ◦ oppression by police and
Koya moneylenders
1858, odavari Raja Anantayy
1861, track) ar
1862 ◦ new regulations and denial
ofcustomary rights over forest
1825, • against- company rule, famine,
Bhil Revolts W. Ghats Govind Guru economic distress and
1831, 18
Koli Risings 1839 W. Ghats • company rule, unemployment
Chittur Singh
Umaji Naik
1822, Bapu
1825, W. Ghats Trimbakji • against policy of annexation
1840 Sawant
Raja Pratap
Khasi 1829-
Khasi Hills Tirath Singh • to drive away strangers from plains
Uprising 1832
Singphos 1830s, • against exploitative policies by
Assam Nirang Phidu
Rebellion 1840s Britishers
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Religiuos disabilities Act, 1856

• modified Hindu customs
•change of religion did not debar son from inheriting property of his heathen father
(religion change to Christianity)

1838-42: 1st Afghan war

1845-49: Punjab wars
1854-56: Crimean wars

General services Enlistment Act, 1856

• all future recruits to the Bengal Army would have to give an undertaking to serve
anywhere their services might be required by the government

1764- Bengal
1806- Vellore
1825- Barrackpore

Place Leader
Delhi Bakht Khan
Kanpur Nana Saheb

Begum Hazrat Mahal

(wife of Awadh Nawab)
Bijris Qadir

Awadh Nawab Wajid Ali Shah

Bareilley Khan Bahadur
Bihar Kunwar Singh
Faizabad Maulavi Ahmadullah
Rani Laxmibai
Tantia Tope
Baghpat Shah Mal*
Allahabad Maulavi Liaqat Ali
Bijnor Muhammad Khan
Mandsaur Firoz Shah
Kandapareshwar Singh
Manirama Dutta
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Local leadership
• Meerut- fakir (observed)
• Barout (UP)- Shah Mal
• Singhbhum (Chhotanagpur plateau)- Gonoo [tribal cultivator] (leader of Kol tribes)

Big zamindars: break-waters to storm

Who didn't participate?

• Scindia of Gwalior
• Holkar of Indore
• rulers of Patiala, Sindh & other Sikh chieftains
• Maharaja of Kashmir

Peel commission- to look into military affairs of India (set up after 1857)

#Army Amalgamation Scheme, 1861- moved the company's troops to the services
of the crown
#Linked-batalion scheme- European troops in India were constantly revamped by
periodical visits to England
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• peasants were mobilised by- CSP activists

• many- Karshak Sanghams (peasants orgs) came into existence
• marching of peasants to landlords- to get their demands accepted
• 1938- significant campaign for the amendment of Malabar
Tenancy Act, 1929
• NG Raga set up in 1933- India Peasants' Institute
• summer schools of economics & polity by:
Andhra ◦ PC Joshi

◦ Ajoy Ghosh

◦ RD Bharadwaj
• Sahjanand Saraswati
• Karyanand Sharma
• Yudaanndan Sharma
• Rahul Sankritayan
• Panchanan Sharma
• Jamun Karjiti
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• Europeans were forcing them to grow

Indigo on their lands instead of more
paying crops like rice

• armed rebellion (swords, spears,

bow & arrows)

• women turned up to be fighting with

pots, pans & kitchen equipment

• gomasthas/ gumastas- agents of

planters were beaten up

• Indigo commission (1860)- to

inquire into problem of Indigo

◦ it held the planters guilty

Digambar ◦ it criticized them for coercive

methods they used with Indigo
Indigo Biswas
1859-60 Bengal cultivators
revolt* Bishnu
◦ it declared that Indigo
production not profitable for

• supported by Bengal intelligentsia

• Harishchandra Mukherji-
supported Indigo rebellion through his
writings in the Hindu Patriot

• Dinbandhu Mitra- oppression of

Indigo cultivation in his play Nil
Darpan in 1860 (English translation-
Michael Madhusudan Dutta)

• afterwards- though Indigo

production collapsed in Bengal after
the rebellion, it didn't come to end as
planters shifted their operations to
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• Rent Act → 1859 Act X → 12 yr

cultivation + pay Lagan = land
ownership to peasants. Landlords
started exploitation of peasants
court cases, eviction, taking away
cattle, exhorbitant revenue.

• 1873
• agri unrest due to aggressive
practices of zamindars
Pabna agri 1870s &
E Bengal
leagues* 80s • peasants of Yushufshahi pargana in
Pabna dist formed agrarian league

• main form of struggle- legal


• 1885- Bengal Tenancy Act was

passed → occupancy rights were
secured, eviction only by court order.

• supported by- BC Chatterjee, RC Dutt,

Indian Asso
• heavy taxation under Ryotwari s/s
• moneylenders- Marwaris/ Gujaratis

• after end of American civil war

(1864)- land revenue raised by 50%

• led by- Kunbi peasants in MH

Deccan riots 1875 Deccan VB Phadke
• Social boycott movement
• supported by- MG Ranade
• 1879- Deccan Agriculturists Relief Act
was passed- imp role played by Tilak
for passage of this bill

• Phadke's techniques mentioned in

BCC's Anandmath
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Rampa 1916, Sitarama • against British interference
revolt 1922-24 Raju
(Koyas) • location: Gudem-Rampa tract
• Home Rule activists organised → kisan Sabhas in UP to
organise Peasants & to propagate HRL ideals

• United Provinces Kisan Sabha- Feb 1918... during

NCM this faction supported Gandhi

• set up by- Gauri Shankar Mishra & Indra Narayan


• MMM- supported them

• other prominent leaders-
◦ Jhinguri Singh

◦ Durgapal Singh

◦ Baba Ramchandra (he was from MH, left home

at 13, served as indentured labour in Fiji & came
to Faizabad in 1909)

• leaders participated in Amritsar session of congress in


Gauri • Launch of NCM 1920→ UP KS → two factions (Since

NCM obj ignored Peasant's concerns)
United Mishra ◦ UP KS → campaigned for NCM & Khilafat
Kisan Sabha 1918-21
Provinces Indra ◦ Awadh KS
• Awadh Kisan Sabha- Oct 1920 (Baba Ramchandra)
◦ didn't support NCM because of differences in
nationalists ranks

◦ It asked kisans to refuse to till bedakhali land &

not to offer hari & begar (unpaid labour)

◦ members- J Nehru

• By Jan 1921, pattern of movement changed to looting of

Bazaars, houses, granaries and clashes with people

◦ Bareilly, faizabad, Sultanpur

• AKS → Movement fizzled out

◦ British Govt took Strict action

◦ Awadh rent Amendment Act → relief

▪ ( Nazrana) Renewal fees completely banned

• Bakasht Land Movement (#PYQ-CAPF)- most

legendry peasant struggle in Bihar under- Karyanand
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• dist- Hardoi, Bahraich, Sitapur

(region) (N. Awadh)

• issues:
◦ high rents → 50% higher than
recorded rates

◦ oppression of thikadars

◦ practice of share-rents (Batai)

United • INC asked UP KS to → mobilise

Eka 1921-22 Madari Pasi
Provinces Peasants → Unity and Solidarity→
Eka Meetings

◦ Insist on the receipt of the rents

peasants paid.(proof against

◦ कसम गंगा मैया की िजतना बनता उतना

ही Rent देंगे.

• later became violent → INC &

Gandhiji disowned Eka
• resentment against oppressive Hindu

• grievances- lack of security of tenure,

high rents, renewal fees

Mappila Kunhamme • later- merged with Khilafat

1921 Malabar
revolt d Haji
• arrest of respected priest leader- Ali
Musaliar=> large scale riots

• British- applied Martial law

• communalisation of rebellion=>
isolation from Khilafat
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• Rich Peasants/landholders→ Jotedars,

hauladar, gantidars

• share-croppers → Bagardars,
bagchasi, adhyars

• bargardars worked on the lands

rented to jotedars

• Bengal Land Revenue Commission-

Floud Commission

Tebhaga 1946 Bengal ◦ Not 1/2 as tax → 2/3 share

to bargardars (share-croppers)

◦ Only 1/3 as tax

• Bengal Communist Party....

• violent
• Participation
◦ Rajbanshis, Muslims → in large
• biggest peasant guerrilla war of
MIH- affected: 3000 villages & 3
million population

• issues
◦ lack of political & civil liberties
Telangana 1946 Telangana
◦ forced exploitation by-
deshmukhs, jagirdars,
doras(landlords)- forced labour
& illegal exactions

• peasants brought about a rout of the

Razaqars- the Nizam's storm
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All India Kisan Congress

• @Lucknow, in April 1936

• President- Sahjanand Saraswati (he was the pioneer of Bihar Kisan Sabha
Movement and founder of Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha (BPKS))

• GS- NG Ranga
• kisan manifesto issued & a periodical under Indulal Yagnik
• AIKC & congress sessions- in Faizpur in 1936
• After the split of CPI in 1964, the front was also divided into two — All India Kisan
Sabha (CPI) and All India Kisan Sabha (CPI-M; Akhil Bhartiya Kisan Sabha)

• AIKS didn't support QIM by Gandhi, coz- peasants demand not fulfilled)
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Sasipada Banerjea started workingmen's club & newspaper- Bharat


Sorabjee Shapoorji Bengalee- tried to get bill providing better working

conditions to labour, passed in Bombay LC

Narain Meghajee Lokhande

1880 • newspaper- Deenbandhu
• he set up- Bombay Mills & Mills hand Association

1899 • 1st strike by- Great Indian Peninsular Railways

• strikes were organized by- Ashwini Kumar Banerjea, Prabhat Kumar Roy
Chaudhari, Premtosh Bose, Apurba Kumar Ghosh

Swadeshi • Subramaniya Siva & Chidambaram Pillai led strikes in Tuticorin &
Tirunelvelli & were arrested

• biggest strike of period was organized after the arrest of Tilak

#AITUC: All India Trade Union Congress

• 1st President: LL Rai
• 1st GS: Dewan Chaman Lal
• LL Rai- 1st to link capitalism with imperialism- imperialism &
militarism are the twin child of capitalism
• 3rd, 4th session: President- CR Das
• 1922 Gaya session of INC welcomed its formation
1920 • other associated leaders-
(#100 yrs) ◦ Nehru
◦ Bose
◦ CF Andrews
◦ JM Sengupta
◦ Satyamurthy
◦ VV Giri
◦ Sarojini Naidu
◦ NM Joshi*
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Trade Union Act

• recognized TUs as legal asso
• laid down conditions for reg, regulation of TU activities
• secured immunities both civil & criminal for TU from prosecution of
legitimate activities, but put some restrictions on their political

1928 6 month long strike in Bombay Textile Mills led by Girni Kamgar Union

Public Safety Ordinance (1929)

Trade Disputes Act (PYQ)

• Trade Disputes Act (TDA), 1929 made compulsory the appointment
of Courts of Inquiry and Consultation Boards for settling industrial

• made illegal the strikes in public utility services like posts,

railways, water and electricity, unlesseach individual worker planning
to go on strike gave an advance notice of one month to the

• forbade trade union activity of coercive or purely political nature and

even sympathetic strikes.
Meerut Conspiracy Case
• trial & conviction of
◦ Muzaffar Ahmed

◦ SA Dange

◦ Joglekar

◦ Philip Spratt

◦ Benn Bardley

◦ Shaukat Usmani
1931 NM Joshi- set up: AITU Federation
dock workers of Bombay & Calcutta refused to load ships taking supplies
to the warring troops in Indonesia
1946 workers went on strike in support of Naval Ratings
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BC Pal, G Subramanya Aiyar- demanded better working conditions

for workers

Associated communists:
•SA Dange
•Muzaffar Ahmed
•PC Joshi
•Sohan Singh Joshi
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Steps taken to ameliorate women's position

Abolition of Sati:
• regulation of 1829 (Act XVII): sati- illegal + punishable by criminal courts
• initially applicable to Bengal
• later extended to Bombay & Madras with modifications in 1830

Preventing Female Infanticide:

• Bengal Regulations of 1795 & 1804- Infanticide- illegal & =murder
• 1870* Act- compulsory birth registration + verification of female children after some
years of birth

Widow Remarriage:
• Widow Remarriage Act (Act XV), 1856 (Lord Canning)→ drafted by Dalhousie.
◦efforts by- ICV (principal of Sanskrit College, Calcutta)
◦legalised widow remarriage &
◦issues from such marriage- legitimate
• MH- Jagannath Shankar Sheth & Bhau Daji (Ram Krishna Lad)- active promoters of
girls' education

• Vishnu Shastri Pandit- founded Widow Remarriage Association in 1850s

• Karsondas Mulji- Satya Prakash in Gujarati in 1852- to advocate widow remarriage
• DK Karve
◦married a widow in 1893
◦dedicated his life to the upliftment of Hindu widows
◦became the secretary of the Widow Remarriage Association
◦opened a widows’ home @Poona- vocational training to high* caste

• Madras- Veerasalingam Pantulu

• other- BM Malabari, Narmad (Narmadashankar Labhshankar Dave), MG Ranade, K
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#Controlling child marriage:

• Native Marriage Act, 1872

◦NA to Hindu, Muslim & other recognised faiths
• Age of Consent Act, 1891
◦imp- BM Malabari (Parsi Reformer)
◦girl marriage age: >12
◦Act X
◦introduced by- Andrew Scoble, Passed by → Lord Lansdowne.
◦Rakhmabai case (1887)
◦Phulomani Dasi case (1889)
◦Supporters → B.M. Malabari, Pandita Ramabai Saraswati
◦Opposed by Romesh chunder Mitter, B.G. Tilak
• Sarda Act, 1930 [named after- Rai Sahib Harbilas Sharda]
◦marriage age: boys-18, girls-14
• Child Marriage Restraint (Amendment) Act, 1978
◦girls- 18 (15), boys- 21 (18)

Education of women

• 1819- Calcutta Female Juvenile Society- set up by Christian Missionaries

• 1849- Bethune school by JED Bethune (President of Council of Education in

• ICV- >35 girls' school in Bengal

• 1854- Wood's Despatch= great stress on need of female education
• 1880s- Dufferin hospitals
• 1914- women's medical service- training of nurses & mid-wives
• 1916- Indian Women University- by DK Karve
• 1916- Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi
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Women's Organisations: {ALBNA: 1882, 1904, 1910, 1925, 1927}
• 1882- Arya Mahila Samaj
◦founder- Pandita Ramabai Saraswati (PRS)
▪PRS was awarded Kaisar-i-Hind Medal for community service in 1919
▪PRS → founded Sharada Sadan → doctrines of Christianity were taught
to women.

◦Ramabai Ranade estb branch of it(Arya Mahila Samaj) in Bombay

• 1904- Ladies Social Conference (Bharat Mahila Parishad)
◦founder- Ramabai Ranade
▪Chaired the first session of India Women Conference held in Bombay in
1904, at request of Ramakrishna Gopal Bhandarkar and Mr.
Bhajekar (1904- INC session @Bombay, P- Henry Cotton--->
Jinnah joined congress in this session)

▪Participated in the War Conference

▪founder → Hindu Ladies Social Club at Bombay for dev. of public
speaking among women.

▪was associated with Prarthana Samaj.

▪Autobiography → Amchya Ayushyatil Kahi Athavani
◦parent org- National Social Conference (1887
◦she later became President of-
▪1908- Bombay Seva Sadan
▪1909- Poona Seva Sadan
• 1910- 1st meeting of Bharat Stree Mahamandal @Allahabad by- Sarda Devi
Chaudhurani (editor of journal- Bharati, founded by her uncle R Tagore)

▪promotion of women education
▪abolition of Purdah s/s
▪improvement in socio-economic political status of women all over India
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• 1925- National Council of Women in India

◦vital role- Mehribai Tata
• 1927- AIWC
◦founder- Margaret Cousins (Irish-Indian educationist, suffragist and

◦1st women org with egalitarian approach

◦1st conference- @Ferguson college, Pune
◦imp founding members-
▪Maharani Chimnabai Gaekwad
▪Rani Sahiba of Sangli
▪Sarojini Naidu*
▪Kamla Devi Chattopadhyaya* (Sister-in-law of Sarojini Naidu)
▪Lady Dorab Tata
▪to work for a society based on principles of social justice, integrity, equal
rights and opportunities

▪to secure for every human being, the essentials of life, not determined by
accident of birth or sex but by planned social distribution

• India's 1st Lady Barrister- Cornelia Sarabji

• India's 1st women practicing doctor- Rukhmabai
• Muthulakshi Reddy→ 1st women legislator of India
◦As India's first woman legislator, Reddy introduced legislation to improve women's
education, raise theage of marriage to fourteen for girls through the Sarda Act of
1930,aid programs for women's health, and end the controversial system of
devadasi (slaves to the god) dedication to temples in 1929.

• Women's Indian Association (@ Adyar, Madras) 1917

◦Annie Besant→ 1st president WIA
◦WIA followed the INC stand against separate electorates for minorities and women
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• 1924- Bahishkrit Hitakarni Sabha (Outcastes Welfare Association)
• 1930- All India Depressed Class Congress/ Federation*
• 1936- Independent Labour Party
• 1942- All India SC Federation
◦1st All India political party exclusively for SC
◦founded in National Convention of SC held at Nagpur
◦presided by- Rao Bahadur N Shivraj (renowed dalit leader from Madras)
◦GS- PN Raibhoj (Bombay)
• 1950- Bharatiya Bauddha Mahasabha
• 1956- final manuscript: The Buddha or Karl Marx
• formed 3 political parties
◦Independent Labour Party
◦All India SC Federation
◦Republican* Party of India (1956- by dismissing AI SC Federation)

All India Depressed Class Association (1928

• aim- uplift depressed class & they never demanded separate electorate
• 1st President- MC Rajah (1st leader who organised SC at national level)
◦MC Rajah - B. S. Moonje pact → According to this pact, Moonje offered
reserved seats to the Scheduled Castes in return for Rajah's support. The
Rajah-Moonje Pact was a precursor for the Poona Pact.

◦Rajah → supported joint electorate

◦Books by MC Rajah → The oppressed Hindu and An Unforgettable Dalit
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• 1925- All India Spinners Association
• 1932- All India Anti-Untouchability League
• 1934- Harijan Sevak Sangh
• 1934- All India Village Industries Association

All India Depressed Class League (LJ35)

• 1935
• by- Jagjivan Ram
• 1st conference- @Nagpur, president- Raja of Kolhapur; VP- Ambedkar

South India
• 1920s- non-Brahmins- leader: EV Ramaswamy (self-respect mvmt)
• Kerala- Sri Narayan Guru-
◦struggle against caste domination
◦slogan- one religion, one caste, one god for mankind (नारायण एकच आहे)
◦his disciple- Sahadaran Ayyapan --> no religion, no caste, no god for
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RRR & Brahmo Samaj

◦father of Indian Renaissance
◦maker of modern India
◦1814- Atmiya Sabha @Calcutta
◦books- Gift to Monotheists (1809) & Precepts of Jesus (1820)
◦Govt Regulation 1829- Sati crime
◦supported David Hare to found Hindu College in 1817
◦1825- Vedanta School
• 1828- Brahmo Sabha
◦later renamed- Brahmo Samaj
◦purify Hinduism & preach Monotheism
◦does not believe in authority of Vedas*
◦laid great emphasis on promotion of Charity
• supported revolutions of Naples & Spanish America
• condemned oppression of Ireland by absentee English landlordism
• Associates:- David Hare, Alexander Duff, Debendranath Tagore, PK Tagore,
Chandrashekhar Deb, Tarachand Chakraborty

Debendranath Tagore & Brahmo Samaj

• earlier- founder of Tattvabodhini Sabha (1839)
• joined Samaj in 1842
• prominent followers- Rammohan, the Derozians & independent thinkers- ICV & Ashwini
Kumar Dutta

• Tagore worked on 2 fronts-

◦within Hinduism: reformist movement
◦outside: opposed Christian missionaries for their criticism of Hinduism & their
attempts at conversion

• Debendranath Tagore → discouraged penances among Brahmos.

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Keshab Chandra Sen & Brahmo Samaj

• he was made Acharya in 1858
• his idea- popularising movement & opening branches outside Bengal
◦the advocated inter caste marriages
◦under him BS campaigned for women's education
• Debendranath found his view too radical
• dismissed from office of Acharya in 1865
• Keshab & his followers- Brahmo Samaj of India in 1866
• Tagore's samaj- Adi Brahmo Samaj
• 1878- disgusted followers of Keshab- Sadharan Brahmo Samaj (reason of split- 13 yr
old daughter married to minor Hindu Maharaja of Cooch-Behar)

◦Ananda Mohan Bose, Shibchandra Deb & Umesh Chandra Datta

• PB- Dayal Singh college @Lahore in 1910*

Prarthana Samaj
• 1867- Atmaram Pandurang @Bombay (helped by Keshab) + RG Bhandarkar

• precursor- Paramhansa Sabha (something like secret society to spread liberal ideas &
encourage breakdown of caste & communal barriers)

• 1870- MG Ranade joined it

• 4 point social agenda

1.disapproval of caste system

2.women's education

3.widow remarriage

4.raising marriage age

• DK Karve & Vishnu Shastri- champions of social reform with Ranade

• Karve + Ranade---> Widow Remarriage Mvmt & Widows' Home Asso

• others- RG Bhandarkar & NG Chandavarkar

• Ramabai Ranade associated with PS

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Young Bengal Movement

• founder- Henry Vivian Derozio
• 1828
• he was inspired from French Revolution
• taught @Hindu college from 1826-1831 (removed- coz of Radicalism)
• journal- Jnanvesan
• 1st nationalist poet of modern India*

• blend of Indian & Western thought
• 1850- became principal of Sanskrit College
• supported widow remarriage
• crusader against child marriage & polygamy
• secretary of Bethune school

Balshastri Jambhekar
• newspaper- Darpan (1832)
• father of Marathi Journalism
• 1840- Digdarshan
• founder of
◦Bombay Native General Library
◦Native Improvement Society
• 1st professor of Hindi @Elphinstopn college
• Director- Colaba observatory
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Paramhansa Mandali
• 1849 @MH
• Founders- Dadoba Pandurang (Brother of Atmaram), Mehtaji Durgaram & others
(Dagdu- Praju, MD)

• began as secret society to reform Hindu religion & society in general

• ideology- closely linked to Manav Dharma Sabha
• real religion is based on love & moral conduct
• branches- Poona, Satara & others

Satyashodhak Samaj & Phule

• 1873
• aim- social service + spread of education among woman & lower caste people
• books: Gulamgiri, Sarvajanik Satyadharma, Ishara, Dharma Teritiya Ratiya Ratna
• Phule used symbol of Rajah Bali as opposed to Brahmin's symbol of Rama
• 1854- opened home for widows
• 1876 → elected as a member of the Poona Municipal Committee

Gopalhari Deshmukh 'Lokahitawadi'

• weekly- Prabhakar, Hitechhu
• he held the post of judge under British Raj
• "If religion does not sanction social reform, then change religion"
• leading role in founding periodicals- Gyan Prakash, Indu Prakash & Lokahitawadi
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Gopal Ganesh Agarkar

• co-founder of-
◦New English School
◦Deccan Education Society
◦Ferguson college (principal)
• 1st editor of Kesari
• own periodical- Sudharak (spoke against untouchability & caste s/s)

#Servants of India Society

• founder- GK Gokhale in 1905
• aim-
◦to train national missionaries for service of India
◦to promote by all constitutional means*, the true interests of all Indian

◦to prepare cadre of selfless workers

• 1911- Hitavada
• later (1915)- Srinivasa Shastri became President
• distinguished members- MC Setalvad, BN Rao, Alladi Krishnaswamy (#PYQ)

Social Service League

• 1911
• founder- Narayan Malhar Joshi @Bombay (follower of Gokhale)
• aim- to secure for the masses better & reasonable conditions of life & work
• he also founded- All India Trade Union Congress (1920)
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#Ramakrishna Movement & Swami Vivekananda

• Ramakrishna Math- Ramakrishna Paramhansa* [poor priest at Kali T in
Dakshineshwar, childhood name- Gadadhar Chattopadhyay]

• Ramakrishna Mission- Swami Vivekananda (1897)

• HQ- Belur near Calcutta
• 1893- Parliament of Religion @Chicago
• SV was editor of Prabuddha Bharata

#Dayananda Saraswati/ Mulashankar & Arya Samaj

• revivalist
• 1st Arya Samaj Unit- @Bombay in 1875*
• later HQ- @Lahore*
• book-Satyartha Prakash
• 10 guiding principles of Arya Samaj*
◦God- primary source of true knowledge
◦vedas- books of true knowledge
◦Arya should always be ready to accept truth & abandon untruth
◦dharma = due consideration of right & wrong, should be guiding principle of
all actions

◦principle aim of samaj- to promote world's well-being in material,

spiritual & social sense

◦everybody should be treated with love & justice

◦ignorance is to be dispelled & knowledge increased
◦one's own progress should depend on uplift of others
◦social well-being of mankind is to be placed above an individual's well-being
• slogan- back to vedas
• Arya Samaj- fixed minimum marrigeable age: 25- boys, 16- girls
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• 1886- Dayanand Anglo-Vedic College @Lahore- 2 groups

◦College party
▪leaders- Lala Hansraj, Lala Lal Chand & Lala Lajpat Rai
▪retained control over DAV college
▪favoured meat diet
▪favoured Anglicist education
◦Mahatma party
▪leaders- Guru Datta Vidyarthi & Lala Munshi Ram*
▪take over- Arya Pratinidhi Sabha (PB) & majority of local Arya Samaj

▪veg diet
▪favoured Sanskrit-based Gurukul education
• 1900- Swami Shardanand opened Gurukul @Gujaranwala
◦aim- to provide indigenous alternative to Lord Macaulay's education policy
by offering education in the areas of-

▪Vedic literature
▪Indian Philosophy
▪Indian culture
▪modern sciences & research*
• 1896- Kanya Mahavidyalaya @Jalandhar- sponsored education for widows
• Shuddhi movement- to reconvert to the Hindu fold the converts to Christianity &
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Seva Sadan
• founded by BM Malabari in 1908 (+Diwan Dayaram Gidumal)
• to take care of exploited & socially discarded women
• newspaper (Malabari)- Indian Spectator
• Books by Behramji Merwanji Malabari → The India muse in English Garb, The Indian Eye
on English life or Rambles of a Pilgrim reformer, The Indian Problem, Infant Marriage
and Enforced Widowhood in india

Dev Samaj
• estb- 1887 by Shiv Narayan Agnihotri (earlier Brahmo follower)
• Dev Sadan- religious & social reform society
• ideal social behaviour
• book- Deva Shastra
• also spoke about child marriage

Dharma Sabha
• 1830, by Radhakant Deb (#PYQ CAPF 2021)
• it was established to counter Brahmo Samaj's propaganda
• orthodox society- preservation of status-quo in socio-religious matters
• still favoured western education even for girls
• he was the 1st president of British Indian Association (#PYQ)

Bharat Dharma Mahasabha

• against- orthodox Hinduism, Arya Samaj, Theosophist, Ramakrishna Mission
• others defending above:
◦Sanatan Dharma Sabha- 1895
◦Dharma Mahila Parishad- S. India
◦Dharma Mahamandali- Bengal
• 1902- all above combined to form- Bharat Dharma Mahasabha
• HQ- Varanasi
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Radhaswami Movement
• 1861- Tulsi Ram (Agra banker)
• one supreme being
• consider all religions to be true
• no belief in temples, shrines & sacred places

SNDP movement
• Sree Narayan Guru Dharma Paripalana
• origin- conflict b/w- depressed class & upper caste
• Ezhavas of Kerala
• estb idol @Aruvippuram on Sivaratri in 1888
• 1889- Aruvippuram Kshetra Yogam
• 1903- SNDP registered under Indian Companies Act

Vokkaliga Sangha
• 1905 @Mysore
• anti- Brahmin movement

Justice Movement (South Indian Liberal Federation)

• 1917
• Madras presidency
• leaders: CN Mudaliar, TM Nair, P Tyagraja
• aim- to secure representation of non- brahmin in legislature

Self-respect movement
• 1925
• TN
• leaders: EV Ramaswamy Naicker (invited by- S Ramanathan), Baljia Naidu
• fight against exploitation of lower caste
• against Brahminism
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Temple Entry movement

• leaders: Sree Narayan Guru, N Kumaran Asan
• 1924- Vaikom Satyagraha led by KP Kesava (Kerala)
• 1931- CDM suspended=> temple entry movement in Kerala
◦inspired by- K Kelappan, Subramaniyam Tirumambu (singing sword of Kerala)
◦P Krishna Pillai, AK Gopalan
• 1936- proclamation by Maharaja of Travancore- open all govt-controlled temples to all
• similar step by CR in Madras in 1938

Indian Social Conference

• founders: MG Ranade & Raghunath Rao
• 1st session- 1887 same time & same venue as INC
• launched Pledge movement- to inspire people to take a pledge against a child

Wahabi/ Walliullah Movement

• revivalist
• Shah Walliullah
◦1st Indian Muslim leader of 18th century to organize Muslims*
• his teachings further popularised by- Shah Abdul Aziz & Syed Ahmed Barelvi
• initially directed against Sikhs in PB later against British
• imp role during 1857 revolt
• fizzled out in 1870s

Titu Mir's Movement

• Mir Nithar Ali= Titu Mir
◦desciple of Sayyid Ahmed Barelvi (founder of Wahabi movement)
• he adopted Wahabism & advocated Sharia
• organised Muslim peasants against Hindu landlords+ British Indigo planters
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Faraizi Movement

• called so coz- emphasis on Islamic pillars of faith

• founded by Haji Shariatullah in 1818
• E bengal
• aim- eradication of social innovations or un-Islamic practices
• under Haji's son- Dudu Mian- movement became revolutionary in 1840
• organised paramilitary force armed with clubs to fight zamindars
• established its owm law courts*

Ahmadiyya Movement

• 1889, by- Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

• based on liberal principles
• believed in separating mosque from state

Aligarh Movement

• Syed Ahmed Khan--> loyalist member of judicial service

• he wanted to reconcile Western scientific education with the teachings of Quran
• religion should be adaptable with time or else it would be fossilized
• zealous educationalist
• 1875- started- Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College--> later, Aligarh Muslim
University (1920)

• 1876- retired from British Service

• improvement in women position
• emerged on liberal & moral trend
• magazine- Tahdhib-ul-Akhlaq
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Deoband School (Darul Uloom)

• org by- orthodox section among Muslim Ulemas as revivalist mvmt

• 2 obj-
◦propogate pure teachings of Quran & Hadis among Muslims
◦keeping alive the spirit of Jihad against the foreign rule
• started in 1866 by- (to train religious leaders from Muslim community)
◦Mohammad Qasim Nanotavi
◦Rashid Ahmed Gangohi
• started in contrast to Aligarh mvmt
• aim- moral & religious regeneration of Muslim Community
• welcomed formation of INC
• 1888- issued Fatwa against-
◦Syed Ahmed Khan's org (Aligarh)
◦United Patriotic Asso
◦Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental education
• new leader: Mahmud-ui-Hasan- gave political & intellectual content to the
religious ideas of school

◦he worked out synthesis of Islamic principles & nationalist aspirations

◦Jamiat-ul-Ulema: gave concrete shape to his ideas
• Shibi Numani- supporter of school
◦founded- Nadwatal Ulama & Darul Uloom in Lucknow in 1894-96
• Tablighi Jamaat members were followers

Parsi Reform Movement

• 1851- Rahnumai Mazdayasnan Sabha (Religious Reform Asso)

• aim- regeneration of social conditions of Parsis & restoration of Zoroastrian religion
to its prestine purity

• leaders- Naoroji Furdonji, Dadabhai Naoroji*, KR Cama, SS Bengalee

• newspaper- Rast Goftar
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Sikh Reform movements

• Singh Sabha mvmt

◦1873 @Amritsar
▪modern W education to Sikhs
▪to counter proselytising activities of Christian Missionaries, Brahmo
Samajist, Arya Samajist & Muslim Maulavis

• Akali mvmt
◦= Gurudwara reform mvmt
◦aim- liberating Gurudwaras from the control of corrupt Udasi mahants
◦Sikh Gurudwaras Act, 1922 (amended in 1925)
◦apex body- Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC)
◦regional mvmt

Theosophical Movement

• founders- Madame HP Blavatsky + MS Olcott + William Quan Judge & others

• Theosophical Society- @NY, USA in 1875
• 1882- HQ shifted to Adyar (near Madras)
• inspired by ancient Indian philosophies
• opposed- child marriage
• advocated- abolition of caste discrimination, uplift of outcastes, improvement in
conditions of widows

• Annie Besant
◦1893- came to India
◦1898- founded Central Hindu College @Benaras (1916- BHU)
◦1907- became president*
• religious revivalist*
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Bangabhasha Prakasika Sabha

• 1836, by- associates of RRR*---> Gourishankar Tarkabagish

• obj- to promote Bengali language & build public opinion

Zamindari Association/ Landholders' society

• 1837
• founders- Raja Radhakant Dev + Dwarkanath Tagore
• to safeguard interests of landlords
• beginning of organised political activity (1st)
• methods of constitutional agitation

Bengal British Indian Society

• 1843
• founder- George Thompson
• obj- collection & dissemination of info relating to actual condition of people & promote
general public interest

British Indian Association

• 1851, by- Landholders' society + Bengal British Indian Society
• 1st president: Radhakant Deb
• 1st GS: Debendranath Tagore
• filed a petition to British parliament with following demands-
1.establishment of a separate legislature of popular character
2.separation of E from J
3.reduction in salaries of higher officers
4.demanded end of company's monopoly in salt production, abkari & stamp
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Madras Native Association

• 1852
• founder- Gazulu Lakshminarasu Chettiar (or Chetty) (he also founded → 1st Indian-
owned newspaper in Madras→ The Crescent)

East India Association- 1866, @London, by- Dadabhai Naoroji**

• obj- to discuss the Indian question & influence public men in England to promote
Indian welfare

Poona Sarvajanik Sabha- 1867, by- MG Ranade+ others (SS Chiplunkar), acted as

bridge b/w- gov & people

Indian League- 1875, by- Sisir Kumar Ghosh, obj- to stimulate sense of nationalism in

people + encourage political education

Indian Association of Calcutta/ Indian National Association

• superseded by Indian League

• founded in 1876

• by- Surendranath Banerjea & Anand Mohan Bose

• sponsored all India Conference- 1st @Calcutta in 1883

• obj- to promote political, intellectual & material advancement of people by legitimate

• activities-

1.protested against the reduction of the age limit to 19 in the year 1878

2.demanded simultaneous holding of CSE in England & India

3.Indianization of higher admin posts

4.led campaign against repressive arms Act & VPA

• merged with INC in 1886*
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Bombay Presidency Association- 1885, by- Badruddin Tyabji, Pherozshah Mehta &

KT Telang

• to champion Indian interests & hosted the 1st meeting of INC in Bombay

Madras Mahajan Sabha- 1884, by- M Viraraghavachari, B Subramaniya Aiyer & P


• supported INC
• + P Rangaiyya Naidu
• obj- to create an org of All India level to relieve & free the nation from the clutches
of British rule

Gujarat Sabha

• 1884
• @Ahmedabad, GJ
• it was a public political organization
• asso members- Vallabhbhai Rathod, Hardik Khurana, DJ Civil & Mitesh Pandya
• Gandhi served as its president from 1918 to 1919
• it played pivotal role Kheda satyagraha
• it merged with INC in 1920 becoming the Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee
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1883: Ilbert Bill Controversy

• CP Ilbert- law member of EC

• criticized by both Britishers living in India + Britain
• provisions- it proposed to allow Indian judges & magistrates to convict Europeans
in criminal cases

• till then, Indian judges were not allowed to convict Europeans in criminal cases;
except in case of Presidency towns- B,M,C

• Ripon wanted to end this discrimination; withdrawn due to heavy opposition

• British women were not comfortable having Indian native judges in rape related
cases; most judges- Bengali

• most vocal opponents of the bill were British tea & indigo plantation owners in

• again introduced in 1884 in diluted form... name- Criminal Procedure Code

Amendment Act 1884

◦if Indian judge trying Europeans, min 50% European judges in jury is

◦not applicable in case of European judge...

• it strengthened the feeling of nationalism among Indians

3 Acts of British which necessitates formation of INC

• VPA 1878
• Arms Act 1878
• Ilbert Bill 1884
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• founder- AO Hume (retired Civil Servant Officer)

• Theories:
◦Safety Valve Theory: Lala Lajpat Rai (1st time the term was used in
his newspaper- Young India)

◦Conspiracy Theory: Rajani Palme Dutt (journalists) (Marxist...

offshoot of safety valve)

◦Lighning Conductor Theory/ Nationalist Theory: GK Gokhale (if

Indians have started it, British would have definitely suppressed it)

• obj- to facilitate dialogue b/w educated Indians & Britishers

• INC: 1st session- Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College, Bombay (initially planned at
Pune, but Cholera); mostly lawyers & no women delegate

• PPP Model

• location: @Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College

• no women delegate (total- 72, only 2 Mulsim)
• events-
◦ annexation of upper Burma in 1885
• demands by Indians-
1885 Bombay WC Banerjee
◦ Indian Council in London should be
◦ reduction of military expenditure
◦ a commission to be appointed to enquire
into the working of Indian admin
◦ CSE should be conducted in India as well
◦ LC should be set up for NWFP, Sindh, Awadh
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1890: Kadabini Ganguly- 1st woman graduate of Calcutta U

Indian National Conference: main architects- S Banerjea & Anand Mohan Bose


• Dadabhai Naoroji
• Pherozshah Mehta
• Dinshaw Edulji Wacha
• WC Banerjea
• SN Banerjea

British Committee of INC in London in 1889 (PYQ CAPF 2020)

• William Wedderburn→ 1st chairman

• William Digby → Secretary

• he was one of the founding member of INC,

Bombay HC judge, Chief Secy to Bombay govt
1889 Bombay
Wedderburn • 1st time women in session (10)- included
Pandita Ramabai, Kadambini Ganguly &
Swarnakumari Devi (R Tagore's sister)

1890: it was decided to hold INC session of 1892 in London---> NEVER happened
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#Economic Critique (#PYQ)

• Dadabhai Naoroji
• RC Dutt
• Dinshaw Edulji Wacha
• G Subramaniya Iyer
• MG Ranade
• GK Gokhale

Romesh Chunder Dutt Economic History of India (1901)

Dadabhai Naoroji Poverty & Un-British Rule in India (1901)
MG Ranade Essays on Indian Economics (1898)

ICA 1861: nominated political figures & independent intellectuals (1862 to 1892)

• Syed Ahmed Khan

• Kristodas Pal
• VN Mandlik
• KL Nulkar
• Rasbehari Ghosh

Civil Rights: right to speech, thought, association & free press

1897: Tilak arrest + deportation of Natu brothers w/o trials (Natu brothers= Chapekar
brothers---> Damodar Hari Chapekar & Balkrishna Hari Chapekar)

Moderate Phase: narrow social base + passive role of masses

Dufferin: Congress= factory of sedition; microscopic minority

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United Indian Patriotic Association

• 1888
• by- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan + Raja Shiv Pratap Singh of Benaras
• SAK- believed INC as Hindu org, so he became skeptical about H-M Unity; so he
believed that loyalty to British should be Muslim priority
• to counter congress propoganda
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1896: Italian army got defeated by Ethiopians

1899-1902: Boer Wars--->Gandhi supported it (& was awarded Kaiser-i-Hind for his
work relating to ambulance service)

1905: Japan's victory over Russia

Swami Dayanand Saraswati- India for Indians

Militant School of thought

1.Raj Narain Bose
2.Ashwini Kumar Datta
3.Aurobindo Ghosh
4.VS Chiplunkar
5.Bipin Chandra Pal
7.Lala Lajpat Rai

Anti-Partition Campaign (1903-05)- leaders

• Surendranath Banerjee (Bengalee)

• KK Mitra* (Hitabadi)
• P Ray

Vande Mataram mvmt

• initial stage: led by moderate leaders like- SN Banerjee & Krishna Kumar Mitra
• KK Mitra gave slogan- TOTAL BOYCOTT for the 1st time in his journal- Sanjibani
• spread deltaic regions of AP (#PYQ)
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• support anti-partition & Swadeshi movement

1905 Benaras Gokhale
• # moderate- extremists diff come fore

S Banerjee & Anand Mohan Bose: addressed huge gatherings

Aurobindo Ghosh: Political freedom is the life breath of the nation (Bande Mataram
Case--> he was charged under sedition for writing in Bande Mataram)

Swadeshi Sangram: by- VO Chidambaram Pillai, Subramania Siva + some lawyers--->

@Tirunelveli, TN

VOC- follower of Tilak

Bengal National College: 1906 (1st President- Aurobindo Ghosh), inspired by Tagore's

1906- National Council on Education*

• aim- to promote S&T as a part of Swadeshi industrialization mvmt
• founders-

• R Tagore
• Rajnikant Sen
• Dwijendralal Ray
• Mukunda Das
• Syed Abu Mohammad
• TN- Subramania Bharati---> Sudesha Geetham (associated with Chennai Jan
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Nandalal Bose- 1st recipient of scholarship offered by- Indian Society of Oriental Art
(founded in- 1907, founders- Gaganendranath Tagore & Abanindranath Tagore)

Muslims participated in Swadeshi

• Barrister Abdul Rasul
• Liaqat Hussain
• Guznavi
• Maulana Azad

• Self government or Swaraj- goal

• extremists demanded- passive resistance should
Dadabhai be INC's agenda, but president wasn't extremist
1906 Calcutta
Naoroji (respected by both)
• so, more rift... still extremists were successful in
convincing President to declare Swaraj as goal

Subramania Siva & Chidambaram Pillai- led strikes in foreign-owned cotton mills

PB: Arsenal & railway workers strike--> led by- Lala Lajpat Rai & Ajit Singh

Govt Acts to suppress Swadeshi Movement

• 1907- Swadeshi Meeting Act
• 1908- Criminal Law (Amendment) Act
• 1908- Indian Newspapers (Incitement to Offences) Act
• 1908- Explosive Substances Act
• 1910- Indian Press Act

PC Ray- Bengal Chemical factory (during Swadeshi)

VO Chidambaram Pillai- Steam Navigation Company (during Swadeshi)

Bharat Mata Asso: founders- Nilkantha Brahmachari + Vanchi Ayyer

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National Anthem was sung 1st time in 1911 @Calcutta session of INC (President- BN

NM Joshi- father of modern trade unionism in India (he was also the founder of Social
Service League in 1911)

BG Tilak
• 1880- helped for founding New English School; later became- Fergusson College
• 1893- Ganesh festival
• 1895- Shivaji festival
• 1897- gave call for No Tax campaigns

1906: Simla Deputation

• led by- Agha Khan
• demand for separate electorate for Muslims

30 Dec 1906: formation of All India Muslim League (founder- Nawab Khwaja Salimullah)

1907 Surat Rash Behari Ghosh • moderate- extremist split

Leaders arrested:
• Tilak
• Ajeet Singh
• C Pillai
• Aurobindo Ghosh (Alipore conspiracy case)

Aurobindo & BC Pal- later retired from active politics

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• 1st revolutionary group under Jnanendranath Basu

• @Calcutta- Anushilan Samiti
◦ founders- Promotha Mittar*, Jatindranath Banerjee,
Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Satish Chandra Basu
◦ began as gymkhana
◦ name from Bankim Chandra Chatterjee's novel--->
Anushilan Tatva
• April: inner circle within Anushilan Samiti started weekly
Yugantar (name taken from Shivnath Shastri's novel by the
same name)
• inner circle= Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Bhupendranath Dutta (both-
• 30 cr Indians---> 60 cr hands
Bengal 1906
• Barisal conference*
• in 1907, Barindranath Ghosh wrote a book- Vartaman
Rananiti (Rules of Modern Warfare)
• in 1905, Aurobindo Ghosh wrote a pamplate named Bhavani
Mandir (in this pamplate he wrote about how to organize
revolutionary activities)
• an abortive attempt was made by Yugantar group on the life of
very unpopular British official, Sir Fuller (the 1st Lt Gov of new
province of E Bengal & Assam)
• Dec: attempts to derail the train on which the Lt Gov
Andrew Fraser was travelling; 2 atttempts; 5 Dec- bomb
◦ arrested- Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Bibhuti Bhushan Sarkar,
Ullash Kumar Dutt
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Alipore Conspiracy or Muraripukur Conspiracy

• Aurobindo Ghosh, Barindra Kumar Ghosh & others
• Barindra Ghosh- head of secret society of revolutionaries
• Ullaskar Dutt- maker of bombs
• Naredra Goswami (MC)
• Hemchandra Das Kunungo- he went to Germany to learn bomb making
• Prafulla Chaki & khudiram Bose- attempted to murder Muzaffarpur
Magistrate, Kingsford (Why?...coz- he had inflicted severe punishments on
1908 Swadeshi activists) (#PYQ-CDS)
• but instead 2 British ladies got killed (wife and daughter of barrister Pringle
Kennedy) (#PYQ-CDS)
• Chaki- shot himself & Khudiram Bose was tried & hanged
Barrah Dacoity (#PYQ)
• org by- Dacca Anushilan under Pulin Das (it was organized on the advice of
P Mitrra)
• to raise funds for revolutionary activities
• E Bengal
Bengal Bomb thrown on Viceroy Hardinge by Rashbehari Bose & Sachin Sanyal
Delhi Conspiracy or Delhi-Lahore Conspiracy trial
• Basant Kumar Bishwas, Amir Chand, Avadh Behari
1912 • Rashbehari Bose- person behind the plan
W Anushilan Samiti
• Jatindranath Mukherjee or Bagha Jain
• he emerged as Jugantar or Yugantar
Zimmerman Plan/ German Plot
• WW I time- Jugantar Party arranged to import German arms & ammunition
through sympathisers & revolutionaries abroad
• Jatin asked Rashbehari Bose to take charge of Upper India, aiming to
bring out all-India insurrection
1914-17 • funds through dacoities called as- taxicab dacoities & boat dacoities
• plan- Guerilla force with seizure of Fort Williams
• plot- leaked
• Bagha Jain- @Balasore
◦ he shot dead in 1915
◦ call- 'we shall die to awaken the nation'
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Ramosi Peasant Force- Vasudev Balwant Phadke (Koli, Bhil,

Chapekar brothers (Damodar & Balkrishna) murdered the Plague
Commissioner of Poona Rand & one Lt Ayerst
Mitra Mela
• VD Savarkar
• above- merged with Abhinav Bharat in 1904 (after Mazzinni's
Young Italy)
AMT Jackson- collector of Nashik was killed by Anant Lakshman
Kanhere (member of Abhinav Bharat)
• LL Rai: Punjabee
• Ajit Singh: Anjuman-i-Mohisban-i-Watan in Lahore; journal-
Bharat Mata
• other leaders-
◦ Aga Haider
◦ Syed Haider Raza
◦ Bhai Parmanand
◦ radical Urdu poet- Lalchand Falak
• Ajit Singh:
◦ 1907- Pagadi Sambhal Jatta agitation---> jail @Mandalay
PB ◦ peasant mobilization---> instead of providing ownership, status
of peasants was reduced to sharecroppers
▪ Colonization Act
▪ Doab Bari Act
◦ he also attended 1907 INC session
◦ later society- Bharat Mata*
◦ also launched Bharat Mata book agency
◦ fled to Iran via Karachi, Paris
◦ Indian Revolutionary Asso @Paris
◦ Switzerland
◦ met communists like Lenin, Trotsky, Mussolini (Fascist)
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Indian Home Rule Society/ India House

• @London
1905 • by- Shyamji Krishnaverma
• journal- The Indian Sociologist*
• Savarkar, Hardayal- became members
Madanlal Dhingra murdered Curzon-Wyllie

Paris & Geneva

• Madam Bhikaji Cama (Parsi revolutionary)
• Bande Mataram
• she supported Indian Home Rule Society of SK Verma
• co-founded Paris Indian Society (others- MB Godrej & SR Rana)...
opened as a branch of IHRS
• 2nd socialist congress @Stuttgart, Germany---> flag unfurled
after 1909 when Anglo-German relations deteriorated, Virendranath
Chattopadhyaya chose Berlin as his base
Berlin Committee for Indian Independence
• founded by-
◦ Virendranath Chattopadhyaya
◦ Bhupendranath Dutta
◦ Lala Hardayal

Mission under Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh, Barkatullah &
Obaidullah Sindhi went to Kabul to organize Provincial Indian Govt

Mutiny in Singapore
• leaders- Jamadar Chisti Khan, Jamadar Abdul Gani, Subedar Daud
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• HQ- San Francisco

• 1911: Pre Ghadr revolutionary activity
◦Ramnath Puri
◦GD Kumar
◦Taraknath Das
◦Sohan Singh Bhakna
◦Lala Hardayal
• earlier activists- Swadesh Sevak Home at Vancouver (Canada) & United India
House at Seattle (USA)

• Swadesh Sevak Home was set up on the lines of the India House in London
• 1913: Ghadr estb (original name- Pacific Coast Hindustan Asso)*
• moving spirits-
◦Lala Hardayal (lecturer in Stanford)
◦Baba Ramchandra
◦Bhagwan Singh
◦Kartar Singh Saraba (he inspired Bhagat Singh)
◦Bhai Parmanand
• 1914: Komagata Maru incidence
• 1915: Defence of India Rules were passed to smash Ghadr Movement
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WW1: Supporters
• moderates
• extremists

Home Rule League Mvmt:

• prominent leaders- Tilak, Besant, GS Khaparde, Subramaniya Iyer, Joseph Baptista,
• Tilak's league:
◦April 1916
◦1st meeting @Belgaum
◦HQ- Poona
◦restricted to MH (excluding Bombay city), KA, Central Provinces & Berar
• Besant's league:
◦Sept 1916
◦covered rest of India
◦200 branches, loosely organised as compared to Tilak's league
◦organising secretary- George Arundale
◦others- BP Wadia, CP Ramaswamy Iyer
• both of the above league NEVER merged

Home Rule mvmt: later joined by- M Nehru, J Nehru, Bhulabhai Desai, CR Das, KM Munshi,
B Chakravarty, Saifuddin Kitchlew, MMM, Jinnah (led Bombay division), Tej Bahadur Sapru,
LL Rai

Govt Attitude:
• Tilak was barred from entering PB & DL
• June 1917- Besant, BP Wadia & George Arundale were arrested under Defence of
Indian Act 1915 (S Subramania Iyer renounced the Knighthood)
• August 1917- August Declaration (Montague declaration)
• Sept 1917- Besant was released
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Tilak went abroad (Sept 1918) in connection with libel case against Valentine Chirol
(book- Indian Unrest) [Chirol called Tilak as the Father of Indian Unrest, so Tilak had filed a
defamation case against him]

• Events- Tilak started Home Rule mvmt in Apr 1916

• reunion of congress factions*
Ambika Charan
1916 Lucknow • Lucknow Pact/ Tilak-Jinnah Pact:
◦ congress accepted the demand of separate
electoratefor Muslims

Montague's statement (August 1917)---> attainment of self-govt for Indians became a

govt policy
• now onwards- demand by nationalists for self-govt could not be termed as seditious
• used the term- responsible govt
• concept of dyarchy was to be evolved
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1917: Bolshevik Party overthrew Czarist regime & founded 1st socialist state + October

Montford Reforms: reactions

• INC- special session @Bombay under Hasan Imam
• Tilak- unworthy & disappointing- a sunless dawn
• Besant- unworthy of England to offer & India to accept; BUT later she argued in
favour of acceptance


1894-1906: Moderate Phase of Struggle

• set up Natal Indian Congress
• paper- Indian Opinion*

1906- 1914: Phase of Passive Resistance

• 1906- satyagraha against registration certificates
• formed- Passive Resistance Asso*
• campaign against restriction of Indian migration
• campaign against poll tax & invalidation of Indian marriages
• protest against Transvaal Immigration Act

1904: Phoenix Farm (inspired by reading John Ruskin's Unto the Last- critique of
1910: Tolstoy Farm (named by- Herman Kallenbach after the Russian writer & moralist)-
this farm worked till 1913

Gokhale (in India)- toured the country & mobilise public opinion in support of Indians in S

Compromise solution: Gandhi, Lord Hardinge, CF Andrews, General Smuts

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1917: Champaran- 1st CDM

• Rajkumar Shukla
• Indigo on 3/20th (tinkatia) land
• joinees- R Prasad, Mazhar-ul-Haq, Mahadeo Desai, Narhari Parekh*, JB Kripalani
• 25% money compensated
• others- Brajkishore Prasad, Anurag Narayan Sinha, Ramnavmi Prasad &
Shambhusharan Verma

1918: Ahmedabad Mills Strike - 1st Hunger Strike

• rise in wages: workers demand- 50%; mill owners- 20%
• Anusaya Sarabhai sister of Ambalal Sarabhai (one of the mill owners + President of
Ahmedabad Mill Owners Association founded in 1891)
• Anusaya Behn- Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association (1918*)
◦other founders- Gandhi, Shankerlal Banker*
• Gandhi: settlement- 35%

1918: Kheda Satyagraha- 1st NCM

• SVP + Narahari Parikh*, Mohanlal Pandya, Ravi Shankar Vyas
• Patel + colleagues organized a tax revolt

Rowlatt Act
• = extension of Defence of India Regulations Act 1915
• = Anarchical & Revolutionary Crimes Act
• on r/c of Rowlatt Commission- to investigate seditious conspiracy of Indian People
• activists to be deported w/o trial for 2 yrs
• Indian members who resigned- Jinnah, MMM, Mazhar -Ul- Haq, BN Sharma
• non acceptable evidences under Indian Evidences Act also accepted
• law of habeas corpus- suspended
• in 1922, Lord Reading repealed this Act
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Satyagraha against Rowlatt: 1st Mass Strike*

• Gandhi
• = Black Act
• he organised Satyagraha Sabha*
• nationwide hartal + fasting & prayer
• afterwards---> orientation of the national movement shifted to masses permanently
• Satyagraha to be launched on- 6th April, 1919
• though it was 1st mass strike, it was limited to cities
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre: 13th April, 1919
• arrest of Saifuddin Kitchlew & Dr Satyapal
• Baisakhi celebration
• Dwyer- Martial law (+ background- Gadar)
• afterwards
◦Tagore renounced knighthood
◦Gandhi gave up title Kaiser-i-Hind
◦Gandhi withdrew movement on 18th April 1919
• #AJP Taylor- this event= decisive moment when Indians were alienated from British
• Montague called it Preventive Murder (#PYQ)
#Udham Singh= Ram Mohammad Singh Azad
• assassinated Dwyer
• 1940- he was hanged
1919: Hunter Committee
• = Disorders Inquiry Committee
• Lord William Hunter (former Solicitor-General for Scotland & Senator of college of
justice in Scotland)
• 3 Indian members-
◦Sir Chimanal Harilal Setalvad (vice chancellor of Bombay U + advocate of Bombay
◦Pandit Jagat Narayan (lawyer + member of LC of UP)
◦Sardar Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed (lawyer from Gwalior)
• before the committee began its proceedings---> govt has passed an Indemnity Act
◦= white washing bill*
◦for protection of its officers
Congress view
• INC--> non-official committee: M Nehru, CR Das, Abbas Tyabji, MR Jayakar, Gandhi
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3 demands
• favourable treaty for Turkey
• Redressal of Punjab wrongs
• Estb of Swaraj

Radical* Nationalist Muslims

• Mohammad Ali
• Abul Kalam Azad*
• Hakim Ajmal Khan
• Hasan Imam

early 1919: Khilafat Committee

• Maulana Azad
• Ali brothers: Shaukat Ali & Mohammad Ali
• Hasrat Mohani---> 1921- call of Inqalab Jindabad
• Ajmal Khan

Nov 1919: All India Khilafat Conference @Delhi (President- Gandhi)

May 1920: Treaty of Sevres

June 1920: All India Khilafat Conference met Allahbad where it accepted the suggestion
of NCM

Believers in Constitutional & lawful struggle (left the congress)

• BC Pal
• Annie Besant
• GS Khaparde
• Jinnah
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Indian National Liberal Federation (INLF) (#CDS II 2020)

• S Banerjea
• 1919
• other founders-
◦Tej Bahadur Sapru (President) (#PYQ-2019)
◦VS Srinivasa Shastri
◦MR Jayankar

Educational institutions were organized under leadership of-

• Acharya Narendra Dev
• CR Das
• Lala Lajpat Rai
• Zakir Hussain
• SC Bose* (Principal of National College @Calcutta)

Lawyers who gave up practices:

• M Nehru
• J Nehru
• CR Das
• C Rajagopalachari
• Saifuddin Kitchlew
• Asaf Ali
• T Prakasam
• Rajendra Prasad

Tilak Swaraj Fund*

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JM Sengupta- prominent leader in Assam strikes in tree plantation

local struggles--> Awadh Kisan Mvmt, Eka Mvmt, Mappila Revolt, Sikh Agitations

• Events-
1920 Lala ◦ Hunter C submitted its report
(Sept) Lajpat Rai ◦ govt r/ced Sadler report to Provincial govt
• special session--> launch of NCM by Gandhi
• congress goal--> attainment of swaraj through peaceful &
legitimate means, thus committing itself to extra-
C constitutional mass struggle
Nagpur Vijayaragh • program of Non-Cooperation was endorsed
avachariar • Tilak Swaraj Fund was established
• reconstitution of Congress Working C on linguistic basis
• Jinnah left the congress
1920: Indian Industrial Commercial Congress

1920: All India Home Rule League---> Swarajya Sabha (Gandhi)

• he was in Jail (arrested during NCM, coz- volunteer corps

declared illegal & its members were arrested, 1st arestee- CR
Das & his wife- Basanti Devi); so, acting President- Hakim
Ajmal Khan
• Gandhiji was appointed as sole executive authority of
congress & invested with full powers of AICC. Also appointed
as sole authority for launch of mass civil disobedience.
• chairs & benches for delegates were eliminated & Khadi
tents made their appearance for the 1st time
1921 CR Das • national flag was unfurled for the 1st time (prepared by-
Pingali Venkayya based on i/p from Lala Hansraj & M
• Gandhi announced beginning of mass Civil Disobedience
from Bardoli, but it was stopped coz of Chauri Chaura (Feb
1922) [it was postponed for 6 yrs]
• after this, Bardoli Resolution was passed (12 Feb 1922); it
◦ closure of NCM
◦ asked peasants and tenants to pay taxes & rents resp.
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1921: 2nd Moplah Rebellion

• series of riots against British & upper caste Jenmi Hindu landlords
• leaders- Variyamkunnath Kunjahammed Haji, Ali Musaliyar
• a British special battalion, the Malabar Special Force was formed to crush the riots
• 67 Moplah leaders died being transported from prison in wagon---> this incident was
called Wagon Tragedy

5 Feb 1922: Chauri- Chaura incident

March 1922- Gandhi arrested & sentenced 6 yrs jail

1922: Sarabandi (no tax) Campaign: GJ, led by- SVP

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• Events-
◦ NCM was stopped (so, naraji among- M&J Nehru, SC
Bose, CR Das)
◦ Gandhiji was arrested near Sabarmati Ashram for
writing 3 articles in Young India
◦ Rowlatt Act was repealed
1922 Gaya CR Das
◦ ICS exam held in India for the 1st time
• CR Das (P) [released from jail] & M Nehru (S)
resigned---> Swaraj Party was formed
• Ram Prasad Bismil & few others strongly opposed
Gandhiji in this session... (but Gandhi was not in the
session, arrested coz of writing article in Young India)

Feb 1924: Gandhi released from Prison on health grounds

• Events-
◦ 21 day fast by Gandhiji for H-M unity in sept, after
hearing communal violence in Amethi & Kohat
1924 Belgaum M Gandhi ◦ HRA was formed at Kanpur
• only session presided by Gandhi
• # Swarajists to work in council as integral part of
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Split among Swarajists: Responsivist & Non-responsivist

• Responsivists
◦LL Rai
◦NC Kelkar

• Dec 1925
• 1st conference- Kanpur (Cawnpore)
• Founding members: MN Roy, Evelyn Trent Roy (Roy's wife), Abani Mukherji, Rosa
Fitingof (Abani's wife), Mohammad Ali (Ahmed Hasan), Sultan Ahmed Khan Tarin of
• President- Singarvelu Chettiar (Madras province)
• GS- PC Joshi, he was the 1st GS & remained so far (12yrs) till 1947 (#PYQ-2019)

Major leaders of revolutionary policies who participated in NCM

• Jogesh Chandra Chatterjee
• Surya Sen
• Bhagat Singh
• Sukhdev
• Chandrashekhar Azad
• Shiv Verma
• Bhagwatichandra Vohra
• Jaidev Kapur
• Jatin Das

Revolutionaries' journals: Atmashakti, Sarathi, Bijoli

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Year Activities

AITUC: All India Trade Union Congress

• 1st President: LL Rai
1920 • 1st GS: Dewan Chaman Lal

Communist Party: @Tashkent

Kanpur Bolshevik Conspiracy Case: members jailed-
• SA Dange
• Muzaffar Ahmed
• Shaukat Usmani
• Nalini Gupta*

Oct: HRA
• @ Kanpur
• founders-
◦ Ramprasad Bismil
◦ Jogesh Chandra Chatterjee
◦ Sachin Sanyal
• aim- to organize an armed revolution to overthrow the colonial govt
& estb in its place Federal Republic of United States of India
whose basic principle would be Adult Franchise

Assassination attempt on notorious Calcutta Police Commissioner Charles

Tegart (another man named Daygot killed) by Gopinath Saha
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Year Activities

Indian Communist Conference- formalized the foundation of CPI

Self Respect Movement under Periyar EV Ramaswamy Naicker (Madras)

Aug: Kakori Robbery

• Bismil, Ashfaqullah, Roshan Singh (only planning) & Rajendra Lahiri- were
• near Lucknow
HRA Manifesto
• HRA's main organ Revolutionary proposed nationalization of railways &
other means of transport and of heavy industries such as ship building &
heavy industries

after CR Das death: Bengal congress- 2 factions

• JM Sengupta (joined by Anushilan Group)
• Subhash Bose (backed by Yugantar Group)
Naujawan Bharat Sabha
1926 • PB
• Bhagat Singh
All Bengal Students' Conference- President: J Nehru

Bardoli Satyagaha (SVP)--> sardar title by women

Sept 1928: HSRA

• meet @Firoz Shah Kotla Delhi
• leader- Chandra Shekhar Azad
• participants-
◦ PB- Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Bhagwatichandra Vohra
◦ UP- Bejoy Kumar Sinha, Shiv Verma, Jaidev Kapur

Dec 1928: Saunders' Murder = Lahore Conspiracy Case

• revenge of LL Rai's death
• Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Azad
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Year Activities

Meerut Conspiracy Case- Indian Railway Strike

• Muzaffar Ahmed
• SA Dange
• Joglekar
• Philip Spratt

April 1929: Bomb in CLA

• Bhagat Singh & Batukeshwar Dutt
• to protest against the passage of Public Safety Bill & Trades Dispute
Bill- aimed at curtailing civil liberties of citizens in general & workers in
• trial courts- used as propaganda forums

Dec 1929: Azad blown up Irwin's train

April: Chittagong Armoury Raid
• Surya Sen
◦ participated in NCM

◦ teacher @ National School in Chittagong
◦ imprisoned 1926 to 1928
◦ lover of poetry & admirer of Tagore & Qazi Nazrul Islam
◦ arrested in 1933 & hanged in 1934
• others- Anant Singh, Ganesh Ghosh, Lokenath Baul
Feb- Azad died in police encounter in a Deer park @Allahabad
March 23- BRS hanged

Prominent women revolutionaries:

• Kalpana Dutt- arrested & tried along with Surya Sen & given a life sentence
• Santi Ghosh & Suniti Chandheri- school girls of Comilla- shot dead DM (Dec
• Bina Das- fired point blank at the governor while receiving her degree at the
convocation (Feb 1932)
The Philosophy of Bomb- written by: Bhagwatichandra Vohra
Bhagat: real revolutionary armies are in villages & factories
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Simon Commission
• set up on: 8 Nov, 1927 (by British govt under PM Stanley Baldwin)
• aim- to r/c whether India was ready for further constitutional reforms & along what
• come to India- 3 Feb, 1928---> countrywide hartal........
• members- 7 (4- conservatives, 2- labourites, 1- liberal) under joint chairmanship of
distinguished lawyers- John Simon & Clement Attlee

Lee Commission: Raj's failure to recruit enough British officers

Muddiman Commission: Deadlock within diarchic dispensation
Linlithgow Commission: crisis of Indian Agri

ML: 2 sessions in 1927

• Calcutta- under Jinnah- oppose Simon C
• Lahore- under Muhammad Shafi- support Govt

Justice Party didn't opposed the arrival of Simon Commission


1.provinces: abolish diarchy & establish responsible govt
1. discretionary powers- internal security
2. admin powers- to protect diff communities
3.PLC- members ^
4.rejected parliamentary responsibility at centre*
5.GG- complete powers to appoint the members of the cabinet
6.GoI- complete control over HC
7.retain- separate communal electorate*
8.accepted idea of federalism but not in near future
9.suggested Consultative Group of Greater India should be estb (includes rep of both
British govt + Princely states)
10.NWFP & Baluchistan- local L + right to be represented at Centre
11.Sindh <---> Bombay & Burma <---> India : coz- not natural part of Indian
12.suggested- Indian Army should be Indianized through British forces must be
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Delhi Proposals of Muslim League
• 1927
• 4 proposals- accepted by INC @Madras session, 1927
1.Joint electorate with reserved seats for Muslims
2.1/3rd rep Muslims in C
3.rep to Muslims in PB & Bengal in proportion to their popl.
4.formation of 3 new Muslim majority provinces
• Events-
◦ Simon C was constituted
• resolution for boycotting Simon Commission was

1927 Madras MA Ansari

• accepted Delhi Proposals of ML
• passed a resolution against the use of Indian troops
in China, Iran, Mesopotamia & all British colonies +
foreign countries, whosoever there may be
• Discussion on proposal- separation of Sindh from
• Feb 1928: All Parties Conference
• CP- M Nehru
• others- Tej Bahadur Sapru, Subhash Bose, MS Aney, Mangal Singh, Ali Imam, Shuab
Qureshi & GR Pradhan
• finalized in Aug 1928
1.dominion status
2.rejected separate electorate*
3.demanded joint electorate
4.linguistic provinces
5.creation of SC
6.19 FR- including equal rights for women, right to form unions & UAS
7.responsible govt: @C+P
8.Indian Parliament
◦HoR- 500 (basis- UAS); 5 yr tenure
◦Senate- 200 (elected by Provincial Councils); 7 yr tenure
9.Provincial councils- 5 yr tenure
10.full protection to cultural & religious interests of Muslims
11.complete dissociate of state from religion*
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Satyamurthy (constitutionalist/ moderate)- opposed Dominion Status under Nehru report

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Disappointed with Nehru Report: J Nehru, Bose, Satyamurthy*

1929: CWC appointed- Foreign Cloth Boycott Committee

1929: Britain- Labour govt

• PM- Ramsay MacDonald

• SoS for India- Wedgewood Benn

31 Oct 1929: Irwin's Declaration (Diwali declaration)

• purpose- to restore faith in ultimate purpose of British Policy

• RTC- promised

Delhi Manifesto (1929)

◦by- prominent national leaders

• mentioning of conditions for attending RTC
◦RTC purpose shouldn't be to determine whether & when to give
dominion status was to be reached but to formulate a constitution for

implementation of the dominion status (thus acting as CA) & basic

principle of dominion status should be immediately accepted

◦Congress should have majority representation at conference

◦there should be general amnesty for political prisoners & a policy of
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• complete independence
• Boycott RTC
1929 Lahore J Nehru • programme to launch CDM
• 26 Jan 1930- 1st Independence (Swarajya)

31 Dec 1929: on the banks of Ravi river, the newly adopted tricolour flag of
freedom was hoisted by J Nehru

26 Jan 1930: Independence Pledge (drafted by- M Gandhi)

Gandhi's 11 demands
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Dandi March (12 March- 6 April, 1930)

• women participation- convince

◦Sarojini Naidu
◦Kamladevi Chattopadhyay
• Gandhi gave following directions for future action
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Spread of Movement at diff places

Places About

• C Rajagopalachari
• he organized a march from Thiruchirapalli to Vrdaranniyam on
Tanjore coast
• although he tried to keep mvmt non-violent, violent eruptions
of masses & the violent repressions of police began
• Choolai Mills Strike
• K Kelappan (Vaikom Satyagraha)- organized salt marches
• P Krishna Pillai- future founder of Kerala Communist
Movement, heroically defeated national flag in the face of
police lathi-charge on Calicut beach in Nov 1930
• no of sibirams (military style camps)-> to serve as HQ of salt
• merchants contributed to Congress fund
• dominant caste Kamma & Raju cultivators defied repressive
• but, mass support like NCM was missing***
• Gopalbandhu Chaudhari
OD • salt satyagraha- @coastal regions of Balasore, Cuttack, Puri
• not that great coz of divisive issues
• successful student strike against Cunningham Circular,
Assam which banned students' participation in politics
• Chandraprabha Saikiani- incited aboriginal Kachari villages
to break forest laws
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Spread of Movement at diff places

Places About

• Bengal congress divided in 2 factions was involved in Calcutta

Corporation election

◦ SC Bose

Bengal ◦ JM Sengupta

• alienation of most of Calcutta bhadralok leaders from rural


• communal riots- less Muslim participation

• Champaran & Saran- 1st 2 dist to start it*
• Patna- Nakhas Pond (site) under Ambika Kant Sinha
• no-chaukidari tax campaign replaced salt satyagraha
BH • Chhotanagpur Plateau- lower class militancy
◦ Bonga Majhi

◦ Somra Majhi

• Santhals- illegal distillation of liquor

• Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
• = Badshah Khan/ Frontier Gandhi
• started 1st Pushto political monthly- Pukhtoon
• Khudai- Khidmatgars / Red Shirts
• textile workers went on strike
Sholapur • burnt liquor shops
• virtual parallel govts
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Spread of Movement at diff places

Places About

• Sarojini Naidu, Imam Sahib, Manilal

• they took up unfinished task of leading a raid on Dharasana
Salt Works
• areas- Anand, Borsad, Nadiad in Kheda dist
• determined no-tax campaign
MH, KA, CP • defiance of forest laws*
• no revenue campaigns
UP • no-rent campaigns
• Agra, Rai Bareilly
• Rani Gaidinliu- Naga spiritual leader, who followed her
Manipur &
cousin Haipou Jadonang
• urged people not to pay taxes

Forms of Mobilization: prabhat pheris, vanar senas, manjari senas, secret

patrikas & magic lanten shows

July 1930: Irwin suggested RTC & reiterated the goal of dominion status
• he also accepted suggestions that Tej Bahadur Sapru & MR Jayankar
be allowed to explore the possibility of peace b/w Congress & govt

August 1930: M&J Nehru went to Yervada Jail to meet Gandhi

INC was declared illegal during Salt Satyagraha

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March 1931: Gandhi-Irwin Pact or Delhi Pact

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March 1931: Gandhi-Irwin Pact or Delhi Pact

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1st RTC: Nov 1930 to Jan 1931

• INC- didn't attend

2nd RTC: Sept 1931 to Dec 1931

• INC members:
◦A Rangaswami Iyengar

3rd RTC: Nov 1932 to Dec 1932

• INC- didn't attend

Ambedkar & Tej Bahadur Sapro attended all 3 RTCs

Dec 1931: CDM resumed

April 1934- CDM withdrawn

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Communal Award & Poona Pact
• 1932
• based on findings of Indian Franchise Committee (Lothian Committee)
• separate electorates for
◦Indian Christians
◦depressed classes
◦Marathas (some seats in Bombay)
• Main Provisions
◦provincial L- seats were to be distributed on communal basis
◦existing seats of PL- to be doubled
◦Muslims, wherever in minority, were to be granted a weightage
◦except NWFP, 3% seats were to be reserved for women in all
◦depressed class- to be declared/ accorded the status of minority
◦depressed class- to get double vote (separate + general
◦allocation of seats were to be made for labourers, landlords,
traders & industrialists
◦Bombay province- 7 seats to Marathas

INC: decided neither to accept not to reject the award***

Poona Pact (Sept 1932)

• abandoned the idea of separate electorate for depressed class
• accepted by govt as amendment to Communal Award
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• 1932- All India Anti-Untouchability League (#PYQ-2019)
• 1933- started weekly Harijan
• 1934- Harijan Sevak Sangh

#Congress Socialist Party (CSP)

• estb- 1934
• @Patna
• under chairmanship of- Acharya Narendra Deva
•others- JP Narayan, Basawan Singh, Yogendra Shukla
• goals:
◦to achieve the independence of the country
◦to enhance the pace of the organised efforts towards establishing
a socialist system
• influenced by both: Fabianism + Marxism-Leninism
• advocates of armed struggle or sabotage- Yusuf Meherally, Jai Prakash
Narayan, and Basawon Singh (Sinha)
• advocates of Ahimsa- Acharya Narendra Deva
• decentralized socialism

1934: Swaraj Party--> idea* of constituent assembly to frame Constitution of


1935: Burma separated from India

1936: estb of All India Kisan Sabha

• @Lucknow
• President- Swami Sahjananda
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3 Perspectives

• constructive work on Gandhian lines

• constitutional struggle & participation in elections
◦MA Ansari
◦Asaf Ali
◦Bhulabhai Desai
◦S Satyamurthy
◦BC Roy
• strong leftist trend (rep by Nehru) was critical of both constructive work &
council entry

Spinning wheel: 2nd lung of nation

in favour of GoI 1935

• Hindu Mahasabha
• National Liberal Foundation

Congress sessions at Lucknow (1936) & Faizpur (1937) decided to contest

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Gandhi's advice to office bearers- to hold office lightly & not tightly

Yusuf Maherally, a socialist, was arrested by Madras govt for inflammatory

speeches & later released

SS Batliwala, a socialist, was arrested by Madras govt for seditious speech &
was given 6 months' sentence

KM Munshi, Bombay HM, used the CID against communist & leftist
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• plan for formation of National Planning

1938 Haripura Bose
1939 Tripuri • Pattabhi Sitaramayya

Forward Bloc
• May 1939
• by- Bose & his followers
• VP- SS Cavesheer
• @Makur, Unnao (UP)
• it is formed as new party within Congress
• 1st all India conference- @Nagpur
◦this conference declared the Forward Bloc to be socialist
political party & 22 June 1940 is considered as the founding
◦a resolution titled 'All Power to the Indian People' was passed...
urging militant action for struggle against British rule
• Aug 1942- British authorities banned the Forward Bloc

1937: Gandhi- Nai Talim: basic education for all

MAY 1940: top secret Draft Revolutionary Movement Ordinance was

prepared---> aimed at launching pre-emptive strikes on congress

SoS Zetland (during British PM- Winston Churchill)--> branded Congress as

purely Hindu organization
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Jan 1940: Linlithgow- Dominion status of Westminster variety, after the war, is
the goal of British policy in India

ML: Lahore Session (March 1940)- Pakistan Resolution*

August Offer: Mindmap

Individual Satyagraha (after August Offer- remember*)

• 1st phase
◦1st- Vinoba Bhave
◦2nd- J Nehru
◦3rd- Brahma Dutt
• 2nd phase- 20k+ arrested; Delhi Chalo andolan

Rajmohan Gandhi: The Good Boatman

8 Dec 1941: Japanese forces invaded Malaya & drove the British troops from
Malayan peninsula
• why Japan was able to conquer territories in SE Asia...?---> anti-colonial

March 1942: Cripps Mission: Mindmap

• it was blue-print for India's partition
• INC's official negotiators- Nehru & Maulana Azad
• Gandhi described it as post-dated cheque
• ML- didn't like, coz- not talked about Pakistan
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8 Aug 1942: Quit India resolution passed (Reso passed at Wardha?)

• proposed by- J Nehru

• seconded by- SVP
• Location- Gowaliya tank, Bombay (QIM launched)
• opposed by- C Rajagopalachari, left congress afterwards

Gandhi- general instructions to diff sections

• govt servants- do not resign, but declare your allegiance

• soldiers- do not leave army, but...
• students- if confident, leave studies
• peasants
• princes
• princely states' people

Gandhi: mantra- Do or Die

9 Aug 1942: all top leaders of congress arrested

• Gandhi's newspapers- Harijan & National Herald were banned

Gandhi was kept at Agha Khan palace, Pune
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Parallel Govts

• Ballia, UP- Chittu Pandey; other major asso leaders-

◦Satish Chandra Samantra
◦Ajoykumar Mukherjee
◦Satish Chandra Sahu
◦Baradakanta Kuiti
• Tamluk (Midnapore dist, WB) - Jatiya Sarkar- Vidyut Vahinis
• Satara- Prati Sarkar; YB Chavan & Nana Patil
• BH-
◦no govt authority in Tirhhut division for almost 2 weeks
◦80% police stations were vacated in 10 N & C dist of BH
• KA- >1600+ incidents of cutting telegraph lines

Underground Activities- Indian businessmen were supporting these

underground n/w

• Rammanohar Lohiya
• JP Narayan
• Aruna Asaf Ali
• Usha Mehta- underground radio in Bombay; she was supported by
Nanka Motwani owner of Chicago radio

• Biju Patnaik
• Chhotubhai Puranik
• Achyut Patwardhan
• Sucheta Kripalani
• RP Goenka
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QIM: Participants
• women- mainly school & college girls*
• peasants- heart; complete absence* of anti-zamindar violence
• Muslims- helped by giving shelter to underground activities; no communal

Who didn't participate...?

• communists (wanted to support British in WW2, coz- Russia was with
• ML (coz- Pak)
• Hindu Mahasabha*
• Princely states*
• Indian bureaucrats*

Govt response:
• govt brutally attacked protestors
• CWC, AICC, PCC- declared unlawful under- Criminal Law Amendment
Act of 1908
• Rule 56 of Defence of India rules--> assembly of meetings were
• within 2-4 weeks the entire mvmt was suppressed

Gandhi- 21 day fast, in response to the British violence against the protestors;
so...more fuel was added..rise in demonstrations
• Viceroy's EC- 3 Indian members resigned
◦NR Sarkar
◦MS Aney
◦HP Mody
• BUT, these 3 members were not supporting QIM, Sirf Bapu ke liye... (बापू ने
बोला करने का तो करने का)
• Bapu's health was deteriorating, so released from jail on 6 May 1944
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23 March 1943: Pakistan Day

Famine of 1943: worst-affected areas- SW Bengal

• Tamluk-Contai-Diamond Harbour
• Dacca
• Faridpur
• Tippera
• Nokhali

1944: CR Formula- opposed by-

• ML- was not ready to discuss (coz- plebiscite should include only Muslims
& not all, not ready for the mentioned joint agreement)
• Hindu Mahasabha- why to consult ML?
• Sikh community- not in majority in any NWFP dists

1945: Desai- Liaqat Pact

• initially secret
• formation of interim govt at centre, consisting of-
◦= no of persons nominated by INC & ML in central L (40%-40%)
◦20% reserved seats for minorities
• both sides disagreed; Bhulabhai.....िशव्या खाल्ल्या, no ticket further

Bhulabhai Desai
• started political career in Annie's Home Rule League
• asso with 1928- Bardoli satyagraha
• 1930- officially joined congress
• 1934- central L...
• wasn't arrested during QIM
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INA & SC Bose

• Political guru of Bose- CR Das

• March 1940: he convened an Anti-Compromise Conference at

◦joint effort of Forward Bloc & Kisan Sabha

• Pseudo names:
◦Peshawar: Ziauddin
◦Germany: Orlando Mazzotta
◦Tokyo: Abid Hussain
• Germany:
◦Freedom Army (Mukti Sena) was formed
◦consists of all PoW of Indian Origin captured by Germany &

◦1942- Free Indian Legion (= Infanteregiment 950)---> it

was the regiment of the German Army formed from Indian

volunteers (#PYQ)

◦Bose= Netaji--> by the people of Germany

◦he gave the famous slogan Jai Hind from the Free India
Center, Germany

• Origin & 1st Phase of INA

◦idea- Mohan Singh
◦Sept 1942- 1st division of INA was formed
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• 2nd Phase
◦began with arrival of Bose
◦June 1943- Bose @Tokyo.. name
◦Rashbehari Bose
▪fled to Japan in 1915
▪became naturalized citizen there
▪became active in pan-Asian circles
▪founded- Indian Club of Tokyo
▪1942: founded Indian Independence League @Tokyo
◦25 Aug 1943: SC Bose became Supreme Commander of INA
◦Oct 1943: Bose formed Provisional Govt of Free India
▪Finance- HC Chatterjee
▪Broadcasting- MA Aiyar
▪Women dept- Lakshmi Swaminthan
◦slogan: "give me blood, I will give you freedom"- @Malaya
◦Nov 1943: A&N Is were given by Japanese Army to INA
◦1943: Women' regiment in INA
▪Rani Jhansi Regiment
▪commanded by- Captain Laxmibai Swaminathan (Shaghal)
◦Jan 1944: HQ of INA was shifted to Rangoon; war cry- Chalo
◦March 1944: Azad Hind Fauz crossed Burma border
◦April 1944: Colonel Malik of Bahadur Group hoisted INA flag for
the 1st time @Indian mainland at Moirang in Manipur
◦July 1944: Bose to Gandhi as Father of Nation from Azad Hind
◦18 Aug 1945: Bose died mysteriously in air-crash at Taipei
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June 1945: Wavell Plan- (Wavell- initially commander-in-chief)

• Background-
◦Wavell as viceroy- challenges:
▪INC-ML deadlock
▪SC Bose's INA
▪Bengal famine
◦so, went to London & met LS Amery (SoS) to discuss political

• released all political prisoners to discuss plan

• called conference at Shimla, FAILED

July 1945: Govt changed in Britain, new PM- Clement Attlee (Labour Party)

2 Sept 1945: WW2 ended

19 Sept 1945: Announcement of elections

• to be held b/w Dec 1945 - Jan 1946

• based on it, Constituent Assembly & EC will be formed

ML- direct action from 16 Aug 1946

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All India ML- founders
• Agha Khan
• Nawab Salimullah of Dacca
• Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk

PB Hindu Sabha: founders- UN Mukherji & Lal Chand

Tabligh & Tanzeem movements- started in retaliation to Shuddhi & Sangathan


Muslims groups which participated in CDM

• Jamaat-i-ulema-i-Hind
• state of Kashmir
• Khudai Khidmatgars

• Pak-Stan= Punjab, Afghan, Kashmir, Sind & Baluchistan
• term coined by- Choudhry Rehmat Ali (Punjabi Muslim student
• he wrote it in pamphlets (Now or Never) written in 1933 & 1935-->
desired separate national status to this new entity
• 1933: Pakistan Declaration*
• after 1937: vicious propaganda was launched against Congress by-
(till 1937- there was liberal communism)
◦ZA Suleri
◦FM Durrani
• 1940: Lahore Resolution= Pakistan Resolution of ML (word Pakistan-
not mentioned)
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Atlee's Statement: 20 Feb, 1947- deadline for transfer of power--> 30

June 1948

All Plans- Mindmap

Swatantra Party

• 1959
• by- CR
• founded in reaction to what he felt was the J Nehru-dominated INC's
increasingly socialist & statist outlook

• other associates- Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu, Minoo Masani, NG Raga,

Darshan Singh Pheruman, Udham Singh Nagoke, KM Munshi
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Indian Factories Act 1881

• primarily deals with problem of child (7 to 12) labour

• <7 yrs- prohibited
• workings hrs- 9
• 4 holidays in month
• hazardous machinery to be properly fenced off*

Indian Factories Act 1891

• children:
◦min age 7-->9; max age: 12 to 14
◦working hrs- 7
• women:
◦fixed max working hrs- 11
◦1.5 hrs- interval
• working hrs for men left unregulated
• weekly holidays for all

BUT, these laws do not apply to British-owned tea & coffee plantations; labour-
treated like slaves

After revolt of 1857- policy of annexation was abandoned; new policy- to

depose or punish but not annex*

1876: Queen adopted title: Kaiser-i-hind (Queen Empress of India)

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Charter Act of 1813- allows one-way free trade for the British citizens

Commercial crops: cotton, jute, groundnut, oilseeds, sugarcane, tobacco

Plantation sector: tea, coffee, rubber, indigo

Ship-building industry was crushed

• 1813 law- prohibited ships below 350 tonnes from sailing b/w India &
• 1814 law- India-built ships were refused to be considered 'British-
registered vessels'

Steel industries forced to produce high std steel (so, firms unable to produce
low std steel)

1853: 1st Cotton Textile Mill in Bombay by- Cowasjee Nanabhoy

1855: 1st Jute Mill in Rishra (Bengal)

Nationalist Critique of Colonial Economy

• D Naoroji- the Grand Old Man of India---> theory of economic drain in
book- Poverty & UnBritish Rule in India*
• MG Ranade
• RC Dutt- the Economic History of India
• GK Gokhale
• G Subramaniya Iyer
• P Ray
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GV Joshi: expenditure on railways should be seen as Indian subsidy to British


Stages of Colonialism

• 1st stage: Mercantalism (1757-1813)

◦2 basic obj- trade monopoly in India & control over revenues
through state power

◦no basic changes in- admin, judicial s/s, transport,

communication, agri or industrial production

• 2nd stage: Colonialism (1813-1860s)

• 3rd stage: Era of Foreign Investments (post 1860s)
◦intl competition for colonies
◦liberal imperialist policies got replaced by- reactionary
imperialist policies

◦MCs- Lytton, Dufferin, Lansdowne, Curzon

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• Calcutta Madrasah by Warren Hastings

• for study of Muslim law & related subjects
• Sanskrit College @Benaras by Jonathan Duncan
• for study of Hindu law & philosophy
• Fort Williams College by -Wellesley
• for the training of civil servants of the company in languages &
customs of Indians

• closed in 1802
• Charter Act 1813- 1 lpa
• not made available till 1823
1813 • coz- controversy raged on a question of the direction that the

• now- state s/s of education was officially introduced

• Hindu College @Calcutta
• by- RRR & David Hare- Alexander Duff
• Sanskrit College @Calcutta
1824 • by- Govt
• also set up @Delhi & Agra
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Macaulay's Minute

• also called- Adam's Report

1835 • in favour of Anglicist

• downward filtration theory (DFT)

• view- Indian learning was inferior to European learning

James Thomson Scheme

• he was Lt Gov of NW Provinces (1843-53) [NWP= present day

UP except- Faizabad & Lucknow division]

• comprehensive scheme of village education

- • medium- vernacular

• useful sub- mensuration & agri science

• purpose- to train personnel for newly set up Revenue dept &

PWD (L Dalhousie, 48-56)

• 1847- estb IIT Roorkee

Bethune School @Calcutta

• = Calcutta Female School

• by JED Bethune

• assisted by- ICV

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Wood's Despatch
• = Magna Carta of English Education in India
• 1st comprehensive plan for spread of education in India
• asked govt to assume respo for education of masses-- DFT
• so, discarded- Downward Filtration Theory
• systematized hierarchy
1854 ◦ bottom- villages: vernacular primary schools
◦ high schools- Anglo Vernacular
◦ dist level- affiliated colleges
◦ presidency towns (B,M,C)- affiliated universities
• school- vernacular; higher studies- English
• secular education
• s/s of grants-in-aid to encourage private enterprise
1857 Universities of B,M,C
Hunter Education Commission
• background
◦ earlier schemes- neglected primary & secondary edu
◦ 1870- education transferred to provinces*
• aim- to review the progress of education in the country since the
Despatch of 1854
• mostly confined its r/c to primary & secondary
• main r/c
◦ state's special care for extension & improvement of primary
◦ transfer of control of primary education to newly set up dist &
municipal boards
◦ secondary- 2 divisions
▪ literary- leading up to university
▪ vocational- commercial careers
◦ drew attention to inadequate facilities for female education, r/cs for its
spread outside presidency towns
1882- Punjab University
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1887 Allahabad University

Raleigh Commission

• purpose- to go into conditions & prospects of universities in

1902 India & to suggest measures for improvement

• based on its r/c Indian Universities Act, 1904 was passed

Indian Universities Act, 1904

• U- to give more attention to study & research

• no of fellows & their period in office was reduced & more no of

govt nominated fellows

• govt- power to veto U's senate regulations & could amend these

regulations or pass regulations on its own

• conditions were to be made stricter for affiliation of private


• 5 lpa for 5 yrs for improvement of higher education & U*

• inference-

◦ more govt control

◦ Gokhale called it retrograde measure

Progressive state of Baroda introduced compulsory primary
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Govt Resolution on Education Policy

• govt refused to assume resp of compulsory education
• BUT, accepted policy of removal of illiteracy & urged provincial govt to
take early steps to provide free elementary education to poorer & more
backward sections
• private efforts to be encouraged for this
• quality of secondary education was to be improved
• U- in each province + encourage teaching activity therein
Saddler University Commission
• aim- to study & report on problems of Calcutta U
• but r/c- applicable more or less to other U too
• revived entire field from school education to university education
• 2 Indian members:
◦ Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee
◦ Zia-Ud-Din Ahmed
• observations:
◦ school course: 12 yrs; 3 yr degree
◦ separate board of secondary & intermediate education

◦ there should be less rigidity in framing U regulations
◦ U- should function as centralized, unitary residential-teaching
autonomous body, rather than a scattered, affiliated colleges
◦ female education- applied scientific & technological
◦ teachers training- professional, vocational---> should be extended
• report: 13 volumes- giving a critical and comprehensive survey of
educational problems of secondary, collegiate and university education in
India. It did not elaborate on primary education
• estb of Board of Women Education in Calcutta University
• university should function as centralised, unitary residential-teaching and
autonomous body, rather than as scattered, affiliated colleges
1920: govt r/cd Saddler Report to Provincial Governments
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Hartog Committee

• aim- to report on dvpt of education

• main r/c

◦ emphasis on primary education but there need be no hasty expansion

1929 or compulsion of education

◦ only deserving students should go for high school & intermediate


◦ avg students should be diverted for vocational courses after 8th std

◦ improvements in stds of U education, admissions should be restricted

Wardha Scheme of Basic Education

• INC organized National Conference on Education in Oct 1937 in Wardha

• Zakir Hussain Committee

• main principle- learning through activity

• provisions:

◦ inclusion of basic handicraft

◦ first 7 yrs of schooling to be integrated with free & compulsory

nationwide education s/s (through mother tongue)

◦ teaching in Hindi from II to VII & in English only after VII

◦ ways to be devised to estb contact with the community around schools

through service

◦ suitable technique- to implement main idea of basic education

• there was not much dvpt of this idea, coz start of WW2 & resignation of

Congress ministries (Oct 1939)

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Sergeant Plan

• worked out by- Central Advisory Board of Education

• obj- to create within 40 yrs, the same level of educational

attainment as prevailed in England

• main r/c:

◦ pre-primary: 3 to 6

◦ primary: 6 to 11- free, universal & compulsory

◦ high school: 11 to 17- for selected children

1944 ◦ 3 yr U course after higher secondary

◦ 2 types of high schools-

▪ academic

▪ technical & vocational

◦ adequate technical, commercial & arts education

◦ abolition of intermediate course

◦ liquidation of adult illiteracy in 20 yrs

◦ stress on teacher's training, physical education, education for

physically & mentally handicapped

Dvpt of Technical Education

• 1847- Engg clg @Roorkee
• 1856- Calcutta clg of Engg
• 1858- Overseers' School at Poona raised to status of COEP (Bombay U)
• Madras U- Guindy COE

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