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This agreement made and executed this _________, day of _____________ by and
between: ___________________, Filipino, of legal age, married to ____________, and residing
at _________________, hereinafter referred to as Vendor;


_______________, both of legal age, Filipinos, lawful husband and wife and residing at
____________, hereinafter referred to as Vendee.


WHEREAS, the vendor is the true and lawful owner of a parcel of land situated in
________ covered by and registered under the TCT No. ____________ of the Register of Deeds
of _______, and which are more particularly described as follows:

(Description of property)

WHEREAS, the vendee desired to purchase the above-described property from the
vendor, with a request that they be allowed to pay _________________ (P_______) through the
proceeds of the loan they will obtain from the Pag-IBIG Fund.
WHEREAS, by agreement of the parties, the herein vendor has paid all his account with
__________ Bank,___________. In fact, the vendor’s mortgage with said bank has already been
settled, released and cancelled by virtue of a formal Cancellation of Real Estate Mortgage dated

WHEREAS, the vendor is willing and agreeable to sell the above-described property to the
vendee on the express condition:
(1)That he is selling the same to the vendee for _____________ (P________) and he agrees that
the same be paid, as indicated in this document; (2) The vendor shall execute a Deed of Absolute
Sale in favor of the vendee only when the said agreed consideration of __________ is received
by and turned over to the herein vendor, subject to the following understanding:
(a) That if the proceeds of the vendee’s loan with Pag-IBIG is less than the agreed
amount of ___________, the vendee shall pay the difference in cash, and
simultaneously with the signing and execution of the said Deed of Absolute Sale.

WHEREAS, by agreement of the parties, the vendee shall be the one to shoulder all costs
of capital gains, transfer tax, documentary stamps, real property taxes, and the costs of
documentation and notarial fees.

WHEREAS, the vendor and the vendee have agreed and are amenable to all the above-
mentioned terms and conditions, as aforementioned.

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the amount of _______________ (P

___________), due and payable as herein above-provided, and of the mutual terms and
covenants as above-provided, and of the mutual terms and covenants as above-mentioned, the
vendor hereby sells, transfers and assigns, the above-described parcels of land, unto and in favor
of the herein vendee.

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual terms and covenants as
above provided, the parties herein do hereby agree, commit and bind themselves to comply
faithfully and strictly with the terms and conditions of this DEED of conditions of this Deed of
Conditional Sale.


_____________________________ ________________________
Vendor Vendee

Singed in the presence of :

___________________________ ________________________

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