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DLJ MORTGAGE CAPITAL, INC., ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. ) ) KATY PEREZ, ) ) Defendant. ) )



2:30 p.m. - 2:54 p.m. - - Florida Court Reporting 561-689-0999

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WEITZ & SCHWARTZ, P.A. Suite 204 900 S.E. 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 Attorneys for the Plaintiff


MARK HOLLIDAY, ESQ. Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. Vice President, Senior Counsel 3815 S. West Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84115

KORTE & WORTMAN, P.A. Suite 102 2041 Vista Parkway West Palm Beach, Florida 33411 Attorneys for the Defendant BY: NANCY JACK, ESQ.

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INDEX WITNESS: PAGE DIANE WEINBERGER: Direct Examination by Ms. Jack 4 EXHIBITS Defendant's Exs. 1 thru 6 for i.d. 4

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The deposition of DIANE WEINBERGER was taken before me, Phillip W. Loter, RMR, Notary Public, State of Florida at Large, at Suite 102, 2041 Vista Parkway, in the City of West Palm Beach, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, beginning at the hour of 2:30 p.m., on Tuesday, July 12, 2011, pursuant to the Notice filed herein, at the instance of the Defendant in the above-entitled cause pending before the above-named Court.

(Thereupon, the proffered documents

were marked Defendant's Exhibit

Nos. 1 - 6 for I.D. only.) THEREUPON,

DIANE WEINBERGER, being by me first duly sworn to testify the whole truth, as hereinafter certified, testified as follows:


Q. Okay. Can you tell me your full name and spell your last name. A. Diane Weinberger, W-e-i-n-b-e-r-g-e-r. Q. And if you can just give me your educational background, your full educational background.

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A. I have two years of college and extensive mortgage training with a variety of different classes. Q. And work history? A. I have worked 11 years for Select Portfolio Servicing. Q. And what do you do at Select Portfolio Servicing? A. I am the director of the customer assurance review department. Q. And can you give me some idea of what your job duties entail? A. Well, I oversee a group of individuals who review every loan before it's referred to an attorney for foreclosure action. Q. Do you underwrite files? A. No. Q. Do you service files? A. Yes. Q. And what does servicing a file entail? A. Well, it's collecting payments, communication with the customer, providing notices,

disbursing escrow amounts. Anything that requires attention to a loan file to manage it. Q. Okay. Would you classify your job as litigation support? Florida Court Reporting 561-689-0999

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A. No. Q. When did you first become involved in the case of DLJ Mortgage Capital versus Katy Perez? A. I think I started looking at the file about three weeks ago. Q. And why did you become involved? A. I was asked to be a witness and a deponent in the case. Q. And did you review any documents before you came? A. Yes. Q. What did you review? A. I reviewed the note, the mortgage, a demand, notice of default letter, contact history, payment history. Q. Anything else? A. Not that I recall. I did look over the

interrogatories and the responses. Q. But you were not the person who completed the interrogatories? A. No. Q. Okay. So you have been asked here for deposition on several fronts. One is regarding the transfer of the note. Also regarding calculations of damages and amounts due and owing. Questions regarding Florida Court Reporting 561-689-0999

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the lost note, if lost note circumstances exist. And then questions regarding the trust agreements, PSA, custodial agreements and servicing agreement.

It's my understanding -- is this -- does DLJ Mortgage Capital hold this note or mortgage -and/ or mortgage as trustee for any other entity?

A. No. Q. So as far as you know there is no trust

agreement, pooling and servicing agreement or custodian agreement that relates to this note and/or mortgage? A. That's correct. Q. As regards the note and mortgage do you know as regards the note who was the original lender on the note? A. Silver State Mortgage. Q. And I am going to direct your attention to Exhibit 1, which is a copy of the complaint, and to page two of it on what -- actually, page two of the complaint. Keep going. Look at the numbers at the bottom. Okay. About midway down, paragraph number five it says the plaintiff owns and holds the note and mortgage via assignment.

Are you aware that DLJ Mortgage Capital holds this note via assignment?

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A. Yes, they do hold the note. Q. And do you know who assigned the loan to DLJ?

MR. WEITZ: Objection. Form.

MS. JACK: Okay.

MR. WEITZ: The question is vague. You can answer though if you -

THE WITNESS: In what context? Could you be specific? BY MS. JACK:

Q. Okay. There is a promissory note which is being sued upon. That note you have just said was -the original lender on that note was Silver State Financial Services.

DLJ is claiming that it has acquired that note via assignment. From whom did DLJ acquire the note via assignment?

A. I don't know the exact name of the entity that they would have acquired it from. Q. Do you know if that entity was Silver State Financial Services? A. No, I don't believe that it was. Q. Are you aware of any other assignment of this note other than that -- other than the assignment in which DLJ obtained the note? Florida Court Reporting 561-689-0999

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A. No. Q. Do you know where the assignment to DLJ is documented? A. Well, we have the original note filed with the court. Q. And is there an endorsement or assignment indicated on that note? A. Yes, there is an endorsement in blank. Q. It's a blank endorsement signed by whom? From whom? A. You know, I would honestly have to review it again. But I believe, if I recall, it was an assignment endorsement from Silver State. Q. And is that the only endorsement on the note? A. Yes, as I recall, the best of my knowledge, that is correct. Q. Do you know who had possession of the note from the time it was made by Silver State until it came into DLJ's possession? A. No. Q. Do you know when it came into DLJ's possession?

A. No, not exactly. Q. I am going to ask that question just a

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little bit more specific.

Do you know when it came into -- when DLJ gained physical possession of the note?

A. No. Q. If you look at the complaint, Exhibit 1 again, and continue on to page four there is a count two which is a count for a lost, stolen or destroyed note. Do you know how the note was lost?

MR. WEITZ: Objection. Assuming evidence not established, facts not established. BY MS. JACK:

Q. Okay. But she can answer. Do you know? MR. HOLLIDAY: If she knows.

THE WITNESS: Well, the note is not lost. BY MS. JACK:

Q. Okay. But when the plaintiff filed its complaint it alleged in its complaint that the note was lost. A. I really can't -Q. Do you know why the plaintiff alleged the note was lost? A. I do not know. The note is not lost. Q. I am going to ask this. So do you know Florida Court Reporting 561-689-0999

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when the plaintiff found the note after it had alleged that the note was lost?

A. I don't know that it ever was lost. Q. Do you know why the plaintiff would allege the note was lost if it was not lost? MR. WEITZ: Objection. You're calling for speculation here.

MS. JACK: I asked her if she knew.

MR. HOLLIDAY: It's also outside of the scope of the deposition notice involved.

MS. JACK: The deposition notice is regarding the circumstances of a lost note if such circumstances exist.

And the plaintiff did allege in its complaint that there was a note lost.

MR. WEITZ: And we have already established through the testimony that it was -- that the note is not lost. And it's been filed with the court already, which is of record in this case.

MS. JACK: I would argue that you have established that a note has been filed with the court, but not necessarily that it was not lost. It may have been found.

MR. WEITZ: I stand by my objection, but you can answer if you know.

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THE WITNESS: There is no indication that the note was lost, to my knowledge. BY MS. JACK:

Q. Do you know when the original note was filed with the court? A. I do not know the exact date, no. Q. And do you know -- scratch that. Okay. We are also here to ask questions regarding the calculation of damages and amounts due and owing. So I am going to move on to asking questions about that.

Can you tell me how much the plaintiff is seeking in damages?

A. I would have to review the affidavit and the documents to give you the exact figure. Q. Well, there was an affidavit filed originally when there was -- initially in the case when

there was a final summary judgment of foreclosure entered. A. Yes. Q. Okay. Would you like to review that? A. Yes. That would be -- I believe I signed it as well. Q. Okay. So you didn't review any other documentation about financial records or balance due?

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A. Well, yes. Oh, yes. I did. Yes, I did. I reviewed the payment history and I reviewed the screens that indicated and supported the affidavit that I signed.

Q. Okay. So the amount that the plaintiff is seeking is based to some extent on that initial affidavit that was filed? A. It would be. Of course, there would be interest added and any other additional attorney fees. But yes, that would be correct. And I believe it's somewhere in the range of 357,500.

Q. Okay. If you look at, this is Exhibit 6 and page two, there is -- this is actually the final summary judgment of foreclosure and this is the amount that was awarded in that case. The unpaid principal balance appears 287,900.

A. Yes, that is correct. Q. You agree with that number? A. Yes, I do. That is what I did review in our records. Q. And how would your -- how would you arrive at that number? How was that number calculated? A. Specifically I don't know what your Florida Court Reporting 561-689-0999

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question is. It's in our records and those records are maintained and entered in on a regular basis by individuals who have knowledge.

So I am not quite sure what your question is.

Q. My question is is the plaintiff is suing our client for an amount of unpaid principal balance of $287,900. How does the plaintiff arrive at the number 287,900 as the unpaid principal balance?

A. Well, I don't know exactly how it's arrived at because we use software that would calculate all that information. But it would be based on the payments that the customer had made and any kind of reduction to the principal balance. But that is the amount. That is the unpaid principal balance.

Q. Okay. So you do not by hand or by personal calculations figure out the amount of the unpaid principal balance? A. No. Q. It comes from the computer? A. Well, it comes from the records that are kept by Select Portfolio Servicing. Q. Okay. And the accrued -- referring to Florida Court Reporting 561-689-0999

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Exhibit 6, the accrued interest, the second line in there is $20,823.49.

Would you agree with that number?

A. Yes. At the time this was done I would agree with that. Of course, there would be more since then. MR. WEITZ: I just want to clarify one thing for the record. There was some talk of an exhibit being an affidavit. This is not the affidavit.


MR. WEITZ: This is the final judgment.

MS. JACK: Final judgment, yes.

MR. WEITZ: Just want that clear.


Q. Sure. How do you come -- arrive at the number or the amount of interest that is accrued and owing? A. Well, again, that's calculated with, you know, sophisticated software that helps determine that. That is not a calculation by hand. Q. Okay. Do you know whether this note was a fixed rate or an adjustable rate? A. It was an adjustable rate mortgage. Q. And your software would have taken into consideration adjustments in rate -Florida Court Reporting 561-689-0999

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A. Yes. Q. -- for determining -A. Yes. Q. Is there any independent verification system for the numbers and amounts that are given to you by your software for the balance and the interest? A. At what point in the life of the loan are you referring to? Q. I would say across the life of the loan. Is there any way to -- for your system, whether it's manual or a computer, to verify that -- or to quality control, so to speak, that the numbers in the system do in fact reflect payments from the consumer or adjustments in interest? Is there a quality control system?

A. Yes. Upon boarding the loan into our system all of that is validated and our software is calibrated correctly to verify that information. We use a standard form of mortgage software that's common in the industry to do so. On top of that our company does have extensive quality controls on


Q. What's the name of your -- the computer system or the software? A. It's called MSP, Mortgage Servicing Florida Court Reporting 561-689-0999

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Platform. It's a commonly used system in the industry.

Q. And is that the system that your company has used since you began servicing this loan? A. Yes, that's correct. Q. Do you know what other amount -- you can refer to Exhibit 6, that list of the amounts that go into coming up to the final total judgment. And do you know if there are other amounts that are -- not amounts. Other items that may be considered in the final judgment that are not on this list?

Is there property inspection fees? Can you think of anything else that is not in this list that could be part of the total judgment?

A. Yes. There could be a BPO or an inspection or two. In my review of the records I did notice a BPO and a couple of inspections.

Q. Okay. Do you have access to the origination file for this loan? A. It's possible that we have origination docs, and I could have access to that if we do have them. Q. Okay. Just going to go back to the interest for one more minute. In terms of calculating the interest do you

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know whether your system -- how it determines what the interest -- what interest should be charged on an adjustable rate mortgage to determine what the final amount -- the total judgment owed is?

In other words, does it -- well, let me ask it more broadly.

Do you know how your system determines, how it calculates the interest on an adjustable rate mortgage to come up with a total judgment amount that is owed?

A. Well, I am not an expert in the IT world, so I couldn't give you the programming ins and outs as to how that's calculated. However, we have an entire department and we have qualified people that do run the computer system and enter in the correct information to calculate that.

Q. So as far as you know in order for the computer system to determine the correct rate of interest across the life of an adjustable rate loan it would require manual entry? A. Well, as I indicated to you, I am not an expert in the IT department and how it's entered in. I just know that it's extremely sophisticated hardware and programs that do calculate these things correctly. Florida Court Reporting 561-689-0999

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Q. Referring again to Exhibit 6 at page two, do you note there are escrow amounts related to this? A. Specifically taxes, insurance? Q. Yes. A. Yes, there are. Q. There are. Okay. Do you have any idea what those amounts would be currently? A. Well, again, I would have to review documents to tell me specifically. But the range that I did review was a little over $8,000 for both insurance and taxes. Again, specifically I would have to review my records in front of me.

Q. Do you know if an affidavit of amounts due and owing has been prepared subsequent to the -A. I don't know that it was subsequent or not. I would have to review the date. MS. JACK: Okay. I think that's it. I don't have any further questions.


MR. WEITZ: We don't have any questions.

I guess we will read. (Thereupon, at 2:54 p.m. the foregoing proceedings were concluded.)

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I, Phillip W. Loter, the undersigned authority, certify that DIANE WEINBERGER personally appeared before me and was duly sworn.

WITNESS my hand and official seal this 14th day of July 2011. (Signer's identity unknown) Signed by Phillip Loter <[email protected]> Time: 2011.07.15 13:57:46 -04'00' Reason: I am the author of this document and attest to the integrity of this document. Location: West Palm Beach, FL

_______________________________ Phillip W. Loter Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission #DD0858406 Expires: April 8, 2013

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I, Phillip W. Loter, Registered Merit Reporter, do hereby certify that I was authorized to and did stenographically report the foregoing deposition; and that the transcript is a true and correct transcription of the testimony given by the witness.

I further certify that I am not a relative, employee, attorney or counsel of any of the parties, nor am I a relative or employee of any of the parties' attorney or counsel connected with the action, nor am I financially interested in the action.

Dated this 14th day of July 2011. (Signer's identity unknown) Signed by Phillip Loter <[email protected]> Time: 2011.07.15 13:57:49 -04'00' Reason: I am the author of this document and attest to the integrity of this document. Location: West Palm Beach, FL

Phillip W. Loter, RMR

Florida Court Reporting 561-689-0999

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