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Gear-UP: Your Gateway to SMART INDIA HACKATHON -2022

Student Research and Project Cell –Division of Innovation and Entrepreneurship under the
Wings of Student Welfare presents Gear-UP, 2022: Your Gateway to Smart India
Hackathon 2022. SMART INDIA HACKATHON (SIH) 2022 is a nationwide initiative to
provide students a platform to solve some of pressing problems we face in our daily lives, and
thus inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem solving. The last edition
of the hackathon saw over 5 million+ students from various engineering colleges compete for
the top prize at 35+ locations. In SIH 2022, the students would also have the opportunity to
work on challenges faced within the private sector organisations and create world class
solutions for some of the top companies in the world, thus helping the Private sector hire the
best minds from across the nation.

* Smart Communication – Designing device which would help in easing communication
1channels between various communication devices and points.
* Healthcare & Biomedical devices – Designing devices that would help in managing
healthcare better.
* Agriculture & Rural Development – Designing devices keeping in mind the need to
enhance the primary sector of India – Agriculture and the lives of our Rural Population.
* Smart Vehicles – Creating intelligent devices to improve commutation facilities, quality of
travel experience and overall travel safety features hardware.
* Food Technology – Creating state of art solutions to manage and process our agriculture
* Waste management - Solutions could be in the form of waste segregation, disposal, and
improved transportation system.
* Renewable Energy - Innovative ideas that help manage and generate renewable sources
more efficiently.
* Robotics and Drones - There is a need design drones and robots that can solve some of the
pressing challenges of India such as handling medical emergencies, search and rescue
operations, etc.
* Clean water - Creating state-of-the-art devices to improve distribution, management and
purification of water.
* Security & Surveillance - Creating state-of-the-art safety and security technologies for
Miscellaneous - Technology ideas in tertiary sectors like Hospitality, Financial Services,
Entertainment, Tourism and Retail.

Round 2: The Prototype Presentation Showcase Round

 The selected team from Round 1 will have to showcase their project (hardware or
software category).
 The Presentation must be be prepare as per the Format given by the SIH -2022 team
 Each team will have 10 minutes for the presentation.
 The presentation will be followed by 3-5 minutes for Q&A Round.
 The prototype/solution must be in correlation with the problem statement given in the
 Student must include the video of their working model of prototype in the PPT.
Note 1: The top 5 finalist from each category of Hardware and Software will directly get
nominated for Smart India Hackathon-2022 to represent our university at national level.
Note 2: The nominated teams will have to come to University for attending a Boot camp.

Evaluation Criteria:
 Evaluation criteria will include factors like Progress of the Idea, Feasibility of
Prototype, Novelty, Overall Impact, Technicality
 The decision of Judges will be final and will not be subjected to any change.

Guidelines for Participation

1. Each team would comprise of 6 members including the team leader.
2. Each team must have AT LEAST ONE FEMALE TEAM MEMBER.
3. As the software edition of the hackathon is digital product development competition,
majority of the team members MUST be well versed with programming skills. For
the hardware edition, we encourage multi-disciplinary teams – which means your
team should have a good mix of Mechanical Engineers, Electronic Engineers,
Product Designers and Programmers.
4. Select the category and Problem statement at the given link:

5. The problem statement and code must be from the problem statement provided in the
attached link.
6. The team name should be unique and MUST NOT contain the name of your institute
in any form.
7. A team can make multiple idea submissions for different problem statements under
the same team name
8. Team members CANNOT be associated with multiple teams in parallel!
9. Idea submission must be made by the Team Leader only.
10. Submission dates should be strictly followed. No exceptions will be made.
11. Only those teams that are authenticated by College SPOCs are allowed to make
idea submission.
12. Round 2 will be conducted in Blended Mode.
13. The entry of students in campus as per the COVID-19 guidelines circulated by
14. Any non-adherence to the aforementioned Guidelines will lead to the
disqualification of the team

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