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Monthly Update

November 2022

Work Order Overview

The Water Division has begun tracking the work order status and staffing levels on a monthly basis. The chart below is a
summary for this month. The chart and table provide data including:
New Work Orders represents the number of work orders received in the month.
Resolved Work Orders represents the number of work orders completed in the month.
Work Order Backlog includes the number of work orders in “open” status in Cityworks. The backlog total may
include cancelled or closed work orders not included in the resolved work order total.
Staffing numbers provide the current number of filled positions for Water Distribution Operators or field
staff. This includes Operators, Foremen, and Supervisors - total of 98 positions.

Our goal is to continue a downward trend on the overall open work orders. This is dependent on staffing levels
increasing and supplementing field operations with contractor support.
*Adjustments include cancelled WOs, delayed data capture, WOs
created after work is done and changes in WO statuses over time

Work Order Trend

3,000 37
2,500 35
2,000 33
1,500 31

1,000 29
500 27

0 25
Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 22 Aug Sep Oct Nov
22 22 22 22 22 22 22
21 22 22 22
New WOs Closed WOs Adj* WO Backlog Staff

New Resolved WO
Adj.* Staff
WOs WOs Backlog
Dec 21 596 564 22 4,057 34
Jan 22 703 470 187 4,103 33
Feb 22 604 442 110 4,155 32
Mar 22 997 860 425 3,867 33
Apr 22 761 1,033 95 3,500 36
May 22 987 807 366 3,314 39
Jun 22 783 824 156 3,117 41
Jul 22 743 686 203 2,971 42
Aug 22 1,037 759 202 3,047 42
Sep 22 970 971 156 2,890 41
Oct 22 788 894 108 2676 41
Nov 22 627 611 72 2620 43

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