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Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade: ______________________________________ Section: ___________________

Quarter: II Week: 9 SSLM No. 1 MELC(s): Welcome and Greet Guests

Ø Objectives: 1. Identify the procedure in welcoming and greeting guests; and
2. Create a script/spiel in welcoming and greeting the guests.
Ø Title of Textbook/LM to Study: Food and Beverage Services Manual
Ø Chapter: None Pages:103-106 Topic: Welcoming and Greeting Guests Procedures

Let Us Discover

The guests' arrival in the dining room or restaurant is just about as significant as the
meal itself. It's also really significant that you accept and welcome guests appropriately since
this will affect their dining experience. Guests will not visit to dine at the restaurant again if you
do not handle them well.
Welcoming and Greeting Procedures
1. When the guests arrive, open the door (if there is one). Walk towards the guest, make a
friendly eye contact and greet them with a warm welcome. Address them with an adequate
greeting at the time of the day.
00:00 - 11:59 "Good morning"
12:00 - 6:59 "Good afternoon"
7:00 - 12:59 "Good evening"
Tactfully say: "Good morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Ma’am. Welcome to ROMHUN
2. If known, use the guest's name. Try to call the guest by name.
Tactfully say: "Good morning/afternoon/evening, Mr./Ms (Guest’s name). Welcome to
(restaurant’s name)”.
3. As they come into the dining room or restaurant, be mindful of the guests. By making eye
Tactfully say: “I'm going to be back with you right away," or a simple hand gesture or smile
will do. If you are still busy with another guest, acknowledge the new guest.
To prevent embarrassment on the part of the customer, it is very important that
guests are recognized immediately. Also, you have made them feel important by
automatically remembering them.
4. Much further than possible, provide assistance to the guests. Ask if they need help (e.g.
folding umbrellas, removing the coat, among others). Helping guests build a welcoming
5. Check every form of reservation. Ask respectfully why they've got a reservation. Ask the
guest's names and escort them to the reserved table if they do so.
Tactfully say: “A moment please Ma’am/Sir. I’ll check your reservation”.

1 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

“Ma’am/Sir, we have reserved a table for you. A table is good for two. Non
smoking and your preferred location near the window.”
Making sure they prepare their table in advance. If the guest has no reservation,
tell how many are dining and ask in the dining room/restaurant for their selected section
(e.g. smoking or non-smoking, by the window, corner table, among others and even ask
them to wait while checking the availability of the tables.
Tactfully say: “Where would you like to seat Ma’am/Sir, near the window, center of the
dining or at the veranda? Which would you prefer smoking or non smoking area?”
6. If there is no table available, tell the guests respectfully and ask them if they can wait in
the lounge for a while. To prevent any bad impression from the guests, be truthful about
the period of the waiting time or duration. Explain to the guests that in a few minutes there
will be a table available or that the tables are being cleared and prepared at present. You
can offer free drinks if you anticipate a long waiting time or duration, and lead them to a
place where they can wait comfortably. Accompany them to the table promptly until a table
is available. Guide the guests up to the table. When leading the guests to their table, do
not walk too quickly. Say to the guest: "Madam/Sir, this way please" with open palms.
When escorting them to their table, walk a little forward. Then, once they are seated, assist
7. For the guest, pull out the chair (ladies first). Next, assist the guest with the captain's waiter.
8. When the captain waiter or the waiter approaches the guest table to offer the beverages
before dinner, the hostess/receptionist leaves the table.
9. Customers with special needs.
Guests may also have special needs and a basic observation would be
established. A lot of these. Don't wait to be asked if you think there's a particular reason
to do so.Proactive and offer it to the guests. These special needs currently include but are
not limited to:
• Convenient access to the table for disabled guests.
• Boost seat/high chair for infants.
• Warmer baby bottle equipment.
• Details regarding the reservation.
• Privacy for romantic couples and corporate people – as much as possible.
10. Bar Service: before going to their table and/or waiting for a vacant ready table, it might be
necessary to give guests the bar facilities.

Basic Phraseologies for Welcoming and Greeting Guests

As a beginner, here are the basic phraseologies that you can follow before you can
properly welcome and greet the guests.
• Welcoming the guests
Tactfully say: “Good morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Ma’am or Mr._____ or Ms. _____.
Welcome to _____ (name of the restaurant).
• If reservations have been made, make sure the table is already prepared. Tactfully say,
“Mr/Ms. ____,We have prepared a nice table for your party. This way please way".
• If there is no reservation made, tactfully say,
“Sir/madam, how many are we expecting in the party? or Do you have any
companions? This way please.”
• Guests are led with open palms to their table. Tactfully say, “This way please”.
• Before the guests sit at the table, tactfully say,
“Is this table going to be good for you?” or “Will this table be alright for you?”
• Welcome him back whether the guest is a patron or a regular customer. Tactfully say:
“Welcome back Mr./Ms. (guest’s name). We’re glad to see you again, Ma’am/Sir”

2 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

• If the outlet is full and there is no table available. Sincerely say,
“I’am sorry Ma’am/Sir, but at this moment all the tables are occupied.” Or
“My apology Ma’am/Sir, but the seats are taken/occupied at the moment. Would you
mind waiting for about (time:minutes) in the lounge and I’m going to call you the
moment we have a table available for you.”
• Do not say, “I am sorry, but all tables were occupied at this moment.”
• If the waiter or Food and Beverage Service Attendant (FBSA) is not yet available to assist
the guest, the receptionist will inform the guests. Tactfully say:
“Our Food Attendant will be with you in a short while.”
• At a banquet, when the anticipated number of guests reaches and all seats are occupied.
Tactfully say:
“I am sorry Ma’am/Sir. We have an unexpected rise in the number of guests and all seats
are already occupied. Would you mind waiting for about (time:minutes) in the lounge and
our waiter will be with you in a short while.”
• Do not say, “I am sorry but we’re full” as there might be sears that will soon be vacated.

D. Let Us Try

Directions: Read the following test items carefully and choose the correct answer from the
given choices. Write your answer before each number.
1. Which of the following is the proper procedure in welcoming the guests?
A. Greet them with a pleasant smile and call a waiter.
B. Greet them according to the hour of the day and welcome them with smile through
mentioning the name of your restaurant.
C. Greet them according to the hour of the day and welcome them by mentioning
their name then introduce yourself politely and with smile.
D. Greet them and welcome them politely and with smile and ask if they will eat in
your restaurant.
2. One of the guests entered the restaurant, however, all the tables were already
occupied. As a receptionist, what will you say to the guest?
A. "I'm sorry sir/ma'am, we are fully occupied"
B. "My apology sir/ma'am but all seats are occupied at the moment. Would you like
waiting at the lounge and I'll call the moment we have a table available for you."
C. “I’m sorry sir/ma’am but all seats are full at this moment, would you like to have a
drink while waiting?” Do towards a west who claims a confirmed booking.
D. "My apology sir/ma'am but all seats are taken at the moment. Would you mind
waiting at the lounge for five minutes and I'll call the moment we have a table
available for you?"

3. Which of the following is PROPER in seating the guest?

A. Before seating the guest, lay down his/her table napkin first.
B. Before seating the guest, present the menu with pleasant smile.
C. Before seating the guest ask him/her if the table is approved to him/her.
D. Before seating the guest, wipe the seat first before allowing him/her to seat.

3 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

4. Which of the following is appropriate to say if the customer has no reservation?
A. “Table for two or three?”
B. “Table for how many persons, Sir/Ma’am?”
C. “May I know how many are we expecting, Sir/Ma’am?”
D. “All of the above”

5. Who welcome the guests and greets them upon their arrival?
A. Head Waiter B. Manager C. Owner D. Receptionist

6. Which of the following is PROPER in escorting the guest?

A. Let the guest to follow the receptionist going to his/her table.
B. The receptionist guide the guest on his/her way to his/her table.
C. Wave your hand and approach the customer and lead the way to his table.
D. Hold the arm of the guest and make it sure that he/she is safe going to his/her.

7. Which is IMPROPER in seating the guest?

A. Before seating the guest, apply pull and push.
B. After escorting and seating the guests at their table, introduce yourself.
C. Let him/her seat and make sure that the table is clean and arrange well.
D. After seating the guest ask him/her the permission to lay down his/her table

8. What should be achieved by a certain restaurant staff to boost profits before the
actual order is made?
A. Individually distribute menus to guests
B. Ask guest water preference after seating
C. Utilize suggestive selling during order taking
D. Offer the drink list with the host after seating

9. What other way can you do towards a guest who claims a confirmed booking when
in fact they never made one?
A. Adopt the stance that says “If we can’t find your booking, you didn’t make on.
B. Apologize profusely, and offer another session of a meal if and only if you have
C. Decline the guest form dining in your restaurant and notify that they have not
created one
D. Honestly inform the guest that you are into computerized system a no results were
found under their name

10. When asking the guest table permission before seating, how else can you state an
appropriate standard spiel?
A. Is this table ok, Ma'am/Sir?
B. Will, you want this seat, Ma'am/sir?
C. What about Ma'am/sir seating up here?
D. Is this table going to be perfect for you, ma'am/sir?

4 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

Let Us Do

Directions: Arrange in correct sequence the script in welcoming and seating guests. Write
your answers in the boxes provided. Write the first step in the first box, and so on until
the last step.
Ø “Do you have any reservation made? “
Ø “May I lay your napkin on your lap?”
Ø “We have a prepared nice table for you Ma’am/Sir. “
Ø “Will this table be alright for you Ma’am/Sir? “
Ø “Good Morning Ma’am/Sir! Welcome to GENSAN restaurant.”
Ø “Have a seat Ma’am/Sir.”
Ø “Good for how many person/s Ma’am/Sir?”
Ø “Here’s your ice cold water Ma’am/Sir?”
Ø “This way please.”
Ø “Here’s our menu for your selection Ma’am/Sir.”











5 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

Let Us Apply

Directions: Write a spiel following the below scenario, and apply what you have learned.
Place your spiel on your answer sheet.
Scenario: A party of young women is preparing to dine at the ROMHUN Restaurant without
advance reservation notice. Unfortunately, it was discovered that there were still no
tables available as the receptionist checked the floor plan. What's the right decision
you can make as a receptionist.


I am a receptionist! Rubric:
Very Needs
CRITERIA Excellent Satisfactory
Satisfactory Improvement Total
(4 points) (2 points)
(3 points) (1 point)
Guests are acknowledged as
soon as they arrive.
Guests are greeted with an
appropriate welcome.
Detailed of reservations are
checked based on
established standard policy.


CG TLE Food and Beverage Services: Code: TLE_HEFBS9-12GO-IIa-b-1 pp. 10-11

TVL Food and Beverage Services 12 Learning Activity Sheets week 1 Quarter 2. Welcome
and Greet Guest.

SSLM Development Team

Writer: Honey Marie Lovelyy R. Lacap, RN, LPT
Content Editors: Richelle P. Tumaning; Fernando P. Ampo
LR Evaluator: Fretch H. Nocete; Irene B. Brasileño
Illustrator: None
Creative Arts Designer: Reggie D. Galindez
Education Program Supervisor: EPP/TLE/TVL, Amalia C. Caballes
Education Program Supervisor – Learning Resources: Sally A. Palomo
Curriculum Implementation Division Chief: Juliet F. Lastimosa
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Carlos G. Susarno, Ph. D.
Schools Division Superintendent: Romelito G. Flores, CESO V

6 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 9, 2021

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