Earth Sci Fidp (g11)

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SY 2021 – 2022

Grade & Section: Grade 11 St. Pius V Core Subject/Subject Title: Earth Science Semester: 1st No. of Hours/Semester 40 hrs.

Prerequisites (if needed): __________________________

Core Subject Description: This learning area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of the Earth on a planetary scale. It presents the history of the
Earth through geologic time. It discusses the Earth’s structure and composition, the processes that occur beneath and on the Earth’s surface, as well as issues, concerns, and
problems pertaining to Earth’s resources.

Culminating Performance Standard: (1) The learner should able to make a photographic essay which may use for the campaign in conserving and protecting the Earth’s natural
resources for future generations. (2) The learner should be able to make a simple map showing places where erosion and landslides may pose risks in the community.

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?

Content/ Content Most Essential No. Performanc Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Highest Enabling Strategy
Topic Standards Topics of e Assess to Use in Developing the
Day Standards Highest Thinking Skill to
s Assess
Comple KUD Most Dominic RBT Level Flexible Enabling Flexible
te CLASSIFICATI Essenti an Core Assessmen General Learning
ON al Values t Activities Strategy Strategy
1st Quarter
Origin and The learner MELC1. The learner
Structure of demonstrate Describe the should able Situational Interactive
the Earth s characteristics to make a U Applying Applicatio Connection Class
understandi of Earth that plan that ns (Short- Discussion
ng are necessary the response
of . . . to support life community essay)
1. the may use to
formation of MELC2. conserve
the universe Explain that and protect
and the solar the Earth its
system 2. the consists of resources
subsystems four in K Excellenc Understandi Article Representatio Simple
(geosphere, subsystems, geosphere, e ng Anlysis n Guided
hydrosphere across whose hydrospher Activity
, boundaries e,
atmosphere, matter and atmospher
and energy flow e, and
biosphere) biosphere
that make for future
up the Earth generations

1. the three
Earth main MELC3.
Materials categories of Identify
and rocks common rock- Short-
Processes 2. the origin forming K Understandi response Representatio Interactive
and minerals ng Quiz n Reading
environment using their
of formation physical and
of common chemical
minerals properties
and rocks
3. the MELC4.
various Classify rocks 10-item
sources of into igneous, K Joy Understandi Quiz Representatio Interactive
energy sedimentary, ng n Class
(fossil fuels, and Discussion
geothermal, metamorphic
4. the MELC5. Video
amount of Identify the Analysis
usable water minerals U Analyzing Communicati Interactive
resources on important to on Lecture
Earth society with
5. the Picture
distribution MELC6. Interpretati
of arable Describe how Reflective on
land on ore minerals Essay
Earth are found, U Excellenc Applying Connection Interactive
6. waste mined, and e Group
generation processed for Discussion
and human use
t MELC7.
Describe how
fossil fuels are K Understandi Descriptiv Representatio Interactive
formed ng e Essay n Class
Explain how
heat from
inside the
(geothermal) U Excellenc Applying Situational Connection Interactive
and from e Applicatio Class
flowing water ns (Short- Discussion
(hydroelectric) response
is tapped as a essay)
source of
energy for
human use

MELC9. K Understandi 10-item Representatio Simple

Identify the ng Quiz n Guided
various water Home
resources on Activity

Explain how
activities U Truth Applying Reflective Connection Home
affect the Essay Activity
quality and (Worksheet
availability of s)
water for
human use
activities, such
as farming, U
construction Applying Picture Connection Interactive
of structures, Analysis Group
and waste Discussion
disposal, that
affect the
quality and
quantity of

Give ways of
conserving U Joy Applying Situational Connection Simple
and protecting Analysis Guided
the soil for Home
future Activity

Describe how
different types
of waste
(solid, liquid, U Excellenc Applying Predict, Connection Article
and gaseous) e Observe, Analysis
as they make Explain
use of various (POE) with
materials and reflective
resources in essay
everyday life

Explain how
different types
of waste affect U Truth Applying Reflective Connection Interactive
people’s Essay Class
health and the Discussion

2nd Quarter
Earth The learner MELC1. The learner
Processes demonstrate Describe how should be
s rocks undergo able to K Understandi Descriptiv Representatio Interactive
understandi weathering make a ng e Essay n lecture
ng simple
of . . . MELC2. map
1.geologic Explain why showing
processes the Earth’s places K Joy Understandi Short- Representatio Reporting
that occur interior is hot where ng response n
on the erosion Quiz
surface of MELC3. and
the Earth Describe what landslides U Analyzing Video Communicati Interactive
such as happens after may pose Analysis on Discussion
weathering, magma is risks in the
erosion, formed community
wasting, and MELC4.
sedimentatio Describe the
n changes in
2. geologic mineral U Excellenc Applying Situational Connection Interactive
processes components e Applicatio Discussion
that occur and texture of ns (Short- with
within the rocks due to response Reporting
Earth changes in essay)
3. folding pressure and
and faulting temperature
of rocks (metamorphis
4. the m)
structure of MELC5.
the Earth Describe how K Understandi Descriptiv Representatio Group
5. rocks behave ng e Essay n Work
continental under (Online
drift different types Discussion)
6. seafloor of stress such
spreading as
pulling apart,
and shearing

Explain how K Truth Understandi 10-item Representatio Simple
seafloor ng Quiz n Guided
spreads Activity

Describe the
structure and K Understandi Supply- Representatio Home
evolution of ng type n Activity
ocean basins Questions (Worksheet
Explain how
the movement
of plates leads U Excellenc Analyzing Photo Communicati Interactive
to the e Essay on Discussion
formation of with
folds, faults, Picture
trenches, Interpretati
volcanoes, rift on
valleys, and
1. relative
and absolute MELC9.
History of dating Describe how K Joy Understandi Short- Representatio Simple
the Earth 2. the major layers of rocks ng response n Guided
subdivisions (stratified Quiz Home
of geologic rocks) are Activity
time formed
index MELC10.
fossils) Describe the
3. how the different U Truth Analyzing Supply- Communicati Interactive
planet Earth methods type on Worksheets
evolved in (relative and questions
the last 4.6 absolute mini
billion years dating) of reflection
determining task
the age of

Explain how
relative and
dating were U Applying Reflective Connection Interactive
used to Essay Class
determine the Discussion
of geologic

Describe how
index fossils
(also known
as guide
fossils) are U Excellenc Analyzing Video Communicati Reporting
used to define e Analysis on
and identify
of the geologic
time scale

Describe the
history of the
Earth through K Understandi 10-item Representatio Interactive
geologic time ng Quiz n Class

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