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Efficient Low-rank Multimodal Fusion with Modality-Specific Factors

Zhun Liu∗ , Ying Shen∗ , Varun Bharadhwaj Lakshminarasimhan,

Paul Pu Liang, Amir Zadeh, Louis-Philippe Morency
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University

Abstract as well as speaker trait analysis and media descrip-

tion (Park et al., 2014a) have seen a great boost
Multimodal research is an emerging field in performance with developments in multimodal
arXiv:1806.00064v1 [cs.AI] 31 May 2018

of artificial intelligence, and one of the research.

main research problems in this field is mul-
However, a core research challenge yet to be
timodal fusion. The fusion of multimodal
solved in this domain is multimodal fusion. The
data is the process of integrating multiple
goal of fusion is to combine multiple modalities
unimodal representations into one compact
to leverage the complementarity of heterogeneous
multimodal representation. Previous re-
data and provide more robust predictions. In this
search in this field has exploited the ex-
regard, an important challenge has been on scaling
pressiveness of tensors for multimodal rep-
up fusion to multiple modalities while maintaining
resentation. However, these methods often
reasonable model complexity. Some of the recent
suffer from exponential increase in dimen-
attempts (Fukui et al., 2016), (Zadeh et al., 2017)
sions and in computational complexity in-
at multimodal fusion investigate the use of tensors
troduced by transformation of input into
for multimodal representation and show significant
tensor. In this paper, we propose the Low-
improvement in performance. Unfortunately, they
rank Multimodal Fusion method, which
are often constrained by the exponential increase
performs multimodal fusion using low-rank
of cost in computation and memory introduced by
tensors to improve efficiency. We evaluate
using tensor representations. This heavily restricts
our model on three different tasks: mul-
the applicability of these models, especially when
timodal sentiment analysis, speaker trait
we have more than two views of modalities in the
analysis, and emotion recognition. Our
model achieves competitive results on all
In this paper, we propose the Low-rank Mul-
these tasks while drastically reducing com-
timodal Fusion, a method leveraging low-rank
putational complexity. Additional experi-
weight tensors to make multimodal fusion efficient
ments also show that our model can per-
without compromising on performance. The over-
form robustly for a wide range of low-rank
all architecture is shown in Figure 1. We evalu-
settings, and is indeed much more efficient
ated our approach with experiments on three mul-
in both training and inference compared to
timodal tasks using public datasets and compare
other methods that utilize tensor represen-
its performance with state-of-the-art models. We
also study how different low-rank settings impact
1 Introduction the performance of our model and show that our
model performs robustly within a wide range of
Multimodal research has shown great progress in a rank settings. Finally, we perform an analysis of
variety of tasks as an emerging research field of arti- the impact of our method on the number of param-
ficial intelligence. Tasks such as speech recognition eters and run-time with comparison to other fusion
(Yuhas et al., 1989), emotion recognition, (De Silva methods. Through theoretical analysis, we show
et al., 1997), (Chen et al., 1998), (Wöllmer et al., that our model can scale linearly in the number of
2013), sentiment analysis, (Morency et al., 2011) modalities, and our experiments also show a corre-

equal contributions sponding speedup in training when compared with
!" ("
Audio Low-rank Representation
!& (& Multimodal Prediction Task output
# Fusion
%& ℎ
!' ('
%' Low-rank factors Low-rank factors Low-rank factors

+ +⋯+ 1 ∘ + +⋯+ 1 ∘ + + ⋯+ 1
# # #
(,) (.) (/) (,) (.) (/) (,) (.) (/)
*" *" *" %" *& *& *& %& *' *' *' %'

Figure 1: Overview of our Low-rank Multimodal Fusion model structure: LMF first obtains the unimodal
representation za , zv , zl by passing the unimodal inputs xa , xv , xl into three sub-embedding networks
fv , fa , fl respectively. LMF produces the multimodal output representation by performing low-rank
multimodal fusion with modality-specific factors. The multimodal representation can be then used for
generating prediction tasks.

other tensor-based models. concatenated features as input, sometimes even re-

The main contributions of our paper are as fol- moving the temporal dependency present in the
lows: modalities (Morency et al., 2011). The drawback
of this class of method is that although it achieves
• We propose the Low-rank Multimodal Fusion fusion at an early stage, intra-modal interactions
method for multimodal fusion that can scale are potentially suppressed, thus losing out on the
linearly in the number of modalities. context and temporal dependencies within each
• We show that our model compares to state-of- On the other hand, late fusion builds sepa-
the-art models in performance on three multi- rate models for each modality and then integrates
modal tasks evaluated on public datasets. the outputs together using a method such as ma-
jority voting or weighted averaging (Wortwein
• We show that our model is computationally
and Scherer, 2017), (Nojavanasghari et al., 2016).
efficient and has fewer parameters in compari-
Since separate models are built for each modality,
son to previous tensor-based methods.
inter-modal interactions are usually not modeled
2 Related Work
Given these shortcomings, more recent work
Multimodal fusion enables us to leverage comple- focuses on intermediate approaches that model
mentary information present in multimodal data, both intra- and inter-modal dynamics. Fukui et al.
thus discovering the dependency of information on (2016) proposes to use Compact Bilinear Pooling
multiple modalities. Previous studies have shown over the outer product of visual and linguistic repre-
that more effective fusion methods translate to bet- sentations to exploit the interactions between vision
ter performance in models, and there’s been a wide and language for visual question answering. Sim-
range of fusion methods. ilar to the idea of exploiting interactions, Zadeh
Early fusion is a technique that uses feature et al. (2017) proposes Tensor Fusion Network,
concatenation as the method of fusion of differ- which computes the outer product between uni-
ent views. Several works that use this method of modal representations from three different modal-
fusion (Poria et al., 2016) , (Wang et al., 2016) ities to compute a tensor representation. These
use input-level feature concatenation and use the methods exploit tensor representations to model
inter-modality interactions and have shown a great H where V1 , V2 , ..., VM are the vector spaces of
success. However, such methods suffer from expo- input modalities and H is the output vector space.
nentially increasing computational complexity, as Given a set of vector representations, {zm }M m=1
the outer product over multiple modalities results in which are encoding unimodal information of the
extremely high dimensional tensor representations. M different modalities, the goal of multimodal
For unimodal data, the method of low-rank ten- fusion is to integrate the unimodal representations
sor approximation has been used in a variety of into one compact multimodal representation for
applications to implement more efficient tensor op- downstream tasks.
erations. Razenshteyn et al. (2016) proposes a mod- Tensor representation is one successful approach
ified weighted version of low-rank approximation, for multimodal fusion. It first requires a transfor-
and Koch and Lubich (2010) applies the method mation of the input representations into a high-
towards temporally dependent data to obtain low- dimensional tensor and then mapping it back to a
rank approximations. As for applications, Lei et al. lower-dimensional output vector space. Previous
(2014) proposes a low-rank tensor technique for works have shown that this method is more effec-
dependency parsing while Wang and Ahuja (2008) tive than simple concatenation or pooling in terms
uses the method of low-rank approximation applied of capturing multimodal interactions (Zadeh et al.,
directly on multidimensional image data (Datum- 2017), (Fukui et al., 2016). Tensors are usually
as-is representation) to enhance computer vision created by taking the outer product over the input
applications. Hu et al. (2017) proposes a low-rank modalities. In addition, in order to be able to model
tensor-based fusion framework to improve the face the interactions between any subset of modalities
recognition performance using the fusion of facial using one tensor, Zadeh et al. (2017) proposed a
attribute information. However, none of these previ- simple extension to append 1s to the unimodal rep-
ous work aims to apply low-rank tensor techniques resentations before taking the outer product. The
for multimodal fusion. input tensor Z formed by the unimodal representa-
Our Low-rank Multimodal Fusion method pro- tion is computed by:
vides a much more efficient method to com- M
pute tensor-based multimodal representations with Z= ⊗ zm , zm ∈ Rd m
much fewer parameters and computational com-
where ⊗m=1 denotes the tensor outer product over
plexity. The efficiency and performance of our ap-
proach are evaluated on different downstream tasks, a set of vectors indexed by m, and zm is the input
namely sentiment analysis, speaker-trait recogni- representation with appended 1s.
tion and emotion recognition. The input tensor Z ∈ Rd1 ×d2 ×...dM is then passed
through a linear layer g(⋅) to to produce a vector
3 Low-rank Multimodal Fusion representation:
In this section, we start by formulating the problem h = g(Z; W, b) = W ⋅ Z + b, h, b ∈ Rdy (2)
of multimodal fusion and introducing fusion meth- where W is the weight of this layer and b is the
ods based on tensor representations. Tensors are bias. With Z being an order-M tensor (where
powerful in their expressiveness but do not scale M is the number of input modalities), the weight
well to a large number of modalities. Our proposed W will naturally be a tensor of order-(M + 1) in
model decomposes the weights into low-rank fac- Rd1 ×d2 ×...×dM ×dh . The extra (M + 1)-th dimension
tors, which reduces the number of parameters in corresponds to the size of the output representation
the model. This decomposition can be performed dh . In the tensor dot product W ⋅ Z, the weight ten-
efficiently by exploiting the parallel decomposition sor W can be then viewed as dh order-M tensors.
of low-rank weight tensor and input tensor to com- In other words, the weight W can be partitioned
pute tensor-based fusion. Our method is able to into W̃k ∈ Rd1 ×...×dM , k = 1, ..., dh . Each W
̃k con-
scale linearly with the number of modalities. tributes to one dimension in the output vector h, i.e.
hk = W ̃k ⋅ Z. This interpretation of tensor fusion is
3.1 Multimodal Fusion using Tensor illustrated in Figure 2 for the bi-modal case.
Representations One of the main drawbacks of tensor fusion
In this paper, we formulate multimodal fusion as is that we have to explicitly create the high-
a multilinear function f ∶ V1 × V2 × ... × VM → dimensional tensor Z. The dimensionality of Z
{{wm,k }M m=1 }i=1 are called the rank R decomposi-
!# tion factors of the original tensor.
E In LMF, we start with a fixed rank r, and pa-
⨂ R M ? = ℎ rameterize the model with r decomposition factors
E (i)
!> {{wm,k }M m=1 }i=1 , k = 1, ..., dh that can be used to

E reconstruct a low-rank version of these W ̃k .

We can regroup and concatenate these vectors
Figure 2: Tensor fusion via tensor outer product into M modality-specific low-rank factors. Let
(i) (i) (i) (i)
wm = [wm,1 , wm,2 , ..., wm,dh ], then for modality
will increase exponentially with the number of (i)
modalities as ∏M m, {wm }ri=1 is its corresponding low-rank factors.
m=1 dm . The number of parameters
to learn in the weight tensor W will also increase And we can recover a low-rank weight tensor by:
exponentially. This not only introduces a lot of r M
computation but also exposes the model to risks of W = ∑ ⊗ wm (4)
overfitting. i=1 m=1

Hence equation 2 can be computed by

3.2 Low-rank Multimodal Fusion with
r M
Modality-Specific Factors (i)
h = (∑ ⊗ wm )⋅Z (5)
As a solution to the problems of tensor-based fu- i=1 m=1
sion, we propose Low-rank Multimodal Fusion (i)
Note that for all m, wm ∈ Rdm ×dh shares the
(LMF). LMF parameterizes g(⋅) from Equation
same size for the second dimension. We define
2 with a set of modality-specific low-rank factors
their outer product to be over only the dimensions
that can be used to recover a low-rank weight ten- (i) (i)
sor, in contrast to the full tensor W. Moreover, we that are not shared: wm ⊗ wn ∈ Rdm ×dn ×dh . A
show that by decomposing the weight into a set bimodal example of this procedure is illustrated in
of low-rank factors, we can exploit the fact that Figure 3.
the tensor Z actually decomposes into {zm }M Nevertheless, by introducing the low-rank fac-
m=1 ,
which allows us to directly compute the output h tors, we now have to compute the reconstruction
of W = ∑ri=1 ⊗m=1 wm for the forward computa-
without explicitly tensorizing the unimodal repre-
sentations. LMF reduces the number of parameters tion. Yet this introduces even more computation.
as well as the computation complexity involved 3.2.2 Efficient Low-rank Fusion Exploiting
in tensorization from being exponential in M to Parallel Decomposition
In this section, we will introduce an efficient pro-
3.2.1 Low-rank Weight Decomposition cedure for computing h, exploiting the fact that
The idea of LMF is to decompose the weight tensor tensor Z naturally decomposes into the original
W into M sets of modality-specific factors. How- input {zm }Mm=1 , which is parallel to the modality-
ever, since W itself is an order-(M + 1) tensor, specific low-rank factors. In fact, that is the main
commonly used methods for decomposition will reason why we want to decompose the weight ten-
result in M + 1 parts. Hence, we still adopt the sor into M modality-specific factors.
Using the fact that Z = ⊗m=1 zm , we can sim-
view introduced in Section 3.1 that W is formed by
dh order-M tensors W ̃k ∈ Rd1 ×...×dM , k = 1, ..., dh plify equation 5:
stacked together. We can then decompose each W ̃k r M
separately. h = (∑ ⊗ wm )⋅Z
For an order-M tensor W ̃k ∈ Rd1 ×...×dM , there i=1 m=1
r M
always exists an exact decomposition into vectors (i)
= ∑ ( ⊗ wm ⋅ Z)
in the form of: i=1 m=1
R M r M M
̃k = ∑ ⊗ w(i) , w(i) ∈ Rd (i)
W m,k m,k m (3) = ∑ ( ⊗ wm ⋅ ⊗ zm )
i=1 m=1 i=1 m=1 m=1
The minimal R that makes the decomposition valid = Λ [∑ wm ⋅ zm ] (6)
is called the rank of the tensor. The vector sets m=1 i=1
(S) (T)
!# 5# 5#
⨂ g V + + ⋯ = ℎ
!> (S) (T)
⨂ 5> ⨂ 5>

Figure 3: Decomposing weight tensor into low-rank factors (See Section 3.2.1 for details.)

where ΛM m=1 denotes the element-wise product factors into M order-3 tensors and swap the or-
over a sequence of tensors: Λ3t=1 xt = x1 ○ x2 ○ x3 . der in which we do the element-wise product and
An illustration of the trimodal case of equation 6 summation:
is shown in Figure 1. We can also derive equation r
(1) (2) (r)
6 for a bimodal case to clarify what it does: h = ∑ [ Λ [wm , wm , ..., wm ] ⋅ ẑm ] (8)
i=1 m=1 i,∶

and now the summation is done along the first di-
h= (∑ wa(i) ⊗ wv(i) ) ⋅ Z mension of the bracketed matrix. [⋅]i,∶ indicates the
i=1 i-th slice of a matrix. In this way, we can parame-
r r terize the model with M order-3 tensors, instead of
= (∑ wa(i) ⋅ za ) ○ (∑ wv(i) ⋅ zv ) (7)
i=1 i=1
parameterizing with sets of vectors.

An important aspect of this simplification is that 4 Experimental Methodology

it exploits the parallel decomposition of both Z We compare LMF with previous state-of-the-art
and W, so that we can compute h without actually baselines, and we use the Tensor Fusion Networks
creating the tensor Z from the input representa- (TFN) (Zadeh et al., 2017) as a baseline for tensor-
tions zm . In addition, different modalities are de- based approaches, which has the most similar struc-
coupled in the simplified computation of h, which ture with us except that it explicitly forms the large
allows for easy generalization of our approach to multi-dimensional tensor for fusion across different
an arbitrary number of modalities. Adding a new modalities.
modality can be simply done by adding another We design our experiments to better understand
set of modality-specific factors and extend Equa- the characteristics of LMF. Our goal is to answer
tion 7. Last but not least, Equation 6 consists of the following four research questions:
fully differentiable operations, which enables the (1) Impact of Multimodal Low-rank Fusion: Di-
parameters {wm }ri=1 m = 1, ..., M to be learned rect comparison between our proposed LMF model
end-to-end via back-propagation. and the previous TFN model.
Using Equation 6, we can compute h directly (2) Comparison with the State-of-the-art: We
from input unimodal representations and their evaluate the performance of LMF and state-of-the-
modal-specific decomposition factors, avoiding the art baselines on three different tasks and datasets.
weight-lifting of computing the large input ten- (3) Complexity Analysis: We study the modal
sor Z and W, as well as the r linear transfor- complexity of LMF and compare it with the TFN
mation. Instead, the input tensor and subsequent model.
linear projection are computed implicitly together (4) Rank Settings: We explore performance of
in Equation 6, and this is far more efficient than LMF with different rank settings.
the original method described in Section 3.1. In- The results of these experiments are presented
deed, LMF reduces the computation complexity of in Section 5.
tensorization and fusion from O(dy ∏M m=1 dm ) to
O(dy × r × ∑M d ). 4.1 Datasets
m=1 m
In practice, we use a slightly different form of We perform our experiments on the following multi-
Equation 6, where we concatenate the low-rank modal datasets, CMU-MOSI (Zadeh et al., 2016a),
Visual The library Facet1 is used to extract a set of
Level Segment Segment Video
# Train 1284 6373 600 visual features for each frame (sampled at 30Hz) in-
# Valid 229 1775 100 cluding 20 facial action units, 68 facial landmarks,
# Test 686 1807 203
head pose, gaze tracking and HOG features (Zhu
Table 1: The speaker independent data splits for et al., 2006).
training, validation, and test sets. Acoustic We use COVAREP acoustic analysis
framework (Degottex et al., 2014) to extract a set
of low-level acoustic features, including 12 Mel
POM (Park et al., 2014b), and IEMOCAP (Busso frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), pitch,
et al., 2008) for sentiment analysis, speaker traits voiced/unvoiced segmentation, glottal source, peak
recognition, and emotion recognition task, where slope, and maxima dispersion quotient features.
the goal is to identify speakers emotions based on
the speakers’ verbal and nonverbal behaviors. 4.3 Model Architecture
CMU-MOSI The CMU-MOSI dataset is a collec- In order to compare our fusion method with previ-
tion of 93 opinion videos from YouTube movie ous work, we adopt a simple and straightforward
reviews. Each video consists of multiple opinion model architecture 2 for extracting unimodal rep-
segments and each segment is annotated with the resentations. Since we have three modalities for
sentiment in the range [-3,3], where -3 indicates each dataset, we simply designed three unimodal
highly negative and 3 indicates highly positive. sub-embedding networks, denoted as fa , fv , fl , to
POM The POM dataset is composed of 903 movie extract unimodal representations za , zv , zl from uni-
review videos. Each video is annotated with the fol- modal input features xa , xv , xl . For acoustic and
lowing speaker traits: confident, passionate, voice visual modality, the sub-embedding network is a
pleasant, dominant, credible, vivid, expertise, enter- simple 2-layer feed-forward neural network, and
taining, reserved, trusting, relaxed, outgoing, thor- for language modality, we used an LSTM (Hochre-
ough, nervous, persuasive and humorous. iter and Schmidhuber, 1997) to extract represen-
IEMOCAP The IEMOCAP dataset is a collection tations. The model architecture is illustrated in
of 151 videos of recorded dialogues, with 2 speak- Figure 1.
ers per session for a total of 302 videos across the
dataset. Each segment is annotated for the presence 4.4 Baseline Models
of 9 emotions (angry, excited, fear, sad, surprised, We compare the performance of LMF to the follow-
frustrated, happy, disappointed and neutral). ing baselines and state-of-the-art models in multi-
To evaluate model generalization, all datasets are modal sentiment analysis, speaker trait recognition,
split into training, validation, and test sets such that and emotion recognition.
the splits are speaker independent, i.e., no identical Support Vector Machines Support Vector Ma-
speakers from the training set are present in the chines (SVM) (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995) is a
test sets. Table 1 illustrates the data splits for all widely used non-neural classifier. This baseline
datasets in detail. is trained on the concatenated multimodal features
for classification or regression task (Pérez-Rosas
4.2 Features et al., 2013), (Park et al., 2014a), (Zadeh et al.,
Each dataset consists of three modalities, namely 2016b).
language, visual, and acoustic modalities. To reach Deep Fusion The Deep Fusion model (DF) (No-
the same time alignment across modalities, we javanasghari et al., 2016) trains one deep neural
perform word alignment using P2FA (Yuan and model for each modality and then combine the out-
Liberman, 2008) which allows us to align the three put of each modality network with a joint neural
modalities at the word granularity. We calculate the network.
visual and acoustic features by taking the average Tensor Fusion Network The Tensor Fusion Net-
of their feature values over the word time interval work (TFN) (Zadeh et al., 2017) explicitly models
(Chen et al., 2017). view-specific and cross-view dynamics by creat-
Language We use pre-trained 300-dimensional ing a multi-dimensional tensor that captures uni-
Glove word embeddings (Pennington et al., 2014) 1
to encode a sequence of transcribed words into a 2
The source code of our model is available on Github at
sequence of word vectors.
modal, bimodal and trimodal interactions across parison reported in the last two rows of Table 2
three modalities. demonstrates that our model significantly outper-
Memory Fusion Network The Memory Fusion forms TFN across all datasets and metrics. This
Network (MFN) (Zadeh et al., 2018a) accounts for competitive performance of LMF compared to TFN
view-specific and cross-view interactions and con- emphasizes the advantage of Low-rank Multimodal
tinuously models them through time with a special Fusion.
attention mechanism and summarized through time
with a Multi-view Gated Memory. 5.2 Comparison with the State-of-the-art
Bidirectional Contextual LSTM The Bidirec- We compare our model with the baselines and state-
tional Contextual LSTM (BC-LSTM) (Zadeh et al., of-the-art models for sentiment analysis, speaker
2017), (Fukui et al., 2016) performs context- traits recognition and emotion recognition. Results
dependent fusion of multimodal data. are shown in Table 2. LMF is able to achieve com-
Multi-View LSTM The Multi-View LSTM (MV- petitive and consistent results across all datasets.
LSTM) (Rajagopalan et al., 2016) aims to capture On the multimodal sentiment regression task,
both modality-specific and cross-modality interac- LMF outperforms the previous state-of-the-art
tions from multiple modalities by partitioning the model on MAE and Corr. Note the multiclass
memory cell and the gates corresponding to multi- accuracy is calculated by mapping the range of
ple modalities. continuous sentiment values into a set of intervals
Multi-attention Recurrent Network The Multi- that are used as discrete classes.
attention Recurrent Network (MARN) (Zadeh et al., On the multimodal speaker traits Recognition
2018b) explicitly models interactions between task, we report the average evaluation score over
modalities through time using a neural component 16 speaker traits and shows that our model achieves
called the Multi-attention Block (MAB) and storing the state-of-the-art performance over all three eval-
them in the hybrid memory called the Long-short uation metrics on the POM dataset.
Term Hybrid Memory (LSTHM). On the multimodal emotion recognition task, our
4.5 Evaluation Metrics model achieves better results compared to the state-
of-the-art models across all emotions on the F1
Multiple evaluation tasks are performed during our score. F1-emotion in the evaluation metrics indi-
evaluation: multi-class classification and regres- cates the F1 score for a certain emotion class.
sion. The multi-class classification task is applied
to all three multimodal datasets, and the regres- 5.3 Complexity Analysis
sion task is applied to the CMU-MOSI and the
Theoretically, the model complexity of our fu-
POM dataset. For binary classification and multi-
sion method is O(dy × r × ∑M m=1 dm ) compared
class classification, we report F1 score and accu-
to O(dy ∏M d
m=1 m ) of TFN from Section 3.1. In
racy Acc−k where k denotes the number of classes.
practice, we calculate the total number of parame-
Specifically, Acc−2 stands for the binary classifica-
ters used in each model, where we choose M = 3,
tion. For regression, we report Mean Absolute Er-
d1 = 32, d2 = 32, d3 = 64, r = 4, dy = 1. Under
ror (MAE) and Pearson correlation (Corr). Higher
this hyper-parameter setting, our model contains
values denote better performance for all metrics
about 1.1e6 parameters while TFN contains about
except for MAE.
12.5e6 parameters, which is nearly 11 times more.
5 Results and Discussion Note that, the number of parameters above counts
not only the parameters in the multimodal fusion
In this section, we present and discuss the results stage but also the parameters in the subnetworks.
from the experiments designed to study the re- Furthermore, we evaluate the computational
search questions introduced in section 4. complexity of LMF by measuring the training and
testing speeds between LMF and TFN. Table 3
5.1 Impact of Low-rank Multimodal Fusion illustrates the impact of Low-rank Multimodal Fu-
In this experiment, we compare our model directly sion on the training and testing speeds compared
with the TFN model since it has the most similar with TFN model. Here we set rank to be 4 since
structure to our model, except that TFN explic- it can generally achieve fairly competent perfor-
itly forms the multimodal tensor fusion. The com- mance.
Metric MAE Corr Acc-2 F1 Acc-7 MAE Corr Acc F1-Happy F1-Sad F1-Angry F1-Neutral
SVM 1.864 0.057 50.2 50.1 17.5 0.887 0.104 33.9 81.5 78.8 82.4 64.9
DF 1.143 0.518 72.3 72.1 26.8 0.869 0.144 34.1 81.0 81.2 65.4 44.0
BC-LSTM 1.079 0.581 73.9 73.9 28.7 0.840 0.278 34.8 81.7 81.7 84.2 64.1
MV-LSTM 1.019 0.601 73.9 74.0 33.2 0.891 0.270 34.6 81.3 74.0 84.3 66.7
MARN 0.968 0.625 77.1 77.0 34.7 - - 39.4 83.6 81.2 84.2 65.9
MFN 0.965 0.632 77.4 77.3 34.1 0.805 0.349 41.7 84.0 82.1 83.7 69.2
TFN 0.970 0.633 73.9 73.4 32.1 0.886 0.093 31.6 83.6 82.8 84.2 65.4
LMF 0.912 0.668 76.4 75.7 32.8 0.796 0.396 42.8 85.8 85.9 89.0 71.7

Table 2: Results for sentiment analysis on CMU-MOSI, emotion recognition on IEMOCAP and personality
trait recognition on POM. Best results are highlighted in bold.

Model Training Speed (IPS) Testing Speed (IPS)

the number of rank. The results are presented in
TFN 340.74 1177.17
LMF 1134.82 2249.90 Figure 4. We observed that as the rank increases,
the training results become more and more unstable
Table 3: Comparison of the training and testing
and that using a very low rank is enough to achieve
speeds between TFN and LMF. The second and
fairly competent performance.
the third columns indicate the number of data point
inferences per second (IPS) during training and 6 Conclusion
testing time respectively. Both models are imple-
mented in the same framework with equivalent run- In this paper, we introduce a Low-rank Multi-
ning environment. modal Fusion method that performs multimodal fu-
sion with modality-specific low-rank factors. LMF
scales linearly in the number of modalities. LMF
Based on these results, performing a low-rank achieves competitive results across different mul-
multimodal fusion with modality-specific low-rank timodal tasks. Furthermore, LMF demonstrates
factors significantly reduces the amount of time a significant decrease in computational complex-
needed for training and testing the model. On an ity from exponential to linear time. In practice,
NVIDIA Quadro K4200 GPU, LMF trains with LMF effectively improves the training and testing
an average frequency of 1134.82 IPS (data point efficiency compared to TFN which performs multi-
inferences per second) while the TFN model trains modal fusion with tensor representations.
at an average of 340.74 IPS.
Future work on similar topics could explore the
5.4 Rank Settings applications of using low-rank tensors for attention
models over tensor representations, as they can be
To evaluate the impact of different rank settings for even more memory and computationally intensive.
our LMF model, we measure the change in perfor-
mance on the CMU-MOSI dataset while varying Acknowledgements
This material is based upon work partially sup-
ported by the National Science Foundation (Award
# 1833355) and Oculus VR. Any opinions, findings,
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