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Martinez vs. Lim, A.M. No.

P-04-1795, March 25, 2009


 On March 2002, Norwell R. Lim, Sheriff III of the Regional Trial Court of Romblon,
wrote a letter to the officer-in-charge of the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor
(OPP) informing that the personnel of the OPP to was to lead the flag ceremony in
the Hall of Justice that morning, but this was not done because none of them were
present during the ceremony. He wished to see all the personnel of the OPP
participate in the flag ceremony the following Monday.
 A complaint was filed by the petitioner personnel of the OPP in the Office of the
Ombudsman against Norwell, alleging that he committed grave misconduct when
he portrayed petitioner OPP personnel as unpatriotic Filipinos, tarnished their
honor, and contempt on their persons.
 Norwell explained that in the absence of the presiding judge, we was the
administrative officer-in-charge of the Hall of Justice, and so it was his duty to
require the petitioner OPP personnel to attend the flag ceremony.
 The petitioner OPP personnel filed another case against Norwell this time in
violation of P.D. 26, a law penalizing the use of envelopes intended for official
communications and papers related to the conduct of judicial proceedings. Norwell
used such envelopes to send copies of his counter-affidavit, thus not paying for the
postage stamps.
 The Office of the Ombudsman dismissed the case but referred it to the Office of the
Court Administrator (OCA)
 The OCA found no malice with Norwell’s letter to the OPP officer-in-charge, and so
dismissed the case for lack of merit.
 The petitioner OPP personnel appealed the decision to the Supreme Court.


 Was Norwell guilty of grave misconduct when he sent the letter regarding
attendance to the flag ceremony to the officer-in-charge of the OPP?
 Was Norwell guilty of violating P.D 26 or the usage of envelopes intended for free
postage for purposes not involving a court process?


 The Court ruled finding Norwell guilty of violating P.D. 26, and imposing on him a
penalty of P500, which owing to his retirement, shall be deducted to his retirement
benefits instead.
 The Court also adopted the ruling of the OCA as to the alleged grave misconduct of
Norwell. The Court said that Norwell was only doing his duty as administrative
officer-in-charge of the Hall of Justice of Romblon when he required the petitioner
personnel of the OPP to attend the flag ceremony.
 Flag ceremonies inspire patriotism and evoke the finest sentiments of love of
country and people.8 Section 18 of RA9 8491 provides: Section 18. All government
offices and educational institutions shall henceforth observe the flag-raising
ceremony every Monday morning and the flag lowering ceremony every Friday
afternoon. The ceremony shall be simple and dignified and shall include the playing
or singing of the Philippine National Anthem.

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