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Article  in  International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology · February 2013


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1 author:

Talal Hussien Fadhil

University of Anbar


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INTERNATIONAL Journal of Civil Engineering and
(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013), © IAEME
ISSN 0976 – 6308 (Print)
ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online)
Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013), pp. 87-96
Journal Impact Factor (2012): 3.1861 (Calculated by GISI) © IAEME



Dr. Talal H. Fadhil*, Salah S. Jasim*, Dr. Kahlil E. Aziz*, Ahmed S. Ahmed *
Department of Civil Engineering,
Al-Anbar University


The White Cement Kiln Dust (WCKD) as a byproduct material, formed in cement
factories during cement production operation, is categorized by Environmental Production
Agency (EPA) as a non hazardous solid waste material. In highway construction process, the
WCKD can be used in different ways such stabilizing the subgrade soil and also instead of
mineral filler in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) production which results in more economy and
leads to keeping the environment more clean and healthy. In Iraq, there are two common
types of fillers that are Portland cement and lime stone powder. In this research, various
percentages of WCKD taken from Fallujah cement plant were used in addition to two filler
types(100%WCKD, 50%WCKD+50%Cement (C) ,100%C ,50%WCKD+50%Limestone (L),
and 100%L to prepare asphaltic concrete mixes. Five tests were used to evaluate the
performance of these different asphaltic concrete mixes, standard Marshall Test at 60 OC and
70 OC, to test immersed samples for four days in water at room temperature (24 OC) , Indirect
Tensile Strength Test(ITST) to test conditioning and un-conditioning samples. All the test
results were acceptable and within the AASHTO and Iraqi roads specifications. The results
showed that using WCKD as a filler could conserve the environment and encourage the
HMA producers to use this inexpensive material in their works.


All factories produce, in addition to their main production, different types of waste
materials such as acids, alkaline, oils, scrap metal, slag ,fly ash, scrap rubber, stone pieces,
powders,..etc. In general, the waste materials are divided into two main types which are
hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Non-hazardous industrial wastes are those do not meet
the US Environmental Production Agency (EPA)'s definition of hazardous waste and are not

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308
(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013), © IAEME

municipal waste [Safe drinking 2012]. The WCKD is also well known as cement kiln dust(ckd) ,
as a by-product material formed in cement factory during cement production operation which is
categorized by EPA as a special non hazardous solid waste material [USEPA 2012, Environment
agency2004]. The WCKD is found in the exhaust gasses released by cement kilns and collected
by fabric filters or electrostatic precipitators [Hassan, Jeremy]. The ckd chemical and physical
properties are influenced by several factors such as, types of kiln feeding process (wet or dry),
raw materials, fuel combustion, methods and facilities of dust collections, and others. The general
properties of ckd are similar to Portland cement [Jeremy2008]. Some of ckd is recycled back
again with the clinker but the amounts are limited by alkalinity requirements for Portland cement
and kiln operation issues[Jeremy 2008].However, most of the material is disposed of on-site
without any further reusing or reclamation[Hassan2006]. A considered volumetric quantities of
ckd are annually generated during cement production. The amount of generated ckd in USA in
1995 was 3798000 metric tons; 651000 metric tons of this amount were beneficially reused while
3147000 metric tons were sent to landfill. Corresponding quantity was decreased in 2006 to
2563000 metric tons ,1403000 metric tons beneficially reused while 1160000 metric tons sent to
landfill due to applying plans and high efforts accomplished by Cement Manufacturing
Sustainability(CMS) Program [Wayne2008]. In Egypt there were 3million tons [Ayman] and in
Iraq there were about 640000 tons [Adil 2010]. In addition to the huge amounts of ckd which
are disposed in landfill, the ckd affects human health in three ways : 1- inhalation (lung
diseases) ,2- eyes (eye contact with cement dust) , and 3- skin(irritating effect on most skin).[Bs
EN 179-1-2012,Hanson2012]
Although ckd has negative effects on the environment and human health, it has also
different beneficial uses. For example, uses that need the same action of cementitious property of
cement, in agriculture soil amendment, or in others. Based on literature, some of general
beneficial ckd uses in highway engineering were found and listed below:

1. As a mineral filler in asphalt concrete mixture (fully or partially use )[Ramzi 2002, and FHWA
2. As an agent which can assist in promoting stripping resistance of asphalt concrete mixes (to
replace hydrate lime or liquid anti-stripping agents) [Wayne2008, and FHWA RD-97-148]
3. CKD can be agglomerated or pelletized to produce artificial aggregates which can be used in
special applications to improve the rutting resistance. This type of artificial aggregate can
absorb lighter fractions of excess asphalt cement binder during hot weather [FHWA RD-97-
4. To stabilize sub-grade soil, granular base, and subbase pavement applications [Tara2010,
Joe2003, and Robert 2004].
5. To use in flowable fill applications such as in abutment construction, back fill of trenches, as a
fill for abandoned pipelines, and in back fill of retaining walls [NCASI 2003, and FHWA RD-
6. As an asphalt cement modifier by adding ckd to asphalt binder (50/50) to produce a low ductile
mastic asphalt. The European use of mastic asphalts, with low ductility for bridge deck water
proofing and protection is well documented [Hassan 2006, and FHWA RD-97-148-1998].

The aim of the present work was to:

1- Investigate the possibility of using WCKD as a mineral filler (partially or fully) in
producing HMA.
2- Conserve the environment from these huge waste material.

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308
(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013), © IAEME

1. Asphalt cement
The 40-50 pen. asphalt cement type was brought from Baiji refinery , about 210km north of
the capital Baghdad. Standard tests were used to determine its physical properties which are
shown in Table (1).
2. Aggregates
The coarse and fine aggregates were supplied from Thumal quarries, about 60 km west of
Ramadi city the capital of Anbar province, the aggregate color is white. The midpoint of
surface course type III A of ISSRB gradation[ISSRB2003], seen in Fig.(1 ) , has been
selected and incorporated in preparing all hot asphalt concrete mixes used in this research.
All the mechanical and physical properties of used aggregates have been tabulated in
Table (2).
Table (1): Physical Properties of Asphalt Cement
Asphalt cement grade 40- Test
Test Unit
50 ISSRB specifications Result
Penetration,100gm,5sec,25 OC 40-50 46
Specific gravity 25 OC /25 OC ---- ---- 1.03
Ductility, 5cm/min., 25 OC cm 100 min. 100+
Solubility in trichloroethylene.
% >99 99.1
Flash point, OC O
C 240 min 232+
Residue from thin film oven test
% 50 min 71.7
Penetration,100gm,5sec,25 OC.
Ductility, 5cm/min., 25 OC. cm 50 min 100+

Table (2): Mechanical and Physical Aggregate Properties

ISSRB Coarse agg. Coarse agg. Fine
( 12-19)mm (5-12)mm aggregate
Los Angeles Abrasion value, < 30
21.6 19.5 ------------

Bulk Specific gravity 2.609 2.620 2.694

Degree of crushing % > 90 96 97 ---------

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308
(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013), © IAEME



% Passing
60 upper limit
lower limit
mid point

0.01 0.1 1 10
Sieve size (mm)

Figure (1): Iraqi road surface course IIIA gradation [ISSRB]

3. Mineral Filler
Three types of mineral fillers have been used in this study, two of them are commonly
used in Iraq in manufacturing hot asphalt concrete mix which are Portland Cement, brought
from Kubaisa Cement Plant 180 km to the west of the capital Baghdad, and the second is
crushed lime stone, from Fallujah city .The third one is WCKD from Fallujah White Cement
Plant. All the physical specifications of the three types have been examined and found in the
laboratory and shown in Table (3). The chemical compositions of each one can be seen in
Table (4).

Table (3): Physical Properties of Mineral Fillers

Properties % Passing

Sieve Size ISSRB& Lime

(WCKD) Cement
Inches (mm) AASHTO stone

No.30 (0.6) 100 100 100 100

No.50 (0.3) 95-100 100 100 100
No.200(0.075) 70-100 94 89.5 97.5
Plasticity Index <4 3.52 1.8 0
Specific gravity --- 2.57 2.93 3.15
Blaine fineness
---- 4770 3630 3400

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308
(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013), © IAEME

Table (4): Chemical Compositions of Mineral Fillers

Chemical compositions

Filler type Loss

CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 Na2O K2O MgO due to
(WCKD) 51.96 16.9 4.58 0.4 2.41 0.70 1.12 1.95 19.5
51.0 2.7 1 0.16 1.16 --- ---- 1.2 42.6
62.74 22.68 5.06 3.24 2.2 ---- --- 2.36 1.2


In this research, two standard test methods are followed. The first one is Marshall Test
Method, designated as ASTM D1559. It was used to design asphalt concrete mix and to evaluate its
properties, and the second test is Indirect Tensile Strength Test Method (ITST), designated as ASTM
D4123. It was used to find the tensile strength of asphalt concrete mix samples and its fracture
resistance. Standard Marshall Specimen, size of 63.5 mm (2.5 inches) height and 101.6 mm (4 inches)
diameter compacted 75 blows for each face by Marshall automatic compacter, was used in the two
standard test methods. Five mixtures were prepared and tested. For all types of mixtures, the
aggregate gradation and asphalt content (5% weight of total mix) are similar excluding the filler type
and amount which differs from one mix to another as follows (the percentage indicates the filler
amount in each mix), 1- 100% WCKD , 2- 100%C, 3- 100% L, 4- 50% WCKD+50% C ,and 5-
50% WCKD+50% C.


The Marshall Standard Test is executed by immersing the compacted asphalt concrete
samples in hot water at standard test temperature of 60 OC for 30 to 40 min.; then applying diametrical
loading on samples at rate of 51mm/min. Marshall Test has been applied three times, two of them at
two different temperatures which are 60 OC and the 70 OC. The reason for choosing 70 OC temperature
is due to the hot weather prevalent in Iraq in addition to the thermoplastic property of asphalt cement
and its high sensitivity to temperature variation. According to research results that had been applied
on the Iraqi Express Way No.1 from 14/8/1989 to 31/8/1989(Iraqi hottest days in every year) by Iraqi
State Organization of Roads and Bridges -Resident Engineer Directorate -Part- T9. They found that
the mean temperature value of asphalt concrete surface course from 12 a.m. to 3 p.m. was 68.88 OC
[Tawfeeq A.K.1989] .The third time Marshall test has been executed in case of testing immersed
asphalt concrete samples in water at room temperature(24 OC) for four days . The main reason for
the last test was to simulate the effect of water on roadway when it was overflowed for four days
which is similar to soaking CBR sample test in the laboratory for 96 hours.

Indirect Tensile Strength Test

The same Marshall machine has been used to apply a compression load on asphalt concrete
specimens at rate of loading 51 mm/min. along a diametrical plane through two opposite loading
curved strip heads of 12.5mm width. This type of loading leads to perpendicular stress acting on
applied load plane causing the specimen to fail by splitting along the loaded plane. The aim of this test
was to know the resistance of samples to fractures and to determine its tensile strength property. The
maximum load that caused failure was determined and used to calculate the indirect tensile strength.

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308
(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013), © IAEME

The ITST was used for two times, one of them for un-conditioning asphalt concrete samples
(immersed it in water of 25 OC for one hour) and the other for conditioning samples. The conditioning
case was by immersing samples in hot water of 60 OC for 24 hours and then removing and immersing
it in water of 25 OC for one hour and testing it in ITST. The Retained Tensile Strength (RTS) was
computed by applying the same test procedure namely STP204-15 which had been adopted by
Saskatchewan state [STP204-15-2000].

Tensile Strength ( water cured at 60 o C 24hours)

% RTS = ×100
Tensile Strength (air cured at 25o C )
Marshall Test Results
The Marshall test under three different conditions has been applied. The results shown in
Table (5) and Figures (2), (3), and (4), are encouraging because they indicate that the properties of
Marshall stability and flow of mixtures having 100%WCKD and other percentages are within the
ISSRB. Therefore WCKD can be used (fully or partially) as a mineral filler replacement in producing
asphalt concrete mixture. In Figure (4) , the air void property of all samples revealed satisfied results
except for samples which contained 100% WCKD and 50% WCKD, they pointed out that their air
void percentages were larger of about 9.4% and 11.6% respectively than (5%) Iraqi standard upper
limit. This could be attributed to diluting some parts of WCKD in water during the immersing of these
samples for four days in water. The Marshall Stiffness (MS), stability divided by its flow, is an
empirical stiffness value and is used by some engineers, especially in Europe, to evaluate the strength
of asphalt mixture. A higher value of MS indicates a stiffer mixture and, hence, it indicates that the
mixture is likely more resistant to permanent deformation [Jingna Zhang2003]. MS of mixture
samples had been computed and then compared with MS of the control sample. All the results are
tabulated in Table (6). In order to prevent permanent deformation of the mix under high stress, the MS
should not be less than 2.1 kN/mm [Sobhan. M.A.2011]. As shown in Table (6), the MS values are
more than 2.1 kN/mm. except for sample containing 100%L immersed four days in water which gave
1.91 kN/mm, the reason for this reduction in MS may has been due to the fact that the sample was
free from any cementing material like C and WCKD (no setting and hardening can be taken place).
Furthermore the lack of cementish property of limestone when it immersed in water resulted in the
highest reading value of flow (5.1mm) and lesser stability reading as compared with the results of
stability and flow of samples immersed in water.
Table (5): General Marshall Test Results (ASTM 1559)
Stability (kN) Flow(mm) Air voids (%)
Test condition at 4 days at at
at 60 at 70 4 days in at 60 4 days
O O O 70 in 60 70
C C water C O O O in water
C water C C
ISSRB Min. 8 # # 2- 4 # # 3 -5 # #
%100 WCKD 11.9 10.8 12.1 3.7 4.0 4.85 4.95 4.41 5.47
100% C 11.2 10.85 13.8 3.0 3.85 4.75 4.90 3.52 3.76

100% L 9.0 8.1 9.75 3.7 3.75 5.1 4.48 4.28 3.08
50% WCKD +
50% C 13.2 10.4 13.4 3.9 3.85 4.6 3.80 4.25 4.08
50% WCKD +
14.0 10.2 11.2 4.0 3.95 4.7 4.32 5.01 5.58
50% L
ISSRB=Iraqi Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges, WCKD=White Cement Kiln Dust,
C=Cement, L=Limestone, # = No specification

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308
(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013), © IAEME

Table (6): Marshall Stiffness of samples under different test conditions

Marshall Stiff.
(kN/mm)(60 Marshall stiff. Marshall stiff.
Components C) (kN/mm) (kN/mm)(4days
Controlled (70 OC) immersed)
100% WCKD 3.22 2.7 2.49
100% C 3.73 2.82 2.90
100% L 2.43 2.16 1.91
50%WCKD+50% C 3.38 2.7 2.91
50% WCKD+50% L 3.5 2.58 2.38

WCKD=White Cement Kiln Dust, C=Cement, L=Limestone

Stability (kN)

8 OC60 at
OC70 at
2 days in water 4
100% C% 100 L% 100 % 50 % 50
C50% L50%

Figure (2): Stability Values of Mixtures Having Different Components of WCKD

Flow (mm)

OC60 at
OC70 at
days in water 4
100% % 100 % 100 % 50 % 50
50% + 50% +

Figure (3): Flow Values of Mixtures Having Different Components of WCKD

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308
(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 1, January-
January February (2013),, © IAEME

Figure (4): Percents of Air Voids

oids of Mixtures Having Different Components
omponents of WCKD

ITST test results

The ITST results of conditioning and un-conditioning
un samples and the RTS are
presented in Table (7) .Thehe mixtures containing 100%WCKD and 50%WCKD WCKD+50%C
provided higher values of RTS which are 92.11% and 93.89%
93.89%, respectively .The
he other results
are lesser but they are still acceptable and within the Iraqi specification value of

Table (7): The ITST Results

esults of Conditioning and Un-Conditioning Samples
ITST (Un- ITST Retained
components conditioning) (Conditioning) tensile
(N/cm2) (N/cm2) Strength (%)
100% WCKD 171 157.51 92.11
100% C 165.7 137.23 82.82
100% L 141.5 126.68 89.52
143.05 134.31 93.89
50% WCKD+50%
165.76 130.43 78.68



The WCKD as a by-product

product material was tested.
tested The results so produced indicate
that this material had acceptable
table gradation and other filler specifications and within the
ISSRB and AASHTO M17 requirements. The WCKD was used fully or partially to prepare
hot mix asphalt samples, these samples were tested by using two standard test methods
furthermore testing samples under special test conditions such as Marshall test under 70 C
and ran same test for immersed samples. For Marshall test,
test in general all the stability test

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308
(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013), © IAEME

values of mixes containing WCKD was increased when they were immersed in water. This
may be due to setting and hardening parts of WCKD and C. The flow readings were within
the ISSRB but, in general, for all of the immersed samples they gave more than the
specification and especially for 100%L which gave the highest deviation of about 27.5%
more than upper specification limit (4mm) .This result indicate that the use of limestone as a
filler was the wariest condition for roads which might be immersed by water. The air void
results for all samples under three type of test conditions were within the ISSRB except for
immersed samples of 100%WCKD and 50%WCKD+50%L which gave higher than the
allowable upper value(5%). For ITST test results, the percentages of retained tensile strength
indicate that all samples were within the ISSRB but the samples of 100%WCKD and
50%WCKD+50%C gave the best results of 92.11% and 93.89% respectively.
From the above conclusions, it can be recommended that:
1- WCKD can be successfully used as a mineral filler (fully or partially) in
producing hot mix asphalt in addition to conserving the environment from these cheap huge
waste material.
2-Making a trial flexible pavement section by using WCKD as a filler (fully or
partially) in preparing its hot mixture and then studying its behavior for long time under
actual traffic motion, and environment conditions.


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