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WEEK 4-5


A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of tests of hypotheses on
the population mean and population proportion.

B. Performance Standards
The learner is able to perform appropriate tests of hypotheses involving the
population mean and population proportion to make inferences in real-life problems
in different disciplines.

C. Learning Competencies
The learner
1. formulates the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population
proportion (M11/12SP-IVe-2);
2. identifies the appropriate form of the test-statistic when the Central Limit
Theorem is to be used (M11/12SP-IVe-3);
3. identifies the appropriate rejection region for a given level of significance when
the Central Limit Theorem is to be used (M11/12SP-IVe-4);
4. computes for the test-statistic value (population proportion) (M11/12SP-IVf-1);
5. draws conclusion about the population proportion based on the test-statistic
value and the rejection region (M11/12SP-IVf-2) and,
6. solves problems involving test of hypothesis on the population proportion

D. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. formulate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population
2. identify the appropriate form of the test-statistic when the Central Limit Theorem
is to be used.
3. identify the appropriate rejection region for a given level of significance when the
Central Limit Theorem is to be used.
4. compute for the test-statistic value (population proportion).
5. draw conclusion about the population proportion based on the test-statistic value
and the rejection region.
6. solve problems involving test of hypothesis on the population proportion.


Learning Resources

A. Reference
1. Conceptual Math and Beyond, pp. 146-158
2. Introduction to Statistics, pp. 175-180

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Page 37
Vaccination against Covid-19 has already rolled out last year. The first patient
vaccinated is a grandmother from the United Kingdom who just turned 91 years old. Margaret
Keenan was vaccinated using the Pfizer-BioNTech.

Some mRNA vaccines are reported to show approximately 95% efficacy at preventing
both mild and severe symptoms of COVID-19. This level of efficacy appears to apply across age
groups, racial and ethnic groups, and both sexes.

Are these efficacy rates good for all including those patients already diagnosed with
COVID-19? Are these efficacy rates claimed by the developers true? Is the survey conducted by
the Pulse Asia true?

Are you now fully-vaccinated? How many in your family is now fully-vaccinated? Can
you give the proportion or percentage? In this lesson, you will learned about hypothesis testing
on population proportion.

Let us have a short recap on the previous lesson by answering the activity below.

Write FACT on the blank if the statement is correct and BLUFF if it is incorrect.

___ 1. Percentages can be expressed as proportions.

___ 2. Level of significance is the probability of committing a Type I error.
___ 3. For one-tailed test, 95% confidence level corresponds to 0.025 α level.
___ 4. Test statistic is a value determined by a computational formula that is compared with
a critical value.
___ 5. If n = 25, Central Limit Theorem applies.
___ 6. When X=104 and n=230 then = 0.48.
___ 7. t test and z test have the same formula.
___ 8. When 𝐻0 is rejected it means that a significant difference does not exist.
___ 9. When the evidence is not enough, reject the null hypothesis.
___ 10. When the evidence is sufficient to reject the null hypothesis, a significant difference

Ans.: 1. Fact, 2. Fact, 3. Bluff, 4. Fact, 5. Fact, 6. Bluff, 7. Bluff, 8. Fact, 9. Bluff, 10. Fact
Did you answer it correctly? What a great job! This is for you.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

--- Anais Nin
When you are fearless, the possibilities in life seem endless
and your life automatically expands; on the other hand, once you
become scared of failure or rejections, you limit the number of
possibilities and automatically, your life shrinks drastically.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

Researchers conduct surveys to elicit people’s perceptions about people, events, or

ideas. Surveys are important as they provide information that may enhance people’s
awareness of particular issues. They provide information to the public so that they may be
guided accordingly in their day-to-day decisions and actions. Survey results are reliable when
they come from random samples of a target population.

1) Proportion – is a fraction expression with the number
of favorable responses in the numerator and the total
number or respondents in the denominator.
2) For a sample proportion, we shall use the following formulas:

Page 38
̂ ̂ ̂
n = number of observations in a simple random sample
̂ = sample proportion (read “p hat”)
X = desired outcomes
3) Properties of the Sampling Distribution of ̂
a. The mean of the sampling distribution of ̂ is p. in other words,
̂ is the unbiased estimator of p.
b. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of ̂ is √ . In other

words, ̂ =√ where q = 1 - p
c. When the n is large, the sampling distribution of ̂ is approximately normal. A
sample size is considered large if the interval ̂ ̂ does not include 0 (like
p = 0.001) or (like = 0.99)

Let us apply this formula to these examples:

Example 1:
Restaurants regularly ask customers to accomplish questionnaires on the kind of
service that their staff render. Suppose 1,200 people are randomly chosen from a target
population and are asked if the like the services of a specific restaurant. There are 908
respondents who like the service. What is the estimate of the true proportion of all customers
who like the service of the restaurant?

Let p be the population proportion.
We can estimate p by computing ̂
So, ̂ = 0.757 0.76

Only 76% of all customers like the services of the restaurant. The owner might want to
improve the service to increase the revenue of the restaurant.

Example 2:
Nora conducted a survey for a fast-food restaurant owner who wanted to know the level of
acceptability of a new food combo among customers. A tally of the frequencies yielded the
following results.
Frequency (F)
Very Acceptable (VA) 182
Acceptable (A) 74
1. What is the sample size?
a. 182 b. 74 c. 256 d. 108
2. What percentage of the respondents find the new food combo very acceptable?
a. 71 b. 70% c. 69% d. 68%
3. What percentage of the respondents find the new food combo acceptable?
a. 30% b. 29% c. 28% d. 27%
4. What conclusion may be derived from the frequencies?
a. 71% of the respondents like the new food combo while 29% of the
respondents do not like the new food combo.
b. 71% of the respondents do not the new while 29% of the respondents like
the new food combo.
c. 71% of the respondents neither like nor not the new food combo.
d. 29% of the respondents like the new food combo.

Page 39
A Find the proportions ̂ and ̂ using the given conditions.

1) Find ̂ and ̂, given X and n.

a. X = 56; n = 75
b. X = 35; n = 90
c. X = 420; n = 1000
d. X = 564; n = 825
e. X = 1350; n = 8500
2) In a reading test, 90 pupils out of 140 passed the test. The sample mean was 78. Find
̂ and ̂, where ̂ was the proportion of these who passed the test. (2 points)

Score Description
Now, check your work by turning to the key to correction. How many 7 Excellent
correct answers did you get? Rate your result using the table. If your 5-6 Very good
score is at least 4 out of 7, you may now proceed to next part of the
3-4 Good
0-2 Practice on part J

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

What’s New

In the previous lesson, you have learned that for large sample size the appropriate test
statistic is the z – test. Since, in population proportion we deal with large samples then z – test
is the appropriate test statistic to be used. In this lesson, you are expected learn how to
calculate the value of the z-statistic for population proportion.

When testing about a proportion, the following assumptions must be made:

1. The conditions for a binomial experiment are met. That is, there is a fixed number of
independent trials with constant probabilities and each trial has two outcomes that we
usually classify as “success” and “failure”.
2. The condition ≥ 5 and ≥ 5 are both satisfied so that the binomial distribution with µ =
np and σ = √
If all the above conditions are met the test statistic is the z-test statistic for proportions.
The formula for computing this value is:

Where: ̂
= is the hypothesized population proportion p

̂ =√ is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the

sampling distribution ̂
However, we use ̂ =√ in computing the value of the test statistic z because we are going
to use the hypothesized value .

Note: . ̂
Test statistics z for proportions is: √
Let us apply this formula to these examples:

Page 40
Example 1:
A researcher wants to test his assumption that 75% of the senior high school students
who enrolled in the academic track wanted to become a teacher. He collected samples
randomly and found out that 25 out of 130 are planning to become a teacher. Compute for the
value of z.

In the problem, the hypothesized proportion ( ) is 75% or 0.75 in decimal form. The
sample proportion ( ̂ ) is 25 out of 130, to convert this to decimal simply divide 25 by
a) First, we will solve for :
̂ = = 0.19
b) Next, we will solve for :
=1– = 1 – 0.75 = 0.25
c) Finally, we will solve for z:
= -14.75
√ √

Example 2:
A local radio station claims that 54% of the population who listen to radio broadcast are
listening to their station. After collecting 250 samples randomly, they found out that only 67 of
them listen to the said radio station. Compute the value of z.
In the problem, the hypothesized proportion ( ) is 54% or 0.54 in decimal form. The
sample proportion ( ̂ ) is 67 out of 250, to convert this to decimal simply divide 67 by 250.
a) First, we will solve for:
̂ = = 0.27
b) Next, we will solve for :
=1– = 1 – 0.54 = 0.46
c) Finally, we will solve for z: = -8.57
√ √

Can you follow? Let us answer the next activity.

Answer the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct

B answer and write it on the blank.

A student researcher claims that 8% of the Junior High School completers will
enroll in private Senior High Schools. To test this claim, he collected sufficient samples
randomly and found out that 85 out of 380 Junior High School completers are planning to
enroll in private Senior High Schools.

_____ 1. What is the hypothesized proportion ( )?

a. 0.08 b. 85 c. 380 d. 0.92
_____ 2. What is the sample size?
a. 85 b. 380 c. 195 d. 465
_____ 3. What is the value of ̂?
a. 0.20 b. 0.22 c. 0.24 d.0.26
_____ 4. Which is the value of ?
a. 0.92 b. 0.95 c. 0.22 d. 0.05
_____ 5. What is the value of z?
a. z=10.05 b. z=10.06 c. z=10.07 d. z=10.08

Page 41
The senior high school researchers claim that 20% of Senior High School male
students show interest in home gardening. After collecting 150 random samples, they
found that 40 of them participated in the Gulayan sa Tahanan Contest of the Agricultural

_____ 6. What is the hypothesized proportion ( )?

a. 0.40 b. 0.20 c. 0.15 d. 0.80
_____ 7. What is the sample size?
a. 20 b. 40 c. 150 d. 190
_____ 8. What is the value of ̂?
a. 0.0.26 b. 0.27 c. 0.28 d.0.29
_____ 9. Which is the value of ?
a. 0.20 b. 0.40 c. 0.60 d. 0.80
_____ 10. What is the value of z?
a. z=-2.14 b. z=2.14 c. z=-1.85 d. z=1.85

Score Description
Now, check your work by turning to the key to correction. How 10 Excellent
many correct answers did you get? Rate your result using the 8-9 Very good
table. If your score is at least 5 out of 10, you may now proceed 5-7 Good
to next part of the discussion.
0-4 Practice on part J

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

What is It
After learning how to compute the z statistic for population proportion, you are now
ready to conduct a hypothesis test on it. The steps in conducting hypothesis test involving
means are the same steps that you will used in testing population proportion. Let us recall the
critical values and the decision rule in testing hypothesis.


Critical Value of z
Type of Test Level of Significance
α = 0.01 α = 0.05
Left-tailed -2.33 -1.65
One-tailed Right-tailed 2.33 1.65
Two-tailed ±2.58 ±1.96

Decision Rule
Left Tailed: If zc ≤ -zcrit , reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
Right Tailed: If z ≥ zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
Two Tailed: If z ≤ -zcrit or z ≥ +zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.

Now, let us apply this to the examples below. For purposes of discussion, we will use the same
problems presented in the previous lesson.

Example 1: Apply the 6 steps in traditional method of hypothesis testing to test the claim on the
given situation.
A researcher wants to test his assumption that 75% of the senior high school students
who enrolled in the academic track wanted to become a teacher. He collected samples
randomly and found out that 25 out of 130 are planning to become a teacher. Test the validity of
the assumption at 0.05 level of significance.

Page 42
Steps Solutions
1. Formulate the null and the H0: The proportion of senior high school students who
alternative hypotheses. wanted to become a teacher is 75%. (H0: p = 75%) Claim
H1: The proportion of senior high school students who
wanted to become a teacher is not equal to 75%.
(H1: p ≠ 75%)
2. Determine the type of test, Two-tailed (Since, the claim is the null hypothesis)
α, and critical value/s α = 0.05 (given)
zcrit = ± 1.96 (see the table of critical values, locate the
two-tailed and 0.05)
3. Compute the test statistic Given: = 75% or 0.75 n = 130
a) First, we will solve for:
̂ = = 0.19
b) Next, we will solve for :
=1– = 1 – 0.75 = 0.25
c) Finally, we will solve for z:
= -14.75
√ √

4. State the decision rule If z ≤ -zcrit or z ≥ zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject
5. Compare z and zcrit, and Since -14.74 < -1.96, reject H0.
make decision on the null (Since the computed z is negative, compare it to negative
hypothesis. critical value. The null hypothesis was rejected because
the test statistic (z = -14.75) is less than the negative
critical value (zcrit = -1.96).
6. Make a meaningful Thus, the assumption of the researcher is not valid.
conclusion The proportion of senior high school students who
wanted to become a teacher is not equal to 75%.

Example 2: Apply the 6 steps in traditional method of hypothesis testing to test the claim on the
given situation.
A teacher wants to test his assumption that less than 30% of the Senior High School
students like research class. After randomly collecting 150 samples, he found out that only 65
students like research class. Is the teacher’s claim valid? Test the hypothesis at 5% significance

Steps Solutions
1. Formulate the null and the H0: The proportion of senior high school
alternative hypotheses. students who like research class is
greater than or equal to 30%. (H0: p ≥ 30%)
H1: The proportion of senior high school
students who like research class is
less than 30%. (H1: p < 30%) Claim
2. Type of test Type of test: Left-tailed (Since, the claim is the
alternative hypothesis which is H0: p > 30%)
α = 0.05 (given)
zcrit = 1.65, zcrit = -1.65 (see the table of critical values,
locate the one-tailed and 0.05)
3. Test Statistic Z-test (since n >30)
Given: = 30% or 0.3
n = 150
a) First, we will solve for:
̂ = = 0.43
b) Next, we will solve for :
=1– = 1 – 0.3 = 0.7
c) Finally, we will solve for z:

Page 43
= 3.47
√ √

4. Decision rule If z ≤ -zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.

5. Decision Since 3.47 > -1.65, do not reject H0.
The test statistic (z = 3.47) is greater than the critical
value (zcrit = 1.65). Based on decision rule, the null
hypothesis will NOT be rejected.
6. Conclusion Thus, the claim of the teacher is false. The
proportion of senior high school students who like
research class is greater than or equal to 30%.
Can you follow? Let us answer the next activity.

Answer the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer
C and write it on the blank.

After launching the Water and Hygiene School Program, the principal believes that more
than 90% of the students applied the proper handwashing techniques in school as well as at
home. A random survey was conducted to 500 students and only 410 of them said they
practiced correct handwashing technique both in school and at home. Test the validity of the
principal’s belief at 95% confidence level.

_____1. What is the null hypothesis?

A. p ≥ 0.90 B. p ≤ 0.90 C. p = 0.90 D. p 0.90
_____2. What is the alternative hypothesis?
A. p ≠ 0.90 B. p < 0.90 C. p 0.90 D. p ≥ 0.90
_____3. What is the level of significance?
A. α=0.1 B. α=0.5 C. α=0.01 D. α=1
_____4. What type of test is to be used?
A. t-test B. z-test C. two-tailed D. one-tailed
_____5. What test statistics is to be used?
A. t-test B. z-test C. two-tailed D. one-tailed
_____6. What is/are the critical values to be used?
A. -1.65 B. 1.65 C. -1.69 D.-1.697
_____7. What is the computed value?
A. 5.93 B. -5.19 C. -5.96 D. 5.90
_____8. What is the decision rule?
A. If z ≤ -zcrit , reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
B. If z ≥ zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
C. If z ≤ -zcrit or z ≥ +zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
D. If z ≤ +zcrit or z ≥ -zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
_____9. What is the decision?
A. Reject H0 B. Do not reject H0 C. Accept H0 D. Cannot determine H0
____10. What is the conclusion?
A. The proportion of students who applied the proper handwashing techniques in school
as well as at home is 90%.
B. The proportion of students who applied the proper handwashing techniques in school
as well as at home is greater than 90%.
C. The proportion of students who applied the proper handwashing techniques in school
as well as at home is not equal to 90%.
D. The proportion of students who applied the proper handwashing techniques in school
as well as at home is greater than or equal to 90%.

Now, check your work by turning to the key to Score Description

correction. How many correct answers did you get? Rate your 10 Excellent
result using the table. If your score is at least 5 out of 10, you 7-9 Very good
may now proceed to next part of the discussion.
5-6 Good
0-4 Practice on part J

Page 44
F. Developing Mastery

I. Write the null and alternative hypotheses in words and in symbols

D for each situation. Also, determine the type of test to be used: right-
tailed, left-tailed, or two-tailed. Follow this format:

Null Hypothesis Alternative Type of Test
A local radio station claims that 54% The proportion of the The proportion of the
of the population who listen to radio population who listen to population who listen to
broadcast are listening to their station. radio broadcast of the radio broadcast of the
After collecting 250 samples local radio station is local radio station is not
randomly, they found out that only 67 equal to 54%. equal to 54%.
of them listen to the said radio station. H0: p = 0.54 H0: p ≠ 0.54 Two-tailed

Points breakdown: Three points each number. Null Hypothesis (word & symbol) – 1pt,
Alternative hypothesis – 1pt, Type of test – 1pt

1. The principal of Senior High School needs an assistant principal and wants the approval of
more than 50%.
2. According to Pulse Asia survey released on January 2021, 47% of the Filipinos said they
will not get vaccinated against COVID-19.

3. The CEO claims that at least 80 percent of the company's 1,000,000 customers are very
4. The Restaurant Manager projected the sales to increase by more than 20%.

II. Answer the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on
the blank.

____ 1. It is a rule or method that leads to decision to accept or reject the hypothesis when
sample values are gathered from the population under study.
A. Estimation C. Hypothesis Testing
B. Hypothesis D. Test Statistic

____ 2. What mathematical model is appropriate for decision-making about population

A. Graphical representation C. z – statistic
B. Normal curve D. None of these

____ 3. This refers to an intelligent guess, an assumption, or a claim about a population

parameter which may either be true or false.
A. Hypothesis C. Decision
B. Test statistic D. Interpretation

___ 4. If in the z-test of proportions, the computed z is found on the rejection region then
this means that:
A. The sample proportion is equal to the hypothesized proportion.
B. The sample proportion is equal to the population proportion.
C. The sample proportion is not equal to the hypothesized proportion.
D. The sample proportion is not equal to the population proportion

____ 5. If p0 = 0.3, ̂ = 0.4, n = 50 what is the value of z?

A. 0.45 C. 1.54
B. 0.63 D. 0.55

Page 45
A teacher wants to test his assumption that less than 30% of the Senior High
School students like research class. After randomly collecting 150 samples, he found out
that only 50 students like their research class. Test the validity at 95% confidence level.

_____6. What is the null hypothesis?

A. p ≥ 0.30 B. p ≤ 0.30 C. p = 0.30 D. p < 0.30
_____7. What is the alternative hypothesis?
A. p ≠ 0.30 B. p < 0.30 C. p > 0.30 D. p ≥ 0.30
_____8. What is the computed value?
A. 0.93 B. -0.82 C. -0.80 D. 1.90
_____9. What is the decision?
A. Reject H0 B. Do not reject H0 C. Accept H0 D. Cannot Determine H0
____10. What is the conclusion?
A. The proportion of the Senior High School students who like research class is 30%.
B. The proportion of the Senior High School students who like research class is not 30%.
C. The proportion of the Senior High School students who like research class is less
than 30%.
D. The proportion of the Senior High School students who like research class is greater
than or equal to 30%.

Now, check your work by turning to the key to Score Description

correction. How many correct answers did you get? Rate your 22 Excellent
result using the table. If your score is at least 13 out of 22, you 17-21 Very good
may now proceed to next part of the discussion.
9-16 Good
0-8 Practice on part J
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

The primary purpose in testing the probability is to determine the probability

of a difference between a sample proportion and the claimed value of the
population proportion. Most of these tests are done in marketing and production
as to have the quality and quantity check of their products. This may also be use
in surveys in politics and lifestyle that are shown in the news.

In this module, it emphasizes that to have an accurate interpretation on what we are

testing, we must follow a step-by-step operation. We cannot go to the next process if we did not
perform the next step. Being mindful is the virtue to be observed in this lesson.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

To summarize our lesson, remember that …

✓ Hypothesis testing is a decision-making process for evaluating claims

about a population based on the characteristics of a sample.
✓ Proportion – is a fraction expression with the number of favorable responses in the
numerator and the total number or respondents in the denominator.
✓ To find the sample proportion, we use:
̂ ̂ ̂
n = number of observations in a simple random sample
̂ = sample proportion (read “p hat”)
X = desired outcomes
✓ The test statistic for population proportion is the z test.

✓ Steps in hypothesis testing on population proportion:
1. Formulate the null and alternative hypothesis in statement and symbol by describing
population parameter of interest- mean.

Page 46
2. State the type of test, α level, critical value/s
3. Apply the appropriate Test statistic (z or t)
4. State the Decision Rule
5. State the decision on the null hypothesis.
6. Construct your conclusion

I. Evaluating learning
This part is recorded and graded. COPY ALL the given using this format on a yellow
paper. Your output will be submitted on the day of the scheduled retrieval.

Written Work (Week 4)

Name: _________________Grade & Section: ________ Parent’s Signature: ____________

A. Find ̂ and ̂, given X and n. Round off your answer into two decimal places.
1-2. X = 58; n = 92 ̂ ̂
3-4. X = 72; n = 153 ̂ ̂
5-6. X = 101; n = 324 ̂ ̂
7-8. X = 295; n = 720 ̂ ̂
9-10. X = 525; n = 1300 ̂ ̂

B. Choose the letter of the BEST answer and write it on your own answer sheet. Write the
solution at the back of your paper for reference.

A report states that 1% of the college degrees are in mathematics. A researcher doesn’t
believe this is correct. He samples 10,300 graduates and finds that 205 have math
degrees. Test the claim at 0.05 level of significance.

_____11-12. What is the null hypothesis?

A. p ≤ 0.01 B. p = 0.01 C. p > 0.01 D. p ≠ 0.01
_____13-14. What is the alternative hypothesis?
A. p < 0.01 B. p ≠ 0.01 C. p ≥ 0.01 D. p > 0.01
_____15-16. What is the level of significance?
A. α=0.05 B. α=0.1 C. α=0.01 D. α=0.5
_____17-18. What type of test is to be used?
A. t-test B. z-test C. two-tailed D. one-tailed
_____19-20. What test statistics is to be used?
A. t-test B. z-test C. two-tailed D. one-tailed
_____21-22. What is/are the critical values to be used?
A. -2.33 B. 1.65 C. 2.58 D.1.96
_____23-24. What is the computed value?
A. 10.20 B. -10.02 C. 10.21 D. 0.102
_____25-26. What is the decision rule?
A. If z ≤ -zcrit , reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
B. If z ≥ zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
C. If z ≤ -zcrit or z ≥ +zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
D. If z ≤ +zcrit or z ≥ -zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
_____27-28. What is the decision?
A. Reject H0 B. Do not reject H0 C. Accept H0 D. Cannot Determine H0
____29-30. What is the correct conclusion?
A. The proportion of the college degrees in mathematics is 1%.
B. The proportion of the college degrees in mathematics is less than 1%.
C. The proportion of the college degrees in mathematics is greater than 1%.
D. The proportion of the college degrees in mathematics is not 1%.

Page 47
Performance Task (Week 5)
Name:_________________ Grade & Section: ________ Parent’s Signature: ____________

Perform the six steps in hypothesis testing on the following problems. Write the
COMPLETE steps on your paper.

The mayor of a town saw an article that claimed the national unemployment rate is
8%. They wondered if this held true in their town, so they took a sample of 200 residents
to test at 0.05 significance level. The sample included 22 residents who were
unemployed. (15 pts)

Step 1: H0 = The proportion of unemployment ___________________________________ (1)

H1= The proportion of unemployment ___________________________________ (2)
Symbol: H0: ________ (3) H1: _____________ (4)

Step 2: Type of Test: ________ (5) Critical value: ________ (6) α = ______ (7)

Step 3: Computed Value (z)

z = _________ (8-10)

Step 4: Reject H0 if __________________(11). Otherwise, DO NOT reject Ho.

Step 5: Since, _____(12) _____ then _____(13)________ the Ho.

Step 6: Thus, the claim in the article is _____ (14). The proportion of unemployment

is _____________________ (15).

Page 48
J. Additional activities for application or remediation

REMEDIAL ACTIVITY A: Answer the following.

1) Find ̂ and ̂, given X and n.
X = 45; n = 80
X = 32; n = 568
X = 104; n = 2344
X = 380; n = 720
X = 725; n = 9000
2) In a survey of 120 grade 5 pupils, 100 like to watch “The Sound of Music”. Find ̂ and ̂.
3) Joshua conducted an opinion poll among voters to determine if they approved the plan
of biometrics. There were 365 who said they approved the plan. If there were 528 in the
sample, what is ̂ What is ̂?

REMEDIAL ACTIVITY B: State the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (H1)
of the following:
1. A company developed new vaccine for dengue and claimed that it has an efficacy rate of
H0: _____________________________________
H1: _____________________________________
2. The Senior High School researchers claim that more than 20% of Senior High School male
students have tried smoking cigarette.
H0: _____________________________________
H1: _____________________________________
3. A researcher claimed that less than 50% of the students in Pampanga High School doesn’t
have internet connection.
H0: _____________________________________
H1: _____________________________________

REMEDIAL ACTIVITY C: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the blank.
According to Choco Bars Company, 20% of button-shaped chocolates produced are red.
If you buy one large 1.5kg bag and find that it contains 355 red button- shaped
chocolates out of a total of 1,858. Do we have evidence that the company is lying about
the proportion of red button-chocolates? (Use α = 0.01)
_____1. What is the null hypothesis?
A. p > 0.20 B. p ≠ 0.20 C. p ≤ 0.20 D. p = 0.20
_____2. What is the alternative hypothesis?
A. p < 0.20 B. p ≠ 0.20 C. p ≥ 0.20 D. p > 0.20
_____3. What is the level of significance?
A. α=0.05 B. α=0.1 C. α=0.01 D. α=0.5
_____4. What type of test is to be used?
A. t-test B. z-test C. two-tailed D. one-tailed
_____5. What test statistics is to be used?
A. t-test B. z-test C. two-tailed D. one-tailed
_____6. What is/are the critical values to be used?
A. -2.33 B. 1.65 C. -2.58 D.1.96
_____7. What is the computed value?
A. -1.08 B. 1.07 C. -0.87 D. 0.102
_____8. What is the decision rule?
A. If z ≤ -zcrit , reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
B. If z ≥ zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
C. If z ≤ -zcrit or z ≥ +zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
D. If z ≤ +zcrit or z ≥ -zcrit, reject H0. Otherwise, do not reject H0.
_____8. What is the decision?
A. Reject H0 B. Do not reject H0 C. Accept H0 D. Cannot determine H0
____10. What is the conclusion?
A. The proportion of the red button-shaped chocolates produced is 20%.
B. The proportion of the red button-shaped chocolates produced is not 20%.
C. The proportion of the red button-shaped chocolates produced is less than 20%.
D. The proportion of the red button-shaped chocolates produced is more than 20%.

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a. ̂ ̂
b. ̂ ̂
c. ̂ ̂ 0.38
d. ̂ ̂
e. ̂ ̂
2) ̂ ̂

1. A 6. B
2. B 7. C
3. B 8. B
4. A 9. D
5. B 10. B

1. B 6. A
2. C 7. C
3. B 8. B
4. D 9. A
5. B 10. B

Part I
Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis Type of Test
The proportion of the
1. The principal of Senior faculty members who The proportion of the
High School needs an are in favor to have an faculty members who
assistant principal and assistant principal is are in favor to have an
wants the approval of less than or equal to assistant principal is
more than 50%. 50%. more than 50%.
H0: p ≤ 50% H1: p > 50% One-tailed

2. According to Pulse Asia

survey released on The proportion of the The proportion of the
January 2021, 47% of Filipinos said that they Filipinos said that they
the Filipinos said they will not get vaccinated will not get vaccinated
will not get vaccinated against COVID-19 is against COVID-19 is not
against COVID-19. 47%. 47%.
H0: p = 47% H1: p ≠ 47% Two-tailed

3. The CEO claims that at

least 80 percent of the The proportion of the The proportion of the
company's 1,000,000 very satisfied customers very satisfied customers
customers are very is at least 80%. is less than 80%.
satisfied. H0: p ≥ 80% H1: p < 80%
4. The restaurant manager The projected sales of The projected sales of
projected the sales to the restaurant is less the restaurant is more
increase by more than 20%. than or equal to 20%. than to 20%.
H0: p ≤ 20% H0: p > 20% One-tailed

Part II 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10.C

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