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From: [Name]

[City, State Zip]


SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 94103-5413
(415) 557- 4800

Date: [July 13, 2021]


Vaccination and Mask Policies



With regard to your Vaccination and Face Covering policies dated June 23, 2021, and which
were updated July 12, 2021, wherein you stipulate I must submit my vaccination status and
vaccination documentation to the DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES (DHR) and must
undertake medical interventions including wearing a face covering, taking a COVID test, and/or
receiving a COVID-19 injection as a condition of my continued employment with the CITY
AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, I conditionally accept your offer to do so upon proof of
claim of the following points:

1. Upon proof of claim that these mandatory requirements are not made under threat,
duress and/or coercion of potential discipline and/or termination, and further;

2. Upon proof of claim that you have not committed a crime by attempting to extort
from me my personal, private property and medical information by resorting to
threat, duress, and/or coercion, and further;

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3. Upon proof of claim that the CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO
Health Order (No. C19-07y, updated July 8, 2021) upon which you are basing the
RESOURCES Vaccination and Mask policies are not unconstitutional as applied
to me, and further;

4. Upon proof of claim that the information you and your agency are basing your
policies on are not erroneous, hearsay, based upon mere assumption(s),
presumption(s), lies or propaganda, and further;

5. Upon proof of claim that this country and our society is not based upon the “rule
of law,” rather than arbitrary and capricious “orders,” “rules,” “dictates,” or
“mandates” which were not voted on or passed by a legislature, and further;

6. Upon proof of claim that I am subject to such “orders,” “rules,” “dictates,” or

“mandates,” and further;

7. Upon proof of claim that any and all health “mandates” you promote and impress
are not an unlawful attempt to impose them upon me, and further;

8. Upon proof of claim that the health “mandates” you promote and impress have
been passed and signed through Congress as per Article I of the Constitution for
the united States of America and/or the California State Legislature in order to be
true and actual Law, and further;

9. Upon proof of claim that any state “law,” “measure,” “policy,” “order,”
“ordinance,” “mandate,” or “rule” is not null and void if it is in conflict with the
California Constitution and/or the Constitution for the united States of America.
Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803), and further;

10. Upon proof of claim that I do not have and hold private property rights, and that
both the California Constitution and the Constitution for the united States of
America do not promote, support and protect private property rights; and further;

11. Upon proof of claim that mandating me to declare my vaccination status and
submit my vaccination documents as a condition of employment is not a violation
of my rights under the 4th Amendment of the Constitution for the united States of
America, and further;

12. Upon proof of claim that I do not have unalienable, God-given, and
constitutionally secured and protected Rights, Privileges and Immunities that you

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cannot lawfully interfere with, and that you are not attempting to seize my
unalienable right to be secure in my person and effects, and further;

13. Upon proof of claim that you do not lack lawful authority to mandate forced
release of private medical information or to impose medical interventions on me,
including face coverings, medical tests, or injections as a condition of my
employment, and further;

14. Upon proof of claim that you did not take an Oath of Office to support and uphold
both the California Constitution and the Constitution for the united States of
America, pursuant to Article XX, Section 3, and that you are not in violation
thereof, and further;

15. Upon proof of claim that you have not misrepresented your official title and
capacity to me, and that you are not conducting yourself under color of law in
violation of Title 18, Section 241, 242 and other titles affording me
constitutionally secured and protected rights, and further;

16. Upon proof of claim that your policies are not in violation of federal anti-
discrimination laws, including but not limited to The Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, and further;

17. Upon proof of claim that requiring me to wear a face covering as a visible symbol
of my vaccination status will not subject me to harassment, discrimination, or
censure from my superiors, my peers, my clients, or the public, and further;

18. Upon proof of claim that the new DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES
Vaccination and Mask policies are not in violation of our union contract and do
not require negotiation before taking effect, and further;

19. Upon proof of claim that the potential risks and negative impacts of wearing face
coverings, participating in testing, or receiving a COVID-19 injection do not
outweigh the benefits to me, and further;

20. Upon proof of claim that the inventor of the PCR test, Karry B. Mullis, did not
adamantly and publicly state, “It was never designed to detect infectious
diseases,” and that it can’t determine if an individual is infected, sick, healthy,
contagious or asymptomatic, and further;

21. Upon proof of claim that vaccine manufacturers have not been charged with and
lost multiple class action lawsuits regarding the fact that they intentionally or

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negligently misrepresented the safety and efficacy of their products, and that they
have not misrepresented the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 injections, and

22. Upon proof of claim that the vaccine manufacturers or pharmaceutical industry
did not eliminate the possibility for double blind placebo studies of the COVID-
19 injections by vaccinating the placebo group after only a few short weeks, thus
making the true long-term safety profiles of these products impossible to
determine, and further;

23. Upon proof of claim that you have not failed to thoroughly research the COVID-
19 injections in order to determine if they have been fully tested and proven
entirely safe for me, and further;

24. Upon proof of claim that the statements and claims made in your email to the
CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO employees dated June 23, 2021,
and the new DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Vaccination and Face
Covering policies regarding the necessity and effectiveness of these medical
products are not a violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. §
41 et seq., and further;

25. Upon proof of claim that you have not failed to produce documentation and
evidence showing how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention obtained
jurisdiction over me and the people of the CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN
FRANCISCO to dictate health procedures, and further;

26. Upon proof of claim that common face masks and COVID-19 test swabs do not
contain some or all of the following ingredients, and/or that these ingredients are
not dangerous or damaging to my health:

• Formaldehyde
• Aniline
• Cobalt
• Artificial fragrances
• Ethylene oxide
• Graphene oxide, and further;

27. Upon proof of claim that the COVID-19 injections do not contain some or all of
the following ingredients, and/or that these ingredients are not dangerous or
damaging to my health, or that injecting them into my body would not violate my
dietary or religious practices:

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• mRNA
• Graphene oxide
• Lipids (including 4-hydroxybutyl; azanediyl; bis(hexane-6,1-diyl); bis(2-
hexyldecanoate); 2 (polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N; N-ditetradecylacetamide; 1,2-
Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine)
• Cholesterol
• Potassium chloride
• Monobasic potassium phosphate
• Sodium chloride
• Dibasic sodium phosphate dehydrate
• Sucrose
• Biological molecules (e.g., components isolated from bacteria and synthetic
DNA- virus, bacteria, animal products, plasma made from aborted fetuses)
• Squalene (Shark liver oil)
• Excipients/Adjuvants (may include heavy metals, oils)
• Biological molecules (e.g., components isolated from bacteria and synthetic
• Aluminum
• Thimerosal (Mercury)
• Gelatin (usually sourced from pigs and highly processed)
• Preservatives, stabilizers, and emulsifiers
• Polysorbate 80
• Remnants of the vaccine production process (bacterial and viral particles)
• Acidity regulators (e.g., succinic acid and disodium adipate)
• Bovine serum
• Ovalbumin (from the whites of chicken eggs)
• Glutaraldehyde
• Formaldehyde
• Antibiotics (most commonly neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B, gentamicin,
and kanamycin), and further;

28. Upon proof of claim that you have not failed to provide, post and/or distribute
Hazardous Material Data sheets for the materials and ingredients used in face
masks, COVID-19 tests, and COVID-19 injections in accordance with OSHA
Code 1910.1200(b)(1), Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations and the
CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Injury and Illness Prevention
Program, and further;

29. Upon proof of claim that you have not failed to consistently monitor the
thousands of severe adverse reactions and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse

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Event Reporting System (VAERS) for the COVID-19 injections and that you
have not failed to rule out that these reactions were caused by, or a direct result of
the injections, and further;

30. Upon proof of claim that you have not failed to provide me with informed consent
regarding all potential, proven and/or unknown risks of these medical
interventions, which include but are not limited to:

• Dangerously low levels of oxygen in the bloodstream

• Dangerously high levels of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Suicide
• Severe anaphylaxis
• Myocarditis
• Cardiac arrest
• Stroke
• Autism
• Miscarriage
• Infertility
• Birth defects
• Chronic or acute autoimmune disorders such as blood clots or cytokine
• Chronic or acute neurological disorders such as Guillain Barre Syndrome or
Bell's Palsy
• Severe complications from Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)
• Death, and further;

31. Upon proof of claim that you have not presently failed, and will not fail in the
future, to properly investigate, record, report or post all CITY AND COUNTY
OF SAN FRANCISCO employee illnesses related to the DEPARTMENT OF
HUMAN RESOURCE’S mask and vaccine policies in VAERS or in accordance
with California Code of Regulations Title 8, Section 3203 and the CITY AND
COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Injury and Illness Prevention Program, and

32. Upon proof of claim that taking a COVID-19 injection will not catalyze a lifelong
neurodegenerative process, disorder, or disease by poisoning and disabling my
brain, and further;

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33. Upon proof of claim that the COVID-19 injections will not now or ever disrupt or
interfere with the proper function of my body, and further;

34. Upon proof of claim that if I take a COVID-19 injection, I will not subsequently
contract COVID-19, become ill or die from COVID-19, or transmit COVID-19 to
others, and further;

35. Upon proof of claim that my own natural immune system and antibodies are not
safer, more effective or longer lasting than these “mandatory” medical
interventions, and further;

36. Upon proof of claim that face coverings, COVID-19 tests and COVID-19
injections are not ALL designated by the Federal Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) as Experimental Use Authorization (EUA) products, and further;

37. Upon proof of claim that mandating the use of Experimental Use Authorization
(EUA) products as a condition of my employment and/or without my informed
consent is not a violation of Title 21, Section 360bbb-3 of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and further;

38. Upon proof of claim that mandating these experimental medical interventions as a
condition of my employment and/or without my informed consent is not a
violation of the Nuremberg Code and the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services Title 45 CFR part 46, which set forth ethical guidelines for
biomedical research and states that it is forbidden to coerce, influence or force any
human being to take any experimental medical treatment and that fully informed
consent is mandatory, and further;

39. Upon proof of claim that by mandating me to undertake these medical

interventions as a condition of my employment, whether they are under an
EUA designation OR full FDA approval, that you are not practicing medicine
without a license and in violation of Division II, Chapter V, Article III of the
California Business and Professions Code, and further;

40. Upon proof of claim that mandating me to undertake these medical interventions
as condition of my employment, whether they are under an EUA designation
OR full FDA approval, is not a violation of my Constitutionally secured and
protected rights and my God-given right to bodily sovereignty, and further;

41. Upon proof of claim that you are not unwilling to accept full liability in your
personal capacity for any and all financial, physical and/or mental health

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problems that I might personally experience as a result of complying with these
“mandatory” requirements.

Your timely response within 10 days of your receipt of this CONDITIONAL

ACCEPTANCE, must be in affidavit form, under your full commercial liability, rebutting each
of the points of the undersigned, on a point-by-point basis, that the facts contained therein are
true, correct, complete, and not misleading. Declarations are insufficient as declarations permit
lying by omission, which no honorable draft may contain.

With explicit reservation of all my unalienable and constitutionally secured and protected Rights
(Article 4:2:1), and any other Rights, Privileges and Immunities I may have with none waived,
and without prejudice.

Very Truly, in Proper Person, Special Status,

First and Last Name, in Sui Juris

_____________________ _______________________
Witness Signature Witness Signature

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