Smileanalysis: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

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Smile Analysis

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

Ahmed Sabbah, DDS, PhD

 Diastemas  Maxillary  Orthodontics  Smile  Smile Design
 Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning  Lip  Gingiva  Smile Arc  Facial flow
 Airway  Global Diagnosis  FGTP  Digital Smile Design

The Power of a Smile
“Even the simulation of an emotion tends to arouse it in our minds.”1 Charles Darwin
was the first to explain the hidden power of a smile. In his Facial-Feedback hypothesis,
he suggests that a smile has a systematically positive effect on the mind and body. A
widely cited 30-year longitudinal study on the analysis of smile expression in women’s
college pictures revealed that women displaying positive emotions in pictures had
favorable outcomes in their marriages and well-being and had more favorable person-
alities.2 Another study found that people with new smiles altered by cosmetic dentistry
were regarded as more attractive, intelligent, interesting, and wealthier.3 The power of
the smile is clearly exponential, and we are the architects of the new smile.
What Is Smile Design?
Smile design is defined as the process of creating an esthetic smile based on scientific
and artistic guidelines established through studies, perception, and cultural and racial
standards that have been recognized over time.4 Smile design is a dynamic field with
evolving trends that take into consideration: facial esthetics, lip dynamics, pink and
white esthetics, and personality. Traditional smile design focused on the orodental
complex. Modern smile designers must have a global understanding of the entire pa-
tient to design the perfect smile. Subjectivity is fundamental when it comes to smile
design. Purely scientific smiles are generic, symmetric, and seem fake. Copying and
pasting the same smile using the same tooth library and gingival esthetics for each pa-
tient results in an unesthetic result. No 2 smiles are identical, and each smile must take
on an identity of its own based on the guidelines outlined later. In the era of social me-
dia, it is popular for dentists to showcase artificial smiles. What sets a beautiful smile
apart is the integration of organic guidelines to achieve “perfect” results. In essence,
embracing nature and its imperfections is the next level of smile design (Fig. 1).

Advanced Education in General Dentistry Program, Director, Department of Comprehensive

Dentistry, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 8210 Floyd Curl Drive, San
Antonio, TX 78229, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]

Dent Clin N Am 66 (2022) 307–341
0011-8532/22/Published by Elsevier Inc.

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308 Sabbah

Fig. 1. Natural and artificial smiles created by restorative dentistry. Natural smiles (A). Nat-
ural smile (B). Artificial smiles (C). Artificial smile (D).

Global Components of the Smile

In this section, the authors discuss the fundamentals of smile analysis and the param-
eters to design the most esthetic smile. The term Ideal smile has been used in the liter-
ature; however, as discussed one can argue that no smile is ideal and that “Beauty is in
the eye of the beholder.”4 As such no smile design is successful without the compre-
hensive involvement of the patient. Therefore, the first step in smile design is patient
communication. In the era of digital dentistry, several applications and software exist
that can facilitate discussions with patients and understanding of expectations and
Three smile types have been shown in the literature: commissure smile (Mona Lisa
smile), social smile (cuspid smile), and spontaneous smile (complex smile)5 (Fig. 2).
Smile design should be performed on the patient’s spontaneous smile, as it depicts
true emotions. The social smile is usually used to disguise negative aspects of their

Fig. 2. Different types of smile: commissure smile, social smile, and spontaneous smile.

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Smile Analysis 309

smile and should not be used. It is challenging to get a patient in a dental chair to
reproduce a spontaneous smile. Therefore, the recommendation is to film the patient
in a nontreatment room with a relaxed ambiance. Several frames are cropped from the
video to provide dynamic data of the patient’s smile.6 Failure to recognize the spon-
taneous smile can lead to incorrect diagnosis and catastrophic failure.

The four building blocks of the modern esthetic smile

1. Facial esthetics: in this section, the authors discuss determinants of facial esthetics
(Fig. 3). All measurements are made in repose and natural head position. Repose is
defined as a rest position with the teeth and lips slightly apart.7 Natural head posi-
tion is defined as a reproducible position of the head in an upright posture with the
eyes focused on a point at eye level.8
a. Facial view
i. Facial proportions: the rule of thirds divides the face into 3 sections (Fig. 4).
The heights and ratio of the middle to lower third in repose play a significant
role in smile esthetics and diagnosis. The ideal ratio of the middle:lower third
is 1:1. A longer lower third is diagnosed as vertical maxillary excess (VME)
and can result in a gummy smile.7 A shorter lower third may indicate a
reduced occlusal vertical dimension (OVD).
ii. Reference lines: the 3 reference lines used in modern smile design in a frontal
view are the interpupillary line (IPL), the commissural line (CL), and the facial
flow (Fig. 5).9 The IPL is defined as a straight line that passes through the pu-
pils and is used to determine the transverse position of the maxillary occlusal
plane. The CL is determined by a straight line drawn between the right and
left lip commissure.9 Parallelism between the IPL and CL results in facial har-
mony. A recent report analyzed top celebrity smiles and found that the most
esthetic smiles were when the IPL, CL, and occlusal plane were all parallel.10
In situations where there is a lack of parallelism between the IPL and CL,
laypeople preferred the occlusal plane to be parallel with the CL.11 The facial
midline is a straight line drawn through the glabella, the tip of the nose, phil-
trum, and the tip of the chin.9 More recently, emphasis has been given to the

Fig. 3. Building blocks of modern smile design.

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310 Sabbah

Fig. 4. Facial proportions: middle to lower third ideally is 1:1. A longer lower third is diag-
nosed as VME (patient consent). This patient’s middle third measures at 64 mm and lower
third is 74 mm.

facial flow concept that states that due to the natural asymmetry of the hu-
man face, it is impossible to define a straight line as the midline. Rather, a
curved line connecting facial landmarks is more acceptable.12 The relation-
ship of the dental midline with the facial flow is discussed later in this article.
b. Profile view
i. Reference lines (Fig. 6)
1. The Frankfort horizontal, which is defined as a straight line from the highest
point on the margin of the auditory meatus to the lowest point of the orbit,
should be parallel to the horizon when the patient is in NHP.13
2. Camper’s plane or Ala-Tragus line, which is a line running from the inferior
border of the ala to the superior border of the tragus of the ear, determines
the maxillary occlusal plane.13,14 Different systems have shown reliability
in reproducing the maxillary occlusal plane, such as the Kois Dento-
Facial Analyzer, virtual face-bows, and the Behrend system that relies
on the use of photographs to determine tooth position and is the prototype
of Digital Smile Design (DSD).15





Facial flow

Fig. 5. Facial reference lines: the interpupillary line, the commissural line, and the facial
flow line as shown in the figure.

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Smile Analysis 311

Fig. 6. Profile reference lines. The Frankfort horizontal, Camper line, nasiolabial angle, and
E-Line are all important in smile design. (From Levine JB, Finkel S. Smile Design Integrating
Esthetics and Function. Vol Volume Two. (Levine JB, ed.). ELSEVIER; 2016.)

3. Nasolabial angle: this is an angle created at the subnasale by the intersec-

tion of a tangent to the base of the nose with a tangent to the outer edge of
the upper lip.9 In individuals with normal profile the angle is between 90
and 95 in men and 95 to 115 in women. Smaller angles indicate a prom-
inent maxilla and excessive lip support. Less dominant restorations are
recommended in these situations.9
4. Ricketts E-plane: a line drawn from the tip of the nose to the chin. In most
races, the upper lip is about 2 to 4 mm posterior to the line, whereas the
lower lip is 0 to 2 mm posterior in a normal profile. In a concave profile
(angle class III malocclusion), the lower lip is in front of the line. The maxil-
lary centrals can be made more dominant to get closer to the E-line.
Conversely, in a convex patient (angle class II malocclusion), the lower
lip is more than 2 mm behind the line and the maxillary centrals should
be less dominant.7,16
c. Facial shapes: “The law of harmony” suggested a correlation between facial
shape and contours of upper permanent incisors. The facial shapes described
are oval, triangle, and square.17 More recently, a correlation between facial
shape, personality, and tooth shapes has been proposed in what is called Visual
Identity of a Smile (VIS).18
2. Lip esthetics
a. Lip shape and volume: lips are classified as thin, medium, or thick. Voluminous
lips are seen as more attractive in women with the lower lip closer to the E-line
(Fig. 7).19 Slightly protruding inverted upper lips have been shown to convey
youth and attractiveness.20 In men less prominent lips are a sign of masculinity
and social dominance.21 With voluminous lips being the current standard of
beauty, care should be taken when retroclining maxillary incisors to avoid nega-
tive impacts on lip volume.20
b. Lip length (Fig. 8): the upper lip is measured from the base of the nose to the
inferior border of the upper lip. A normal upper lip measures 20 mm to
22.0 mm in women and 22 mm to 24 mm in men.22 A long upper lip decreases
incisal display, resulting in a less esthetic smile. Lip lifting is a technique that can
be used to unveil maxillary incisors.20 Conversely, a short upper lip results in

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312 Sabbah

Fig. 7. Different types of lips: thin, medium, and thick.

excessive incisal display and a possible gummy smile and can be treated by
c. Lip mobility Fig. 9: upper lip mobility is defined as the amount of lip movement in
a full smile; this can be measured by subtracting incisal exposure at rest from
dentogingival exposure during a spontaneous smile or by subtracting lip length
in a spontaneous smile from lip length in repose.22 Normal lip mobility is 6 to
8 mm.7 A hypermobile lip can be treated using Botox.
d. Lower lip: the role of the lower lip in smile esthetics has not been analyzed as
comprehensively even though the lower lip creates the smile frame. The current
standard of beauty is a voluminous lower lip. Furthermore, the maxillary incisal
edge should touch the lower lip in a social smile; however, a 0.5 mm gap was
still considered esthetic.23 The smile index is defined as the intercommisural
width divided by the interlabial gap during a smile (Fig. 10).24 Generally, an
esthetic smile index is greater than 5.0 and less than 7.5.25 A spontaneous smile
with interocclusal space will generally have a greater smile index than a posed
smile. A smile index greater than 7.5 indicates the aging of a smile due to the

Fig. 8. A. Lip length. Measured from the base of the nose to the inferior border of the upper

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Smile Analysis 313

Fig. 9. Lip mobility. Length of blue line to red line 5 9 mm. Hypermobile. Lip resulting in
excessive gingival display.

greater width and the smaller interlabial gap. If the upper lip and maxillary
occlusal planes are in the ideal position, the reduced interlabial gap is due to
the higher position of the lower lip position, which could be due to the reduced
3. Gingival esthetics: gingival architecture is fundamental to smile design. Color, stip-
pling, and biotype are essential components of pink esthetics.
a. Gingival design: as discussed by Fradeani, the gingival margin should maintain
parallelism with the occlusal plane and horizontal references such as the IPL
and CL (Fig. 11).9 Furthermore, the gingival margin should maintain the proper
curvature to match incisal edges and the smile arc. Soft tissue grafting and
crown lengthening are periodontal procedures used to achieve harmonious
gingival margins. The classic gingival design is where the canines and central
incisor gingival margin falls on the same line with the laterals slightly coronal
(1–2 mm).5 Variations exist such as the modified gingival designed where the
centrals and laterals are on the same line. The classic literature has focused
on the anterior 6; however, with the focus on wider smiles, the posterior teeth
gingival margins should be taken into consideration. Crawford and colleagues26
suggested the esthetic zone for posterior teeth, which is defined as a tangent
from the canine margin to the lower border of the upper lip superior to the first
molar. An acceptable range for the premolars is 2 mm apical to the line and
1 mm for molars. Further studies are needed to evaluate posterior teeth

Fig. 10. Smile index 5 intercommisural width/interlabial gap. The esthetic range is 5 to 7.5.
A greater smile index could be related to a smaller interlabial gap due to a collapsed OVD.

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314 Sabbah

Fig. 11. Ideal gingival design. (1) Canine sand centrals on a straight line; (2) laterals slightly
incisal to the line. Gingival margin follows smile arc. (From Levine JB, Finkel S. Smile Design
Integrating Esthetics and Function. Vol Volume Two. (Levine JB, ed.). ELSEVIER; 2016.)

esthetics as the demand for wider smiles increases. The gingival zenith is
defined as the most apical point of the gingival margin. Traditionally, the zenith
is located slightly distal to the midline of the centrals and in the center for laterals
and canines.27
b. Gingival exposure: Robbins and colleagues7 suggested that gingival display
more than 2 mm in a high smile is regarded as excessive. In the spontaneous
smile, Machado and colleagues5 suggested that 3 mm is the threshold for a
gummy smile. Therefore we suggest that gingival exposure of more than 2 to
3 mm is regarded as excessive (Fig. 12). Treatment of a gummy smile depends
on the Global Diagnosis system discussed later in this article.
c. Papillary height: Hochman and colleagues28 reported that the length of the
papilla was 40% the length of the tooth from the zenith to the incisal edge.
Furthermore, they reported that 87% of patients with low smiles displayed
papilla. Therefore, when designing smiles of patients with low smiles, it is crucial
to maintain the papillary display.28 Long contacts with no papilla are regarded as
unesthetic and should be avoided. Tooth and restoration shapes play an impor-
tant role in papilla height. Triangular and oval-shaped restorations have shorter
contacts and longer papilla. If the height from the base of the contact to the
crest of the bone is more than 5 mm then a longer contact or more square resto-
ration is necessary to avoid the formation of a black triangle.29
4. Dental esthetics: in this section, the authors discuss different specifics of white es-
thetics that need to be taken into consideration during smile design.
a. Incisal edge position: this is the most important factor in determining tooth po-
sition in smile design. Maxillary central incisal edge is determined in repose and
full smile. In repose, if lip length is normal, the incisal edge display is 3 to 4 mm in

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Smile Analysis 315

Fig. 12. Excessive gingival display in full smile.

women and 1 to 2 mm in men (Fig. 13).30 More incisal display indicates a more
youthful and attractive smile. In full smile, Gaikwad and colleagues reported that
the best esthetic result is when the maxillary centrals contacted the lower lip
even though 0.5 mm distance between the incisal edge and the lower lip was
still considered esthetic.23,31 Moreover, Pound reported that in an E-Smile
(spontaneous) the maxillary centrals should occupy between 50% and 80%
of the interlabial distance.32 The F sounds are also used to determine the incisal
edge position. During gentle pronunciation of the F sounds, the incisal edge
should touch the wet/dry border of the lower lip.16
b. Smile Arc: smile arc refers to the position of the maxillary incisors in a vertical
position. Profitt and colleagues33 reported that the smile arc is the most impor-
tant factor of the smile. Smile arc is classified into 3 categories: convex/positive,
straight/plane, or inverted/reverse (Fig. 14). The positive smile is the most
esthetic and is defined as when the maxillary incisal edges cradle the lower
lip. Al Johany and colleagues34 found that positive smiles were seen in 78%
of celebrity smiles. In a positive smile, the incisal edge of the maxillary central
is more incisal than the canines. Furthermore, there is a 0.5 to 1 mm step be-
tween the incisal edge of the maxillary centrals and the laterals in men and
1.0 to 1.5 mm step in women.5 This ensures the dominance of the maxillary cen-
trals. To create a less dominant smile, the clinician can decrease the maxillary-
lateral incisal edge step and position the maxillary central incisal edge at the
same level as the canine edge.
c. Maxillary central dimensions and symmetry: once the vertical position of the
maxillary centrals is established, the length and the width need to be deter-
mined. The range for width:height ratio of the maxillary centrals is 75% to
85%.35 Slender teeth are more common in women, whereas male teeth are
closer to 85%. Any ratio greater than 85% is regarded as unesthetic. The
esthetic guide for hard tissue developed by Chu and colleagues36 uses mathe-
matical formulas to calculate the width and height of maxillary and mandibular
anteriors as well as intratooth relationships. If the width of the central is X, the
lateral is X-2, whereas the canine is X-1. The height can then be calculated by
dividing by 0.78 (dentist preferred W/H ratio) (Fig. 15). Based on this formula:
the width of the mandibular central 5 X-3 and the average dimensions of the
centrals are 8.5 mm wide and 11 mm long. Gender and face size play a major
role in teeth dimensions.36 Natural smiles have a degree of asymmetry;

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316 Sabbah

Fig. 13. Incisal edge position in repose. 3 to 4 mm in women and 1 to 2 mm in men.

however, symmetry was found to be most crucial for the maxillary central inci-
sors. Asymmetry was less noticeable further from the midline.37
d. Proportions between anterosuperior teeth: the intertooth relationship between
the maxillary anteriors has been studied extensively through the years. Levin
proposed the golden ratio in 1978, which suggested that in the facial view the
width of the laterals is 62% the width of the centrals and that the width of the
canines is 62% the width of the laterals.38 The golden proportion was found
to not exist in nature and was regarded as unesthetic in several studies due
to the narrowing of the smile.39 With the emphasis on wider smiles in modern
smile design, other proportions are regarded as more esthetic. The recurring
esthetic dental (RED) proportion has been proposed by Ward and colleagues40
as a model for modern smile design. RED proportion ranges from 62% to 80%
and differs based on the desired length of teeth and height and gender of the
patient. For shorter teeth, the 80% RED proportion was found to be the most
esthetic, whereas for longer teeth the 62% RED (Golden) was ideal (Fig. 16).
e. Presence of diastemas: in general, all anterior diastemas should be closed un-
less requested by the patient. An untreated maxillary median diastema (MMD) of
more than 0.5 mm was regarded as less esthetic41 Moreover, MMD of more
than 4 mm is recommended to be restored by an interdisciplinary approach
of orthodontics and restorations.41 In these cases the use of restorative alone
results in abnormal tooth shape that does not follow the W/H ratio of 78%.
Recently, Bioclear has been marketed as a solution for diastema closures. It
is the authors’ opinion that Bioclear results in W/H ratio greater than 78%, which
produces an unesthetic smile with square teeth, long contacts, and papillary
height less than 40%.
f. Buccal corridors: this is defined as the dark space between the buccal of the
maxillary teeth and the labial commissure during smiling. Buccal corridors
can be classified as narrow, intermediate, or wide.5 The effect of the buccal
corridor on smile esthetics has been controversial, with some studies reporting
that laypeople did not notice a difference, whereas other studies reported that

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Smile Analysis 317

Fig. 14. Positive, straight, and negative smiles.

an intermediate buccal corridor is more esthetic.42 Furthermore, a recent study

analyzing celebrity smiles found that only 22% of celebrity smiles had a wider
corridor.43 A wide buccal corridor can be treated by camouflaging the space
with restorative dentistry; however, a wider corridor usually indicates a narrow
arch. With the current emphasis on airway in treatment planning, the ideal

Fig. 15. Intratooth dimensions as proposed by Chu. (From German DS, Chu SJ, Furlong ML,
Patel A. Simplifying optimal tooth-size calculations and communications between practi-
tioners. Am J Orthod Dentofac. 2016;150(6):1051-1055.

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318 Sabbah

Fig. 16. Different RED proportions for anterior teeth ratios. (From Ward DH. Proportional
Smile Design. Dent Clin N Am. 2015;59(3):623-638.

treatment modality should be maxillary expansion to position the teeth in the

correct transverse position.7
g. Midline position and angulation: the position of the maxillary midline plays a
controversial role in smile esthetics. Classic literature indicates that a midline
shift of 3 to 4 mm was not recognized by laypeople.44 In these studies, however,
the face was not included, which undermines the importance of the face in smile
design. More contemporary literature reports that a midline deviation of greater
than 2 mm was regarded as unesthetic.45 In addition, 48.8% of celebrity smiles
had a midline deviation, which underscores that minimal deviation is not notice-
able and should not alter the treatment plan to unnecessarily correct the maxil-
lary midline.43 Although the midline changes are not as noticeable, classic
literature suggested that angulation of the midline had a more pronounced effect
on smile esthetics. A cant of 2.0 mm in the midline was readily noticed by
laypeople and resulted in an unesthetic smile.44 More recently, the concept of
facial flow has suggested that canting or shifting of the midline is acceptable
if it follows the facial flow (Fig. 17). The direction that the facial flow points to-
ward is called the green side. Angulation of the midline or shifting toward the
green side is less noticeable, resulting in a blended-in effect. If the midline is
shifted or canted toward the opposite direction (red side), greater visual tension
occurs, resulting in an unesthetic smile.12
h. Tooth color and anatomy
i. Color: studies have shown that brighter tooth shade significantly increased
the attractiveness of a smile. Moreover, it was reported that women preferred
lighter shades than men. Therefore, the current recommendation is to whiten
teeth to a lighter shade before cosmetic procedures.46 Furthermore, biomi-
metic dentistry advocates the use of minimally invasive restorations such
as contact lens veneers with greater translucency, thus the stump shade
would have greater effects on the final shade of the smile.
ii. Anatomy: several anatomic components affect the shape of the smile
(Fig. 18):16

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Smile Analysis 319

Fig. 17. Facial flow: the green side is the side that the dental midline can “flow” toward. A
midline shift toward the red side is more noticeable.

Fig. 18. Teeth anatomy fundamentals in modern smile design. (From Levine JB, Finkel S.
Smile Design Integrating Esthetics and Function. Vol Volume Two. (Levine JB, ed.). ELSEVIER;

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320 Sabbah

1. Line angles: these give the general outline of the teeth and control the
width. Altering the line angles can make a tooth look wider or narrower.
2. Height of contour: located distal to the midline in the gingival third. Anterior
maxillary teeth have 3 planes.
3. Contacts: contact areas start at 40% at the midline and decrease distally.
Contact points move more apically as in a distal direction.
4. Incisal embrasures: incisal embrasures increase gradually as we move
distally starting at 20% of the tooth height at the midline to 35% at the
distal of the canines.
5. Incisal edge: incisal edge anatomy and translucency are essential in
creating a more natural smile. Younger patients have more defined incisal
edges with mamelons. The opalescence that is seen at the incisal edge
must be created in restorations to avoid the artificial look.
6. Texture: microtexture: these are developmental grooves that are found in
younger teeth and usually run horizontally. Macrotexture refers to lobes that
divide the facial surface of teeth into distinct concavities and convexities.9
7. Tooth shape: different concepts have been proposed to aid in the selec-
tion of tooth shapes and forms. Leon Williams proposed that the shape of
the maxillary anteriors should match the face form. The 3 proposed
shapes were square, triangular, and ovoid.47 Contemporary teeth selec-
tion has focused on incorporating a patient’s personal identity and facial
features to create a more personalized smile.18 Gurel and colleagues
created the VIS, which developed an association between esthetics, func-
tion, artistic visual language, facial recognition, and personality typology
to develop 4 smile design types outlined as follows:
a. Strong: composed of mainly rectangular shapes, strong dominance
b. Dynamic: triangular shapes, standard dominance
c. Delicate: oval shapes, medium dominance.
d. Calm or stable: smoothly rounded square with weak dominance
8. Teeth library: historically, the anatomy of restorations depended on the
laboratory technician fabricating the case and their comfort level. Digital
dentistry has opened the possibility for infinite libraries, shapes, and
molds of teeth. In addition, patients can select and visualize a tooth library
before fabrication; this is one of the main principles of DSD. In addition,
digital dentistry allows us to “copy” natural libraries from one patient
and “paste” them into another. This copy-paste concept was developed
by Dr Christian Coahcman and emphasizes the use of natural teeth library
to create a natural-looking smile, rather than using artificial libraries.
Clinical tip: all the following lead to aging of the smile and should be avoided during
smile design18:
 Flattened incisal edges
 Smaller incisal embrasures
 Smoother facial texture
 Prominent mandibular display
 Increase chroma
 Anterior splaying

Contemporary Treatment Planning and Smile Design

So far, we have focused on the fundamentals of smile design. As suggested in the pre-
vious section, smile design is interdisciplinary. A practitioner who just focuses on

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Smile Analysis 321

esthetics without an understanding of airway, function, structure, and biology will al-
ways fail in treating most smile design cases. Patients who report for smile makeovers
usually have complicated cause that has resulted in the unesthetic outcome pre-
sented. Therefore, the modern smile design team should consist of general practi-
tioners and specialists with interdisciplinary knowledge.
Several interdisciplinary treatment planning concepts have been developed over
the years. Dr Roblee proposed the interdisciplinary dentofacial therapy (IDT) model.48
Dr Roblee defines IDT as a synergist relationship “between” specialties rather than
each specialty acting independently (multidisciplinary). The IDT model has evolved
to the more contemporary model called mature IDT. Mature IDT focuses on an
evidence-based approach with common goals and cloud-based communication.
Communication had been the biggest challenge when dealing with these cases.
The development of DSD and asynchronous communication by Dr Christian
Coachman has revolutionized the treatment of these interdisciplinary cases.49
Another interdisciplinary treatment planning concept is the facially generated treat-
ment planning (FGTP) approach proposed by Dr Frank Spear and Dr John Kois.50
Traditional treatment planning focused on collecting data and findings through a
comprehensive diagnostic approach with casts, radiographs, and a clinical examina-
tion to develop a treatment plan; this is an “inside-out” approach, starting with the
biology, structure, function, and then esthetics of the teeth. As a result, the esthetic
result was frequently compromised, as the end result could not be visualized ahead
of time. Think about trying to put pieces of a puzzle together without knowing what
the outcome should look like. Furthermore, the esthetic result relied primarily on the
orodental complex without much attention to the face.


The Great Pyramids of Giza are some of the wonders of the world that took 30 years
each to build. Imagine the ancient Egyptians inspecting the structure of each block
and stacking them one by one without having an end goal. Thirty years later they
decide they did not like the final result. That is how inside-out treatment planning
works (Fig. 19). The ancient Egyptians used an “outside-in” approach, where they
visualized an end result, then reverse-engineer the construction. Frank Spear and
John Kois were the first to adopt this “outside-in” approach to treatment planning.50
The logic stemmed from the popular saying by Dr Peter Dawson: “If you know where
are and know where you want to go, getting there is easy.”16 In essence, you need to
know what the puzzle looks like before putting the pieces together. FGTP starts with
the end in mind with emphasis on facial and dental Esthetics followed by Function,
Structure, and Biology (EFSB system).51 More recently, Airway has been added to
the equation, where airway has become the first step in FGTP (AEFSB system)
(Fig. 20). Instead of expanding the smile with veneers and camouflaging a constricted
maxilla, expanding the airway with orthodontics would result in ideal esthetics while
addressing airway issues resulting in a healthier outcome.52 Linking esthetics to health
emphasizes the newly discovered importance of ideal smile design in achieving overall
 Airway phase: this starts with the examination of the airway before deciding on
the position of the teeth. The first step is a sleep questionnaire such as the Ep-
worth Sleeping Scale (ESS), Berlin, or the Wisconsin sleep questionnaire.53 A
proper examination is needed that includes body mass index, craniofacial
morphology, tongue, and pharyngeal size, palatine tonsils, and teeth wear pat-
terns. Once airway involvement is suspected, several screening tools are

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322 Sabbah

Fig. 19. Inside-out treatment planning versus outside in treatment planning.

recommended by Dr Jeff Rouse, such as high-resolution pulse oximetry (HRPO)

for 2 to 3 days, which measures oxygen desaturation and pulse rate changes. If
apnea is suspected, the patient is referred to a physician to diagnose sleep ap-
nea. Several treatment interventions are available to expand the airway as part of
interdisciplinary treatment, such as surgically facilitated orthodontic therapy,
miniscrew-assisted palatal expansion, or orthognathic surgery. These interven-
tions lead to changes in teeth position and affect the smile frame. As a result,
this model suggests that it is important to rule out airway issues before smile
 Esthetic phase: this phase consists of 8 steps based on the guidelines discussed
earlier in this article:
 Central incisal edge position: determine the position of the incisal edge in full
smile and repose in a vertical position.
 Maxillary incisor inclination: determine the labial inclination of the maxillary
 Maxillary occlusal plane: determine the position of the rest of the maxillary
teeth relative to esthetics.
 Gingival levels: determine ideal gingival levels using the width and length pro-
portions of each tooth and gingival displays as a guide.
 Mandibular incisor edge position: determine the position of the mandibular
incisor edge relative to the maxillary arch.
 Mandibular incisor occlusal relationship: set the mandibular incisal edge
against the lingual of the maxillary incisors; this determines the OVD.
 Mandibular occlusal plane: the remaining mandibular teeth are set at the es-
tablished OVD in the intercuspal position.
 Mandibular Gingival Levels: Determine the position of the mandibular gingiva
relative to appropriate tooth dimensions.
 Functional phase: the goal of this phase is to integrate the esthetic analysis with a
functional occlusion. This phase consists of 3 steps:
 Joint signs and symptoms: evaluation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
function and movement.
 Muscle pain and tenderness: evaluation of muscles for signs of tenderness and

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Smile Analysis 323

Fig. 20. AEFSB system in facially generated treatment planning.

 Dental signs and symptoms: evaluation of signs of wear, fractures, sensitivity,

and cracks.
 Structural phase: during this phase, the clinician determines the following:
 Teeth that require treatment
 Teeth with inadequate structure to restore
 Teeth that will be removed
 Missing teeth that will be replaced
 Tooth replacement concerns
 Biological phase: At the biological phase, the clinician takes into consideration
endodontic therapy and periodontal care and oral surgery. The 3 steps for this
phase are as follows:
 Oral surgery.

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324 Sabbah


In 2016 Robbins and Rouse established a model to address gingival display7. They
concluded that even though the incisal edge position generated by FGTP was ideal,
the final result may be unsatisfactory in some cases due to excessive gingival display.
They developed the Global Diagnosis approach that focuses on the “gummy smile.”7
The 4, 5, 6 concept states that there are (4) global diagnoses for interdisciplinary treat-
ment planning, (5) core questions to determine the diagnosis, and (6) treatment op-
tions (Fig. 21).
 The 4 global diagnoses:
1. Upper lip: short/long or hypermobile/hypomobile
2. Clinical crowns:
- Short: microdontia, incisal wear or altered passive eruption

- Long: recession

3. Dentoalveolar extrusion (DAE)

4. Skeletal discrepancy: vertical maxillary excess, vertical maxillary deficiency,
angle class II or class III malocclusion
 The 5 core questions:7
1. “What are the facial proportions?”
 Normal middle:lower face is 1:1
2. “What are the length and mobility of the upper lip?”
 Normal lip length: 20 to 22 mm in women and 22 to 24 mm in men.
 Normal lip mobility during smile: 6 to 8 mm in full smile.
3. “What is the relationship between gingiva levels and the horizon?”
 Straight line from canine to canine with centrals on the line and laterals 1 to
2 mm below the line
4. “What is the length of maxillary central incisors?”
 10 to 11 mm
5. “Is the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) palpable in the sulcus?”
 CEJ should be detected in the sulcus
Once the dentist answers the 5 core questions, a Global Diagnosis can be made. In
this section, all 5 cores questions are assumed normal except for the one discussed. It
is possible that several variables can be affected in which case several Global Diag-
noses would be considered.
1. Vertical maxillary excess: the patient has a longer lower face compared with the
middle third. If the patient has a shorter lower face compared with the middle third,
the diagnosis is vertical maxillary deficiency.
2. Short upper lip: the patient’s lip is shorter in length than the standards discussed
earlier. Long upper lip: the patient’s lip is longer than the standards shown earlier
(Fig. 22).
3. Hypermobile upper lip: the patient’s lip moves more than 6 to 8 mm in full smile. If
the patient’s lip does not move 6 to 8 mm in full animation then the diagnosis is hy-
pomobile upper lip
4. Dentoalveolar extrusion: in this case, the patient’s gingiva is concave when drawing
a line from canine to canine. The maxillary central incisors do not fall on the straight
line. All other variables are normal, including palpation of the CEJ (Fig. 23).
5. Microdontia: the patient has smaller teeth than the norms discussed earlier. The
CEJ is palpable, and there is no wear.
6. Incisal attrition: the patient has short teeth, CEJ is palpable, and there is incisal
edge wear.

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Smile Analysis 325

Fig. 21. Global diagnosis concept.4–6

7. Altered passive eruption: the patient has short teeth, CEJ cannot be detected in the
sulcus, and usually there is no wear on the incisal edge (Fig. 24).
8. Recession: the patient’s teeth are long, and the CEJ is visible
 The 6 treatment options:
1. Orthognathic surgery:
 Global Diagnosis: VME
- Primary treatment: maxillary Le Fort I impaction

- Alternative treatment: Botox

- Alternative treatment: crown lengthening and restorative dentistry.

 Global Diagnosis: VMD: maxillary downfracture, bilateral sagittal split os-

teotomy (BSSO)
 Global Diagnosis: angle class II or class III malocclusion
- Primary Treatment: orthognathic and orthodontics.

2. Plastic surgery:
 Global Diagnosis: short upper lip
- Primary treatment: Botox and lip fillers

- Secondary treatment: behavior modification.

 Global Diagnosis: long upper lip

- Primary treatment: lip lift

 Global Diagnosis: hypermobile upper lip

- Primary treatment: Botox

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326 Sabbah

Fig. 22. Long upper lip resulting in no incisal edge display.

- Secondary treatment: plastic surgery, behavior modification

 Global Diagnosis: hypomobile upper lip:

- Primary treatment: Botox of depressor muscles

3. Orthodontics:
 Global Diagnosis: dentoalveolar extrusion
- Primary treatment: orthodontic intrusion, restorative dentistry

 Global Diagnosis angle class I or class II malocclusion.

- Primary treatment: orthodontics, orthognathic if needed.

4. Restorations
 Global Diagnosis: microdontia.
- Primary treatment: restorative such as veneers, crowns, or composites

 Global Diagnosis: incisal attrition.

- Primary treatment: restorative such as veneers, crowns, or composites

5. Crown lengthening:
 Global Diagnosis: altered passive eruption
- Primary treatment: esthetic crown lengthening is completed from facial

line angle to line angle 3 mm apical to the CEJ.

 Global Diagnosis: dentoalveolar extrusion
- Primary treatment: functional crown lengthening is performed to correct

the concave gingiva followed by restorative dentistry.

6. Connective tissue grafting:
 Global Diagnosis: long clinical crown
- Primary treatment: soft tissue grafting to correct the recession

- Secondary treatment: restorative dentistry with pink porcelain if needed

Fig. 23. U-shaped gingiva and bone in dentoalveolar extrusion of maxillary anterior teeth.
Treatment is functional crown lengthening.

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Smile Analysis 327

Fig. 24. Altered passive eruption treated with esthetic crown lengthening.

It is important to note that alternative treatment plans can be proposed if the patient
does not want to proceed with the “ideal” plan, especially in the case of orthognathic
surgery. Even though a La-Forte 1 might be indicated, an alternative plan such as crown
lengthening, Botox, and restorative might be enough to address the patient’s esthetic
concern; this is the power of digital planning, where the patient can visualize the end
result of several plans and mock-ups and go with an informed decision. As with all treat-
ment plans, the pros and cons need to be discussed with the patient. Care should be
taken not to compromise the final result when selecting an alternative plan.


Rationale: the 2 treatment planning concepts outlined earlier provide the practitioner
with very powerful tools to guide planning advanced interdisciplinary cases. It is the
authors’ opinion that these 2 concepts can be merged into a more inclusive compre-
hensive treatment plan philosophy focused on the concepts of Digital Smile Design
with Global Diagnosis and FGTP. This proposed concept is termed Smile Design
Treatment Planning (SDTP) and provides the practitioner with a treatment sequence
when dealing with smile design cases. Once the ideal smile is designed, the clinician
uses the decision trees discussed later to decide treatment options. Because of the
novelty of this concept, changes will be made in the future to address emerging
Nine steps for SDTP:
1. Data acquisition phase
2. Airway analysis
3. Facial analysis
4. OVD and TMJ analysis
5. Lip analysis
6. Dental analysis
7. Gingival analysis
8. Mandibular arch and occlusal analysis
9. Virtual treatment analysis
 Step 1: data acquisition phase:
 Phase summary: during this phase, the clinician collects diagnostic data for
case analysis. These data are used to construct a virtual patient for digital
treatment planning. An SDTP checklist is also used to provide clinical data
(Fig. 25).

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328 Sabbah

Fig. 25. SDTP checklist.

- 5 DSD photos: frontal smile with teeth apart, frontal retracted with teeth
apart, profile at rest, profile at smile, and 12 o’clock smile view54
- Repose picture at physiologic rest position (PRP)
- Video of the patient in repose, full smile, spontaneous smile, phonetics
- Kois Dento-Facial Analyzer or digital facebow.
- STLs at current OVD and proposed OVD
- SDTP checklist.
Optional data: facial scan, cone beam computed tomography (for implant planning,
guided crown lengthening), cephalometric (orthognathic, orthodontics, and airway
analysis), Viewing/Design Software—DSD, Smilefy, Exocad, 3Shape Trios, BlueSky-
Bio (Free), MeshMixer (Free)—or other applicable alternatives.
 Step 2: airway analysis
 Phase summary: during this phase, the dentist screens the patient for possible
airway involvement. This involves an extraoral and intraoral clinical examina-
tion, sleep questionnaire, and possible use of HRPO if airway issues are sus-
pected (discussed earlier). OVD is also assessed at this phase and whether the
airway would benefit from increasing the OVD. Airway analysis is also inte-
grated into some of the following steps. Possible airway changes must be
considered in each step of SDTP.
 Step 3: facial analysis (Fig. 26)
 Phase summary: during this phase, the face is analyzed in repose at PRP in
profile and frontal view. Global diagnosis rules are followed.
- In the frontal view: if the middle:lower face is 1:1 then face proportions are

normal. If the lower third is longer then the diagnosis is VME, and the primary
treatment is La-Forte 1 impaction. If the middle face is longer then the diag-
nosis is VMD, and the primary treatment is maxillary downfracture, BSSO.7

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Smile Analysis 329

Fig. 26. Facial analysis in SDTP and treatment options.

-The facial flow is also analyzed in this view and decided whether it is perpen-
dicular or curved.
- In profile, Rickett’s line is used as a reference. If the lower lip is greater than

2 mm posterior, then the face is convex, and the patient is class II. The
dentist should be aware of possible airway issues in class II patients due
to decreased airway volume.55 In addition, if the OVD is increased, care
should be taken whether to restore the patient in centric relation (CR) or
centric occlusion (CO). Restoring a class I or class II patient in CR could
worsen airway issues by decreasing airway volume due to the posterior
reposition of the mandible. An airway analysis should be conducted with
provisional restorations or splint at an open OVD if CR will be used to
examine airway volume.56 If the lower lip is less than 2 mm posterior to
the line, then the face is concave (class III), and orthodontics and orthog-
nathic surgery should be considered. Opening the OVD could improve the
overbite/overjet relationship for these patients. In some class III patients,
the maxilla is deficient and airway volume is decreased.57
 Step 4: OVD and TMJ analysis (Fig. 27)
 Phase summary: once facial and airway analysis is complete, the clinician can
now assess the patient’s OVD. There are several methods to determine the
PRR and OVD.58 Facial esthetics can be used as a guide to determine the

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330 Sabbah

Fig. 27. OVD and TMJ analysis in SDTP and treatment options.

OVD. The accepted interocclusal distance (IOD) is 3 mm but can be a range as

noted in a recent study.59 If the patient has greater IOD, the clinician can use
several methods to determine a new OVD such as splint or leaf gauge. The
clinician also needs to take into consideration the airway and the patient’s
Angle classification as discussed earlier. If the OVD is excessive such as in
cases of anterior open bite or VME, then orthognathic surgery and orthodon-
tics are recommended to decrease OVD. TMJ and muscles also need to be as-
sessed during this phase. There is strong clinical evidence that the
stomatognathic system can adapt to changes in OVD.59 However, care should
be taken on patients with existing TMD when considering changing the OVD.
TMD and muscle issues should be addressed prior. It is also recommended to
use a removable appliance to increase the OVD gradually before considering
irreversible procedures.60
 Step 5: lip analysis (Fig. 28)
 Phase summary: during this phase, the length, volume, and mobility of the lip
are analyzed.
- Lip length: normal lip length is 20 to 22 for women and 22 to 24 for men. A

short lip is to be treated with Botox, whereas a long lip can be treated with a
lip lift procedure.
- Lip mobility: normal mobility is 6 to 8 mm. A hypermobile lip is treated with

Botox, whereas a hypomobile lip can be treated with Botox and smile
- Lip volume: thin lips are treated with lip fillers.

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Smile Analysis 331

Fig. 28. Lip analysis in SDTP and treatment options.

 Step 6: dental analysis

 Phase summary: during this phase, the position, size, midline, occlusal plane,
smile arc, shape, and color are established.
- Incisal edge position: In a patient with normal lip length and facial propor-

tions the maxillary central incisal edge position is analyzed in repose. In

the frontal position, there should be 2 to 3 mm of the incisal display. Pho-
netics is also used to analyze incisal edge position. The normal position is
for the incisal edge to touch the wet-dry border during F sounds. If the incisal
display is greater or less, then orthodontics or restorative are considered to
correct the position. In the profile view: the nasolabial angle is assessed to
evaluate the anterior-posterior position of the maxillary centrals. The normal
angle is 90 to 95 in men and 95 to 115 in women. A wider angle or nar-
rower angle can be corrected with orthodontics or restorative (Fig. 29).
The following are analyzed in full spontaneous smile with the following assumptions.
Any variations need to be taken into consideration.
 Normal lip mobility
 Normal facial proportions
 CEJ is detected in the sulcus. If not, the Global Diagnosis is APE and gingival
analysis should be completed first.

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332 Sabbah

Fig. 29. Incisal edge position analysis, facial analysis phase of SDTP.

 Size of maxillary centrals: the average size is 10 to 11 mm. Short teeth indicate
microdontia or incisal wear and are treated restoratively. Longer teeth with
exposed CEJ are treated restoratively or with soft tissue grafting (Fig. 30).
 Dental midline position: once the centrals are set, the dental midline is
analyzed in reference to the facial flow. Up to 2 mm deviation is considered
esthetic. If the flow is straight, the midline should be parallel. In cases where
the flow is curved, the midline angulation should flow in the same direction
as the flow toward the green side. Deviations can be treated with orthodontics
or restorative (see Fig. 30).
 Occlusal plane: the horizontal plane should be set parallel to the IPL. In cases
where the IPL and ICL are not parallel, the ICL is recommended. The trans-
verse plane is set parallel to Camper’s line. Variations are treated with ortho-
dontics, orthognathic, or restorative (see Fig. 30).
 Smile arc: straight or convex smile arcs are recommended. If a more dominant
smile is desired, the incisal step between the laterals and the centrals is made
to be steeper. The smile arc should follow the lower lip. In the case of a
concave smile arc, the treatment options are extrusion of the incisors with or-
thodontics or restorative dentistry to make the teeth longer. The clinician must
consider how this would affect OVD, overjet, overbite, incisal edge display in
repose, and envelop of function as discussed later (see Fig. 30).
 Size of anterior teeth: once the size of the maxillary centrals is established, the
RED proportions and Chu guidelines are used to decide on the size of the re-
maining anterior teeth. The RED proportions vary between 62% and 80% de-
pending on the gender and size of the patient. If the teeth are wider than

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Smile Analysis 333

Dental analysis II SDTP

Size of maxillary centrals Dental midline

Facial flow
Short Normal Long
<10-11 mm 10-11 mm >10-11 mm
• Incisal wear • Macrodontia
• Microdontia • Recession Straight Curved
• APE (-CEJ) • Tall patient
Normal Normal
• <2 mm deviation • <2 mm deviation
• Parallel to facial • Towards green
• Restorative • Restorative midline side
• Esthetic crown pink porcelain
lengthening • Pink porcelain Abnormal Abnormal
• Soft tissue >2 mm deviation >2 mm deviation
grafting canted towards red side

• Orthodontics
• Restorative

Smile arc Occlusal plane

Concave Convex Straight Frontal view Profile view

Normal Normal
• Orthodontics • Parallel to IPL and ICL • Parallel to Camper’s
• Restorative • If IPL and ICL are not line
paralle: Follow ICL

• Orthodontics
• Restorative

Fig. 30. Size of maxillary centrals, position of dental midline, occlusal plane orientation,
smile arc position. Facial analysis phase of SDTP.

desired, orthodontics or restorative options are considered. If the teeth are

narrower than desired and diastemas are present, restorative options can be
used to close the contacts. If diastemas are absent, that means that the maxil-
lary arch is narrow, and the buccal corridors are wide. Decrease in airway vol-
ume is a concern in these situations, and palatal expansion is recommended
(Fig. 31).
 Tooth anatomy: the anatomy of teeth is then decided with variables such as
line angles, contact length, height of contour, embrasures, texture, and shape.
A natural or artificial library can be used (see Fig. 31).
 Tooth color: the color of the teeth is altered either by bleaching protocols or by
restorative options. In cases of dark teeth that will be restored with translucent
ceramics, the stump shade needs to be identified (see Fig. 31).
 Step 7: gingival analysis (Fig. 32)
 Phase summary: once the teeth are set, the gingival architecture is analyzed. If
the gingiva is convex when connecting the maxillary anteriors and the maxillary
centrals are in the correct position, there is either recession of the maxillary in-
cisors that needs to be treated with soft tissue grafting or APE that can be
treated with esthetic crown lengthening. If the gingiva is concave, the

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334 Sabbah

Dental analysis II SDTP

Size of anterior teeth Teeth anatomy

Narrow Normal • Line angles

62%-80% • Contacts
• Heights of contour
• Embrasures
• Texture
(–) (+) • Shapes
Diastema Diastema

Wide Normal • Restorative

buccal corridor buccal corridor

• SFOT • Orthodontics Tooth color

• Palatal expansion • Restorative
• Restorative

• Bleaching protocols
• Restorative

Fig. 31. Size of anterior teeth, tooth anatomy, tooth color, facial analysis phase of SDTP.

diagnosis is DAE, and the treatment options are orthodontic intrusion or func-
tional crown lengthening and restorative. Gingival exposure in full smile should
be 2 to 3 mm. Excessive gingival exposure can be due to hypermobile lip, short
lip, VME, or APE if CEJ is not detectable. If gingival exposure is deficient, rea-
sons could be long lip, hypomobile lip, VMD, or recession. Treatment options
for these have been described earlier. Papillary height ideally is 40%. If it is
more than 40%, crown lengthening and changing the shape of the teeth can
be done if desired. If papilla height is less than 40% and black triangles are pre-
sent: longer contacts are recommended. If black triangles are absent, then
changing the shape of the teeth and soft tissue grafting may lead to an in-
crease in height of the papilla.
 Step 8: mandibular arch and occlusion analysis
 Phase summary: once the maxillary arch is set, the mandibular arch and occlu-
sion are established.
- Mandibular incisal edge is decided at the proposed vertical from step 4. If the

overbite is excessive, then the OVD needs to be increased or orthodontics or

orthognathic surgery is considered. If the overbite is reduced, the clinician
should consider reducing the proposed OVD if possible while considering
the airway. If restorative space is needed, then orthodontics or orthognathic
surgery should be considered. For class I and class II patients, increasing the
OVD will increase the overjet, resulting in bulkier lingual restorations of the
maxillary anteriors or longer restorations on the mandibular anteriors to
obtain coupling.58 Longer mandibular anterior crowns can affect the enve-
lope of function, anterior guidance, and esthetics. Steeper interincisal angles
should be avoided to prevent functional and structural damage.58 As a gen-
eral rule, increasing the OVD by 1 mm in the posterior decreases the overbite
by 2 mm, and the overjet increases by 1.3 mm58 (Fig. 33).

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Smile Analysis 335

Fig. 32. Gingival analysis of SDTP.

- Guidance and occlusion: the guidance is then established to achieve ante-

rior and canine guidance if possible. The mandibular posterior teeth are set
in occlusion with the maxillary posterior at the correct OVD and Angle clas-
sification with mutually protected occlusion and no posterior interferences.
In cases where canine guidance is not possible, group function can be
considered to share the load.61
- Teeth shape and gingiva: the shape and size of the mandibular teeth are
related to the maxillary teeth using Chu’s guidelines. Moreover, the gingival
architecture follows the same guidelines outlined earlier for the maxillary
gingiva in terms of design. DAE is common in patients with sleep apnea or

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336 Sabbah

Fig. 33. Mandibular arch and occlusion analysis of SDTP.

patients with mandibular wear (Fig. 34). The treatment of choice is functional
crown lengthening and restorative or orthodontic intrusion and restorative.
 Step 9: virtual treatment phase (Fig. 35)
 Phase summary: once the virtual plan is established, the patient is presented
with 2 plans. The 2-dimensional plan is based on a photographic mock-up using
traditional applications such as PowerPoint or contemporary digital technology
such as DSD, SmileFy, or Exocad. During this phase, the clinician involves the
patient in step-by-step plan such as selection of teeth library, shape, sizes
incisal edge display, gingival design, and other variables. The more powerful
part of the virtual treatment is based on the 3-dimensional design with the

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permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Smile Analysis 337

Fig. 34. Dentoalveolar extrusion of the mandibular anteriors. Patient treated with func-
tional crown lengthening of lower anteriors and crowns.

diagnostic wax-up. Two types of wax-ups should be created: a motivational

wax-up and a technical wax-up. The motivational wax-up is used to simulate
the final result in the patient’s mouth. This is an additive wax-up and can be
used as a diagnostic tool by the dentist to evaluate occlusal plane, OVD, gingival
display, and other variables. If the mock-up is subtractive, then a computer-
simulated plan will have to be used instead. The technical wax-up is used

Virtual treatment analysis SDTP

Virtual patient

2D plan 3D plan
• Power point • DSD
• DSD • Exocad
• Exocad • Smilefy
• Smilefy • Zirkonzahn
• Trios 3 shape
• Meshmixer (free)
• Blueskybio (free)
• Others

Patient Motivational wax up Technical wax up


Additive Subtractive

• Motivational mock up
• Plan exection
• Emotionl presentation

Fig. 35. Virtual treatment phase of SDTP.

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permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
338 Sabbah

when the actual treatment starts; this is not additive and is more anatomic. This
step is explained in more detail when discussing DSD.62


Smile design is an interdisciplinary process that requires a detailed understanding of

the principles outlined earlier. A thorough understanding of treatment planning princi-
ples and options is essential when dealing with smile design cases. Digital technology
has allowed us to improve our interdisciplinary capabilities and deliver a more predict-
able outcome with better quality control. In this book, each article discusses the spe-
cifics of different diagnoses and treatment options outlined in this article. The overall
goal is to provide the smile designers with a comprehensive overview of treatment op-
tions when constructing a new smile.


 Smile Design is multi-factorial and depends on a thorough understanding of all components

of the smile: Face, gingiva, lips and teeth.
 Natural teeth libraries are more esthetic than artificial-looking libraries.
 Lip length and mobility affect incisal edge and gingival display.
 Facial midline can be curved or perpendicular. The midline should follow the facial flow.
 Incisal edge position is the most important factor in determining tooth position in smile
design but is affected by lip dynamics.
 Different ratios can be used to determine the width of maxillary anteriors with the current
trend focusing on a wider smile.
 Contemporary treatment planning starts with facial esthetics
 Airway analysis is a fundamental component of smile design.
 Global Diagnosis addresses different reasons for excessive gingival display and treatment
 Smile design treatment planning builds off of previous treatment planning models with
emphasis on the use of digital dentistry to facilitate diagnosis and treatment planning.


The author wishes to acknowledge: Dr. Nasser Barghi for his contributions to clinical
photos, his mentorship and guidance over the years, Dr. Nazgol Zamanian and Dr.
Alireza Karimi for their input in manuscript preparation, former AEGD resident Dr. Lau-
ren Berischwale and former dental student Dr. Kristi Morris for their contribution to
clinical photos, Dr. Rebeca Garcia and Dr. Kristen Reitano for their contribution to clin-
ical cases presented in this chapter.


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