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Projects to Play With: Artistic Ideas for Popping, Engineering & Moving Paper 39

Pop-Up Paper Earrings

These earrings may not be the most practical form of jewelry, but if you use sturdy
paper and are careful, they are sure to hold up for several occasions, if not longer. And,
because they take no time to make, try altering and experimenting with various cuts, folds,
and papers to make several pairs in one sitting. Perhaps you’ll come up with a design you
love so much that you will have a more permanent version fabricated in metal one day.

InstructI ons

step 1: cut and fold step 3: pop up

Download the earring pattern (or Unfold the square of paper and pop M atErIals
enlarge and photocopy the template the larger diamond shape out and
on page 120 twice) and print them onto then push the inner diamond shape in earring template (see page 120)
the back side of a sheet of card stock. to create the pop-up. Repeat for the decorative card stock
Cut out the two 1 1⁄2" (3.8 cm) squares. second earring. craft knife
Orient one square so that it looks like
step 4: attach earring parts cutting mat
a diamond and fold it in half, point to
point, creating an equilateral triangle. Attaching the paper to the earring will straightedge
Repeat for the second earring. depend on the type of earring parts scoring tool
that you acquire. I used these two triangle (optional)
step 2: cut, score, and fold different methods: pencil
Cut the tip off the top of one of the tri- A. Place a small dab of glue on the
earring findings
angles along the solid line. Cut through straight end of an eye pin (first cut the
both layers of the triangle along the pin to the desired length using wire
four lines that run parallel to the sides cutters) and glue it to the center fold consid erAtions
of the triangle, ending at the dotted of the paper. Next, pry open the eye
lines.Using the scoring tool, score along and slip it onto the ear wire.
Jewelry findings are surprisingly
the two fold lines as indicated in the easy to find. You can locate
B. Pierce a small hole in the paper with these items in craft stores,
diagram. Fold the paper back and forth a needle, potter’s needle, or awl and jewelry shops, hobby shops,
along those two lines. thread a single wire loop through it. and online. Or, if you work with
Connect a pinch bail earring hook and metal or know a jeweler, you can
ear wire assembly to the loop. have something custom made
with finer materials.
Paper Engineer: Helen Hiebert
Pop-up Mechanism/style: origamic architecture
Paper: Unbuffered bond paper (available from Talas). Note:
This paper was used to enhance the marbling process.
Illustration style: hand marbled by Steve Pittelkow

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Projects to Play With: Artistic Ideas for Popping, Engineering & Moving Paper 41

Tower of Babel
Paper engineer Elod Beregszaszi is a master of origamic architecture, a form of
pop-ups that involves cutting, scoring, and folding a single sheet of paper, often with-
out removing any parts, to create three-dimensional forms. Beregszaszi created this
Tower of Babel, representing the Bible story in which the people of the earth decided
to build a city with a tower that would reach heaven. He has designed it in stages, begin-
ning with a simple one-story building and progressing up to three stories. Once you get
the hang of the construction, you’ll be able to build your own tower that reaches the sky.

InstructI ons

step 1: prep and cut step 3: fold

Download the patterns (or enlarge and This takes a bit of practice with the Mat erI als
photocopy the templates on page 120) tiny cuts and folds, but most papers
and print them onto the back side of a are forgiving. Start popping the parts Tower of Babel templates
sheet of card stock. Use scissors or a of the building out from the side that (see page 120)
craft knife and straightedge to cut out the markings are on (these will remain
card stock
the three versions of the tower. Use on the back of your tower, thus being
a craft knife and straightedge to cut hidden). Carefully crease the longer
along the solid lines that appear in the horizontal mountain and valley folds cutting mat
interior of each tower. while pushing the more intricate pieces, craft knife
such as the stairs, into position. Use a scissors (optional)
step 2: cut-score craft knife or scoring tool to assist in
Instead of scoring, use a straightedge popping the smaller pieces into place.
and craft knife to carefully cut-score n ote
When all of the folds are set, collapse
along all of the dotted and dashed the entire card and press along the These are three separate
lines, breaking through the paper’s folds to reinforce them. projects: There is a version
surface but not cutting all the way
with just one floor, a two-story
through it. This form of scoring is
version, and a tower with three
precise and makes the folding easier.
levels. Start with the one-floor
version to get the hang of it
and then progress to two and
three stories.

Paper engineer: Elod Beregszaszi

Pop-up Mechanism/style: origamic architecture
Paper: off-white card stock
Illustration style: none

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8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

back front

9 10 11 12 13 14

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Projects to Play With: Artistic Ideas for Popping, Engineering & Moving Paper 43

Pop-Up Accordion Book

Dorothy Yule developed this clever structure for her two miniature pop-up books:
Souvenir of New York and Souvenir of San Francisco. By using a double layer of paper, she
created a way to make pop-ups on both sides of an accordion fold, without seeing through
from one side to the other. This allows the content of the book to be twice as long and
the pop-ups twice as many! When you finish reading one side of the book, you can turn
the book over and keep reading.

InstructI ons wider than half the width of each panel

See “Folding an Accordion,” page 44. (otherwise the pop-up will stick out MaterI als
Fold the paper in half lengthwise. when the pages are folded). Using a
Unfold it and fold it in half widthwise. triangle and a scoring tool, score along 80 lb. text weight paper cut
Then fold an eight-section accordion the two short edges of the rectangle to 61⁄4" µ 25" (16 µ 63.5 cm), with
that are parallel to the center fold.
using a scoring tool to reinforce each the grain running in the
fold. Reverse all of the accordion folds 61⁄4" (16 cm) direction
step 3: cut and fold
(unfold and refold them in the other di- heavy card stock or box board
Next, reverse the fold that lies be-
rection; use a scoring tool to reinforce
tween pages one and two, and using a craft knife
the folds).
craft knife or scissors, cut through the cutting mat
two layers of paper along the top and
step 1: create the first pop-up ruler
Unfold the paper again to its full size. bottom edges of the rectangle. Fold
scoring tool
The diagram, or imposition—in printing and crease the sides of the rectangle
along the score lines so that the rect- triangle
terms, this refers to the arrangement
angle pops up. pencil
of a printed product’s pages—indicates
the page numbers so that you can lay
PVA glue
step 4: repeat and assemble
out your book accordingly. (See the glue brush
Repeat step 2 on each fold (3⁄4, 5⁄6, 7⁄8,
labels added to photograph 1; mark 9
⁄10, 11⁄12, 13⁄14). When complete, refold the
yours lightly in pencil.) This is impor- consI deratIons
accordion book structure and carefully
tant if your book has a story line or
pull each rectangle forward, revers-
needs to be viewed in a certain order. You can create the imagery for
ing the folds at each side to form the
the pop-ups in this book using
step 2: draw and score pop-ups.
any means you like: drawing,
Beginning on spread one/two, draw a transferring, collage, etc. Dorothy
simple rectangular pop-up panel that is Yule used an old stenciling tech-
centered on the middle fold and is not nique called pochoir to create
the colored shapes.

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44 playing with pop-ups

FoL D inG An ACCorD i on

Take these simple steps to fold a perfect accordion,

but first, make sure the paper’s grain runs in the
direction of the accordion folds:
1. Place the sheet of paper on the work surface C
and fold it in half, matching up the short edges as
perfectly as possible. Turn the folded paper to
position the folded edge at the top of the work B
surface (A).

2. Take the top leaf (here, a double layer because

the paper is already folded in half) of paper and
fold it up, matching it up with the top folded edge.
Crease the fold. Flip the paper over and repeat
with the top leaf of paper on the other side. There are now four layers of paper. 

3. Unfold the paper gently and set it on your work surface so that there is a valley fold (when unfolded, the
fold looks like the letter “V,” or a valley) in between two mountain folds (when unfolded, the fold looks
like a mountain ridge). Reverse the valley fold so that there are three mountain folds (B). Now fold the
top mountain fold up to meet the single leaf edge of the sheet, aligning the edges and creasing the new
fold (C). Fold the middle and last folds up in the same manner, aligning all of the edges and creasing each
fold. Finally, fold the bottom leaf up to complete an accordion which is half the size of the original (D).
There are now eight sections.

step 5: make covers

Cut two pieces of heavy card stock 5
or box board to the width and height
of the book. Place one of the covers
facedown on a piece of scrap paper
and apply glue to the entire inside of
the cover. Remove the scrap paper and
press the cover onto the front of the
accordion. Repeat with the back cover.

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1. Change the shape of the

pop-ups by changing the shape of
the parallel cuts—you can create
pop-up circles, hexagons, triangles,
and other shapes.

2. Create a silhouette in
the shape of an image.

3. Cut a secondary pop-up out of

the valley formed by the central
pop-up: Use a craft knife to cut
parallel lines to form two small
rectangular shapes that span the
valley folds of the central pop-up.
Score along the vertical sides on
each side of the valley fold. Gently
pop the rectangles out from the
page, folding and creasing along
the vertical score lines.

4. Glue shapes or images onto

the central pop-ups.

Paper Engineer: Dorothy Yule

Pop-Up Mechanism/Style: Double-sided
accordion with simple pop-ups
Paper: 80 lb. Mohawk Superfine text weight
(accordion); Conservation by Design premier
sepia-colored box board (cover)
Illustration Style: Pochoir stenciling

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Pop-Up City Skyline

Author and book artist Paul Johnson has devised numerous lightweight collapsible
structures by studying cellular packaging structures. His pop-up books utilize interlocking
slots and tabs (sometimes referred to as slice forms) that allow them to collapse flat.
Use this clever technique to create a pop-up skyline of your favorite city!

Warm-Up Exercise InstructIo ns

Here’s an easy way to make a Mat erI als
four-cell grid. Try it first to learn step 1: fold
the ropes and then move on to the Fold a sheet of 81⁄2" µ 11" (21.6 µ 28 cm) 81⁄2" µ 11" (21.6 µ 28 cm)
city skyline. Use a lightweight card paper in half the short way. Now fold lightweight card stock
stock or heavy text paper for this the folded sheet in half again, in the straightedge
structure because you’ll be fold- other direction.
ing it several times. Once you’ve craft knife or scissors
mastered the technique, you can
cutting mat (optional)
also try using stiffer papers or even
cardboard to make more durable
cell structures.

Paper engineer: Paul Johnson

Pop-up Mechanism/style: slice form
Paper: watercolor paper (90 lb. for the cell
structure and 140 lb. for the base)
Illustration style: dampened with cold water
and then painted with fabric dyes

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48 playing with pop-ups

step 2: more folding

Fold the top and bottom edges to the 3
middle crease and then refold the
middle crease, creating a W shape.

step 3: measure and cut

Using a ruler, mark points along the
folded edges (the bottom of the W) at
⁄2", 2 3⁄4", and 5" (1.3, 7, and 12.7 cm). Use
the triangle to draw three perpendicu-
lar lines beginning at the markings and
running to the middle of the strip. Cut
along these lines using a craft knife or
scissors. Make sure you cut through all
of the layers.

step 4: unfold and cut strips

Unfold the entire sheet of paper and
cut along all of the creases (scissors
are fine, but a craft knife and straight-
edge will yield more accurate cuts).
You will have eight strips, but you only
need six to create the structure.

step 5: interlock
Interlock the slits to create a four-cell

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City Skyline
2 3

InstructI ons

step 1: prepare the templates

Download the patterns (or enlarge and
photocopy the templates on pages
121–122) and print them onto card stock.

step 2: cut out skyline

Use a craft knife and a ruler to cut out
the three skyline pieces. Cut the two
slits on each piece. Illustrate the build-
ings as desired. (There is no need to
complete in detail the bottom areas of
the back two pieces because these will
be hidden from view.)

step 3: cut out brackets

Cut two 2" µ 4" (5 µ 10.2 cm) pieces out
of another sheet of paper. Illustrate
both sides of the brackets as desired.
Measure and cut three slits on each
strip: The slits should be 1" (2.5 cm)
apart and 1" (2.5 cm) long, so that they
are cut halfway through each bracket.

step 4: assemble
Interlock the three layers with the
brackets. After interlocking all of the
pieces, collapse the entire piece side-
ways and fold it down flat. Just lift the
edges to open it again.

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4 5

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Pop-Up Valentine
Surprise your sweetheart with this clever pop-up, engineered by Kyle Olmon. This project
combines two basic building blocks of paper engineering (the V-fold and the box layer) into
one dynamic pop-up mechanism that twists when opened. Enjoy picking out papers and com-
ing up with your own clever inscription to make valentines for your friends and loved ones.

Pop-Up Terminology InstructIo ns

There is no true codified lexicon
for the mechanisms used in paper step 1: prepare the template step 4: glue scroll
engineering. For instance, this Download the patterns (or enlarge and Apply a dab of glue to the back of the
twister can also go by the name photocopy the templates on page 123) two folded tabs on the top and bot-
transformer, which refers to when and print them onto appropriately col- tom of the scroll pop-up piece. Attach
a window is cut out of the cover to ored card stocks. Add any decoration. these two ends of the scroll piece to
reveal a transformation from one the heart piece, aligning the curves on
step 2: score, fold, and cut the tabs with the top-right and bottom-
image to another as the card is
Using a straightedge as a guide, score left curves on the folded hearts.
opened, or it can be referred to as
along all of the lines that indicate folds
opposing angles with a tent. The
in the pop-up pieces and the base step 5: glue curved pieces
important thing to remember is
card. Carefully cut out the pop-up Glue the small curved pieces onto the
that you should stack a square box
pieces and the card base along the ends of the heart/scroll. After allowing
layer over two opposing right-angle
solid black lines. Fold along all of the the glue to dry, carefully close the card
V-folds of equal size for this pop-up
scored lines. The dashes indicate while making sure everything folds
to operate properly. You can also
mountain folds and the dots indicate properly, and you are done!
use other variations, such as circles
valley folds.
or tall rectangles, instead of the
diagonal scroll piece to create your step 3: glue the heart onto base
pop-up card. Apply a thin layer of glue to the two
Mat erI als
shaded areas on the base card. Place
the unfolded hearts on the pop-up valentine templates (see page 123)
piece over the glued areas, making
two or three complementary
sure that the creases on the two folded
card stock papers
hearts are directly on top of the crease
in the base card. Carefully fold the straightedge
card to make sure everything is set in scoring tool
Paper engineer: Kyle Olmon the right place and let the glue dry. scissors
Pop-up Mechanism/style: box layer, V-folds, white glue or glue stick
and twister
Paper: colored card stocks
glue brush (optional)
Illustration style: collage

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4A 4B 5

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Projects to Play With: Artistic Ideas for Popping, Engineering & Moving Paper 53

Pop-Up Robot
This little guy looks like he could do some work with his wrench-like hands. Paper
engineer Sam Ita designed this clever robot whose body is made from a single piece
of paper. He flaps his arms as the page opens and looks like he might want a hug.
Hmmm, what is our world coming to?

InstructI ons

step 1: cut and score the diameter of the circular arm tabs. step 5: attach the arms
Download the pattern sheets (or Place a finger behind the top of one Apply glue to the forward-facing
enlarge and photocopy the templates arm tab and gently push it forward, triangle on one of the arm tabs and at-
on page 123) and print them onto card creating a V-fold on the three triangu- tach the appropriate arm, pushing the
stock. Cut out the robot assemblage, lar section score lines. Pinch the V-fold end of the arm up against the robot’s
cut the arms into two pieces, and score flat to reinforce the folds. Repeat on body. Repeat with the other arm. Your
along all of the lines indicating folds. the other arm tab. robot is ready to move!
Cut along all solid lines in the interior
of the robot body (the eyes, the tab step 3: collapse the robot
in the center, the slits below the eyes, Turn the robot over, fold the sides in,
and the inner part of the circles on and collapse the robot body flat, mak-
the sides). Score the center fold of the ing sure that all of the tabs are show-
second piece of card stock and fold it ing and that the circular arm tabs are
in half to make a base for the robot. folded as well.
M atErIals
step 2: fold robot body step 4: glue the robot
A. Apply glue to the two arm tabs, the robot templates (see
Follow the key and fold along the lines:
four body tabs, and the central tab. page 123)
Dots indicate valley folds and dashes
indicate mountain folds. Valley-fold the Flip the body over carefully and center 2 sheets of 81⁄2" µ 11"
robot’s body in half; the central tab can it vertically in the crease of the base, (21.6 µ 28 cm) white
be folded either way. Mountain-fold firmly pressing in the glued areas to card stock
the rest of the panels and tabs that are adhere them.
craft knife
parallel to the center panels. Valley- B. Apply glue to the center body panels
scissors (optional)
fold the central vertical lines that mark and adhere them to each other.
cutting mat (optional)
Paper Engineer: Sam Ita scoring tool
Pop-up Mechanism/style: Main body is
unsecured box; arms powered by V-folds markers (optional)
Paper: 67 lb. white card stock white glue
Illustration style: rendered with
Copic watercolor markers by Aimee Ita
glue brush

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Projects to Play With: Artistic Ideas for Popping, Engineering & Moving Paper 55

Bloodroot Plant
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), gets its name from the bright red dye that can
be made from the plant’s root. Shawn Sheehy developed this project for a workshop series
he teaches at botanic gardens, and bloodroot is also one of twelve pop-up flowers featured
in his artist’s book Pop-Up Guide to Wildflowers. Shawn calls this a “butterfly structure”
because it makes the motion of a butterfly when opening and closing. As a result, it’s a
great structure to adapt and use for any flapping creature, such as a bird or a dragonfly.

InstructI ons

step 1: prep and cut step 3: glue flowers onto leaves Glue tabs C and D to the matching
Download the patterns (or enlarge and and interlock marks on the folio. Press firmly to make
photocopy the templates on page 124) Glue tab B of the flower to the back sure the glue adheres, and then care-
and print them onto the back side of side of the leaf, as indicated on the fully open and fold the card to make
appropriately colored card stocks. Cut pattern (orient the tab so that the B is sure everything moves correctly. Let
out the flower and leaf pieces using visible, or faceup, after gluing). Repeat the glue dry. The flower will pop
sharp scissors or a cutting knife, taking with tab A, gluing it to the other half of up a bit when the folio is opened at
care to cut right on the line (note that the leaf. Carefully slide the two halves 180 degrees.
the printed tabs and lines appear on of the flower together and interlock
the back of the flower, so they will not tabs E and F (hiding the tabs behind
show on the finished piece). Cut the the leaves).
base card (or folio) to 61⁄4" µ 9" (16 µ
23 cm), making sure that the grain is step 4: glue bloodroot onto card Mat erI als
running in the 61⁄4" (16 cm) direction. Note: This structure features a paral-
lel fold and therefore, the tab on the bloodroot templates
step 2: score and fold flower that glues to the base is parallel (see page 124)
Folio: Score the folio in the middle and to the gutter. The structure is flexible three complementary
fold it in half. in terms of where the leaves are glued card stock papers
Leaves: Score and mountain-fold tabs onto the folio: The distance between pencil (optional)
C and D; score and valley-fold tabs E the gutter and the glue guide can vary,
and F. depending on whether you want the
scoring tool
flower to pop up or lie flat when the
card is opened at a 180-degree angle. cutting mat
craft knife
Paper engineer: Shawn Sheehy white glue or glue stick
Pop-up Mechanism/style: parallel fold with
interlocking planes glue brush (optional)
Paper: 110 lb. card stock
Illustration style: assorted colored papers

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Pop-Up Dragon
What would you do if you opened a book page and saw a fire-breathing dragon? This pop-
up, designed by Bruce Foster, has a story folded into it that comes alive each time you open
the card. The V-folds incorporated into this structure allow the dragon to hide when the page
is closed and extend beyond the page as it opens.

InstructI ons 1

step 1: score
Download the pattern sheets (or
enlarge and photocopy the templates
on page 126) and print them onto card
stock: print the two full-color sheets
back-to-back on one sheet. Score
along all of the lines for folds on the
pop-up pieces. Score the center fold
of the base card.

step 2: cut out parts

This works best if you first separate
each piece by cutting between the
pieces (don’t worry about cutting on
the lines at this point). You will end
up with six pieces. Then, carefully cut
each piece along the colored edges
with scissors.


dragon templates (see page 126)

white glue
scoring tool
scrap paper

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58 playing with pop-ups

step 3: fold the dragon

Fold the dragon in half along the middle score line, creas- 3
ing the fold sharply. Place your thumbnail along one of the
dotted diagonal lines and press from behind with the fingers
on your other hand to create a valley fold. Repeat with the
other diagonal. With your fingers behind the dragon’s neck
and your thumbs in front, force the neck to bend forward
while the diagonal lines below bend back. Press flat.

step 4: fold the wings

Place your thumbnail along the end of one of the diagonals
near the wing and press from behind, forcing the wing for-
ward. Repeat on the other wing. Carefully press everything
flat to train the folds.

step 5: glue dragon to card

Valley-fold the piece of card stock with the dragon haunches 4
silhouetted on it. Turn the dragon over and apply glue to
the back of the haunches and tail. Apply glue to those two
paper panels only. Carefully align the dragon’s haunches
along the central vertical fold on the card, attaching it to the
shaded area. Press the dragon and the card flat, holding the
haunches in place until the glue has set. Fold and unfold the
card to make sure it functions properly.

Paper Engineer: Bruce Foster

Pop-up Mechanism: V-fold
Paper: 65 lb. white card stock
Illustration style: Digital art

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001-144_40606.indd 58 1/6/14 10:27 AM
F29_Job: 12-40606 Title: Rp-Playing with Pop-Ups
TEXT #175 DTP: 216 Page: 58

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