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SIDDHARTH UNIVERSITY, Kapilvastu, Siddharthnagar




The examination shall comprise three theory papers and a practical test:
Paper – I : Lower Non-Chordata 45 Marks
Paper – II : Higher Non-Chordata 45 Marks
Paper – III : Elements of cell biology, evolution and ecology 45 Marks
Practical        65 Marks
Total : 200 Marks
Candidate must obtain minimum pass marks in theory and practical examination separately.


General survey and outline classification (upto orders only) of Protozoa, Porifera Coelenterata,
Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes and the classification, habits, structure and life-history of the
following representatives :
Protozoa : Entamoeba; Euglena; Paramecium; Monocystis; Protozoa and diseases; Porifora: Sycon;
Coelenterata : Obelia, Aurelia; Platyhelminthes : Planaria; Fasciola, Taenia; Nemathelminthes :
Wuchereria bancrofti; Helminthes and diseases.
General survey and outline classification (upto orders only) of Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca and
Echinodermata and the classification, habits and life-history of the following representatives:
Annelida : Neries, Hirudinaria; Arthropoda : Palaemon, Grasshopper; Scorpion; Useful and harmful
Mollusca : Lamellidens; Pila; Echinodermata : Star-Fish.
Cell Biology : Ultrastructure and molecular organization of cell-components in relation to basic functions;
Structure and types of chromosomes; mitosis and meiosis; Mendel’s Laws of inheritance; Linkage and
crossing over; Principles of chromosomal mapping.
Evolution : Theories and evidences of evolution; Lamarckism, Neolamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-
Darwinism, Mutation theory, Modern Synthetic theory of evolution.
Ecology : Concept of ecosystem; Energy flow, abiotic ecofactor (temperature, light and moisture) and biotic
(food-web as in fresh water lakes and ponds), primary ecological divisions and their fauna.
Zoogeographicals realms and their characteristics vertebrate fauna.

Practical course
Candidates shall be required to show knowledge of classification, dissections and micro preparations
of the types mentioned above, in addition to those prescribed for intermediate examination of U. P. Board.
Note books containing a complete record of the laboratory work done during the session must be produced
at the practical examination. The duration of the practical examination shall be 3½ hours.
The distribution of marks shall be as follows:
Major dissection 15 Marks
Minor dissection 05 Marks
Preparation 08 Marks
Spots (10) 25 Marks
Viva-voce 05 Marks
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ůĂƐƐƌĞĐŽƌĚƐ     07 Marks
Total 65 Marks

The scope of practical work is indicated from the exercises given below:
Protozoa: Feeding experiment with congo-red; Prepared slides of structure, binary fission and conjunction.
Gregarine and Verticella: Examination of ciliates (Opalina, Balantidium and Nyctotherus) from the
rectum of frog. Porifera: Permanent preparation of spicules and gemmules. Study of prepared slides of
transverse and longitudinal sections of Sycon, Spongin fibres of Euspongia, different kinds of spicules and
gemmules of Spongilla. Meseum specimens: Euplectella skeleton; Spongilla; Euspongia; Cliona.
Coelenterata: Permanent preparation of Obelia colony. Study of prepared slides of Obelia colony and
medusa. Meseum specimens: Physalia; Porpita; Vellala; Corallium; Fungia; Tubipora; Pennatula;
Gorgonia; Sea-anemone. Plathyehelminthes: Planaria: Examination of living flat worms; Study of
prepared slides of entire specimens and transverse sections. Fasciola: Examination of specimens insitu;
Study of prepared slides of entire specimen, transverse sections and larval forms. Teania: Study of prepared
slides of scolex, mature and gravid proglottids and transverse sections of mature proglottid. Study of
prepared slides of Polystomum, Paramphistomum, Schistosoma and Echinococcus. Museum specimens:
Tapeworm; Cysticercus larva. Nemathelminthes: Ascaris: External characters; Study of prepared slides of
transverse sections of male and female. Annelida: Neries: External characters; Study of prepared slides of
transverse sections; Permnent preparation of parapodium. Hirudinaria: External characters; Dissections;
Preparation of Jaws, nephridium and salivary glands; study of prepared slides salivary glands, nephridium
and transverse sections through different regions. Meseum specimens: Heteronereis; Arenicola;
Chaetopterus; Aphrodite; Pheretima; Branchllion; Bonnelia female. Arthropoda: Palaemon: External
characters; Permanent preparation of statocyst. Scorpion: External characters; Dissections; Permanent
preparation of book-lung and pectin. Periplanata: Dissection; Permanent preparation of salivary apparatus
and trachea. Grasshopper: Dissections. Study of prepared slides of mouth-parts of male and female
Anopheles and Culex, life-history of Anopheles and Culex, Nauplius and Zoea larva, Daphnia, Cyclops and
Xenopsylla. Museum specimens: Peripatus; Thyroglutus; Scolopendra; Balanus; Pagurus; Scylla;
Sacculina on crab; Limulus; Schistocerca; Bombyx mori; Apis; Polistes; Life-history of termite. Mollusca:
Pila: External characters; Dissections; Permanent preparation of radula and gill filaments; Study of prepared
slides of gill lamella and osphradium. Lamellidens: External characters; Dissections; Permanent preparation
of gill lamella; Sections of gill lamella and glochidium larva; Study of prepared slides of glochidium and
transverse sections through ctenidium, shell and different regions of the body. Museum specimens: Chiton;
Turbinella; Doris; Aplysia; Vaginula; Mytilus; Teredo; Dentalium; Octopus; Loligo; Sepia; Nautilus; Pearl
Echinodermata: Asterias: External characters; Study of prepared slides of transverse and longitudinal
sections of the arms. Museum specimens: Echinus; Ophiothrix; Holothuria; Antedon. Cytogenetics:
Grasshopper testis and onion root-tip squash preparation to study mitosis and meiosis. Study of prepared
slides of cell division.


The examination shall comprise three theory papers and a practical test:
Paper – I : Protochordata, histology and embryology 45 Marks
Paper – II : Vertebrate Zoology 45 Marks
Paper – III : Elements of physiology and biochemistry 45 Marks
Practical 65 Marks
Total : 200 Marks

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SIDDHARTH UNIVERSITY, Kapilvastu, Siddharthnagar
Candidate must obtain minimum pass marks in theory and practical examination separately.


Protochordata : General survey and outline classification (up to orders only) of Protochordata, and the
classification, habits, structure and life-history of the representatives mentioned below. Urochordata :
Herdmania; Cephalochordata : Amphioxus.
Histology : Histology of stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas, bone, pituitary, kidney and gonads of frog
and a mammal.
Embryology : Outlines of development of an ascidian, Amphioxus, frog and chick. Development of
placenta in rabbit.
General survey and outline classification (up to orders only) of Craniata, and the classification, habits,
structure and life-history of the representatives mentioned below.
Cyclostomata : External features only. Pisces : Scoliodon.
Amphibia : Parental care and neoteny.
Reptilia : Uromastrix or any other Lizard. Identification of poisonous and non-poisonous snakes;
Biting mechanism of snakes; Snakes venom and antivenom. Aves : Columba.
Mammalia : Osteology of rabbit; Adaptive radiation; General characteristics and affinities of
Prototheria, Metatheria and Eutheria.
Section – A : Elementary Mammalian Physiology
Elementary knowledge of digestion and absorption, respiration, circulation, excretion, nerve
conduction, muscles, endocrines and pheromones.
Section – B : Biochemistry
Elementary knowledge of functional groups (alcohols, thio-alcohols, acids aldehydes, ketones, and
amines) and their reaction; Hydrogen ion concentration and buffering mechanism; classification of
carbohydrates; Characteristics of monosaccharides; chemical classification of amino acids; Peptide Linkage;
Types of Lipids; Hydrolysis of fats; Types of enzymes; Conditions for enzymatic activity; types of vitamins
and micronutrients.

Practical course:
Candidates shall be required to show knowledge of classification, dissections and micro preparations of
the types mentioned below. Note books containing a complete record of the laboratory work done during the
session must be produced at the practical examination. The duration of the practical examination shall be
4½ hours.
The distribution of marks shall be as follows:
Dissection 18 Marks
Preparation 05 Marks
Physiology experiment 05 Marks
Spots (10) 25 Marks
Viva-voce 05 Marks
Class records 07 Marks
Total 65 Marks

The scope of practical work is indicated from the exercises given below.
Hemichordata: Balanoglossus: External charatcters; Study of prepared slides.

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Urochordata: Herdmania: External characters; Glycerine and permanent preparation of spicules and
branchial wall; Study of prepared slides of larva and metamorphosis. Museum specimen: Herdmania;
Pyrosoma; Doliolum Oikopleura. Cephalochordate: Amphioxux: External characters; Study of prepared
slides of oral hood, velum and sections through various regions of the body. Cyclostomata: Petromyzon:
Larva: External characters. Pisces:
Scoliodon: External characters; Dissections; Permanent preparation of placoid scales and ampulla of
Lorenzini; Study of prepared slides of different kinds of scales and development of placoid scales. Museum
specimens: Elasmobranchii: Heptranches; Sphyrna; Pristis; Toredo; Sting-ray. Holocephall: Chimaera.
Teleostomi: Acipencer; Lepidosteus; Hippocampus; Anguilla; Pleuronecles; Exocoetus; Clarias; Anabas;
Amia; Arius; Polyodon.
Dipnoi: Any lung-fish. Amphibia: Frog: Dissections; Permanent preparation of blood film and
chromatophores; Study of prepared slides of histology and development; Study of articulated and
disarticulated skeleton. Museum specimens: Salamender; Proteus; Amphiuma; Amblyostama; Axolotal
larva; Cryptobranchus; Siren. Anura: Rhacophorus; Alytes ; Hyla. Reptilia: Uromastrix or any other
lizard: external characters; Dissections; Permanent preparation of blood film. Study of articulated and
disarticulated skeleton of Varanus. Museum specimens: Chelonia: Turtles and Tortoises. Lacertilia:
Varanus; Heloderma; Hemidactylus; Chamelion; Draco; Calotes; Lygosoma; Ophiosaurus or Anguis.
Ophidia: Naja; Vipera; Crotalus; Bungarus; Ptyas; Biting mechanism of poisonous snakes (Models).
Crocodilia: Alligator; Crocodileus; Gavialis. Extinct reptiles (models): Rhamphorhyncus; Brontosaurus;
Iguanodon; Stegosaurus. Aves: Columba livia intermedia: External characters; Dissections; Permanent
preparation of pecten, filoplume and blood film; Structure of feathers. Study of prepared slides of chick
embryo. Study of articulated and disarticulated skeleton of fowl. Museum specimen: Archaeornithes:
Archaeopteryx. (cast and model). Neornithes: Gallus; Anser; Corvus; Psittacula. Mammalia: Rat or any
other mammal: External characters; Dissection of vascular and urinogenital systems. Study of prepared
slides of histology. Study of articulated and disarticulated skeleton of rabbit. Museum specimens:
Prototheria: Tachyglossus and Ornithorhynchus, if available. Metatheria: Macropus, if available.
Eutheria: Manis; Platinasta; Felis domestica or any other cat; Mus; Hystrix; Lepus; Erinaceous; Crocidura;
Pteropus or any other bat; lemur or a monkey.
Physiology Experiment: Action of salivary amylase, pepsin and trypsin. Oxygen consumption of a rat.
Total count of R.B.C. and W.B.C. Differential count of W.B.C. Bleeding and clotting time. Formation of
hemin crystals. Estimation of haemoglobin. Effect of asmolarity of salt solutions and hemolytic agents on
R.B.C., Clinical tests of sugar, ketone and urea in urine. Kymographic recording of muscle contraction in
nerve-muscle preparation of frog. Kymographic recording of muscle heart beat of frog and effect of drugs
on it.


The examination shall comprise three theory papers and a practical test:
Paper – I : Environmental biology and toxicology 50 Marks
Paper – II : Economic Zoology and elementary biostatistics 50 Marks
Paper – III : Regulatory mechanism in vertebrates 50 Marks
Paper – IV : Cell physiology and elements of Biotechnology 50 Marks
WƌĂĐƚŝĐĂů͗        100 Marks
Total : 300 Marks
Candidates must obtain minimum pass marks in theory and practical examination separately.
Section – A : Environmental Biology

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Ecosystem : General organization; Trophic structure; Energy flow; Ecological pyramids; Basic types of
biogeochemical cycles (chiefly nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur); Community : Basic structure;
Species diversity, dominance, distribution and succession; Population : Interspecific and
intraspecific relations; Population in relation to public health; Conservation of natural resources with
particular reference to wild life conservation in India (chief endangered species and concept of wild life
Section – B : Environmenal Toxicology
Introduction and scope of toxicology; Survey of environmental toxicants and their biology and
ecological ill-effects, Automobile industrial emissions, food additives, Pesticides (Insecticides &
Rodenticides), Heavy metals, radioactive substances; Dose-response relationship: Graded, quantal and
cumulative responses. Outline of toxicological testing methods : Mortality tests (LC50/LD50 and
safety margins/Limits); Acute, subacute and chronic testing of local and systemic effects (Skin; Eye;
Behavioural; Biochemical; Physiological; Histopathological; Heamatological; Reproductive;
Teratogenic; Carcinogenic); Translocation of chemicals : Membrane barriers; Storage depots;
Biotransformation sites; Mixed multifunction oxidases; Selective toxicity in relation to translocation
and biotransformation factors; Outline of antidotal procedures.
Section – A : Economic Zoology
General survey of economically important Phytoparasitic nematodes and insects; Pathology/Damage
caused, prevention and control of Leishmania, Trypanosoma, Heterodera and Tribolium; Diseases
transmitted and control of mosquitoes and housefly; General features, Life-History and useful products
of Apis, Bombyx and Tachardia; Brief outline of fish-culture, poultry and dairy-farming; Economic
importance of fishes; General survey of important food-fishes and their diseases; Rat menace and its
Section – B : Biostatistics
General representation of frequency distribution : Histograms; Frequency polygon; Cumulative
frequency graph/ogive; Measurement of central tendency : Mean; Median; Mode; Measures of
variability : Standard deviation; Normal probability curve : Basic features.
Nutritional Physiology : Nutritive requirements (concept of balanced diet); Regulation of hunger;
Satiety; Food movement; Secretion of digestive juices; Respiration : Regulation of breathing and
transport of gases; Muscular system : Innervation of muscles, excitation and contraction coupling;
Chemical basis of muscle contraction. Nervous system : Role of autonomic nervous system in
regulatory mechanism;
Blood and circulation : Regulation of heart beat; Vasomotor control; Hemodynamics (Physical
characteristics of blood with reference to haematocrit and viscocity; Blood flow and resistance; Fluid
energies; Blood pressure; Blood volume; Cardiac output); Excretion and osmoregulation : Regulation
of kidney function; Cellular Permeability, diffusion and active transport; Salt and Water balance;
Endocrines : Hypothalamo-hypophysial system; Regulatory action of hormones at cellular level;
Thermoregulation in homeotherms.
Section – A : Cell Physiology
Glycolysis; Kreb’s cycle; Electron transport system; Synthesis of nucleic acids; Protein synthesis and
its regulation; Immune responses.
Section – B : Biotechnology
Basics of recombinant D.N.A. technology; Biotechnological Processes : Cellular interaction and
production of hybrids; Nuclear cloning; Elementary knowledge of genetic engineering and its
application towards human welfare.

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Practical course
The practical examination shall comprise two sittings of 3 hours each. The distribution of marks shall be as
Paper –I :
Ecology exercise 08 Marks
Toxicology exercise 08 Marks
Spots (5) 10 Marks
Paper – II and III :
Dissection 08 Marks
Exercise 08 Marks
Spots (9) 18 Marks
Paper – IV :
Major exercise 15 Marks
Minor exercise 05 Marks
Paper I – IV :
Viva-voce 10 Marks
Class records 10 Marks
Total : 100 Marks
Note-books containing a complete record of the laboratory work done during the session must be produced
at the practical examination.
The scope of the practical work is indicated from the exercises given below.
Paper – I: Recording of physical eco factors: Atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity. Estimation
of dissolved oxygen content of freshwater samples by Winkler’s method. Estimation of free carbon dioxide
in freshwater samples. Estimation of alkalinity of freshwater samples. Study (qualitative and quantitative) of
freshwater plankton. Effect of light on colour changes in frog. Animal associations: Mutualism;
Commensalism; Parasitism.
Particular effect of organo phosphorus insecticide in rat. Precipitation of protoplasm of buccal epithelium
cells by mercuric chloride in rat. Study of signs and symptom of ammonia poisoning in rat. Behaviorural rat
responses of fish/insect to different doses of pesticide exposure. Determination of LC50 values from
provided data. Study of prepared skeleton of toxicology related histopathology. Comparative study of
chemical characteristics of polluted and non-polluted freshwater samples.
Paper II: Study of prepared slides and/or museum specimens of the following from the view point of their
economic importance with respect to man: Entamoeba; Leishmania; Trypanosoma; Plasmodium; Giardia;
Trichomonas; Schistosoma; Miracidia; Redia and Cercaria; Taenia; Echinococcus; Hymenolepis;
Dipylidium; Bladderworm; Hydatid cyst; Ascaris; Enterobius; Ancylostoma; Wuchereria; Dracunculus;
Trichinella larva; Microfilariae; Cimex, Pedicules, Xenopsylla, Culex, Anopheles, Musca, Tribolium,
Corcyra, Pyrilla; Chilo; Leptocorisa; Hieroglyphus; Dysdercus; Earias; Aulacophora; Termite (all castes);
Apis and Bombyx life-history; Tachardia; Palaeomon; Microbrachium; Ostrea; Hilsa; Notopterus; Catla;
Cirrhinus; Labeo; Wallago; Mystus; Rita; Hetropneustes; Clarias; Anabas. Selected larvivorous fishes;
Rattus. Study of specimens of plant material damaged by nematodes and insects. Study of fish by-products.
Study of devices/equipment used for the administration of pesticides to control phytoparasites and pests
(sprayers; dusters; blowers); for netting of juvenile and adult fishes and for feeding chicks at poultry farms.
Paper III: Kymographic recording of muscle twitch. Study of the effect of drugs on heart. Dissections for
the display of various endocrine glands. Osmolarity of salt solutions on R.B.C. Study of the effect of
salivary amylase on digestion of starch. Dissection of autonomic nervous system.
Paper IV: Major exercise: Separation of amino acids by chromatography. Minor exercise: Giant
chromosomes of chioronomus larva. Demonstration of nerve cells by methylene blue.

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Demonstration of mitosis in bone marrow/onion root-tip. Mounting of bone marrow for mitosis.
Quantitative estimation of haemoglobin. Demonstration of mitochondria in human buccal epithelium by
supravital staining. Preparation of Lactobacillus or any other useful microbe.

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