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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2022-2023




CLASS : 12-A
ROLL NO : 21

Apart from the efforts of me, the success of any project

depends largely on the encouragement and guidelines of many
others. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people
who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this
project. I express deep sense of gratitude to almighty God for giving
me strength for the successful completion of the project. I express
my heartfelt gratitude to my parents for constant encouragement
while carrying out this project. I gratefully acknowledge the
contribution of the individuals who contributed in bringing this project
up to this level, who continues to look after me despite my flaws. I
express my deep sense of gratitude to the luminary The Principal,
who has been continuously motivating and extending their helping
hand to us. I express my sincere thanks to the academician The Vice
Principal , for constant encouragement and the guidance provided
during this project. I am overwhelmed to express my thanks to The
Administrative Officer for providing me an infrastructure and moral
support while carrying out this project in the school. My sincere
thanks to “Dr Anjani Kumar Singh”, Master In-charge, A guide,
Mentor all the above a friend, who critically reviewed my project and
helped in solving each and every problem, occurred during
implementation of the project. The guidance and support received
from all the members who contributed and who are contributing to
this project, was vital for the success of the project. I am grateful for
their constant support and help.

This is to certify that “SHIVBARDHAN KUMAR” of

“Class XII A” “Roll no 21” has satisfactorily
completed his English Project as prescribed by the
CBSE during the academic year 2022-2023.

Teacher Incharge


Ashokamitran (1931-2017), he was the pen name of Jagadisa

Thyagarajan who was an Indian writer, he has written. over 200
short stories, 8 novels, some 15 novellas besides other prose
writing. Most of his work have also been translated into English and
other Indian languages including Hindi, Malayalam and Telugu
Tamil writer recounts his years at Gemini Studios in his books. My
years with Boss which talks of the influence of movies on every
aspect of life in India the Gemini studio located in Chennai was set
up in 1940 it was one of the most influential film. producing
organisation of India in the early days of Indian film making.


1. Ashokamitran :-
He is the author of this lesson and used to work as an employee of
Gemini Studio. His job was to cut newspaper clippings on different
topics and make a file on it. The other members of his staff looked
down upon his work and felt superior to him always.

2. The Office Boy :-

He was not really a young boy, but a grown-up man of forty years
old and was given the duty of crowd makeup. His job was an easy
one still he feels he was an expert and a skilled make-up artist. He
blamed Subbu for his failure to become a hero or a star actor

3. Kothmangalam Subbu :-
He was considered the No.2 at the studio and came from a lower
background than the office boy but being a brahmin he was given
more importance than the office boy. He always looks cheerful as a
lark and was loyal towards Vasan, always being at service for him.
He was extremely creative and used his talent to his own
advantage and to make his position strong in the studio.

4. Legal advisor :-
He was a lawyer in the story department of Gemini Studio. He wore
pants and a tie and sometimes an oversized coat unlike everyone in
the department. He possesses cold and lame logic. He destroyed
the career of many actresses by his unrealistic behavior.

5. Stephen Spender :-
He was an English poet, editor, and a one-time communist who
gave a speech about Communism. He gave a long lecture on
communism and also explains his tough times when he wishes to
establish it here. Later on, people could know about the reason he
gave. Asokamitran, later on, came to know that he was the Editor of
the British Periodical, ‘Encounter’.he recognized the connection
between him and the owner of the Studio, S.S. Vasan.


The lesson begins with Asokamitran telling us about Gemini

studios. We learn about the very popular make-up brand whose
name was ‘Pancakes’. The Gemini studios use this brand
excessively and orders truckloads of their products. After that, he
goes on to tell the readers about the troubles the actors and
actresses face. We learn about the many lights glaring in their faces
when they are getting ready in the make-up room. Moreover, he
also mentions how the make-up department uses loads of makeup
to make them look ugly. He also tells us about the office boy in the
make-up department. He has a job to slap paint, during crowd-
shooting, on the faces of players. Further, we learn that the author
is a poet who joins the studio to become an actor, screenwriter,
director or lyricist. He has a cubicle to work where he has to collect
newspaper cuttings. The office boy always came in with his
complaints to the author. The author thinks that Subbu is the one
who troubles him. As Subbu is a Brahmin, the author thinks he has
an upper hand. We see that Subbu is a resourceful man with a
loyalty that sets him apart. Subbu is the perfect one for films and
film-making is impossible without him. Everyone loves Subbu for
being friendly and hospitable. Along with many others, Subbu also
does poetry. He works for the story department that also has a
lawyer. However, people considered him to be the exact opposite of
a legal consultant. Moreover, he is a logical man with a neutral
mindset in a group where there are only dreamers. After that, we
learn how the Gemini Studios got the opportunity to host the Moral
Rearmament Army. They are a group of international performers
named Moral Rearmament Army. While they did not have very
complex plots or messages, their sets and costumes were almost
perfect. Further, another guest, Stephen Spender, makes a visit to
Gemini Studios. However, turns out, he is not that famous and
many people have not even heard of him. Moreover, owing to
language barriers, many could not understand him. Thus, his visit
remained a mystery until after many years the author saw
Stephen’s name in a book and recognized him from his visit to the


The film making process is a tedius one and the pains and pangs of
producing a film remain hidden to the spectors and who seem to
enjoy the finished product. There is tough work to be done under
not so pleasant environment. Much of the film making job is done
these days with the help of advanced technology and computers.
But it was not an easy job in the post. Actors and actresses did not
enjoy so many comforts in those past days. The things have
undergone a vast change nowadays.


In this lesson, the writer gives an interesting account of the various

activities and the persons of the Gemini Studios which was set up in
Madras in 1940 by S.S. Wasan. He delineates the foibles, follies
and idiosyncrasies of the persons who worked in the Studios in a
light-1 -hearted and humarous manner. The writer also deals with
the problem of human relationship People working there had their
differences over petty matters. Some of them were jealous of those
who were! Successful in their career and close to the boss It set
around personalities and events that used to take place in Gemini
studios where the author used to work when Indian Cinema was still
an infant as an industry. The author also talks about a new India
immediately independence and also make generalised comments
about the country.



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