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A’yuni Qurrotu, Ratnasari Putu Diah, Maharani Ni Luh Putu Dea Ariska, Mashuri
Andy Satrio. 2022. The Effect of Drug Compliance on Blood Sugar
Levels in Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Gondang Public Health Center.
Final Assigment, Faculty of Medicine, Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
University. Supervisor: Ayu Cahyani Noviana1


Various studies have reported low compliance with medication in patients with
diabetes mellitus (DM). Research conducted by Nafi'ah (2015) at the East
Surabaya Regional Health Center stated that compliance with drug use by DM
patients in the non-compliance category was 54.35%. Objective: The relationship
between medication compliance and DM blood sugar at Gondang Public Health
Center. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. The sample is 70
diabetes mellitus patients in the working area of Gondang Public Health Center
which were selected by simple random sampling. The instruments used in the
study were MMAS-8 to measure compliance with taking medication and the Easy
Touch GCU tool to measure blood sugar. Results: The results showed that most
of the patients had a low level of medication compliance (25,7%). have
uncontrolled blood sugar (70.0%). The results of the chi-square test showed a p-
value of 0.001, where the value is <0.05, which means that there is a relationship
between medication compliance and blood sugar of Diabetes Mellitus patients in
the Gondang Public Health Center work area. Conclusion: There is an effect of
medication compliance on diabetes mellitus blood sugar levels at Gondang
Public Health Center. It is hoped that further research will be carried out by
looking at other factors that can affect medication adherence in diabetes patients.
Keywords: compliance, diabetes mellitus, blood glucose

INTRODUCTION a global health threat. (Kemenkes

Globally, there has been a RI, 2017).
change in disease patterns, from Epidemiological research
infectious diseases to non- shows a tendency to increase the
communicable diseases. Non- incidence and prevalence of Type-2
communicable diseases are Diabetes Mellitus in various parts of
currently in the top ten causes of the world. The World Health
death nationally, one of which is Organization (WHO) predicts an
diabetes mellitus (DM). DM is now increase in people with Diabetes

Mellitus is one of the global health 5.1% of Mojokerto City data.
threats. WHO predicts an increase Gondang Village consists of 52,839
in the number of people with residents in 2020.
diabetes mellitus in Indonesia from Controlling blood sugar levels
8.4 million in 2000 to around 21.3 is important in the treatment of DM.
million in 2030. This report shows Diabetic patients need to understand
an increase in the number of people the influencing factors to control
with diabetes by 2-3 times by 2035 blood sugar levels, diet, physical
(PERKENI, 2021). WHO states that activity, medication adherence, and
half of the adult diabetics in the knowledge. Successful management
world are in 5 countries, namely of DM to prevent complications can
China, India, the United States, be achieved (Soegondo et al., 1995;
Brazil, and Indonesia. (Tandra, Nanda et al., 2018).
2017). The success of DM
Indonesia is ranked 7th with management to prevent
the highest number of people with complications can be achieved of
diabetes mellitus in the world. The them through adherence to
International Diabetes Federation pharmacological therapy.
(IDF) stated that in 2016 Indonesia Compliance is one of the most
had around 9.1 million people with important factors in successful
diabetes mellitus (IDF, 2015). It is therapies for a patient, including
estimated that this number could type 2 DM patients. Compliance is
increase to 12.4 million people in an issue that needs attention in type
2025 and reach 14.1 million people 2 DM patients. Various studies have
in 2035 (Tandra, 2017). One of the reported low compliance in these
areas with the highest number of patients. Research conducted at the
people with diabetes is East Java East Surabaya Regional Health
Province with a prevalence of DM Center stated that compliance to
sufferers, which is 2.1%, which is in drug use by type 2 DM patients in
the top 10, named in fifth place in the non-adherent category was
the prevalence of people with 54.35%. (Nafi’ah, 2015). Another
diabetes mellitus in Indonesia study found that only 39.6% of
(RIKESDAS, 2014). Data from patients were obedient in using
Riskesdas East Java 2018 drugs and redeeming drugs and the
prevalence of diabetes mellitus most reasons for non-compliance
based on the results of were being late for taking drugs
measurements in the population (86.4%) and forgetting to take
aged > 15 years, East Java province medicine (77.3%) (Srikartika et al.,
in 2013 was 2.1% and increased in 2016).
2018 by 2.6%. From the prevalence Indirectly, the level of
of diabetes mellitus, Mojokerto medication compliance can be
Regency and Mojokerto City have a measured by the Morisky
fair high percentage of around 2.9% Medication Adherence Scale
of Mojokerto Regency data and (MMAS)-8 questionnaire. The

questionnaire is a method for patients who had previously been
assessing medication compliance in asked to fast for 8 hours before the
patients with chronic diseases, examination. The analysis was used
including diabetes that has been in the form of univariate and
validated by WHO (Srikartika et al., bivariate analyses. Bivariate
2016). analysis was conducted to determine
From this description, the the relationship between medication
author wants to find out more about compliance and blood sugar in DM
the effect of medication compliance patients using the chi-square
on blood sugar levels in patients statistical test. Data analysis results
with diabetes mellitus at Gondang are presented in the form of tables
Public Health Center. and narratives.

This study is a quantitative Respondents in this study
study with a cross-sectional design. were DM patients in the working
This research was conducted in the area of Gondang Public Health
working area of the Gondang Public Center, Mojokerto, East Java.
Health Center, Mojokerto, East Java Characteristics of respondents
in October 2022. The population of based on blood sugar levels of
this study was based on data patients who visited the Gondang
obtained from the Gondang Public Public Health Center in October
Health Center as many as 231 2022. Based on the results of data
people. The sample in this study collection from 70 respondents, it
were DM patients in the working was found that 21 respondents
area of the Gondang Public Health (30.0%) had normal blood sugar
Center who met the inclusion levels (GDA < 200 mg/dl), while 49
criteria, aged 56-76 years, were respondents (70.0%) had high blood
able to communicate smoothly, and sugar levels (GDA 200 mg/dl). It
were willing to participate in this can be concluded that most
study. The sample amounted to 70 respondents are those with high
people and was selected using a blood sugar levels as many as 49
simple random sampling technique, respondents (70.0%). This can be
namely random sampling where seen in table 1.
each population has an equal Table 1. Distribution of Respondents
chance of being selected as a Based on Blood Sugar Levels at
sample. Gondang Public Health Center in 2022
To measure the medication Blood Sugar Frequency Percentage (%)
adherence variable, the Morisky Normal 21 30.0 %
Medication Adherence scale 8-Items High 49 70.0 %
(MMAS-8) was measured and the Total 70 100.0 %
blood sugar variable was measured Source: Research, 2022
using the Easy Touch GCU tool. Table 2. shows the
Blood sampling was performed on distribution of respondent

characteristics based on compliance (14.3%) and 42 respondents (60.0%)
with medication in patients who with high blood sugar (Table 3).
visited the Gondang Public Health By using the chi-square
Center in October 2022. Based on statistical test, a p-value of 0.001
the results of data collection from 70 was obtained, where the value of
respondents, it was found that 18 <0.05, which means that there is a
respondents (25.7%) were obedient relationship between medication
to taking medicine, and 52 compliance and blood sugar levels
respondents (74,3%) who do not of Diabetes Mellitus patients at
comply with taking medication. Gondang Public Health Center.
Table 2. Distribution of Respondents Furthermore, the research data was
Based on Compliance with Taking analyzed by cross-tabulation, and
Medicines at Gondang Public Health the odds ratio (OR) was 6,600 % CI
Center in 2022 (2,044 – 21,308) (Table 3).
Compliance Frequency Percentage (%)
This shows that people who
Comply 18 25,7 %
Not comply 52 74,3 % do not adhere to medication are
Total 70 100,0 % estimated to have a 6.0 times risk
Source: Research, 2022 level of getting high blood sugar
Respondents who adhere to levels compared to people who
taking medication with normal blood comply with medication. Then the
sugar levels are 11 respondents Contingency Coefficient test was
(15.7%) and 18 respondents (10.0%) carried out which showed the results
who have high blood sugar levels, of the CC value = 0.371, which
while those who do not adhere to means that there is a relationship
taking medication with normal blood between the level of medication
sugar levels are 10 respondents. compliance and blood sugar levels
in low Diabetes Mellitus patients.
Table 3 Results of the Analysis of the Relationship Between Drug Compliance to Blood Sugar
Levels in Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Gondang Public Health Center, 2022.
Normal High Blood OR
Medication Total P CC
Blood Sugar Sugar 95% CI
Ζ % Ζ % Ζ %
Comply 11 (15,7 7 (10 %) 18 (25,7%)
%) 0,001 0,371 6,600 (2,044 – 21,308)
Not Comply 10 (14,3%) 42 (60 %) 52 (74,3%)
Total 21 (30,0%) 49 (70 %) 75 (100%)
Source: Research, 2022

DISCUSSION hormone that regulates glucose.

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a Insulin that does not work
group of metabolic diseases adequately will make glucose levels
characterized by hyperglycemia that in the blood high. Uncontrolled
occurs due to abnormalities in blood glucose levels can cause
insulin secretion, insulin action, or various complications such as
both (PERKENI, 2021). Insulin is a kidney, eyes, nerves, heart, and an

increased risk of cardiovascular In this study, it was also
disease (Ramadani, 2020). There are found that most of the patients had
4 pillars of DM control issued by high blood sugar (70.0%). Glucose
PERKENI, namely education, eating is the main fuel in body tissues which
arrangements, exercise, and also functions to produce energy.
medication adherence. But the fact is However, if the levels exceed normal
that there are still many people who (hyperglycemia) then the risk of
have low compliance because the causing DM. For DM patients, blood
treatment period is so long that it sugar levels must be continuously
causes saturation (PERKENI, 2021). controlled and kept in the normal
The results of this study range (Soegondo, 2007; Husna et
indicate that most DM patients in the al., 2022). Some of the factors that
Gondang Public Health Center have can affect abnormal blood sugar
a non-compliance rate (74.3%). This levels include obesity, hypertension,
situation can be influenced by family history of not exercising
various factors such as age, regularly, alcohol, smoking,
education, occupation, and length of unhealthy diet, and age. Especially
suffering from DM. This is in line the age factor where as you get
with research conducted at the older, natural changes occur in the
Tamalanrea Makassar Public Health body that affect the heart, blood
Center in 2022 which showed that vessels, and hormones, thereby
the majority of DM patients did not increasing blood sugar levels, and
comply with treatment at 61.2%. causing diabetes mellitus. In line
(Husna et al., 2022). Most patients with the results of this study where
who do not comply are in the range most of the respondents belong to the
of old age related to memory, so they late elderly age group (56-75 years)
forget to take their medicine or (PERKENI, 2021).
cause side effects that make the Based on the results of the
patient uncomfortable. Other factors research above, it is known that most
such as education affect an of the respondents who do not
individual's intellectual power in comply have uncontrolled blood
deciding something, including the sugar, which is 60%. The results of
decision to take medicine (Alfian, bivariate analysis obtained a p-value
2015). A person with good of 0.001 (<0.05), which means that
knowledge can weigh the long-term there is a relationship between
benefits of sticking to medication. In medication compliance to blood
addition, work also has an effect, sugar levels in patients with diabetes
where someone who works is busier mellitus at Gondang Public Health
and tends to forget more easily Center. This result is supported by a
(Jasmine et al., 2020). Saturation or previous study in 2021 which
boredom can also affect compliance, showed a significant relationship
especially for patients who have long between medication compliance and
suffered from DM and are taking blood sugar levels in DM patients (p
medication (Bulu et al., 2019). < 0.05) (Husna et al, 2022). This

shows that people who do not adhere have normal blood sugar levels.
to medication have an estimated risk While 74.3% of respondents do not
of 6.0 times that they will have high comply with taking medication, 60%
blood sugar levels compared to have high blood sugar levels. It is
people who comply with medication. hoped that further research will be
carried out by looking at other
These results are in line with factors that can affect medication
the theory that diabetes is a lifelong compliance in diabetes patients.
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