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Technical Data Sheet

Shell Irus C
High performance HFC-type fire-resistant hydraulic fluid

Shell Irus Fluid C is an advanced water-glycol fire resistant hydraulic fluid containing powerful additives to enhance its
anti-wear, anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation properties. The water content is approximately 40% by weight.

Performance, Features & Benefits · Lubrication and component life

· Fire resistant for high risk installations In general, water-glycol fluids are less effective bearing
lubricants than petroleum mineral hydraulic oils, but are entirely
As demonstrated in the 7th Luxembourg Report fire resistance
tests the product contributes significantly in reducing the fire satisfactory in systems containing pumps with plain bearings or

risk both in presence of flames and hot surfaces. lightly loaded ball and roller bearings designed to operate with

· Excellent components and fluid duration water glycol fluids. However, in common with other water-
based fluids a reduction in bearing life can be expected. This
This guarantees reliable operation especially compared with
will normally be included in the 'derating' made by the pump
fluids of older technologies.
· Improved wear performances against minimum industry In order to increase the reliability of the system and reduce its
maintenance costs it is important that all components are
As demonstrated in the vane pump testing required by the 7th
checked with their manufacturer to ascertain whether they are
Lux. Report the product offers significantly better antiwear
suitable/compatible with water glycol products.
performances than the minimum required by the standard.

· Fluid life · Conversion from other type of fluids

Specific attention should be given when converting to Irus C
The life of Irus C is comparable to mineral oils in properly
systems that were previously using lubricants of different types
maintained systems. The exact life has to be determined by
than ISO HFC (eg. mineral oils or ISO HFDU type of products).
Fluid Condition Monitoring, please consult your Shell
In such a case it is suggested you seek advice from your Shell
Representative for further advice.
Representative about the change over procedure you should
· Control of water content
Water content should be controlled within 35% to 45% by
weight. Condensate or de-ionized water should be used for Main Applications
any additions, which should be made slowly whilst the fluid is
circulating. Even better is to top up an amount of fresh fluid to
· Irus Fluid C is particularly suitable for demanding hydraulic
applications where there is a high fire risk, such as those found
bring the water content back within the limits. in the Metal and Mining industries.
An approximate check of the water content can be made from · In order to reduce water evaporation, Irus C (as for all ISO HFC
the viscosity of the fluid or its density. Accurate determination type fluids), should not be used above 65 0C. The recommended
of the water content can be made in a laboratory with the Karl maximum operating temperature is 50 0C. To maintain fire-
Fisher method. resistance it is important to monitor the water content of the fluid
and replenish if necessary when operating at elevated bulk fluid

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Specifications, Approvals & Recommendations · Stabilised flame heat release test - Lux 7th 3.1.3
· ISO 6743-4 (1999) HFC Type Fluid · Wick test - Lux 7th 3.2.2
· ISO 12922 (1999) HFC Type Fluid · Irus C is compliant with the essential technological test criteria of
· DIN 51502 HFC 46 the “Safety & Health Commission for the Mining & Other

· Irus C is tested and approved by the UK Health and Safety Extractive Industry 7th Edition 4746/10/91” also known as
“7th report of Luxembourg”.
Laboratory (Buxton) for fire resistance according to European
legislative requirements. For a full listing of equipment approvals and recommendations,

· Resistance to flame (UK) test - Lux 7th 3.1.2 please consult your local Shell Technical Helpdesk.

Typical Physical Characteristics

Properties Method Shell Irus Fluid C

ISO Viscosity Grade ISO 3448 46

ISO Fluid Type HFC

Appearance Visual Transparent red

Kinematic Viscosity @-200C mm2/s ASTM D445 1875

Kinematic Viscosity @00C mm2/s ASTM D445 358

Kinematic Viscosity @200C mm2/s ASTM D445 112

Kinematic Viscosity @400C mm2/s ASTM D445 47

Density @150C kg/m3 ISO 12185 1059

Pour Point 0
C ISO 3016 -57

These characteristics are typical of current production. Whilst future production will conform to Shell's specification, variations in
these characteristics may occur.
Health, Safety & Environment

· Health and Safety

Shell Irus C is unlikely to present any significant health or safety hazard when properly used in the recommended application and
good standards of personal hygiene are maintained.

Avoid contact with skin. Use impervious gloves with used oil. After skin contact, wash immediately with soap and water.

Guidance on Health and Safety is available on the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet, which can be obtained from

· Protect the Environment

Take used oil to an authorised collection point. Do not discharge into drains, soil or water.

Additional Information

· Advice
Advice on applications not covered here may be obtained from your Shell representative.

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