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16th Anniversary of Yadanabon University Research Journal 1

Practice on Monogamy of Myanmar

Hla Hla Win


Polygamy system was exercised among Myanmar Buddhists and community.

The courts recognized the polygamy system that a Myanmar Buddhist man may take
many wives. Now, Myanmar Buddhist Law changed from polygamy system to
monogamy system legally under the Monogamous Law, 2015. Indeed, Myanmar
Buddhist men practically exercised monogamous pattern only. Monogamous Law is
to protect the Myanmar Buddhist women from marrying with non- Buddhist men.
This Law prohibits a Myanmar Buddhist man from making second marriage. In
previously, most people always used monogamy system in Myanmar. The
Monogamous Law is one of the national race and religion Laws in Myanmar. It
prevents the men from betrayal their spouse. According to the Monogamous Law, if a
Myanmar Buddhist man takes a next wife, he will be punished with not more than 7
years imprisonment and also with fine. Each and everyone needs to be more aware,
more understanding and to practice the law effectively.

Key words: Monogamy, protection, safeguard


There are two of the marriage systems in the World. They are polygamy system
and monogamy system. Polygamy system means a man can have more than one wife
simultaneously. Monogamy system means single marriage. Polygamy among Myanmar
Buddhists is legal and it is recognized as an existing institution. Formerly, the courts
recognized the polygamy system. So, a Myanmar Buddhist man can marry more than one
wife. Now, Myanmar Buddhist Law exchanged from polygamy system to monogamy
system legally under the Monogamous Law, 2015. Indeed, most of the Myanmar
Buddhist men used to practice the monogamous pattern only merely although the
polygamy system was recognized. According to the Monogamous Law, if a Myanmar
Buddhist man marries another wife, he will be punished by imprisonment for a term
which is not exceeding to 7 years and also with fine. The Monogamous Law is to protect
the Myanmar Buddhist women from marrying non- Buddhist men. This Law prohibits a
Myanmar Buddhist man from making second marriage. The Monogamous Law is one of
the four National Race and Religion Protection Laws. Relevant cases with the
Monogamous Law are cognizable offences.
This Law is intended to protect illegal marriage of non-Buddhists and not to lose
the right of succession. In 1886, British imperialists stayed in Myanmar. They married
Myanmar Buddhist women who did not have the rights of a legal wife and so did the
mulattos. So, in 1954, Buddhist Women's Special Marriage Act was provided for the

Lecturer, Department of Law, Yadanabon University

2 16th Anniversary of Yadanabon University Research Journal

better interest of the Buddhist women and to prevent Myanmar women's grievances.
Now, in 2015, Myanmar Buddhist Women's Special Marriage Law was enacted. The
Monogamous Law prohibits polygamy and infidelity. In the case of the Monogamous
Law, a spouse committed polygamous marriage or infidelity would forfeit all property
rights. The Law plays a crucial role in influencing norms and values. The Law protects
Myanmar Buddhists and eliminates needless and complicated problems in Myanmar.

Definition of monogamy and polygamy system

Monogamy is a single marriage system. Monogamy means the custom prevalent
in most modern cultures restricting a person to one spouse at a time. It is the fact of being
married to only one spouse.1 Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse.2
Polygamy system is taking many wives at the same time.

Historical background of the Law

During the British Colonial regime, the position of a non-Buddhist husband and
Myanmar Buddhist wife was unfavorable. The Buddhist women who married non-
Buddhist men almost lost her rights of divorce, inheritance, succession and their child's
legal status. It was inequitable and injustice to Buddhist women. To protect those matters
of Buddhist women who enter into contract to marry non-Buddhist man, the Legislative
Council passed the relating Act, in 1939 and The Parliament of Union passed Myanmar
Buddhist Women’s Special Marriage and Succession Act, 1954. Indeed, the Law had a lot
of weakness because Myanmar Buddhist women who were married with non-Buddhist
men did not received matrimonial rights. Myanmar Buddhist women who married non-
Buddhist men were in highly disadvantageous position. So, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw passed
Myanmar Buddhist Women’s Special Marriage Law, 2015. At the same time,
Monogamous Law, 2015 was enacted on 31st August, 2015 as Pyidaungsu Hluttaw No.54.
English courts have from time to time granted limited recognition to polygamous
marriages. African countries permit polygamy.3 In 1972, Parliament enacted the
Matrimonial proceedings (Polygamous Marriages) Act, S-1(1), which provides; "a court
in England and Wales shall not be precluded from granting matrimonial relief or making
a declaration concerning the validity of a marriage by reason only that the marriage in
question was entered into under a law which permits polygamy."4
In the middle ages, Polygamy defined by the overt presence of multiple ties of
sexual access and legitimate reproduction used by the Middle East Countries in Europe
(1926-1956). This system had formally outlawed polygamy and others had imposed
judicial restrictions on this practice. But it had the reasons for the variation in the
incidence of polygamy and monogamy and the motivation for the social imposition of
universal monogamy regardless of status and resources. Monogamy means martial

Black's Law Dictionary, Thomson, 2006, 3rd edition, p.464.
Oxford Dictionary of Law, Elizabeth A. Martin, 1997, 4th edition, p.344.
For a confusion of traditional legal categories it appears from Ohochuku v. Ohochuku , 1960 , 1W.L.R183
that a Christian marriage may nevertheless be polygamous , but as such would not be within the divorce
jurisdiction of the High Court.
Scottish (S-2) and Northern Irish (S-3) courts.
16th Anniversary of Yadanabon University Research Journal 3

relationships and their attendant legal and social consequences are limited to single
female partner. Monogamy is beneficial to most women. The system tends to favor many
women, not many men. That monogamy is positively correlated with social cohesion and
competitiveness that are in turn positively correlated with advances in development.
Polygamy is contrary to the equal personal dignity of men and women who in matrimony
give themselves with a love that is total and therefore unique and exclusive betrays
modern sensibilities and does not appear to be directly derived from earliest Christian
In Christian Countries practiced the monogamy system. Polygamous marriage
system is used in Muslim countries. Previously, polygamy system was used in Court of
Myanmar. But, monogamy system was used to practice in social environment and
customs of Myanmar legally. The Hindu marriage was potentially concerned with
polygamy system generally. But, according to Hindu marriage Act, 1955, Hindus in India
exercised the monogamy system.

Objectives of the Monogamous Law

In order to help legally married couples set up peaceful and pleasant families on
the basic of loyalty by practicing monogamy, to protect women from being co-wives, and
to prevent crimes arising from polygamous acts of men, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw hereby
enacted Monogamous Law. This Law was enacted with intention to get advantages to
Myanmar Buddhists.
According to the purposes of the Monogamous Law are -
(1) to make sure the husband and wife lawfully solemnized live faithfully till the end or
their lives;
(2) to protect women from becoming illegal wives by practicing monogamous custom;
(3) to prohibit matrimonial problems and faults by taking more than one couple which
caused to marital affairs;
(4) to preserve their dignity by men and women.6
The Monogamous Law purposes religious minorities and women. The provisions
of the Monogamous Law intend to preserve the sanctity of marriage and to protect and
avoid the problems of polygamy. The Law states that it applies to everyone living in
Myanmar, including foreign nationals married to Myanmar citizens.

Monogamous marriage
Monogamy system is against polygamy system. Myanmar Customary Law
allowed the polygamy according to the Dhammathats. After the Buddhist Women's
Special Marriage and Succession Act, 1954 enacted, the system was accepted in
Myanmar. But, practically Myanmar Buddhist used the Monogamy system and accepted
from Myanmar social surroundings. Now, according to the situations of the Monogamous
law was enacted legally in Myanmar, 2015. This system protects Myanmar Buddhist
women's matrimonial problems arising from marriage. For Myanmar Buddhist men

Walter Scheidel, Stanford University, Monogamy and polygyny in Greece, Rome and World History,
Section-4, Monogamous Law, 2015.
4 16th Anniversary of Yadanabon University Research Journal

prohibit to the complicated matrimonial faults, in the relating to the matters of divorce,
succession, inheritance and so on. The Special Marriage Law protects National Race and
Religion. The Monogamous Law protects for Myanmar women from becoming mistress
and preventing emergences of family problems arising from men practicing polygamy.
Any man or woman can legally marry in accordance with the existing law or
religion or custom if it is not contrary to the provisions of the Monogamous Law.7A man
and woman in accordance with any Law or any religion or any custom shall be legitimate
on marriage after the Law came into effect by practicing Monogamous Law.8 Any
marriage between two Myanmar Buddhists shall be legitimate if it is conformity with
Myanmar Customary Law and it is not contrary to the Monogamous Law.9 Any marriage
between a Buddhist woman and non-Buddhist man shall be legitimate if it is conformity
with Myanmar Buddhist Women's Special Marriage Law and it is not contrary to the
Monogamous Law.10 Any marriage between two non-Buddhists in accordance with their
respective Laws, religions, customs shall be legitimate if it is not contrary to the
Monogamous Law.11 Whoever, who is guilty according to Section-10 or Section-12 of the
Monogamous Law, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which is not
exceeding seven years and with fine.12
In the case of Ma Htet Htet Aung v. Maung Nyein Chan Aung13- facts of the
case are as follows;- Ko Nyein Chan Aung and Ma Htet Htet Aung married in the Court
of the State Peace and Development Council by affidavit on the date of 29th April, 2011.
They lived together in his parent's house. They got a daughter, named Ma Ei Si Quay;
over 3 years old. And then, Ma Htet Htet Aung stayed in her Parents' home in Monywa,
by quarelling with her mother- in- law. On 9th November, 2015 about 11;30 AM, she
came back to her husband. He made a second marriage, called Ma Thida San (a) Ma Thae
Thae. On 30th January, 2016, Ma Htet Htet Aung returned to meet to her husband in
Sagaing. Her husband asked for permission to divorce but she did not allow him. So, she
complained to the suit to take action under the Monogamy Law.
Ma Kyu (witness from alleged Party) said that Nyein Chan Aung and Ma Thae
Thae were living together illegally, about ten days. Police Officer, Kyaw Win Naing said
that he usually made the concerning with his police's works. He made and copied a photo
which Nyein Chan Aung and Ma Thae Thae were living by renting Ma Kyu's house as a
record. It was accepted and submitted as the evidence. According to the statements of
witnesses from alleged person, the submitted evidence while the accused of Maung Nyein
Chan Aung was cohabiting with Ma Htet Htet Aung legally, he lived together with other
woman. According to the Section-13 of the Monogamous Law, 2015 he was ordered to
charge. But the accused repudiated continuously no fault. So, the witnesses from accused
party were examined continuously.

Section-5, Monogamous Law, 2015.
Section-6, Ibid.
Section-7, Ibid.
Section-8, Ibid.
Section-9, Ibid.
Section-13, Ibid.
2016, Sagaing Township Court, Criminal No.319.
16th Anniversary of Yadanabon University Research Journal 5

Maung Nyein Chan Aung (accused) said that he and Ma Htet Htet Aung lived
together as husband and wife about the year of 2011. They got a daughter, three years old.
After they had got marriage, they lived in Monywa about six months. He helped Ma Thae
Thae without cohabitation. He said that, he carried Ma Thae Thae's goods by three wheels
car in Ngahtartgyi Pagoda Pwetaw. He got her familiarity. According to the statements of
both witnesses and produced evidence, they married legally. In the period, the accused
had illegal cohabitation with Ma Thae Thae in Ma Kyu's house. The Police Officer in
examining produced the accused, Ma Thae Thae's home and bed-room. He discovered
that the accused infringed Section-10 of the Myanmar Monogamy Law. The witnesses
from the accused party did not have affirmative statement. So, the accused infringed the
case under the Monogamy Law, 2015.
The Sagaing Township Court held that the accused Nyein Chan Aung, (father) the
son of U Thein Aung, infringed the case significantly to Section-13 of the Monogamous
Law. So, he shall be punished with imprisonment for a term one year and six months by
deduction detained dates to him.

Facts to abstain
After the commencement of the Law came into force, any man or woman who is
already married with one spouse or more than one spouse in accordance with any law or
any religion or any custom shall not be cohabitation, while the original union is still
legally recognized, into another marriage with another person or conduct an illegal
extramarital affair.14 Any man or woman, if he or she was previously married by showing
evidence of legal divorce with his or her previous spouse, after declaring the previous
marriage can marry again with another person.15 Any man or woman who is already
married in accordance with any law or religion or custom can not marry again while the
original union is still legally recognized into marriage.16
It prohibits a married person from making second marriage or illegal living with
another person while still married. Anyone can file a complaint and punishment for
violations including loss of property rights upon divorce for the guilty party, up to seven
years imprisonment and fine. By exercising the monogamy system, any marriage between
a man and a woman in accordance with any Law or any religion or any custom shall be
legitimate only. Monogamous Law is subject to question since it covers all the citizens of
Myanmar living in and outside the Country.

Related Rights
By practicing the Monogamous Law, anybody can get advantages in families and
create peaceful and good environment.
According to any Law or religion or custom which is a married man or woman,
while the said marriage was subsisting and the marriage was concealment, if he or she
marries again with another person, the injured party shall be entitled to sue the civil

Section-10, Monogamous Law, 2015.
Section-11, Ibid.
Section-12, Ibid.
6 16th Anniversary of Yadanabon University Research Journal

injury.17 Before the enforcement of the Law, according to any existing law or religion or
custom to the legally marriage shall not be affected by this Law. 18 The rights of getting
children from illegal marriage or concealed marriage shall not be lost.19

Whoever, if any person shall be guilty according to Section-10 or Section-12 of
the Monogamous Law, he shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which is not
exceeding seven years and with fine.20 According to any existing law or religion or
custom, if any husband or wife marries again another person, while an original union is
still legally recognized, he or she commits matrimonial fault and his or her spouse has the
right to divorce.21 If it was a divorce under Section-14, in respect of their properties, the
person who commits a matrimonial fault shall be forfeited all his property rights.22
According to any law or religion or custom, if a man who is married, he marries again
with another woman while the original union is still legally recognized, the marriage is
illegal and thus, the second wife shall not be entitled to inheritance when that husband
dies. The husband who marries and lives together with another spouse shall also not be
entitled to inheritance if that second wife dies.23 Whoever any law or any custom which a
married man or woman while the said marriage is subsisting, that marriage was
concealed, if he or she marries again with another person, they shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which is not exceeding 10 years and also with fine.24

Monogamy system is against polygamy system. Monogamous Law is to protect
the Myanmar Buddhist women from marrying with non- Buddhist men. This Law
prevents a Myanmar Buddhist man from marrying another woman. According to the
Monogamous Law, if a Myanmar Buddhist man takes a next wife, he will be punished
with imprisonment for a term which is not exceeding 7 years and also with fine.
Polygamy is quite difficult to control the marital issues. In the world, most of the
countries in Europe and Africa use polygamy system. Most of the Christian countries use
the Monogamy. Using the monogamy system avoids and eliminates the complicated
problems in the cases relating to marriage, divorce, succession, inheritance and other
matrimonial faults. Monogamous Law safeguards Myanmar Nationalities.


I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Rector Dr. Aye Kyaw, Yadanabon
University for his interest and encouragement on the research. I particularly want to thank

Section-18, Monogamous Law, 2015.
Section-19, Ibid.
Section-20, Ibid.
Section-13, Ibid.
Section-14, Ibid.
Section-15, Ibid.
Section-16, Ibid.
Section-17, Ibid.
16th Anniversary of Yadanabon University Research Journal 7

Dr. Wai Wai Myint, Professor and Head, Department of Law, Yadanabon University for
her guidance, suggestions and advice to effectively present my research.


Elizabeth A. Martin, Oxford Dictionary of Law, 4 th edition, 1997, p.344.

E Maung, Dr,Burmese Buddhist Law, 1937.
LAHIRI, S.C, Principles of Modern Burmese Buddhist Law, 1951.
Myanmar Buddhist Women's Special Marriage Act, 1954.
Myanmar Buddhist Women's Special Marriage Law, 2015.
Myanmar Monogamy Law, 2015.
O.H. MOOTHAM, Myanmar Buddhist Law, 1939.
Ohochuku v. Ohochuku for a confusion of traditional legal categories it appears , 1960 , 1W.L.R183, that a
Christian marriage may nevertheless be polygamous , but as such would not be
within the divorce jurisdiction of the High Court.
Scottish (S-2) and Northern Irish (S-3) courts.
Thomson, Black's Law Dictionary, 3rd edition, 2006, p.464.
Walter Scheidel, Stanford University, Monogamy and polygyny in Greece, Rome and World History,

Practice on Monogamy of Myanmar

Hla Hla Win

8 16th Anniversary of Yadanabon University Research Journal

Department of Law
Yadanabon University


Polygamous system was exercised among Myanmar Buddhists and community.

The courts recognized the polygamous system that a Myanmar Buddhist man may take
many wives. Now, Myanmar Buddhist Law changed from polygamous system to
monogamous system legally under the Myanmar Monogamy Law, 2015. Indeed,
Myanmar Buddhist men practically exercised monogamous pattern only. Myanmar
Monogamy Law is to protect the Myanmar Buddhist women from marrying with non-
Buddhist men. This Law prohibits a Myanmar Buddhist man from making second
marriage. In previously, most people always used monogamous system in Myanmar.
Monogamy Law is one of the National Race and Religion Laws in Myanmar. It prevents
the men from betrayal their spouse. According to Myanmar monogamy Law, if a
Myanmar Buddhist man takes a next wife, he will be punished with more than 10 years in
prison and also with fine. Each and everyone needs to be more aware, more
understanding and to practice the law effectively.

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