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Project Management Journals List

Working Paper · May 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1133.1440


1 52,545

1 author:

Hamid Hakamian
Tarbiat Modares University


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Project Management Journals List
ITEM Title Type Publisher Country Aims and Scope Frequency Articles per Editor Founded Y Web site
Issue ear
The journal publishes refereed material on all aspects pertaining to the use of
Academic Skibniewski
1 Automation in Construction Elsevier B.V. Netherlands Information Technologies in Design, Engineering, Construction Technologies, 12 issues per year 10 1992 com/science/journal/0926
Journal University of
and Maintenance and Management of Constructed Facilities. 5805/40/supp/C
Project planning and project impact assessments; Infrastructure demand analysis
(with emphasis on sustainability); Stakeholder management (including appropriate
engagement); Procurement management (with longer-term criteria, e.g. in public
private partnerships etc.); Design management (including whole life
Built Environment Project and Academic United Kumaraswamy
2 Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. considerations); Construction management (including whole life considerations); Semi-annually 5-9 2011
Asset Management Journal Kingdom The University of
Infrastructure and societal needs; Sustainable infrastructure and life cycle =2044-124X
Hong Kong
optimization; Critical infrastructure protection and disaster mitigation
management; Preventive maintenance, asset rehabilitation and replacement

Advanced automation systems in construction; Information management;

Standardization and data exchange; Mobile Technology; IT-based innovations
Mustafa Alshawi
Academic and business competitiveness; Business process engineering and process 1991/2001
3 Construction Innovation Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. Quarterly 6-7 University of
Journal improvement; Management strategies and market positioning; Organizational e- online
Salford =1471-4175
readiness and soft issues; Smart and sustainable environments; Visualization and
integration; Modelling and simulation (2-D, 3-D, 4-D, n-D)

Building Project Management; Building and Construction; Built Environment;

Business, Management and Accounting; Civil, Environmental and Geotechnical
Engineering; Construction & Heavy Industry; Construction Business Will Hughes
Management; Construction Economics; Construction Industry; Construction Law; School of
Academic and Construction Management; Corporate Governance; Economics; Economics, Construction
Construction Management and United
4 professional Taylor & Francis Group Finance, Business & Industry; Engineering & Technology; Engineering 12 issues per year 8-13 Management & 1983 om/loi/rcme20?close=31
Economics Kingdom
Journal Management; Engineering Project Management; Industrial Engineering & Engineering &repitition=0#vol_31
Manufacturing; Industry & Industrial Studies; Manufacturing Engineering; University of
Operations Management; Operations Research; Organizational Change; Reading
Organizational Studies; Production, Operations & Information Management;
Project Management; Quantity Surveying; Risk Management

The Association for the The Cost Engineering journal is an invaluable resource that provides you with a
Professional United
5 Cost Engineering Journal Advancement of Cost wide range of professional insights on how to manage projects and deal with Bi-monthly
peer-reviewed States
Engineering International (aacei) common problems faced across the profession.
building; civil engineering; major infrastructure; repair and maintenance
Ronald McCaffer
Engineering, Construction and Academic United design and construction processes; the management of construction companies
6 Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 6 times a year 6-7 Loughborough 1994
Architectural Management Journal Kingdom and architectural practices; industry developments from a national and
University =0969-9988
international perspective
Management of technical functions such as research, development, and
Rajiv Sabherwal
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Academic IEEE Technology and United engineering in industry, government, university, and other settings. Emphasis is
7 Quarterly 10-16 University of 1963 g/xpl/aboutJournal.jsp?p
Management Journal Engineering Management Society States on studies carried on within an organization to help in decision making or policy
Arkansas unumber=17
formation for RD&E
Faisal M. Arain
Northern Alberta
International Journal of Academic United Provides research on project management issues relevant to the built
8 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Quarterly 5-7 Institute of 2009
Construction Project Management Journal States environments of developed and developing countries. info.php?products_id=90

Project Management Journals List
ITEM Title Type Publisher Country Aims and Scope Frequency Articles per Editor Founded Y Web site
Issue ear

Budgeting; Communication and collaboration; Current and emerging standards;

Decision support systems; Facilities and equipment support; Feasibility studies;
Goals and objective setting; HRM challenges; Marketing and branding strategies;
Measurement and metrics; Negotiation skills; Opportunity management;
International Journal of Richard Peterson
Academic Information Resources United Organization change projects; Outsourcing and alliances; Project coordination
9 Information Technology Project Quarterly 6 Montclair State 2010 contents/international-
Journal Management Association and IGI States and scheduling; Project governance; Project information systems; Project
Management University journal-information-
knowledge management; Project management teams; Project review and
evaluation; Quality assurance and testing; Resource Allocation; Risk assessment
and management; Scheduling; Software and systems; Staffing; Systems Analysis;
Time and cost estimating; Virtual project; Web-based PM

Provides broad coverage of all aspects of project management, from strategy to
International Journal of Managing Academic United planning and implementation. The journal covers all aspects of project Derek Walker
10 Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. Quarterly 10-12 2008
Projects in Business Journal Kingdom management theory and practice i.e. specifically relating to PROGRAMS and RMIT University

Provides a focus for worldwide expertise in the required techniques, practices and
J.Rodney Turner
International Journal of Project Academic areas of research; presents a forum for its readers to share common experiences
11 Elsevier B.V. Netherlands 8 issues per year 8 Université Lille 1983 com/science/journal/0263
Management Journal across the full range of industries and technologies in which project management
Nord de France 7863/29/7
is used; covers all areas of project management from systems to human aspects.

Pre-project activities; Project proposals/initial analysis, conception/design,

management models; Post-deployment review/documentation; Engineering,
production, service, construction projects; Public sector programmes/campaigns,
public/private sector partnerships; Consultancy projects, public relations
campaigns; Mergers/acquisitions, outsourcing, alliances; Particular events,
Wang, John
International Journal of Project Academic United humanitarian aid programmes, disasters projects; Virtual projects, web-based PM,
12 Inderscience Publishers 4 times a year 5-7 Montclair State 2008 .com/jhome.php?jcode=i
Organisation and Management Journal Kingdom open-ended projects; Communication/collaboration, negotiation skills, risk
University jpom#issue
assessment/management; Current/emerging standards, facilities/equipment
support, quality assurance/testing; Goals/objectives setting, budgeting, time/cost
estimating; HRM challenges, staffing, organisation change projects; Opportunity
management, marketing/branding strategies, measurement/metrics; Project
coordination/scheduling/governance, knowledge management

1995 to
Edmundas K.
Building and Construction; Built Environment; Civil, Environmental and Zavadskas
Journal of Civil Engineering and Academic (Statyba)/2
13 Taylor & Francis Group Lithuania Geotechnical Engineering; Construction Business Management; Construction 8 issues per year 11-13 Lithuanian
Management Journal 002 om/loi/tcem20#
Economics; Engineering & Technology Academy of
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: construction material
handling, equipment, production planning, specifications, scheduling, estimating, Jesus M. de la
Journal of Construction Academic United
14 Construction Institute cost control, quality control, labor productivity, inspection, contract Monthly Garza 1983
Engineering and Management Journal States cemd4
administration, construction management, computer applications, and Virginia Tech
environmental concerns
Management and leadership issues include contract management, project
management, partnering, office management, professional practice and
development, financial management, human resources management, marketing
and sales, ethics, technology and innovation management, information
management, continuing education, organizational theory, strategic planning,
Journal of Management in Professional Committee on Leadership and United Makarand Hastak
15 conflict management, negotiating, risk management, globalization, networking, Bi-monthly 9-10 1985
Engineering peer-reviewed Management States Purdue University menea
change management, teamwork, team building, communication, mentoring,
coaching, and diversity. Papers discussing legislative and regulatory issues,
corporate and public policy, and the role of civil engineering in the political
process at all levels of government are welcomed. Interdisciplinary studies and
collaborations are encouraged.

Project Management Journals List
ITEM Title Type Publisher Country Aims and Scope Frequency Articles per Editor Founded Y Web site
View publication stats

Issue ear

Publishes scholarly articles, case studies and research reports. The Journal of
Shankar Sankaran
Project, Program and Portfolio Management publishes peer reviewed scholarly
Journal of Project, Program & Academic University of
16 U T S ePress Australia articles - qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods research papers as well as Semi-annually 3-4 2010 u/journals/index.php/ppp
Portfolio Management Journal Technology Sydney
theoretical and exploratory papers - covering the many and varied aspects of m/issue/archive
(Different Editors)
project portfolio management, program and project management.
Professional magazine covering industry applications and practical issues in
Trade United wledge-Center/PM-
17 PM Network Project Management Institute managing projects. Its mission is to keep the project management decision-maker Weekly 2013?
Magazine States Network/online-features-
abreast of the latest news of techniques and best practices.
Hans Georg
The Project Management Journal's mission is to address the broad interests of the
Academic United Gemünden 1969/2007
18 Project Management Journal Project Management Institute project management profession and maintain an editorial balance of content about 4 times a year 5-7
Journal States Technische (Online) com/journal/10.1002/(IS
research, technique, theory, and practice.
Universität Berlin SN)1938-9507/issues
19 Project Manager Banksia Media Group Australia Covers Australia project management and people. Bi-monthly
Trade United
20 Project Manager Today Larchdrift Projects Ltd. Provides case studies, articles, and software reviews for project managers. Monthly
Magazine Kingdom
They aimed to link results from research and development to industries and
Research experts. The magazine also aims to include papers on industrial and commercial
Kalle Kähkönen
results and Project Management Association projects, explaining interesting aspects of modern project management and
21 Project Perspectives Finland Annual Tampere University 2006 pma-publications/project-
project case Finland(PMAF) and (IPMA) describing different ways of managing these projects. Categories of papers are:
of Technology perspectives/
studies Results of research and development; Recent practical lessons; Stories of live
EPPM-Journal is multidisciplinary in nature, considering all topics related to Chien-Ho Ko
The Journal of Engineering, Association of Engineering, engineering management, project management, and production management. All National Pingtung
22 Project, and Production Project, and Production Taiwan submitted papers are subject to double bind review. The journal publishes two Semi-annually 5-6 University of 2011 EPPM_Journal/volumes.
Management Management (EPPM) types of papers in both print and online: Article Science and htm
Technical Note (within 3000 words) Technology

Organizational design, planning, decision and sense making, decomposition

systems; Project and Operations management in process, manufacturing and
service organizations; Project, Program and Portfolio strategy and policy; Product
and service design and development; Manufacturing and service systems design;
Technology management for operations; Multi-site operations management; Dr. Steven D.
The Journal of Modern Project Academic Mundo Press - MundoPM & Capacity planning and analysis; Operations planning, scheduling and control; Eppinger
23 Brazil Quad-Monthly 10-11 2013
Management Journal JMPM Publishing House Project management; Human resource management for operations; Work design, MIT Sloan School
measurement and improvement; Performance measurement and productivity; of Management
Quality management; Purchasing/sourcing systems; Materials and inventory
management; Logistics, transportation, distribution, and materials handling;
Supply Chain management; International and comparative operations; Operations
and information management; Environmental issues in operations.

Provides a vehicle for direct communication within the project management

Trade community in the fields of construction, architecture, computer networking,
24 The Project Manager Cape Media Corporation South Africa Quarterly 2010
Magazine telecommunications, software development, design, production, service and other

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