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By Human Resource Educators' Association of the Philippines

Curated and designed by Riihla Management Consultancy Services - HREAP Accredited CHRA Review Center

HREAP Certificate, Diploma and

Executive Programs

HREAP Assessments and

Certification Examination

All About CHRA

The Philosophy

Bridging the Gap between the Academe and Industry

HREAP is a professional membership organization of human resource educators in the country.

The organization also accepts HR practitioners (affiliate members) and HR students (associate
members) under its student arm Human Resource Students' Association of the Philippines
(HRSAP). HREAP has membership with more than 80 HEI's and companies in the country. They
also offer different assessment and certification examinations and other learning and
development programs and events.
Development of HR Programs Academe-Industry Collaboration

Promote the development of human Strengthen industry – academe partnership in

developing curricular offerings of universities and
resource program in higher educational colleges, gather and strengthen collaboration among
institutions in the Philippines. human resource educators in the country.

Research Publication Learning and Development

Publish researches related to the human Organize seminars, conferences, learning

resources practices both in public and and development programs for educators,
private organizations. students and professionals.

HR Certificate HR Diploma HR Executive

Programs Programs Education Programs

Foundation Certificate in Diploma in Human Resource Human Resource MasterClass

Human Resource Management Management

Post Graduate Certificate in Graduate Diploma in Human Executive MBA in HRM

Human Resource Management Resource Management

Specialist Diploma in Human Advanced HR Leadership

Resource Management

Assessment Certification
Examination Program

Certified Human Resources HR Train-the-Trainer

Associate (CHRA) Certification Program
All About
What is HREAP - CHRA?

What are the advantages of taking CHRA?

Who are qualified to take?

What are the processes and requirements?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Certified Human Resource Associate

(CHRA) is an assessment examination of

the basic knowledge in the field of
human resource management by the
Human Resource Educators’ Association
of the Philippines, Inc. (HREAP).

The examination is designed to assess

the fundamental knowledge that a
human resource practitioner must
Recruitment and Selection
EXAMINATION Workplace Learning and Development
Compensation & Benefits
COVERAGE Performance Management
Job Analysis and Design
Risk management
The examination is a 3-hour
examination divided into two (2) sets:

Labor and HR related laws.
This certification will be part of your credentials and can therefore give you a higher chance of
employment considering the skills and knowledge you have as confirmed by passing the
examination. The list of passers will also be sent to HREAP partner private institutions.

Being professionally certified gives you an edge and competitive advantage over other applicants
who are not especially in a highly competitive job market.

Confirms your mastery of the discipline and therefore, establishes your credibility.

Passing the exam gives you confidence and validation of your knowledge and competence in the
field of human resource.

Establishes you as a continuous learner. Employers (locally and abroad) are always looking for
people who never want to stop learning and it is a value unto itself.
• HRDM/HRM, Psychology, Guidance & Counseling, and Legal
Management graduates or currently graduating students.

• MA Psychology or MBA/MPA Major in HR/Personnel

Administration degree holders.

• Any 4-year degree holders with at least one (1) year human
resource / management related work experience.

• Faculty members or academic personnel handling Human

Resource / Management related subjects.

• People Managers (Directors, Managers, Supervisors, Team

Leaders, Department Heads).
Step 1

Accomplish Online
Application Form -
Payment Details
Online transfer/bank deposit
BPI Account Number: 2663-0131-17.
Step 2 Account Name: Human Resource
Educators Association of the
After online registration and
Philippines Inc.
payment, you will receive a
confirmation email of your

slot and the specific • GCash transfer via GCash App, Banks
coverage of the examination Mobile App or 7-Eleven
for your reference.
HREAP’s official mobile number for
GCash: 09164591678
1. Is the Certified Human Resource Associate (CHRA) Assessment Examination
under the Professional Regulation Commission or Civil Service Commission?
The certification IS NOT under the Professional Regulation Commission or Civil Service
Commission. This is not a Professional License or a Civil Service Eligibility. This is an assessment
examination/certification of your skills/competencies in the field of human resource initiated by
the Human Resource Educators’ Association of the Philippines, Inc. (HREAP) to provide an
assessment examination for BSBA-HRDM graduates and other qualified applicants.

2. What is the Passing Mark?

The passing mark is 50% for each set. If you failed to get 50% or higher in one set, you will be
allowed to retake that particular set in the next scheduled examination subject to applicable fees.

3. Is there a limit to how many times you can take the CHRA?
You are allowed to take the examination up to three (3) times.
4. How do you know that you passed the examination?

You will be notified via email. Passers will also be posted at HREAP website and social media

5. What is the Validity Period?

The validity is lifetime. No need for renewal.

6. I already took/passed the CHRP - Human Resource Professional Certification

from other certifying body. Can I still take the HREAP-CHRA ?
Yes, as long as you are qualified under the list of qualification and requirements.

7. Can I use CHRA as a professional title once I passed the examination ?

Yes, you can put CHRA as part of your professional title once you passed the
examination. For example : Juan Dela Cruz, CHRA
8. Can I use this credential when I apply to work in an international or local
Having a CHRA title is an advantage. In fact, majority of employers locally and abroad are very keen
in sourcing and hiring potential talent with skills, certification and experience. At present,
hundreds and thousands of talents around the world are seeking for more skills and trade
certifications that will help them land a job due to major shift of workplace landscape brought by

9. Where to take the examination?

Upon successful registration, HREAP will send you further instruction about the assessment
schedule and specifics. Normally, the Examination will be done online through HREAP’s LMS using
a laptop/desktop for the actual exam.

10. Ho much the Examination Fee ?

Examination Fee is Php 1,700.00
11. Is the Examination easy to pass?

If you are properly prepared, then the examination is easy to pass. Of course, there may be a few
questions that you are uncertain about, but if you are properly prepared, you should know that you
passed when you leave the exam .

Also, one of the most effective ways/strategies to pass such assessments is to enroll in a peer
coaching or review centers. As a result, enrolling in an accredited review centers are best places to
prepare for standardized test like the CHRA. It is the role of the reviewer to keep the distractions
from the reviewees. The exam atmosphere is a big factor to pass. Simulation experience prepare
you on what to do during the actual exam.

In addition, there is a high passing rate of those who enroll in the review centers. It is very clear
that review center have their own standard and style in aiding their reviewees.

12. when can I take the Examination?

You may visit HREAP Official Social Media Pages or coordinate with the accredited review centers
for the examination schedule.
Visit HREAP Facebook Page for the latest list of passers/topnotchers
Visit HREAP Facebook Page for the latest list of passers/topnotchers
Visit HREAP Facebook Page for the latest list of top performing schools.
Visit HREAP Facebook Page for the latest list of top performing schools.
Future CHRAs!

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