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Answer any 1 question out of the given 2

questions. Each question is of 2 marks.

CBSE (2 x 1 = 2)
DEPARTMENT OF SKILL EDUCATION 5. Explain any two functions of an
6. ‘Reduced Inequalities’ is one of the
(SUBJECT CODE: 402) Sustainable development goals set by the UN.
CLASS IX (SESSION 2021-2022) Give any two ways to reduce inequalities.
Max. Time Allowed: 1 Hour (60 min) Answer any 04 questions out of the given 06
Max. Marks: 25 questions (1 x 4 = 4)
General Instructions: 7. Name any one spreadsheet software.
1. Please read the instructions carefully 8. Which view is generally used for creating,
2. This Question Paper is divided into 03 formatting and designing slides?
sections, viz., Section A, Section B and 9. What is an Active cell?
Section C. 10. The slide show can be exited at any time
3. Section A is of 05 marks and has 06 during the show by pressing which keys?
questions on Employability Skills. 11. What is the extension of libre office Calc file
a) Questions numbers 1 to 4 are one and ms Excel file?
mark questions. Attempt any three questions. 12. Which features is used to progress the slide
b) Questions numbers 5 and 6 are two show automatically while speaking on the
marks questions. Attempt any one question. topic?
4. Section B is of 12 marks and has 12 Answer any 04 questions out of the given 06
questions on Subject Specific Skills. questions (2 x 4 = 8)
a) Questions numbers 7 to 12 are one
mark questions. Attempt any four questions. 13. What are the advantages of using a
b) Questions numbers 13 to 18 are two presentation?
marks questions. Attempt any four questions. 14. What is the difference between Rows and
5. Section C is of 08 marks and has 03 Columns?
competency-based questions. 15. What is the different type of operators
a) Questions numbers 19 to 21 are used in Libre office Calc?
16. How can text be added to header or footer
four marks questions. Attempt any two
on the sliders?
17. What are the advantages of using Chart in
6. Do as per the instructions given in the
Libre Office Calc?
respective sections.
18. Write down the steps to add slide
7. Marks allotted are mentioned against each
section/question. transition in your presentation.
------------------------------------------------------------ SECTION C (2 x 4 = 8 marks)
Answer any 3 questions out of the given 4 Answer any 02 questions out of the given 03
questions. Each question is of 1 mark(1 x 3 = 3) questions
1. Define Entrepreneurship. 19. Varun is maintaining the marksheet of his
2. What is Hybrid business? class in MS Excel. The teacher has asked
3. What do you understand term green skills? Varun to find the maximum and minimum
4. What do you mean by green economy? marks obtained in the class. Which feature of
MS Excel should Varun use in order to
accomplish the task? (4)
20. Open the presentation and do the 11. Ms Excel - .xlsx or .xls
following: (4) Libre office Calc - .ods
• Go to the second last page. 12. Custom Animation
• Click on Insert > Shape > Star > 13. Advantages of using a presentation are :
Horizontal Scroll. Drag and create a suitable i) The concepts that are difficult to explain by
size banner on the slide. teacher, can be easily presented to the audience
• Double-click on the banner and type in a simple way.
text “KIPS…The Best School Computer ii) Machine parts and operation of various
Books”. machines can be easily shown
• Click on the banner and choose Area 14. The sheet is divided into vertical columns
Fill from the Properties sidebar. and horizontal rows. The rows are numbered as
• Choose Gradient from the Fill drop- 1,2,3,4,… and columns are numbered as A, B, C,
down list. D, …., Z,
• Select light-green colour. 15. Operators are symbols used in a formula
to define the relationship between two or
more cell references, or between two or more
Below are some operators used in Libre
ANSWER Office Calc:
1. Entrepreneurship is the process of Operator Formula Result
discovering and opportunity, mobilizing Addition (+) = 23+ 6 29
resources, launching an enterprise to exploit Subtraction =0–6 -6
the opportunity and an attempt to create Multiplication (*) = 9*6 54
value. Division (/) = 88/8 11
2. Hybrid businesses are companies that may Exponentiation (^) =2^5 32
be classified in more than one type of
business. 16. Steps to add header and footer on slides
3. Green skills are defined as skills for are :
sustainability and technical skills, knowledge, a) Click Insert —> Header and Footer.
values and attitudes needed in a workforce to b) Header and Footer dialog box
develop and support social, economic and appears.
environmental outcomes in business, c) Select Footer check box and write text
industry and the community. in Footer text box.
4. According to UNEP(United Nations d) Click Apply to All button to apply
Environment Programme), green economy is footer on all slides.
an economy that results in improved human 17. Advantages of using Chart in Libre Office
well-being and social equity, while Calc are as follows:
significantly reducing environmental risks a) It is much easier to understand.
and ecological scarcities. b) With the help of a chart, data and
5. Any two functions of an entrepreneur are : information can be presented in an attractive
a. making decisions: manner.
c) A chart is more impressive and
b. Managing the business
6. Two easy to reduce inequalities are : -
 be helpful to one another. 18. Steps to add slide transition in your
 be friendly with everyone presentation are :
7. The one spreadsheet software a) In the Sidebar, select the Slide
i. Libre Office – Calc Transition icon.
ii. MS Excel b) Select the slides to apply the
8. Slide Sorter view transition. If you want to apply the
9. In a spreadsheet, cell is the place where we transition to all the slides, do not
enter the data. The selected or activated cell is select any slides.
called as active cell. c) Select a sound from the Sound list.
10. Esc key
d) Select how to advance to the next
slide: manually (By mouse click) or
e) To apply transition to all slides, click
Apply to All Slides.
f) Click Slide show to view the applied

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