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Monthly Golden Port Edition

This And That

Your monthly source of new events Date of Print: 1st/Frosts Dusk/314/AE30

Golden Grin making a Push!

Drugs are hitting
back Hard
The Holden Grin is a notorious
gang that produces narcotics and
the like. On the 30th of Snow’s Fall
they stepped their boundaries just a
bit too far with the local dealers
and guards alike .
Early in the morning a fight broke
out between the guard and members
of the Grin. They used basic magics
and steel weapons to gain the upper
hand in the skirmish. Many of them
escaped but one of them was
captured and was taken into
questioning. A following report
claims that 4 guards of the
merchant family Inbar of the skin
and hide trade were killed during
the skirmish well as 3 of the Rafiq
family. We urge the people of
Golden port to keep your streets
drug free, otherwise you are
allowing this gang to win another

One of the instigators of the skirmish between the guard and the Grin was This Gang is armed and dangerous.
described by eye witnesses to be a human male, missing his left ear, bald, long They wear browns and yellows
and black long beard. when they wish to express their
If you have seen this man or know of his whereabouts, please report it to the affiliation. DO NOT APPROUCH
nearest guard. A reward of 50GP will be given for any valid information. THEM. REPORT TO A GUARD!

Lyal Solan Missing

A local Blacksmiths assistant has not been seen for over a week now by family or his employer. Half-Elven male,
long shoulder length hair, green eyes, tall, muscular build, slender pointed face.
Colorful Adventures Bird/Bear creature set
walking on water Free in Port!
Followed by a rather
frightened looking feline Less than one week ago, a Known as an
crawling on his hands large bird/bear like Owlbear?
and knees back to shore. creature was seen walking The creature was calmly
the streets near the dock captured by the guards of
The grogan proceeded to yard area of the city. merchant family Nura, and
buy a huge crate of crabs For a creature of its was taken to a local sage in
and deliver it to the massive size and stature the city.
Not too long ago, the
waiting whale. As that (not to mention it was Benedict Pilwickel, the sage,
people of the Port were
was happening, the carrying a corpse in its identified the beast to be a
greeted to a rather
Mousefolk began to beak) was surprisingly calm “owlbear”. A intelligent
interesting distraction
preach of a being known around everyone it walked beast that hails from the
from their daily works. A
as “Atua” to a small by. People were in shock land of Lokeed, far in its
large grogan and
group of old sailors and however and ran at first wooded areas to the south
Mousefolk were seen
harbor hands sight of it. and east.
dismounting from a whale

Family Rafiq Eldest Daughter Killed

It has recently come to light that the eldest daughter, Amina, of the merchant
family Rafiq has been killed. Reports say that she was kidnapped while she was
outside her father’s villa and was taken far outside of the city walls. She was
killed and her body put on display. Her father, Abdul Rafiq, has hired a group of
mercenaries to track down and bring her killers to justice.
Many of the common folk will miss her for her unique and diverging nature of most
high class individuals.
Her family will be holding a funeral for her outside the city near the Temple of
Serena up on Seacrest Hill. Any are welcome to come and pay their respects.

Magister Academy New Laws in Charity by the Water Delay from

Enrolment Soon Jeddah Herit family Oasis this week
In Two weeks from now, The Archmage and The merchant family For the rest of the week,
a magister from the current leader of Jeddah, Herit, leaders in the fish all the people of Golden
Magister Academy of Androphis, has declared a and meats trade of the Port are advised to use
magic will be coming to new law with in port, has declared that water carefully. The
Golden Port and be influence towards the every day for the next news that an equipment
opening their enrolment west of Southern month they will be malfunction has occurred
premise within the city. Alramel. Slavery is now providing free lunches to at the Nofret oasis.
All aspiring magic users legal with in lands. the workers by the docks. They are doing their best
are encouraged to go and Reports have suggested “This decision came to to repair the equipment
display your skill and that already over ten ease once my youngest and to deliver the water
potential in front of the thousand people of all daughter suggested it to with the next batch.
magister and fill out the races have become slaves me” said the head of the The wells of Golden Port
necessary details to be put due to the declaration of family, Yadira, Herit. are slowly running dry,
on the waiting list for this new law little less estimated to last seven
entry into the Academy. than two weeks ago. more years. We highly
suggest to use only what
you need for drinking,
bathing and cooking.

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