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Project Management Plan

[Project Name]

<Insert Project Logo here>

Author: [Author]
Date: [yyyymmdd]
Version: [#.#]

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Update text within square brackets which is placeholder text with relevant text.
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[Project Name]

Document Control
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Position Name Contact no

Stakeholders and other contributors

Consider key stakeholders who might have input in the decision to approve or reject the project’s Business
Case. Typically, distribution to the relevant governance forum members’ is required for a one-on-one
walkthrough prior to presenting.
Position Name

Revision history
Version Issue date Author/editor Description/Summary of changes

Reviewed by
Version Issue date Name Position Review date

Approval refers to the approver’s acceptance of the content and overall intention of this document, including
acceptance of any commitments described in order to successfully deliver the initiative. The approver, where
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Version Issue date Name Position Approval date

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[Project Name]

Table of Contents
1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE........................................................................................................................... 4
2 PROJECT INFORMATION....................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Key Contacts..................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Project Background........................................................................................................................... 5
3 PROJECT DEFINITION............................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Project Objectives............................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Project Scope.................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2.1 Inclusions 5
3.2.2 Exclusions 5
3.3 Assumptions..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.4 Constraints........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.5 Work Breakdown Structure............................................................................................................... 5
4 APPROACH.............................................................................................................................................. 6
4.1 Deliverables...................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Project Organisation Structure.......................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Roles and Responsibilities................................................................................................................ 6
5 GOVERNANCE AND REPORTING.......................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Governance Structure....................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Reports............................................................................................................................................. 7
6 PROJECT CONTROLS............................................................................................................................ 7
6.1 Schedule & Dependencies Management.......................................................................................... 7
6.2 Financial Management...................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Risk Management............................................................................................................................. 7
6.4 Issue Management........................................................................................................................... 7
6.5 Quality Management......................................................................................................................... 7
6.6 Change Control................................................................................................................................. 8
6.7 Resource Management..................................................................................................................... 8
6.8 Stakeholder Management................................................................................................................. 8
6.9 Communications Plan....................................................................................................................... 8
6.10 Lessons Learnt................................................................................................................................. 8
7 APPENDIX A: PROJECT SCHEDULE..................................................................................................... 9
8 APPENDIX B: RISKS............................................................................................................................. 10

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[Project Name]

1 Document Purpose
The Project Management Plan (PMP) is developed at the commencement of Initiate Phase of the Project
Delivery Framework. The information in this plan should be based on the Business Case or other artefact
used to gain approval.
The development of a PMP is applicable to Medium and Large projects. However, the level of detail and
completeness may vary to suit the type and nature of individual projects. The PMP is a Key Deliverable
required for submission at Stage Gate 2.

The purpose of this Project Management Plan (PMP) is to provide a detailed description of what the project
is about, its delivery method and controls to realise its defined scope and objectives. This document
provides context and guidelines for the conduct of the project and its interaction with stakeholders, the
project team, Project Management Office and other entities.

It is the formally approved authoritative reference that defines how the project is to be executed, monitored
and controlled. Accordingly, it will be maintained throughout the life of the project as a living document. As
new or revised elements of the management of the project are approved, the changes will be reflected in this
plan. The PMP is subject to formal change control.

2 Project Information
This Section is a quick overview of the project: what it is about, how it came to be, who owns it and who the
project manager is.

Project name [Project Name]

Project ID

Project Manager

Project Sponsor

Project SharePoint site (link):

2.1 Key Contacts

Project role First name Last name Phone

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[Project Name]

2.2 Project Background

The background is a simple and short explanation of what needs/problems the project is trying to solve, and
the benefits the project is intended to deliver. It may also include a brief history behind the project. If
appropriate, include references to supporting documentation.

3 Project Definition
This section defines the project to which this PMP applies.

3.1 Project Objectives

The objectives of the project should be described here in terms of the deliverables / outcomes.
The objective of the project is to:

3.2 Project Scope

The scope defines the boundaries of the project. This can be done by defining the deliverables, i.e. what the
project will deliver. This section describes how the project scope will be defined, documented, verified,
managed, and controlled by the project management team. Managing the project scope is primarily
concerned with defining and controlling what is and is not included in the project.

3.2.1 Inclusions
Use this section to describe all the major deliverable components of the project.
The following items are included in the scope of the project:

3.2.2 Exclusions
This section provides the Project Manager with the opportunity to make it clear what is not in the scope of
the project. The Deliverables statement above implicitly excludes everything else. However, if the Project
Manager feels that there may be some ambiguity or the possibility that readers may make an incorrect
inference, this section allows the matter to be clarified. This may typically include products and activities
closely related to this project, such as pre-requisites, dependencies and interdependencies that will be
delivered as part of other projects or business processes.
The following items are excluded from the scope of the project:

3.3 Assumptions
There can be internal and external factors that can influence the course of the project that are outside of the
control of the project management team. Assumptions are factors that could affect the project.
Factors relating to Quality, Dependencies, Priority and Resources should be addressed via project planning
and may have associated risks to meet the plan
The following assumptions are made with regards to the project:

3.4 Constraints
Constraints are limitations on the project. These typically include budget limits or deadlines for delivery and
contractual constraints.
The following restrictions and limitations have been identified for the project:

3.5 Work Breakdown Structure

The WBS organises and defines the total scope of the project and is a deliverable ‐oriented hierarchy of the
work to accomplish the project objectives. Significant work packages will have a Statement of Work, which is
the contract between the project manager and work package manager or vendor.

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[Project Name]

4 Approach
Describe the project approach, overall strategy and methods and procedures to be adopted for achieving the
project objectives. Describe any engagement models, sequencing of the work and reasons for such an

4.1 Deliverables
Use this section to describe all major deliverables of the project. Deliverables should be tracked though a
Deliverables Register to record information such as acceptance criteria, reviews required, approvers,
baselined delivery dates, actual delivery dates, etc.
The following table summarises the list of deliverables.
ID Deliverable Name WP Lead Participant Delivery date

4.2 Project Organisation Structure

The project organisation is a temporary governance structure established specifically to manage the project
and meet the requirements defined in the Business Case. Insert the Organisational Chart diagram here.

4.3 Roles and Responsibilities

This section details the Roles and Responsibilities of the Project Team. The following is a brief overview.
Role Description
Project Sponsor The Project Sponsor is principally an advocate with the key stakeholders and a sounding
board for the Project Manager for problems and decisions. The role represents the interests
of all those who will use or derive benefit from the final deliverables of the project.
Project Board The Project Board is accountable for the success of the project and has responsibility and
(Steering authority for the project. The Project Board approves all major plans, ensures that required
Committee) resources are committed, arbitrates on any conflicts within the project or negotiates a
solution to any problems between the project and external bodies.
The Project Board’s role is to ensure that the project is focused on achieving its objectives
and ensuring deliverables can achieve the projected benefits.
Project Director The Project Director provides a single point of accountability to deliver the project in
(if applicable) accordance with the project commitments and has full project authority within the limits of the
budget and quality.
The Project Director’s role is to manage and direct assigned project resources, make
decisions regarding the project direction and ensure that the project is properly managed
and staffed. The Project Director is also responsible for the project delivering a solution that
is capable of achieving the outcomes and benefits as defined in the Business Case or
funding artefact.
Project Manager The Project Manager has the authority to run the project on a day-to-day basis on behalf of
the Project Director within the constraints laid down by the Project Director.
The Project Manager’s prime responsibility is to ensure that the project produces the
required deliverables, to the required standard of quality and within the specified constraints
of time and cost.
Project Team The Project Team members carry out the tasks and activities assigned to them in

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[Project Name]

Role Description
accordance to the project’s roles and responsibilities. They are responsible for identifying
and escalating any risks or issues encountered during the course of the project.
Project Analyst The Project Analyst carries out tasks and activities to assist with project performance and
status reporting. (e.g. schedule and budget)
Third Party Supplier The contractor/supplier (3rd party) will carry out the activities assigned to them as per the
agreed contract/ engagement terms and conditions.
Project Support Assists the Project Manager and Project Team in undertaking project management
Construction The Construction Coordinator carries out the tasks associated with the coordination of the
coordinator field activities.

5 Governance and Reporting

5.1 Governance Structure
This section details the relationship between the project team and governance entities that may affect the
project. These ‘directing’ entities could be Project Boards (Steering Committees), Reference Groups,
Sponsor, etc. Insert the Governance and Reporting Chart diagram here.

5.2 Reports
Describe the reporting hierarchy and frequency. If the project is not reporting through the standard Project
Status Report, describe the alternative method, content of the report to be provided and the reason for the

6 Project Controls
The following section is a list of standard project management controls which may be required depending on
the size and nature of the project.

6.1 Schedule & Dependencies Management

Describe how the project will manage the schedule, dependencies (within the project) and inter-
dependencies across other projects.

6.2 Financial Management

Define the method for managing the project’s finances, budget and allocated contingency (as stated in the
project’s Business Case or funding artefact). Explain the project’s change control process to address
changes to the Financial Plan, i.e. reporting of variances, re-baselining. In this section, include any other
cost tracking tools you intend to use and attach an example as an Appendix.

6.3 Risk Management

This section defines how risk management will be structured and performed on the project. Risk is an
uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has an effect on at least one project objective, including scope,
schedule, cost, and quality. All project risks should be logged in the Risk Register. Project risks identified at
the commencement of the project should be listed in Appendix B.

6.4 Issue Management

Describe how this project will manage project. All project issues should be logged in the Issues Register .

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[Project Name]

6.5 Quality Management

Describe how the business and technology quality standards are to be satisfied by this project. Consider
providing details on quality standards, quality roles and responsibilities, quality reviews (internal/external),
quality assurance and quality control.
Document the customer’s measurable quality expectations and include weightings of estimated importance.
The following list provides an indication as to the areas where quality expectations can be derived. These
elements need to be identified and, as far as possible, quantified. A separate Quality Management Plan
may need to be developed according to the type and nature of the project.
Areas where quality expectations can be derived:
 Functional measure
 Non-functional requirements
 Performance
 Accuracy
 Security
 Compatibility
 Reliability
 Flexibility

6.6 Change Control

Describe how the project will control the acceptance or rejection of proposed changes to the scope in order
to avoid unnecessary risks associated with scope creep.
Any modification to or deviation from the agreed scope of the project will be logged as a Change Request. It
will then be assessed to determine the impact of implementing the change in terms of time, quality and cost.
Change Requests will be approved by the relevant authority according to the delegation of authority from the
Project Board.

6.7 Resource Management

Describe how the project will manage human and material resources required through each stage of the
project. Describe whether the project will use outside or internal resources, and how you will engage Supply
Management. Describe how materials will be procured. Describe the type(s) of contracts you plan to use.
Describe whether you will use existing contracts or go through an RFP process. Typically, a separate
Resource Plan will be developed - attach as an appendix if required.

6.8 Stakeholder Management

Describe how this project will manage stakeholders. Stakeholders are people or organisations who can
have an influence on the project or are affected by the project. In order to ensure that the project proceeds
according to plan, those parties whose actions could affect the progress of the project need to be engaged
appropriately. To ensure that the project is successful there also needs to be appropriate communication
with parties who will be affected by the project.

6.9 Communications Plan

The identification of the stakeholders or stakeholder group and the nature of their relationship to the project
will be the basis for the communications with them. Use this section to describe how this will be managed; a
separate Communications Plan may be required depending on the type and nature of the project.
The communication with each stakeholder will be designed to manage their expectations, maintain their
confidence, seek their advice or approval, update them of progress or inform them of events as necessary.

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6.10 Lessons Learnt

Describe how this project will capture and process Lessons Learnt.
The purpose of documenting lessons learnt is to provide information that can increase effectiveness and
efficiency and to build on the experience gained during the life of the project.

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7 Appendix A: Project Schedule

Attach the project schedule or milestone chart as appropriate.

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[Project Name]

8 Appendix B: Risks
The following table contains a list of the project risks identified at the time of this version’s release.

Risk ID Title Impact of risk Likelihood Consequence Mitigation

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