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A community-created local for Tephra: the Steampunk RPG

Off the western coast of Evangless, part of the Qui archipelago, lies
the 30 mile-long island of Delsya. Abandoned Evanglessian reasearch
compounds, pirate coves, ayodin societies, and gnomish cities can all
be explored on this island of adventure!

Delsya was created as community collaboration project and has been

released as a free location supplement for Tephra: The Steampunk

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Key Locations
- Abandoned Research Compound - Selvian Lighthouse
- Black Water Cove - Ayodin City of Kel’Tor
- Gnomish City of Dusla - Dark Depths Lake

By the Tephra Community 2

Abandoned Research Compound Dusla
Built during the Evanglessian Civil War by the Royalists to study Dusla is a gnomish city on Delsya and its ruling chief, Elder
the possibility of using Bio-Flux as a way to turn creatures into Hinze, has declared the island an independent gnomish nation
monsters of war, it was decommissioned when Deylus took the (although it is not recognized as so by Evangless).
throne. The city itself is built upon the ruins of a civilization
Yet, despite his orders, the lead scientist on the project, that has long since left the island, their massive marble columns
Doctor Thadeaus Monroe, had developed a sick love for creat- and collapsed arches hollowed out to house much of the city’s
ing these abominations. He stayed behind and transformed the population of 4,000 gnomes. With the gnomes’ help, nature has
compound into his own personal research facility. While the hastened its reclamation of this area; vines and towering oak
Evanglessian government initially spoke out against his experi- trees now grow upon, and within, these huge structures.
ments, eventually his machinations produced some truly amaz-
ing results. The government lets him continue on two condi- Kel’tor
tions; he is not to cause too much trouble, and he must share any Kel’tor is an ayodin city deep of conflict. While the city has stood
notable finds with the military. strong for over a hundred years, recent interaction between the
Now many of Monroe’s creatures roam the island, surface races has increased and split the community into three
making it an extremely dangerous place for the unprepared to extremist factions. Each faction is attempting to push the city in
wander. the direction they feel is for the best.

Monroe is assisted in his work by what wasat one A small percent called the industrialists welcome the
time a gnome from the city of Dusla, a creature that bears little new civilization and are working with the community to better
resemblance to his former self in either body or mind due to his develop new technology. This attitude has led to trade with the
extensive use as a lab rat. pirates for the latest information regarding equipment and other
Black Water Cove Second in strength is a group called the naturalists who
Years before Evangless ever created their research facility, pirates, desire to stop the influx of change they perceive as corrupting
smugglers, and slave traders used the dangerous cove on the their way of life. This group is willing to attack anyone at any
western side of the island to gather and hide from patrols in the time, pirate or not, but focus on incoming supply shipments that
area, a practice that continues to this day. will further the technological development. If reasoned with,
they are willing to spare the ship and only destroy the cargo, but
In particular, the pirate Randus Slif the Red often uses it is a one time deal; you show up again with the materials and
this cove as a staging ground for his latest schemes, going so far your life is forfeit.
as to cut a small fort into the rocky cliffs that surround the cove.
The largest percentage is the socialites. The socialites
Dark Depths Lake are always up for negotiation with the locals and believe that the
development of technology should be slow and gradual so as to
The only notable body of water on Delsya, Dark Depths Lake allow the environment to adapt to the changes. They will not
houses a large creature of unknown origin. Some say it is a cre- associate or deal with the pirates.
ation of the mad doctor Monroe, while others say it has always
been there. All that is known is that very few have ever managed Kel’Tor is home to nearly 16,000 ayodin. Ayodin in this
to cross the lake alive. area are mostly black with orange stripes that run the course
of their bodies. For the most part, they live peacefully with the
inhabitants of the island, although recently it has come to vary
based on what group they collaborate with.

Selvian Lighthouse Roguin
The only official Evanglessian facility still operational on the A predominate figure in the Socialites, Roguin is extremely
island, the Selvian Lighthouse is one of ten lighthouses strung diplomatic. He is very calm and calculating, never rushing his
throughout the Qui Archipelago created to help guide incoming decisions (often to the frustration of the other groups). He al-
ships safely to Qui. It is has been operated by a Charles Telk and ways tries to stay three moves ahead of any current happenings;
his wife for over 30 years. in particular, he works at slowing the efforts of the Industrialists

and Naturalists. When he is not negotiating the development
pace of the nation, he is calculating it.

Ziema Zaquii
Zaquii is the most active Industrialist of the group. She is con-
Randus Slif the Red stantly trying to find ways to develop technology faster as she
When Slif was young, he started as a low ranking soldier in the honestly believes it is the best way for their city and society to
Evanglessian Army fighting in the Hurricane Wars. There he stay relevant. She is very social, and loves nothing more than
gained respect for his onslaught against the ayodins, mixing talking about the latest technology with the locals. She is prob-
various styles of swashbuckling with a constant frenzy and blood ably the most seen ayodin on the island, always setting up plans
thirst. He quickly rose in the ranks, and was one of the few and working out deals.
enlisted promoted to the officer corps for his bravery in holding
one of the eastern Evanglessian cities. By the end of the war he
was highly decorated.
However, soon after the Hurricane Wars ended he
joined the Militarists in the Evanglessian Civil War. Arrested
for war crimes, he was exiled from Evangless for life. He worked
with a smuggling crew before gaining enough respect to strike
out on the high seas as a pirate with his own ship. These days he
seeks vengeance against the Evanglessian government at every

Chief Elder Hinze

The youngest chief elder to reside in Dusla, Hinze presides over
the Elder’s council. He is wise beyond his years but prone to
drinking heavier than many of the other elders would prefer.
Nevertheless, he leads fairly and the capital city of Dusla is all
the more prosperous for his guidance.

As leader of the Naturalists, Has’na never participated in the
Hurricane Wars, but often dreamed of joining the fray on the
eastern side of the continent. He leads many attacks on passing
ships that have advanced technology, and rarely negotiates. He
was the first to decide that advancement in technology would
destroy their land and culture.

By the Tephra Community 4

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