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SOLD-TO: 1087895


Anand Diagnostic Laboratory Pvt Ltd Anand Diagnostic Laboratory Pvt Ltd
Bowring Hospital Road,Shivajinagar Bowring Hospital Road,Shivajinagar
Karnataka, IN India Karnataka, IN India

Invoice Date: 06-JUL-2022 SAP Reference number: 1150497782

Incoterms: EXW Carrier: SKYLARK EXP DL P.
AWB No: 786606
IRN Number: f3b6493ccc8387d4dfe61673819a3bf 4c1a3c9224ee99a1c5d2337f8fc7ddd 80

Material Description QTY Unit Price Total Value Discount % Tax Rate Tax Value Taxable Amount
PO Number: 3100000682 PO Date:05.07.2022
Anand Diagnostic Laboratory
Pvt. Ltd.
C/o Shanthi Hospital,
No.166/A, Near Old I B Extension Area
Karnataka, IN India
State code: 29
Place of supply: Karnataka

Delivery: 8013311937 / Date: 06-JUL-2022

General condition of sales is printed overleaf

bioMérieux India Pvt. Ltd.

43A, 1st Floor, Okhla Phase-III, New Delhi, PIN-110020 India,
Billing Address- B7 & B8, Sipcot Industrial Park, Irrungattukottai, Sriperumbudur, Chennai-602105, 33 Tamil Nadu, India
Customer Care No. 18001027791 Fax: +91-11 42098850 CIN-U85195DL1998PTC094403
1. THE CONTRACT: bioMérieux India Private Limited (hereinafter called Further payment can also be made through UPI "biomerieuxindia@hsbc# or
"BMXI") contracts with the person, firm or company named overleaf i.e., on QR code printed at the end.
the invoice (hereinafter called the "Purchaser") for selling instrument(s) and/ 10. INVOICE: The invoice raised by BMXI against the order placed by the
or reagent(s) (hereinafter referred to as ''Products''), with regard to the order Purchaser shall be sent to the Purchaser on the date of dispatch of Products.
placed by the Purchaser, in writing or electronically on the terms and All Contents of the Invoice shall be considered as correct and accepted by the
conditions set out herein below. Any document emanating from the Purchaser unless informed to BMXI, in writing, about any discrepancies in the
Purchaser, whether before or after the date hereof, is to have no legal affect invoice within 24 hours from date of receipt of the Invoice, failing which any
whatsoever unless any such change(s) in the Contract is specifically request shall not be accepted by BMXI for any change/ alteration/
confirmed in writing by the Managing Director of BMXI or person/s nominated modification, etc with regard to this Invoice. Any part or on account payments
by Managing Director . shall be realized towards the Invoices raised by BMXI in order of priority from
2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Such terms and conditions as are set out on the oldest to the most recent Invoices outstanding as on that date.
the face and reverse sides of the invoice and in any sample pattern, 11. SOFTWARE: The price of software installed to the instruments, specified
specification, plan, design, drawing or other document referred to on the in the Invoice is subject to concession. It is agreed by the Purchaser that the
Invoice, or otherwise advised or forwarded by BMXI to the Purchaser. The software programs shall not be copied, reproduced, modified, transferred, etc
terms and conditions as set out herein below shall be the only terms and without the prior written permission of BMXI. The magnetic disks are free from
conditions which govern the Contract and no other terms and conditions shall any manufacturing defects and are covered under guarantee for a period of
have any affect in relation to the Contract. . 360 days from the date of delivery of the instruments. Any other guarantee,
3. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER: Orders placed by the Purchaser, for Products particularly covering performance or results linked with the use of the said
to BMXI, are subject to acceptance by BMXI. BMXI may accept orders in magnetic disks are excluded.
whole or in part. The Contract is concluded when BMXI acknowledges receipt 12. OBLIGATION OF PURCHASER: The obligation of the Purchaser:
and acceptance of the Purchaser's order, in writing or electronically by At the time of pre-sales demonstration/ discussion or placing the order or at
delivering the Product as noted in order/s. In the case of any order the time of delivery of any Products, whichever is earlier, the Purchaser must,
incorporating additions or modifications to these terms and conditions, and shall be deemed to have:
whether substantial or otherwise, shall constitute a counteroffer, and shall not a) read and understand the correct operating and safety procedures of/ for
be binding on BMXI unless agreed in writing. The order accepted by BMXI the Products;
shall not be cancelled by the Purchaser, except as otherwise agreed by BMXI b) read and understand the relevant safety information of/ for the Products;
in writing. All orders placed by the Purchaser with BMXI implies unconditional c) read and understood required storage conditions, electrical requirements,
acceptance by the Purchaser of all the terms of the Contract. To avoid errors temperature control, etc and has made/will make appropriate arrangements
the Purchaser shall mention its customer ID, product reference number and for proper storage and use of the Products
product name of the required items on the Purchase Order. d) read and understand BMXI warranty that applies to the Products;
4. TRANSPORTATION AND DELIVERY: All transportation and shipment cost e) use the Products only as per the operating and safety procedures
and expenses shall be paid by Purchaser, unless otherwise prior agreed in specified by BMXI in its technical and instruction manuals; and
writing by BMXI. The sales of the Products shall be made on ex-works basis f) use only genuine parts, reagent and other consumables supplied by BMXI
(i.e. ex-BMXI's premises), in accordance with the Incoterms 2010 of ICC. and/ or authorised BMXI dealers.
BMXI may deliver Products to the Purchaser in installments. BMXI will not be g) complied with BMXI's technical and instruction manuals and BMXI's
liable in any way to the Purchaser for any failure to supply Products or for any technical recommendations.
delay in the supply of Products. The Products shall be delivered to the 13. CONFIDENTIALITY: Except with the consent in writing of BMI the
Purchaser at the place and in the manner so specified by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall not disclose the Contract or any provision or existence
Products may be dispatched by road/ rail/ air, according to the availability and thereof to any person other than a person employed by the Purchaser on
suitability of the mode of transport at BMXI's absolute discretion. The risk in need to know basis only. Such disclosure shall be made in confidence and
the Products shall pass from BMXI to the Purchaser at the time of dispatch of shall extend only as far as may be necessary for the purposes of the
the Products from BMXI's premises and shall be borne by the Purchaser for Contract.
each dispatch; however, the title to the Products shall pass from BMXI to the 14. ASSIGNMENT: The Purchaser shall not without the written consent of
Purchaser at the time of receipt of the full payment of the Products, by BMXI. BMXI give, bargain, sell, sublet to or assign any of the Purchaser's rights,
5. INSPECTION AND CLAIMS: The Purchaser shall inspect and check the obligations, liabilities or benefits under the Contract, provided however that
Products for any damage, shortage, etc, at the time of delivery of Products to BMXI may freely assign, give, bargain, sell, sublet any of its rights, obligations
ensure that the Products are in proper condition and shall inform BMXI in the or benefits by this contract to any affiliate, subsidiary or group company of
case of any damage, shortage, etc. within 24 hours of receipt of the shipment BMXI without consent of the Purchaser.
at maximum. Any physical damage apparent / missing boxes at the time of 15. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS: The Purchaser shall at all
delivery must be immediately noted on the proof of delivery/goods times comply with the provisions of all applicable laws and shall maintain all
consignment note/ lorry receipt by the purchaser at the time of deliver, this is applicable approvals, permits, certificates, permissions, etc and shall
to be conuntersigned by the courier/transporter. Such report/ information shall indemnify BMXI against any consequences of the Purchaser's
be sent in writing within 24 hours of the receipt of Products to BMXI customer non-compliance therein.
care, either through letter at the address of BMXI or email at 16. FORCE MAJEURE: In the event of force majeure or any other event
[email protected]. No claim shall be entertained and beyond the control of BMXI such as fire, flood, explosion, strike, lock-out or
accepted after the specified period. BMXI shall have the right to investigate any form of industrial action, war hostilities, civil disturbance, Government
the claim received and sole and absolute discretion regarding the demand regulation or prohibition, failure or delay on the part of any supplier or
replacement of any such Products. The decision of BMXI shall be final and suppliers, BMXI shall not be liable to the Purchaser for any delay in or failure
binding on the Purchaser. No claim regarding the replacement of the to perform its obligation due to such events of force majeure. BMXI shall
Products shall be accepted without BMXI's express and previous agreement. make every effort to fulfill the order/s but retains the right to modify and cancel
6. WARRANTY: any order in such event.
BMXI provide the following warranty only: 17. CONSENT: The consent to these general conditions of sale shall be
a.) Reagents: implied by virtue of the conduct of the parties unless the same is denied in
The reagents are intended for in vitro use only. BMXI shall not be writing within 24 hours of receipt of this invoice.
responsibility for any damage incurred through misuse or incorrect storage of 18.ARBITRATION: Both the parties will endeavour to resolve by mutual
the reagents and other goods/ consumables. negotiation any dispute, differences, controversy or claims arising out of or in
b.) Instruments: relation to, this contract, including the scope, validity, existence and the
The Instruments are covered under warranty, parts and labor, for a period of interpretation hereof, the activities performed hereunder, or for the breach
12 months from the date of installation or for a period of 13 months from the hereof, arising between them in connection with this contract (herein after the
date of invoice, whichever is earlier. "Dispute"). Any and all Dispute(s), which cannot be satisfactorily resolved by
Besides above mentioned warranties, BMXI makes no further warranties with mutual negotiation within 30 days of issue of a notice by a party, shall be
respect to the Products and disclaims all implied warranties. All such finally settled by binding arbitration under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
warranties, obligations and liabilities on the part of BMXI are excluded. 1996, including any statutory modifications, amendments, re-enactments
7. LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY: The above mentioned warranty with respect thereof from time to time, by reference to the sole arbitrator, who will be
to reagents and instruments shall not be extended to any claim, liability, loss, appointed by mutual agreement between the parties within a period of 30
damages, etc. caused by incidents such as accidents, fire, lightning, damage days after the expiry of the aforesaid 30 days. If Parties fail to appoint a sole
by water, changes or defects in power supply, negligence, lack of arbitrator within the said 30 days than the sole arbitrator for Dispute (i) up to
maintenance, improper handling or usage, unauthorized modifications, Rs.20,00,000/- shall be conducted by a retired District Judge, and (ii) of
abnormal use of the instruments, use of non-recommended reagents or Rs.20,00,000/- and above shall be conducted by a retired High Court Judge,
normal wear and tear, etc. Any other guarantee, or responsibility for who shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration
consequences resulting from breakdown of an instrument, is excluded. and Conciliation Act, 1996. Such arbitration shall be conducted at New Delhi,
Further BMXI shall not be liable to the Purchaser for any indirect, special, India, and the language of such arbitration proceedings shall be English. The
incidental or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever. cost and expenses of the arbitration proceeding shall be born equally by the
In the event of valid warranty claims, BMXI shall, at its sole choice and parties. The arbitration agreement contained herein shall be governed by the
discretion, repair or replace the Products. The costs relating to the transport laws in effect in India. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the
of the Products in respect of which warranty has been claimed shall be borne parties.
by the Purchaser. 19. GOVERNING LAW: The Contract shall be considered as an contract
The Purchaser agrees to hold BMXI fully indemnified at all times and free made in India and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
from and against any claims, liabilities, cost, damages, losses, demands etc. laws of India. Subject to arbitration, the parties hereby agree to submit to the
(i) in respect of the use and operation of the instruments; and/ or (ii) arising exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Delhi.
out of or due to conducting the diagnostics tests using the Products.
8. PRICE: The price of the Products shall be the price specified on the face of
the Invoice, as agreed with the Purchaser, in writing. The price mentioned
overleaf is exclusive of applicable taxes including GST and other applicable
taxes. In the event there is any revision in the Price of the Products, such
revision shall be negotiated between the parties and the new Price of the
Products shall be confirmed by the Purchaser and BMXI, in writing.
9. PAYMENT: The payment shall be made by cheque, bank transfer or bank
draft. In the event there is a delay in payment, BMXI shall have the right to
charge interest on the outstanding amount at the prime lending rate of State
Bank of India prevalent at that point of time, till the date the amount is fully
realized by BMXI. Further, in the event the payment(s) is/ are not made, BMXI
shall have the right to suspend all or part of the deliveries, until full payment of
such amounts due is made.
The payment should preferably be made by bank transfer to:
Bank Name:,The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Current Account Number: 166-237578-001
RTGS Code: HSBC0110002 (Above INR200,000/-)
MICR Code: 110039002
NEFT Code: HSBC0110002 (INR 200,000 or Less)
Address: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
25, Barakhamba Road,
TN2200305387 Page 3/ 4

Material Description QTY Unit Price Total Value Discount % Tax Rate Tax Value Taxable Amount
PO Number: 3100000682 PO Date:05.07.2022
IGST 5.00 % 484.00
30411 VIDAS FERRITIN 60 TESTS 1 9,680.00 9,680.00 9,680.00
HSN Code: 3822199000

Batch: 1009174550 Expiry Date: 04-JAN-2023


Tax Tax Amount TOTAL NET 9,680.00
IGST 484.00 TAX 484.00
TOTAL 10,164.00 INR

Payment Terms 90 days net

Maturity on 04-OCT-2022
Payment procedure Wire Transfer Incoming


Authorised Signatory FOUR RUPEES ONLY
bioMérieux India Pvt. Ltd. GSTIN: 33AAACB4984F1ZT PAN Number: AAACB4984F - Reverse charges is not applicable
Drug License Number FORM 21B - 538/KPM , FORM 20B - 545/KPM

For on time delivery order at [email protected]. Queries at [email protected]

General condition of sales is printed overleaf
bioMérieux India Pvt. Ltd.
43A, 1st Floor, Okhla Phase-III, New Delhi, PIN-110020 India,
Billing Address- B7 & B8, Sipcot Industrial Park, Irrungattukottai, Sriperumbudur, Chennai-602105, 33 Tamil Nadu, India
Customer Care No. 18001027791 Fax: +91-11 42098850 CIN-U85195DL1998PTC094403
1. THE CONTRACT: bioMérieux India Private Limited (hereinafter called Further payment can also be made through UPI "biomerieuxindia@hsbc# or
"BMXI") contracts with the person, firm or company named overleaf i.e., on QR code printed at the end.
the invoice (hereinafter called the "Purchaser") for selling instrument(s) and/ 10. INVOICE: The invoice raised by BMXI against the order placed by the
or reagent(s) (hereinafter referred to as ''Products''), with regard to the order Purchaser shall be sent to the Purchaser on the date of dispatch of Products.
placed by the Purchaser, in writing or electronically on the terms and All Contents of the Invoice shall be considered as correct and accepted by the
conditions set out herein below. Any document emanating from the Purchaser unless informed to BMXI, in writing, about any discrepancies in the
Purchaser, whether before or after the date hereof, is to have no legal affect invoice within 24 hours from date of receipt of the Invoice, failing which any
whatsoever unless any such change(s) in the Contract is specifically request shall not be accepted by BMXI for any change/ alteration/
confirmed in writing by the Managing Director of BMXI or person/s nominated modification, etc with regard to this Invoice. Any part or on account payments
by Managing Director . shall be realized towards the Invoices raised by BMXI in order of priority from
2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Such terms and conditions as are set out on the oldest to the most recent Invoices outstanding as on that date.
the face and reverse sides of the invoice and in any sample pattern, 11. SOFTWARE: The price of software installed to the instruments, specified
specification, plan, design, drawing or other document referred to on the in the Invoice is subject to concession. It is agreed by the Purchaser that the
Invoice, or otherwise advised or forwarded by BMXI to the Purchaser. The software programs shall not be copied, reproduced, modified, transferred, etc
terms and conditions as set out herein below shall be the only terms and without the prior written permission of BMXI. The magnetic disks are free from
conditions which govern the Contract and no other terms and conditions shall any manufacturing defects and are covered under guarantee for a period of
have any affect in relation to the Contract. . 360 days from the date of delivery of the instruments. Any other guarantee,
3. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER: Orders placed by the Purchaser, for Products particularly covering performance or results linked with the use of the said
to BMXI, are subject to acceptance by BMXI. BMXI may accept orders in magnetic disks are excluded.
whole or in part. The Contract is concluded when BMXI acknowledges receipt 12. OBLIGATION OF PURCHASER: The obligation of the Purchaser:
and acceptance of the Purchaser's order, in writing or electronically by At the time of pre-sales demonstration/ discussion or placing the order or at
delivering the Product as noted in order/s. In the case of any order the time of delivery of any Products, whichever is earlier, the Purchaser must,
incorporating additions or modifications to these terms and conditions, and shall be deemed to have:
whether substantial or otherwise, shall constitute a counteroffer, and shall not a) read and understand the correct operating and safety procedures of/ for
be binding on BMXI unless agreed in writing. The order accepted by BMXI the Products;
shall not be cancelled by the Purchaser, except as otherwise agreed by BMXI b) read and understand the relevant safety information of/ for the Products;
in writing. All orders placed by the Purchaser with BMXI implies unconditional c) read and understood required storage conditions, electrical requirements,
acceptance by the Purchaser of all the terms of the Contract. To avoid errors temperature control, etc and has made/will make appropriate arrangements
the Purchaser shall mention its customer ID, product reference number and for proper storage and use of the Products
product name of the required items on the Purchase Order. d) read and understand BMXI warranty that applies to the Products;
4. TRANSPORTATION AND DELIVERY: All transportation and shipment cost e) use the Products only as per the operating and safety procedures
and expenses shall be paid by Purchaser, unless otherwise prior agreed in specified by BMXI in its technical and instruction manuals; and
writing by BMXI. The sales of the Products shall be made on ex-works basis f) use only genuine parts, reagent and other consumables supplied by BMXI
(i.e. ex-BMXI's premises), in accordance with the Incoterms 2010 of ICC. and/ or authorised BMXI dealers.
BMXI may deliver Products to the Purchaser in installments. BMXI will not be g) complied with BMXI's technical and instruction manuals and BMXI's
liable in any way to the Purchaser for any failure to supply Products or for any technical recommendations.
delay in the supply of Products. The Products shall be delivered to the 13. CONFIDENTIALITY: Except with the consent in writing of BMI the
Purchaser at the place and in the manner so specified by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall not disclose the Contract or any provision or existence
Products may be dispatched by road/ rail/ air, according to the availability and thereof to any person other than a person employed by the Purchaser on
suitability of the mode of transport at BMXI's absolute discretion. The risk in need to know basis only. Such disclosure shall be made in confidence and
the Products shall pass from BMXI to the Purchaser at the time of dispatch of shall extend only as far as may be necessary for the purposes of the
the Products from BMXI's premises and shall be borne by the Purchaser for Contract.
each dispatch; however, the title to the Products shall pass from BMXI to the 14. ASSIGNMENT: The Purchaser shall not without the written consent of
Purchaser at the time of receipt of the full payment of the Products, by BMXI. BMXI give, bargain, sell, sublet to or assign any of the Purchaser's rights,
5. INSPECTION AND CLAIMS: The Purchaser shall inspect and check the obligations, liabilities or benefits under the Contract, provided however that
Products for any damage, shortage, etc, at the time of delivery of Products to BMXI may freely assign, give, bargain, sell, sublet any of its rights, obligations
ensure that the Products are in proper condition and shall inform BMXI in the or benefits by this contract to any affiliate, subsidiary or group company of
case of any damage, shortage, etc. within 24 hours of receipt of the shipment BMXI without consent of the Purchaser.
at maximum. Any physical damage apparent / missing boxes at the time of 15. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS: The Purchaser shall at all
delivery must be immediately noted on the proof of delivery/goods times comply with the provisions of all applicable laws and shall maintain all
consignment note/ lorry receipt by the purchaser at the time of deliver, this is applicable approvals, permits, certificates, permissions, etc and shall
to be conuntersigned by the courier/transporter. Such report/ information shall indemnify BMXI against any consequences of the Purchaser's
be sent in writing within 24 hours of the receipt of Products to BMXI customer non-compliance therein.
care, either through letter at the address of BMXI or email at 16. FORCE MAJEURE: In the event of force majeure or any other event
[email protected]. No claim shall be entertained and beyond the control of BMXI such as fire, flood, explosion, strike, lock-out or
accepted after the specified period. BMXI shall have the right to investigate any form of industrial action, war hostilities, civil disturbance, Government
the claim received and sole and absolute discretion regarding the demand regulation or prohibition, failure or delay on the part of any supplier or
replacement of any such Products. The decision of BMXI shall be final and suppliers, BMXI shall not be liable to the Purchaser for any delay in or failure
binding on the Purchaser. No claim regarding the replacement of the to perform its obligation due to such events of force majeure. BMXI shall
Products shall be accepted without BMXI's express and previous agreement. make every effort to fulfill the order/s but retains the right to modify and cancel
6. WARRANTY: any order in such event.
BMXI provide the following warranty only: 17. CONSENT: The consent to these general conditions of sale shall be
a.) Reagents: implied by virtue of the conduct of the parties unless the same is denied in
The reagents are intended for in vitro use only. BMXI shall not be writing within 24 hours of receipt of this invoice.
responsibility for any damage incurred through misuse or incorrect storage of 18.ARBITRATION: Both the parties will endeavour to resolve by mutual
the reagents and other goods/ consumables. negotiation any dispute, differences, controversy or claims arising out of or in
b.) Instruments: relation to, this contract, including the scope, validity, existence and the
The Instruments are covered under warranty, parts and labor, for a period of interpretation hereof, the activities performed hereunder, or for the breach
12 months from the date of installation or for a period of 13 months from the hereof, arising between them in connection with this contract (herein after the
date of invoice, whichever is earlier. "Dispute"). Any and all Dispute(s), which cannot be satisfactorily resolved by
Besides above mentioned warranties, BMXI makes no further warranties with mutual negotiation within 30 days of issue of a notice by a party, shall be
respect to the Products and disclaims all implied warranties. All such finally settled by binding arbitration under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
warranties, obligations and liabilities on the part of BMXI are excluded. 1996, including any statutory modifications, amendments, re-enactments
7. LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY: The above mentioned warranty with respect thereof from time to time, by reference to the sole arbitrator, who will be
to reagents and instruments shall not be extended to any claim, liability, loss, appointed by mutual agreement between the parties within a period of 30
damages, etc. caused by incidents such as accidents, fire, lightning, damage days after the expiry of the aforesaid 30 days. If Parties fail to appoint a sole
by water, changes or defects in power supply, negligence, lack of arbitrator within the said 30 days than the sole arbitrator for Dispute (i) up to
maintenance, improper handling or usage, unauthorized modifications, Rs.20,00,000/- shall be conducted by a retired District Judge, and (ii) of
abnormal use of the instruments, use of non-recommended reagents or Rs.20,00,000/- and above shall be conducted by a retired High Court Judge,
normal wear and tear, etc. Any other guarantee, or responsibility for who shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration
consequences resulting from breakdown of an instrument, is excluded. and Conciliation Act, 1996. Such arbitration shall be conducted at New Delhi,
Further BMXI shall not be liable to the Purchaser for any indirect, special, India, and the language of such arbitration proceedings shall be English. The
incidental or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever. cost and expenses of the arbitration proceeding shall be born equally by the
In the event of valid warranty claims, BMXI shall, at its sole choice and parties. The arbitration agreement contained herein shall be governed by the
discretion, repair or replace the Products. The costs relating to the transport laws in effect in India. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the
of the Products in respect of which warranty has been claimed shall be borne parties.
by the Purchaser. 19. GOVERNING LAW: The Contract shall be considered as an contract
The Purchaser agrees to hold BMXI fully indemnified at all times and free made in India and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
from and against any claims, liabilities, cost, damages, losses, demands etc. laws of India. Subject to arbitration, the parties hereby agree to submit to the
(i) in respect of the use and operation of the instruments; and/ or (ii) arising exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Delhi.
out of or due to conducting the diagnostics tests using the Products.
8. PRICE: The price of the Products shall be the price specified on the face of
the Invoice, as agreed with the Purchaser, in writing. The price mentioned
overleaf is exclusive of applicable taxes including GST and other applicable
taxes. In the event there is any revision in the Price of the Products, such
revision shall be negotiated between the parties and the new Price of the
Products shall be confirmed by the Purchaser and BMXI, in writing.
9. PAYMENT: The payment shall be made by cheque, bank transfer or bank
draft. In the event there is a delay in payment, BMXI shall have the right to
charge interest on the outstanding amount at the prime lending rate of State
Bank of India prevalent at that point of time, till the date the amount is fully
realized by BMXI. Further, in the event the payment(s) is/ are not made, BMXI
shall have the right to suspend all or part of the deliveries, until full payment of
such amounts due is made.
The payment should preferably be made by bank transfer to:
Bank Name:,The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Current Account Number: 166-237578-001
RTGS Code: HSBC0110002 (Above INR200,000/-)
MICR Code: 110039002
NEFT Code: HSBC0110002 (INR 200,000 or Less)
Address: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
25, Barakhamba Road,

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