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VSOL Certified ICT Professional-Access V1.

Ø VSOL Lock features
Ø VSOL License features
Ø VSOL Private protocol manage
Ø VSOL OLT Autobind profile
01 VSOL Lock
VSOL Lock features
ONU can only be registered on the specific OLT,and OLT only allow specific ONU register.
If lock ONU register in another OLT,then ONU will keep rebooting.
If another ONU register in lock OLT,that ONU will not registered,and OLT will prompt illegal ONU.
VSOL Lock features
1. Lock ONU upgrade special firmware,then can be unlock and after that there are no restrictions on
registering OLT.
2. Lock ONU not able to upgrade neutral version.
3. Normal ONU can upgrade lock firmware,to become lock ONU and only can register in specific OLT.
02 VSOL License
VSOL License features
VSOL OLT allow use license to control three parts.
1. Enable/disable OLT lock feature
2. Limited ONU quantity
Limited registered ONU number,if exceed specified quantity,ONU not able register
3. Limited OLT running time
When time exceed,OLT pon port shutdown.
How to use VSOL License features
LOCK:OLT Lock Feature

ONU:Limited ONU

DAY:OLT running Time

‘0’ mean disable limited

‘1’ mean enable limited

Credit Key:Use to modify

ONU nums & Running

Uboot Key:For

Authkey:Use to
enable/disable license
Set ONU num & Running Time limit

1:Set ONU num & Running Time limit
OLT mac address(Aux port): 80:14:A8:11:8F:25
Authkey KEY: 0lock-1ONU-1day

Step1:Fill in the license mode

Login: admin
Password: admin
gpon-OLT> enable
Password: admin
gpon-OLT# config terminal
gpon-OLT(config)# exec fw_setenv authkey xxxx < uboot key>
gpon-OLT(config)# reboot
Set ONU num & Running Time limit

Step2:Modify the ONU nums or/and running time parameters :

gpon-OLT(config)# debug mode
gpon-OLT(debug-mode)# set license key <credit key> time-limit 2678400 ONU-limit 64

Step3: reboot OLT and take effect.

gpon-OLT(config)# reboot
Enable OLT Lock Feature

2:Enable OLT Lock Feature(only specific ONU can register)
OLT mac address(Aux port): 80:14:A8:11:8F:25
Authkey KEY: 1lock-0ONU-0day

Step1:Fill in the license mode

Login: admin
Password: admin
gpon-OLT> enable
Password: admin
gpon-OLT# config terminal
gpon-OLT(config)# exec fw_setenv authkey xxxx < uboot key>
gpon-OLT(config)# reboot
Enable OLT Lock Feature
Step2:Fill in Lock Key
gpon-OLT(config)# debug mode
gpon-OLT(debug-mode)# set cust code <lock key> <uboot key>

Step3: reboot OLT and take effect.

gpon-OLT(config)# reboot
03 VSOL Private
protocol manage
SIP Management
In this menu,you can able to modify ONU SIP server parameter.
Usually we only need to configure Proxy server and Register server
SIP default port is 5060,usually no need to modify
SIP Management
Pots Management
In this menu,you can able to modify ONU sip account
SIP account contain username,password and phone number
After registered in SIP server, ’Port Status’ will show ‘Idle’.
and if ‘port status’ showing ‘Registering’ mean try to register in sip server
showing ’Inactive’ mean not enable sip account.
Pots Management
Wan Management
In this menu,you can able to create ONU wan via OLT.
WAN Connect Table---ONU current wan configuration,empty means no wan in ONU now
WAN Connect running-config---ONU WAN configuration saved by OLT,when ONU come online,OLT will
send to ONU,or manually click submit.
You could choose to create bridge wan or router wan
You could choose wan work with vlan(Tag) or without vlan(Disable)
Wan Management
If create router wan,its able to choose router mode,DHCP or Static or PPPoE.Also you could choose
create internet wan or voip wan or tr069 etc..
After choose correct mode input correct parameter,and bind the correct could click ‘add’
button,then wan will show in running-config menu,you need to submit again to make OLT send
configuration to ONU.
Wan Management
After click submit,wait for some seconds,then wan conncect table will show ONU wan.
Wan Management
Note:In EPON OLT WEB,there have a menu name ‘Voip’.This page is use for createing voice
wan for hgu through public oam.But if using vsol ONU,we suggest create ONU voice wan in
‘WAN’ menu.
ONU DHCP Management
In this menu,you can modify ONU
dhcp server,include ipv4 and ipv6
ONU DHCP Management
ONU DHCP Management
Security Menu
This menu allow you modify ONU admin/user account
password,ONU firewall level,and lan/wan access.

ACL Configuration
Protocol: Access protocol

Control: Check means modify it via OLT,if want to modify wan

access via OLT,need to check ‘control’ box with specify

Lan: Lan access,check mean enable,uncheck mean disable

Wan: Wan access,disable mean block wan access,enable
mean allow wan access.

Port: Protocol port,only work for wan access

Security Menu
Tr069 Management
This menu can modify ONU tr069 parameter
CATV Control
For those models that have catv,also support disable ONU catv from OLT.Below is
command line

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/1)# ONU 1 pri catv_status enable

gpon-OLT(config-pon-0/1)# ONU 1 pri catv enable
Also its able to enable/disable ONU catv via OLT web.
ONU Restore default
Its able to load default ONU via OLT,and this funtion can use in OLT cli.Below is the command:

epon-OLT(config)# interface epon 0/1

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/1)# ONU 1 pri factory_reset

gpon-OLT(config)# interface gpon 0/1

gpon-OLT(config-pon-0/1)# ONU 1 pri factory_reset
Autobind Profile
Profile based on pon
Add a line profile

Add a profile and click Detail&Modify to edit parameters.

1. Configure tcont. Tcont needs to bind a DBA profile for upstream traffic.
2. Configure gemport. Set the parameters that marked in red box, keep others being defualt.
Gemport needs to bind traffic profile for upstream and downstream traffic.
Profile based on pon
Add a line profile

3. Configure service. Choose correct gemport ID and VLAN mode. If configured VLAN in ONU,
the VLAN mode here should be Tag, and fill correct VLAN ID. If didn't configure VLAN in ONU,
the VLAN mode here should be Untag.
Profile based on pon
Add a line profile

4. Configure service port. Choose proper service mapping mode and gemport, fill the VLAN.
• CVLAN, CVLAN Range Transparent and Untagged mode are the most commonly used for
• When choosed CVLAN, there are at least two VLAN ID need to be set, User VLAN and
translate VLAN. User VLAN and translate VLAN are the same indicates single VLAN is used.
They are not the same indicates VLAN translation is used.
• If Translate SVLAN is set indicates QinQ is used.
• If didn't configure VLAN in ONU, Service Mode should be Untagged. But you also need to
set translate VLAN, which is only used in the OLT.
Profile based on pon
Add a service profile

Add a profile and click Detail&Modify to edit parameters.

1. Configure port VLAN.
• For HGU, configure veip 1 transparent mode.
• For SFU, configure VLAN mode for eth port according to actual application scenario.
Profile based on pon
Bind profile to PON port

1. Go into menu OLT Configuration-ONU AutoLearn

2. Select the line profile, service profile or other profiles based on pon port.
3. Click Submit button to finish binding profile.

For example,configuration as shown below,the content of the previously configured line profile
and srvprofile will be automatically added to the ONU once ONU register in OLT.
Profile based on pon
Pri profile

Pri profile is use for batch modify vsol onu parameters that support by vsol olt private protocol.
For example,parameters like sip register server,tr069 register parameters,wan connection,is
able to batch modify via pri profile.
Profile based on ONU model
1. Create line profile and srv profile.
2. Go into menu OLT Configuration-ONU AutoLearn-ONU AutoBind
3. Fill in Equipment ID and choose the correct line profile,srv profile,then click add button.
For example,configuration as shown below,once ONU that equipment id is MONUH223 register in
OLT,OLT will add line_2 and srv_2 configuration to ONU.
Equipment ID can check in ONU detail info.
Profile based on onu model has a higher priority than based on pon.
Following is a example,about how to autobind hgu and sfu,because hgu and sfu have different
configuratoin in OLT. SFU use V2801LD,HGU use HG323RW

Create profile
1. Add hgu line profile name line_hgu
2. Add hgu srv profile name srv_hgu
3. Add hgu pri profile,after connect a hgu to OLT,OLT will auto configure ONU
3. Add sfu srv profile name srv_sfu
4. Add sfu line profile name line_sfu
Note:The different between hgu and sfu configuration is in srv profile-port vlan menu,sfu use eth tag
mode,and hgu use veip transparent mode.
Create profile

Add hgu pri profile,after connect a hgu to OLT,OLT will auto configure ONU internet wan+voip wan+bridge
wan,and sip register ip address.

Add a profile in pri profile menu and click Detail&Modify to edit parameters.Select WAN IPv4/v6 and create wan
1. Configure internet wan.Set the parameters that being marked.Service mode choose internet,connect mode
choose dhcp
2. Configure voip wan. Set the parameters that being marked.Service mode choose VoIP,connect mode
choose dhcp.Keep others default.
Create profile

3.Create bridge wan,service mode choose other,and select the ONU lan port that pass iptv.
4.Congiure ONU sip parameter in SIP menu.There may be several servers in a big service provider. But we
usually only need to configure proxy server and register server, keep others being default or follow the ISP's
request. If there is only one server, configure proxy server and register server the same address.Besides,there
also need to set sip account,password and number.Considering usually different ONU have different sip
account,here wont use profile to configure ONU sip account,password and number.
Bind Profile

1. In autolearn menu, choose sfu profile

2. In autobind menu,fill in correct equipment ip,and select hgu profile.
Connect ONU

After connected ONU,its able to see it already bind the correct profile.
Connect ONU

Check hgu wan and sip configuration.Its same as profile.

Profile based on pon
Add a service profile

In Profile Configuration-Service Profile-Add/Commit menu,fill in profile id and click add.

Following i will take 1ge+1fe+wifi+1pots as a example,use profile to configure ONU internet
wan+voice wan+iptv bridge wan,and sip server config.
Profile based on pon
Add a internet wan in service profile

1. Go to WAN IPv4/v6 menu,in profile id choose the one created before.

2. Wan connect mode choose route,and click Add.
3. Modify WAN parameter,wan mode choose i take dhcp as a example.
4. After configuration done,click submit.
Profile based on pon
Add a VoIP WAN in service profile

1. Wan connect mode choose route,and click Add.

2. Modify WAN parameter,wan service mode choose i take dhcp as a example too.
3. After configuration done,click submit.
Profile based on pon
Add a bridge WAN in service profile

1. Wan connect mode choose route,and click Add.

2. Modify WAN parameter,wan service mode choose Other.
3. After configuration done,click submit.
4. After configuration done,WAN Connect Table should be showing like below image.
Profile based on pon
Add a VoIP profile

In Profile Configuration-Voip Profile-Add/Commit menu,fill in profile id and click add.

This menu is use for configure ONU sip parameter like sip register server and sip proxy server.
Profile based on pon
Configure sip parameters in VoIP profile

1. Go to SIP menu,in profile id choose the one created before.

2. Active SIP Parameter,then configure manage port,and proxy ip,register ip,and out bound ip
and the port.VoIP service usually use port 5060.
3. After configuration done,click the submit button at the bottom
Profile based on pon
Bind Profile to pon

1. Enter pon port in OLT cli.

2. input command to finish binding profile.

epon-OLT(config)# interface epon 0/2

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# ONU auto-bind profile srv id 3000
epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# ONU auto-bind profile voip id 1000
Profile based on pon
Bind Profile to pon

Connect a ONU
1. Before connect to OLT,ONU wan and sip parameters is empty.
Profile based on pon
Bind Profile to pon

Connect a ONU
2. After connect to OLT,also can see ONU is bind profile.
VSOL Certified ICT Professional-Access V1.0

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