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Part 1.


Before you start with solving problems for your homework, extract
all formulas and make a list of parameters used in those formulas with
explanation of the meaning of parameter (name) and unit in which is

1560 J into kJ, MJ, GJ, mJ, µJ
500 g into kg, Mg
500 g into t, kt
10 mm2 = m2 , µm2
1 TW = smaller units
130 m = dm3 (imposible)
20 gal/h = m3 /s
50 lb/in = kg/m2
3,78 ft/s2 = m/s2
252 lb = kg
180 lb = t
4 in2 = mm2
30 mi/h = m/s
If 1Btu= 1054,8 J; 1 in= 2,54 cm; 1ft2 =0,0929; 9F = 5o C
change values instead units in:
15 in = m
23 ft = m2
350 F = C = K
18000 h = years
400 in3 /day = cm3 /min
10 in = cm
440 yd = m
55 mi/s = km/h
12 ft2 = m2
0,9 yd =m
0,05 lb/ft3 = kg/m3
200 ft3 = L
17 L = ml
25 kg/h = lb/h
4,2 kJ/kgK = J/gK
200 s = h
35000 µs = h
0,5 year = day h
250 g/s = kg/h
315 in3 = yd3 , dm3 , L
2 2
25 ft = m

2 t/yd2 = g/cm2
225 oz/in3 = g/l
22 /t = MKD/kg
512 km = Gm
115 g/mm3 = mg/l
185 GJ/day = kJ/s
240 GW/h = MW/day 15 GW = kW
2 2
18 = kg.m/s
52 kmol = mmol
125 mV/cm = V/m
3,5 mol/dm3 = mol/m3 ; mol/L
10 Pa.h = Pa.s
3 lb/yd.h = kg/m.s
500 K = C; F
73 K = C; F
-10o C = K; F
11,5 years = days; h
28 kJ/h = J/s

2. Chapter 7
7.36 Estimate how much silver is needed to make a four-piece set
of silverware containing teaspoons, tablespoons, forks, and knives (16
pieces in all). Discuss your assumptions and findings.
7.37 Calculate the second moment of area of a 50 mm diameter shaft
about the x–x and y–y axes, as shown.


7.38 Calculate the second moment of area for a 50 mm × 150 mm

piece of lumber about the x–x and y–y axes, as shown. Visit a hardware
store and measure the actual dimensions of a typical 50 mm × 150 mm
piece of lumber.

7.39 Calculate the buoyancy force acting on a partially immersed
boat (V = 5.0 m3). The density of water is 1000 kg/m3.
Solution: 7.40 How many 150 mm diameter, 7.5 mm thick disks can
be fitted into a 120 mm long, 157.5 mm diameter cylindrical container?
Solution: 7.41 In the U.S., the fuel consumption of an automobile
is expressed in X miles per gallon. Obtain a single factor that could be
used to convert the X miles per gallon to km per liter.
Solution: 7.42 Calculate the arc length S1 in the accompanying
figure. R2 =8 cm, R1 =5 cm, and S2= 6.28 cm.

7.43 A 10 cm long rectangular bar (when subjected to a tensile load)
deforms by 0.1 mm. Calculate the the volume of change.

Solution: 7.44 Calculate the volume of material used in making 30

m of 100 mm type K copper tubing.
Solution: 7.45 Calculate the volume of material used in making 30
m of 100 mm type L copper tubing.
Solution: 7.46 Calculate the volume of material used in making 30
m of 100 mm type M copper tubing.
Solution: 7.47 By what factor do you increase the resistance to
bending (about x–x axis) if you were to use W460 × 113 beam over
W200 × 46.1?
Solution: 7.48 By what factor do you increase the resistance to
bending (about y–y axis) if you were to use W460 ×113 beam over
W200 × 46.1?
Solution: 7.49 Estimate the frontal area (excluding the display
panel) of the cell phone shown in the accompanying figure.

7.50 Estimate the frontal area of the car shown in the accompanying


3. Chapter 8
8.19 Estimate the rotational speed of your car wheels when you are
traveling at 90 km/h.
8.20 Determine the natural frequency of a pendulum whose length
is 3 m.
8.21 Determine the spring constant for Example 8.1 if the system is
to oscillate with a natural frequency of 5 Hz.
8.22 Determine the traffic flow if 100 cars pass a known location
during 10 s.
8.23 A conveyor belt runs on 10 cm drums that are driven by a
motor. If it takes 5 s for the belt to go from zero to the speed of
1.1 m/s, calculate the final angular speed of the drum and its angular
acceleration. Assume constant acceleration.
8.24 Chinook, a military helicopter, has two three-blade rotor sys-
tems, each turning in opposite directions. Each blade has a diameter
of approximately 12.5 m. The blades can spin at angular speeds of up
to 225 rpm. Determine the translational speed of a particle located at
the tip of a blade. Express your answer in m/s, and km/h.
8.25 Consider the piping system shown in the accompanying figure.
The speed of water flowing through the 10 cm diameter section of the
piping system is 1 m/s. What is the volume flow rate of water in the
piping system? Express the volume flow rate in L/s. For the case of

steady flow of water through the piping system, what is the speed of
water in the 7.5 cm diameter section of the system?

8.26 Consider the duct system shown in the accompanying figure.
Air flows through two 20 cm by 25 cm ducts that merge into a 45 cm
by 35 cm duct. The average speed of the air in each of the 20 cm ×
25 cm ducts is 10 m/s. What is the volume flow rate of air in the 45
cm × 35 cm duct? Express the volume flow rate in m3 /s. What is the
average speed of air in the 45 cm × 35 cm duct?

8.27 A car starts from rest and accelerates to a speed of 90 km/h in
20 seconds. The acceleration during this period is constant. For the
next 20 minutes the car moves with the constant speed of 90 km/h. At
this time the driver of the car applies the brake and the car deceler-
ates to a full stop in 10 seconds. The variation of the speed of the car
with time is shown in the accompanying diagram. Determine the total
distance traveled by the car and the average speed of the car over this

Also plot the acceleration of the car as a function of time.

8.28 The drum of a clothing dryer is turning at a rate of 1 revolution
every second when you suddenly open the door of the dryer. You no-
ticed that it took 2 seconds for the drum to completely stop. Determine
the deceleration of the drum. State your assumptions.
8.29 A drill bit is turning at a rate of 1200 revolutions per minute
when you suddenly stop it by turning off the power. If the deceleration
of the bite is 40 rad ⁄s2, how long would it take for the bit to completely
8.30 On a gusty windy day, the blades of a wind turbine are turning
at a rate of 200 revolutions per minute when suddenly the brakes are
applied to stop the turbine to avoid failure. If the brakes cause a
deceleration of 2 rad⁄s2, how long would it take for the blades of the
wind turbine to come to rest?
8.31 A plugged dishwasher sink with the dimensions of 60 cm × 50
cm × 30 cm is being filled with water from a faucet with an inner
diameter of 2.5 cm. If it takes 40 seconds to fill the sink to its rim,
estimate the volumetric flow of water coming out of the faucet. What
is the average velocity of water coming out of the faucet?
8.32 Imagine the plug in the sink described in Problem 8.31 leaks. If
it now takes 45 seconds to fill the sink to its rim, estimate the volumetric
flow rate of the leak.

8.33 A rectangular duct with dimensions of 30 cm × 35 cm delivers

conditioned air to a room at a rate of 30 m3 / min. What should be
the size of a circular duct if the average air velocity inside the duct is
to remain the same?
8.34 The tank shown in the accompanying figure is being filled by
pipes 1 and 2. If the water level is to remain constant, what is the vol-
umetric flow rate of water leaving the tank at 3? What is the average
velocity of the water leaving the tank?

8.35 Imagine that the water level in Problem 8.34 rises at a rate of
0.1 cm/s. Knowing the diameter of the tank is 15 cm, what is the
average velocity of the water leaving the tank?
8.36 If it takes a bicyclist 25 seconds to reach a speed of 10 km/h from
rest, what is her acceleration? For the next 10 minutes, she moves at
the constant speed of 10 km/h, and at this time, she applies her brakes,
and the bicycle decelerates to a full stop in 5 seconds. What is the total
distance traveled by the bicyclist? Determine the average speed of the
cyclist during the first 25 seconds, 620 seconds, and 625 seconds.
8.37 An object is dropped from the roof of a high-rise building at a
distance of 130 m. Prepare a table similar to Table 8.3 showing the
speed and acceleration of the object and the distance traveled by the
object as a function of time.
8.38 Solve Problem 8.37 for a situation in which the object is given
an initial vertical upward velocity of 1.2 m/s. Again, prepare a table
similar to Table 8.3 showing the speed and acceleration of the object
and the distance traveled by the object as a function of time.

8.39 Determine the natural frequency of the system given in Example
8.1 if its mass is doubled.
8.40 The period of oscillation for a pendulum on Earth is 2 seconds.
If the given pendulum oscillates with a period of 4.9 seconds on the
surface of the Moon, what is the acceleration due to gravity on the
Moon’s surface?
8.41 What is the period of oscillation of the pendulum given in Prob-
lem 8.40 on Mars’s surface? Given g Earth 9.81m /s2 and g Mars
3.70m/s2 .
8.42 The power to an electric motor running at a constant speed of
1600 rpm is suddenly turned off. It takes 10 seconds for the motor to
come to rest. What is the deceleration of the motor? How many turns
does the motor make before it stops? State your assumptions.
8.43 The 2013 World Record for the 100 m sprint is 9.75 seconds and
belongs to an American runner named Tyson Gay. Assuming constant
acceleration, determine the speed of Mr. Gay at distances of 10 m, 20
m, 30 m, ..., 80 m, 90 m, and 100 m.
8.45 A typical household of four people consume approximately 300
liters of water per day. Express the annual consumption rate of a city
with a population of 100,000 people. Express your answer in liters per
year and m3 per year.
8.46 The American Society of Heating, Ventilating, and Air Con-
ditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) sets the standard for outdoor air re-
quirement for ventilation purposes. For example, for a gymnasium, an
outdoor air requirement of 9.4 L/s per person is required. What is the
total volume of the outdoor air that must be introduced into a gym
during a 12-hour period if on average 30 people are using the gym every
minute? Express your answer in liters and m3.
8.47 Lake Mead near the Hoover Dam, which is the largest man-
made lake in the United States, contains 28,537,000 acre-feet of water
(an acre-foot is the amount of water required to cover 1 acre to a depth
of 1 foot). Express this water volume in m3.
8.48 Within the next 5 to 10 years, wind turbines with rotor diame-
ters of 180 m are anticipated to be developed and installed in Europe.
If the blades of such turbines turn at a rate of 5 revolutions per minute,

what is the speed of a point located at a tip of a blade? Express your

answer in m/s, km/h.
8.49 The design fluid (typically water and antifreeze) flow rate through
a solar hot-water heater system is (1 L/s) / m2 . If a system runs con-
tinuously for 3 hours and makes use of two solar panels (each 2m x 4m)
, what is the total volume of the fluid that goes through the collector
during this period? Express your answer in liters and m3.

4. Chapter 9
9.28 Determine the specific gravity of the following gasses by com-
paring their densities to air at 1.23 kg⁄m3 . Helium: 0.166 kg⁄m3,
oxygen: 1.33 kg⁄m3, nitrogen: 1.16 kg⁄m3, natural gas: 0.667 kg⁄m3
, and hydrogen: 0.0838 kg ⁄m3.
9.29 Calculate the change in the momentum of a car whose speed
changes from 100 km/h to 20 km/h. The car has a mass of 1000 kg
and is moving along a straight line.
9.30 Calculate the change in the momentum of a 200,000 kg Boeing
777 whose speed changes from 725 km/h to 290 km/h.
9.31 Kinetic energy is another engineering quantity that is mass de-
pendent. An object having a mass m and moving with a speed V has
a kinetic energy equal to mv2 . In Chapter 13 , we will explain the con-
cept of kinetic energy in more detail after we introduce work. For now,
compute the kinetic energy for the following situations: a 1500 kg car
moving at a speed of 100 km/h and a 200,000 kg Boeing 777 moving
at a speed of 700 km/h.
9.32 Rotational kinetic energy is yet another mass-dependent engi-
neering quantity. An object having a mass moment of inertia I and
rotating with angular speed of ω (rad/s) has a rotational kinetic en-
ergy which is equal to Iω2 . Determine the rotational kinetic energy of
a steel shaft that is 2 m long and has diameter of 5 cm and is rotating
at an angular speed of 100 rpm.
9.33 Determine the change in mass moment of inertia of an object
that could be modelled as a point mass m when its distance from a
center of rotation is doubled.
9.34 A plugged dishwasher sink with the dimensions of 350 mm× 400
mm x 150 mm is being filled with water from a faucet with an inner

diameter of 25 mm. If it takes 220 seconds to fill the sink to its rim,
estimate the mass flow of water coming out of the faucet.
9.35 Imagine the plug of the sink described in Problem 9.34 leaks.
If it now takes 250 seconds to fill the sink to its rim, estimate the
mass-flow rate of the leak.
9.36 The tank shown in the accompanying figure is being filled by
pipes 1 and 2. If the water level is to remain constant, what is the
mass-flow rate of water leaving the tank at pipe 3? What is the aver-
age velocity of the water leaving the tank?

9.37 Imagine the water level in the tank described in Problem 9.36
rises at a rate of 4 mm/s. Knowing the diameter of the tank is 240
mm, what is the average velocity of the water leaving the tank?
9.38 The density of air at a city (such as San Diego) located at
sea level is 1.225 kg⁄m3, while for a city (such as Denver) located at
high altitude, it is 1.048 kg⁄m3. Consider two auditoriums, each with
dimensions of 30 m × 50 m x 15 m , one located in San Diego and the
other in Denver. Calculate the mass of air for each auditorium.
9.39 A rectangular duct with dimensions of 1 m × 110 cm delivers
conditioned air with a density of 1.2 kg⁄m3 to a room at a rate of 45
m3/min. What is the mass-flow rate of air? What is the average air
speed in the duct?

9.40 A rubber balloon has a mass of 10 grams. The balloon is filled

with air and forms a shape that may be approximated as a sphere with
a diameter of 50 cm. What is the total mass of the balloon? What
would be the total mass of the balloon if it is filled with helium instead?
Express your answers in grams.
9.41 A typical household of four people consumes approximately 300
liters of water per day. Express the annual consumption rate of a city
with a population of 100,000 people in kg/year.
9.42 Lake Mead, near the Hoover Dam, which is the largest man-
made lake in the United States, contains 35,000,000,000 m3 of water.
Express the mass of the water volume in kg.
9.43 Air with a density of 0 45 kg⁄m3 enters an experimental jet
engine at rate of 180 m/s. The inlet area of the engine is 0.5 m2. Af-
ter fuel is burned, the air and combustion byproducts leave the engine
with a velocity of 650 m/s through an outlet area of 0.4 m. What is
the average density of the gas exiting the engine?

9.44 In a food processing (drying) application, air ( ρ = 1.10 kg/m3,
V = 3 m/min) enters a chamber through a duct with dimensions of
500 mm × 450 mm and leaves ρ = 1.10 kg/m3 through a ductwork
with dimensions of 400 mm × 450 mm. What is the average air speed
in the exit duct? Express your answer in m/s.
9.45 To measure the fuel consumption of an experimental lawn mower,
fuel is drawn from a tank that is resting on a scale, as shown in the
figure. The tank and the fuel have an initial total mass of 10 kg. If the
mass scale shows a value of 9.45 kg after 30 minutes, what is the fuel
consumption of the lawn mower?

9.46 In a water bottling process, one-liter bottles are filled through
a system that provides filtered water to each bottle at rate of 0.3 kg/s.
How long would it take to fill a bottle? How many bottles can be
filled in one hour if the system can fill 20 bottles simultaneously with
a required time of 3 seconds to move away the filled bottles and bring
in the new batch of empty bottles?
9.47 Water is available at a rate of 2000 L/min to a small apartment
complex, consisting of four units. If at a given time, units 1, 2, and 3
are consuming 9 kg/s, 7 kg/s, 8 kg/s, respectively, how much water is
available to unit 4? Express your answer in m3/s and kg/s.
9.48 A hydrometer is a device which uses the principle of buoyancy
to measure the specific gravity of a liquid. Design a pocket-sized hy-
drometer that can be used to measure S.G. for liquids having 1.2 <
S.G. < 1.5. Specify important dimensions and the mass of the device.
Write a brief report to your instructor explaining how you arrived at
the final design. Also include a sketch showing the calibrated scale
from which one would read S.G. In addition, construct a model and
attach the scale to the working model. To keep things simple, assume
that the hydrometer has a cylindrical shape.


5. Chapter 10
10.21 Convert the 115/85 systolic/diastolic pressures given in mil-
limeters of Hg to Pa .
10.22 Determine the load that can be lifted by the hydraulic system
shown in the accompanying figure. All of the necessary information is
shown in the figure.


10.23 Determine the load that can be lifted by the system shown in
Problem 10.22 if R1 is reduced to 4 cm.
10.24 Determine the load that can be lifted by the system shown in
Problem 10.22 if R2 is increased to 25 cm.
10.25 Determine the pressure required to decrease the volume of the
following fluids by 2%: a. water b. glycerin c. SAE motor oil
10.26 SAE 30 oil is contained in a cylinder with inside diameter of
2.5 cm and length of 30 cm. What is the pressure required to decrease
the volume of the oil by 2%?
10.27 Compute the deflection of a structural member made of alu-
minum if a load of 755 N is applied to the bar. The member has a
uniform rectangular cross section with the dimensions of 6 mm × 100
mm, as shown in the accompanying figure.

10.28 A 20-cm-diameter rod is subjected to a tensile load of 1000 N
at one end and is fixed at the other end. Calculate the deflection of
the rod if it is 50 cm long.
10.29 A structural member with a rectangular cross section as shown
in the accompanying figure is used to support a load of 2500 N. What
type of material do you recommend be used to carry the load safely?
Base your calculations on the yield strength and a factor of safety of 2.0.

10.30 The tire wrench shown in the accompanying figure is used to
tighten the bolt on a wheel. Given the information on the diagram,
determine the moment about point O for the two loading situations
shown: a. pushing perpendicular to the wrench arm b. pushing at a
75◦ angle.

10.34 Determine the sum of the moments created by the forces shown
in the accompanying figure about points A, B, C, and D.

10.35 The coefficient of static friction between a concrete block and
a surface is 0.8. The block weighs 80 N. If a horizontal force of 60 N
is applied to the block, would the block move? And if not, what is
the magnitude of friction force? What should be the magnitude of the
horizontal force to set the block in motion?
10.36 Calculate the shear modulus for a given cylindrical metal spec-
imen and test results of T = 1500 N m, L = 20 cm, D = 5 cm, and φ
= 0.02 rad. Can you tell what the material is?
10.37 Determine the amount of work done by you and a friend when
each of you push on a car that has run out of gas. Assume you and
your friend each push with a horizontal force with a magnitude of 200
N, a distance of 100 m. Also, suggest ways of actually measuring the
magnitude and the direction of the pushing force.
10.38 Determine the work done by an electric motor lifting an eleva-
tor weighing 4 kN through five floors; assume a distance of 3 m between
each floor. Compute the power requirements for the motor to go from
the first to the fifth floor in a. 5 s b. 8 s Express your results in watts .
10.39 If a laptop computer weighing 22 N is dropped from a distance
of 1 m onto a floor, determine the average reaction force from the floor
if the time of contact is changed by using different cushion materials,

as shown in the accompanying table.

10.46 Calculate the work required to bench press a 800 N weight, at
a distance of 50 cm.

6. Chapter 11
11.8 A manufacturer of loose-fill cellulose insulating material pro-
vides a table showing the relationship between the thickness of the
material and its R-value. The manufacturer’s data is shown in the ac-
companying table.

Calculate the thermal conductivity of the insulating material. Also,

determine how thick the insulation should be to provide R-values of a.
R-30 b. R-20
11.9 Calculate the R-value for the following materials: a. 100 mm
thick brick b. 10 cm thick brick c. 30 cm thick concrete slab d. 20 cm
thick concrete slab e. 1 cm thick human fat layer
11.10 Calculate the thermal resistance due to convection for the fol-
lowing situations: a. warm water with h = 200 W/m2 K b. warm air

with h = 10 W/m2 K c. warm moving air (windy situation) h = 30

W/m2 K
11.11 A typical exterior masonry wall of a house, shown in the ac-
companying figure, consists of the items in the accompanying table.
Assume an inside room temperature of 20o C and an outside air tem-
perature of -12o C, with an exposed area of 15 m2 . Calculate the heat
loss through the wall.

11.12 In order to increase the thermal resistance of a typical exterior
frame wall, such as the one shown in Example 11.8, it is customary
to use 60 mm × 180 mm studs instead of 60 mm × 120 mm studs to

allow for placement of more insulation within the wall cavity. A typi-
cal exterior (60 mm × 180 mm) frame wall of a house consists of the
materials shown in the accompanying figure. Assume an inside room
temperature of 20o C and an outside air temperature of -12o C with an
exposed area of 15 m2 . Determine the heat loss through this wall.


11.13 A typical ceiling of a house consists of items shown in the ac-

companying table. Assume an inside room temperature of 21o C and
an attic air temperature of -10o C, with an exposed area of 100 m2 .
Calculate the heat loss through the ceiling.

11.14 Estimate the change in the length of a power transmission line
in your region when the temperature changes by 10o C. Write a brief
memo to your instructor discussing your findings.
11.15 Calculate the change in 5 m long copper wire when its tem-
perature changes by 60o C.
11.16 Determine the temperature rise that would occur when 2 kg of
the following materials are exposed to a heating element putting out
500 J. Discuss your assumptions. a. The material is copper. b. The
material is aluminum. c. The material is concrete.
11.17 The thermal conductivity of a solid material can be deter-
mined using a setup similar to the one shown in the accompanying
figure. The thermocouples are placed at 2.5 cm intervals in the known
material (copper alloy, k = 52 W/m K) and the unknown sample, as
shown. The known material is heated on the top by a heating ele-
ment, and the bottom surface of the sample is cooled by running water
through the heat sink shown. Determine the thermal conductivity of
the unknown sample for the set of data given in the accompanying
table. Assume no heat loss to the surroundings and perfect thermal
contact at the common interface of the sample and the copper.

11.19 A copper plate, with dimensions of 3 cm × 3 cm × 5 cm
(length, width, and thickness, respectively), is exposed to a thermal
energy source that puts out 150 J every second, as shown in the ac-
companying figure. The density of copper is 8900 kg⁄m3. Assuming
no heat loss to the surrounding block, determine the temperature rise
in the plate after 10 seconds.

11.20 An aluminum plate, with dimensions of 3 cm × 3 cm × 5 cm
(length, width, and thickness, respectively), is exposed to a thermal
energy source that puts out 150 J every second. The density of alu-
minum is 2700 kg/m3 . Assuming no heat loss to the surrounding block,
determine the temperature rise in the plate after 10 seconds.
11.23 Calorimeters are devices that are commonly used to measure
the heating value of fuels. For example, a Junkers flow calorimeter is
used to measure the heating value of gaseous fuels. A bomb calorimeter,
on the other hand, is used to measure the heating value of liquid or solid
fuels, such as kerosene, heating oil, or coal. Perform a search to obtain
information about these two types of calorimeters. Write a brief report
discussing the principles behind the operation of these calorimeters.
11.24 Refer to Tables 11.9 and 11.10 to answer this question. What
is the maximum amount of energy released when a 5 kg sample of coal
from McDowell, West Virginia is burned? Also calculate the amount of
energy released when 5 kg sample of coal from McDowell, West Virginia
is burned? Also calculate the amount of energy released when 0.15 m3
of natural gas from Oklahoma is burned.
11.25 Contact the natural gas provider in your city and find out how
much you are being charged for each m3 of natural gas. Also, contact
your electric company and determine how much they are charging on
average per kWh usage of electricity. If a hot-air gas furnace has an
efficiency of 94% and an electric heater has an efficiency of 100%, what
is the more economical way of heating your home: a gas furnace or an
electric heater?
11.28 The side walls of a refrigerator are made from two thin layers
of sheet metal, each 4 mm thick, and with thermal conductivity of k
= 72 W/mK, and a 60-mm foam insulation with k = 0.05 W/mK. If
the inside and outside surface temperatures of the refrigerator wall are

2o C and 21o C, respectively, calculate the heat loss through an area of

1 m2 .
11.29 Calculate the amount of thermal energy required to raise the
temperature of 80 liters of water from 20o C to 40o C .
11.30 In a commercial water heater, 80 L/min of water is heated
from 20o C to 60o C. Calculate the amount of energy required per hour.
11.31 Calculate the heat loss from a double-pane glass window con-
sisting of two pieces of glass, each having a thickness of 10 mm with
a thermal conductivity of k = 1.3 W/mK. The two glass panes are
separated by an air gap of 7 mm. Assume thermal conductivity of air
to be k = 0.022 W/mK.
11.32 Determine the heat-transfer rate from an electronic chip whose
surface temperature is 30o C and has an exposed surface area of 4 cm2 .
The temperature of surrounding air is 25o C. The heat-transfer coeffi-
cient for this situation is h = 25 W/m2 K. What is the R-factor (film
resistance) for this situation?
11.33 Calculate the amount of radiation emitted for a unit surface
(1 m2 ) for the following situations: (a) a hot pavement in Arizona at
50o C and ε = 0.8, (b) a hood of a car at 40o C and ε = 0.9, and (c) a
sunbather at 38o C and ε = 0.9. Express your answers in both SI and
U.S. Customary units.
11.34 For Problems 11.11 , 11.12 , and 11.13 , calculate the U-factors.
11.37 Nine old 1 m2 windows with U = 7 W/ m2 K were replaced with
new windows having U = 1.8 W/ m2 K. Calculate the energy savings
on a day during a 5 hour period, when Tin = 20o C, Toutside = -10o C.
11.38 For Problem 11.37, calculate the savings in m3 of natural gas
(from Louisiana). Assume at he furnace has an efficiency of 92%.
11.39 A family uses 300 L of hot water per day. The water is heated
from a line temperature of 12o C to 60o C. Calculate the amount of
natural gas (Oklahoma) that is required to heat the water in a heater
with an efficiency of 80%.
11.40 For Problem 11.17 , determine the thermal conductivity of the
unknown sample for the set of data given in accompanying table.

11.41 Compare heat-transfer rates through layers of human skin,
human muscle, and human fat tissue. Assume a 5 mm thickness and a
temperature difference of 2o C across each layer.
11.42 Calculate the heat-transfer rate through a 2 m2 door with U =
5 W/ m2 K. The indoor and outdoor temperatures are 20o C and -10o C.
11.43 Look up the low and high daily temperature values for the
month of October 2014 for your town and calculate the degree days for
the given month.
11.44 For your town calculate the degree-days for the months of
December, January, and February 2014 and compare it to the 2014
annual degree-days value.
11.45 For a building located in Madrid, Spain with annual heating
degree-days (dd) of 4654, a heating load (heat loss) of 30,000 kj/h, and
a design temperature difference of 30o C (20o C indoor), estimate the
annual energy consumption. If the building is heated with a furnace
with an efficiency of 92%, how much gas is burned to keep the home
at 20o C? State your assumptions.
11.46 For a building located in London, England with annual heating
degree-days (dd) of 5634, a heating load (heat loss) of 42,000 kj/h, and
a design temperature difference of 35o C (20o C indoor), estimate the
annual energy consumption. If the building is heated with a furnace
with an efficiency of 98%, how much gas is burned to keep the home
at 20o C? State your assumptions.
11.47 For a building located in Moscow, Russia with annual heating
degree-days (dd) of 6232, a heating load (heat loss) of 52,000 kj/h, and
a design temperature difference of 40o C (20o C indoor), estimate the
annual energy consumption. If the building is heated with a furnace

with an efficiency of 92%, how much gas is burned to keep the home
at 20o C. State your assumptions.

7. Chapter 12
12.19 Calculate the total resistance for circuits given in Figure.
Additionally calculate the following circuit:

12.20 Use Kirchhoff’s current law to determine the missing current

in the circuit shown in the accompanying figure.

12.29 According to Sylvania, a light-bulb manufacturer, its 40 W
CFL light consumes 9 watts and produces 495 lumens. What is the
efficacy for this light?
12.30 Calculate the efficacy for the following lights: (a) Sylvania
accent LED light, which uses 2 watts and produces 60 lumens, and (b)
Sylvania 40 W CFL, which uses 9 watts and produces 495 lumens.
12.31 The Sylvania Super Saver 75 W light uses 20 watts, produces
1280 lumens, and costs $4.49. As an alternative, a generic 75 W incan-
descent light bulb costs $0.40, produces 1200 lumens, and has a service
life of 750 hours. Compare the performance of each light by calculating

the efficacy for each light and estimate how much it would cost to run
each light for 4 hours per day for 300 days in a year. Assume electricity
costs 9 cents per kWh.
12.32 There are a number of ways that you can reduce the energy
waste associated with lighting systems. One way is to make use of
smart controllers and use devices such as lighting-dimmer controls,
lighting-motionsensor controls, lighting-occupancy controls, lighting-
photosensor controls, and lightingtimer controls. Write a brief report
describing how these various types of lighting controllers work and give
examples of their usage.
13.3 An elevator has a rated capacity of 1000 kg. It can transport
people at the rated capacity between the first and the fifth floors, with
a vertical distance of 5 m between each floor, in 7 s. Estimate the
power requirement for such an elevator.
13.4 Determine the gross force needed to bring a car that is traveling
at 120 km/h to a full stop in a distance of 100 m. The mass of the car
is 2000 kg. What happens to the initial kinetic energy? Where does it
go or to what form of energy does the kinetic energy convert?
13.5 A centrifugal pump is driven by a motor. The performance of
the pump reveals the following information: Power input to the pump
by the motor (kW): 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2 Power input to the fluid
by the pump (kW): 0.3, 0.55, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0 Plot the efficiency curve.
The efficiency of a pump is a function of the flow rate. Assume that
the flow-rate readings corresponding to power data points are equally
13.6 A power plant has an overall efficiency of 30%. The plant gen-
erates 30 MW of electricity, and uses coal from Montana (see Table
11.9 ) as fuel. Determine how much coal must be burned to sustain the
generation of 30 MW of electricity.
13.18 How many kilograms of coal could be saved if we were to
increase the average efficiency of power plants by 1% to 36%?
13.20 How many m3 and kilograms of natural gas could be saved if
we were to increase the average efficiency of power plants by 1 to 36%?
13.26 Calculate the amount of natural gas that you need to burn to
heat 75 L of water from room temperature at 21◦ C to 48◦ C to take
shower if the water heater has an efficiency of (a) 78 percent, (b) 85
percent, and (c) 90 percent.

8. Chapter 14
14.5 Using Excel, create a table that shows the relationship between
the units of temperature in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit in the range
of -50 to 150◦ C . Use increments of 10◦ C .
14.6 Using Excel, create a table that shows the relationship among
the units of height of people in centimeters, inches, and feet in the
range of 150 cm to 2 m. Use increments of 5 cm.
14.7 Using Excel, create a table that shows the relationship among
the units of mass to describe people’s mass in kilogram, slugs, and
pound mass in the range of 20 kg to 120 kg. Use increments of 5 kg.
14.8 Using Excel, create a table that shows the relationship among
the units of pressure in Pa, psi, and inches of water in the range of
1000 to 10,000 Pa. Use increments of 500 Pa.
14.9 Using Excel, create a table that shows the relationship between
the units of pressure in Pa and psi in the range of 10 kPa to 100 kPa.
Use increments of 5 kPa.
14.10 Using Excel, create a table that shows the relationship between
the units of power in watts and horsepower in the range of 100 W to
10,000 W. Use smaller increments of 100 W up to 1000 W, and then
use increments of 1000 W all the way up to 10,000 W.



1 kilometer (km) = 1000 meters (m)

1 meter (m) = 100 centimeter (cm)

1 centimeter (cm) = 10-2m

1 millimeter (mm) = 10-3m

1 micron (μ) = 10-6m

1 millimicron (mμ) = 10-9m

1 angstrom (A) = 10-10m

1 inch (in.) = 2.54 cm

1 foot (ft) = 30.48 cm

1 mile (mi) = 1.609 km

1 mil = 10-3 in.

1 centimeter = 0.3937 in.

1 meter = 39.37 in.

1 kilometer = 0.6214 mile

1 square meter (m2) = 10.76 ft2

1 square mile (mi2) = 640 acres

1 square foot (ft2) = 929 cm2

1 acre = 43,560 ft2

1 liter (l) = 1000cm3 = 1.057 quart (qt) = 61.02 in3 = 0.03532 ft3
1 cubic meter (m3) = 1000 l = 35.32 ft3

1 cubic foot (ft3) = 7.481 = 0.02832 m3 = 28.32 l

1 U.S. gallon (gal) = 231 in3 = 3.785 l

1 British gallon = 1.201 U.S.gallon = 277.4 in3

1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2046 pounds (lb) = 0.06852 slug;

1 lb = 453.6 gm = 0.03108 slug

1 slug = 32.174 lb = 14.59 kg

1 km/h = 0.2778 m/sec = 0.6214 mi/h = 0.9113 ft/sec

1mi/h = 1.467 ft/sec = 1.609 km/h = 0.4470 m/sec

1 gm/cm3 = 103 kg/m3 = 62.43 lb/ft3 = 1.940 slug/ft3

1 lb/ft3 = 0.01602 gm/cm3

1 slug/ft3 = 0.5154 gm/cm3

1 newton (N) = 105 dynes = 0.1020 kgwt = 0.2248 lbwt

1 pound weight (lbwt) = 4.448 nt = 0.4536 kgwt = 32.17 poundals

1 kilogram weight (kgwt) = 2.205 lbwt = 9.807 nt

1 U.S.short ton = 2000 lbwt

1 long ton = 2240 lbwt

1 metric ton = 2205 lbwt

1 joule = 1 N m = 107 ergs = 0.7376 ft lbwt = 0.2389 cal = 9.481 × 10-4 Btu

1 ft lbwt = 1.356 joules = 0.3239 cal = 1.285 × 10-3 Btu

1 calorie (cal) = 4.186 joules = 3.087 ft lbwt = 3.968 × 10-3 Btu

1 Btu (British thermal unit) = 778 ft lbwt = 1055 joules = 0.293 watt h
1 kilowatt hour (kw hr) = 3.60 × 106 joules = 860 kcal = 3413 Btu

1 electron volt (ev) = 1.602 × 10-19 joule

1 watt = 1 joule/sec = 107 ergs/sec = 0.2389 cal/sec

1 horsepower (hp) = 550 ft lbwt/sec = 33,000 ft lbwt /min = 745.7 watts

1 kilowatt (kw) = 1.341 hp = 737.6 ft lbwt/sec = 0.9483 Btu/sec

1 nt/m2 = 10 dynes/cm2 = 9.869 × 10-6 atmosphere = 2.089 × 10-2 lbwt/ft2

1 lbwt/in2 = 6895 nt/m2 = 5.171 cm mercury = 27.68 in water

1 atmosphere (atm) = 1.013 × 105 nt/m2 = 1.013 × 106 dynes/cm2 = 14.70 lbwt/in2 = 76 cm
mercury = 406.8 in.water


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