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Business Studies II

Year 2021-2022
Online resources to access business data:

Statistical databases:
• INE: Directorio Central de Empresas (DIRCE)
1 %2Fp201&file=inebase&L=0

• SABI: Sistema de Análisis de Balances Ibéricos


•SDG Tracker
Statistical databases:

1 Directorio Central de Empresas (DIRCE)

Description and access

DIRCE  INEBase > Economía > Empresas
Description and access
DIRCE utility

• The number of active companies rose 1.7% in 2017, up to 3.34 million


DIRCE utility

• 16.8% of actives companies are more than 19 years old, while 20.3% are less
than 2 years old

DIRCE utility

•Sectors with a higher rate of net creation of businesses were real state (8,347) and
health-related activities (4,653)

PRACTISING WITH DIRCE  INEBase > Economía > Empresas

National economic activities classification

(Clasificación de Actividades Económicas, CNAE)
o A classification (hierarchical set of economic activities) for statistical
o Reflects structural changes in the economy, and especially technological
o According to the statistical nomenclature of economic activities of the
European Community (NACE)
o It has had updates, the current one is of 2009 (CNAE-2009)

• Promote the implementation of the set of national statistics
• Classify statistical units and entities according to the economic activity
carried out

Interesting codes for this course:

26- Manufacturing of computer, electronic and optical products
71- Architectural and engineering technical services
Look for the total number of companies by province and level of
1 employees for:

• Alicante, Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla and Valencia

• Total –No employees- De 1 a 2 – De 3 a 5 – De 6 a 9 – De 10 a 19
• Years: 2017, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008
Search for the number of companies by main activity (CNAE 2009
2 group) and level of employees, for the Autonomous Communities:

• Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, Cataluña and Madrid

• Total employees, CNAE, code 26
• years: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 y 2018

Which was the most common legal form in electronic

3 component manufacturing companies in Spain in 2019?
1. How many companies registered as S. Anónimas were there in the province of
Murcia in 2019?

2. How many total companies were there in the province of Granada in 2018?

3. How many cooperative societies were there in the province of Valencia in 2010
and in 2018?

4. How many companies dedicated to the manufacture of electronic components

and printed circuits -CNAE 261- were there in Madrid in 2019?

5. How many companies were there in 2019 in the Valencian Community

manufacturing consumer electronic devices, CNAE 264?
Statistical databases
SABI: Sistema de Análisis de Balances
2 Ibéricos
 SABI is a database of financial analysis that allows
to easily collect and analyze general information and
financial statements of companies

 Online database with information of more than

2.600.000 Spanish companies and 800.000 Portuguese

 An exclusive search software and data processing. Its

extensive coverage, standardized financial data and
industry standard codes make of SABI an unique and
innovative product.
Sales and marketing applications:
 Identification and assessment of potential customers.
 Analysis of market environment and competition.
 Performing market research.
 Evaluation of potential territorial and controlling the
work of the sales force.

Applications of Economic Research:

 SABI is an effective research tool for macroeconomic
studies, sectoral and microeconomic.
SABI Software Search companies Show accounts in Export information Perform a deep
allows to: or business standard format or to other analysis of the
groups using any any format programs(Excel, company, or
combination of designed by the SPSS…) groups, with the
criteria. user. possibility of
variables selected
by the user

Biblioteca y
Documentación Científica
You need to be logged as an UPV member; if
you are off-campus, VPN
Home page in SABI
Queries with SABI
Queries can be done by:

•Name of the company

•Financial data, etc.

**Searching by “Activity”
Activity is classified under different systems: CNAE, IAE, US SIC
Queries with SABI
Searching by Activity>Classification of activities
1. Locate and review the data published by SABI from a
well-known company, eg. Celestica Valencia S.A.
2. How many employees did Celestica have in
3. What was the economic result of Celestica for the
year 2018?
4. How many electronic component manufacturing
companies (261) in Spain are in SABI? And in the
Valencian Community?
5. How many companies with headquarters in Spain
and activity in the manufacture of computers and
peripherals (262) are there in SABI?
6. And of those, how many are Sociedad Anónima, SA?

The future will be sustainable...

or there won't be one
 8 – Decent work and economic growth

◦ What is the average hourly income of an employee in

Spain? And in Mexico? (indicator 8.5.1)

Important: You need access to SABI, DIRCE and

SDG TRACKER to answer the questions of the test

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