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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Gamification-based 3d Puzzle as an Effort to

Improve Knowledge and Skills in Early
Agencying Dental Health Maintenance
at Widuri Kindergarten, Semarang
Sariyem1,Sadimin2 , Irmanita wiradona3, Wahyu Jati Dyah Utami4
PoltekkesKemenkes Semarang

Corresponding author: Wahyu Jati Dyah Utami

Abstract:- Interesting media that needs to be introduced I. INTRODUCTION

to early childhood is 3D puzzle media, namely a media
that has parts that can be attached and removed and has The high number of oral health problems is influenced
3-dimensional elements and provides an interesting story by internal and external factors. Internal factors include 1)
visualization, starting from displaying images of various Host, namely physical, biological and social conditions. 2)
shapes and types. The purpose media puzzle which is Agent, namely Streptococcus mutans 3) Environmental,
carried out through dental health promotion activities in namely the quality of drinking water used by the
schools. This research is a Research and Development community. The external factor is the behavior of
(R&D) study. The Research and Development is one of maintaining oral health. According to Notoatmodjo (2012),
the research processes in developing a new product or behavior has an influence of 30% -35% on health status.
perfecting an existing product and can be accounted for. Behavior is a person's reaction to stimuli received from
Research and development procedures include 5 main outside, which has the realm of knowledge, attitudes, and
steps including: 1) Gathering information, 2) Product or actions. Research by Aprilaz, I. (2016) and Sari
model design, 3) expert validation and revision, 4) (2015)proves that increased knowledge, attitudes and skills
product or model testing and 5) Product or model affect the status of children's dental and oral hygiene. These
results. The research sample was 50 children at two studies prove that the behavior of maintaining dental
WiduriBanyumanik Kindergarten, Semarang City. and oral health affects a person's actions to maintain dental
and oral health, therefore efforts are needed to shape
The results of Wilcoxon for p-value children's behavior from an early age.
knowledge before and after the intervention with 3D
puzzle media is 0.001 while for the children's skills Efforts to change the behavior of maintaining dental
before and after the intervention with 3D puzzles is and oral health can be done through dental health education
0.001, so it can be concluded that Ha is accepted, with various methods and media that are fun, entertaining
meaning that there is a significant change between the and attract attention, to avoid feeling bored in children.
value of knowledge and children's skills before and after Interesting educational media can help and accelerate the
the intervention in the form of interventions with process of children's understanding of the substance of the
gamification-based 3D puzzle media. material. Dental health education media is adapted to the
target characteristics, namely game-based dental health
Mediapuzzles -based 3D gamification as education education (gammificasy, Community culture, audio-visual
to increase knowledge and skills in maintaining early and edu tour.
childhood dental health. With the puzzle as a method for
educating early childhood about how to maintain dental Types of learning media are classified into audio,
health it is hoped that dental health educators can apply visual, audio-visual, presenters, media objects and
it to the target so that they can increase knowledge and computer-based interactive media. Presenter media consists
skills in maintaining dental health. of seven groups, namely: graphic group, printed materials
and still images, still projection media group, audio media
Keywords:- 3D Puzzle Media, knowledge and skills in group, audio visual media group, live image or film media
brushing teeth. group, television media group, multimedia group introduced
to early childhood is 3D puzzle media, which is media that
has parts that can be attached and removed and has 3-
dimensional elements and provides an interesting
visualization of stories, starting from displaying images of
various shapes and types. Therefore 3D puzzle media as an
effort improvement of health care knowledge and skills g
teeth at an early age. Research objectives to produce 3D
puzzle media as education in increasing knowledge and
skills in maintaining dental health at an early age.

IJISRT22DEC074 429

Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. RESEARCH METHODS No Criteria Frequency %
1. Good 11 22%
The method used in research is Research and 2. Enough 39 78%
Development (R&D). This study aims to create puzzle
3. Less 0 0%
which is carried out through dental health promotion
activities in schools. The R&D method is one of the research Total 50 100%
processes in developing a new product or improving Table 4: Frequency distribution of skills after counseling
existing products and can be accounted for. Research and treatment
development procedures include 5 main steps including: 1)
Information gathering, 2) Product or model design, 3) Based on Table 4 it can be seen that the frequency of
Expert validation and revision, 4) Product or model testing5) skills after counseling treatment with 11 respondents (22 %)
The result of the product or model. The research sample was in good criteria and 39 respondents (78%) in sufficient
50 children at WiduriBanyumanik Kindergarten, Semarang criteria. This shows that there was an increase in skills after
City. being given counseling treatment.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Bivariate analysis

Table 5. Results of the Test of Differences in Knowledge
No. Criteria Frequency % Before and After the Extension Treatment to Widuri
Good 14 28% Banyumanik Kindergarten children, Semarang City.
2. Enough 8 16%
Dental and Oral p value Interpretation
3. Less 28 56%
Health Knowledge
Total 50 100% of the Treatment Group Ha accepted
Table 1: Frequency Distribution of Knowledge Before
Extension Treatment Table that the result of Wilcoxon's p-value is 0.000. So
Based on Table 1 it can be seen that the frequency of it can be concluded that Ha is accepted, meaning that there
knowledge before counseling treatment with 14 respondents is a significant change between the value of knowledge
before and after treatment in the form of counseling with
(28% ) in good criteria, then 8 respondents (16%) in
Puzzle -based 3D gamification.
sufficient criteria, and 28 respondents (56%) in less criteria.
Table 6. Result of the different skills test before and
No. Criteria Frequency %
after the extension treatment at Widuri Banyumanik
1. Good 27 54%
Kindergarten, Semarang City.
2. Enough 17 34%
3. Less 6 12% Skills Z p value Interpretation
Total 50 100% of the treatment -6.046 0.000 Ha is accepted
Table 2: Distribution of Knowledge Frequency After group
Extension Treatment
Based on table 6 it can be seen that the p-value of
Based on Table 2 it can be seen that the frequency of wilcoxon testis 0.000. So it can be concluded that Ha is
knowledge after counseling treatment with 27 respondents accepted, meaning that there is a significant change between
(54 %) in good criteria, then 17 respondents (34%) in the skill scores before and after treatment in the form of
sufficient criteria and 6 respondents (12%) in less criteria. counseling with gamification-based 3D Puzzle media.
This shows that there is an increase in knowledge after
being given counseling treatment. B. Discussion
Early dental care is very important to avoid tooth decay.
No. Criteria Frequency % One of the easy and widely practiced preventive measures is
1. Good 0 0% brushing a child's teeth every day using fluoride-containing
2. Enough 14 28% toothpaste, with the aim of keeping the teeth and mouth
3. Less 36 72% clean so they can avoid dental caries. Children who are not
Total 50 100% accustomed to brushing their teeth from an early age by
Table 3: Frequency Distribution of Skills Before Extension their parents so that there is no awareness and motivation
Treatment from children to maintain the cleanliness and health of their
teeth and mouth.
Based on Table 3 it can be seen that the frequency of
skills before counseling treatment with 14 respondents (28 The results of collecting information that has been
%) in the sufficient criteria and 36 respondents (72%) in the carried out by researchers in the conclusion that school
less criteria. children have a habit of happy moving, happy to play, happy
in groups, like hands-on practice. To shape changes in the
behavior of maintaining dental health in elementary school
children, appropriate, interesting, fun learning methods and
media are needed, in accordance with the characteristics of
elementary school children and involving children in their

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
implementation, the appropriate method used is a game- III. CONCLUSION
based learning method.6 Because by using game-based
learning methods, the learning process will be more active, A. The conclusion
interesting and fun. of the research with the theme “gamification-based 3D
puzzle as an effort to increase knowledge and skills in
The media that is suitable for realizing this is maintaining early childhood dental health can be concluded
Gamification 3D Puzzle as an Effort to Increase Knowledge as follows:
and Skills in Dental Health Maintenance at an Early Age.  Puzzle 3D Gamification as an Effort to Increase
The design and development of Gamification 3D Puzzle Knowledge and Skills of Dental Health Care at an Early
media as an effort to increase knowledge and skills in Age is relevant as a model of dental health education for
maintaining dental health at an early age is made based on improve knowledge and skills in maintaining dental
the results of gathering information that is adapted to the health. This is statistically proven to be significantly
characteristics and learning models for school children,  Puzzle 3D Gamification as an Effort to Increase
using the Dick and Carey theory approach. Knowledge and Skills in Dental Health Care at an Early
Age is effective in increasing knowledge and skills in
Learning media is a component of learning resources maintaining dental and oralhealth. This has been proven
in determining success, this is in accordance with the to be statistically significant.
function of learning media as a means of conveying
messages and good communication tools between two B. Suggestion
parties and is a tool that can stimulate thoughts, feelings, With the existence of 3D puzzle media as a method for
interests as well as with the right methods and media to educating early childhood about how to maintain dental
make children better understand and practice in their daily health, it is hoped that dental health educators can apply it to
lives. the target so that they can increase knowledge.
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