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CEPD.CO.R|A.No.S1056|13.30.01O12022-23 Decembet 15.2022

358, Shantinagar, Durgapura Railway Stalion

Edfdqr/qdfdq, l\4adam/Sir,

{4+ or qftIon elqiiqq, zoos R ght 10 lnformation (RTl) Act, 2005

3na-dr qrfh En ddl-g / Date of receipt 28.11.2022

6qdi q4{€@I / our aef Njo RBTND/R/E/22l07839
qTt{s 6Tqlq/ Name ofthe applicanr Ajaysingh
qdEq ol r.qqT / Language of the application English
srJIft r{rfe{ S'€ol C g++ €o*o d d Trg ln connection with the above application, our
Bt reply is furnished in the Annex.

2. ln case you wish to appeal against this reply,

z. w sqrq + f{Ed irT[o] 3{4-d 6{i a1
you may send your appeal within 30 days from
sor d d ts q, o1 qrfr € :o f?fr S fim the receipt ofthis letter lo the following address.
fdt{d s{fi-d +a Rq rc qt w rlq qot t r

qr{q qfid qrlffi ffi{n or oftlon qf}frqq

First Appellate Authority RTI Act 2005
Shri Radha Shyam Ratho
Execulive Director
* {rqr {qrq or{qrir€ frtqrfi,
r?.r, Consumer Education & Protection Departmenl
sqrirfir fteM s €repr Eqn, Reserve Bank of lndia Central Office
qT-{frq M a'6, }-frq 6rqfoq, 1sl Floor, Amar Building,
sfqt q6, qqg 66, Sir Pirojshah N4ehta Road, Fort
e{ ftnv.nrd i-{dr n-s, otd, 1ffi- aoooor
l[{frq/ Yours faiihfuly

( sdRr iia / satish chander )
rel9iilrr trx{ft 3lfufirfi) / General Manager (O-i-C)
i'?fq ;I q-.Ia'I 3Ifusrt/ Central Public lnformation Officer
{if,rFl ql}ffi/ Enctr As above

sitnftm+.rirw6n, t+{{rql{, rintir+q, wFrarr, Rfr.iqqr,,+6 +s +r- t-i 400 001

En:r ffiffii @T']qrd-rrr

l?R+rldnsntt_d, rrqq{, ild*cnqFi4r*tqfi.FiE'fi, t6;Eai:!'n, rad ni?€rffirnt'{iFrtian*ffifi
nfmi Fffii,ni+fi6r3+iffi FEdr caurioh, RBrieve
RBI ND/R/E/22l07839,Ajays ngh-Annex

Sr Query lnformation
Our point is party who have deleted all records kaha se degi. As their satff is fraud and
software tampering.
Through fake email id and and fake arbitration orders and deletion of call records as
evidences by sbi card princiapal nodal officwr and advocate
For termintaion of princiapl nodal officer and nodal officers. So they cannot harass women
and sbicustomwrs. Rti as evidence proofthrough rbi regulatory office and sebinchairman.
As well as nchrc and bar of council.
12 ic ci brokerage servicesbltd and lC CISECURIT ES ltd (are two parties) The queries
Sbi bank ls share holder in icici bank. Sbi bank md knows banking For not clear.
cici brokerage services td and lC Cl SECURIT ES ltd kyc and cheque
management system and banking wil be same or not How many sbi Further, we do
bank card holder have demal and trad ng account ln icici brokerage not have any
servicesblld and icisecurities ltd Pan no and kyc form And tota demat informalion n
account this regard.
13 attached info is by smt [email protected] (ex
iclcibankndorector) somadh
[email protected]. n is fraud or sbi bank operations tampered and
deleted records Sbi md have raise any objection on offer document.
Sir rti main records jab aayenge jab honge jo records and accounls
tampered kiye gaye uske records kaha hoga.
Sirjab arbilrator hi nahito arbilatration kaha se hua.
No records. Jusl emails to harass c!atoeTnr.
Please applicalion reocrds and clal records if not delted
As prlncipal nodal officer and recovery agents harassing by phone and
oersonal vis ts.
1 sbl card have applical on form and al cal records Yes or nol. We do not have any
Please copV of all reocrds informalion in this reqard
2 email of arbitrator and advocate and communication of ajaysangh with The query is
him. not clear.
lsbirecovery mangers creating fake email id ofarbiirator and lawyers and
Sir agar sbi card honest and diligent hain aur fraud nahi kar rahe kauns
sincomoaanv records dene komana kareoi.
3 sh sh vanit lomar and madam mullck and sangita Pandey and aarushi
pts p is re aI ve or w fe iwi'e o'any br o sb ranaqer have any
sbi card employee recruiled lhrouoh po exams or direct recrultment. infornralion n
5 how many sbi card emp oyees are relative os sb managers or staff. List this regard
wilh name
6 call records between sbi card and We do not have any rnformalion in this
4aybsingh regarding his and her wife card regard.

The applica_l is seeking optnton. w-tch is

sbi card follow guidlenes of rbi or not. not 'nformation' as defned under Section
2(f) of the Rlght to lnformation Act 2005.
7 sbiand icicibank and sbicard comes under The applicant may refer to the section 2(h)
(i act. of the R qht to nformation Act,2005.
8 sbi managemt all call records to nchrc (or sbi The queries nol clear.
managen]t have delled application forrn and
call records). Wthout applicaton form Fu(her, we do not have any information in
arbitration is possib e. this reoard.

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