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Accounting is the process in which identifying, recording, measuring,

communicating and reporting financial activities.

Finance is the art and science of managing money and including activities like;
investing, borrowing, lending, budgeting, saving and forecasting.

Awash Bank is the pioneer private commercial bank in Ethiopia after dawn fall
of military regime and introduction of economic policy in 1991 E.C.

Vision of Awash Bank

 To be most preferred bank of the people
 To be the first choice in world class of bank
Mission of Awash Bank
 To provide efficient, competitive, diversified, and profitable banking

Values of Awash Bank

 To building public trust and confidence
 Treating customers as guests of honor
 Growing together with customers
 Dis charging social responsibility

Objectives of Awash Bank

 To meet needs of emerging private sector for quality and dependable
domestic and international banking service.
 To expand and diversify commercial banking service.
 To contribute towards the economic and social development of the country
and to operate profitability in a sustainable manner.
 To meet need of customer
 To expand customer service.
Loan and Advances
Term loan: is loan that availed for defined purposes to be repaid with a given
period in predetermined repayment patterns.

Short term loan(loans) : That are fully repaid wish in 36 months. These
loans are used for working capital requirement of business.

Medium and long term loan and advances

Loan that repayable beyond 37month up to 60 month.

Directly before introduce my self ……………..

First of all I would like to say thanks you.

My name is Dbela Tolera Tola and I was born from my father Mr. Tolera Tola
and my mother Obse Daba in Ethiopia, oromia region, west shoa zone, jeldu
woreda .

I studied primary and elementary educational level at Abebe kolu elementary

school and I studied secondary educational level at Regassa bultu high school and
I studied preparatory educational level at jeldu preparatory school.

Then in 2017 G.C I join to MWU FBE under that department of accounting and

Finally on July 5/ 2019 G.C I got BA degree in Accounting and Finance with in
3.20 CGPA From madda walabu University.

I apply on customer service officer 1

The Responsibilities of customer services officer 1

 Open new account or close account

 Identify customer needs
 Promote Bank product and service
 Change statement of accounting cycle
 Answer customer questions
 Provide General customer support
 Update customer records
 Assist the sale team
 Communicating with customers

Teller responsibility and duties in Bank

 Predicting deposit
 Answering phone
 Collecting payment
 Investigating deposit
 Investigating fees
 Cashing money holders
 Computing Reconciling cash drawer
 Counting cash
 Managing ATM deposit
 Balancing number at end of the day
Threat of Awash Bank
Internal threat:
 Unavailability of skilled man power
 Unavailability of Managers / weakness of manager and employees
 Unavailability of Educated Employees
External threats:

 Globalization
 Introduction and Implementation new technology
 Competitors

What is Contribution of Bank in National Development??

Bank haves a great contribute in national development:-

 It reduce Unemployment by hiring new employers

 It is contribute stable economy of the counting by reducing inflation
 It give financial service or facilitate financial service for people
 Facilitate financial service

My long term goal is to grow in life with good, health, wealth, knowledge
and wisdom.

My short term goal is to pass this enter view /oral exam then I will serve
your organization as customer service officer 1 employee.

Function of Bank (የባንክ አገልግሎት)

Primary function : a) Accepting deposit
There are four types of deposit :-

1) Fixed Deposit

2) Current Deposit

3) Recurring Deposit

4) Saving deposit

b) Granting loan and advance

c) Clearing checks
d) Facilitate credit
Secondary function
 General Utility function
 Agent Function
 Mutual fund
 Tele bank
 Credit card
 Locker card
 Venture capital

My strength:-
 Honesty
 Help full
 Awareness
 Problem solver
 Quick to learn
 Positive thinker
 Social able
 Caring
 Generous
 Energetic

As I think my Weakness
 Self involved
 Restless
 Self absorbed
 Believe human being or person
 I have small quick behavior

Why should we hire(መቅጠር) you???

Because I am very focused person who likes to overcome challenges.

Because I am looking for a long term career wish your organization.

What is your expectation from this job?
 Learning new things over the period
 Good exposure to client communication

What motivates ( ማነሳሳት፣ማነቃቃት)you to do a good job??

 እዉነት ለመናገር I don’t rely on some one to motivate me.
 I must motivate for my responsibility.

What do you know about our company?

 I know its mission
 I know its vision
 I know company is service and products

Would you lie (መዋሸት) for the company?

 No, I will not. Because, it is against my personal ethics.
 But, there must be a way to express in better way.
 People who lie has to suffer at the end.

Where do you see yourself after five years from now?

 I see myself as becoming more skilled
 More efficient
More professional
 Better person and at higher position in company that would never lose
me at any cost.
 Putting in my hard work to grow

What is your salary expectation??

Money is never a priority over knowledge and the role you would offer me.
Where you need to work??
It is doesn’t matter if any where even to samara, but for customer attraction it is
prefer to me oromia special zone.

How to attract new customer?

 By advertising and promotion of Awash bank service and production.
 By teach service Giving in Awash bank

Customer service officer

Is act as the face a company and directly work with customer to answer there

What is Bank Reconciliation??

 Is the document that matches the cash balance on company’s balance sheet
to the corresponding to amount on its bank statement.
 The document that matches the cash balance on the company is balance
sheet to the corresponding amount on its.
Steps of accounting cycle
a) Analyzing and classify data about an economic events.
b) Journalizing the transaction.
c) Posting from the journal to General ledger.
d) Preparing unadjusted trial balance.
e) Recording adjusting entries.
f) Preparing adjusted trial balance.
g) Preparing financial statements.
h) Recording closing entries.
i) Preparing closing trial balance
j) Recording reversing entries
Difference between growth and development
 The increases in size and numbers
 Has quantitave measure.
 Involves increase in size and number

 Is improvement in circumstance
 Qualitative measure
 Encompass over all changes including growth and other progressive change.

What is your Quality as a banker?

a) Organized personality
b) Innate (uumamaan) problem solver
c) Cooperative and professional personality
d) Mathematical and analytical ability
e) Effective communication
f) Excellent independent and team work
g) Alert (si’awaa) and awareness (hubannaa)

What is your contribution to awash bank?

If I pass this interview or oral exam, I will contribute for Awash Bank as customer
service officer employee, If not I will contribute for Awash bank as their

What is the difference between Bank and Banking?

Bank is an organization that offering financial service. Where as Banking is the
process of Bank activities or simply the business activity of bank.

Simply any activity carried out by bank for business purpose is Banking.
Types of financial statement
1) Income statement:- This report reveals the financial perform of sale and
2) Balance sheet:- Report financial position of business as the report date.
3) Statement of cash flow:- this report reveals the cash inflow and cash
4) Statement change in equity:- Report documents all changes in equity
during the reporting period.

What is the difference between Real account and Nominal

Real Account:- Is the account Tangibles plant and machinery, furniture and
Intangible material like, Goodwill, patents.

Nominal Account:- Salaries, Rent, Sales, purchases, electricity charges.

What is Depreciation?? Is allocates an assets cost throughout its use full

Double declining balance method and sum of unit activity is accelerated

depreciation method .

What is petty Cash?? I s cash fund used to pay relatively small amounts.
What is the difference between financial account,
managerial accounting and Cost Accounting??
Financial Accounting is Report financial information for external users of

Managerial accounting Is report financial information for internal user of

Cost Accounting Is used by a company’s Internal management team to identify
all variable and fixed cost associated with production process.

What is the difference between Bank and other financial

Bank is the banking financial institution where as other financial
institution is non-Banking financial institution.
Bank Is an institution that can accept deposit in to various saving and demand
deposit but, other financial institution is not.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced??

The great my challenge is in looking for job:-

 Due to financial scarcity

 Due to distance

There are five (5) major functions of Manager such as ;

1) Planning
2) Organizing
3) Commanding or leading
4) Coordinating
5) Controlling

Ways of Improve bank service

 Empower employees
 Allow consumer to self service
 Educate customer of financial literacy etc
For due date / maturity date
January…………………….…31 I = Prt

February………………………28 AJSN = 30












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