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Journal of Agricultural Studies

ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

Rhizosphere Microbial Population and Plant Species

Diversity as Influenced by Chromolaena Odorata


Solomon A. Adejoro (Corresponding author)

Department of Crop, soil and Pest Management
Federal University of Technology, Akure, P.M.B 704 Akure Nigeria
E-mail: [email protected]
Lekan C. Aguda
Department of Crop, soil and Pest Management
Federal University of Technology, Akure, P.M.B 704 Akure Nigeria
E-mail: [email protected]

Received: xx, 2018 Accepted: xx, 2018

doi:10.5296/jas.v6i4. URL:

Invasive plant species have been commonly implicated to cause loss in plant species
diversity. Attention had however not been paid to the effects of these species loss on the soil
microbiome. A study was conducted in 18 farmers’ fields within three states in southwestern
Nigeria to examine the effect of Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) invasion on native plant
diversity as well as on the rhizosphere microbial population using randomized complete
block design. Results indicated significant losses in plant species diversity and reduction in
density per square meter compared with adjacent non infested fields. Results further showed
C. odorata invasion exerted diverse influence on soil microbial population. Relationships
were subsequently established among plant density, species diversity; and soil microbial
population. Further studies were also recommended to accommodate more microbiological

Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

Keywords: Chromolaena odorata, invasive species, soil microbiome, species diversity, weed
1. Introduction
Soil microorganisms derive energy from organic or inorganic substrates, or from the products
of biochemical processes; yet, many of these processes are mediated by the roots of plants
(Tabatabai, 1994). Therefore, the health of the soil partly depends on plants. Furthermore, the
soil microbial population is altered by the significant alteration in soil physical and chemical
properties caused by the constant interactions between plant roots, soil, and microbes
(Nihorimbere et al., 2011). In addition, exudates from the roots in the rhizosphere drive the
interactions between plant roots and microbial community (Badri et al., 2009, 2013a;
Chaparro et al., 2013). Up to 21% of carbon fixed through photosynthesis are released by the
roots of plants as soluble sugars, amino acids, or secondary metabolites (Badri & Vivanco
2009; Badri et al., 2013b; Chaparro et al., 2013), and these form the substrates that support
microbial activities at the root zone of plants in the soil. Since these rhizo-deposits are a
major driving force in the regulation of microbial diversity and activity in the soil (Mendes et
al., 2013), it will be expedient to postulate that any process or activity capable of altering
plant species diversity or density will have a direct bearing on soil microbial composition and
Invasive species have been commonly implicated to cause loss in plant species diversity.
They are non-native, exotic plant species occurring outside their natural adapted ranges. They
may become invasive when introduced into a new area, where they tend to establish because
of the absence of their natural enemies (Sax & Brown, 2000). They also possess features that
help them to out-compete native species (Raghubanshi et al., 2005). Changes in hydrology
and ecosystem functioning as a result of loss of biodiversity and even species annihilation
have been identified with invasive species (Raghubanshi et al., 2005).
Chromolaena odorata is among the world most important invaders and has been ranked as
the second most noxious plant that requires urgent attention in some parts of Africa
(Robertson et al., 2003). It negatively affects biodiversity by suppressing indigenous
grassland and savanna vegetation through physical smothering and allelopathy (Zachariades
& Goodall, 2002). Although they are known to have severe negative consequences for
biodiversity, the effects of invasive alien plants species on soil microbial population are not
well documented. The soil harbors the largest volume and mass of microorganisms, and it is
the richest in microbial species diversity compared to any other habitat on earth owing to its
heterogeneous and complex multi-substrate nature. The vast majority of these microscopic
soil organisms are highly beneficial in terms of nutrient cycling, soil tilth, and soil health.
These organisms are very critical to soil fertility and plant nutrition owing to their interaction
with plants. The present study seeks to find out the response of soil microbial population to
the vastly reported trim in plant species richness and density caused by C. odorata invasion
(Goodall & Zacharias, 2002). The experiment takes cognizance of the fact that the stage of
infestation with respect to time may play a key role on its influence on biodiversity, therefore
the age of C.odorata at the sampling sites were taken into consideration.

Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 The Study Area
The study was carried out between May – June 2012 in 18 farmers’ fields within three states
in southwestern Nigeria. The states are Ondo, Ekiti and Osun. These states have high
infestation of C. Odorata, covering several hectares of land. The study area has a bimodal
rainfall pattern with an annual rainfall between 1300mm - 1500mm and a mean annual
temperature of 29 0C.
2.2 Experimental Design and Treatment Application
The experimental design used was randomized complete block design (RCBD), with each
state representing a block and the age of infestation of C. odorata forming the treatments to
be considered. These treatments include: 1-2 years old Chromolaena odorata invasion, 3-4
years old Chromolaena odorata invasion, invasion of five years and above, and a
neighboring field free of C. odorata invasion as control. Each block contained all the
treatments listed above. Samples of similar treatment in the two farmers’ fields in a state were
bulked to form a treatment.
2.3 Site Selection and Data Collection
Two communities showing high prominence of C. odorata were selected in each of the states,
and weed sampling was done in farming settlements where farmers were on ground to
provide information on the fields. The communities were: Oda (70 6’N, 50 17’E) and Iju (70
24’N, 5015’E) in Ondo State; Ise (7.45630 N, 5.43320E) and Ikere (7.49910’N, 5.23190E) in
Ekiti State; and Ikeji (7.42960 N, 4.94810E) and Ilesa (7.63950N, 4.75880E) in Osun State. The
stages of C. odorata invasion were determined in each of the sampling sites with the help of
local farmers.
2.4 Plant and Soil Sampling
Plant sampling was done using three fixed 50cm x 50cm quadrats within each of the selected
sites. Samples from the various sites within a state were bucked to represent the treatment
from that block. Soil samples were also collected along with the plant samples. To achieve
this, the rhizosphere soils adhering to the roots of the collected plants were shaken off
directly into labeled polythene bags, which were immediately sealed. Both the weed and soil
samples were taken to the laboratory for analysis. The weed spectrum was determined
through physical examination and identification aided by the practical manual of Akobundu
and Agyakwa (1987), while density was determined by physical count.
2.5 Enumeration of Soil Microbial Population
Numbers of microflora were estimated by soil dilution technique on Nutrient and Potato
Dextrose Agars as isolation media for bacteria and fungi, respectively. To achieve serial
dilution, 5 grams of soil was suspended in 150 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 95 ml of
sterilized distilled water to obtain a 10-1 dilution and was kept under shaking conditions at
120 rpm for 15 minutes. From the flask 1 ml of suspension was transferred to 9 ml water
blank to make 10-2 dilution. The water blank was vortexed and then again 1 ml of the
suspension was transferred to a new water blank (9 ml) tube to obtain 10 -3 dilution. In the
similar manner dilutions were made up to 10-8. The nutrient agar medium was composed of

Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

peptone 5 g, meat extract 3 g, agar 15 g and 1000 mL distilled water. For bacterial count 0.1
ml aliquot of the dilution to 10-8 was spread and plated on nutrient agar medium Petri plates
in triplicates. Then the plates were incubated in an inverted position at 28˚C for 2 days. The
constituents of the Potato Dextrose Agar (gL-1) were Peptone 5.0, potato extract 5.0, dextrose
10.0, Agar 20.0, and distilled water 1000.0 ml at pH 6.5. A mixture of 1g soil and 10mL of
saline solution was shaken on a mechanical shaker for 10 minutes to dislodge fungal
propagules into the solution. This was followed by serial dilutions to the concentrations of 10-
. 0.5 mL of the aliquot was spread on Potato dextrose extract agar to isolate fungal spores
and this was incubated at 280C for 4 days. Dilution factors of 8 and 5 were used to determine
the bacterial colony and fungal spore forming units, respectively.
2.6 Data Analysis
Data collected from the experiment were submitted to an analysis of variance using Minitab
17, while treatment means were compared using the Tukey Test. Plant count data were
normalized using Square root transformation before being subjected to ANOVA. Simple
linear correlation and regression analysis was performed between increasing time of C.
odorata infestation (X) and plant density, plant species diversity, or soil microbial population
(Y) with a scientific calculator (Casio fx-7400G PLUS POWER GRAPHIC Model). Multiple
correlations was also done with Minitab 17 and results were indicated by a Matrixplot.
Graphs were prepared using Microsoft Excel ® (2016 version) and error bars were
determined using the standard error.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Plant Species Enumeration Under C. Odorata Infestation
The species of plants collected under varying age of C. odorata infestation are presented in
Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4. Plant species such as Tridax procumbens, Biden pilosa, A. Coyzoides and
Synedrella odiflora, belonging to the family Asteraceae, which were observed in the control
plots were completely absent in the C. odorata infested fields irrespective of the stage of
infestation. Similarly, plants belonging to the families Boraginaceae, Nactaginaceae,
Rubiaceae and Aizoaceae were all missing from fields infested with C. odorata, but they
appeared in the control plots. Other classes of plants such as Solanaceae, Poaceae,
loganinaceae and Portulaceae were present at the early stages of C. odorata infestation, but
were not found as C. odorata infestation advanced. This confirms the ability of C. odorata to
reduce plant diversity in infested areas (Zachariades & Goodall, 2002). The classes of plant
species observed to be missing probably belong to those highly vulnerable to competition by
C. odorata, which can either be allelospolic or ellelopathic competition, or both.
Choromolaena odorata has been found to suppress indigenous grassland and savannah
vegetation through physical smothering (Zachariades & Goodall, 2002). There have also been
many findings showing that substances released by C. odorata and aqueous extracts of the
plant remarkably influence the seed germination and growth of neighboring plants (Hu &
Zhang, 2013; Suwal et al., 2010).

Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

Table 1. Plant species under C. odorata infestation (1--2 years)

Plant family Weed taxa Growth form Sampling blocks
Ondo Ekiti Osun
Acanthaceae Asystasia gangatica ABL X X 
Asteraceae Chromolaena odorata PBL   
Aspillia africana PBL   
Caesalpinioideae Daniellia oliveri PBL X X 
Combretaceae Combretum hispidum PBL X  X
Convolvulaceae Merremia aegytia AS X  
Ipomoea eriocarpa AS  X X
Ipomoea triloba AS X  X
Loganiaceae Spidelia anthelmia ABL  X X
Poaceae Brachiaria deflexa AG X  X
Andropogen tectorum PG X X 
Solanaceae Physalis micranths ABL   X
Cyperaceae Cyperus esculentus AG X  X
Euphorbiaceae Acalypha fimbriata ABL X  X
Monihot esculentus PBL  X X
Lamiaceae Hyptis lanceolata ABL X X 
Malvaceae Sida acuta PBL X X 
Sida rhombifolia PBL X X 
Commelinaceae Aneilena beniniense ABL X  X
 = Present, X = absent, ABL = Annual broadleaf, PBL = Perennial broadleaf, AG =
Annual grass, PG = Perennial grass, AS = Annual sedges and PS = Perennial sedges.

Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

Table 2. Plant species under C. odorata infestation (3-4 years)

Plant family Weed taxa Growth Sampling blocks
form Ondo Ekiti Osun
Asteraceae Chromolaena odorata PBL   
Aspillia africana PBL X  
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia heterophyla ABL  X X
Phyllathus amarus ABL X X 
Alchornea laxiflora ABL X  X
Poaceae Eragrostis tenella AG  X X
Brachiaria deflexa AG X  X
Andropogon tectorum PG X X 
Hippocrateaceae Reissantia indica PS  X 
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea triloba AS X  
Ipomoea eriocarpa AS  X X
Caesalpinioideae Anthonotha macrophylla PBL X X 
Portulacaceae Talinum triangulare PBL  X X
Smilacaceae Smilax anceps PS  X X
Tiliaceae Triumfetta cordifolia PBL  X X
Lamiaceae Hyptis lanceolata ABL X  X
Malvaceae Abutilon mauritianum PBL X X 
Sida acuta PBL X  X
Fabaceae Mucuna pruriens AS X  X
 = Present, X = Absent, ABL = Annual broadleaf, PBL = Perennial broadleaf, AG =
Annual grass, PG = Perennial grass, AS = Annual sedges and PS = Perennial sedges.

Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

Table 3. Plant species under C. odorata infestation (5 years and above)

Plant family Weed taxa Growth form Sampling blocks
Ondo Ekiti Osun
Asteraceae Chromolaena odorata PBL   

Aspillia africana PBL  X X

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea eriocarpa AS  X X
Ipomoea triloba AS  X X
Hewittia sublobata PS X X 

Urticaceae Pouzolzia guineensis ABL  X X

Euphorbiaceae Manniophyton fulvum PBL  X X
Phyllanthus amarus ABL X  X
Acalypha fimbriata ABL X X 

Caesalpinioideae Anthonotha macrophylla PBL X X 

Commelinaceae Commelina benghalensis PBL X  X

Icacinaceae Icacina trichanth PBL X  

Malvaceae Sida acuta PBL X  

Hippocrateaceae Reissantia indica PS X X 

Acanthaceae Asystasia gangetica ABL X  X

Acanthus montanus ABL X  X
 = Present, X = Absent, ABL = Annual broadleaf, PBL = Perennial broadleaf, AG =
Annual grass, PG = Perennial grass, AS = Annual sedges and PS = Perennial sedges.

Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

Table 4. Plant species in fields with no C. odorata infestation

Plant family Weed taxa Growth Sampling blocks
form Ondo Ekiti Osun
Asteraceae Tridax procumbumbens ABL X X 
Bidens pilosa ABL  X 
Ageratum conyzoides ABL X X 
Synedrella nodiflora ABL   X
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus spinosis ABL   
Gomphrena celosioides ABL X X 
Malvaceae Sida acuta PBL X  X
Sida rhombifolia PBL   X
Sida cordifolia PBL  X X
Malvastrum ABL X  X
Solanaceae Physalis angulata ABL  X 
Poaceae Eleusine indica AG X X 
Panicum laxus AG  X X
Eragrosis tenella AG X X 
Boraginaceae Heliotropium ovalifolium ABL X  X
Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia coccinea PBL X  
Euphorbiaceae Acalypha fimbriata ABL X  X

Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

Euphorbia hirta ABL X X 

Loganinaceae Spigelia anthelmia ABL X X 
Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea ABL X X 
Rubiaceae Mitracarpus villosus ABL X X 
Aizoaceae Trianthema portulacastrum ABL X X 
 = Present, X = Absent, ABL = Annual broadleaf, PBL = Perennial broadleaf, AG =
Annual grass, PG = Perennial grass, AS = Annual sedges and PS = Perennial sedges.

3.2 Effects of Stage of C. Odorata Infestation on Plant Species Richness and Density.
Effects of infestation stage of C. odorata on plant density and plant species diversity shown
in figure 1 indicate that plant density appeared to decrease with age of C. odorata, and the
decrease became significant (P < 0.05) after three years of invasion. Plant species was
significantly (P < 0.05) more diverse in fields with no C. odorata infestation than in invaded
fields regardless of the stage of infestation. Previous studies have shown that C. odorata
produces a variety of allelochemicals, including flavonoids, terpenoids, and alkaloids
(Ambika and Jayachandra, 1980). Production of these compounds is most likely to vary in
concentration and proportion with age of C odorata as is the case with certain other plant
species. Chaparro et al. (2013) have shown that Arabidopsis roots release more phenolic-
related compounds at later stages of life. This phenomenon has been suggested to be
correlated to defense strategies against pathogens as secondary metabolites are involved in
plant immunity against bacterial and fungal pathogens (Rogers et al., 1996; Clay et al., 2009;
Millet et al., 2010; An and Mou, 2011; Bednarek, 2012).

3.3 Responses of the Rhizosphere Microbial Population to C. Odorata Infestation.

Chromolaena odorata infestation caused reduction in bacteria population in the rhizospere
soils of the plants sampled, and this reduction (24.3%) became significant (P < 0.05) at about

Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

5 years of continuous occupation by the invasive species (figure 2). Fungal population on the
other hand was observed to be higher in the Siam weed infested plots than in the control, and
this was also characterized by a drop in population density with time. The dynamics of yeast
colonization of the rhizosphere in the sampled fields was similar to that of bacteria. Invasion
of C. odorata at all times reduced yeast population relative to the control plot, and these
reductions were by 39.6, 46.5 and 75.2%, respectively for invasion of 1-2 years, 3-4 years,
and 5 years and above. Regressing stage of C. odorata infestation (x) against weed density,
species diversity; or bacterial, fungal or yeast population (y) indicated negative relationships
with prediction equation shown in Table 5.
The reduced bacteria population and increase in fungal count associated with C. odorata
infestation suggested that C. odorata infestation exerted diverse influences on soil microbial
activity in the soil. The rhizo-deposits (e.g. exudates, border cells, mucilage) have been
identified as a major driving force in the regulation of microbial diversity and activity
(Mendes et al., 2013).

Table 5. Linear correlation and regression analysis between increasing year of C. odorata
infestation (x) and weed and soil microbial parameters (y)
Parameters Correlation coefficient (r) Regression equation

Weed density - 0.99 Y = 9.14 – 0.42X

Weed diversity - 0.93 Y = 57.52 – 5.58X
Bacteria -0.99 Y = 111.03 - 9.2x
Fungi -0.98 Y = 7.37 - 1.3x

Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

Yeast -0.91 Y = 18.83 - 4.1x

Since the composition of rhizo-deposits would vary with varying plant species composition,
it is expected that microbial diversity and population will respond along plant population and
diversity gradient. This presumably resulted from the ability of C. odorata to suppress the
growth of certain classes of plants on whose root exudates certain groups of soil
microorganisms depend for survival. Yeast population was highest in the control field, and
this decreased from zero infestation as the years advanced. Juxtaposing this with the effects
of stage of infestation on species diversity suggests that reduction in species diversity with
time has a direct bearing on yeast population. One of the several classes of phytochemicals
that constitute exudates from C. odorata is alkaloids (Hamidi et al., 2014). Wink (1987)
discovered in an in-vitro experiment with more than 70 alkaloids that most alkaloids are toxic
or inhibitory to more than one group of organisms including plant seedlings, bacteria, insects
and mammal. Einhellig (2002) also found that high amount of alkaloids can inhibit cell
division and cell wall formation.

Figure 3. Matrix plot of bacteria, fungi, yeast Vs weed density, weed species
The relationships between weed density or species diversity and microbial population
indicate positive correlation between weed density or species diversity and bacteria or yeast
population (figure 3). Fungal population on the other hand was inversely related to the plant
parameters of density and diversity.

4. Conclusions
There are empirical evidences to corroborate the widely reported suppressive influences of
the Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) on neighbouring plant species. Results showed that

Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

the suppression caused by this allelopathic plant species is species selective. The findings
further revealed that the trim in species diversity and density also have a downward bearing
on the populations of the rhizosphere colonizing microorganisms. C. odorata is therefore
labeled as a threat to biodiversity whose management demands urgent attention.
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Journal of Agricultural Studies
ISSN 2166-0379
2018, Vol. 6, No. 4

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