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380 J. Agric. Food Chem.

1992, 40, 380-384

Influence of pH and Ionic Environment on Thermal Aggregation of

Whey Proteins?
Youling L. Xiong
Food Science Section, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40546

A solution of whey protein isolate (WPI) was heated a t 1.6 "C/min from 25 to 96 "C to monitor protein-
protein aggregation by turbidity measurement. Protein aggregation showed a single transition (71 "C)
at pH 5.5, two transitions (76 and 88 "C) a t pH 6.0, and no transition above pH 6.5. The addition of
0.6 M NaCl induced a second transition (77 "C) at pH 5.5 and promoted protein-protein interaction
above pH 6.5. The aggregation temperatures decreased to a minimum by 20 mM NaCl and 5-10 mM
CaC12. Protein-protein interaction was suppressed a t 5 mM sodium phosphate and gradually recovered
at increasing sodium phosphate concentrations. In conclusion, low ionic strengths of cations and low
pH facilitated protein-protein association, while phosphate promoted protein aggregation only in
conjunction with NaCl.

INTRODUCTION The structure development of protein gels and the

formation of stable emulsions and foams involve protein-
Because of its high nutritional value and functionality, protein interaction. The rate and extent of protein-protein
whey protein concentrate (WPC) obtained from dairy interaction could affect the performance of whey proteins
processing has become an important source of functional in immobilizing water and stabilizing fat and, ultimately,
ingredients used in many formulated foods, including the texturalcharacteristics of final products. Furthermore,
processed meat, bakery, and dairy products (Kinsella and the relationship between heating process and whey protein
Whitehead, 1989). However, current commercial utili- denaturation/molecular interaction needs to be established
zation of WPC is still limited partially because of the great for WPC or WPI to be compatibly used in nondairy
variability in its functional properties due to differences products.
in composition and processing treatments. A recent survey Protein-protein interaction in an acid whey has been
by Morr and Foegeding (1990) showed that WPC obtained studied by Morr and Josephson (1968) using differential
from different commercial sources had considerable vari- ultracentrifugation and gel filtration. They showed that
ations in mineral contents, including calcium, sodium, and calcium facilitated protein aggregation and formation of
phosphorus. Hence, improved understanding of mineral large particles in heated whey. Deng et al. (1976)
effects on whey protein functionality is needed for introduced a spectrophotometric technique to study the
expanding the utilization of commercial whey products. dynamics of protein aggregation. In this method, aggre-
Whey protein gelling properties have been shown to gation due to protein-protein interaction was determined
vary greatly with CaClz and NaCl (Schmidt et al., 1984; by measuring turbidity changes attributed to light scat-
Kuhn and Foegeding, 1991a). Replacement of calcium tering a t the aggregated particles or polymers (Clark and
with sodium ion improved whey protein gelling properties Ross-Murphy, 1987). Using this technique, Foegeding et
(Johns and Ennis, 1981). Demineralization and electrodi- al. (1986) and Xiong and Brekke (1990) showed good
alysis of WPC or whey protein isolate (WPI) enabled the correlations between aggregation and gelation of muscle
formation of stronger and more elastic gels than nonde- proteins; molecular interaction generally preceded gela-
mineralized WPC or WPI (Schmidt et al., 1984;Kuhn and tion. The derivatives (dAldT, i.e., differential change in
Foegeding, 1991b), indicating a deleterious effect of optical density as a function of temperature), calculated
minerals on whey protein gel structure. Nevertheless, low from the turbidity-temperature curve, are especiallyuseful
levels of calcium ion (5-10 mM) have been found to since they reveal thermal transitions involved in the
facilitate whey protein gelation (Schmidt, 1981; Mulvihill associations of different protein components (Xiong and
and Kinsella, 1988; Kuhn and Foegeding, 1991a). The Brekke, 1990). The objective of this study was to
effect of calcium on whey protein foaming and emulsifi- characterize the molecular interactions of whey proteins
cation has also been reported; CaCh was generally found in light of the effects of pH and ionic environments.
to be detrimental to WPC foamability and emulsion
stability (Schmidt et al., 1984). MATERIALS AND METHODS
To exploit whey protein functionality, interactions
between protein molecules in the presence of various ionic Reagents. Chemical reagents used in this study, all of reagent
grade, were obtained from Fisher Scientific (Springfield, NJ).
minerals and under different processing conditions must Protein Samples. Whey protein isolate (WPI) was used in
be elucidated. Protein-protein interaction is a general this study because WPI containsvery littlenonprotein substances,
term referring to protein association, aggregation, and po- which can be readily removed. WPI (>95% protein) prepared
lymerization (Reithel, 1963). Protein functionality is by ion-exchange chromatography was obtained from Le Sueur
imparted via interactions between protein molecules and Isolates (Le Sueur, MN). WPI was suspended in distilled and
solvent (water), salts (ions), and other food components. deionized water to give a 10% solids concentration. To remove
calcium and small molecules, WPI solution was dialyzed, using
a 10 OOO molecular weight cutoff cellulose dialysis tube, against
Published with the approval of the Director of the 50 volumes of distilled water containing 0.02% EDTA and0.02%
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal NaN3 at 5 "C. The dialysis solution was changed two times at
Article No. 91-5-154. 12-h intervals between changes. WPI was further purified by

002 1-856119211440-0380$03.00/0 0 1992 American Chemical Society

Whey Protein Aggregation J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 40, No. 3, 1992 381

dialysis against pure deionized water (two water changes) and

lyophilized. The purified WPI contained neligible amounts of
minerals (calcium, 0.4 mg/g; sodium, 2.8 mg/g) as analyzed by
atomic absorption.
Pure, lyophilized 0-lactoglobulin was purchased from Sigma
Chemical Co. (St.Louis, MO). SDS gel electrophoresis (without
a reducing agent) showed essentially only a single band @-lac-
toglobulin monomer). Atomic absorption indicated negligible
amounts of minerals (calcium, 0.15 mg/g; sodium, 2.8 mg/g) in
the lyophilized 0-lactoglobulin.
Protein Solutions. Purified WPI was suspended to a 1.2
mg/mL protein concentration in different solutions containing
the following salts (treatments):(1)0-0.6 M NaC1, withor without
50 mM monobasic sodium phosphate (NaH2P04);(2) 0-50 mM
CaClz; (3) 0-50 mM NaHZP04. Protein solutions were adjusted
topH5.50,6.00,6.50,7.00,and7.50 (A0.02)usingO.O5NNaOH/
HCl. In the absence of sodium phosphate, very little titrates
(NaOH or HC1, contributing to <1mM in pH-adjusted protein
solutions) were needed to adjust protein solutions to specific
values. Sodium phosphate within the pH range 5.50-7.50 existed
as a mixture of most mono- (lowpH) and dibasic (high pH) salts;
thus, the ionic strengths of phosphate solutions at various pH
values may slightly differ. However, this difference was not
adjusted in this study.
Protein-Protein Interaction. The method described by
Deng et al. (1976)and outlined by Xiong and Brekke (1990) was 60 70 80 90 100
used to determine thermally inducedprotein-protein interaction. TEMPERATURE ("C)
Protein solutions were placed in BOO-MLquartz cuvettes (1-cm
path length) with stoppers and heated at 1.6 OC/min from 25 to Figure 1. Influence of NaCl at pH 6.00 on thermal aggregation
96 "C in a temperature-controlled thermal unit attached to a of whey protein isolate. dAazo/dT is the differential change in
Response I1UV-vis spectrophotometer(CibaCorning Diagnostics optical density.
Corp., Oberlin, OH). The increase in turbidity resulting from
protein aggregation was recorded every 1 "C increment by the number of transitions, decreased ( P< 0.05) aggregation
measuring changes in optical density at 320 nm. The differential temperature, but increased peak height (dA32ddT) (Figure
change in optical density as a function of temperature (first 1). An increase in peak height would suggest accel-
derivative, dAszo/dT') was calculated to determine rates and erated molecular association which may involve interac-
transition temperatures of protein-protein association.
Statistical Analysis. The turbidity measurement for each tions between a-lactalbumin and @-lactoglobulin. A
treatment was replicated two to four times. In each replication, further increase in NaCl concentration caused a significant
freshly prepared protein solutions (frompurified WPI)were used. (P< 0.05) upward shift in T , from 74.7 (20 mM NaCl)
Data were analyzed using analysis of variance with the general to 78.6 "C (600 mM NaC1) and attenuation in peak size.
linear model procedure (SAS,1982). Differences between means Concomitantly, a second transition at higher (P< 0.05)
were determined using predicted difference procedures. temperatures emerged. It is possible that a t low NaCl
concentrations (low ionic strengths) intramolecular elec-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION trostatic forces were modified to facilitate molecular
Ionic Species. Whey proteins at pH 6.0 started to association among WPI components. Hermansson (1979)
aggregate a t 67 "C and showed two transitions with tem- indicated that at an ionic strength of 10.1 univalent ions
perature maxima (T,) a t 76 and 88 "C (Figure 1). Based could significantly alter the electric double layer sur-
on the relative thermal stability (De Wit and Klarenbeek, rounding a protein molecule. High ionic strengths ap-
1984) and the abundance of the individual whey proteins, parently increased protein stability, probably by increasing
Le., mainly @-lactoglobulin,a-lactalbumin, immunoglo- the hydration (solubility) of proteins. Increasing the ionic
bulin G and serum albumin (Kinsella and Whitehead, strength suppressed the first transition (presumably a-
19891,the two transitions of WPI may be attributed largely lactalbumin) but promoted the second transition (@-lac-
to the intermolecular association of a-lactalbumin (76 "C) toglobulin) in WPI. This may reflect the difference in
and @-lactoglobulin(88 "C), respectively. At pH 6.0 and tertiary and quaternary structure of the two proteins (Kin-
a zero ionic strength, a-lactalbumin and @-lactoglobulin sella and Whitehead, 1989).
denatured at 63 and 78 "C, respectively (De Wit and These results can be correlated to gelation characteristics
Klarenbeek, 1984). Presumably, protein structure un- of whey proteins. For instance, Mulvihill and Kinsella
folding (denaturation) (which caused the exposure of (1988) observed a maximum in gel strength (compression
reactive groups) would precede protein-protein association stress) a t 100 mM NaCl for @-lactoglobulinsuspended in
to form large protein aggregates (Schmidt, 1981). The NaCl solutions. Kuhn and Foegeding (1991a) reported
maximum transition of pure @-lactoglobulinoccurred at that WPI gels formed in NaCl had a maximum shear stress
83 "C (Figure 1, dashed line), apparently not matching (at failure) at 50-75 mM NaC1. Correspondingly, protein-
the second peak in WPI. A plausible explanation would protein interactions exhibited a major transition within
be that the denatured and polymerized a-lactalbumin, a similar NaCl concentration range (25-100 mM) (Figure
along with other whey protein components, influenced 1). Clark and Ross-Murphy (1987) has indicated stress
the association of @-lactoglobulinmolecules in WPI. It is being a measure of protein network strength which is de-
also possible that the different milk/protein sources and pendent on the manner of intermolecular cross-linking
the procedures for protein preparations may contribute (aggregating). Hence, the effect of NaCl on whey protein
to the discrepancy (T,). gel properties can be accounted for by protein molecular
Protein-protein aggregation was affected by the ionic association, i.e., how proteins polymerize (aggregate) prior
environment. The addition of NaCl to 20 mM reduced to forming infinite networks (gel), in the presence of NaC1;
382 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 40, No. 3, 1992 Xiong

I' 0.1 ("C - I )

- CaCI2 (mM)

77 6
0 -
n 0

s - n

77 1
- 10


77 1
I 5

4 . , . , . , . # . , . 3
1-I . I . , . I . , . , . 3
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 2. Influence of sodium phosphate at pH 6.00 on thermal Figure 3. Influence of CaClz at pH 6.00 on thermal aggregation
aggregation of whey protein isolate. dA320IdT is the differential of whey protein isolate. dA320IdT is the differential change in
change in optical density. optical density.

and the NaCl effect on whey protein gelation can be

predicted from the thermal curves shown in this study.
Low concentrations of sodium phosphate (most in the
form of NaH2P04 a t pH 6.0) greatly suppressed protein
chain association. At as little as 5 mM phosphate, the
initial two transitions of whey protein converged to a small
-1 PH


peak at 77 "C (Figure 2). The T, value of this transition

did not change (P > 0.05) with increased phosphate -- ] 7.0

concentrations. However, from 20 to 50 mM NaH2P04,

the peak area was considerably enlarged. The role of NaH2-
PO1 in protein aggregation obviously differed from that
of NaC1. For instance, a t an approximately equal ionic
strength of 0.02 (20 mM NaH2P04 or NaC1) a t pH 6.0, the s

i1 6.5

phosphate had a marked inhibitory effect on protein mo-

lecular association, in contrast to NaCl (Figure l). This
difference can be ascribed to the anions. Phosphoric
anions may bind to the oppositely charged amino groups
in protein and cause repulsion between peptide chains by
l------ 6'o

increasing electronegativity of the protein.

While the coagulation effect of calcium on whey proteins
is widely observed (Morr and Josephson, 1968; Schmidt
et al., 19841, the dynamical interactions of protein mol-
ecules in the presence of calcium have not been explored.
Generally, calcium facilitated protein aggregation by
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
decreasing the aggregation temperatures and increasing
the aggregation rates (Figure 3). At 5-10 mM, CaC12 Figure 4. Effect of pH on thermal aggregation of whey protein
caused the greatest reduction (P< 0.05) in T,, while a t isolate suspended in distilled water. dASm/dT is the differential
change in optical density.
higher CaCl2 concentrations the rate (peak height) of
protein-protein interaction was accelerated. Comparisons 0 or 220 mM CaC12. The increase ( P < 0.05) in T, in
between Figure 3 and Figure 1 suggest that the effect of response to the change in calcium concentration from 10
CaClz differed (e.g., T,) from that of NaCl, reflecting a to 50 mM suggests that whey protein conformations were
functional difference between calcium and sodium ions. less destabilized a t increasing calcium concentrations.
Being a divalent cation, calcium is capable of forming an pH. Electrostatic interactions contribute to protein-
ionic bridge between two adjacent carboxyl groups from protein association in most biological systems, and they
different peptide chains, whereas sodium cannot. These can be altered by changes in pH. Therefore, the dynamic
results were consistent with the findings from whey protein aggregation of WPI was monitored under different acidic
gelation studies reported elsewhere (Schmidt et al., 1981; conditions. Major aggregation a t pH 5.5 occurred around
Mulvihill and Kinsella, 1988;Kuhn and Foegeding, 1991a). 71 "C (Figure 4). A large transition a t pH 5.5 is expected
In these gelation studies, an increased whey protein gel because pH 5.5 is close to the isoelectric pH (4.8-5.3) of
strength was observed a t 5-10 mM CaC12, compared with @-lactoglobulinand a-lactalbumin (Kinsella and White-
Whey Protein Aggregation J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 40, No. 3, 1992 383

0.1 rc-' )

14 I 87 8

A pH
i: pH



P O 0 ' 56 .' o

60 70 80 90 100 60 70 80 90 100


Figure 5. Effect of pH on thermal aggregation of whey protein Figure 6. Effect of pH on thermal aggregation of whey protein
isolate suspended in 0.6 M NaCl. dA3m/dT is the differential isolate suspended in 0.6 M NaCl and 50 mM sodium phosphate.
change in optical density. dAazo/dTis the differential change in optical density.

head, 1989). At pH 5.5,both proteins may substantially Furthermore, a t pH 16.5, where no protein-protein
reduce their net charges, thereby facilitating intermolec- interaction was detected for WPI suspended in distilled
ular interaction via hydrophobic and van der Waals bonds. water (Figure 41, one or two major transitions were
At pH 6.0, two separated transitions were observed; produced for WPI suspended in 0.6 M NaCl (Figure 5 ) .
presumably they were derived from a-lactalbumin and Ostensibly, NaCl modified protein charges probably by
8-lactoglobulin. Further increases in pH to 6.5 and above masking some exposed ionic groups, enabling favorable
completely inhibited transitions. The exact cause is not chain association between polypeptides. These results may
clear, but it may be related to the increased intermolec- be important for defining suitable conditions for the
ular electrostatic repulsing forces and/or insensitivity of utilization of whey proteins as ingredients in formulated
the instrument to detect low-scale protein aggregation. In products. For instance, processed meat products generally
a previous study, Hermansson (1979) observed no aggre- contain 0.6 M NaC1, which may be desirable for WPI to
gation (turbidity) of WPC suspended (9 mg/mL) in form structured binding materials (gels). From a practical
distilled water a t pH 28.0. Both 8-lactoglobulinand mixed view, the effect of minerals and pH on protein-protein
whey proteins showed a decreased stability (a decrease in aggregation could be further explored at a higher protein
T, and enthalpy) as the pH was increased from 6.0 to 8.0 concentration (than 1.2 mg/mL, which was employed in
(Hermansson, 1979; Hegg, 1980). However, such a de- the present study), because whey proteins are often used
stabilization by an increased pH did not facilitate protein- at much higher concentrations (e.g., 100 mg/mL) for
protein interaction. forming gels and other structured products.
The mechanism of protein-protein aggregation seemed The combination of 0.6 M NaCl and 50 mM sodium
to differ below and above pH 6.5. It has been reported phosphate showed a complex effect on protein aggregation.
that whey protein gels formed below pH 6.5 were opaque, At pH 6.0,50 mM sodium phosphate alone allowed a single
whereas gels prepared above pH 6.5 were translucent (Zir- and appreciable WPI transition (77 "C) (Figure 2). This
bel and Kinsella, 1988). This difference has been inferred transition did not recur when 0.6 M NaCl was also present
from the increased intermolecular disulfide bonds formed (Figure 6). It is possible that protein-protein aggregation
a t increased pH (Hillier et al., 1980). Between pH 6.0and a t pH 6.0 was most sensitive to sodium phosphate in a low
10.0, whey protein gel strength was inversely related to ionic strength environment and/or that a t pH 6.0 NaCl
the pH (Hillier a t al., 1980;Zirbel and Kinsella, 1988;Xiong had a dominant effect. At pH 16.5, however, sodium
and Kinsella, 1990). These results were consistent with phosphate caused considerable deviation in transition
the present findings in which decreased intermolecular patterns from that of the WPI solution which only
interactions were associated with a higher pH (Figure 4). contained 0.6 M NaCl. This was evidenced from the
Because NaCl altered whey protein aggregation patterns reduced number of transitions in 0.6 M NaCl and 50 mM
(Figure l), we speculated that the pH dependence of WPI phosphate solution (Figure 6 ) ,compared with 0.6 M NaCl
(zero ionic strength) transitions would change when NaCl solution (Figure 5). It also can be noted that at pH 17.0
was added to the WPI solution. Therefore, an experiment protein aggregation in the presence of sodium phosphate
was designed in which WPI was heated in the presence of was accelerated, i.e., a maximum increase (dAw/dT) was
0.6 M NaCl a t various pHs. Comparisons between Figure 0.49 and 0.28 OC-l for WPI with (Figure 6 ) or without
4 and Figure 5 show marked differences caused by NaC1. (Figure 5) 50 mM sodium phosphate, respectively. This
The ion-free WPI a t pH 5.5 was readilycoagulated, showing
a single transition at 71 "C (Figure 4); in 0.6 M NaC1, this
transition was resolved into two separate ones (Figure 5). - -
may be explained because a t pH 17.0 phosphate was more
ionizable; the increased charges (H2P04- HP0d2-) and
ionic strength (Na+, H2P04- 2Na+, HP042-, resulting
384 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 40, No. 3, 1992 Xiong

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