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(As per AICTE recommendations effective from assessment year 2019-2020)

Academic Year

A. Teaching Process (Max Point 20) Note: 10 Credit point for each semester
S. Semester Subject Subject Name No. of No. of actually Points Supporting
No. Code Scheduled held classes earne Document
Classes d Index No.

Average Weightage out of 20 Points

B. Students' feedback (Max Point 20) Note: 10 Credit point for each sem. & min.70% students data
S. Semester Subject Subject Name Average Student Points Supporting
No. Code feedback on the earne Document
scale of 20 d Index No.

Average Weightage out of 20 Points

C. Departmental Activities (Max credit 20) Note: 10 Credit point for each semester
S. Semester Activity Credit Criteria Supporting
No. Point Document
Index No

D. Institute Activities (Max Credit 10) Note: 5 Credit point for each semester
S. Semester Activity Credit Criteria Supporting
No. Point Document
Index No
E. ACR maintained at institute level (Max Credit 20)
Result (Max 10 Credit Point)
Extraordinary Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
10 9 8 7 5 0
100-96% 95-90% 89-80% 79-70% 69-55% Below 55%

Result Summary
S. Semester Subject Subject Name No. of Students No. of Students Result %
No. Code Registered Passed

Average Weightage out of 10 Points

Research (Max 10 Credit Point)

Research Publication Summary (Weightage period: 1 July to 30 June of every academic year)
Category SCI SCI-Extended Scopus Scopus Indexed / WOS Other
Marks (per unit) 4 3 2 1.5 1
No. of Papers
Total marks earned
Average Weightage out of 10 Points

F. Contribution to Society (Max Credit 10)

S. Semester Activity Credit Criteria Enclosure
No. Point No.

Summary Academic Year Academic Year Academic Year
1 2 3
A. Teaching Process (Max Points 20)
B. Students' feedback (Max Points 20)
C. Departmental Activities (Max Points 20)
D. Institute Activities (Max Points 10)
E. ACR (Max Points 20)
F. Contribution to Society (Max Points 10)
Total (Max Points 100)
Total on 10 Point scale

Date : ……………………… Signature of Faculty Member


Observations, Recommendation and Suggestions of Head of Department


Academic Year
Appraisal Score in 10 Point Scale

Observations: (In respect of the weightage of activities claimed):


Recommendations/Remedial Measures suggested:


Date : ……………………… SEAL Signature of Head of Department


Recommendations / Approval of Director


Date : ………………………


Calculation of Credit Points
(As per AICTE recommendations effective from assessment year 2019-2020)

The 360 Degree Score shall be determined on the basis of following parameters.'
a. Teaching Process (Maximum Point 20),
Students' Feedback (Maximum Point 20)
Departmental Activities (Maximum Point 20)
Institute Activity (Maximum Point 10)
ACR (Maximum Point 20)
Contribution to Society (Maximum Point 10)

The candidate shall submit calculation sheet for each academic year to be considered and a summary
sheet exhibiting his score on a 10 point scale

a. Teaching - Process (Maximum Points 20)

The calculation shall be presented in a table as presented in this Annexure. The table will have the
details of courses taught in the academic year in consideration, like Semester, course Code / Name,
No. of scheduled classes, actually held classes. The total shall be reduced on 20 point scale.

b. Students' Feedback (Maximum Points 20)

The candidate shall submit average score for each course taught during academic year under
consideration on a scale of 20. The average of total of all such score shall be used.

c. Departmental Activities (Maximum Points 20)

This section summarizes all the responsibilities assigned by Head of the Department to a teacher
during academic year under consideration through a proper office order. This may include
responsibilities like Lab I/C, Time Table I/C, NBA - AICTE work, sponsored projects, consultancy work,
departmental newsletter etc. The candidate will earn 3 points per semester for each activity up to a
maximum of 20.

d. Institute Activity (Maximum Points 10)

This section summaries all the responsibilities assigned by Head of the institute to the candidate
during academic year under consideration through a proper office order. This may include
responsibilities like Head of Department, Coordinator, Warden, Training and Placement officer, Estate
Officer etc. The candidate will earn 5 points per semester for each activity up to a maximum of 10.

e. ACR (Maximum points 20)

ACR maintained at institute level shall have 20 points based on grading of academic result and
research publication contribution during academic/assessment year.

f. Contribution to Society (Maximum Points 10)

The candidate involved in different initiatives by AICTE. The candidate will earn 5 points per
semester for each activity. The claim should be supported by an office order/ official
communication from Head of Institute.

The grand total of points for shall be converted to a 10 points scale.

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