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Which among the following is the major reason

Which of the following is not estimated

Which of the following parameter is not estimated for

It is a method of software estimation that is base don consultation with one or more
A particular estimation “parameter” is getting calculated

NESMA, FISMA, COSMIC and IFPUG publish the variants

WBS is a heuristic method of

The estimated effort for a project

What is a function point

Which of the following documentation is useful

Which of the following is not true

Baseline or installed functional size

Which of the following best describes Elementary Process (EP)?

When can an Elementary process be classified as an EQ

One can classify each Elementary process as an external input

Which of the following can be a posible FTR

Which of the following does the Transactional functions

Identify the formula for Value Adjustment Factor

What is production support estimation model based on

Match the following estimation áreas with its corresponding unit

An application in production needs to be

An automation testing team wants to determine

For estimation in a maintenance project

You are estimating a large bespoke

What is OBP in context of estimation

Manual Testing estimation model can

Pre mis the Project manager for a support

What are the primary driving

While performing effort estimation

Statement 1

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