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d) Adequacy of illumination


A code of practice for an inspection department should take the form outlined below. It is
appreciated that full implementation of the code would be extremely costly and therefore it may be
necessary to reduce the amount of inspection to less than is theoretically required.
The inspector should be familiar with the following:
a) All applicable documents
b) Workmanship standards
c) All phases of good workshop practice
d) Tools and measuring devices


Before Assembly:
Check * All applicable documents.
* Quality plan is authorised and endorsed with signature, date and company stamp.
* Application standard is up to date with the latest edition, revision or amendment.
* The drawings are clear, the issue number is marked and the latest revision is used.
* Welding procedure sheets (specifications) are available, have been approved and are
employed in production.
* Welder qualifications with identification and range of approval are verified and that only
approved welders as required are employed in production.
* Calibration certificates, material certificates (mill sheets) and consumer certificates are
available and valid.
* Parent material identification is verified against documentation and markings.
* Material composition, type and condition.
* Correct methods are applied for cutting and machining.
* Identification of welding consumables such as electrodes, filler wire, fluxes, shielding and
backing gases and any special requirements (e.g. drying) are met.
* Plant and equipment are in a safe condition and adequate for the job.
* Safety permits e.g. hot work permit, gas free permit, enclosed space certificate are
available and valid.

After Assembly
Check * Dimensions, tolerances, preparation, fit-up and alignment are in accordance with the
Approved drawings and standards.
* Tack welds, bridging pieces, clamping and type of backing - if any used are correct.
* Cleanliness of work area is maintained.
* Preheat in accordance with procedure.

NOTE Good inspection prior to welding can eliminate conditions that lead to the formation of



Check * The welding process must be monitored.
* Preheat and interpass temperatures must be monitored.
* Interpass cleaning - chipping, grinding, gouging, must be monitored.
* Root and subsequent run sequence.
* Essential variables such as current, voltage, travel speed to be monitored.
* Filler metals, fluxes and shielding gases are correct.
* Welding is in compliance with weld procedure sheet and application standard.


Check * Visual inspection to be carried out to ascertain acceptability of appearance of welds.

* Dimensional accuracy to be ascertained.
* Conformity with drawings and standards requirements.
* Post weld heat treatment, if any, monitored and recorded.
* NDT carried out and reports assessed.
* Assess defects as to either repairing, or application for concession.
* Carry out any necessary repairs.
* Control of distortion


* Repair procedure and welding code should be authorised.

* Defect area should be marked positively and clearly.
* Check when partially removed and fully removed (visual and NDT).
* Re-welding should be monitored.
* Re-inspect completed repair.
Collate all documents and reports. Pass the document package on to a higher authority for final
inspection, approval and storage.


Ensure compliance with standard or code.
Ensure workmanship.
Ensure welding criteria by ‘policing’ work and documentation.
Honesty and integrity.
Fitness - physical and eyesight.


There are many types of work which require engineering materials to be joined by welding, for
Pressure vessels Bridges
Oil rigs Earth moving equipment
Aero-engines Ventilation systems
Storage tanks Heavy vehicle chassis
Car bodies Food processing plant
The quality requirements of the joints in these fabrications depend on their fitness-for-purpose and
differ significantly from one application to the next. Pressure vessels require welds, which can
withstand the stresses and high temperatures experienced in operation. Oilrigs are designed to
withstand the effect of wave formation and wind loads. Earth moving equipment has to
accommodate differences in terrain and earth conditions and is subject to fatigue loading. Welds in
food processing plants must withstand corrosion by hot acidic liquors.
Below are listed some typical codes of practice and standards which cover various types of
constructions fabricated by welding.

Code Class of Work

BS 5500 Unfired fusion welded pressure vessels
ASME VIII American boiler and pressure vessel code
BS 2633 Class 1 arc welding of ferritic steel pipe work for carrying fluids
BS 4515 Process of welding steel pipelines on land and offshore
BS 5950 Structural use of steelwork in building
AWS D1.1 Structural welding code (American)
BS 5400 Steel, concrete and composite bridges
BS 6235 Code of practice for fixed offshore structure
API 1104 Standard for welding pipelines and related structures

These documents can also provide a useful source of data for applications where codes do not exist.
It should be remembered, however, that the principal criterion in the codes listed is the quality of
the joint in relation to the service conditions. There are other applications where success is judged
by different criteria, such as dimensional accuracy.
Another important consideration is controlling the cost of welding. Variations in weld times and
quantities of consumables can readily result if the method of making a weld is left to the welder to
The continuous and satisfactory performance of weldments made to various codes requires that
specific guidelines are laid down to cover all variables. These guidelines are usually grouped under
the general heading of a Weld Procedure.


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