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Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 2


Student Hand Book

Question Bank & Course Guidelines

Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha Research Center

ISKCON Govardhan Ecovillage,
Galtare, Hamrapur Post, Wada Taluka, Palghar District,
Mahrashtra, India – 421303. |
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 3

COURSE STRUCTURE ....................................................................................... 4
CLOSED BOOK EXAMS ..................................................................................... 5
Module 1 (SB 1.1-9) ................................................................................... 5
Module 2 (SB 1.10-19) ............................................................................... 7
Module 3 (SB 2.1-10) ................................................................................. 8
Module 4 (SB 3.1-14) ................................................................................. 9
Module 5 (SB 3.15-33) ............................................................................. 11
Module 6 (SB 4.1-14) ............................................................................... 12
Module 7 (SB 4.15-31) ............................................................................. 14
Module 8 (SB 5.1-26) ............................................................................... 15
Module 9 (SB 6.1-9) ................................................................................. 17
Module 10 (SB 6.10-19) ........................................................................... 19
OPEN BOOK EXAMS....................................................................................... 20
Module 1 (SB 1.1-9) ................................................................................. 21
Module 2 (SB 1.10-19) ............................................................................. 23
Module 3 (SB Canto 2) ........................................................................... 25
Module 4 (SB 3.1-14) ............................................................................... 26
Module 5 (SB 3.15-33) ............................................................................. 29
Module 6 (SB 4.1-14) ............................................................................... 31
Module 7 (SB 4.15-31) ............................................................................. 32
Module 8 – Canto 5................................................................................. 34
Module 9 – Canto 6.1-9 .......................................................................... 36
Module 10 – Canto 6.10-19 .................................................................... 38
ORAL PRESENTATIONS .................................................................................. 40
Guidelines For Presentation.................................................................. 40
Evaluation Procedure............................................................................. 41
Presentation Topics – Cantos 1 & 2...................................................... 42
Presentation Topics – Canto 3 .............................................................. 44
Presentation Topics – Canto 4 .............................................................. 46
Presentation Topics - Canto 5-6 ............................................................ 49
ORAL SLOKA TESTS ....................................................................................... 52
STUDY MATERIALS ........................................................................................ 53
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 4


In the Bhakti Vaibhava course the first six cantos of Srimad

Bhagavatam are covered in ten modules as follows.

• Module 1 (Canto 1, Chapters 1-9)

• Module 2 (Canto 1, Chapters 10-19)
• Module 3 (Canto 2)
• Module 4 (Canto 3, Chapters 1-14)
• Module 5 (Canto 3, Chapters 15-33)
• Module 6 (Canto 4, Chapters 1-14)
• Module 7 (Canto 4, Chapters 15-31)
• Module 8 (Canto 5)
• Module 9 (Canto 6, Chapters 1-9)
• Module 10 (Canto 6, Chapters 10-19)

Type of Assessment Weightage

1 Closed Book Tests 38%
2 Oral Sloka Test 7%
3 Open Book Tests 30%
4 Oral Presentations 25%

The student needs to score a minimum of 65% in each module for

each type of assessment, to receive BHAKTIVAIBHAVA Degree.
Re-exam facility will be provided if needed.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 5


Format of closed book exams for each module (Total – 100 marks)
Section I: Short Answer Questions (~75 words)
• 6 questions, Each 5 marks
Section II: Short Essay Questions (~200 words)
• 4 questions, Each 10 marks
Section III: Long Essay Questions (~500 words)
• 2 questions, Each 15 marks
The students may quote relevant slokas in their answers if possible,
although not mandatory.

Closed Book Exam Question Bank

Module 1 (SB 1.1-9)

Section I
1. Write the 7 characteristics of the Absolute Truth based on 1.1.1.
2. Write the 6 questions of the sages of Naimiñäraëya.
3. Write a brief note on the qualities of Kali-yuga people.
4. How does Srila Prabhupada explain “personal realization” in
his purport to 1.4.1.
5. Summarize Arjuna’s prayers to Krishna in 1.7.
6. What lessons does Srila Prabhupada give form Bhéñmadeva’s
way of welcoming guests.
7. What are the 2 categories of literature? Explain.
8. What are various occasions when Kåñëa protected the
9. How did Suta Goswami begin to answer the questions of
Naimisaranya sages?
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 6

10. What reasons did Krishna give to inspire Arjuna to kill

Asvatthama at once?
Section II
1. How did Süta Gosvämé answer the sages’ Q1 and Q2?
2. What are the defects in Vyäsadeva’s work that Närada Muni
3. WBN on: (i) Kåñëa’s bhakta-vatsala and (ii) Devotee’s chastity
and dependence on Kåñëa.
4. How did the sages glorify the Lord’s holy name and His
5. Write a few points about the process of hearing from
Bhaktivedanta purports.
6. How did Bhéñmadeva pacify and encourage the Päëòavas?
Write important comments by SP in the purports.
7. What are the various stages of bhakti yoga presented in 1.2.16-
8. On what basis did Draupadi asked Asvatthama to be released?
9. Write your learnings from Narada Muni’s past life as the son
of a maid servant.

Section III
1. Describe the meditation of Vyasadeva (1.7.4-7) after being
inspired by Narada Muni to write Srimad Bhagavatam.
2. Explain how Kåñëa is the fountainhead of all incarnations?
3. Make a flow chart depicting various sections of Kunté
Mahäräëé’s prayers.
4. How did Bhéñmadeva pacify and encourage the Päëòavas?
5. Give a summary of Bhéñma’s prayers.
6. How is the process of devotional service glorified in 1.5.8-22?
7. Write any eight points of glorification of Bhägavatam.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 7

Module 2 (SB 1.10-19)

Section I
1. Summarize the talks of the Dvärakä-väsés from 1.11.6-10.
2. Write a brief note on “devotees are holy places personified.”
3. List any 6 bad omens seen by Yudhiñöhira. (1.14.11-20)
4. Explain how the knowledge of Bhagavad-gétä is applicable in
all circumstances. (1.15.27 P)
5. Describes various aspects of Kåñëa’s beautiful form with
analogies and the effect of seeing it.
6. Write a brief note on forbearance of a devotee.
7. Why were the talks of the ladies of Hastinäpura more attractive
than Vedic hymns? (1.10.20-30)
8. What unwanted qualities destroy the four legs of dharma?
9. Write a brief note on forbearance of a devotee.
10. What is the glory of association of devotees?

Section II
1. Write a brief note on the relationship between Kåñëa and His
queens based on relevant verses and purports.
2. Summarize the instructions of Vidura to Dhåtaräñöra.
3. List the 10 causes of Arjuna’s dejection.
4. Summarize Arjuna’s feelings of separation from Kåñëa.
5. What are the various possible reasons, mentioned by
Dharma, for Dharaëé’s lamentation?
6. What were the questions of Parékñit Mahäräja to the sages
assembled on the bank of the Ganges?
7. Write a short note on the characters of Sringi & Samika.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 8

Section III
1. Write the salient features of Närada’s talk to Yudhiñöhira
Mahäräja to overcome lamentation.
2. How did Parékñit inquire to the cow and the bull about the
perpetrator? What comments does Srila Prabhupada give
on those inquiries?
3. What was Parékñit’s response on receiving the news of
Çréngi’s curse? Elaborate. Why didn’t he beg forgiveness
from Çaméka?
4. Write a brief note on the character of Parikñit Mahäräja.

Module 3 (SB 2.1-10)

Section I
1. Why did Sukadeva congratulate Parikshit?
2. What are the limbs of añöäìga-yoga
3. Write a brief note on the significance of the viräö-rüpa
4. What are the 6 questions of Närada Muni to Lord Brahmä?
5. How did Brahmä clarify the doubts of Närada and establish
the Supreme Lord’s position?
6. Write the questions of Brahmä to the Lord (2.9.26-30)
7. Write a brief note on how one can and can’t understand the
8. Establish the supremacy of Bhagavan and bhakti. (2.7.47-49)
9. How did Parékñit glorify kåñëa-kathä in 2.8?

Section II
1. Explain 2.1.5-6 based on the purports of Srila Prabhupada.
2. Describe the path of attached and detached yogés with a
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 9

3. Summarize Çukadeva Gosvämé’s prayers in 2.4.

4. Give the limb-by-limb description of an animalistic
person who does not take interest in hari-kathä.
5. Tabulate the different aspects of the universal form.
6. Write the differences between ekapäda-vibhüti and tripäda-
7. Write a brief note on soul’s relationship with the material
body. (2.9.1-3P)
8. Write a short note on Brahmä’s darçana of Vaikuëöha.

Section III
1. Explain the glory of bhakti-yoga based on 2.2.33-37.
2. Write a brief note of the Catuh-sloki Bhagavatam.
3. Define the ten topics of Srimad Bhagavatam. What is
the need for describing the first 9 topics?

Module 4 (SB 3.1-14)

Section I
1. Why did Vidura give up the palace, which was like a dhäma?
2. What lessons does Srila Prabhupada give from the pastime of
the annihilation of the Yadus?
3. Write the characteristics of time with relevant Sanskrit words
and their meanings.
4. Write a brief note on maryada-vyatikrama (3.4.26P)
5. Enumerate the 10 types of creation.
6. WBN on the misconception of the modern theory of starvation
(49P). [3.5.39-51]
7. What were Brahmä’s requests to the Lord in 3.9.22-25?
8. Why is Lord Varäha called veda-vitäna-mürti?
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 10

9. What is the difference between the activities of Çveta Varäha

and Rakta Varäha?

Section II

1. Mention some of the Lord’s apparently contradictory activities

with reference to 3.4.16 and the spirit of understanding them
based on Bhaktivedanta purports.
2. What lessons does Srila Prabhupada give from the pastime of
the annihilation of the Yadus? [SB 3.3.24-28]
3. Explain the 5 äjïäna-våttis. Why were they created? Answer
based on explanations by Srila Prabhupada.
4. Write salient points from the purports about endeavour,
mercy and responsibility in service. [3.9.1-25]
5. What lessons can we learn from Brahmä’s getting attracted to
Väk, and Maitreya’s hesitation to speak about that incident?
6. Summarize the realization of Vidura and his expression of
gratitude towards Maitreya Muni (3.7.17-20)

Section III

1. Enumerate the inquiries of Vidura and answers of Maitreya

along with the explanation of analogies in 3.7.
2. Write a brief note on: (i) Dissolution at the end of Brahmä’s
day, (ii) Duration of the yugas, (iii) Duration of Manus, (iv)
Brahmä’s lifespan, (v) Coverings of the universe. [3.11.16-42]
3. Who is qualified to hear hari-katha and what is the effect of
hearing? Answer based on 3.14.4-5.
4. Write a brief note on the characters of Diti & Kasyapa.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 11

Module 5 (SB 3.15-33)

Section I
1. Write a brief note on ‘Sense gratification is like salt.’ (3.15.8P)
2. How did 4 Kumäras criticize and curse Jaya and Vijaya?
3. Write a brief note on perfect yogi. (3.23.43P)
4. Summarize Devahüti’s lamentation. [3.23.49-57]
5. Write some characteristics of the following: Time, Mahat-
tattva, Buddhi, Ahankära. [3.26.15- 46]
6. Describe the characteristics of pure bhakti beyond the modes.

Section II
1. Describe the characteristics of Vaikuëöha. Who can and cannot
enter Vaikuëöha? [3.15.12-25]
2. How did the Lord’s appearance transform the heart of the
Kumäras? Summarize the Lord’s apologetic words to the
3. Write the blasphemous words of Hiraëyäkña and their
positive meanings given by the äcäryas. What do we learn
from the Lord’s feeling pain from the demon’s abusive
words? [3.18.2-8]
4. Give the gist of Kardama Muni’s Prayers. [3.21.13-22]
5. Write a brief note on the concept of jéva - prakåti - puruña and
their interaction and characteristics. [3.26.3-8]
6. Write a brief note on performers of bhakti in three modes.
Explain their separatist mentality.
7. Briefly describe the various miseries of attached householders
with comments by Srila Prabhupada.
8. Give a summary of the prayers of Devahüti.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 12

Section III
1. What are the various characteristics of bhakti? How is it
superior to jïäna and yoga?
2. Make a tabular form on the effects of meditation on the
following limbs of the Lord – lotus feet, calves, eyebrows, and
3. How is Kardama Muni’s life a perfect example of
householder life?
4. WBN on the character and life of Devahüti (her marriage,
service to husband, lamentation, etc.).

Module 6 (SB 4.1-14)

Section I
1. What are the 6 elements of a manvantara?
2. Write a brief note on: (i) Brähmaëas in Kali-yuga (26P), (ii)
Çiva’s tolerance (33P). [4.2.20-35]
3. Summarize the instruction of Lord Viñëu to Dakña and give
important comments by Çréla Prabhupäda.
4. How did mother Sunéti pacify Dhruva?
5. Why did the Lord fulfil the material desires of Dhruva?
6. How to respond to the blasphemy of Vaiñëavas?
7. How does one get the ability to offer prayers to the Lord?
8. Write a brief note on the ‘vision of a maha-bhagavata’. (4.12.11P)
9. Write a brief note on the devotees’ concern for the peoples’
welfare. (4.14.7P)
10. WBN on Dhruva’s austerities and its effects.
11. What is the importance of following the instructions of the
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 13

Section II
1. How did Dakña insult and curse Lord Çiva? How are his
blasphemous words an indirect praise to Lord Çiva? [4.2.4-19]
2. What were the various arguments given by Saté to Lord Çiva to
convince him to go to Dakña’s sacrifice? [4.3.5-14]
3. Write the arguments given by Lord Çiva to convince Saté that
she shouldn’t go for Dakña’s sacrifice. [4.3.15-25]
4. How did Saté glorify Lord Çiva in front of Dakña? Give
important comments by Çréla Prabhupäda.
5. Why is it difficult to understand the Lord through mental
speculation? Explain by giving an analogy (4.11.23P).
6. How did Lord Brahmä convince Lord Çiva?
7. How did Närada Muni test and guide Dhruva?
8. Why did Dhruva lament even after receiving boons form the
9. How did the sages instruct Vena?
10. Give lessons from the way Påthu Mahäräja forbade the bards
from glorifying him.

Section III
1. What lessons does Çréla Prabhupäda give from the character
and activities of (i) Çiva, (ii) Dakña, (iii) Saté.
2. Give a summary of the prayers of Dhruva Mahäräja. [4.9.6-17]
3. Summarize the instructions of Manu to Dhruva along with
salient points from Çréla Prabhupäda’s purports.
4. Write a brief note on the characters of Vena and Anga.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 14

Module 7 (SB 4.15-31)

Section I
1. Give lessons from the way Påthu Mahäräja discouraged the
bards from glorifying him? [4.15.21-26]
2. What is the effect of prayer? Why should we pray? When
does the Lord give the intelligence to pray? (4.16.2P)
3. Why is mother earth called vasundharä? (4.18.13P)
4. Write a brief note on: Principle of co-operation between
Vaiñëavas (4.20.18P)
5. What was the significance of Påthu Mahäräja’s not asking
about the welfare of Kumäras? (4.22.13P)
6. What instructions does Srila Prabhupada give on ideal
household life? (4.27.1P)
7. How is Påthu Mahäräja an ideal brahmacäré and gåhastha?
8. Why should a living being be restricted in sense gratification?
9. Write brief note on the qualities of Lord mentioned in 4.30.42.
10. What principles of guest reception may we learn from the way
Påthu Mahäräja received 4 Kumäras’?

Section II
1. WBN on the character of Arci. How did the wives of the
devatäs appreciate her?
2. Write a brief note on the relationship between Lord Siva and
Krsna’s devotees as explained in 4.24.28P.
3. What were Närada’s questions to Präcénabarhi? What was
the King’s response? What is the problem with over-
indulgence in performing sacrifices?
4. Write a brief note on Närada’s description of the soul’s natural
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 15

activity of bhakti. How does hearing in association help

5. Write a brief note on transmigration of the soul (4.29.60-69).
6. Give the highlights of Kumaras’ teachings to Prithu.
7. How did Prithu express his gratitude to the Kumaras?

Section III
1. Write a summary of Påthu Mahäräja’s prayers with
important comments from Bhaktivedanta Purports.
2. What lessons does Srila Prabhupada give on Malayadhvaja’s
spiritual practices? [4.28.33-50]
3. “Devotional service is the goal of all spiritual practices.”
How did Närada Muni establish this in 4.31.9-14. Give salient
points from 10-11P.
4. Write some important aspects of Prithu’s character.
5. What lessons can we learn from the conflict between Indra
and Prithu? Share your comments on Lord Brahmä’s
intervention in this case.

Module 8 (SB 5.1-26)

Section I
1. How did Priyavrata engage in worldly affairs (5.1.23P)? Why
didn’t he conduct the government as a brahmacäré (24P, 29P)?
2. Describe the qualities of King Näbhi.
3. Describe the qualities of Lord Åñabhadeva.
4. Explain the nature of the ignorant and wise men. How does
a teacher instruct them? Explain. [5.5.15-18]
5. What was the immediate reaction of Rahügaëa on hearing
the words of Jaòa Bharata? Explain based on Srila
Prabhupada’s points in 5.10.15P
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 16

6. How did Jaòa Bharata glorify the Lord’s devotees?

7. Describe any 5 hellish planets.
8. Describe the opulence of bila-svarga.
9. “Why are the living entities put into different material
conditions?” How did Çukadeva Gosvämé answer this
question by Parékñit Mahäräja?

Section II
1. Why did Bharata Mahäräja perform sacrifices actually meant
for karmés? Explain based on the purports of Srila Prabhupada
to 5.7.6.
2. Give important lessons for a sädhaka from the life of Bharata
3. Who is always protected by the Lord (5.9.20)? Why did Jaòa
Bharata remain unagitated despite being caught by the
4. Write a brief note on the glories of Mother Ganga. Draw her 4
5. Explain the nature of the mind and how is it the cause of
bondage and liberation.
6. Summarize the glories of Bhärata-varña.
7. What were the mistakes of Bharat Mahäräja? Give lessons
from Srila Prabhupada’s purports about (i) Importance of
being cautious (5.8.8P), (ii) Misplaced and real compassion (9-
10P), (iii) Material attachment (11-12P, 15P).
8. Describe the glories of Lord Ananta.

Section III
1. Summarise the prayers to Lord Räma.
2. Write a summary of prayers to Nåsiàhadeva. Write a brief
note on the compassion of devotees (9P).
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 17

3. Draw and mark with details the following: (i) Structure of

Jambüdvépa and its varñas, (ii) Ilävåta- varña and the details
surrounding Mt. Sumeru [5.16]
4. Summarize the instructions of Jaòa Bharata to Mahäräja
Rahügaëa in 5.11-12
5. Write on any 8 aspects of the allegory of “the forest of
material enjoyment” with its respective explanations.
6. Draw the structure of Bhü-maëòala and mark the islands, oceans,
mountains and their dimensions.
7. Draw a vertical cross-section of the structure of the universe,
depicting various planetary systems and the coverings of the
universe. Annotate with dimensions (as much as possible).

Module 9 (SB 6.1-9)

Section I
1. Explain the superiority of bhakti based on 6.1.15-16. Explain the
types of bhakti.
2. What are the various effects of chanting the holy name?
3. Compare the power of the Vedic rituals and the power of
chanting in counteracting one’s sinful reactions.
4. Describe the dangers of vaiñëava-aparädha referring to the case
of Daksha. (52P)
5. Give the meaning of initiation and the duties of a disciple and
spiritual master (6.5.21P).
6. List at least 10 incarnations of the Lord and the respective
protection they offer, in the Näräyaëa-kavaca.
7. Why did Indra cut the heads of Viçvarüpa and how did he
distribute his sinful reactions?
8. Describe Närada Muni’s compassion and patience.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 18

Section II
1. What were the first and second answers of Çukadeva and
why did Parékñit reject them? Explain how the process of
atonement is futile (9P).
2. Summarize the lamentation of Ajämila and give SP’s lessons for
sädhakas from the purports.
3. Write the Haryaçvas’ understanding of the 10 points of
Närada Muni’s allegory.
4. What was Indra’s argument for making Viçvarüpa the priest
of the devatas? Write comments by Srila Prabhupada. [6.7.26-
5. Summarize the lamentation of Indra. Write a brief note on, i)
one’s degradation due to opulence (6.7.12P) and ii) False
leaders (6.7.14P)
6. Write a brief note on ‘the power of Narayana kavacha’.
7. Write a brief note on: (i) Asking a proper benediction from the
Lord (6.9.32P), (ii) The Lord is apäpa-viddham (35P), (iii) The
Supreme Lord has no contradiction (36P)

Section III
1. What were the questions of the Viñëudütas? Summarize the
reply of the Yamadütas. [6.1.20-29]
2. How did Yamaräja glorify the process of chanting? Who is
entitled for Yamaräja’s punishment and who is not?
3. What lessons can we learn from the character of Ajämila.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 19

Module 10 (SB 6.10-19)

Section I
1. How did Våträsura inspire Indra on the battlefield?
2. Why was Indra unhappy after killing Våträsura (6.13.3)?
3. Explain the rarity of a näräyaëa-paräyaëa 6.14.3-5.
4. Why is the mind called “the centre of all suffering and
happiness?” (6.19.25P)
5. Write a brief note on: (i) Humility of a devotee (17P), (ii)
Material world is like salt (20P).
6. Explain the offence to the holy name mentioned in 6.13.9P.
Section II
1. What lessons can we learn from the conversation of devatäs
and Dadhéci Muni?
2. Explain the prayers of Våträsura based on the purports by
Srila Prabhupada. [6.11.24-27]
3. Why did Våträsura chastise the demons and the demigods?
Explain based on the purport of 6.11.4
4. Summarize the speech of Citraketu to mother Pärvaté.
5. How did Mother Pärvaté criticise and curse Citrketu? Write a
brief note on vaiñëava-aparädha (6.17.15P).
6. How did Kaçyapa expertly engage Diti in devotional service?
Section III
1. Write an essay on the glorious character of Våträsura, his dealings
with Indra and his mood on the battlefield.
2. What lessons can we learn from the character of Indra?
3. What can we learn from: (i) Citraketu’s comments about Lord Çiva,
(ii) Pärvaté’s curse and anger, (iii) Çiva’s talk to Pärvaté, (iv)
Citraketu’s apologetic words to Pärvaté.
4. How did Närada Muni and Aìgirä explain Citraketu
Mahäräja about the temporary nature of the material world?
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 20


• Open Book Exams test the understanding of the students more
than their ability to memorize.
• Practical application, personal application, analysis and
shastric understanding are some of the themes on which the
open book questions are set.
• Answers need to be relevant to the theme of the question. The
answer may even negate the question by presenting relevant
arguments. Real life incidents and relevant shastric quotations,
analogies, examples and personal reflections may also be
included, as necessary.
• The following are some of the aspects observed in the
evaluation of the open book essays –
o Balanced presentation: PLEASE formula (Personal/
practical application, Lesson, Example, Analogy, Sastric
connections and Elaboration – the answer could contain
one or more of these aspects)
o Philosophical accuracy
o Degree of relevance (of PLEASE) to the question.
o Eloquence, redundancy, number of words, etc.
The students are expected to write open book essays summing up
to a total of 20,000 words on the first six cantos of Çrémad-
Bhägavatam. The details of words for individual cantos is given
• 12-20 open book questions are given for each test and the
students are required to answer any 3 to 6 of them making the
total word count of all the essays to the specified number
(1500/ 2000/ 2500).
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 21

Canto Exam 1 Exam 2
1 2000 words (1.1-9) 1500 words (1.10-19) 3500
2 2500 words (2.1-10) - 2500
3 2500 words (3.1-14) 2000 words (3.15-33) 4500
4 2000 words (4.1-14) 2000 words (4.15-31) 4000
5 2000 words (5.1-26) - 2000
6 2000 words (6.1-9) 1500 words (6.10-19) 3500
Grand Total 20,000

Module 1 (SB 1.1-9)

1. Gather principles on etiquette followed by the sages of
Naimiñäraëya in asking questions to Çréla Süta Gosvämé.
2. What principles do we learn from the mood of great souls like
the sages of Naimiñäraëya, Vyäsadeva, the Päëòavas, Parékñit
Mahäräja, etc., towards the people in general?
3. Çréla Prabhupäda says:
“Within the past five hundred years, many erudite scholars
and äcäryas like Jéva Gosvämé, Sanätana Gosvämé, Viçvanätha
Cakravarté, Vallabhäcärya, and many other distinguished
scholars even after the time of Lord Caitanya made elaborate
commentaries on the Bhägavatam. And the serious student would
do well to attempt to go through them to better relish the
transcendental messages.” (1.1.1 P)
“Personal realization does not mean that one should, out of
vanity, attempt to show one’s own learning by trying to surpass
the previous äcärya. He must have full confidence in the previous
äcärya, and at the same time he must realize the subject matter so
nicely that he can present the matter for the particular
circumstances in a suitable manner” – (1.4.1 P)
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 22

Reflect on how to be fixed in Çréla Prabhupäda’s purports, still

study the commentaries of previous äcäryas, and yet, be able to
present the Bhägavatam to modern audiences suitably.
4. Draw lessons accompanied by a brief elaboration from Çréla
Vyäsadeva’s conduct as a disciple, and Närada’s expertize and
honesty as a spiritual master. How does this inspire you?
5. Write an essay on the theme “Glorification to Kåñëa is the
solution to all problems,” based on the Vyäsadeva-Närada
episode (1.4-6).
6. Present your understanding of the Bhaktivedänta purports on
the following: (i) Qualification of a speaker of Çrémad-
Bhägavatam, (ii) Qualities of a hearer of Çrémad-Bhägavatam, (iii)
Power of Çrémad-Bhägavatam.
7. “But, anyway, we should not give up our reason and discriminatory
power just to be gentle. One must have good discriminatory power to
judge a thing on its merit.” (1.7.42) Çréla Prabhupäda writes the
above lines in relation to the word väma-svabhävä, mild and
gentle by nature. Is väma-svabhävä a barrier in dealing with
practicalities of life? Comment.
8. Çréla Prabhupäda writes, “…It depends on the quality of feeling. A
helpless man can feelingly utter the holy name of the Lord, whereas
a man who utters the same holy name in great material satisfaction
cannot be so sincere…” Mention a few things that help you call
out with genuine feeling, and few things that reduce your
feeling shelter in the Lord’s holy names.
9. Queen Kunté prays for more and more difficulties so that she
could remember Kåñëa.
a. Derive principles for personal application for your practice
of Kåñëa consciousness, from Queen Kunté’s attitude.
b. Write your thoughts on presenting such a mood of a
devotee to a newcomer or a non-practitioner of Kåñëa
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 23

10. “The subject matter which attracts the dying man becomes the
beginning of his next life.” Based on how Bhéñmadeva left his
body, present your views on, “Life – An art of dying.”
11. What general principles can we draw from Bhéñmadeva’s
episode about (i) Welcoming guests, (ii) Power of time?
12. “The best way to establish our relation in transcendental sweetness
is to approach Kåñëa through His recognized devotees.” (1.9.22P)
How can one apply this in one’s personal practice of Kåñëa

Module 2 (SB 1.10-19)

1. The Hastinäpura ladies’ words are glorified as “sarva sruti
manoharam.” Çréla Prabhupäda comments, “Anything sung in
praise of the Lord is a sruti mantra.” Write a brief note quoting
çästric references about: (i) Devotional movies, audio albums
and books by people not practicing Kåñëa consciousness, (ii)
Kåñëa-kathä by a neophyte practitioner of Kåñëa consciousness.
2. “The ladies, who were all absorbed in the thought and actions of the
Lord, developed the consciousness of Vedic wisdom by the grace of
the Lord. And therefore although such ladies might not have been
very learned scholars in Sanskrit or otherwise, still whatever they
spoke was more attractive than the Vedic hymns.” (1.10.20P) How
can one be fixed in bhakti and please the Lord more by simple
prayers than by deep study of çästra? Why should one spend so
much time studying the scriptures?
3. 1.13.10 describes devotees as the personification of holy places.
Compare the purifying potency of a dhäma and a devotee,
quoting relevant çästric references.
4. Vidura doesn’t reveal the truth about the Yadus to the
Päëòavas even when he was asked for it. He reveals the naked
truth of life to Dhåtaräñöra even when he did not ask for it. What
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 24

do we learn from this behaviour? Discuss how to apply this in

our practice of bhakti? [OR]
“One should not become an instrument of spreading
negativity.” Explain this based on relevant verses from 1.13 and
discuss the implications of not following this in the life of a
practicing devotee, both individually and institutionally.
5. Yudhiñöira Mahäräja was aggrieved for the (i) destruction that
happened in the war, (ii) departure of Bhéñmadeva, (iii)
uninformed retirement of his uncles and aunt, (iv)
disappearance of Lord Kåñëa. Devotees counseled him in only
two of these cases and not the other two. Discuss what could be
inferred and learnt from this.
6. If Parékñit Mahäräja had killed Kali instead of forgiving him, we
wouldn’t be suffering the affects of Kali now. If someone raises
this argument, how would you comprehensively answer him?
7. Parékñit Mahäräja and many other personalities mentioned in
Canto 1 were dealt with inappropriately, but tolerated it.
1.18.48 says that a devotee never retaliates. How do we apply
this in our practical life? Does it mean that one should allow
oneself to be exploited? Elaborate.
8. Çréla Prabhupäda writes in the purports of 1.13, “Great souls
cheat for a great cause.” Elaborate on this principle based on
some çästric example.
9. “The sane man should rather feel obliged to the Lord for such
benefactions and must utilize such power for the service of the Lord.”
(1.15.5P). How does one attribute the success of one’s activities
to the mercy of the guru and Vaiñëavas? Choose a situation in
your life, and attempt to connect different aspects of that
situation to your superiors’ blessings in a concrete way.
10. After coming back to his palace, Parékñit Mahäräja
contemplated on his behaviour with Çaméka Åñi. He expected
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 25

and desired calamity upon himself for his insignificant mistake.

What inspiration do you derive from his example?

Module 3 (SB Canto 2)

1. Discuss the superiority of bhakti-yoga compared with other
paths, based on çästric statements.
2. “Constant chanting of the holy name after the ways of great
authorities is the doubtless and fearless way of success for all.”
Identify the obstacles in your chanting and discuss how the
study of this section of Bhägavatam helps you to overcome those
3. How are Çukadeva Gosvämé’s descriptions of materialistic
persons apparent in modern society? How would you convey
this strong condemnation of materialistic life to a newcomer in
the process?
4. Describe the right utility of one’s life based on the contents of
2.1-5, especially 2.1.13 and 2.3.17-24.
5. Collect statements by Çréla Prabhupäda describing the need for
understanding the universal form of the Lord. Bring out
practical application points from those statements.
6. Identify principles from Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé’s prayers that
you would like to imbibe. Elaborate on how contemplating on
his prayers prepares your consciousness to speak Bhägavatam.
7. In 2.3.15P, SP says, “…Mahäräja Parékñit was naturally inclined to
Lord Kåñëa from his very childhood. He might have imitated either of
the above-mentioned activities, and all of them establish his great
devotion from his very childhood, a symptom of a mahä-bhägavata.”
Present some practical ways to attract children towards Kåñëa.
8. Contrast Närada Muni’s questions in 2.5 with the modern
inquiries into cosmology. What are the most striking features
for you in Närada’s questions? State your understanding of
what he stands to gain by asking them.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 26

9. Identify ideal qualities of a guru, disciple, and their relationship

from the characters of Parékñit, Çukadeva, Närada, Brahmä, and
the Lord.
10. Lord Brahmä admits that he cannot understand Kåñëa (SB
2.6.35) and understanding Kåñëa is the way back to Godhead!
(BG 4.9). Explain how to reconcile this and justify your
endeavours in Kåñëa consciousness to understand Kåñëa. Base
your answer on çästric references and statements by Çréla
Prabhupäda and/or other äcäryas.
11. Discuss the importance of preserving and distributing the
message of Çrémad-Bhägavatam with reference to 2.7.51-53. How
is this mission relevant to you?
12. How does the catuù-çloké Bhägavatam explain sambandha,
abhidheya and prayojana?

Module 4 (SB 3.1-14)

1. “Value of discussions depends on the persons involved in
them.” Elaborate on this theme referring to 3.1.4, its purport,
and other contexts in the Vidura-Maitreya samväda and the
entire Bhägavatam. How are Kåñëa conscious discussions
relevant in the modern day?
2. Discuss the “disposion of a devotee in disturbances,” refering
to Vidura’s response described in 3.1. Consider a personal
experience where you failed to handle a disturbing situation.
Share your reflections on how would you deal with such
disturbances after learing from Vidura’s example.
3. “Generally, in old age a person is allowed retirement from mundane
service. But in the transcendental service of the Lord… service
attitude increases more and more with the progress of age.” (3.2.3P).
Explain this concept of increase in service attitude irrespective
of bodily constraints both with philosophical, scriptural and
real-life examples.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 27

4. In SB 3.4.21, Çréla Prabhupäda writes: “A pure devotee of the Lord

of the standard of Uddhava constantly associates with the Lord in the
double perception of simultaneous separation and meeting.” From
your study of the commentaries by SP and VCT, explain how
Uddhava experienced union in separation from the Lord.
5. Explain how to understand the apparent contradictions in the
inconceivable pastimes of Lord Kåñëa narrated in 3.3-4.
6. Present your reflections on the Lord’s purpose behind material
7. Does 3.6.36 say that “one becomes unchaste if not engaged in
devotional service?” How do you present this to a newcomer
or a non-practitioner of bhakti?
8. Based on the purport to 3.6.37, explain how the “inactive”
activity of hearing is far beyond liberation. Justify this for (i) a
practitioner and (ii) a philanthropist.
9. “The living entity is in distress regarding his self-identity. He has no
factual background, like a man who dreams that he sees his head cut
off.” (3.7.10). How do you make use of this theoretical
understanding in tolerating pain in personal life and
comforting others in their pain? Do you recommend this
concept to be conveyed to a non-devotee? If yes, how do you
present your thoughts to him?
10. Does the incident of Paräçara Muni (3.8) reveal that forgiveness
is a qualification to receive and speak Çrémad-Bhägavatam?
Elaborate on this. Also, explore Çréla Prabhupäda’s purports,
for the necessity of obtaining one’s superior’s blessings to
properly speak on Bhägavatam. What are the actual
consequences of speaking without blessings? Give practical
11. “Nature’s beauty is a perverted reflection of the Lord’s beauty.”
(3.8.24P). How do we convey this in an amiable way to the
nature lovers?
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 28

12. Discuss the importance of prayers for protection from fall-

down, refering to Çréla Prabhupäda’s purport on 3.9.24.
13. “The service of Brahmä is the sample of service in liberation
distinguished from the so-called altruistic services full of mistakes
and forgetfulness. Liberation is never inaction, but service without
human mistakes.” (2.2.1P)
“A pure devotee of the Lord like Brahmä and those in his line of disciplic
succession always desire that the Lord be known all over the universe
by each and every one of the living entities. That desire of the devotee
is always blessed by the Lord.” (3.9.39P)
How do these statements inspire you (a follower of the Brahma-
Madhva-Gauòéya sampradäya) in the service of spreading Kåñëa
consciousness on behalf of the Lord?
14. Lord Brahmä continued his service in spite of all obstacles –
dissatisfaction in creating the ajïäna-våttis, disobedience of the
Kumäras, disturbance by Çiva’s followers, distraction by Väk
and deficiency in the sages’ performace (3.12). How does this
improve your determination in devotional service?
15. “Maitreya hesitated to state this anomaly on the part of Brahmä… If
Brahmä could be a victim of the sexual urge, then what of others…”
(3.12.28P). Is it correct for a subordinate to correct one’s
superior? Support your answer with çästric references.
16. Discuss the importance of “hearing about devotees” refering to
3.13.4. Share some personal experiences on how hearing about
other devotees helped you in your practice of bhakti.
17. By which qualities was Manu able to please his father and
spiritual master? Which of these qualities strikes you the most?
How would you like to imbibe them in your life? Why was the
Kumäras’ disobedience acceptable? Discuss.
18. “An ordinary man’s mistake may ruin his life, but Diti’s
mistake disturbed the whole universe.” Present your
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 29

reflections on our responsibility as devotees of Kåñëa and

followers of Çréla Prabhupäda as we grow “older” in bhakti.
19. Why could Kaçyapa not resist Dité’s advances? What
could/should he have done in that circumstance? Discuss an
example in your personal life when you allowed spontaneous
feelings to override reasoning. What is the role of repentence in
rectifying the situation?

Module 5 (SB 3.15-33)

1. What were the causes of Jaya and Vijaya’s stopping the four
Kumäras? Relate this to our tendency to judge others on
2. Identify lessons on resolving conflicts based on the way Lord
Näräyaëa brought out the best side of the Kumäras and Jaya-
3. The äcäryas interpret the blasphemous words of demons as
glorification of the Lord (e.g. Varähadeva episode). How do
you explain this to a new reader of scripture who may question
this as a “biased” or “non-as it is” interpretation of the scriptural
words? How is it different from the Mäyävädéc
misinterpretation of scriptural words?
4. The four Kumäras were transformed from the impersonal
conception to the personal. How does this incident help you in
5. What inspiration and instruction does the description of the
kingdom of God give to the struggling sädhakas who aspire to
go there? Elaborate.
6. “A wrong act committed by a servant leads people in general to blame
his master, just as a spot of white leprosy on any part of the body
pollutes all of the skin.” (3.16.5P). The Lord took responsibility
for his servants’ mistake. Identify principles for personal
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 30

application from this episode, in one’s roles as (i) a servant and

(ii) a leader.
7. Describe the modern demoniac attitudes toward God with
reference to the example of Hiraëyäkña.
8. Çréla Prabhupäda relates natural disturbances with the increase
of demoniac population. How do you explain this to people in
general with evidence?
9. Kardama did penance for 10,000 years and asked the Lord for a
suitable wife. And after impregnating his wife, he was ready to
renounce immediately. What do you learn from this behaviour
of Kardama Muni?
10. What principles for personal application may we learn from
Devahüti’s regretful words of not taking advantage of the
saintly association of Kardama Muni?
11. What should be the behaviour of a disciple towards his spiritual
master? Present your learnings form the examples of Devahüté
and Manu.
12. “The Lord is described by the word viviktädhyätma-darçanaù. If
anyone can completely perceive another’s distress without doubt, it
is the Lord Himself.” (3.20.28). Does this help you deal with
misunderstandings while serving in the association of
devotees? Elaborate.
13. The Lord is referred to as the quick bestower of all blessings (SB
3.21.7) despite appearing to Kardama Muni only after 10,000
years of austerities. Relate this point to a sädhaka to cultivate
enthusiasm, determination and patience.
14. How do the verses describing the form of the Lord in 3.28
prepare your consciousness for taking daily darçana of the
15. “If we depend on the choice of the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
we will receive benedictions in greater opulence than we desire.”
(3.21.28). Elaborate in your own words.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 31

16. Worshiping the deities with reverence, but disrespecting the

devotees is criticized by Lord Kapila. How, then, do we avoid
disrespect in our dealings with co-sädhakas whose activities
may not be perfect?
17. How do you communicate the facts of materialistic family life,
presented by Lord Kapila, to the modern man of Kali-yuga?

Module 6 (SB 4.1-14)

1. Identify the conflicting roles of Saté and derive principles for
personal application for a sädhaka from her behaviour.
2. Comment on the current situation of the world in relation to
Nandi’s curses.
3. What analogy does SP give in 4.2 on the redundancy of
demigod worship? How will you communicate this to a
4. What do we learn from Dakña’s behaviour about the ill effects
of uncontrolled anger in 4.2? What do we learn from Lord Çiva’s
5. Select a verse from Lord Brahmä’s conversation with Lord Çiva
and explain how it could be (mis)used to prove that Lord Çiva
is the Supreme. Explain the consequences of such use.
6. How will you apply the principle of forgiveness explained in
4.6 in your personal life as a sädhaka?
7. Comment on Närada’s and Sunéti’s expertize in directing
Dhruva’s energy and passion towards Kåñëa. What principles
can we derive from this example in inspiring new people to
take to bhakti?
8. Dhruva Mahäräja rejected Närada’s initial instructions and
accepted the next set of instructions. Analyze the difference
between them and comment.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 32

9. Dhruva Mahäräja went back home, back to Godhead in spite of

performing devotional service with material motives. Explain
the possible usage of this example in preaching to newcomers.
10. Although speechless at the first darçana of the Lord, Dhruva
was empowered by the Lord to offer prayers. What inspiration
may one derive from this to speak on Bhägavatam?
11. Support SP’s statements in implementing Närada Muni’s
instructions to Dhruva, in the west. How may we apply them
in our preaching?
12. “I am crippled in many ways, if one of my disciples becomes as strong
as Dhruva Mahäräja, then he will be able to carry me with him to
Vaikuëöhaloka.” Present your thoughts and learnings on reading
this statement by Çréla Prabhupäda.
13. Dhruva Mahäräja remembered mother Sunéti before boarding
the Vaikuëöha airplane. Explain this principle of gratitude in
your own words, quoting other çästric examples.
14. Does Vena’s episode show the superiority of brähmaëas over
kñatriyas? Explain. Comment on the current world situation of
the brähmaëas and administrators.

Module 7 (SB 4.15-31)

1. Derive supporting statements from the conversation between
mother earth and Påthu Mahäräja and explain the need for farm
2. You have been asked by a publishing company to write a
foreword for a book entitled, “10 Steps to Perfect Leadership.”
Derive ancient principles from the character and activities of
Påthu Mahäräja’s and show their relevance to the modern
3. Give reference for the glory of hearing from a pure devotee
from Påthu Mahäräja’s prayers. How does Çréla Prabhupäda’s
purports in this episode help you contemplate on your –
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 33

a. Personal experience of getting connected to ISKCON

through hearing from a devotee and/or reading SP’s
b. Current experience (at Bhaktivedänta Vidyäpéöha) of
regular study and hearing.
4. If great souls are satisfied by their own acts and if trying to
repay them makes one a joker, what inspires you to serve
5. What general principles can a sädhaka derive from Påthu
Mahäräja’s unwillingness to accept praise?
6. “There is a great need to propagate the Kåñëa consciousness
movement in the world so that even though people sometimes become
angry and malicious toward one another, because of their being Kåñëa
conscious such rivalry, competition and envy can be adjusted without
difficulty.” (4.20.18P). What could be the possible causes of
difficulty in Vaiñëava relationships, and what sacrifices may be
required in order to maintain these relationships?
7. “Every man’s duty is to receive orders from Lord Kåñëa or from His
bona fide representative and take these orders as his life and soul,
without personal considerations.” What is the mature and
immature usage of this statement for a practicing sädhaka?
8. “Kåñëa gives more credit to His devotees than He takes for Himself.”
Mention at least five examples of this. How does it inspire you
to be more selfless? What in your opinion could be the possible
pitfalls in artificially or immaturely adopting this kind of
9. How does Çréla Prabhupäda explain the word “madireksana”?
How does this explanation inspire you to refer to Rudra-géta?
10. From the episode of Närada enlightening Präcénabarhi through
the allegorical story, how do you understand that the Supreme
Lord is eager for reunion with the conditioned souls? What
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 34

lessons does this episode give about one’s duty as a conditioned

11. What is the real benediction of Lord Çiva? How do you
communicate it to a staunch worshiper of Lord Çiva?
12. As a young practitioner of Kåñëa consciousness, who has no
experience of Jarä’s association, but having studied of her
nature, how do you communicate the importance of practicing
Kåñëa consciousness to your old grandfather?
13. 4.30.8 informs us that the Lord is pleased with friendly relations
among the devotees, and SP defines “real unity” in the purport.
How does this inspire you to “co-operate” with the devotees?

Module 8 – Canto 5
1. “Obstacles can’t obstruct absorption.” Refer to the purport of
5.1.5 (Priyavrata’s episode) and discuss how the apparent
impediments to devotional service created by the Lord’s will –
(i) will not make one loose one’s advancement, (ii) will even
increase one’s vigor to practice devotional service. Back up
your answer with other çästric examples.
2. “When a devotee achieves what he wants to accomplish, it is not by
his own mystic power but by the grace of the master of mystic power,
Lord Kåñëa: by His grace, a devotee can accomplish wonderful things
unimaginable even to the most powerful scientist.” (5.1.30P). What
could be the possible ways in which a newcomer reacts upon
hearing this statement? Discuss and give explanations
wherever needed.
3. Discuss, with säçtric examples, the inconceivable nature of the
acts performed by the Supreme Lord (5.4) and His devotees
4. How does one reconcile, with one’s logic and intelligence, the
descriptions given in the Vedic literatures such as “Priyavrata
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 35

Mahäräja ruled for eleven arbuda years” and his “three sons
became the Manus of the 3rd, 4th and 5th manvantara periods”?
5. Discuss the ultimate purpose of performing the Vedic sacrifices
referring to the episodes of King Näbhi (5.3) and Bharata
Mahäräja (5.7).
6. Mention any five points about the “nature of the mind” from
various sections in Canto 5, and elaborate on them. Discuss
how the mind is the cause of falling down in one’s practice of
bhakti. How do saintly people deal with the mind? Quote other
çästric references and examples.
7. Draw general principles from Bharata Mahäräja’s fall-down
and discuss the relevance of those principles in your own
practice of Kåñëa consciousness.
8. Draw general principles from the incident of goddess Kälé
killing her worshipers to save a Vaiñëava. How will you
communicate this to people in general? Cite similar çästric
9. Quote your favourite set of instructions by Jaòa Bharata to King
Rahügaëa and derive principles for personal application for a
10. Discuss what lessons the modern administrators may learn
from King Gaya’s character.
11. Is Rahügaëa’s chastisement of Jaòa-Bharat really a serious
offense, as he did not know who Jaòa-Bharat was, and only
spoke harsh words in the heat of the moment? If so, what
precautions could one take to avoid committing offenses
unknowingly or circumstantially? If not, explain.
12. Referring to the glories of mother Gaìgä, present your
thoughts about the pollution of mother Ganges, the importance
of preserving the Ganges River and the steps to be taken in this
regard. How do you explain the spiritual nature of mother
Gaìgä to the devotees and the general public?
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 36

13. Draw general principles for preaching and personal application

from the glories of Bhärata-varña (5.17-19). How will you
communicate the glory of human birth in India to a non-
practitioner of Kåñëa consciousness?
14. What is the significance of hearing/studying the universal
structure from Çrémad-Bhägavatam? Why do you think this is
inquired into and explained in Çrémad-Bhägavatam?
15. Give parallels between the forest of material enjoyment
(allegorical story) and the modern day situation (5.13-14).
16. Write your realizations on how the study of cosmology has
increased your faith in the power and glory of Lord Kåñëa.
17. How do you communicate to the modern day people about the
existence of different planets filled with different varieties of
living entities within our universe? (5.16-26)
18. How do we understand the descriptions of the different
punishments given in different hellish planets and how do we
communicate these details to modern day people?

Module 9 – Canto 6.1-9

1. Parékñit was compassionate to conditioned souls despite having
only a few more days to live. To what extent may a sädhaka
imbibe this spirit? Discuss.
2. Present your understanding of the futility of the processes of
karma and jïäna compared to bhakti. Give other çästric
3. Ajämila saw an uncommon sight and got affected. In Kali-yuga
such sights have become commonplace. What, then, in your
understanding, could be the protection for the practitioners
who spread Kåñëa consciousness?
4. “Ajämila performed many sinful activities. By allowing him to
get away without experiencing a reaction for the pain he caused
his young wife, elderly parents, people from whom he stole,
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 37

etc., a great injustice is done.” How would you reply if someone

argues like this?
5. Identify principles for personal application for a sädhaka from
Ajämila’s repentance and determination. Discuss the
significance of “a second chance” in the life of a sädhaka. Give
personal examples, if any.
6. “We would simply have performed saìkértana, but then the
inhabitants of Våndävana would not have taken the installation
ceremony seriously.” (6.3.26P). Give examples of various
arrangements that we need to make, as a movement, to help
connect and attract people to Kåñëa consciousness.
7. “Çréla Jéva Gosvämé says that although saìkértana is sufficient for
the perfection of life, the arcana, or worship of the Deity in the temple,
must continue in order that the devotees may stay clean and pure.
Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura therefore recommended
that one follow both processes simultaneously.” (6.3.26P). Explore
the role of Deity worship in the life of a sädhaka.
8. (i) The potency of the holy name can nullify sinful reactions.
(ii) Chanting the holy name for nullifying one’s sinful reactions
is an offense. (iii) Committing sins with an expectation that the
holy name will nullify one’s reactions is an offense. What
questions could these statements create in one’s mind? How
would you try to reconcile them based on your current
9. Present the mood of a bona fide spiritual authority based on
Yamaräja’s talk with the Yamadütas.
10. Relate the example of Ajämila to the major theme of Canto 6,
11. What inspiration did you derive from Närada Muni’s
preaching spirit with patience and tolerance? Write an article,
referring to Çré Närada Muni’s allegory to Dakña’s sons for a
teenage audience.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 38

12. How do you balance efficiency and etiquette? Give relevant

13. Requirements for two different bona fide services of the Lord
could contradict one another. Do you agree with this? If so,
elaborate, quoting relevant examples. If not, explain why.
14. Explain the importance of acting appropriately at the right
time, with relevant examples.
15. Draw general principles from the examples of Indra offending
Båhaspati, and the demons worshiping Çukräcärya.
16. Indra regrets his mistakes, but again commits mistakes. This
tendency is often seen in struggling sädhakas too. Is such regret
useless or beneficial? Discuss.
17. Identify preaching application points from the prayers of the
demigods with material motives.

Module 10 – Canto 6.10-19

1. Identify principles behind a devotee using his body “properly”
in Kåñëa’s service, referring to Dadhéci’s example.
2. How does Våträsura’s character signify faith in the Lord’s will?
3. Compare the characters of Indra and Våträsura on the
4. Draw general principles from Våträsura’s instructions to Indra.
5. What principles do you identify from Indra’s unhappiness after
achieving his goal of killing Våträsura?
6. Contrast the consciousness of the devatäs and Våträsura when
confronted with difficulty. How can we cultivate the values of
pure bhakti despite encountering difficulties from outside and
7. Comment on the following statement from Citraketu’s pastime:
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 39

“Both material attachment and material despair cause deep

bewilderment for the living entity.” Elaborate based on
different characters involved in this pastime.
8. Explain the rarity of a devotee, referring to 6.14.5. Write your
feelings on your current status as a practicing devotee in the
association of devotees.
9. Citraketu, although having all opulences, was distressed due to
lack of a son. What message(s) did you take from this?
10. Discuss on the theme of “Intervention of a sädhu in one’s life,”
with the example of Citraketu and your personal life.
11. “Harña-çoka” means “the cause of both happiness and distress!”
What message does this name give us about the nature of this
material world?
12. The co-wives of Kåtadyuti became envious. Is someone else
responsible for this? If not, how does one safeguard himself
from the influence of ill feelings? If yes, how should one be
careful not to behave in ways that instigate ill feelings in others?
13. What care should one take while giving
suggestions/corrections to others? Elaborate with relevant
14. Explain the disposition of a devotee in reversals with the
example of Citraketu. How would you apply them in your
personal life?
15. Extract lessons on dealings between superiors and subordinates
from various episodes of Canto 6. What are the consequences
of breaching etiquette?
16. Comment on Kaçyapa’s expertize as a guru in purifying Diti of
her envy. How do you apply this example in helping others
who might seek your help in fulfilling their selfish desires?
17. Compare Kaçyapa’s dealings with Diti in 3.14 and 6.18 and
bring out practical lessons.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 40

• Students are required to give four presentations (45-60 minutes
each) on the first 6 cantos:
o Presentation 1 on Cantos 1 and 2 (After Module 1-3)
o Presentation 2 on Canto 3 (After Module 4-5)
o Presentation 3 on Canto 4 (After Module 6-7)
o Presentation 4 on Cantos 5 and 6 (After Module 8-10)
• Students are required to present their understanding in the
form of a PowerPoint presentation - 1 Topic for each
• Topics may be chosen from the list of topics given below or the
student may come up with one’s own topic.
• 60% of the presentation should be based on the main text and
the Bhaktivedanta purports of the respective Canto(s).

Guidelines For Presentation

Content – PLEAS
• At least 60% of the presentation should be based on the main
text and the Bhaktivedänta purports of the respective SB
• The presentation may have some or all of the following
“Contents” –
o P – Principles for personal or preaching application
o L – Lessons
o E – Examples
o A – Analogies
o S – Çästric connections
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 41

Presentation – Effective utilization of PLEAS

• The presentations may be prepared based on the references
given below the topics, but it need not be restricted to those
references. The student may include his personal reflections
and understanding.
• Evaluative analysis of the topic by taking things to extreme
cases is appreciated.
• Presentation slides
o Avoid too much text on the slides.
o Use a minimum number of slides to present the topic
effectively in 25 minutes.
o Use simplified titles, tables, flowcharts and relevant
o Submit the PPT files before the presentations session.
• 10-15 minutes for Q & A and comments by the jury panel.
Understanding – of the topic by the student
• Choose a topic on which you have a reasonably good
• Questions of the jury panel are to be answered to the point. No
tangential replies or topic diversions.

Evaluation Procedure
The presentations are evaluated based on the following aspects
• Content – 30%
o The ability and effectiveness in utilizing the contents
• Presentation – 30%
o Connecting Çréla Prabhupäda’s statements effectively
o Quoting “relevant” verses, explaining with appropriate
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 42

contextual analogies and examples.

o Natural flow: no sudden jumps in making statements
o Relevance of the quoted PLEAS to the topic.
o Slides, confidence, body language, grammar, etc.
• Understanding of the subject – 40%
o Understanding of the philosophical aspects of the topic.
o Understanding of the context of the pastime/event.
o Clarity of thought, Ability to answer questions.

Presentation Topics – Cantos 1 & 2

1. SB 1.1.1 – Explanation of the “janmädyasya” verse
2. Çrémad-Bhägavatam, Amala Purana
(Glories of Çrémad-Bhägavatam)
3. Questions and Answers in Cantos 1 & 2
4. Glories of Parékñit Mahäräja
5. Separation from the Lord
(With examples of Närada, Yudhistira, Arjuna, Bhumi...)
6. Paramparä of Çrémad-Bhägavatam
7. Dissatisfaction in devotional service
8. Spiritual Master - Disciple Etiquette
(Vyäsa - Närada, Süta – Naimiçäraëya sages, Närada - Brahmä,
Brahmä - Lord)
9. Recognizing the Lord’s will
(Arjuna (in 1.7), Päëòavas’ retirement, Parékñit preparing to
10. Dependence on the Lord (Arjuna’s lamentation, Parékñit’s
taking shelter, Çukadeva’s instructions, etc.)
11. Four Legs of Dharma – Purpose and Significance
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 43

12. Purpose of Saintly person’s travelings

(With examples of Vidura, Çukadeva Gosvämé, Närada...)
13. The Time Factor (Bhéñma’s prayers...)
14. Tolerance of a Vaiñëava
(With examples of Draupadi, Vyäsadeva, Parékñit, Dharma...)
15. Stages in the path of Devotional Service (1.5.23-37, 1.2.16-22,
With the example of Närada muni’s life as son of maidservant)
16. The Lord glorifies His devotees
(With examples of Parékñit, Bhishma, Pandavas...)
17. Success Story of a Sädhaka (Life of Närada Muni)
18. Receptivity to Good Instructions (With examples of
Dhåträñöra, Açvatthäma, Parékñit, Vyäsadeva, Sages, Närada...)
19. The Lord’s Incarnations
(From SB 1.3 and 2.7)
20. Seeing the invisible hand of the Lord
(Life of Parékñit Mahäräja – Saved in the womb but cursed to
21. Tväm akincana gocaram...
22. Administration of Yudhiñthira, Parékñit
23. Mood/ Qualifications of Speaker and Hearer of Bhägavatam
(Sages, Suta, Suka, Parékñit...)
24. Glories of ‘Sravanam’
(From various verses/sections in the first 2 cantos)
25. Superiority of Bhakti-yoga
(From SB 1.5-6, SB 2.1-3, etc.)
26. The Process of Creation
27. Materialistic Life
(From the criticism of materialistic men by Vidura, Çukadeva
Gosvämé, Sages, and Çréla Prabhupäda, etc.)
28. Catuù-çloké
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 44

(Sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana in the catuù-çloké)

29. Ten Topics of Çrémad-Bhägavatam
30. Why to know about the Universal Form/ Creation?
31. Spirit of an authorised representative of the Lord /
Bhägavatam speaker
(From the mood of Süta Gosvämé, Prayers of Çukadeva
Gosvämé, Brahmä-Närada saàväda and other sections)
32. The Lord as the material, instrumental and effective cause of
the universe (Canto 2)
33. Priciples of Administaration and Leadership (With examples
of Parékñit, Yudhistira and Brahmäji…)
34. Natural Living
35. Hearing about Devotees

Presentation Topics – Canto 3

1. Role of Spiritual Master/ spiritual authority
(With examples of Brahmä, Kardama…)
2. Mood of a disciple/ subordinate
(With examples of Brahmä, Vidura, Kardama, Manu,
3. With position comes Responsibility
(Learining from the glorious deeds or mistakes of characters
of canto 3 – Lord Näräyaëa, Brahmä, Manu, Kardama,
Kaçyapa, Diti…)
4. Contradictory activities of Kåñëa (3.3-4)
5. Separation between the Lord and devotee
(With the examples of Uddhava, Vidura, Jaya-Vijaya,
6. Teachings of Lord Kapila, A summary
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 45

7. Lessons from the Life and Character of Kardama Muni

8. Lessons from Vidura’s life and character
9. Lessons from the character and activities of Brahmäjé
10. Lessons from the character of Devahüti
11. Sorrow of a Conditioned soul
(From Teachings of Maitreya and Lord Kapila…)
12. Glories of Uddhava (3.1-4)
13. The Universal Form (3.6)
14. Sarga
15. Visarga
16. Association of Devotees
17. Beauty of the Supreme Lord
(Referring to various sections of Canto 3 where Lord’s beauty
is described)
18. Lessons from the Prayers of Lord Brahmä (3.9)
19. Divisions of Creation (3.10)
20. Activities of Varahadeva
21. Tolerating the Impulses of Envy and Lust (3.14)
22. Kingdom of God (3.15)
23. Ideal family life (with the example of Kardama Muni)
24. Conflict Resolution
(Lessons from “four Kumaras cursing Jaya-Vijaya” episode,
25. Devahüti’s transformation (3.25)
26. The path of Ädhyätmika-yoga (3.25)
27. Säìkhya (3.26-27)
28. Añöäìga-yoga: Practice to perfection (3.28)
29. Time
30. False Ego
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 46

31. Glories of Devotional service (3.29)

32. Types of Bhakti (3.29)
33. Suffering of a child in womb/ Embryology (3.31)
34. Fruitive activities (3.31, 3.32)
35. The Life a materialistic person (TLK)
36. Puruñävatäras

Presentation Topics – Canto 4

1. Cultivating tolerance and Controlling Anger
(Personal application for Sädhakas – Based on examples of
Lord Çiva and Prajäpati Dakña)
2. Result of disobedience to the authority
(With examples of Saté, Dhruva, Vena)
3. Lessons from Dhruva’s lamentation
(Personal application points on approaching the Lord with
material desires)
4. Basic nature of a devotee can be dovetailed in Bhakti
(Based on Dhruva’s determination (i) to achieve the highest
position in the world, (ii) to kill the Yakñas. Based on the
advice Dhruva received from Närada and Manu in the above
cases, respectively)
5. Superior’s support in crisis
(Based on how Sunéti’s instructions, Närada’s guidance,
Manu’s good advice helped Dhruva Mahäräja; How Viñëu
and Brahmä’s instructions helped Påthu; Närada’s instructions
to Pracénabarhi.)
6. Potency of devotional service in purifying one’s motivations
(With reference to Dhruva’s going BTG in spite of his practice
with material motives.)
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 47

7. Gratitude
(Dhruva Mahäräja towards Suniti and Närada muni, Påthu
Mahäräja towards 4 Kumaras, Pracetas towards Lord Çiva)
8. Applying rules according to time and place
(In the context of Çréla Prabhupäda’s application of Närada’s
instructions in ISKCON in the West.)
9. Prayers need empowerment from the Lord
(With examples of (i) Prayers to Lord Narayana in Dakña’s
sacrificial arena (ii) Dhruva’s prayers)
10. Importance of Honest repentance
(With examples of Dakña, Dhruva, Uttanapada, Indra,
11. Sincerity attracts Grace
(With reference to (i) Närada guiding Dhruva, Pracinabarhi
and Pracetas; (ii) 4 Kumaras instructing Påthu; (iii) Lord Çiva
instructing the Pracetas)
12. Qualities of a servant-leader
13. Principles of pure bhakti
14. Principles of mixed bhakti (4.21-22)
15. Practice and perfection of Vänaprastha life (4.23)
16. Vedic Guest reception
(With examples of Påthu Mahäräja’s receiving 4 Kumaras)
17. Most common desires of great devotees
(Parallels between prayers of Dhruva Mahäräja, Påthu
Mahäräja and Pracetas – seeking devotee association and
opportunity to hear.)
18. Results of Hearing about activities and prayers of devotees
(about Lord Çiva, Dhruva Mahäräja, Påthu Mahäräja & the
19. Features of materialistic intelligence
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 48

20. The kindness of Supersoul

(Role of Avijnata in Puranjan allegory (old brahmana in
Malayadhvaja episode)
21. Bad King Vs Good King
(With examples of Vena, Påthu, Pracinabarhi)
22. Hearing is the key
(With reference to examples from Canto 4: How devotees
heard from other devotees, how the process of hearing is
glorified by different personalities.)
23. Varëäçrama Dharma
(With reference to the role of Brahmanas in Vedic society and
Påthu Mahäräja’s episode)
24. The Character of Påthu Mahäräja
(Lessons & personal application points from his activities;
Qualities described in Canto 4.)
25. Forgiveness
(Påthu forgiving Indra, Çiva – Dakña, Dhruva forgiving
26. Vedic Sacrifices and Animal Killing
(Need and Relevance with reference to Canto 4 topics,
especially Puranjan episode)
27. Dangers of Vaiñëaväparädha
(Lessons from the mistakes committed by Dakña, Suruci,
Indra, Vena, etc.)
28. Närada’s innovative preaching
(Puranjana section)
29. Uncontrolled punishment, and its control by subbordination
(Examples from Dhruva Mahäräja, and the Pracetas)
30. Dealings with opposite gender
(Lord Çiva’s dealings with Sati, Uttanapada with his wives,
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 49

Dangers as discussed in Puranjan’s allegory, Lessons &

personal application points).

Presentation Topics - Canto 5-6

1. Approaching the Lord with Material Desires
(Näbhi, Devatas, Diti)
2. Path of Paramahamsas
(Rñabhadeva, Jaòa Bharata)
3. Dangers of ‘Willful neglect’ of Sadhana & Misplaced
(Lessons for a Sadhaka from Bharata Mahäräja’s episode)
4. Devotee’s focus on the purpose of Life
(With examples of Jada Bharata and Våträsura; Their Surrender to
the will of Lord)
5. Right utility of Human life
(From the teachings of Lord Rishabhadeva & Jada Bharata-
Rahugana conversation)
6. Nature of Mind
(From Rishabhadeva’s episode and the conversation between Jada
Bharata & Rahugana)
7. Prayers of Çrémad Bhägavatam
(With examples of Prayers of the residents of Jambudvipa,
Prayers of demigods for protection, Prayers of Citraketu etc)
8. Sthäna in 5th Canto and its Importance
9. Forest of Material Enjoyment in relation to modern life
10. Ideal Kings from the 5th Canto
(Priyavrata, Nabhi, Gaya, Åñabhadeva, Bharata, etc.)
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 50

11. Power of Holy name

(With reference to Ajamila’s episode & various other chapters)
12. Dangers of Vaishnavaparadha
(With examples of Indra, Dakña & Citraketu, Rahugana,
13. Obedience to Devotee’s will
(Even if against one’s desire; With examples of Priyavrata, Indra,
14. Närada muni’s missionary spirit
(Delivering Dakña’s sons and Citraketu)
15. Devotees’ surrender to the will of Lord
(With examples of Dadhéci and Citraketu/ Våträsura etc)
16. Tolerance of a Vaishnava
(With examples of Närada Muni, Citraketu, Lord Çiva etc)
17. Sincere Repentance
(With examples of Ajämila, Indra, Citraketu)
18. Desires of Devotee
(Närada’s desires to deliver Dakña’s sons)
19. Lord’s reciprocation to devotees of different natures
(Different kinds of reciprocation of the Lord towards
Citraketu, Indra, Dakña, Närada muni and Ajämila)
20. Poñaëa – The Theme of Canto 6
(Explain how the contents of Canto 6 are pertaining to the
subject matter of 6th Canto – poñaëa)
21. Devotee is beyond Bodily conception
(With examples of Jaòa Bharata, Våträsura etc)
22. The glorious character of Våträsura
(Lessons from his behavior, talks and prayers on the battlefield)
23. Lessons from Indra’s mistakes
(Offending Båhaspati, Killing Viçvarüpa and Våträsura,
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 51

Attempting to kill Diti’s child in womb)

24. Longing for the Lord in heart
(Jaòa Bharat, Åñabhadeva, Våträsura)
25. Instructions to Citraketu
(Angira, Narada, Lord, etc)
26. Glories of Birth in Bharata Vrasa
(From prayers of residents of Jambüdvépa, Åñabhadeva section
27. Eagerness for Renunciation
(With examples of Svayambhuva Manu, Priyavrata, Åñabhadeva,
Bharata, Ajamila etc)
28. Temporary nature of material relationships
(From Citraketu’s episode, Jada Bharata – Rahügaëa conversation,
29. Dangers of association with opposite sex
(Nature of women as described by Kasyapa; With examples of
Priyavrata, Ajamila, Kasyapa etc)
30. Preacher’s Intelligence
(Närada Muni in the case of Dakña’s sons, Angira in the case of
Citraketu, Jaòa Bharata to Rahügaëa...)
31. Purifying effect of devotional service despite motive
(Ajamila, Diti, Nabhi)
32. Mood of a bona fide authority
(With examples of Lord Brahmä (5.1), Visnudutas, Yamaraja (6.3),
Kaçyapa (6.18))
Note: The thematic compilations section in Bhägavata Subodhiné
can help in preparing for some of the oral presentations.
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 52


• The students are required to recite at least 70 slokas form

memory and speak their meaning.
• A selected list of 75 slokas are given in the form of condensed
Bhagavata Ratnamala book, the PDF of which is uploaded on
• Audio recordings of Bhagavata Ratnamala are available at
for those who need them for reference.
• Assessment marking is done, as follows:
o Shloka recitation - Good (2 marks), Average (1 mark),
Bad (0 mark)
o Translation (approximate) - Good (2 marks), Average (1
mark), Bad (0 mark)
Bhakti Vaibhava Student Handbook 53


Study Materials
• Srimad Bhagavatam Cantos 1 to 6 by HDG A.C Bhaktivedanta
Swami Srila Prabhupada
Additional References
• Sarartha Darshini by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarthy Thakur,
English Translation by HH Bhanu Swami Maharaj
• Bhagavata Subodhini (Study Guide) Canto 1-2, Canto 3, Canto
4 and Canto 5-6, by HG Gauranga Darshan Das
• Bhagavata Ratnamala (Sloka Book) Canto 1-6, Compiled by
HG Gauranga Darshan Das

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