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Challenge & Selection

The first tool I used was the storytelling tool since it is a communication technique that
consists of capturing the attention of your audience through a story. Its objective is to
generate engagement, facilitate brand recall, and ultimately create links that last over time. I
use this technique often because it is applicable to any context, not just business, it is common
to resort to storytelling in talks, political speeches, job interviews or even on a day-to-day
basis when we debate with someone about a topic. Relying on the narrative to weave a whole
story that connects emotionally with the people you are addressing, making them feel
identified and transmitting your values, is a guarantee of success. Storytelling allows you to
create a connection with your audience that was otherwise very difficult to achieve. Through
a true story in which others can see your same values reflected is how you get them to get
emotionally involved with your brand.

The process of creating a storytelling based on a product to improve the sale of a beer called
Vale, where it shows that when choosing the product it is due to some feeling of memory in
the experiences of joys that have been lived.
This process would be composed of a series of surveys to establish the degree of liking of the
beer flavor to consumers.
The secret is to create a story with two fundamental variables: emotional and practical. For
example, the producer of glasses Warby Parker has created a good storytelling that combines
details about the manufacture and quality of its products (practical information) with a
campaign through which for each pair of glasses it sells, it gives you a pair of glasses to a poor
person (emotional connection).
Some of the strategies that will be implemented to tell the story with the following:
• strategy 1: show the human side of our beer brand
It is about creating an association between the products and the protagonists and processes
that make them come true. Showing the founder of the brand, the atmosphere of the offices
or details about the manufacture of the latest product are some of the ways in which this
strategy is applied.
• Strategy 2: share the story
you can always tell a story regarding your past. For example, you can talk about your personal
history, some anecdotes that have marked you or the idea that inspired you to create your
• Strategy 3: promote content to customers
Our loyal customers are your biggest fans and many of them promote the brand through their
own stories. Why not help them share their stories and promote your brand in the process?
Many companies follow this type of strategy through the famous hashtags.

Insight & Approach

The learning you get when doing a storytelling is mainly to understand that it is a marketing
strategy, this technique can be very effective, if we manage to capture the attention of our
target, our ideal user and transmit emotions.
The advantages offered by Storytelling are enormous: it generates trust, humanizes our
brand, and remains in the memory.
And, if we also draw up a good transmedia strategy, we will be able to reach all of our
audience that is on the different social platforms, which will also make it go viral.
Although storytelling can be combined with data visualization such as graphs, charts,
animated maps, among others, with narrative elements. The goal is to use a somewhat
complex amount of data to tell a story in a simple and concise way. If you are presenting a
report, for example, you can better sell an idea or explain a point better if you use graphics,
tables, or infographics, since such content retains the attention of your audience in a way that
a text or even a video, they can't do it. Data visualization elements not only enable but
encourage consumer engagement and there are many data visualization software that can
help you find the most suitable format for your audience.

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