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The One Ring, 2nd Edition

Culture Conversions from 1st Edition – Tithenon-style

Dwarves of the…

Blue Mountains Grey Mountains

Dwarves make light work of burdens, especially when it comes to wearing Dwarves make light work of burdens, especially when it comes to wearing
armor. armor.
Cut the Load rating of armor you’re wearing by half Cut the Load rating of armor you’re wearing by half
[rounding fractions up], including helms but not shields. [rounding fractions up], including helms but not shields.

STANDARD OF LIVING – Prosperous (90) STANDARD OF LIVING – Frugal (15)

Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Blue Mountain Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Grey Mountain
Dwarves are typically weak in Heart, between 2 and 4, moderate in Wits, Dwarves are typically weak in Heart, between 2 and 4, moderate in Wits,
between 3 and 5, and strong in Strength, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the between 3 and 5, and strong in Strength, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the
minimum for any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum. minimum for any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.


Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings: Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
ENDURANCE: Strength + 20 ENDURANCE: Strength + 22
HOPE: Heart + 10 HOPE: Heart + 6
PARRY: Wits + 10 PARRY: Wits + 10
Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet. Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Awe 0 Enhearten 0 Persuade 2 Awe 0 Enhearten 1 Persuade 1
Athletics 0 Travel 3 Stealth 0 Athletics 0 Travel 2 Stealth 1
Awareness 1 Insight 1 Scan 2 Awareness 0 Insight 0 Scan 3
Hunting 0 Healing 0 Explore 2 Hunting 1 Healing 1 Explore 2
Song 2 Courtesy 2 Riddle 1 Song 1 Courtesy 1 Riddle 1
Craft 2 Battle 0 Lore 2 Craft 3 Battle 2 Lore 1
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet, Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice. selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Choose Axe OR Sword Choose Axe OR Mattock
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Axes, Spears, OR Swords Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here: Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Cunning, Eager, Fair-spoken, Honorable, Inquisitive, Merry, Patient, Proud. Bold, Eager, Honorable, Inquisitive, Proud, Secretive, Stern, True-hearted.
In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Dwarves speak Khuzdul (the In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Dwarves speak Khuzdul (the
secret Dwarf-tongue). secret Dwarf-tongue).
All Dwarves of Durin’s Folk receive a true name at birth that they do not All Dwarves of Durin’s Folk receive a true name at birth that they do not
reveal to non-Dwarves; instead, for non-Dwarves they adopt a personal name reveal to non-Dwarves; instead, for non-Dwarves they adopt a personal name
from a chosen friendly culture. Dwarves of renown are sometimes given a from a chosen friendly culture. Dwarves of renown are sometimes given a
byname, usually an honorific title celebrating an exceptional deed or distinctive byname, usually an honorific title celebrating an exceptional deed or distinctive
quality. The following list(s) are preferred public names for Dwarves… quality. The following list(s) are preferred public names for Dwarves…
MALE NAMES: Anar, Beli, Bláin, Burin, Bruni, Dori, Dwalin, Farin, Flói, Frár, MALE NAMES: Anar, Beli, Bláine, Bruni, Dori, Dwalin, Farin, Flói, Frár, Frerin,
Frerin, Ginar, Grór, Hanar, Hepti, Iari, Lófar, Lóni, Náli, Nár, Niping, Nói, Núr, Fundin, Ginar, Grór, Hanar, Hepti, Iari, Lófar, Lóni, Náli, Niping, Nói, Nori,
Óin, Ónar, Póri, Regin, Svior, Thrór, Veig, Vidar. Núr, Óin, Ónar, Regin, Svior, Thráin, Veig, Vidar.
FEMALE NAMES: Afrid, Ase, Astrid, Bergdis, Bersa, Birna, Bodil, Dagna, FEMALE NAMES: Afrid, Ase, Astrid, Bergdis, Bersa, Birna, Bodil, Dagna,
Dagrún, Dís, Eir, Elin, Eydis, Fenja, Frea, Fritha, Geira, Gísla, Grid, Herja, Hón, Dagrún, Dís, Eir, Elin, Eydis, Fenja, Frea, Fritha, Gard, Geira, Gísla, Grid, Herja,
Ida, Idúnn, Jóra, Kára, Kóna, Linhild, Már, Mist, Nál, Olrún, Onna, Ósk, Ragni, Hón, Ida, Idúnn, Jóra, Kára, Kóna, Linhild, Már, Mist, Nál, Olrún, Onna, Ósk,
Rinda, Rota, Sefa, Sigrún, Trana, Úlfrún, Vírún. Ragni, Rinda, Rota, Sefa, Sigrún, Trana, Úlfrún, Vírún.
Dwarves are shorter than Men, but their work as miners and smiths endows Dwarves are shorter than Men, but their work as miners and smiths endows
them with powerful arms and shoulders. Yet, they still favor shorter weapons them with powerful arms and shoulders. Yet, they still favor shorter weapons
over longer ones. over longer ones.
Dwarven adventurers cannot use the following pieces of
war gear: great bow, great spear, and great shield. Dwarven adventurers cannot use the following pieces of
war gear: great bow, great spear, and great shield.
Iron Hills Lonely Mountain (Erebor)
Dwarves make light work of burdens, especially when it comes to wearing Dwarves make light work of burdens, especially when it comes to wearing
armor. armor.
Cut the Load rating of armor you’re wearing by half Cut the Load rating of armor you’re wearing by half
[rounding fractions up], including helms but not shields. [rounding fractions up], including helms but not shields.

STANDARD OF LIVING – Frugal (15) STANDARD OF LIVING – Prosperous (90)

Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Dwarves of the Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Erebor Dwarves
Iron Hills are typically weak in Heart, between 2 and 4, moderate in Wits, are typically weak in Heart, between 2 and 4, moderate in Wits, between 3
between 3 and 5, and strong in Strength, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the and 5, and strong in Strength, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for
minimum for any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum. any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.


Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings: Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
ENDURANCE: Strength + 24 ENDURANCE: Strength + 22
HOPE: Heart + 6 HOPE: Heart + 8
PARRY: Wits + 10 PARRY: Wits + 10

Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet. Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Awe 1 Enhearten 1 Persuade 0 Awe 0 Enhearten 1 Persuade 0
Athletics 1 Travel 2 Stealth 1 Athletics 0 Travel 2 Stealth 0
Awareness 1 Insight 1 Scan 3 Awareness 1 Insight 1 Scan 3
Hunting 0 Healing 0 Explore 2 Hunting 0 Healing 0 Explore 2
Song 1 Courtesy 0 Riddle 1 Song 2 Courtesy 1 Riddle 1
Craft 3 Battle 2 Lore 1 Craft 3 Battle 2 Lore 1


Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet, Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice. selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Choose Axe OR Mattock Choose Axe OR Mattock
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP


Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here: Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Bold, Fierce, Honorable, Proud, Secretive, Stern, Wary, Wilful. Bold, Fierce, Honorable, Proud, Secretive, Stern, Wary, Wilful.


In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Dwarves speak Khuzdul (the In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Dwarves speak Khuzdul (the
secret Dwarf-tongue). secret Dwarf-tongue).
All Dwarves of Durin’s Folk receive a true name at birth that they do not All Dwarves of Durin’s Folk receive a true name at birth that they do not
reveal to non-Dwarves; instead, for non-Dwarves they adopt a personal name reveal to non-Dwarves; instead, for non-Dwarves they adopt a personal name
from a chosen friendly culture. Dwarves of renown are sometimes given a from a chosen friendly culture. Dwarves of renown are sometimes given a
byname, usually an honorific title celebrating an exceptional deed or distinctive byname, usually an honorific title celebrating an exceptional deed or distinctive
quality. The following list(s) are preferred public names for Dwarves… quality. The following list(s) are preferred public names for Dwarves…
MALE NAMES: Anar, Balin, Beli, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Burin, Bruni, Dáin, MALE NAMES: Anar, Balin, Beli, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Burin, Bruni, Dáin,
Dori, Dwalin, Farin, Fíli, Flói, Frár, Frerin, Fundin, Gimli, Ginar, Glóin, Gróin, Dori, Dwalin, Farin, Fíli, Flói, Frár, Frerin, Fundin, Gimli, Ginar, Glóin, Gróin,
Grór, Hanar, Hepti, Iari, Kíli, Lófar, Lóni, Náin, Náli, Nár, Niping, Nói, Nori, Grór, Hanar, Hepti, Iari, Kíli, Lófar, Lóni, Náin, Náli, Nár, Niping, Nói, Nori,
Núr, Nýrád, Óin, Ónar, Póri, Regin, Svior, Thorin, Thráin, Thrór, Veig, Vidar. Núr, Nýrád, Óin, Ónar, Póri, Regin, Svior, Thorin, Thráin, Thrór, Veig, Vidar.
FEMALE NAMES: Adis, Afrid, Agda, Bersa, Birna, Dagrún, Dís, Drífa, Edda, FEMALE NAMES: Adis, Afrid, Agda, Bersa, Birna, Dagrún, Dís, Drífa, Edda,
Elin, Fenja, Frida, Geira, Gísla, Hadda, Hón, Ida, Iimr, Jóra, Kára, Kóna, Lif, Elin, Fenja, Frida, Geira, Gísla, Hadda, Hón, Ida, Iimr, Jóra, Kára, Kóna, Lif,
Linhild Már, Mist, Nál, Oda, Ósk, Rán, Rinda, Sefa, Syn, Tóra, Trana, Úlfrún, Linhild Már, Mist, Nál, Oda, Ósk, Rán, Rinda, Sefa, Syn, Tóra, Trana, Úlfrún,
Vírún, Yrr. Vírún, Yrr.
Dwarves are shorter than Men, but their work as miners and smiths endows Dwarves are shorter than Men, but their work as miners and smiths endows
them with powerful arms and shoulders. Yet, they still favor shorter weapons them with powerful arms and shoulders. Yet, they still favor shorter weapons
over longer ones. over longer ones.
Dwarven adventurers cannot use the following pieces of Dwarven adventurers cannot use the following pieces of
war gear: great bow, great spear, and great shield. war gear: great bow, great spear, and great shield.
Elves of…

Lindon Lórien
(High/Eregion Elves) (Silvan/Wood Elves)
CULTURAL BLESSING – Elven-skill CULTURAL BLESSING – Warden’s of the Golden Wood
By virtue of their birthright, Elves are capable of reaching levels of finesse For those not of the Elvish race, and for some who are, crossing the borders
unattainable by mortals. of Lóthlorien can prove to be as confusing as traversing Mirkwood, except for
those who’ve learned to care for the woods and hide themselves.
If you are not Miserable, you can spend 1 point of Hope to
achieve a Magical success on a skill roll. Lórien Elves traveling in the woods of the world have a leg
up on many, making Awareness and Stealth favored in
STANDARD OF LIVING – Frugal (15) deeper woods.
Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Elves of Lindon
are typically weak in Heart, between 2 and 4, moderate in Strength, between ATTRIBUTES
3 and 5, and strong in Wits, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for
Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Lórien Elves are
any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.
typically weak in Heart, between 2 and 4, moderate in Strength, between 3
and 5, and strong in Wits, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for any
DERIVED STATISTICS starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
HOPE: Heart + 8
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
PARRY: Wits + 12
ENDURANCE: Strength + 22
HOPE: Heart + 8
Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become SKILLS
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
Awe 2 Enhearten 1 Persuade 0 Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Athletics 2 Travel 1 Stealth 3
Awareness 2 Insight 0 Scan 0 Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Hunting 0 Healing 1 Explore 0 Awe 1 Enhearten 1 Persuade 0
Song 2 Courtesy 0 Riddle 0 Athletics 3 Travel 1 Stealth 2
Craft 2 Battle 0 Lore 3 Awareness 2 Insight 1 Scan 1
Hunting 1 Healing 0 Explore 0
Song 2 Courtesy 2 Riddle 0
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES Craft 2 Battle 0 Lore 2
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice. COMBAT PROFICIENCIES
Choose Bow OR Spear
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Choose Bow OR Sword
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Bows, Spears, OR Swords
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Fair, Keen-eyed, Lordly, Merry, Patient, Subtle, Swift, Wary. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
LANGUAGES AND CULTURAL NAMES Cunning, Faithful, Fair, Lordly, Patient, Proud, Secretive, Swift.
In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all High Elves speak Grey-elven
(Sindarin) and High-elven (Quenya). LANGUAGES AND CULTURAL NAMES
The following list(s) are preferred names for Elves of Lindon… In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Lórien Elves speak Grey-elven
MALE NAMES: Amras, Aredhel, Beleganor, Belegon, Calanhir, Carmagor, (Sindarin).
Dagorhir, Durandir, Edrahil, Ellahir, Fincalan, Fuindor, Galdagor, Hallas,
The following list(s) are preferred names for Elves of Lóthlorien…
Hirimlad, Ithildir, Lascalan, Linaith, Mablin, Malanor, Nauros, Orgalad,
MALE NAMES: Amras, Aredhel, Beleganor, Belegon, Calanhir, Carmagor,
Pelegorn, Sargon.
Dagorhir, Durandir, Edrahil, Ellahir, Fincalan, Fuindor, Galdagor, Hallas,
FEMALE NAMES: Anórel, Aranel, Arbereth, Baraniel, Calanril, Celebrindal, Hirimlad, Ithildir, Lascalan, Linaith, Mablin, Malanor, Nauros, Orgalad,
Celenneth, Elanor, Elwing, Eraniel, Fimbrethil, Gloredhel, Idril, Irilde, Laurelin, Pelegorn, Sargon.
Lôrwend, Lothíriel, Meneloth, Moriel, Narieth, Narniel, Nimloth, Nimrodel,
FEMALE NAMES: Anwen, Arbereth, Beruthiel, Baraniel, Calanril, Celenneth,
Níniel, Tarandîs.
Elnith, Eraniel, Finduilas, Gilraen, Gilraeth, Gloredhel, Idril, Ioreth, Ivorwen,
THE LONG DEFEAT Lôrwend, Lothíriel, Luindis, Meneloth, Moriel, Morwen, Narieth, Narniel,
Most Elves find it hard to forget the taint of the Shadow once it has left its Orothêl, Tarandîs.
mark on their spirit.
Most Elves find it hard to forget the taint of the Shadow once it has left its
When removing accumulated Shadow during a Fellowship mark on their spirit.
Phase, you can remove only one (1) point [see Spiritual
Recovery, Core 119.]
When removing accumulated Shadow during a Fellowship
Phase, you can remove only one (1) point [see Spiritual
Recovery, Core 119.]
Mirkwood Rivendell
(Silvan/Wood Elves) (High Elves)
CULTURAL BLESSING – Folk of the Dusk CULTURAL BLESSING – Against the Unseen
While fond of the Sun, the Elves of Mirkwood find themselves at greater ease High Elves may perceive dwellers in the wraith-world, be they spirits or ghosts,
under moonlight or starlight, or among the shadows of the forest; their senses that are normally invisible to the eyes of the living. This includes the Unclad
are keener, their motions exceedingly sure and graceful. and Invisible Ringwraiths.

While inside a forest, underground, or at night, Mirkwood Your Awareness is useful for perceiving these with a
Elves gain (1d) for all rolls involving the use of a Common successful roll. As well, you gain (1d) to resist fear when
skill. faced with wraith-world dwellers.

STANDARD OF LIVING – Frugal (15) STANDARD OF LIVING – Prosperous (90)

Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Mirkwood Elves Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. High Elves are
are typically weak in Heart, between 2 and 4, moderate in Strength, between typically weak in Heart, between 2 and 4, moderate in Strength, between 3
3 and 5, and strong in Wits, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for and 5, and strong in Wits, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for any
any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum. starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.


Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings: Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
ENDURANCE: Strength + 22 ENDURANCE: Strength + 22
HOPE: Heart + 8 HOPE: Heart + 6
PARRY: Wits + 12 PARRY: Wits + 12

Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet. Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Awe 2 Enhearten 0 Persuade 0 Awe 2 Enhearten 1 Persuade 0
Athletics 2 Travel 1 Stealth 2 Athletics 2 Travel 1 Stealth 1
Awareness 2 Insight 1 Scan 1 Awareness 2 Insight 1 Scan 1
Hunting 2 Healing 1 Explore 0 Hunting 0 Healing 2 Explore 0
Song 1 Courtesy 1 Riddle 0 Song 2 Courtesy 1 Riddle 0
Craft 0 Battle 2 Lore 3 Craft 2 Battle 2 Lore 2


Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet, Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice. selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Choose Bow OR Spear Choose Great Bow OR Spear
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Bows, Spears, OR Swords Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Bows, Spears, OR Swords


Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here: Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Cunning, Fair, Keen-eyed, Lordly, Patient, Subtle, Swift, Wary. Fair, Fair-spoken, Keen-eyed, Lordly, Inquisitive, Proud, Subtle, Wilful.


In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Mirkwood Elves speak Both In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all High Elves speak Grey-elven
Grey-elven (Sindarin) and Woodland Elvish. (Sindarin) and High-elven (Quenya).
The following list(s) are preferred names for Mirkwood Elves… The following list(s) are preferred names for Elves of Rivendell…
MALE NAMES: Aerandir, Amras, Amroth, Aredhel, Belegon, Caranthir, MALE NAMES: Aegnor, Aerandir, Amras, Amroth, Beleg, Caranthir, Celegorm,
Dagorhir, Durandir, Edrahil, Elladan, Elrohir, Erestor, Galdor, Galion, Haldir, Cirdan, Daeron, Edrahil, Elros, Erestor, Fingon, Finrod, Galdor, Gwindor,
Hallas, Ithildir, Lascalan, Legolas, Linaith, Lindir, Mablin, Malanor, Nauros, Haldir, Lindir, Mablung, Maeglin, Orodreth, Orophin, Saeros.
Orophin, Oropher, Pelegorn, Sargon, Thranduil.
FEMALE NAMES: Amarië, Ancalimë, Arwen, Berùthiel, Celebrìan, Celebrindal,
FEMALE NAMES: Anòrel, Arbereth, Baraniel, Celebrindal, Celenneth, Elwing, Elwing, Finduilas, Fìriel, Idril, Lothiriel, Miriel, Nimloth, Nimrodel.
Eraniel, Fimbrethil, Finduilas, Gloredhel, Idril, Laurelin, Lôrwend, Mìriel,
Moriel, Narieth, Nimloth, Nimrodel, Nìniel, Tarandis. THE LONG DEFEAT
Most Elves find it hard to forget the taint of the Shadow once it has left its
THE LONG DEFEAT mark on their spirit.
Most Elves find it hard to forget the taint of the Shadow once it has left its
mark on their spirit. When removing accumulated Shadow during a Fellowship
Phase, you can remove only one (1) point [see Spiritual
When removing accumulated Shadow during a Fellowship Recovery, Core 119.]
Phase, you can remove only one (1) point [see Spiritual
Recovery, Core 119.]
Wayward Elves
(Outcast Mirkwood Elves)
CULTURAL BLESSING – Joyless to Joyful
Wayward Elves believe in banishing evil through song and mirth, using force
of arms only when absolutely necessary, and express this in celebration and
in faithfulness to light.

When a Wayward Elf celebrates a recent victory or

hardship, rather than succumbing to it, by spending a point
of Hope, faster recovery comes to all nearby allies, whether
Endurance or Hope [each up to ½ their own Heart score,
rounded down].


Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Wayward elves
are typically weak in Wits, between 2 and 4, moderate in Strength, between
3 and 5, and strong in Body, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for
any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.

Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
ENDURANCE: Strength + 18
HOPE: Heart + 8
PARRY: Wits + 12

Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Awe 1 Enhearten 2 Persuade 1
Athletics 1 Travel 1 Stealth 2
Awareness 2 Insight 0 Scan 1
Hunting 1 Healing 0 Explore 1
Song 3 Courtesy 1 Riddle 2
Craft 1 Battle 0 Lore 2

Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Choose Bow OR Spear
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Bows, Spears, OR Swords.

Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Cunning, Eager, Fair, Inquisitive, Merry, Rustic, True-hearted, Wilful.


In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Mirkwood Elves speak Grey-
elven (Sindarin) and Woodland Elvish.
The following list(s) are preferred names for Wayward Mirkwood Elves…
MALE NAMES: Aerandir, Amras, Amroth, Aredhel, Belegon, Caranthir,
Dagorhir, Durandir, Edrahil, Elladan, Elrohir, Erestor, Galdor, Galion, Haldir,
Hallas, Ithildir, Lascalan, Legolas, Linaith, Lindir, Mablin, Malanor, Nauros,
Orophin, Oropher, Pelegorn, Sargon, Thranduil.
FEMALE NAMES: Anòrel, Arbereth, Baraniel, Celebrindal, Celenneth, Elwing,
Eraniel, Fimbrethil, Finduilas, Gloredhel, Idril, Laurelin, Lôrwend, Mìriel,
Moriel, Narieth, Nimloth, Nimrodel, Nìniel, Tarandis.
Most Elves find it hard to forget the taint of the Shadow once it has left its
mark on their spirit.

When removing accumulated Shadow during a Fellowship

Phase, you can remove only one (1) point [see Spiritual
Recovery, Core 119.]
Hobbits of…

the Anduin Vales Bree

(Wild Hobbits)
CULTURAL BLESSING – Shadow-sight Due to the position of their homeland, Bree Hobbits enjoy better relationships
The Wild Hobbits of the Anduin Vales who survived the rise of the Shadow with Dwarves, Elves, and Men than is considered usual.
are hardier for the experience, more aware of its threats. They now recognize
the presence of Minions of the Shadow and their devilry. Each Bree Hobbit in the Company increases the Fellowship
Rating by an additional point.
Gain (1d) when tracking or perceiving, through Awareness STANDARD OF LIVING – Common (30)
or Hunting, the proximity of evil or a servant of Shadow.
Also, your Corruption rolls are favored. ATTRIBUTES
Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Bree Hobbits
are typically weak in Strength, between 2 and 4, moderate in Wits, between
STANDARD OF LIVING – Poor (5) 3 and 5, and strong in Heart, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for
any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.
Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Wild Hobbits DERIVED STATISTICS
are typically weak in Strength, between 2 and 4, moderate in Wits, between Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
3 and 5, and strong in Heart, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for ENDURANCE: Strength + 18
any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum. HOPE: Heart + 10
PARRY: Wits + 10
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings: Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
ENDURANCE: Strength + 16 Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
HOPE: Heart + 10 Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
PARRY: Wits + 12 Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Awe 0 Enhearten 1 Persuade 2
SKILLS Athletics 0 Travel 1 Stealth 1
Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your Awareness 0 Insight 2 Scan 2
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become Hunting 1 Healing 1 Explore 0
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet. Song 1 Courtesy 3 Riddle 2
Craft 2 Battle 0 Lore 2
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Awe 0 Enhearten 0 Persuade 0 COMBAT PROFICIENCIES
Athletics 2 Travel 1 Stealth 3 Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
Awareness 2 Insight 1 Scan 2 selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Hunting 2 Healing 1 Explore 2 Choose Axe OR Spear
Song 1 Courtesy 0 Riddle 2 Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP
Craft 1 Battle 1 Lore 0
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet, Cunning, Eager, Generous, Inquisitive, Merry, Proud, Subtle, Wary.
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP In addition to Westron (Common Speech), some words from their forgotten
ancient tongue are preserved.
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES The following list(s) are preferred names for CULTUREs…
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here: MALE NAMES: Adelard, Andwise, Bandobras, Berilac, Bilbo, Bungo, Cottar,
Bold, Cunning, Keen-eyed, Patient, Rustic, Secretive, Stern, Wary. Dinonas, Doderic, Dodinas, Dudo, Erling, Everard, Fastred, Ferumbras,
LANGUAGES AND CULTURAL NAMES Flambard, Folco, Frodo, Gohendad, Griffo, Hending, Hildifons, Hob, Iiberic,
Isembold, Isengar, Longo, Marmadas, Marroc, Meriadoc, Mungo, Nob, Odo,
In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Stoor Hobbits speak Vale of
Orgulas, Otho, Paladin, Peregrin, Posco, Reginard, Robin, Rudigar, Sadoc,
Samwise, Saradas, Sigismund, Tobold, Togo, Tolman, Wilcome, Will.
Stoor Hobbits do not use family names, preferring ‘the son of…’ or ‘the FEMALE NAMES: Adaldrida, Amaranth, Asphodel, Belba, Bell, Belladonna,
daughter of…’, and they also prefer strong first names. The following list(s) Berylla, Camellia, Daisy, Dory, Eglantine, Esmerelda, Estella, Gilly, Hanna, Lily,
are preferred names for Anduin Hobbits… Lobelia, Malva, Marigold, May, Melilot, Menegilda, Mentha, Mirabella, Myrtle,
MALE NAMES: Adalgrim (Grim), Bandobras (Bandy), Bowman, Carl, Dodinas Pansy, Pearl, Peony, Pervinca, Pimpernel, Poppy, Primrose, Primula, Prisca,
(Dody), Drogo, Falco, Ferumbras (Feral), Flambard (Bard), Fortinbras (Forty), Rosamunda, Rose, Ruby, Salvia, Tanta.
Gerontius (Geron), Griffo, Harding, Hob, Hugo, Isembold (Boldis), Largo,
Madoc, Marmadoc (Doc), Moro, Mungo, Otho, Paladin, Posco, Rorimac (Rori), SURNAMES: Banks, Brockhouse, Longholes, Mugwort, Sandheaver, Tunnelly,
Rufus, Sancho, Saradoc (Doc), Tobold, Togo, Will. Underhill.
FEMALE NAMES: Adaldrida (Addy), Amaranth (Amy), Asphodel (Del), Bell, Due to their reduced size, Hobbits cannot use larger weapons effectively.
Berylla (Bur), Celandine (Cally), Chica, Dora, Gilly, Hilda, Malva (Melly), May,
Myrtle, Pearl, Peony, Prisca, Rose, Tanta. Hobbit adventurers may only use the following weapons:
Axe, bow, club, cudgel, dagger, short sword, short spear,
HALFLINGS and spear. Additionally, Hobbits cannot use a great shield.
Due to their reduced size, Hobbits cannot use larger weapons effectively.
Hobbit adventurers may only use the following weapons: You have an eye for judging the quality of many things, from precious stones
Axe, bow, club, cudgel, dagger, short sword, short spear, to exotic spices, or even the qualities of an individual.
and spear. Additionally, Hobbits cannot use a great shield.
You gain (1d) when using a skill to appraise something or
the Shire
Hobbits have learned their place in the world a long time ago, and they display
a robust capacity for insight that many folks mistake for a lack of courage.
No visions or wild fantasies can tempt them, as they do not seek power or
control over others.
Your Wisdom rolls are Favored, and you gain (1d) on all
Shadow tests made to resist the effects of Greed.


Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Shire Hobbits
are typically weak in Strength, between 2 and 4, moderate in Wits, between
3 and 5, and strong in Heart, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for
any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.

Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
ENDURANCE: Strength + 18
HOPE: Heart + 10
PARRY: Wits + 12

Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Awe 0 Enhearten 0 Persuade 2
Athletics 0 Travel 0 Stealth 3
Awareness 2 Insight 2 Scan 1
Hunting 0 Healing 1 Explore 0
Song 2 Courtesy 3 Riddle 2
Craft 1 Battle 0 Lore 0

Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Choose Bow OR Sword
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Bows, Spears, OR Swords
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Eager, Fair-spoken, Faithful, Honorable, Inquisitive, Keen-eyed, Merry, Rustic.
In addition to Westron (Common Speech), some words from their forgotten
ancient tongue are preserved.
The following list(s) are preferred names for Shire Hobbits…
MALE NAMES: Adelard, Andwise, Bandobras, Berilac, Bilbo, Bungo, Cottar,
Dinonas, Doderic, Dodinas, Dudo, Erling, Everard, Fastred, Ferumbras,
Flambard, Folco, Frodo, Gohendad, Griffo, Hending, Hildifons, Hob, Iiberic,
Isembold, Isengar, Longo, Marmadas, Marroc, Meriadoc, Mungo, Nob, Odo,
Orgulas, Otho, Paladin, Peregrin, Posco, Reginard, Robin, Rudigar, Sadoc,
Samwise, Saradas, Sigismund, Tobold, Togo, Tolman, Wilcome, Will.
FEMALE NAMES: Adaldrida, Amaranth, Asphodel, Belba, Bell, Belladonna,
Berylla, Camellia, Daisy, Dory, Eglantine, Esmerelda, Estella, Gilly, Hanna, Lily,
Lobelia, Malva, Marigold, May, Melilot, Menegilda, Mentha, Mirabella, Myrtle,
Pansy, Pearl, Peony, Pervinca, Pimpernel, Poppy, Primrose, Primula, Prisca,
Rosamunda, Rose, Ruby, Salvia, Tanta.
SURNAMES: Baggins, Boffin, Bolger, Bracegirdle, Brandybuck, Brown,
Brownlock, Bunce, Burrows, Chubb, Cotton, Gamgee, Gardner, Goldworthy,
Goodbody, Goodchild, Greenhand, Grubb, Headstrong, Hornblower, Maggot,
Noakes, North-tooks, Proudfoot, Puddifoot, Roper, Rumble, Sackville,
Sandyman, Smallburrow, Took, Twofoot, Whitfoot.
Due to their reduced size, Hobbits cannot use larger weapons effectively.
Hobbit adventurers may only use the following weapons:
Axe, bow, club, cudgel, dagger, short sword, short spear,
and spear. Additionally, Hobbits cannot use a great shield.
The World of Men

Bardings Beornings
Stories tell that the Bardings lived under the shadow of a great Dragon for Beornings fight like cornered animals: when they see their own blood they are
decades. filled with wrath.

Your Valor rolls are Favored. During combat, a Wounded Beorning ignores the effects
of being Weary [whether they were injured during the
STANDARD OF LIVING – Prosperous (90) current fight or not.


Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Bardings are
typically weak in Wits, between 2 and 4, moderate in Strength, between 3 and ATTRIBUTES
5, and strong in Heart, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for any Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Beorning’s are
starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum. typically weak in Wits, between 2 and 4, moderate in Heart, between 3 and 5,
and strong in Strength, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for any
DERIVED STATISTICS starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
HOPE: Heart + 8 Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
PARRY: Wits + 12 ENDURANCE: Strength + 24
HOPE: Heart + 6
Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become SKILLS
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet. Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
Awe 1 Enhearten 2 Persuade 3 Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Athletics 1 Travel 1 Stealth 0
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Awareness 1 Insight 2 Scan 1
Awe 3 Enhearten 1 Persuade 0
Hunting 2 Healing 0 Explore 1
Athletics 2 Travel 1 Stealth 0
Song 1 Courtesy 2 Riddle 0
Awareness 2 Insight 1 Scan 1
Craft 1 Battle 2 Lore 1
Hunting 3 Healing 2 Explore 1
Song 0 Courtesy 1 Riddle 0
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES Craft 2 Battle 0 Lore 0
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice. COMBAT PROFICIENCIES
Choose Bow OR Sword Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
Choose one Combat Proficiency: Bows, Spears, OR Swords selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Choose Axe OR Great Spear
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Axes, Spears, OR Swords
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Fair, Keen-eyed, Lordly, Merry, Patient, Subtle, Swift, Wary. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
LANGUAGES AND CULTURAL NAMES Bold, Fierce, Keen-eyed, Rustic, Stern, Swift, Tall, True-hearted.
In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Bardings speak Dalish.
The following list(s) are preferred names for CULTUREs…
In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Beornings speak Vale of Anduin-
MALE NAMES: Aegir, Agmund, Alfwald, Arnulf, Bain, Bard, Brand, Brandulf,
Dag, Drengi, Eirik, Erling, Farmann, Farulf, Finn, Finnulf, Folki, Galmann,
Geirmund, Gorm, Guthorm, Hafgrim, Hakon, Hamarr, Hergrim, Holgeir, The following list(s) are preferred names for Beornings…
Holvidur, Ingolf, Jarl, Jarmarr, Karl, Ketill, Leiknir, Lifstan, Magni, Nerulf, MALE NAMES: Ageric, Alaric, Andagis, Avagis, Badegisel, Balderic, Barald,
Oddmarr, Olaf, Ottarr, Reinald, Sandarr, Sigmarr, Sigmund, Skefill, Torwald, Beorn, Beran, Beranald, Berangar, Beormud, Cilderic, Eberulf, Ebrimuth, Euric,
Unnarr, Valbrand, Valdimar, Vali, Varr. Evoric, Frideger, Garivald, Gerold, Grimald, Grimbeorn, Hathus, Hildebald,
Imnachar, Iwgar, Malaric, Merovech, Odo, Otbert, Ramnulf, Reginar, Roderic,
FEMALE NAMES: Aldis, Aldrif, Asfrid, Astrith, Asny, Bergdis, Brinhild, Dagmar,
Sigeric, Theodemir, Theuderic, Walcaud, Willicar, Wulferd.
Dagny, Dalla, Edda, Eilif, Erna, Estrild, Eydis, Frida, Geira, Gerda, Grimhild,
Gudrun, Gundrid, Gunnhild, Halla, Halldis, Halldora, Helga, Hild, Holma, Inga, FEMALE NAMES: Adosinda, Amalfrida, Amalina, Avagisa, Avina, Beranhild,
Ingirun, Ingrith, Lif, Linhild, Kelda, Ragna, Runa, Saldis, Sigga, Signy, Sigrid, Brunihild, Gailavira, Garsendis, Geleswinta, Gelvira, Grimhilde, Hermesind,
Sigrun, Solveig, Thora, Thorhild, Thorleif, Ulfhild, Valdis, Vigdis, Walda. Heva, Hilduara, Radegund.
BEORNING BYNAMES: …from or of a specific place (Baldac from the High
pass, Beran of the Mountains), the Bald, the Black, the Bold, the Captain, the
Cloaked, the Crooked, the Eloquent, the Foresighted, the Good, the Good-
sword, the Loyal, the Old, the Pugnacious, the Quick-witted, the Quiet, the
Red, of the Red-shield, the Rich, the Runner, the Sad, the Sharp, the Smith,
the Thin, the Trouble-maker, the Wise, the Young.
Dunlendings Men of Bree
The Dunlendings have been driven from their homes, hunted like animals, Due to the position of their homeland, the Men of Bree enjoy better
forced into the hills, and they remember, as a people, all of it. Because of it relationships with Hobbits, Dwarves, and Elves than is considered usual.
all they have learned to press through all manner of difficulties.
Each Man of Bree in the Company increases the Fellowship
When made Weary or reduced to zero (0) Endurance, the Rating by an additional point.
Dunlending may choose to gain a point of Shadow in that
round to cancel the loss of Endurance. STANDARD OF LIVING – Common (30)


Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Breelander’s are
ATTRIBUTES typically weak in Strength, between 2 and 4, moderate in Heart, between 3
and 5, and strong in Wits, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for any
Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Dunlendings
starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.
are typically weak in Strength, between 2 and 4, moderate in Wits, between
3 and 5, and strong in Heart, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for
any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum. DERIVED STATISTICS
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
HOPE: Heart + 8
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
PARRY: Wits + 10
ENDURANCE: Strength + 20
HOPE: Heart + 6
Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
SKILLS Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet. Awe 1 Enhearten 2 Persuade 2
Athletics 1 Travel 1 Stealth 1
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank Awareness 1 Insight 2 Scan 1
Awe 1 Enhearten 0 Persuade 0 Hunting 1 Healing 0 Explore 1
Athletics 2 Travel 0 Stealth 2 Song 1 Courtesy 3 Riddle 2
Awareness 2 Insight 2 Scan 2 Craft 2 Battle 0 Lore 0
Hunting 3 Healing 1 Explore 2
Song 0 Courtesy 0 Riddle 1
Craft 1 Battle 1 Lore 1 COMBAT PROFICIENCIES
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Choose Axe OR Spear
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Choose Axe OR Spear
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Axes, Spears, OR Swords DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Cunning, Fair-spoken, Faithful, Generous, Inquisitive, Patient, Rustic, True-
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Cunning, Fierce, Inquisitive, Keen-eyed, Rustic, Stern, Swift, Wary.
LANGUAGES AND CULTURAL NAMES Men of Bree speak Westron (Common Speech).
In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Dunlendings speak Dunland- The following list(s) are preferred names for CULTUREs…
tongue. MALE NAMES: Alfred, Artie, Bill, Bob, Carl, Ed, Fred, Giles, Herb, Larry, Nob,
Oswald, Percy, Perry, Sid, Tom, Harry.
The following list(s) are preferred names for Dunlendings…
MALE NAMES: Aedin, Aer, Ainsar, Attus, Aurog, Banoc, Beolain, Breaval, Brys, FEMALE NAMES: Daisy, Emma, Etta, Fay, Fern, Flora, Gert, Holly, Lily, Myrtle,
Cael, Casferoch, Cernoc, Comlar, Cuglas, Derc, Domnar, Dumnoval, Emon, Poppy, Rose, Sage, Tilly, Violet.
Etrer, Finsel, Forsa, Imhar, Iolun, Lon, Losvo, Madrach, Malduin, Nynren, Osair,
Senbra, Soroth, Talmach, Torannen, Truis, Unthas, Veroch, Vron. SURNAMES: Appledore, Asterfire, Bellsap, Briarcleave, Butterbur, Cherryborn,
Chesterstout, Droverwind, Ferny, Foxglow, Goatleaf, Hardybough,
FEMALE NAMES: Ailsa, Biroth, Brina, Coras, Dalva, Dianach, Eisa, Finathas, Heathertoes, Hedgedon, Hollybirch, Kettlegrass, Lilyhawk, Mossburn,
Gwya, Ivsa, Lakdar, Maerbrach, Nynvia, Ralsora, Sinna, Tueren, Unna, Vilen. Mugworts, Oakstout, Pickthorn, Pollenroad, Rushlight, Shrubrose, Sweetroot,
Thistlewool, Wayward.
You find it easy to recognize and follow the paths created across the wilds by APPRAISAL
the passage of beasts and men, and to distinguish between them. You have an eye for judging the quality of many things, from precious stones
to exotic spices, or even the qualities of an individual.
You gain (1d) to Hunting and Scan when tracking.
You gain (1d) when using a skill to appraise something or
WILD (Distinctive Feature, beyond what you chose, earlier) someone.
You value little the comforts of civilization and prefer to trust your instincts
when dealing with others.

All interactions within a crowded population area lose (1d),

while you gain (1d) for Insight when dealing with people
outside crowded areas.
Men of the Lake Men of Minas Tirith
CULTURAL BLESSING – Tenacious CULTURAL BLESSING – Men of Valor and Wisdom
The folk of Esgaroth are quick to find and exploit the positive in everything Once accounted among the High Men, the Dúnedain of the South have
they experience, however little it seems. Every defeat is a chance to learn, diminished. Yet, the great deeds committed by the best among them tell that
every blow suffered is a lesson taken by heart. the nobility of the kings of old isn’t fully spent, yet.

When a Lakeman is wounded or fails a roll with serious All your Valor and Wisdom rolls are Favored.
negative consequences, they may spend a point of Hope in
exchange for an Advancement point. STANDARD OF LIVING – Prosperous (90)


Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Gondorian’s are
ATTRIBUTES typically weak in Wits, between 2 and 4, moderate in Heart, between 3 and 5,
Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Lakemen are and strong in Strength, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for any
typically weak in Wits, between 2 and 4, moderate in Strength, between 3 and starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.
5, and strong in Heart, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for any
starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum. DERIVED STATISTICS
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings: HOPE: Heart + 8
ENDURANCE: Strength + 20 PARRY: Wits + 12
HOPE: Heart + 8
Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
SKILLS Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet. Awe 2 Enhearten 2 Persuade 1
Athletics 1 Travel 1 Stealth 0
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Awareness 2 Insight 2 Scan 0
Awe 0 Enhearten 0 Persuade 2
Hunting 0 Healing 1 Explore 1
Athletics 1 Travel 2 Stealth 0 Song 1 Courtesy 2 Riddle 0
Awareness 1 Insight 2 Scan 2
Craft 0 Battle 3 Lore 2
Hunting 1 Healing 1 Explore 0
Song 2 Courtesy 1 Riddle 2
Craft 1 Battle 2 Lore 2 COMBAT PROFICIENCIES
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet, Choose Long Sword OR Spear
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice. Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP
Choose Great Bow OR Sword
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Faithful, Fierce, Honorable, Lordly, Proud, Stern, True-hearted, Wilful.
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Fierce, Generous, Inquisitive, Merry, Rustic, Stern, Wary, Wilful. LANGUAGES AND CULTURAL NAMES
In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Gondorians speak Grey-elven
In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Lakemen speak Dalish.
The following list(s) are preferred names for Gondorians…
The following list(s) are preferred names for Folk of the Lake… MALE NAMES: Adrahil, Amlaith, Arvegil, Baranor, Belecthor, Bergil, Celepharn,
MALE NAMES: Aegir, Agmund, Alfwald, Arnulf, Bain, Bard, Brand, Brandulf, Cirion, Damrod, Dírhael, Duinhir, Egalmoth, Eradan, Findemir, Forlong,
Dag, Drengi, Eirik, Erling, Farmann, Farulf, Finn, Finnulf, Folki, Galmann, Golasdan, Hallas, Hirluin, Ingold, Iorlas, Malvegil, Ohtar, Orodreth, Tarannon,
Geirmund, Gorm, Guthorm, Hafgrim, Hakon, Hamarr, Hergrim, Holgeir, Targon.
Holvidur, Ingolf, Jarl, Jarmarr, Karl, Ketill, Leiknir, Lifstan, Magni, Nerulf,
FEMALE NAMES: Anwen, Arbereth, Berúthiel, Baraniel, Calanril, Celenneth,
Oddmarr, Olaf, Ottarr, Reinald, Sandarr, Sigmarr, Sigmund, Skefill, Torwald,
Elnîth, Eraniel, Finduilas, Gilraen, Gilraeth, Gloredhel, Idril, Ioreth, Ivorwen,
Unnarr, Valbrand, Valdimar, Vali, Varr.
Lôrwend, Lothíriel, Luindîs, Meneloth, Moriel, Morwen, Narieth, Narniel,
FEMALE NAMES: Aldis, Aldrif, Asfrid, Astrith, Asny, Bergdis, Brinhild, Dagmar, Orothêl, Tarandîs.
Dagny, Dalla, Edda, Eilif, Erna, Estrild, Eydis, Frida, Geira, Gerda, Grimhild,
Gudrun, Gundrid, Gunnhild, Halla, Halldis, Halldora, Helga, Hild, Holma, Inga,
Ingirun, Ingrith, Lif, Linhild, Kelda, Ragna, Runa, Saldis, Sigga, Signy, Sigrid,
Sigrun, Solveig, Thora, Thorhild, Thorleif, Ulfhild, Valdis, Vigdis, Walda.
What the Folk of the Long-lake suffered in the Desolation of a Dragon for
twenty-six decades has brought a hard-won resilience and indelible memory.
A point of Hope expended while battling a terrifying foe
sees that opponent Lose (2d) to any attack or skill that
would unduly harm the Lakeman. Alternately, Song and
Lore gain (1d) when reciting historical song, poetry, prose,
or lore.
Rangers of the North Riders of Rohan
Some say that the lordship of the folk of Arnor is a thing of the past. Yet, the The Men of the Mark are as generous and loyal to their folk as they are fell
Rangers of the North have inherited the sinews of those Men who wrested the to their enemies. When battle-lust has them, they appear as men stricken
Ring from the burning hand of Sauron. with grief, their faces deathly white, or as madmen who laugh at despair.
Add 1 point to one Attribute of your choice. The attribute Rolling a or on a Protection roll allows them to
may be raised to eight (8). enter a battle fury, where they may take a point of
Shadow to gain (1d) to all close combat rolls until the end
STANDARD OF LIVING – Frugal (15) of the fight.


Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Dúnedain are
typically weak in Wits, between 2 and 4, moderate in Heart, between 3 and 5, ATTRIBUTES
and strong in Strength, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for any Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Riders of Rohan
starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum. are typically weak in Wits, between 2 and 4, moderate in Heart, between 3
and 5, and strong in Body, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for any
DERIVED STATISTICS starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
ENDURANCE: Strength + 20
HOPE: Heart + 6 Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
PARRY: Wits + 14 ENDURANCE: Strength + 22
HOPE: Heart + 8
PARRY: Wits + 12
Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your SKILLS
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet. Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Awe 1 Enhearten 0 Persuade 0 Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Athletics 2 Travel 2 Stealth 2 Awe 2 Enhearten 2 Persuade 0
Awareness 2 Insight 1 Scan 1 Athletics 3 Travel 2 Stealth 0
Hunting 2 Healing 2 Explore 2 Awareness 2 Insight 1 Scan 1
Song 0 Courtesy 0 Riddle 0 Hunting 1 Healing 0 Explore 1
Craft 0 Battle 2 Lore 2 Song 2 Courtesy 1 Riddle 0
Craft 1 Battle 2 Lore 0
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice. Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
Choose Spear OR Sword selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP Choose Spear OR Sword
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here: Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Bold, Honorable, Secretive, Stern, Subtle, Swift, Tall, True-hearted. Fierce, Generous, Honorable, Lordly, Proud, Stern, True-hearted, Wilful.
In addition to Westron (Common Speech and Native Language of the In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Folk of the Mark speak Rohan-
Dúnedain), Rangers may also speak Grey-elven (Sindarin). tongue and Grey-elven (Sindarin).

The following list(s) are preferred names for CULTUREs… The Mark-folk place a great deal of reverence on their ancestors and forebears
MALE NAMES: Adrahil, Amlaith, Arvegil, Baranor, Belecthor, Bergil, Celepharn, and many of them are named after notable heroes or past kings of their
Cirion, Damrod, Dírhael, Duinhir, Egalmoth, Eradan, Findemir, Forlong, people. Sometimes, though not often, they use a surname based on some
Golasdan, Hallas, Hirluin, Ingold, Iorlas, Malvegil, Ohtar, Orodreth, Tarannon, deed or misfortune, but may also reference their father’s name or that of their
Targon. homeland. As well, horses are every bit as important as other family, including
their own children; thus, horses may carry any name, though some common
FEMALE NAMES: Anwen, Arbereth, Baraniel, Berùthiel, Calanril, Celenneth, examples show up, below. The following list(s) are preferred names for Riders
Elnîth, Eraniel, Finduilas, Gilraen, Gilraeth, Gloredhel, Idril, Ioreth, Ivorwen, of Rohan…
Lôrwend, Lothíriel, Luindîs, Meneloth, Moriel, Morwen, Narieth, Narniel, MALE NAMES: Aldor, Brego, Brytta, Ceorl, Déor, Dúnhere, Elfhelm, Eofor,
Orothêl, Tarandîs. Éothain, Fastred, Folcred, Folda, Fréawine, Gamling, Gárulf, Gléowine, Guthláf,
Herefara, Herubrand, Horn, Théoden, Wídfara, Wulf.
ALLEGIANCE OF THE DÚNEDAIN FEMALE NAMES: Alflet, Ava, Beorwyn, Berghild, Celwen, Cyneswith, Déorwyn,
The Rangers are devoted to fighting Sauron and his minions by an ancient Elfhild, Éofled, Éowyn, Frideswyn, Godwyf, Lefwyn, Merwyn, Morwed, Neriend,
tradition of war and strife. The obligation makes it harder for them to put Sefled, Seledryd, Sigfled, Théodhild, Théodwyn, Wigbur, Wulfgith.
their spirit at ease even hen enjoying a respite from adventuring.
HORSE NAMES: Arod, Hasufel, Felaróf, Firefoot, Shadowfax, Snowman,
During the Fellowship Phase you recover a maximum Windfola.
number of Hope points equal to half your Heart score A FAITHFUL MOUNT
[rounding fractions up]. A newly created Rider of Rohan begins with a radhors, a travel horse.

This horse is for travel and carrying things, not for warfare,
and will bolt at the first sign of danger, carrying off
everything mounted on it, but will return the moment calm
is restored.
Woodmen of Mountain Hall Woodmen of Wilderland
The Woodmen of Firienseld understand the mountainsides of which their Woodmen blend in so well with the woods of their home, they can trick the
home is a part and know how to beset the footing of others and use the many eyes of others and use many obstacles found in the woods to their advantage.
obstacles found there to their advantage.
A Woodman fighting in the woods doubles their Wits
Mountain Woodmen fighting on a mountainside gain (1d) score when Parry is determined and they gain (1d) to
to Armor vs. Piercing Blows AND gain (1d) to Combat Armor vs. Piercing Blows.
ATTRIBUTES Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Woodmen are
Split fourteen (14) points between Strength, Heart, and Wits. Mountain typically weak in Strength, between 2 and 4, moderate in Wits, between 3 and
Woodmen are typically weak in Wits, between 2 and 4, moderate in Heart, 5, and strong in Heart, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the minimum for any
between 3 and 5, and strong in Strength, between 5 and 7. Two (2) is the starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.
minimum for any starting attribute and Seven (7) is the maximum.
DERIVED STATISTICS Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings:
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute ratings: ENDURANCE: Strength + 20
ENDURANCE: Strength + 22 HOPE: Heart + 10
HOPE: Heart + 8 PARRY: Wits + 12
PARRY: Wits + 12
SKILLS Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your
Copy the Skill ranks listed for each Skill from the table, below, to your Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become
Character sheet; then, choose ONE Skill among the two underlined to become Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Favored, and check the box to the left of the skill on the sheet.
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank
Strength Skill Rank Heart Skill Rank Wits Skill Rank Awe 0 Enhearten 2 Persuade 0
Awe 1 Enhearten 1 Persuade 0 Athletics 2 Travel 1 Stealth 2
Athletics 2 Travel 1 Stealth 1 Awareness 2 Insight 0 Scan 1
Awareness 2 Insight 0 Scan 2 Hunting 2 Healing 2 Explore 3
Hunting 3 Healing 2 Explore 1 Song 1 Courtesy 0 Riddle 0
Song 1 Courtesy 1 Riddle 1 Craft 1 Battle 1 Lore 1
Craft 1 Battle 2 Lore 0
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet,
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the Character sheet, selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice.
selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered a choice. Choose Bow OR Long-hafted Axe
Choose Bow OR Mattock Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP
Choose a Combat Proficiency of: Any One CP
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here:
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed, here: Bold, Cunning, Keen-eyed, Merry, Rustic, True-hearted, Wary, Wilful.
Bold, Cunning, Keen-eyed, Merry, Rustic, True-hearted, Wary, Wilful.
LANGUAGES AND CULTURAL NAMES In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Woodmen speak the Vale of
In addition to Westron (Common Speech), all Woodmen speak the Vale of Anduin-tongue.
The following list(s) are preferred names for Woodmen of Wilderland…
The following list(s) are preferred names for Men of Mountain Hall… MALE NAMES: Adalard, Ageric, Arnulf, Badegeisel, Baldac, Beran, Cilderic,
MALE NAMES: Adalard, Ageric, Arnulf, Badegeisel, Baldac, Beran, Cilderic, Eberulf, Eboric, Evoric, Frideger, Gararic, Garivald, Gerold, Hartgard, Hartmut,
Eberulf, Eboric, Evoric, Frideger, Gararic, Garivald, Gerold, Hartgard, Hartmut, Hildebald, Imnachar, Ingelram, Iwgar, Leudast, Magneric, Malaric, Merovech,
Hildebald, Imnachar, Ingelram, Iwgar, Leudast, Magneric, Malaric, Merovech, Odo, Odovocar, Otbert, Ragnacar, Ramnulf, Rathar, Sigeric, Sigibert,
Odo, Odovocar, Otbert, Ragnacar, Ramnulf, Rathar, Sigeric, Sigibert, Sunnegisil, Theodard, Theodebart, Theodemir, Walcaud, Waleran, Wulfred.
Sunnegisil, Theodard, Theodebart, Theodemir, Walcaud, Waleran, Wulfred.
FEMALE NAMES: Adosinda, Amalfrida, Amalina, Avagisa, Avina, Beranhild,
FEMALE NAMES: Adosinda, Amalfrida, Amalina, Avagisa, Avina, Beranhild, Brunihild, Gailavira, Garsendis, Geleswinta, Gelvira, Grimhild, Hermesind,
Brunihild, Gailavira, Garsendis, Geleswinta, Gelvira, Grimhild, Hermesind, Heva, Hilduara, Radegund.
Heva, Hilduara, Radegund.
WOODMAN NICKNAMES: The Bird-keeper, the Bowman, the Bride, the
WOODMAN NICKNAMES: The Bird-keeper, the Bowman, the Bride, the Bright-one, the Eagle, the Healer, the Hound, the Hunter, the Quick, the
Bright-one, the Eagle, the Healer, the Hound, the Hunter, the Quick, the Shepherd, the Shield-bearer, the Silent-one, the Spear-shaker, the Wood-goer.
Shepherd, the Shield-bearer, the Silent-one, the Spear-shaker, the Wood-goer.

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