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1 . a.

)Derive the relation between focal length and the radius of

curvature of a spherical mirror ? (3m)
b.) A small telescope has an objective lens of focal length 144cm
and an eyepiece of focal length 6cm (2m)
i.) What is the magnifying power of telescope
ii.) Why is the seperation between the objective and the

2. a.) Derive the expression for refractive index of material of an

equilateral prism in terms of angle of the prism and angle of
minimum deviation .(3m)
b.) A prism of angle 60° produce angle of minimum deviation of
40°. What is refractive index?(2m)

3.a.) Distinguishe between interference and diffraction ?(3m)

b.) Distinguishe between coherent addition of wave and incoherent
addition of wave ? (2m)

4.) a.) Mention the expression for limit of resolution of microscope

and write the expression for limit of resolution of telescope (2m)
b.) Estimate the distance for which ray optics is good
approximation for an aperture of 4mm and wavelength 400nm?(3m)

5.) a.) i.)the refractive index of glass is 1.5 . What is the speed of light
in glass?
ii.)is the speed of light in glass independent of the colur of light? If
not ,which if the two colours red and violet travels slower in a glass
prism .
b.) In a Young’s double slit experiment, the slit are seperated by
0.28mm and the screen is placed 1.4m away. The diatance between
the central bright fringe and the fourth bright fringe is measured to
be 1.2 cm . Determine the wave length of light used in the

6.) a.) Derive the relation between n,u,v and R for a spherical surface
b.)A beam of light converges at a point P. Now a lens is placed in
the path of the convergent beam 12cm from P. At what point does
the beam converge if the lens is 1.) A convex lens of focal length
20cn and 2.) A concave lens of the focal length 16cm ?

7.) i.) Mention the sign conventions of light rays and mention the
conditions to have a total internal reflection
ii.) Define focal length and power of lens
iii.) At whatangle should a ray of light be incident on the face of a
prism of refracting angle ,so that it just suffers totl internal reflection
at the other face ? The refractive index of the material of the prism is
8.) I.) Distinguish between conduction current and the displacement
current and mention the Maxwell 's equations
II.) Write down the expression for the velocity of electromagnetic
wave in 1.) Vaccum. 2.) Material medium ?
III.) Mention two characteristics of electromagnetic waves

9.)suppose that the electric feild part of an electromagnetic waves in

vaccum is E= {3.1N/C} cos {1.8rad/ m}y+{5 .4 ×10^6 rad /s }t

a.)What is the direction of propagation ?

b.) What is the wavelength lamda?
c.) What is the frequency ?
d.) What is the amplitude of the magnetic feild part of the wave ?
e.) Write an expression for the magnetic feild part of the wave ?

10.) a.) A radio can tune into any station in the 7.5 MHz to 12MHz
band .what is the corresponding wavelength band ?
b.) A charged particle oscillates about its mean equilibrium.
Position with a frequency of 10^9. What is the frequency of the
electromagnetic waves produced by the oscillator?
C.) The amplitude of the magnetic feild part of a harmoni.
Electromagnetic wave in vaccum is B0=510bT. What is the amplitude
of the electric feild part of the wace?

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