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PMC/ HR MANUAL/V.02 - 2020

S. No Title Page no.

1 About the Institution 3

2 Recruitment process 9

3 Orientation Program 14

4 Training and Development 15

5 Job descriptions 18

6 Attendance and Leave policy 33

7 Employee Performance appraisals, Promotion and transfer 37

8 Exit procedure 39

9 Code of conduct and Disciplinary procedure 41

10 Code of ethics 45

11 Dress Code policy 47

12 Financial Assistance policy 48

13 IT policy and guidelines 51

14 Prohibition of Alcohol, tobacco and drug 53

15 Sexual Harassment policy 54

16 Grievance redressal policy 57

17 Environment, Health and Safety policy 59

18 Communication Policy 60

19 Department purchase and maintenance policy 62


PMC Group of Institutions commenced in the year 1996. This Group of Institutions, have
progressed well and will continue to do so in the future, with all your support and

The Management understands the need for guidelines to all staff for a systematic and
sustained growth of the Institution taking care of the needs of students, staff and Society at

The HR Manual of the Institution is prepared to make all the staff working in the Institution
aware of the rules and regulations that governs their working in the Institute.

This manual does not supersede the requirements of the statutory/non-statutory bodies
like AICTE, NAAC, NBA, UGC, ISO, Directorate of Technical Education and any other
relevant body. Thisis second issue of Human Resource Manual. A sincere effort has been
made to create a manual anticipating future needs and issues in a manner easy to
understand for most users.

The Management is committed to help in the interpretation of any policy. All staff are expected
to read the Human Resource Policy Manual in order to know the policy updates made from
time to time.

Updates in the manual will also be informed to staff through circulars as and when required
with the permission of the Management of the Institute and based on statutory

Any ambiguity / clarifications / doubts that arise out of the interpretation of the text of this
manual shall be ignored out through the rules and regulations laid down by the Directorate
of Technical Education.

In case of conflict of rules laid down by AICTE and Directorate of Technical Education, a
proper decision on a specific matter is left to the sole discretion of the Management.

The policy document is effective from July 2020. Staff members shall strictly adhere to the
rules and regulations spelled out in this document.

The Management reserves the right to change/modify the policies as and when necessary
and apply their discretion in specific cases

Shri Er. P. PERUMAL, Founder Chairman, Er Perumal Manimekalai Telugu Minority Educational and
Charitable Trust, Hosur.




“PMC TECH – Group of Institutions is uniquely positioned to provide the Vision,

Leadership and Intellectual Capital that underwrite progress in the 21st Century”
PMC TECH Group of Institutions, Hosur is a reputed Educational Institution, which has
been known for producing outstanding students who take on different careers, as per their
Academic merit, successfully in the society.

Established in the year 1996 under the dynamic leadership of Shri. Er. Perumal, Founder
Chairman and bannered by “Er. Perumal Manimekalai Telugu Minority Educational and
Charitable Trust”, the institution is a sunrise hub for providing quality education inthe

The Institute comprises of Matriculation School, Industrial School-ITI, Polytechnic and

Engineering College with MBA/MCA courses.

PMC TECH has been envisioned to be an institute promoting academic and professional
excellence, nurturing and sustaining conducive ambience for sculpting budding talents into
technology and management leaders of tomorrow and inculcating professional ethics,
cultural values, sensitivity and sense of service towards society.



PMC Tech Polytechnic College shall emerge as a premier Institute for value added technical
education coupled with Innovation, Incubation, Ethics and Professional values.


PMC TECH will endeavor

 To foster the professional competence through excellence in teaching and learning.

 To nurture overall development of students by providing Quality Education & Training.

 To provide innovative environment to learn, innovate and create new ideas for the
betterment of oneself and society.


PMC TECH is committed to create Quality Professionals to meet the emerging Industrial
and Social needs through:
 Innovative teaching
 Institution – Industry Interaction
 Placing faith in human values
 Meeting regulatory requirements and aiming continual improvement in all


Name of the Institution : Er. Perumal Manimekalai Polytechnic College

Address of the Institution : NH-7, 17th Km, Hosur – Krishnagiri Highways, Koneripalli,
Hosur – 635 117

Contact Details : 04344257206

AICTE Permanent ID : 1-451556641

Er. Perumal Manimekalai Polytechnic College, established in the year 1996 is approved
by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Directorate of Technical
Education, Chennai. The college “an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution” has all
advantageous and state-of-art facilities and provide industry ready employability skills
thereby sculpting budding talents into Technology and Management leaders of Tomorrow.
Strategic location of the Institution is not only the Industrial hub of Hosur, Tamilnadu but
also proximity of Silicon Valley Bengaluru, which is engulfed with Aeronautical,
Automobile, Construction, Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering Industries
largely benefiting the student’s prosperity.

Ever since inception, the college is dedicated to the core of “Promotion of quality
education with basic philosophy summed up as to be a centre of learning, excelling in
academics, which imparts knowledge to its students, encourages staff and students to
actively take up research and development activities and to be an emissary of growth
promotion of ethical values and thus serve the society


Students Intake
S. No Diploma Name of the course

1 Diploma Chemical 60

2 Diploma Computer 60

3 Diploma Mechanical 180

4 Diploma Mechanical (Tool & Die) 90

5 Diploma ECE 60

6 Diploma EEE 60

7 Diploma Robotics 60

8 Diploma Civil 60



S. No Positions Reporting Authority

1 Director Secretary
2 Principal Director
3 Head of the Department Principal
4 Lecturer HOD
5 Lab Technician /Lab Instructor HOD
6 Lab Assistant Lab Technician
7 Librarian Principal
8 Asst. Librarian / Library Assistant Librarian
9 Physical Education Director Principal
11 Asst. Physical Education Director Physical Education Director
12 Management Representative (ISO) Secretary
13 Workshop Superintendent Principal / HOD
14 Placement Officer Principal
15 Training Officer Principal
16 System Administrator Principal
17 Human Resource Coordinator Principal / The Secretary
18 Admission Coordinator Principal
19 Accounts Officer / Cashier / Admission/ Exam / Principal
Scholarship Assistant / dispatch Assistant
20 Maintenance Officer Site Engineers (Civil)
21 Electrician / Plumber Maintenance Officer
22 Stores Incharge Principal
23 Security Officer HR
24 Security Supervisor / Security Guard Security Officer
25 Transport Manager Principal
26 Transport Clerk Transport Manager
27 Hostel Warden Principal
28 Dy. Hostel Warden / Sub warden / Mess/Canteen Hostel Warden
incharge / Mess workers



2.1.1. Manpower Planning:

Manpower planning is the first step in recruitment. Normally, this is carried out at the

end of the academic term.

A circular is sent by the Principal to all staff every year in the month of March for their
willingness to continue their services in the next academic year. Based on the willingness
report, the man power requirement for the next academic year is arrived. Subject to
Management’s approval, the vacancy positions will be filled.

2.1.2. Qualification Criteria: (Teaching Staffs)

A person shall be deemed to have been appointed to the service when his appointment is
made to a post in accordance with the existing AICTE norms (but it shall not include staff
appointed on deputation or contract or temporary/ad-hoc).
Every appointee shall be subject to the conditions that his/her desired qualification is
approved by the affiliating board.
At a future date, if any malpractice in qualification or previous experience, is noticed by
any authorities of Management, service will be terminated with immediate effect and a
penalty imposed as decided by the management.

2.1.3. Job Announcement:

Job announcement takes place through advertisement in the college website, daily
Newspapers and website ( in the month of April/May.

2.1.4. Scrutiny of applications:
All the applications received will be screened and scrutinized initially by HR and forwarded
to Management. Second level scrutiny will be done by the Management in the presence of
HR and the shortlisted candidates will be called for interview.

2.1.5. Interview Call letter:

For all the shortlisted candidates, interview call letter will be sent by HR through email and
further confirmation will be done over phone. This call letter should be produced at the
time of interview.

2.1.6. Selection Committee:

A selection committee is formed to interview, assess and recommend the right candidates
for the positions to be filled. Direct interview will conduct the suitable candidates and the
selection will be based on the recommendations given by the committee.
 Interview panel constitutes the Director, Principal, HR and HOD
 Finally the shortlisted candidates will have a one to one discussion with the

2.1.7. Interview Assessment Criteria:

Assessment of the candidate is carried out by the panel on the following parameters during
the interview and presentation. The number within the brackets indicate the marks assigned
for each parameter.
 Teaching skills (10)
 Spoken English (10)
 Subject knowledge (10)
The interview panel will evaluate the candidates based on the above parameters and
record their honest ratings in the interview assessment form.
2.1.8 Interview Process & guidelines:
 Candidates are required to fill the faculty data sheet.
 The filled faculty data sheet and all other testimonials including proof of
qualification, experience certificates will be scrutinized by HR.
 Candidates shall make a presentation on the topics of specialization of his / her
own choice in the first round of interview.
 Shortlisted Candidates in the first round shall make a presentation on the topic
given by the panel in the second round of interview.

 The shortlisted candidates from the second round of interview assessment will have
personal interview with the Management along with the Principal.

2.1.9 Recruitment Procedure (Non -Teaching Staff)

All HOD’s present their requirement to the Principal and after approval from the
management, the same is forwarded to HR for recruitment. Assessment will be done by the
HOD/ Senior faculty of the department followed by other recruitment procedures.


 The selected candidate is required to join on or before the stipulated date as given
in the offer letter
 A joining report along with the required documents as mentioned in the offer letter
shall be submitted by the candidate at the date of joining.
 The original certificates will be verified by HR for authentication.
The Appointment order will be issued on completion of the joining formalities.


 Probation period is applicable for HOD, Lecturer, Non- teaching and supporting
 The probation period will be for one year. During the probation period, the
performance of the staff will be monitored closely on various parameters such as
attendance, performance, approach, attitude etc.
 Subject to successful completion of probation period and their performance being
satisfactory, the services of the staff will be confirmed.
 The probation period may be extended at the discretion of the Management.
 A confirmation will be issued after successful completion of Probation period.

All the positions, the scale of Pay and qualifications are as per AICTE/Directorate of Technical
Education, Chennai norms and accordance with 6TH CPC for all staff members.
2.4.1 Pay Structure

Designation Salary Structure

Lecturer (B.E / M. Sc) Rs. 15,600-39,100 + AGP 5,400
Lecturer (M.E / M. Phil) Rs. 15,600-39,100 + AGP 6,000
Head of the Department Rs. 15,600-39,100 + AGP 7,000
Lecturer ( Fresher) Rs. 15,600 /- as a consolidated pay during the probationary
period and he or she will be placed in the pay scale with AGP
of Rs. 5,400/- on successful completion of probationary
period and the performance of the candidate satisfactory.

2.4.2 Yearly increment:

Employees are eligible to the increment prescribed at the end of 12 months service in the College.
Additional DA shall be given to employees based on their contributions and performance, at the
discretion of the Management.

2.4.3 Benefits extended to faculties: Employee Provident fund Management contribution for PF and EPF. Refreshment and working Lunch. Free transport facility. Duty leave for attending conferences Reimbursement of registration fee paid for conferences and seminars. Cash award for publication in reputed Journals. Exam fee reimbursement of exam fee for faculty members securing Elite silver
andmore on NPTEL/ SWAYAM certification exams. Group insurance cover for all staff members. Monetary benefits for provided for staff members receiving grants from funding

12 Employees are provided free hostel accommodation on request. They
should get priorpermission from Management / Principal/Designated Authority. All members of the staff are eligible for travel allowance, when deputed on
official dutyas per the order of the Principal.


3.1 Orientation Guidelines / Procedure

Every newly inducted staff shall undergo a formal orientation program by the
orientation team on the joining day after completing the joining formalities.
The orientation team comprises of the following members,
Principal, Head of the department, Management Representative, Domain experts and HR.
Orientation session shall provide all necessary information concerning
 The history of the Institution
 Policies of the Institution
 Importance of conformance with the quality policy, quality objectives
 Quality management system
 Terms of employment
 Duties and responsibilities
 Leave rules
 Benefits
 Career growth opportunities etc.

A personal file shall be opened by HR department comprising of all the documents

pertaining to the individual candidate.



PMC TECH gives a major focus and attention in the Faculty Development and Training with
the main objective of enhancing the skill sets of the staff. Faculty Development
programs encourage faculty members to gain knowledge on the subject areas and provide
innovative approaches to develop the right educational tools for the teaching - learning


In-house Trainings:

 Induction / Orientation Program

 Soft skill and behavioral programs as per Training Calendar
 ISO Training
 Safety Training

Outbound Trainings:

 Participation in Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops

 Any other trainings organized by the Management outside the campus
The respective head of the departments shall identify the training need in consultation with
the respective teaching as well as non-teaching staff.

Department wise documents are then centrally compiled for preparation of the entire
training need identification for the whole institute. The training need identification
document is prepared identifying departmental needs, faculty expertise and also need for
soft skill development.

Following are the sources of input for the Training need Identification.

 Performance appraisal
 Revision in the syllabus

 Audit findings
 Feedback from students
 Changes in responsibility
 Changes in course contents
 Competency Skill assessment etc.,

4.3. Skill Assessment Matrix:

Each job requires special skills that are identified as part of job description. It is
ensured that personnel working in the concerned function possess the minimum skills and
is qualified either by virtue of their qualification or certified by the Principal /
Training & Placement In-charge maintains the record of the competency required for all
positions. During recruitment, such requirements are considered for the selection of the
competent personnel for the job prescribed.
The deviation/gap in the skill set (required vs actual) is identified during the performance
appraisal, and the same is considered as training need input. The performance appraisal
for the staff is carried out once in a year.

4.4. Training Plan & Execution

 After identifying the training needs of all individuals, a formal training calendar will
be prepared by the Training In-charge and submitted to the management for
approval at the beginning of the Academic year.
 The approved training calendar is executed as per the plan by the Training Officer.
 The scheduled training programs will be intimated in advance to all participants
through circular.
 Apart from the identified training needs, intimation from AICTE/DOTE on various
subject related trainings are received and staff are nominated based on the need.
 Training attendance sheet shall be maintained for all internal training programs.

4.5. Training Feedback:
A training feedback form will be collected from the participants on the effectiveness of training
as well as the trainer and the evaluation of the participants will be done as per the Training
Evaluation report.

4.6. Training Records:

Training In-charge maintains all training records with regard to the staff employed in the
Institution. The successful completion of job related seminars, Internal / external training
program are recorded. The Skills inventory shall be updated once in 6 months and on
completion of training programs.

4.7 Training Effectiveness:

Training effectiveness shall be evaluated by he concerned Trainer / functional heads through
various means and shall be recorded.


Each and every staff in the institution has their job responsibilities and they shall carry all the
tasks assigned to him to the fullest of his ability. The detailed job description shall be issued
along with the appointment order.

Any subsequent changes based on the necessity due to statutory requirements will be
communicated when need arises. Job description sheet will be given to new joinee/
promoted staff on assumption of new position.
Job description sheet as per annexure shall be given to the individual and their signature
will be obtained in token of acceptance.

The following are the positions for whom job descriptions are made:
S. No Position / Post / Designation
1 Director
2 Principal
3 Head of the department
4 Lecturer
5 Tutor
6 Class Incharge
7 Training & Placement officer
8 Admission Coordinator
9 Admission / Exam Assistant
10 Scholarship Assistant
11 Human resources coordinator
12 Accounts officer
13 Cashier
14 Office assistant
15 Despatch assistant

16 Workshop superintendent
17 Lab technician / lab instructor
18 Lab assistant
19 Librarian
20 Library assistant
21 Physical education director
22 System administrator
23 Store in charge
24 Attenders
25 Maintenance officer
26 Electrician/ plumber
27 Transport manager
28 Transport assistant
29 Hostel warden
30 Deputy warden
31 Mess in charge
32 Mess workers
33 Canteen
34 Security officer
35 Workshop superintendent
36 Lab technician / lab instructor
37 Lab assistant
38 Physical education director
39 System administrator
40 Store in charge
41 Attenders
42 Maintenance officer
43 Electrician/ plumber
44 Transport manager

45 Transport assistant
46 Hostel warden
47 Deputy warden
48 Mess in charge
49 Mess workers
50 Canteen
51 Security officer

1. To look after all the Administrative activities.
2. To create an environment for industry institute interaction.
3. To maintain discipline among students and staff.
4. To perform any other special activities assigned by the Management from time to
5. To monitor admission Process.
6. To take care of infrastructure establishments
7. To take care of all students development activities.

1. To look after all the Academic activities falling in line with the AICTE, Directorate of
Technical Education (DOTE), Chennai and the Government of Tamil Nadu norms, in
all aspects.
2. To conduct all the Diploma programmes according to the Directorate of Technical
Education, Chennai guidelines.
3. To appoint Faculty Member according to the norms of the AICTE and Directorate of
Technical Education, Chennai.
4. To act as Warden for Gents and Ladies Hostel.
5. To monitor admission and conduct regular class works.
6. To organize placement activities in coordination with Placement officer.
7. To monitor smooth conduct of Quality Management System in accordance with
8. To perform any other special activities assigned by the Management from time to


1. To take responsibility for all the academic affairs of the Department
2. To looks after day-to-day activities relating to teaching and other workloads
of his/her teaching and non-teaching staff.
3. To report to the Principal regarding all the requirements of his/her department such
as Faculty Member, supporting staff, equipment, books & journals, maintenance etc.
4. To represent his/her department and report to the Principal all the
requirements/short comings for the development and proper functioning of the
Department during weekly/fortnightly/monthly meetings
5. To look after the matters related to R&D, Consultancy and Research Publications.
6. To arranges for Guest Lecture/Extension Lectures, Seminars, Workshops, and
Conferences etc.
7. To take responsibility for mobilizing his/her Faculty Member for different research
8. To take responsibility for innovative programmes including collaboration with other
institutions, Universities and different industries
9. To act as a mentor and take responsibility for students’ academic
10. To perform any other special activities assigned by the Management from time to

1. To co-ordinate with the head of the department in all academic and non-
academic activities
2. To undertake specific and special tasks assigned by the head of the department.
3. To Complete the Syllabus including practical.
4. To closely monitor absenteeism of students and take necessary steps to curtail
5. To valuate answer script and submit mark statement as per the defined
6. To act as invigilators and examiners during the conduct of examinations
7. To shoulder the responsibilities of the head of the department in his / her absence.
8. To guide students on specific task like educational tour, industrial visit, etc.
9. To maintain ethical standards both in and outside the campus on their part and
10. To take additional responsibilities like warden ship, timetable in-charge, Purchase
11. In-charge, maintaining student record, sending progress report, getting student
feedback, Student Counselor / Class in-charges and project guide etc.
12. To attend Faculty Development Program/Refresher courses and Seminar etc. to
upgrade and update their knowledge level continuously.
13. To keep abreast of the state-of-art technologies in their field by utilizing journals
in College library.
14. To grant leave for the students within his/her ambit.
15. To grade individual performance and award internal marks to students objectively.
16. To maintain the course file with lesson plan; ensures that syllabus of each unit is
covered in time; get the summary of class work and assessment and “Attendance
record” certified by the HOD.
17. To ensure that all Laboratory programs/projects are planned and completed well in
18. To ensure that any arrears in the laboratory programs by any student for any reason,
are taken care of and the students are helped to complete the program immediately.
19. To ensure that all the periodical tests and model examinations for theory and
practical are held as per the calendar.
20. To ensure that the students maintain their notebooks records etc. for the subjects
systematically by making periodical random checks.
21. To ensure that the course delivery is carried out efficiently and effectively preferably
with the support of teaching aids and course files.
22. To ensure that maximum possible references to various board questions are made
possible by widening the scope of question banks in advance to board examination
23. To ensure that students are encouraged and guided properly to participate in
seminars, competitions, projects and visits.
24. To ensure wherever necessary special classes are arranged and make himself /
herself available for the students seeking clarifications and to clear doubts.
25. To assist HOD in getting the exam result analysis, progress report, maintaining
student record and feedback from students etc.
26. To assist HOD in association meetings and assigned committees.
27. To perform any other special activities assigned by the Management from time to

1. Class in-charge takes the responsibility of the class.
2. Class in-charge advises the student in all matters and helps them in curricular, extra-
curricular, career development and personality related areas by analyzing their
aptitudes, attitudes, talents, problems and offers suitable remedial action. Class in-
charge works as a person between the student and parent on matters pertaining to
them with particular emphasis on studies, attendance, performance and matters of
3. Class in-charge keep constant touch with the members of faculty regarding discipline
and academic program of the students.
4. Class in-charge ensures that the results of the periodical tests, model examination
and board examination are collected with analysis and acts on that by conveying to
HODs, Principal and parents.
5. To perform any other special activities assigned by the Management from time to

1. Each Student facilitator takes the responsibility of maximum no. of 20-30 students.
2. Student facilitator advises the student in all matters and helps them in curricular,
extra-curricular, career development and personality related areas by analyzing
their aptitudes, attitudes, talents, problems and offers suitable remedial action.
3. Student facilitator carries out the counseling process the student facilitator
establishes a system of consultation with the HOD and other connected faculty
members and update the relevant information and requirements of his / her
4. Student facilitator keeps constant touch with the members of faculty regarding
discipline and academic program of the students.
5. Student facilitator counsels the students in respect of board examination and guide
them for successful performance.
6. Student facilitator helps in spotting of talents among students, direct them to various
activities and monitor their performance and progress.
7. To conduct class committee meeting involving student representatives
8. To identify and organize counseling programs for the students through the Student
Facilitators/ Class in-charges
9. To monitor the remittance of fees by students
10. To perform any other special activities assigned by the Management from time to

1. To take responsibility for entire activities related to the students
2. To coordinate with the industries for providing the vocational training courses to
3. To arrange guest lectures, workshops, seminars, industrial visits & educational
tours for students.
4. To coordinate with the different industries for on-campus and off-campus
interviews of the meritorious students for providing suitable jobs in their
5. To interact with different industries for placement opportunities, MOUs, tie ups etc.
6. To interact with different industries for placement opportunities, MOUs, tie ups etc.
7. To organize and conducting On/Off campus interviews and maintaining records for
the placement of students.
8. To perform any other special activities assigned by the Management from time to

1. To take care of all admission approval procedure and communicating with
universities in person.
2. To take care of student scholarships like first graduate, SC, ST and MBC scholarships
1. To keep safe custody of all original certificates
2. To close monitor daily attendance.
3. To write Application form register.


1. To keep the Scholarship forms in safe custody
2. To distribute and collect the Scholarship forms
3. Preparing the forms ready.


1. To Install, Operate, Identify, Maintain and ensure service of repaired items of
laboratory equipment / instruments / tools / accessories / spares etc.,
2. To provide assistance in conducting laboratory sessions.
3. To report the damages, worn-out parts to the HOD through lab-in charges and setting
it right.
4. To help faculty in consultancies and project test.
5. To attend all other assignment assigned by the HOD.
6. To assign unique identification number for all the equipment / Instrument
7. To carry out preventive maintenance as per plan and maintaining records for the
8. To identify the faulty equipment / instrument and taking necessary step to rectify
the fault.
9. To perform any other special activities assigned by the Management from time to
10. To arrange all the machines/equipment required in the workshops.
11. To be responsible for repair and maintenance of all the machines and equipment in
the workshops.
12. To make schedule for different groups of students for practice in their respective
13. To be responsible for maintenance of laboratories.
14. To report to the Principal/HOD regarding damage/breakdown of
15. To be responsible for safety measures in the workshop.
16. To perform any other special activities assigned by the Management from time to
1. Responsible for monitoring the operations and maintenance of Lab
2. Equipment.
3. Responsible for assisting and purchase of lab equipment.
4. Responsible to take necessary steps to replace the worn-out equipment.
5. Responsible to maintain the stock and other relevant files and register for the
laboratory assigned to them.
6. Responsible for any other special activities assigned by the Management from time
to time.


1. To ensure safe custody of consumables, maintain and assist in conduction of the lab
2. To maintain the cleanliness inside the lab and execute the safety norms
3. To maintain the stock register related to lab.

1. To take responsibility of all the activities pertaining to the college library.
2. To maintain documentation of books, journals, magazines, newspapers, CD’s &
library materials.
3. To prepare a periodical requirement of books and journals to students and Faculty
4. To maintain and update e-journals and all teaching aids.
5. To keep record of library materials and report to the Principal for any discrepancy.
6. To arrange periodic inventory of library materials.


1. To assist the Librarian in all activities related to Library.
2. To ensure silence is maintained by all students and staff in the library.
3. To maintain all files and registers related to library.
4. To be responsible for issue, returns and renewal of books and journals.
5. To prepare consolidated monthly reports on the usage of library resources like
issues returns and entry registers.


1. To maintain digital library systems, CD, DVD, Floppies etc.,
2. To maintain records of CDs & DVDs Issue and returns.
3. To maintain digital library files and registers
4. To prepare consolidated monthly reports on the usage of library resources like
issues returns and entry registers.
5. To properly arrange book in racks.
6. To take photo copies and maintaining the bill books
7. To ensure cleanliness of the library.


1. To take responsibility of all the activities related to the Physical Education.
2. To arrange physical fitness camps for the students and staff.
3. To procure and maintain sports goods and other items related to the Physical
4. To maintain play fields appropriately.
5. To coordinate Intra College and Inter College, State competition for different sports.


1. To identify the training needs of students in II, III and IV year by obtaining one-page
response sheet from them
2. To identify and arrange for internal/external resource persons according to the
3. To arrange for industrial canvass by appropriate students with the help of
placement coordinators/HOD
4. To organize periodical tests for aptitude/mock GDs/mock interviews for students
with the help of Placement coordinators/HODs/alumni
5. To arrange for Industrial visits and In-plant training in consultation with HODs and
obtain brief report with proof for the industrial visit/in-plant training
6. To organize interaction with alumni and current students
7. To perform any other special activities assigned by the Management from time to


1. To take overall responsibility of all the activities related to the computer systems
and networking.
2. To look after the repair and maintenance of Computer system and its networking
3. To prepare a schedule for providing computer service to all concerned.
4. To arrange for availability of Internet connection wherever required.
5. To arrange computer training /refresher courses for the staff to update their
6. To maintain and updates the college website.
7. To develop e-learning and user-friendly e-Institution concept with guardian
and Faculty Member.


1. To takes care of HR policies of the institution inside and outside the college.
2. To conduct Interview as per HODs requirement with college constituted selection
committee support.
3. To take care of staff joining and relieving procedures.
4. To support in NAAC, AICTE official requirements.
5. To maintains the Faculty Member leave records like casual leave, vacation, on duty
& permission.


1. To supervises and check the functioning of stores and maintenance of proper
2. To prepare estimates for various civil, electrical, mechanical and sanitary works
undertaken/ proposed by the institute.
3. To invites and opens quotations related to the estate office through committees
duly constituted for the purpose; examines/recommends the tenders for
acceptance/rejection with proper justification and notes.


1. To maintain accounts, cash books / ledgers etc.
2. To prepare monthly accounts including entries in cash books, journals etc.
3. To verify bills, preparation of consolidate budgets.
4. To take charge of Cash collection.
5. To prepare daily receipts & challans and submission of associated details along
with remittance details to the Principal for scrutiny.
6. To verify cheques and bills.
7. To make entries in daily collection register for college accounts, hostel etc.
8. To make entries in demand draft register, money value register.
9. To prepare audit reports & replies.
10. To be responsible for keeping the following in safe custody.
11. Bill books / receipt books, Files, Registers, Cash books, Ledgers, Vouchers, Cheque
books / pass books, Bank challans, Fixed deposit certificates and other important
office documents.
12. To prepare salary statements.
13. To attend to income tax related matters.
14. To maintain caution deposit register.


1. To collection all types of fees.
2. To prepare the challan and remittance in bank


1. To work under the direct supervision of the Administrative Officer and execute the
work as assigned from time to time.


1. To make entries of all incoming and outgoing letters / documents /parcels through
post, courier etc.,
2. Sending the letters to the concerned persons for verification and information.
3. Keeping the relevant records in safe custody.

1. To extend assistance to HODs in the departmental activities as per their superior’s


1. To perform the duty assigned by the Management and look after the constructional
activities inside the premises


1. To take responsibility of all maintenance related activities in the premises and
discharge the duties under directions of the Management/ Principal.
2. To supervise and execute all the works related to civil, electrical, gardening and
cleaning according to the norms and standards.
3. To acts as the office in-charge of the security/sanitation/public health units of the
institute and exercise control over the contract workers.
4. To ensure compliance of all provisions of the labor laws and/or guidelines of the
regulatory authorities in respect of the workers engaged by the working
contractors in the institute or workers hired through approved agencies.
5. To inspect the buildings, structures, roads, etc. as often as necessary and examine
their condition from safety and maintenance point of view and take/suggest
necessary action.
6. To prepares progress reports on on-going work and report the same to the
Management of the institute on a monthly basis.
7. To ensures successful achievement of the targets fixed for completion of each
project/works with due consideration for speed and economy of scale and/or
proper maintenance of building structures, water supply channels.
8. To ensure regular maintenance of all the electric generators and ensuring proper
use of the same.
9. To advise / recommend the Management in all technical matters and ensure that all
works executed are as per the guidelines prescribed by the MOA/Bye-
Laws/CPWD/State PWD and that these works are carried out with the
authorization/approval of the works committee or building committee etc. as per
the prescribed procedure.
10. To execute any other work assigned by the Management from time to time.


1. To take care of all the electrical / plumbing maintenance related activities and
maintain the safety of the campus.
2. To ensure the incessant water supply at all water points.
1. To take responsibility of transport arrangements for students and staff from
College to City & vice versa.
2. To periodically maintain all the buses.
3. To report to the Principal in case of any major repair.
4. To periodically check the log books maintained by the drivers.
5. To arrange for agreements with Transport Company for additional buses, if
6. To arrange transport for the students and staff for any educational tour, visit for
7. To maintain time discipline on the arrival and departure of buses.


1. To prepare students list for boarding the vehicle.
2. To prepare the remitted and non-remitted fee list of students.
3. To maintain the details of Drivers/Conductors up-to-date.
4. To keep the RC Book, Insurance documents, driving license and any other relevant
documents related to the vehicles in safe custody.
1. To take charge of all activities related to Hostel Management.
2. To allot rooms to the students.
3. To maintain the cleanliness in the hostel.
4. To look after the quality of food served in the hostels.
5. To keep strict discipline in incoming and outgoing of students from the hostels.
6. To report to the Principal in case of any indiscipline or misbehavior by the students.

7. To look into the grievances/complaints of the students if found genuine.
8. To arrange for First-Aid in case of any emergency and arrange for
hospitalization of student/staff.
1. To assist the Warden in discharging his duties and to act as warden during his
2. To supervise the discipline of students during study hour, silence hour and in
dining hall.
3. To admit students and allocate living rooms through lot system.
4. To create homely atmosphere inside the hostel.
5. To coordinate the activities of the sub-wardens.
6. To ensure prompt housekeeping.
7. To ensure Health Care and Welfare activities for the inmates.
8. To enforce the rules and regulations of hostel without any bias.
9. To Conduct Hostel Representative meeting and discuss the issues every month
second Wednesday.
10. To grant permission, leave to stay inside or to go outside the hostel campus.
11. To ensure approved remedial measures for defaulting students.
1. To take in-charge of the kitchen store-room.
2. To maintain hostel account and records.
3. To purchase quality food materials at competitive prices.
4. To distribute the cooking materials to mess workers.
5. To prepare bills and passing them for payment.
6. To verify carpentry, plumbing, electrical related work and related issues in the
7. To supervise water facilities.
8. To supervise the dining hall during breakfast, lunch and dinner.
9. To control and minimize food wastage and to ensure safe disposal of food waste
10. To prepare the mess bill.
11. To supervise the mess workers and sweepers.

12. To supervise the cleanliness in and around the hostel.
1. To prepare and serve food for the student and staff in the hostel as per plan.
2. To take up preventive maintenance of kitchen equipment
3. To maintain housekeeping of the dining hall
1. To take responsibility of all security related activities of the College premises.
2. To ensure Gate Entry of students, teaching & non-teaching members and any other
contract workers inside the campus.
3. To monitor Material movement in and out of the premises. To monitor the persons
inside the campus.
4. To verify the ID Cards of students.
5. To ensure visitors enter their details in the Visitors register and issue the Visitor ID.
6. To ensure the Contract laborers wear Contract badge during working hours.
7. To ensure safety & security of the inmates of hostel.
8. To prevent entry of unauthorized persons at any point of time.
9. To have contacts with local police station / fire station.
10. To act fast in any kind of emergency situation.
11. To execute any special activities related to Security assigned by Management
from time to time.



For all teaching and non-teaching staff
 8.45 am to 4.45pm with lunch break for half an hour
For maintenance staff and housekeeping staff
 8.30 am to 5.45 pm with lunch break for half an hour


Faculty members shall sign in the attendance register available at the department.
Separate register for each department is maintained and accounted in the office.
Non-teaching staff shall sign in the main office.
Attendance register will be validated by the Principal every day by signing in the register.
Attendance register have to be signed twice a day by all the staff members. (8.45 am and
5.00 pm)


Leave is a privilege and not a right: It may be refused or revoked by the authority
empowered to grant it. It would, however, generally be granted unless the exigencies of
service so demand.

6.3.1 Leave rules:

 Every staff of the college is entitled to One (1) day casual leave for every month and
maximum of Twelve (12) days of casual leave in one Academic year.
 A minimum of half (1/2) day CL can be availed of at one time. Half day CL will not
be granted on half working days.
 CL can be pre-fixed/suffixed with all types of holidays/leaves. However, CL will
not be sanctioned before or after a long holiday.
 The CL not used for the particular month can be used cumulatively in the
consecutive month after proper permission.

 Staff can avail one day casual leave for every completed month.
 Staff availing maternity leave shall intimate at least three months in advance or in a
manner such that it does not affect the regular.
 The Principal/Designated Authority shall have the right to cancel the leave
sanctioned earlier, for any emergency work in the college.
 National & Festival Holidays are applicable as notified by Govt. of Tamilnadu.

6.3.2 Leave Application:

 The leave application shall be submitted well in advance and sanction to be obtained
before availing of the leave.
 The faculty members shall make alternate arrangements/internal adjustments
among the faculty members of his/her any other department to keep the students
 The lab staff shall make alternate arrangements/internal adjustments to keep the
students engaged. The same must be informed to concerned Lab in charges and
 Casual Leave and OD application shall be submitted through proper channel to
Principal office well in advance before availing the leave/OD.
 No leave shall commence unless it has been sanctioned: Mere submission of leave
application does not authorize a staff to avail the leave applied for.
 Availing of leave without getting the same sanctioned makes the staff liable to
disciplinary action besides penal deduction.
 Leave will not be sanctioned when the services of the staff are needed for the college
work or when there is an unfinished job involving the staff.
 No leave will be sanctioned on telephone except in case of extraordinary
circumstances/sudden illness, etc. This shall however, be regularized immediately
on joining the duty in writing. An alternative arrangement for class work has to be
informed to the HOD.

6.3.3 Leave sanction procedure:
All staffs are required to make alternate arrangements in advance before availing leave.
Teaching faculty shall take authentication from the reporting authority in the Leave form
(PMC /HR/LA/05) and submit the same to the Principal for approval.
In case of non-teaching staff, the leave approval shall be obtained from the HOD.
i. Duty leave (DL):
An activity of a staff which can bring recognition to the Institute may be considered for
grant of this leave.
Duty leave may be granted for one or more of the following purposes:
 To deliver academic lecture
 To work on behalf of the College or to attend technical workshops/symposium of
National/International level.
 To read/present a research paper in a Conference/ Symposium of
National/International level.
 To attend selection committee or other such like committee meetings provide they
are convened by a statutory body/board recognized by the Government.
 To inspect academic institutions attached to a statutory body or a
boardrecognized by the Government.
 Any activity related to brand building.
The duty leave will be subject to the following conditions:
 A written request from the competent authority.
 Request has been accepted for presentation and a communication to this effect
received in writing/mail.

ii. Out-station duty (On Duty):

 On duty will be granted when staff members are required to go out on official duties
such as board Practical Examination, Theory Examination and paper Valuation, Viva
voce, Synopsis submission & DC meeting, centralized Valuation as approved by the
Principal/Designated Authority.

 When staff members go for examination work for Universities other than allotted by
DOTE, OD will not be granted.
 Staff members are permitted to go on ‘On Duty’ for academic works of the colleges
such as Board of Studies, Academic Council, Staff selection Committee, Accreditation
committee, Resource person for other colleges and other committee/Council formed
related to the works of AICTE/ other prescribed bodies etc., after obtaining prior
written permission from the HOD and the Principal.
 Staff members availing OD are entitled to draw the salary in full for the entire period
of OD.
 The faculty availing OD is permitted to enjoy the remuneration given by the board or
any other academic bodies.
 In all the cases, prior written permission has to be obtained from the Principal through
iii. On duty sanction procedure:
 All staffs are required to make alternate arrangements in advance before availing
On duty. Teaching faculty shall take authentication from the reporting authority and
submit the same to the Principal for approval.
 In case of non-teaching staff, the leave approval shall be obtained from the HOD.
iv. Maternity Leave:
 Female staff members are entitled to avail Six months of maternity leave.


7.1. Performance Evaluations:

Periodic evaluations may be made to determine the individual progress, training needs,
and potential pay increases. Pay increases are not automatic and depend on factors such as the
staff member’s demonstrated job proficiency and the College’s ability to pay.
7.2. Faculty Appraisal:
The faculty performance in Academics is evaluated during every year in the month of July
The academic performance is evaluated using the following categories
 Teaching & Learning and evaluation related
 Co-curricular, extension and Professional development related
 Research & Academic contribution
The Full mark is 200. Evaluation weightage and Reward/Appreciation/ Appreciation &
Recommendation/ Action can be taken based on the following methods,
Total marks 100 (For all Designations)

Teaching & Learning and Co-curricular, extension and

Designation evaluation related Professional development related

HOD 50% 50%

75 % 25 %
Minimum Threshold score 65%
Score Reward/ Appreciation/ Action
90% and above Cash award of Rs. 7000/- and appreciation certificate
80 to 89% Appreciation Certificate
70 to 79% Appreciation Letter with Recommendations
65% to 69% Recommendations
Below 65% Action taken to employee explanation
# Minimum Threshold score may be revised by the Principal/ Management time to time based on
the circumstances.

7.3. Promotion Process:
 A promotion is the shift of a staff from one position to another with more
responsible duties or requiring more skills.
 All promotions shall be considered on the basis of merit- cum –seniority basis or as
decided by the management from time to time,
 Those who are promoted shall be fitted in the Scale of Pay applicable to that
 All decisions on promotions shall be taken up from the month of June every year
 All cases of promotions satisfying the above norms and those prescribed by the
AICTE will be considered, subject to the requirement of the department and
discretion of the Management.

7.4. Transfer process (If applicable):

A transfer is the shift of a staff from one department to another department or from one
location to another location. Transfers are based on mutual agreements between
departments and consent of the staff.



8.1.1 Resignation at the end of the academic year

The Institution releases a circular to the teaching faculty in the month of March
seeking willingness of continuing the services during the next academic year.
Faculties not willing to continue the services may indicate their decision and
submit the resignation letter citing reasons for their decision.

8.1.2 Resignation during the academic year

Teaching faculties are required to give minimum three months’ notice as per the
terms of employment keeping in mind the interest of the students. The acceptance
of resignation is purely in the discretion of management decision.
Resignations received during the academic year will be considered for acceptance
in genuine and exceptional cases.

8.1.3 Retirement
The retirement age for Teaching faculty and non-teaching staff is 58 years.
8.1.4 Abandonment of services
Continuous absence for more than ten days to duty without prior permission or
sanction of leave is deemed as abandonment of service on their own decision.
8.1.5 Termination
Any Staff who violates the code of conduct of the institution will be subjected to
disciplinary action procedure and if found guilty of charges, will be subject to

 After acceptance of resignation letter by the Management, the resigned staff shall
hand over charge to the appropriate person on consulting the Head of the
 HR is responsible for initiating necessary action to ensure that all institute property
and equipment’s are returned safely and a ‘No Dues Certificate’ is obtained from all
concerned departments.
 After proper handing over, the relieving order and service certificate will be issued
for the staff, except in case of termination.


 Exit Interview will be conducted by HR and/or Management official confidentially.

The relieving staff shall feel comfortable when he informs circumstances which
makes him to get disengaged from the Institution.
 The exit interview will facilitate the Management to take actions on the critical areas
of concern and improvement.
 A formal farewell party will be arranged for staff who got retirement or served in
the institution for more than 10 years. A memento will be given by the Management
to such staff.


9.1 Code of conduct:

The Code of Conduct offers guidance to its staff on standards of integrity and good conduct.
All members shall follow the rules and regulations and standards of courtesy, conduct,
cooperation, ethics and etiquettes as expected by the institute.
Every member of the Institute
1. Shall foster an environment which reflects the college values of Caring, Learning,
Integrity and Respect, adhering to high ethical standards while performing their
2. Shall be familiar with the college policies relevant to their responsibilities and conduct
themselves in a manner consistent with those policies.
3. Shall promote and support a respectful, inclusive and safe work environment where
everyone is treated with respect and dignity.
4. Shall act with transparency and impartiality.
5. Shall act in a professional manner which includes meeting obligations, being
truthful, being cooperative and maintaining integrity in their work and politeness in
their conduct and communications.
6. Shall present them in a professional manner including appropriate dress and
personal appearance in keeping with the nature of the work they perform and the
public image of the college they represent.
7. Shall contribute to a healthy and safe workplace by complying with all safetynorms
by taking all reasonable precautions to ensure their own safety and that of others.
Breaches of College policies, including the Code of Conduct, may result in disciplinary
action up to and including termination as defined in the Disciplinary policy and

Following are examples of MISCONDUCTS, which are unacceptable to the institute and will
result in disciplinary action or termination of employment
1. Insubordination
2. Theft
3. Conviction of a offence involving moral turpitude
4. Bringing discredit to the institute
5. Falsifying, grafting or forging of any record, report or information
6. Discourteous behavior
7. Any other misconduct interfering with performance of job tasks
8. Unauthorized absence
9. Sleeping on duty
10. Negligence of duty
11. Favoritism
12. Misusing college properties
13. Willful damage to equipment or property of the institute
14. Continued failure to perform assigned duties
15. Habitual absence or tardiness
16. Job abandonment
17. Disclosing confidential information about the institution
18. Extending Unauthorized support to other institutions
19. committing sexual harassment

9.2 Disciplinary procedure:

The purpose of the disciplinary procedure is to set and maintain standards of

conduct within the Institution to ensure that all staff are treated fairly and consistently.
It is designed to help and encourage all staff to achieve and maintain satisfactory standards
of conduct.
In case of violation of the code of conduct rules or breach of contract as per the employment
terms, then the Institution will take either informal or formal action, depending upon the
gravity of misconducts committed by the staff.
i. Informal disciplinary action
 Informal disciplinary action is taken in case of “MINOR MISCONDUCT”.
 The HOD / Principal will let the staff know that their conduct is unsatisfactory and make
them aware of the standards expected without recourse to the formalprocedure.
 The HOD / Principal will hold a confidential discussion with the staff and ensure that
they understand exactly what is expected of them.
 Where a need for improvement is identified, the HOD / Principal will explain to
the staff what needs to be done, within an agreed timescale and how the conduct
will be reviewed within the agreed period.
 If the required achievements are not achieved or maintained, the matter will be
dealt with formally. The HOD / Principal should keep brief, confidential notes of any
informal action in a diary for records and follow up.
ii. Formal disciplinary action
 Formal disciplinary action is taken in the case of “GROSS MISCONDUCT” which
means a fundamental breach of contract that makes it impossible for the Institution
to continue employing the staff.
 Formal disciplinary action is initiated normally when other interventions have failed
to produce the required improvement or when the conduct matter is sufficiently
serious to require immediate formal disciplinary action.

9.3 Guidelines for formal disciplinary action

 The concerned staff will be informed about the nature of complaint / charges
alleged against him, either orally or in writing (depending upon the situation).
 The concerned staff has required to give explanation to the complaint /charges,
either orally or in writing (depending upon the situation).
 Statement of witnesses (from the side of concerned staff and also from Institution)
to be recorded either orally or in writing.
 A thorough investigation will be done by the disciplinary committee.

 Finally, after examination of both sides, the disciplinary committee will give afinding
in writing stating whether the charges against the concerned staff areproved or not
The Management will review the enquiry investigation, statements and findings, andother
related documents and finally come to conclusion about the punishment to beawarded to
the concerned staff.


10.1. Objectivity:

Strive to avoid bias in experimental design, data analysis, data interpretation, peer
review, personnel decisions, and other aspects of research where objectivity is expected or
required. Avoid or minimize bias or self-deception. Social conventions play an important
role in establishing the reliability of scientific knowledge

10.2. Respect for Intellectual Property:

Honor patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property. Do not use
unpublished data, methods, or results without permission. Give proper acknowledgement
or credit for all contributions to research. Never plagiarize.

10.2.1. Author Responsibility:

 Ensure work is new and original research

 All Authors are aware of submission and agree with content and support
 Agree that the manuscript can be examined by anonymous reviewers.
 Provide copies of related work submitted or published elsewhere.
 Obtain copyright permission if figures/tables need to be reproduced – Include
proper affiliation
 Papers that are well organized and well written, with clear statements regarding
how the findings relate to and advance the understanding/development of the
 Papers that report “original and significant” findings that are likely to be of interest
to a broad spectrum of its readers

 Papers that are well organized and well written, with clear statements regarding
how the findings relate to and advance the understanding/development of the
 Papers that are concise and yet complete in their presentation of the findings

10.2.2 Not Acceptable:

 Papers that are routine extensions of previous reports and that do not appreciably
advance fundamental understanding or knowledge in the area
 Incremental / fragmentary reports of research results
 Verbose, poorly organized, papers cluttered with unnecessary or poor quality
 Research misconduct means Fabrication, Falsification, or Plagiarism (FFP) in
proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results
 Plagiarism is the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or
words without giving appropriate credit
 Misrepresentation of research findings - use of selective or fraudulent data to
support a hypothesis or claim

10.2.3 Plagiarism Checker X:

 It detects plagiarized content through multiple search engines. The result is that
your documents are scanned through 16 billion + indexed web pages.
 A unique and exclusive feature of our application. This allows you to analyze multiple
documents to determine originality within single or multiple repositories. Case in point;
teachers can cross-check assignments from a whole batch with just one-click
 Plagiarism Checker X can work wonders by providing extended help to website
owners and managers. It detects online plagiarism and can also help in content
management process



Institution expects its staff to follow a dress code which helps them to work comfortably at
the workplace and at the same time project a professional image for students, staff and the
Hence, it is essential that all staff take pride in her/his appearance and maintain proper dress
code and general appearance during office hours. Staff members are expected to dress neatly
and, in a manner, consistent with the nature of the work performed.

11.1.1 Dress code

For male teaching faculty:
 Formal dress with dark blue color pant and full sleeve white shirt with Tie.
 Black shoes with Black socks.
 Close hair and clean shaven

For female teaching faculty:

 Formal Saree.
 Overcoat has to be worn.
 Black Cut show.

General code:
 All staff members shall wear ID cards during working hours.
 All staff should cut and keep their nails clean.
 All staff should wear minimum ornaments.


12. 1. Guidelines

i. These guidelines will be applicable to all the employee of the Institute, when they
are deputed for attending Conference/ workshop/ FDP/ STTP.
ii. Daily allowance (DA) shall be paid if the absence from the institute is 8 Hours or
more, inclusive of journey time.
iii. If the absence is less than hours, DA is not permissible. If the absence is more than
8n hours but less than 12 hours only 50% DA will be paid. For absence more than 12
hours full DA will be paid.
iv. In case the boarding and lodging is provided by the Institute an employee will be
eligible for 25% DA.
v. If the boarding and lodging is provided by organizer of an event, seminar, workshop,
conference etc. No TA/DA will be provided. If only part of expenses is reimbursed by the
organizer, an employee is eligible for reimbursement after deducting the expenses
reimbursed by organizers, as per his/ her entitlement. The Registration fees as per the
clause will be permissible.
Clause Region Percentage
I Inside District 50%
II Outside District 100%

vi. Travelling allowance /DA/Conveyance allowance shall not be allowed for person joining
the institute on their appointment or for return journey on their retirement/
vii. Travelling expenses, DA, Conveyance and lodging expenses may or may not be
approved by management when the candidate is called for an interview. It shall be
decided on case to case basis.
viii. All official journeys shall be authorized by competent authority with justification for
the same.

ix. Tour advance shall be paid to the employee who shall fill the tour advance format
and on approval by the Head of the Institution.
x. Tour advance will not be paid to an employee who has not settled earlier tour
xi. The employee shall submit his/her tour report and tour bills in an approved format.
xii. Tour bills should be submitted and settled within 6 days of completing the official
tour and report back to work. In case the tour bill is not settled within the stipulated
time, the amount paid as tour advance will be recovered from the immediate month
salary. Subsequently, when the employee submit claim along with justification for
nor doing so within stipulated time and if the HOI is satisfied with the explanation,
they shall recommend the case for the accounts department to settle the claim as
per the entitlement.
xiii. Late submission of tour bill will be considered as misconduct.

12.2. Categories of cities and towns:

 A Class: Delhi (NCR), Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore
 B Class: All state capitals and Pune, Baroda, Kanpur, Vishakhapatinam
 C Class: All other Places

12.3. Local Conveyance

Expenses incurred to carry out official work in case employee use their own vehicle will be
reimbursed as under:
 Four Wheeler: Rs. 6.00 per KM
 Two-Wheeler: Rs. 2.50 per KM

 The work assigned should be approved by the HOD with justification and
approved by the Principal.
 The employee should fill the local conveyance form and obtain signature of HOD
for reimbursement of such expenses. The bill shall be approved by Accounts.

12.4. Food expenses

An employee is entitled for food expenses while on duty outside the campus during lunch
hours or at late night (Beyond 8.00pm) as under:

Grade I: As actual Grade II: Rs. 120/- Grade III: Rs. 90/- Grade IV: Rs. 65/-

12.5. Reimbursement of Registration Fee:

i. Journals – (IEEE/ Equivalent) : 50% or Rs. 4000/- (Whichever is less)

ii. Conference / Workshops (Outside state): Upto Rs. 2000/-
iii. Conference / Workshops (Inside state) : Upto Rs. 1000/-
iv. NPTEL Exam Fee (On attaining Elite silver or more): – Rs. 1000/-


 College computing resources are provided to facilitate a person's work as a member

of staff or student of PMC TECH and/or for educational, training or research
purposes. Computing or network resources shall not be used for any commercial or
personal use.
 Software and/or information provided by PMC TECH may only be used as part of
the user's duties as a staff of PMC Tech or for educational purposes.
 The staff shall agree to abide by all the licensing agreements for software entered into
by the College with other parties.
 Computing or network resources allocated to a staff shall not be used without approval
of the concerned staff.
 The user staff is responsible and accountable for all activities carried out under their
username. The password associated with a particular personal username must not
be divulged to another person.
 Staff shall not jeopardize the integrity, performance or reliability of college
computer equipment, software and other stored information.
 The staff shall undertake not to use any PMC TECH computing or network resources
to make use of or publish material that is obscene or defamatory or in violation of
any right of any third party.
 The staff shall not interfere or attempt to interfere in any way with information
belonging to another user. Similarly, staff shall not make unauthorized copies of
information belonging to another user.
 The staff shall undertake not to infringe any copyright of documentation or
 The staff shall not undertake any actions that bring the name of PMC TECH into

 The staff may use approved PMC TECH links to other computing facilities which they
are authorized to use. When using external facilities, the staff must also abide by
their rules or code of conduct.
 Staff who break this code of conduct may find themselves subject to PMC TECH's
disciplinary action.


 The PMC Tech aims to be an environment free of alcohol, tobacco use and drugs.
 The Management considers a violation of this policy as a very serious matter.
 Any who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including
 For purpose of this policy, the workplaces and facilities mean the institution
premises, Classrooms, laboratories, workshops, grounds, administrative building
and offices, athletic facilities, auditoriums, hostels, canteen, vehicles (including
vehicles used to transport students and staff)


The Management of PMC TECH is committed to provide a positive and productive

environment free from sexual harassment. PMC TECH will not tolerate sexual harassment
in any form.

 Commits to protect women a safe environment at their workplace i.e., PMC TECH
institution by creating and maintaining the educational, working and living
environment free from sexual harassment, free of gender based discrimination.
 Ensures equal access of all facilities and participation in activities of the college
 Ensures the implementation of the anti-sexual harassment policy in letter and spirit
through proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.

Sexual harassment means:

a) Physical contact and advances

b) A demand or request for sexual favours.
c) Making sexually colored remarks
d) Showing pornography
e) Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.

15.2. Responsibility for anti-sexual harassment:

 Though the Management is responsible for enforcement of anti-sexual harassment

in the Institution, every staff have shared responsibility to create a safe environment
for girl students and women staff of the Institution.
 The Management is duty bound to initiate disciplinary action against the person
involved in sexual harassment by conducting a fair and reasonable enquiry.

15.3 Duties of management:

 Setting up an internal complaints committee shall be set up to ensure the aggrieved

woman to file complaint and seek redressal for sexual harassment.
 Providing a safe working environment at the institution
 Displaying the penal consequences of sexual harassment
 Organizing workshops and awareness programs for sensitizing the staff with
provisions of Prevention of Sexual harassment Act 2013.
 Conducting awareness programs involving women’s social forum.
 Declaring the names and contact details of members of Internal committee for
information to all staff
 Conducting capacity building and skill building programs for members of internal
 Treating sexual harassment as a misconduct under the service rules and initiate
action for such misconduct.
15.4 Constitution of internal committee:

 The Internal committee shall consist of a minimum of four members in which fifty
percentage shall be women.
 The Presiding officer shall be a woman at senior level staff.

15.5 Procedure for filing complaints and hearing:

 Any aggrieved woman can file a complaint of sexual harassment to internal committee.
Before initiating the enquiry, Committee can council between the parties.

 If conciliation is not possible, the committee shall enquire the complaint and give
both parties a chance of hearing and completion of enquiry. Lawyer is not allowed.
After enquiry, the committee shall prepare their report to employer and the
concerned parties.

 The employer will act on the report. If the victim is dissatisfied with the findings of
the committee, she can appeal to a Court.
 Committee is responsible to submit an annual report on the no. of cases that arose
and got settled during the year to the employer and the employer is mandated to
include such information in its Annual report.

15.5 Relief to the victim:

Transfer to the victim or respondent to any other workplace or Grant of leave to victim
during the pendency of enquiry or Restraining respondent from attending the workplace.


Objective of the Grievance redressal policy is to develop a responsive and accountable

attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational
atmosphere in the institute.

A Grievance Committee is constituted in order to address the grievances of students,

teaching and non-teaching faculties. All the proceeding of the Grievance cells shall be
suitably documented and recorded.
16.1 Procedure of Grievance Cell to deal with redressal of Grievance of Students


Stage I: Students can report their grievance to the Class Coordinator or Class

Stage II: If the grievance is not redressed at Stage I, the student shall refer the
matter to the to the Class Teacher

Stage III: Further the grievance which could not be resolved at Stage II shall be
resolved by the respective HOD.

Stage IV: The grievance which could not be redressed at Stage III shall be
addressed to Grievance Redressal Committee of the College.

Stage V: If the grievance couldn’t be solved at Stage IV, the final decision
regarding the grievance is vested in the hands of the Principal of the

Stage VI: The matter which could not be resolved at Stage V shall be referred to
Management for further procedure.


Class Coordinator / Representative

Class Teacher

Head of the Department

Grievance Committee




We at PMC TECH commit ourselves to

 Design, manage and operate our facilities to maximize safety, promote energy
efficiency and protect the environment.
 Provide and maintain a Safe and Healthy environment to all our staff, students,
visitors and our neighborhood.
 Ensure that all the applicable statutes, local rules, acts and regulations are compiled
 Train all the staff and students periodically and inform about the hazards to which
they are exposed and Safety measures to be taken.
 Give high priority for the required resources to protect Environment, Health and
 Reduce waste, conserve energy and promote recycling of materials wherever
 Investigate all accidents/near misses thoroughly for its root cause to avoid
 Measure Environment, Health and Safety performance constantly through
periodical audits of each facility for continuous improvements.


PMC Tech recognizes that “effective communication” is essential in order to provide good
service and to fulfill the standards of service set by the Institution.
This communication policy aims to outline our commitment to effective communication
by documenting the ways in which we communicate with our internal and external
stakeholders on our communication objectives and our on-going endeavor to listen to and
respond to our stakeholders through active consultation and feedback.


i. Internal communication
Print media: newspaper articles and supplements, fliers’ web-based
communication, Magazines, College periodicals, Circulars and notifications
ii. External communication
E-mail and website, Public lectures,
Meetings - Meetings with collaborating institutions and organizations,
staff meetings and management meetings, Corporate Advertising


 To ensure effective communication, we aim to embody the following principles:

 Our communication will be clear and concise in order to deliver our message
 We aim to use plain English so our communication is easily understandable.
 We will deliver timely communication that is relevant to the user at their point of
need and ensure that agreed standards of service are met
 We will adopt a flexible communication approach, delivering our messages in a
variety of ways that meet the needs and preferences.
 We endeavor to standardize our communication wherever possible in order to
ensure clarity by creating templates for letters and emails.

 To be aware of the communication policy and demonstrate the institutional

standards in communication.
 To demonstrate the principles of good practice.
 To be responsible for ensuring that they communicate effectively and appropriately
in line with the given standards of communication.
 To be aware of the various methods of communication and utilize them
appropriately in their work.
 To tackle incidents of poor communication in proactive and constructive way.
 To ensure that information is shared appropriately and in a timely manner.


 In order to ensure the effectiveness of our communication, we shall regularly

evaluate our communication approach by:
 Seeking regular feedback (both formal and informal) on our communication and
information provision
 Listening to and responding to user suggestions regarding our communication and
information provision
 Making changes to our communication methods or principles where necessary
reviewing and updating our Communication Policy accordingly
 Regularly reviewing and updating all information content to ensure accuracy.
 Gather and analyses statistics regarding the usage of our communication channels
wherever possible.


19.1 Requirements of a department

A. Consumables:

Soon after the last day of classes of an academic year, the staff in – charge of each lab should
assess the requirement of lab consumables for the next academic year taking in to account
the consumption in the previous semester. The HOD of the department concernedhas to
give a list of consumables required for the next academic year to the Management though

B. Non consumables:

 The HOD as soon as realizing the need for the equipment’s (including furniture) for the
next year has to initiate a proposal to the management for procurement of the same,
through the Principal.
 After the approval, the purchase committee will call for quotations.
 On receipt of quotations the HOD has to prepare a comparative statement.
 If required, vendors may be called for negotiations by the management.
 The purchase order will then be issued to the selected vendor by the management
on the recommendation of purchase committee.
 A copy of the purchase order will be sent to the Principal / HOD of the concerned
 After purchase are over and the items are received by the department, the HOD has
to certify that the items have been received in good / working condition.
 Enter the details into the consumables / non – consumables stock register as the
case may be and pass the bill for payment within a week of the receipt of the
consumables / non - consumables.
 Bill may be sent to management through the Principal.

C. Stationery

 Soon after the last day of classes of an academic year the HOD should assess the
requirement of stationery needed for the administration of their department.
 After the consolidation of the requirement and approval, the management will take
action for the bulk purchase of the stationery needed for the entire institution.
 After procurement, the stationery required for each department will be distributed
from the office.

D. Special requirements of the stationery

 Special indent for stationery in bulk for specific purpose such as conduct of workshops
/ conferences / seminar etc., has to be given by the HOD to the office well in advance
(at least 10 days before the proposed date)
 While preparing the special indent the actual use of stationery during last similar
occasion should be taken into account as a basis.
 As soon as the purpose for which the stationery has been obtained is over, the
unutilized portion has to be returned to the office by the HOD concerned. The
stationery obtained for a specific purpose shall not be used for normal work of the

19.2 Maintenance of stock

 In each laboratory the following stock registers have to be maintained

a. Consumables stock register
b. Non-Consumables stock register
c. Other register(s) based on the requirements of the department concerned.
 The staff in-charge for each lab is responsible for the proper upkeep of the materials
in the lab besides maintaining the consumables and non-consumables stock register
of each lab. Each entry should be signed by the staff in-charge of the lab, lecturer in-
charge for verification and the HOD concerned.

 The staff in-charge is nominated among the members of the department. He/she will
be in-charge of the concerned lab of the department. At times it is seen that
technical assistant is taking final decision about receipt of stock. It should be avoided.

 Whenever a new staff member takes over the staff in-charge of a lab, he/she should
take charge of the lab from his/her predecessor after verifying the entries of the
stock registers. If there is any discrepancy, the fact should be reported immediately
through the HOD to the Principal.
 If a staff member who is in-charge of the particular lab is on a long leave, the HOD should
make the alternative arrangements immediately to entrust the stock to another staff
member. The newly entrusted staff member shall take possession of all the stocks
immediately and the HOD has to report the fact to the Principal.
 Any breakage (or) damage of an item during its use should be immediately recorded
in the stock register against that item in the remarks column. This should include the
reasons for the damage and any breakages fees to be collected from the staff
member/student whoever is responsible for the damage. In case of expensive items,
the matter should be reported to the principal immediately for the recovery of the
breakage fees. For expensive items the breakage fees should be collected after the
practical classes are over for the concerned semester.
 Similarly, loss of any item should also be entered in the register and reported to the
principal for recovery of the cost from person responsible for the loss.
 After the recovery of the costs and on the specific orders from the principal the item
lost / damaged item has to be removed from the stock register.
 If any old item is beyond repair and cannot be put into use, the same also can be
condemned after obtaining approval from the principal. This has to be entered in
the stock register.
 Non transfer of an equipment / material from one lab to another lab (even within
the same department) should take place without prior permission of the principal.
As and when such a transfer is made, a note should be made in the respective stock
registers of the lab against the item regarding the date of issue, date of receipt and
other relevant particulars.

 If any equipment is not functioning within the guarantee period, the company may
be pulled up for rectification, and it must set right at the earliest possible.
 Periodic service and maintenance / calibration of the equipment’s / machineries is

19.3 Stock verification:

 Surprise stock checks have to be carried out to by HOD in his / her department at
least once in a year, the principal (or) any member of the management may also
conduct surprise checks.
 Apart from surprise checks annual verification has to be carried out by the staff
members deputed from other department by the principal before the end of the
academic year.
 Discrepancy if any noticed during stock verification should be reported to the
principal immediately for further action.


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