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1. Based on solute solvent interactions, arrange the following in order of increasing solubility in n-octane and explain, Cyclohexane, KCI, methanol and CH3CN. 2. CaClis used to clear snow from the roads on hill stations. Explain. 3, What do you expect to happen when red blood corpuscles (RBCs) are placed in? ()1%NaCI solution (i) 0.5%NaC! solution. 4, Cutting onions in winter is easier than summers. Explain, 5. Why is osmotic pressure considered to be a colligative property? How is osmosis different from reverse osmosis. Give an example of each case, 6. Draw the graphs related to AT and AT;.(Vapour pressure versus temperature) 7. A person suffering from high blood pressure is advised to take minimum common salt. Why? 8. What is meant by abnormal molecular masses? When is this exhibited? 9. Define Van's Hoff’s factor? Give its relationship in the light of colligative properties and molecular masses. 10, What type of value can “i” have if in solution the solute molecules undergo: (@ association (ii) dissociation. 11. Why is the freezing point depression of 0.1M sodium chloride solution nearly twice that 0.1Mglucose solution? 12. Why do calculations based on lowering of freezing points of solutions sometimes give abnormal molar mass values for solutes? 13. How did Van’t Hoff’s factor modify the mathematical expressions of the four colligative properties? 14. Calculate the Van’t HofT’s factor for a certain electrolyte AB at a concentration where it is 10%ionized. 15. Calculate the weight of a non-volatile solute (mol.wt=40), which should be dissolved in 114 gm octane to reduce its vapour pressure to 80%. ‘Scanned wih CamScanner containing 5% by weight of urea and 10% by weight of glucose. —3.04°C) 16. An aqueous soh What will be its freezing point? Kf for water is 1.86 Kkgmol' (An: 17. A solute contains 7.45gKCI per litre of solution. It has an osmotic pressure of 4.68atm at 300K. Calculate the degree of dissociation for KCI in this solution. (R=0.082LatmmolK"Atomic masses of K=39,C1=35.5) 18. The freezing point depression of 0.1mABz electrolyte solution is 0.558K. What conclusion can you draw about its molecular state in solution. Kf for water is 1.86Kkgmolal") 19. How many mL. of a0.1 M HC! are required to react completely with 1 gm mixture of NazCOs and ‘NaHCO: containing equimolar amounts of the two?(Ans-157.8mL) 20. Arrange the following as indicated: (IM glucose, 1M KCl, 1M Aluminium nitrate(increasing order of boiling point) Gi) 0.1M urea, 0.1M Barium phosphate, 0.1 M sodium sulphate(increasing order of freezing point) (ii)34.2g/L sucrose, 60g/L. urea, 90 g/L. glucose, 58.5g/L NaC\(increasing order of ‘osmotic pressure.) 21. On dissolving 3.24g of Sulphur in 40g of benzene, boiling point of solution was higher than that of benzeneby 0.81K.Kb for benzene is 2.53KKgmol', What is the molecular formula of sulphur? 22. Equimolar solution of NaCl and BaCh are prepared in water. Freezing point of NaCl is found to be -2° C. What freezing point of BaCh do you expect? 23. A solution contaizing 10.2 g of glycerine per litre of a solution is found to be isotoxic with 2% solution of glucose. Calculate molecular mass of glycerine. 24, One litre aqueous solution of sucrose weighing 1015g is found to have osmotic pressure of 4.82atm at 293K. What is molality of sucrose? 25. Ona certain hill station water is found to boil at 95°C. How many grams of NaCl must be added to 2 Kg water so that it boils at 100°C. ‘Scanned wih CamScanner

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