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Identified Competency Focus Areas and Core Courses for

National Exit Examination:

Program: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and Finance

Compiled by:

Bizuneh Girma: Addis Ababa University

Haymanot Alemayehu: Jimma University

July 2022
Addis Ababa

1. Introduction 2
2. Expected Profiles of Graduates 4
3. Competencies and Learning outcomes 5
3.1 Competencies 5
3.2 Learning outcomes 6
4. Courses to be included in the Exit Examination 8
6. Exit Exam Admnistration 9
7. Conclusion 9

1. Introduction

As profession, Accounting had emerged following the ever increasing needs of mankind in the social,
economic and business environment. The accounting profession has shown a continuous and
tremendous growth in the business world. In the existing organizational dynamics and global
integrations, the importance of vibrant Accounting and Finance professionals is indisputable.

Different countries in general, and Ethiopia, in particular host various organizations: private,
governmental, profit making, non-profit making, service, manufacturing organizations, etc. The business
world is becoming increasingly complex and is facing new and greater challenges continually. The
Accounting and Finance profession, a key profession in modern business society, will have to meet
these challenges. Given the volatility of events, the Accounting and Finance education program needs to
provide new skills and knowledge to Accounting and Finance graduates who enter the profession.

This program is designed to prepare students for careers in Accounting and Finance in all economic
sectors such as business, not-for-profit, and government organizations. The major areas of Accounting
and Finance study are financial Accounting, Accounting information systems and information
technology, cost and managerial Accounting, Public finance with focus on tax, Accounting for public
sector and civic society, Finance , and auditing and assurance services. In addition to the above
mentioned input of the program, it combines and applies several supporting subject fields including law,
quantitative techniques and economics pertinent to the accounting and finance agenda.

The revised curriculum constitutes modules and courses carefully designed to transform the teaching
and learning approach to competency based teaching/learning approach in order to help students to
achieve the required learning outcomes that suit the need of labor market in particular and the
development need of the country at large.

There should be an intervention mechanism to evaluate whether the students have attained the required
competencies with the desired knowledge, skill and attitude through comprehensive assessment of
learning apart from the common grade (CGPA) based assessments on course by course basis. Providing
Exit exam is regarded as one of the best interventions mechanisms to check whether students achieved
the desired level of competency and learning outcome with appropriate knowledge, skill and attitude.
As noted by MoE (2022)1 Exit exam is supposed to measure the learning outputs of a program as a
whole not the individual course so as to assess students’ overall understanding of their educational
experience. Hence, competence based comprehensive examination/s are conducted up on the completion
of Bachelor Degree. To this end, the Ministry of Education has revealed a strategy to introduce exit
exams in undergraduate university programs from 2015 E.C (2022/23 G.C) Academic year.

The main objectives of exit examination are as follows:

 To ensure students’ achievement and improve quality of education;

 To improve the relevance of academic programs and institutional performance;
 To assess whether higher education graduates attain the graduate profile or not
 To produce skilled and competent manpower for local, national, and international markets;
 To ensure that graduates achieve the required learning outcomes and hence meet the graduate
profile of the curriculum;
 To provide a platform as a quality monitoring tool in the form of certification of competence for

It is important to set competency areas of the subject matter (program) in order to measure the how
much graduates are acquired with skills, knowledge and attitudes. The following shows us the
significance or setting competencies and identifying core courses of the program;

 To set competencies that helps to assess the basic skills, knowledge and attitude of graduating
 To systematically identify the core courses which will be included the exit exam;

With this aim and given the graduate profile, core competency areas based on which exit exam is to be
provided for the Bachelor Degree in Accounting and Finance are identified with the desired learning out
comes expected from graduates. The competencies are developed in such a way that the exit exam
assessment ensure whether the graduate of Accounting and Finance student possess the desired
knowledge, skills and attitude.

1 A document prepared and presented by Seid Mohammed, from MOE, in the conference held to set
competencies and identify courses for exit exam, on July 18, 2022, Bishoftu, Ethiopia
Accordingly, 15 core/major courses that are offered to students’ of Accounting and Finance at various
levels throughout their stay at university are identified under five major thematic areas based on the
required learning outcomes. The identification of major themes was done by considering the desired
core competencies.

The five major thematic areas on which the exit exam will be based are:

I. Financial Accounting and Reporting & Accounting Information System

II. Managerial Accounting
III. Corporate Finance and Financial Institutions
IV. Auditing and Assurance Services
V. Public Finance and Public Sector Accounting

The content of the exams are determined based on the competencies and learning outcomes that
graduates are expected to achieve. Therefore, this guideline provide the expected profile of the graduate,
the detail core competency areas and learning outcomes, the thematic areas and the list of major courses
to be included in the exit exam under each thematic area.

2. Expected Profiles of Graduates

Upon graduation from the program, the graduate from BA degree in Accounting and Finance should
have accounting and finance knowledge and understanding that enable them to:

 Analyze business events, recognize, measure economic transactions, design accounting

information systems and prepare financial reports in accordance with international
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS);

 Audit financial statements and the underlying accounting systems, controls and records,
and express an independent professional opinion about them as per International Standards
for Auditing (ISA);

 Identify, measure, gather, analyze, interpret and communicate cost and other types of
information to management for planning, control, performance measurement, and decision
making related to pricing, operating, investing, and financing activities;
 Account transactions and events, and prepare financial statements for not-for-profit
organizations as per International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and
Prepare tax return and perform tax plan.

 Manage financial resource and risk exposures of business firms, manage financial
institutions, analyze investment opportunities and execute professional services in
investment institutions, brokerage & dealer firms and in investment banks;

3. Competencies and Learning outcomes

The program of Accounting and Finance aims to help the graduates to demonstrate desired
knowledge, skills and attitudes in the area of accounting, auditing and finance practices through
student–centered high quality, viable programs which are fully recognized by both the private and
public institutions in Ethiopia and internationally. Hence, the BA degree program in Accounting and
Finance is designed to help learner to achieve the following competencies and learning outcomes:

3.1 Competencies

 As Accountant and financial report preparer: Keep general accounts; record and measure
financial transactions and prepare financial reports for an entity or groups; prepare payroll
and billings; undertake data generation and supervisions; control disbursement and
collection process; and perform bank reconciliation and banking activities;

 As Information system designer and manipulator: Generating information which is of

financial and non-financial in nature necessary for management; and analyzing, designing
and installing accounting systems (manual or computerized).

 As management accountant and Cost analysts: Perform cost and managerial accounting and
control; analyze relevant information for planning and decision making; keep accounts of
product costing, prepare operational and financial budget and undertake performance
evaluation and provide other relevant information for management decisions.

 As Financial manager –run revenue and expenditure management; plan for cash; make
capital investment decisions; engage in risk management and budgeting and
 As Financial analyst: financial planner, investment advisor, project coordinator; rendering
financial consultancy services.

 As Auditor (both internal and external): Work as an assistance auditor; engage in Pre-audit
inspection and investigation; engage in operational audit, partial financial audit, cash audit,
compliance audit, branch audit, interim reports audit, advance clearance;

 As Tax specialists: prepare tax return, work as internal revenue agents and tax

 As Public sector accountant: analyze, measure, recognize and report economic activities in
public sector and civic societies; engage in financial planning and performance evaluation
in public sector and civic society

 As professional- Internalize and demonstrate high quality professional code of conduct and
ethics in both the profession and the business world; and discharge the assigned
responsibilities with high integrity and right attitude.

3.2 Learning Outcomes

 Students will be able to know commonly used financial statements, their components and
how information is organized from the business transactions to generate these financial

 Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of preparation of financial statements or

financial schedules and disclosures in accordance with the requirement of International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) through synthesis of information.

 Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge in setting up the appropriate accounting

information system (manual and computerized) for entities.

 Students will be able to demonstrate progressive learning in the elements of managerial

decision making, including planning/budgeting, directing and controlling/performance

evaluation activities in business environment from the cost and managerial accounting
knowledge and skills acquired.

 Students will be able to demonstrate appropriate knowledge and progressive learning to

Audit financial statements and the underlying accounting systems, controls and records,
and express an independent professional opinion as per International Standards for
Auditing (ISA)

 Students will be able to demonstrate progressive learning of various tax issues and
applicable tax laws and regulations.

 Students will be able to acquire progressive knowledge and skills in managing financial
resource and risk exposures of business firms, managing financial institutions, in analyzing
investment opportunities and executing professional services in investment institutions,
brokerage & dealer firms and in investment banks.

 Students will be able to demonstrate progressive professional values and business ethics at
organizational and societal level.

 Students will be able to demonstrate high professional ethics related to Accounting within a
global ethical framework

 Students will learn relevant financial accounting career skills, applying both quantitative and
qualitative knowledge to their future careers in business.

 Students will learn relevant managerial accounting career skills, applying both quantitative
and qualitative knowledge to their future careers in business.

 Students will demonstrate the development of information technology skills, including but
not limited to the use of: the Internet, online Learning Management Platforms, Spreadsheet
software, accounting and Income Tax software, and/or online Accounting homework

4. Courses to be included in the Exit Examination

Course Course
Thematic Areas Courses to be included
Code ECTS/Credit

1. Financial AcFn3021 Intermediate Financial Accounting I 6 4

Accounting and AcFn3022 Intermediate Financial Accounting II 6 4
Reporting & AcFn4101 Advanced Financial Accounting I 5 3
Accounting AcFn4102 Advanced Financial Accounting II 6 4
Information AcFn4121 Accounting Information Systems 5 3
System 34% Total 28 18
2. Managerial AcFn3031 Cost and Management Accounting I 5 3
Accounting AcFn3032 Cost and Management Accounting II 5 3
12% Total 10 6
3. Corporate AcFn3041 Financial Management I 5 3
Finance and AcFn3042 Financial Management II 5 3
Financial AcFn3081 Financial Markets and Institutions 6 4
Institutions AcFn4051 Investment analysis and portfolio 3 2
AcFn4052 Project Analysis and Evaluation 5 3
30% Total 24 15
4. Auditing and AcFn4061 Auditing Principles and Practices I 5 3
Assurance AcFn4062 Auditing Principles and Practices II 5 3
Services 12% Total 10 6

5. Public Finance AcFn4091 Public Finance and Taxation 5 3

and Public Sector AcFn3071 Accounting for Public Sector and Civil 5 3
Accounting Society
12% Total 10 6
Total 82 51

6. Conclusion

Providing Exit exam is regarded as one of the best intervention mechanisms to check whether students
achieved the desired level of competency and learning outcome with appropriate knowledge, skill and
attitude. The MOE has planned to conduct competence based comprehensive exit exam on completion
of Bachelor Degree in 2015 E.C with the aim to enhance student achievement and improve the quality of
education and to produce skilled and competent manpower to local, national and international market; to
create conducive environment for stakeholders for their proper engagement in graduates’ competency
assessment; to institutionalize a system of accountability and transparency through which the holistic
performance of students, instructors, academic leaders and HEIs, can be measured based on the student
outcomes and to encourage competition through exit exam that can raise the declining quality of
education and provide the chance for restoring the confidence in higher education system, among others.

Accordingly as set out in this guideline, 15 core courses are identified to be included in the exit exam
under five thematic areas with the appropriate weight provided for each theme. The courses are selected
by considering the profile of the graduate, the core competencies and learning outcomes be achieved. It
is also worth noting that the core competencies and thematic areas are designed by considering the major
areas in Accounting and Finance as provided in the revised curriculum. Nevertheless, it should be noted
that this is not static and hence subject to modification to accommodate the dynamic needs.


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