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System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 Type II

Report on Management's Description of

The Eva Platform

Report on Controls Placed in Operation and Test of Operating Effectiveness Relevant

to the Trust Services Criteria for Security Category

For the Period

December 10, 2021 to March 10, 2022

Together with
Independent Service Auditor's Report
Table of Contents

I. Independent Service Auditor’s Report .................................................................................. 1

II. Assertion of EvaBot Inc. Management .................................................................................. 5

III. Description of The Eva Platform ........................................................................................... 6

IV. Description of Test of Controls and Results Thereof ............................................................ 18

I. Independent Service Auditor's Report
Independent Service Auditor's Report

EvaBot Inc.


We have examined EvaBot Inc.’s accompanying description of its The Eva Platform (system) titled "Description
of The Eva Platform" throughout the period December 10, 2021 to March 10, 2022 (description) based on the
criteria for a description of a service organization’s system in DC section 200, 2018 Description Criteria for a
Description of a Service Organization’s System in a SOC 2® Report (AICPA, Description Criteria), (description
criteria) and the suitability of the design and operating effectiveness of controls stated in the description
throughout the period December 10, 2021 to March 10, 2022, to provide reasonable assurance that EvaBot Inc.’s
service commitments and system requirements were achieved based on trust services criteria relevant to
security principles (applicable trust services criteria) set forth in TSP section 100, 2017 Trust Services Criteria for
Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy.

EvaBot Inc. uses a subservice organization, to provide data center facility and hosting services. The description
indicates that complementary subservice organization controls that are suitably designed and operating
effectively are necessary, along with controls at EvaBot Inc., to achieve EvaBot Inc.’s service commitments and
system requirements based on the applicable trust services criteria. The description presents EvaBot Inc.’s
controls, the applicable trust services criteria, and the types of complementary subservice organization controls
assumed in the design of EvaBot Inc.’s controls. The description does not disclose the actual controls at the
subservice organization. Our examination did not include the services provided by the subservice organization,
and we have not evaluated the suitability of the design or operating effectiveness of such complementary
subservice organization controls.

The description indicates that complementary user entity controls that are suitably designed and operating
effectively are necessary, along with controls at EvaBot Inc., to achieve EvaBot Inc.’s service commitments and
system requirements based on the applicable trust services criteria. The description presents EvaBot Inc.’s
controls, the applicable trust services criteria, and the complementary user entity controls assumed in the design
of EvaBot Inc.’s controls. Our examination did not include such complementary user entity controls and we have
not evaluated the suitability of the design or operating effectiveness of such controls.

Service Organization’s Responsibilities

EvaBot Inc. is responsible for its service commitments and system requirements and for designing, implementing,
and operating effective controls within the system to provide reasonable assurance that EvaBot Inc.’s service
commitments and system requirements were achieved. EvaBot Inc. has provided an assertion titled "Assertion
of EvaBot Inc. Management" (assertion) about the description and the suitability of design and operating
effectiveness of the controls stated therein. EvaBot Inc. is responsible for preparing the description and assertion;
including the completeness, accuracy, and method of presentation of the description and assertion; providing
the services covered by the description; selecting the applicable trust services criteria, and stating the related
controls in the description, and identifying the risks that threaten the achievement of the service organization’s
service commitments and system requirements.

Service Auditor’s Responsibilities

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the description and on the suitability of design and operating
effectiveness of controls stated in the description based on our examination. Our examination was conducted in
accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Those standards require that we plan and perform our examination to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether, in all material respects, the description is presented in accordance with the description criteria and the
controls stated therein were suitably designed and operated effectively to provide reasonable assurance that
the service organization’s service commitments and system requirements were achieved based on the applicable
trust services criteria. We believe that the evidence we obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

An examination of the description of a service organization’s system and the suitability of the design and
operating effectiveness of controls involves the following:

• Obtaining an understanding of the system and the service organization’s service commitments and system
• Assessing the risks that the description is not presented in accordance with the description criteria and
that controls were not suitably designed or did not operate effectively.
• Performing procedures to obtain evidence about whether the description is presented in accordance with
the description criteria.
• Performing procedures to obtain evidence about whether controls stated in the description were suitably
designed to provide reasonable assurance that the service organization achieved its service commitments
and system requirements based on the applicable trust services criteria.
• Testing the operating effectiveness of controls stated in the description to provide reasonable assurance
that the service organization achieved its service commitments and system requirements based on the
applicable trust services criteria.
• Evaluating the overall presentation of the description.

Our examination also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the

Inherent Limitations

The description is prepared to meet the common needs of a broad range of report users and may not, therefore,
include every aspect of the system that individual users may consider important to meet their informational

There are inherent limitations in the effectiveness of any system of internal control, including the possibility of
human error and the circumvention of controls.

Because of their nature, controls may not always operate effectively to provide reasonable assurance that the
service organization’s service commitments and system requirements are achieved based on the applicable trust
services criteria. Also, the projection to the future of any conclusions about the suitability of the design and
operating effectiveness of controls is subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of
changes in conditions or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

Description of Test of Controls

The specific controls tested and the nature, timing, and results of those tests are presented in the section of our
report titled “Description of Test of Controls and Results Thereof.”


In our opinion, in all material respects,

a. The description presents EvaBot Inc.’s The Eva Platform (system) that was designed and implemented
throughout the period December 10, 2021 to March 10, 2022 in accordance with the description criteria.
b. The controls stated in the description were suitably designed throughout the period December 10, 2021
to March 10, 2022, to provide reasonable assurance that EvaBot Inc.’s service commitments and system
requirements would be achieved based on the applicable trust services criteria if its controls operated
effectively throughout the period and if the subservice organization and user entities applied the
complementary controls assumed in the design of EvaBot Inc.’s controls throughout the period.
c. The controls stated in the description operated effectively throughout the period December 10, 2021 to
March 10, 2022, to provide reasonable assurance that EvaBot Inc.’s service commitments and system
requirements were achieved based on the applicable trust services criteria if complementary subservice
organization controls and complementary user entity controls assumed in the design of EvaBot Inc.’s
controls operated effectively throughout the period.

Restricted Use

This report, including the description of tests of controls and results thereof in the section of our report titled
“Description of Test of Controls and Results Thereof” is intended solely for the information and use of EvaBot
Inc.; user entities of EvaBot Inc.’s The Eva Platform during some or all of the period December 10, 2021 to March
10, 2022, business partners of EvaBot Inc. subject to risks arising from interactions with the EvaBot Inc.’s
processing system; practitioners providing services to such user entities and business partners; prospective user
entities and business partners; and regulators who have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the

• The nature of the service provided by the service organization.

• How the service organization’s system interacts with user entities, subservice organizations, and other
• Internal control and its limitations.
• Complementary user entity controls and complementary subservice organization controls and how those
controls interact with the controls at the service organization to achieve the service organization’s service
commitments and system requirements.
• User entity responsibilities and how they may affect the user entity’s ability to effectively use the service
organization’s services.
• The applicable trust services criteria.
• The risks that may threaten the achievement of the service organization’s service commitments and
system requirements and how controls address those risks.

This report is not intended to be, and should not be, used by anyone other than these specified parties.

Colorado Springs, Colorado

April 1, 2022

II. Assertion of EvaBot Inc. Management
Assertion of EvaBot Inc. Management

We have prepared the accompanying description of EvaBot Inc.’s "Description of The Eva Platform" for the period
December 10, 2021 to March 10, 2022, (description) based on the criteria for a description of a service
organization’s system in DC section 200, 2018 Description Criteria for a Description of a Service Organization’s
System in a SOC 2® Report (AICPA, Description Criteria) (description criteria). The description is intended to
provide report users with information about the EvaBot Inc.’s The Eva Platform ( system) that may be useful
when assessing the risks arising from interactions with EvaBot Inc.’s system, particularly information about
system controls that EvaBot Inc. has designed, implemented, and operated to provide reasonable assurance that
its service commitments and system requirements were achieved based on the trust services criteria relevant to
security (applicable trust services criteria) set forth in TSP section 100, 2017 Trust Services Criteria for Security,
Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy, (AICPA, Trust Services Criteria).

EvaBot Inc. uses a subservice organization to provide data center facility and hosting services. The description
indicates that complementary subservice organization controls that are suitably designed and operating
effectively are necessary, along with controls at EvaBot Inc., to achieve EvaBot Inc.’s service commitments and
system requirements based on the applicable trust services criteria. The description presents EvaBot Inc.’s
controls, the applicable trust services criteria, and the types of complementary subservice organization controls
assumed in the design of EvaBot Inc.’s controls. The description does not disclose the actual controls at the
subservice organization.

The description indicates that complementary user entity controls that are suitably designed and operating
effectively are necessary, along with controls at EvaBot Inc., to achieve EvaBot Inc.’s service commitments and
system requirements based on the applicable trust services criteria. The description presents EvaBot Inc.’s
controls, the applicable trust services criteria and the complementary user entity controls assumed in the design
of EvaBot Inc.’s controls.

We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, that:

a. The description presents EvaBot Inc.’s The Eva Platform (system) that was designed and implemented
throughout the period December 10, 2021 to March 10, 2022, in accordance with the description criteria.
b. The controls stated in the description were suitably designed throughout the period December 10, 2021
to March 10, 2022, to provide reasonable assurance that EvaBot Inc.’s service commitments and system
requirements would be achieved based on the applicable trust services criteria if its controls operated
effectively throughout that period, and if the subservice organization and user entities applied the
complementary controls assumed in the design of EvaBot Inc.’s controls throughout that period.
c. The controls stated in the description operated effectively throughout the period December 10, 2021 to
March 10, 2022, to provide reasonable assurance that EvaBot Inc.’s service commitments and system
requirements were achieved based on the applicable trust services criteria if complementary subservice
organization controls and complementary user entity controls assumed in the design of EvaBot Inc.’s
controls operated effectively throughout that period.

EvaBot Inc. Management

April 1, 2022

III. Description of The Eva Platform
Description of The Eva Platform


EvaBot Company (Rabi Gupta) was founded in Delaware in March 2016 and has employees based throughout
the US.

EvaBot is a one-stop shop to automate corporate gift-giving while collecting hyper-personal data and delivering
measurable ROI (like testimonials, surveys, meetings) using an AI conversational bot.

EvaBot was founded by a group of veteran entrepreneurs from iDubba and Star TV with deep experience in data
integration and simple, intuitive user experience, and is backed by Bloomberg Beta, Precursor Ventures, and a
cadre of top-tier angel investors.


The EvaBot application makes it incredibly easy for businesses to automate corporate gift-giving using data and

EvaBot also provides tools for building corporate relationships.

EvaBot is designed to be secure by default, with a novel architecture that offloads as much synchronization logic
as possible to the customer’s own data warehouse and allows EvaBot to sync megabytes of data quickly without
storing that data in our systems.


EvaBot designs its processes and procedures related to its platform to meet its objectives for gifting automation
services. Those objectives are based on the service commitments that EvaBot makes to user entities, the laws
and regulations that govern the provision of EvaBot services, and the financial, operational, and compliance
requirements that EvaBot has established for the services. The gifting automation services of EvaBot are subject
to the security and privacy requirements of state and local privacy security laws and regulations in the
jurisdictions in which EvaBot operates.

Security commitments to user entities are documented and communicated in Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
and other customer agreements, as well as in the description of the service offering provided online.

Security commitments are standardized and include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Security principles within the fundamental designs of the EvaBot platform that are designed to permit
system users to access the information they need based on their role in the system while restricting them
from accessing information not needed for their role.
• Use of encryption technologies to protect customer data both at rest and in transit.

EvaBot establishes operational requirements that support the achievement of security commitments, relevant
laws and regulations, and other system requirements. Such requirements are communicated in EvaBot’s system
policies and procedures, system design documentation, and contracts with customers.

Information security policies define an organization-wide approach to how systems and data are protected.
These include policies around how the service is designed and developed, how the system is operated, how the
internal business systems and networks are managed, and how employees are hired and trained. In addition to
these policies, standard operating procedures have been documented on how to carry out specific manual and
automated processes required in the operation and development of the EvaBot platform.



The primary infrastructure used to provide EvaBot’s Services system includes the following:

Primary Infrastructure
Hardware Type Purpose
Heroku Heroku Platform Container runtime for web services, APIs, workers,
schedulers. Includes right-scaling and self-healing to
replace failed containers.
AWS Various Services, including Proxies for outbound data warehouse connections
VPC, Elastic IP, IAM, from EvaBot Heroku containers that allow all EvaBot
Classic Load Balancer, RDS traffic to emanate from a set of stable IP addresses.
This allows EvaBot customers to add our IP addresses
to an allowlist for their data warehouses.
AWS S3 Temporary storage for customer data files unloaded
from Redshift, MySQL, and Snowflake data


The primary software used to provide EvaBot’s Services system includes the following:

Primary Software
Software Operating System Purpose
Ubuntu Linux Primary development language/runtime for all EvaBot
NodeJs Linux Web application framework used to power the
EvaBot web application/sync configuration tool
MySQL RDS Transactional database for EvaBot data
Redis Linux Used to maintain the EvaBot job queue, the core of
our sync engine
Bull queue Linux Queue management software for EvaBot job queue


EvaBot has employees and contractors organized into the following functional areas:

• Management: Individuals who are responsible for enabling other employees to perform their jobs
effectively and for maintaining security and compliance across the environment.

• Product Development: Product managers and software engineers who design and maintain the EvaBot
sync product, including the web interface, the proprietary sync engine, the job queuing infrastructure, and
all debugging tools. This team designs and implements new EvaBot functionality assesses and remediates
any issues or bugs found in the EvaBot product, and architects and deploys the underlying cloud
infrastructure on which EvaBot runs. This team also implements a new data warehouse and SaaS
connections for the EvaBot sync engine. Members of the product team are responsible for peer reviews
of code and infrastructure designed and authored within the team.

• Product Operations: The monitoring and maintenance of the EvaBot product (once deployed) is handled
by the operations role, which involves proactively designing and deploying monitoring software and tools
to help identify errors or bugs in the EvaBot product and remediate them either directly or via feedback
to the product team. The operations team responds to alerts generated by our system, identifies issues
with both EvaBot’s sync engine and the configurations and SQL queries created by EvaBot customers, and
determines the best path to resolution. Operators also ensure that syncs are performing optimally (with
high throughput and low latency) and that EvaBot is using the correct cloud infrastructure and scale to
maintain high sync performance. Finally, operators are responsible for responding to any potential security
issues with EvaBot and notifying affected customers if applicable.

• Commercial: Individuals with commercial roles work to market, sell, and support EvaBot software. They
are usually the primary point of contact for EvaBot customers. They help identify which parts of the EvaBot
system are most useful to prospective customers, and what new product development or new sync
connections need to be engineered to meet customer needs. In the marketing role, EvaBot employees
identify best practices for automating business operations and provide that information to EvaBot
customers and prospective customers via webinars, blog posts, white papers, and other channels. Finally,
the EvaBot customer success team ensures that EvaBot customers can use the product effectively and
without errors, by assisting EvaBot customers with onboarding into the product, helping identify useful
data sources and author SQL models, and proactively identifying any issues or bugs that occur when users
try to sync their data.


There are three major types of data used by EvaBot:

• Configuration Data: Data used to configure EvaBot syncs

• Customer Data: Data owned by EvaBot’s customers that EvaBot copies back and forth from data
warehouses to SaaS applications
• Log Data: Logs, traces, and samples produced by the EvaBot sync engine while performing customer-
configured syncs

Configuration Data is stored in EvaBot’s primary PostgreSQL databases and includes:

• EvaBot customers’ email addresses, names, and company names

• Credentials for accessing data warehouses, SaaS applications, and source code repositories, including
usernames, passwords, OAuth tokens, and certificates
• The names of databases, schemata, tables, columns, custom objects, and custom fields in customers’ data
warehouses and SaaS applications
• Configuration objects that determine how data is copied between systems, including field mappings,
update policies, and schedules

• Models (SQL queries) stored in EvaBot by customers to provide logical views over data before being
• Audit logs covering changes to each of the above items

Configuration Data is treated as sensitive by EvaBot. It is stored with a limited lifetime when possible. Access
controls limit configuration data access to each customer’s EvaBot organization. Customers can invite other
people in their company to access their EvaBot organization and read and write configuration data. EvaBot
operators may access configuration data to troubleshoot customer issues or to gather feedback for improving
the EvaBot product.

Customer Data is the most sensitive data in the EvaBot system, and EvaBot does not store it. It is currently
impossible for EvaBot to sync data from data warehouses directly to SaaS applications without handling customer
data, so we attempt to limit that handling as much as possible and offload as much processing to customer
infrastructure as we can. When EvaBot does handle customer data, it does so using ephemeral (short-lived)
worker instances and temporary storage managed by database vendors and our cloud providers. If an error
occurs while running a sync, EvaBot can store a small sample of customer data in our PostgreSQL databases for
ease of customer debugging. This data has a highly-limited lifetime and size, and customers can elect to disable
this debugging feature. EvaBot operators are permitted to access customer data to debug complex failures in
the sync engine as the result of operational issues but are encouraged to use other tools and data sources to do
this debugging when possible.

Log Data is produced by the sync engine to make it easier for EvaBot operators to monitor the health of the
system and track down any issues. Log data is a trace of the actions performed by the system in the course of a
sync. Log data will include snapshots of Configuration Data at the time the sync was performed, so operators
can see what the sync engine was attempting to do. Log data also includes stack traces and samples of running
code. Due to the nature of logging frameworks, there is a small possibility that log data can also include Customer
Data captured by automatic tracers. EvaBot endeavors to “scrub” logs of any Customer Data before they are
persisted. Log data may be stored by vendors that EvaBot has entrusted for purposes like indexing, monitoring,
and trending. Regardless of whether log data is stored within EvaBot’s own databases or by vendors, it is given
a limited lifetime and automatically removed.

All data types processed by EvaBot are encrypted on the wire – no networking connections used by EvaBot for
any purpose will ever send unencrypted data. In addition, all Configuration Data and Log Data, as well as samples
of Customer Data stored by EvaBot are encrypted at rest, in our own databases, our caches, and our cloud


Formal IT policies and procedures exist that describe physical security, logical access, computer operations,
change control, and data communication standards. All teams are expected to adhere to the EvaBot policies and
procedures that define how services should be delivered. These are located on the Company’s intranet and can
be accessed by any EvaBot team member.

Physical Security

All data is hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS data centers do not allow EvaBot employees physical
access. At present, EvaBot does not maintain any office space, and all work is conducted remotely.

Logical Access

EvaBot employees and contractors are granted access to infrastructure via a role-based access control system,
to ensure uniform, least-privilege access to identified users and to maintain simple and repeatable user
provisioning and de-provisioning processes.

EvaBot infrastructure runs entirely on cloud and SaaS-based systems, and as such the resources used by
employees to perform their roles are accounts and permissions within those systems. An employee can have one
of their access levels to a SaaS or cloud service:

• Administrator – can alter policies and provision or de-provision users

• User – has full read/write access to the SaaS or cloud service (except for administration)
• No access

We currently do not have “read-only” roles in our SaaS or cloud applications or finer-grained policies on roles
within those applications to avoid administrative complexity and friction for employees.

Roles are reviewed on an annual basis by management and the security team to ensure least-privilege access.

EvaBot identifies employees primarily by their G Suite account, which functions as our corporate directory and
SSO provider. The EvaBot password policy mandates that employees and contractors use their G Suite accounts
to sign into SaaS and cloud tools when supported. When G Suite sign-in is not available, employees may
authenticate using a strong, unique password, which must be stored in an approved password manager.

The EvaBot G Suite tenant requires users to use a second factor for authentication. In addition, any SaaS
applications used by the company that doesn’t use G Suite sign-in must be configured to use a second factor
when possible.

The management team is responsible for onboarding new employees. Management is responsible for
provisioning G Suite and other SaaS accounts as dictated by the employee’s role and performing a background
check, and the employee is responsible for reviewing EvaBot’s policies, completing security training, and
successfully gaining access to provisioned accounts (as well as enrolling a device for second-factor
authentication). These steps must be completed within 14 days of hire.

When an employee is terminated, management is responsible for removing or disabling all the employee’s
accounts within 3 days.

EvaBot employees may use a company-provided computer to perform their duties or may elect to “bring their
own” device if that device is approved by the security team. Any computer (company-owned or BYOD) on which
an EvaBot employee performs sensitive work must employ full-disk encryption and have an approved endpoint

monitoring tool installed. On employee termination, management will ensure the return of company-owned
devices and handle their deprovisioning or reprovisioning based on the company’s Asset Management policy.

Computer Operations – Backups

Customer data is backed up by EvaBot’s operations team. In the event of an exception, operations personnel
perform troubleshooting to identify the root cause and then re-run the backup job immediately or as part of the
next scheduled backup job.

Backup infrastructure is maintained in AWS, with physical access restricted according to applicable AWS policies.
All backups are encrypted using KMS-managed encryption keys, with access restricted to key personnel via AWS
IAM permissions.

Computer Operations – Availability

EvaBot maintains an Incident Response Policy that gives any EvaBot employee the ability to initiate a response
to a potential security incident by notifying the internal security team through several channels and assisting in
classifying the severity of the incident.

External parties (customers and third-party security researchers) are also given a channel to send encrypted
incident reports and responsibly disclose potential issues to the EvaBot security team.

Internally, the EvaBot operations team monitors the health of all applications, including the EvaBot web UI, sync
engine, databases, and cloud storage. Monitoring includes the availability and performance of the web UI, the
throughput and queuing latency of the job scheduler, and any faults or errors encountered by users while
configuring EvaBot or while their data is being synced by EvaBot. Critical incidents are routed to an on-call
operator who is responsible for acknowledging them within one hour; if there is no acknowledgment, the
incident is escalated to the rest of the operations team.

EvaBot employs vulnerability scanning software that checks source code for common security issues as well as
for vulnerabilities identified in open source dependencies and maintains an internal SLA for responding to those

Change Control

EvaBot maintains documented Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) policies and procedures to guide
personnel in documenting and implementing application and infrastructure changes. Change control procedures
include change request and initiation processes, documentation requirements, development practices, quality
assurance testing requirements, and required approval procedures.

A ticketing system is utilized to document the change control procedures for changes in the application and
implementation of new changes. Quality assurance testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) results are
documented and maintained with the associated change request. Development and testing are performed in an
environment that is logically separated from the production environment. Management approves changes prior
to migration to the production environment and documents those approvals within the ticketing system.

Version control software is utilized to maintain source code versions and migrate source code through the
development process to the production environment. The version control software maintains a history of code
changes to support rollback capabilities and tracks changes to developers.

Data Communications

EvaBot has elected to use a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) to run its production infrastructure in part to avoid the
complexity of network monitoring, configuration, and operations. Our PaaS simplifies our logical network
configuration by providing an effective firewall around all the EvaBot application containers, with the only ingress
from the network via HTTPS connections to designated web frontend endpoints.

Our PaaS provider also automates the provisioning and de-provisioning of containers to match the desired
configuration; if an application container fails, it will be automatically replaced, regardless of whether that failure
is in the application or on the underlying hardware.

EvaBot engages an external security firm to perform quarterly vulnerability scans and annual penetration testing
to look for unidentified vulnerabilities, and the product engineering team responds to any issues identified via
the regular incident response and change management process.

EvaBot does not maintain a corporate network, intranet, or VPN, but instead opts to use SaaS and cloud
applications hosted on the public internet and secured by TLS connections.


The scope of this report includes the Services performed by EvaBot. This report does not include the data center
hosting services provided by AWS.


Common Criteria (to the Security Category)

Security refers to the protection of

i. information during its collection or creation, use, processing, transmission, and storage and
ii. systems that use electronic information to process, transmit or transfer, and store information to
enable the entity to meet its objectives. Controls over security prevent or detect the breakdown and
circumvention of segregation of duties, system failure, incorrect processing, theft or another
unauthorized removal of information or system resources, misuse of the software, and improper
access to or use of, alteration, destruction, or disclosure of information.


Integrity and Ethical Values

The effectiveness of controls cannot rise above the integrity and ethical values of the people who create,
administer, and monitor them. Integrity and ethical values are essential elements of EvaBot’s control
environment, affecting the design, administration, and monitoring of other components. Integrity and ethical
behavior are the product of EvaBot’s ethical and behavioral standards, how they are communicated, and how

they are reinforced in practices. They include management’s actions to remove or reduce incentives and
temptations that might prompt personnel to engage in dishonest, illegal, or unethical acts. They also include the
communication of entity values and behavioral standards to personnel through policy statements and codes of
conduct, as well as by example.

Specific control activities that the service organization has implemented in this area are described below:

• Formally, documented organizational policy statements and codes of conduct communicate entity values
and behavioral standards to personnel.
• Policies and procedures require employees to sign an acknowledgment form indicating they have been
given access to the employee manual and understand their responsibility for adhering to the policies and
procedures contained within the manual.
• A confidentiality statement agreeing not to disclose proprietary or confidential information, including
client information, to unauthorized parties is a component of the employee handbook.
• Background checks are performed for employees as a component of the hiring process.

Commitment to Competence

EvaBot’s management defines competence as the knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish tasks that define
employees’ roles and responsibilities. Management’s commitment to competence includes management’s
consideration of the competence levels for jobs and how those levels translate into the requisite skills and

Specific control activities that the service organization has implemented in this area are described below:

• Management has considered the competence levels for jobs and translated required skills and knowledge
levels into written position requirements.
• Training is provided to maintain the skill level of personnel in certain positions.

Management’s Philosophy and Operating Style

The EvaBot management team must balance two competing interests: continuing to grow and develop in a
cutting-edge, rapidly changing technology space while remaining excellent and conservative stewards of the
highly-sensitive data and workflows our customers entrust to us.

The management team meets frequently to be briefed on technology changes that impact the way EvaBot can
help customers build data workflows, as well as new security technologies that can help protect those workflows,
and finally any regulatory changes that may require EvaBot to alter its software to maintain legal compliance.
Major planned changes to the business are also reviewed by the management team to ensure they can be
conducted in a way that is compatible with our core product offerings and duties to new and existing customers.

Specific control activities that the service organization has implemented in this area are described below:

• Management is periodically briefed on regulatory and industry changes affecting the services provided.
• Executive management meetings are held to discuss major initiatives and issues that affect the business
as a whole.

Organizational Structure and Assignment of Authority and Responsibility

EvaBot is currently organized in a simple, flat structure in which all employees report directly to the CEO. As the
team grows, management will elect to build an organizational structure that ensures that employees clearly
understand their role in the organization, how they and their team are responsible for furthering company-wide
initiatives, and channels for reporting upward and downward in the organizational hierarchy.

Specific control activities that the service organization has implemented in this area are described below:

• Organizational charts are in place to communicate key areas of authority and responsibility.
• Organizational charts are communicated to employees and updated as needed.

Human Resource Policies and Practices

EvaBot’s success is founded on sound business ethics, reinforced with a high level of efficiency, integrity, and
ethical standards. The result of this success is evidenced by its proven track record for hiring and retaining top-
quality personnel who ensures the service organization is operating at maximum efficiency. EvaBot’s human
resources policies and practices relating to employee hiring, orientation, training, evaluation, counseling,
promotion, compensation, and disciplinary activities.

Specific control activities that the service organization has implemented in this area are described below:

• New employees are required to sign acknowledgment forms for the employee handbook and a
confidentiality agreement following new hire orientation on their first day of employment.
• Evaluations for each employee are performed on an annual basis.
• Employee termination procedures are in place to guide the termination process and are documented in a
termination checklist.


EvaBot’s risk assessment process identifies and manages risks that could potentially affect EvaBot’s ability to
provide reliable and secure services to our customers. As part of this process, EvaBot maintains a risk register to
track all systems and procedures that could present risks to meeting the company’s objectives. Risks are
evaluated by likelihood and impact, and management creates tasks to address risks that score highly on both
dimensions. The risk register is reevaluated annually, and tasks are incorporated into the regular EvaBot product
development process so they can be dealt with predictably and iteratively.

Integration with Risk Assessment

The environment in which the system operates; the commitments, agreements, and responsibilities of EvaBot’s
system; as well as the nature of the components of the system result in risks that the criteria will not be met.
EvaBot addresses these risks through the implementation of suitably designed controls to provide reasonable
assurance that the criteria are met. Because each system and the environment in which it operates are unique,
the combination of risks to meeting the criteria and the controls necessary to address the risks will be unique.
As part of the design and operation of the system, EvaBot’s management identifies the specific risks that the
criteria will not be met and the controls necessary to address those risks.


Information and communication are integral components of EvaBot’s internal control system. It is the process of
identifying, capturing, and exchanging information in the form and time frame necessary to conduct, manage,
and control the entity’s operations.

EvaBot uses several information and communication channels internally to share information with management,
employees, contractors, and customers. EvaBot uses chat systems (Slack) and email as the primary internal and
external communications channels. In addition, EvaBot communicates with customers via the Intercom customer
support application.

Structured data is communicated internally via our SaaS applications (finance information in our data warehouse
and Stripe) and our project management tools (Linear). Finally, EvaBot uses in-person and video “all hands”
meetings to communicate company priorities and goals from management to all employees.


Management monitors control to ensure that they are operating as intended and that controls are modified as
conditions change. EvaBot’s management performs monitoring activities to continuously assess the quality of
internal control over time. Necessary corrective actions are taken as required to correct deviations from
company policies and procedures. Employee activity and adherence to company policies and procedures is also
monitored. This process is accomplished through ongoing monitoring activities, separate evaluations, or a
combination of the two.

On-Going Monitoring

EvaBot’s management conducts quality assurance monitoring on a regular basis and additional training is
provided based upon the results of monitoring procedures. Monitoring activities are used to initiate corrective
action through department meetings, internal conference calls, and informal notifications.

Management’s close involvement in EvaBot’s operations helps to identify significant variances from expectations
regarding internal controls. Upper management evaluates the facts and circumstances related to any suspected
control breakdown. A decision for addressing any control’s weakness is made based on whether the incident was
isolated or requires a change in the company’s procedures or personnel. The goal of this process is to ensure
legal compliance and to maximize the performance of EvaBot’s personnel.

Reporting Deficiencies

Our internal risk management tracking tool is utilized to document and track the results of ongoing monitoring
procedures. Escalation procedures are maintained for responding and notifying management of any identified
risks, and instructions for escalation are supplied to employees in company policy documents. Risks receiving a
high rating are responded to immediately. Corrective actions, if necessary, are documented and tracked within
the internal tracking tool. Annual risk meetings are held for management to review reported deficiencies and
corrective actions.


No significant changes have occurred to the services provided to user entities in the 12 months preceding the
end of the review date.


No significant incidents have occurred to the services provided to user entities in the 12 months preceding the
end of the review date.


All relevant trust services criteria were applicable to the EvaBot Services system.


EvaBot’s services are designed with the assumption that certain controls will be implemented by subservice
organizations. Such controls are called complementary subservice organization controls. It is not feasible for all
the trust services criteria related to EvaBot’s services to be solely achieved by EvaBot control procedures.
Accordingly, subservice organizations, in conjunction with the services, should establish their own internal
controls or procedures to complement those of EvaBot.

The following subservice organization controls should be implemented by AWS to provide additional assurance
that the trust services criteria described within this report are met.

Subservice Organization – AWS

Category Criteria Control
Common Criteria / CC6.4 Physical access to data centers is approved by an authorized
Security individual.
Physical access is revoked within 24 hours of the employee or
vendor record being deactivated.
Physical access to data centers is reviewed on a quarterly basis by
the appropriate personnel.
Physical access points to server locations are recorded by a closed-
circuit television camera (CCTV). Images are retained for 90 days
unless limited by legal or contractual obligations.
Physical access points to server locations are managed by
electronic access control devices.
Electronic intrusion detection systems are installed within data
server locations to monitor, detect, and automatically alert
appropriate personnel of security incidents.

EvaBot management, along with the subservice organization, defines the scope and responsibility of the controls
necessary to meet all the relevant trust services criteria through written contracts, such as service level
agreements. In addition, EvaBot performs monitoring of the subservice organization controls, including the
following procedures

• Holding periodic discussions with vendors and subservice organization

• Reviewing attestation reports over services provided by vendors and subservice organization
• Monitoring external communications, such as customer complaints relevant to the services by the
subservice organization


EvaBot’s services are designed with the assumption that certain controls will be implemented by user entities.
Such controls are called complementary user entity controls. It is not feasible for all the Trust Services Criteria
related to EvaBot’s services to be solely achieved by EvaBot control procedures. Accordingly, user entities, in
conjunction with the services, should establish their own internal controls or procedures to complement those
of EvaBot’s.

The following complementary user entity controls should be implemented by user entities to provide additional
assurance that the Trust Services Criteria described within this report are met. As these items represent only a
part of the control considerations that might be pertinent at the user entities’ locations, user entities’ auditors
should exercise judgment in selecting and reviewing these complementary user entity controls.

1. User entities are responsible for understanding and complying with their contractual obligations to
2. User entities are responsible for notifying EvaBot of changes made to technical or administrative contact
3. User entities are responsible for maintaining their own system(s) of record.
4. User entities are responsible for ensuring the supervision, management, and control of the use of EvaBot
services by their personnel.
5. User entities are responsible for developing their own disaster recovery and business continuity plans
that address the inability to access or utilize EvaBot services.
6. User entities are responsible for providing EvaBot with a list of approvers for security and system
configuration changes for data transmission.
7. User entities are responsible for immediately notifying EvaBot of any actual or suspected information
security breaches, including compromised user accounts, including those used for integrations and
secure file transfers.

IV. Description of Test of Controls and Results Thereof
Description of Test of Controls and Results Thereof

Relevant trust services criteria and EvaBot Inc. related controls are an integral part of management's system
description and are included in this section. Johanson Group LLP performed testing to determine if EvaBot Inc.’s
controls were suitably designed and operating effectively to achieve the specified criteria for the security
category set forth in TSP Section 100, 2017 Trust Services Criteria for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity,
Confidentiality, and Privacy (AICPA, Trust Services Criteria), throughout the period December 10, 2021 to March
10, 2022.

Tests of the controls included inquiry of appropriate management, supervisory and staff personnel, observation
of EvaBot Inc. activities and operations, and inspection of EvaBot Inc. documents and records. The results of
those tests were considered in the planning, the nature, timing, and extent of Johanson LLP's testing of the
controls designed to achieve the relevant trust services criteria. As inquiries were performed for substantially all
EvaBot Inc. controls, this test was not listed individually for every control in the tables below.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls

Control Environment
CC 1.1 COSO Principle 1: The The company requires contractor Inspected the company's example No
entity demonstrates a agreements to include a code of contractor agreement to determine that exceptions
commitment to integrity and conduct or reference to the company it includes a code of conduct or reference noted.
ethical values. code of conduct. to the company code of conduct.
The company requires employees to Inspected the company's Code of No
acknowledge a code of conduct at the Conduct to determine that it was in place, exceptions
time of hire. Employees who violate accessible to all employees and that all noted.
the code of conduct are subject to employees must accept it upon hire.
disciplinary actions in accordance
with a disciplinary policy.
The company requires contractors to Inspected documentation to determine No
sign a confidentiality agreement at that the company requires contractors to exceptions
the time of engagement. sign a confidentiality agreement at the noted.
time of engagement.
The company requires employees to Inspected documentation to determine No
sign a confidentiality agreement that the company requires employees to exceptions
during onboarding. sign a confidentiality agreement during noted.
The company managers are required Inspected an employee performance No
to complete performance evaluations evaluation to determine that the exceptions
for direct reports at least annually. company conducts an annual evaluation noted.
for all employees.
CC 1.2 COSO Principle 2: The The company management Inspected the ethical management No
board of directors demonstrates demonstrates a commitment to questionnaire/documents to determine exceptions
independence from integrity and ethical values. that the company management noted.
management and exercises demonstrates a commitment to integrity
oversight of the development and ethical values.
and performance of internal

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
CC 1.3 COSO Principle 3: The company maintains an Inspected the most recent company No
Management establishes, with organizational chart that describes organization chart to determine that it exceptions
board oversight, structures, the organizational structure and describes the organizational structure noted.
reporting lines, and appropriate reporting lines. and reporting lines.
authorities and responsibilities in
the pursuit of objectives.
Roles and responsibilities for the Inspected the company's security policies No
design, development, to determine that roles and exceptions
implementation, operation, responsibilities for the design, noted.
maintenance, and monitoring of development, implementation,
information security controls are operation, maintenance, and monitoring
formally assigned in job descriptions of information security controls are
and/or the Roles and Responsibilities formally assigned.
The company management has Inspected the company's security policies No
established defined roles and to determine that the company exceptions
responsibilities to oversee the design management has established defined noted.
and implementation of information roles and responsibilities to oversee the
security controls. design and implementation of
information security controls.
CC 1.4 COSO Principle 4: The The company managers are required Inspected an employee performance No
entity demonstrates a to complete performance evaluations evaluation to determine that the exceptions
commitment to attract, develop, for direct reports at least annually. company conducts an annual evaluation noted.
and retain competent individuals for all employees.
in alignment with objectives.
Roles and responsibilities for the Inspected the company's security policies No
design, development, to determine that roles and exceptions
implementation, operation, responsibilities for the design, noted.
maintenance, and monitoring of development, implementation,
information security controls are operation, maintenance, and monitoring
formally assigned in job descriptions of information security controls are
and/or the Roles and Responsibilities formally assigned.
The company requires employees to Inspected documentation to determine No
complete security awareness training that the company requires employees to exceptions
within thirty days of hire and annually complete security awareness training noted.
thereafter. within thirty days of hire and annually
CC 1.5 COSO Principle 5: The The company requires employees to Inspected the company's Code of No
entity holds individuals acknowledge a code of conduct at the Conduct to determine that it was in place, exceptions
accountable for their internal time of hire. Employees who violate accessible to all employees and that all noted.
control responsibilities in the the code of conduct are subject to employees must accept it upon hire.
pursuit of objectives. disciplinary actions in accordance
with a disciplinary policy.
The company managers are required Inspected an employee performance No
to complete performance evaluations evaluation to determine that the exceptions
for direct reports at least annually. company conducts an annual evaluation noted.
for all employees.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
Roles and responsibilities for the Inspected the company's security policies No
design, development, to determine that roles and exceptions
implementation, operation, responsibilities for the design, noted.
maintenance, and monitoring of development, implementation,
information security controls are operation, maintenance, and monitoring
formally assigned in job descriptions of information security controls are
and/or the Roles and Responsibilities formally assigned.
Communication and Information
CC 2.1 COSO Principle 13: The The company performs control self- Inspected documentation to determine No
entity obtains or generates and assessments at least annually to gain that the company performs control self- exceptions
uses relevant, quality assurance that controls are in place assessments at least annually to gain noted.
information to support the and operating effectively. Corrective assurance that controls are in place and
functioning of internal control. actions are taken based on relevant operating effectively and that corrective
findings. actions are taken based on relevant
The company utilizes a log Inspected the infrastructure configuration No
management tool to identify events to determine that the company utilizes a exceptions
that may have a potential impact on log management tool to identify events noted.
the company's ability to achieve its that may have a potential impact on the
security objectives. company's ability to achieve its security
Host-based vulnerability scans are Inspected the vulnerability scans to No
performed at least quarterly on all determine that they were performed at exceptions
external-facing systems. Critical and least quarterly on all external-facing noted.
high vulnerabilities are tracked to systems. Critical and high vulnerabilities
remediation. are tracked to remediation.
CC 2.2 COSO Principle 14: The The company has security and privacy Inspected the company's security policies No
entity internally communicates incident response policies and to determine that the company has exceptions
information, including objectives procedures that are documented and security and privacy incident response noted.
and responsibilities for internal communicated to authorized users. policies and procedures that are
control, necessary to support the documented and communicated to
functioning of internal control. authorized users.
The company management has Inspected the company's security policies No
established defined roles and to determine that the company exceptions
responsibilities to oversee the design management has established defined noted.
and implementation of information roles and responsibilities to oversee the
security controls. design and implementation of
information security controls.
Roles and responsibilities for the Inspected the company's security policies No
design, development, to determine that roles and exceptions
implementation, operation, responsibilities for the design, noted.
maintenance, and monitoring of development, implementation,
information security controls are operation, maintenance, and monitoring
formally assigned in job descriptions of information security controls are
and/or the Roles and Responsibilities formally assigned.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
The company requires employees to Inspected documentation to determine No
complete security awareness training that the company requires employees to exceptions
within thirty days of hire and annually complete security awareness training noted.
thereafter. within thirty days of hire and annually
The company's information security Inspected the company's information No
policies and procedures are security policies and procedures to exceptions
documented and reviewed at least determine that they are documented and noted.
annually. reviewed at least annually and that all
employees accept these procedures
when hired.
The company provides a description Inspected documentation to determine No
of its products and services to internal that the company provides a description exceptions
and external users. of its products and services to internal noted.
and external users.
The company communicates system Inspected the internal communication to No
changes to authorized internal users. determine that the company exceptions
communicates system changes to noted.
authorized internal users.
CC 2.3 COSO Principle 15: The The company's security commitments Inspected documentation to determine No
entity communicates with are communicated to customers in that the company's security exceptions
external parties regarding Master Service Agreements (MSA) or commitments are communicated to noted.
matters affecting the functioning Terms of Service (TOS). customers in Master Service Agreements
of internal control. (MSA) or Terms of Service (TOS).
The company provides guidelines and Inspected the company website to No
technical support resources relating determine that they provide guidelines exceptions
to system operations to customers. and technical support resources relating noted.
to system operations to customers.
The company provides a description Inspected documentation to determine No
of its products and services to internal that the company provides a description exceptions
and external users. of its products and services to internal noted.
and external users.
The company notifies customers of Inspected the company website to No
critical system changes that may determine that they notify customers of exceptions
affect their processing. critical system changes that may affect noted.
their processing.
The company has an external-facing Inspected the company website to No
support system in place that allows determine that the company has an exceptions
users to report system information on external-facing support system in place noted.
failures, incidents, concerns, and that allows users to report system
other complaints to appropriate information on failures, incidents,
personnel. concerns, and other complaints to
appropriate personnel.
The company has written agreements Inspected the company's written No
in place with vendors and related agreements with vendors and related exceptions
third parties. These agreements third parties to determine that they noted.
include confidentiality and privacy include confidentiality and privacy
commitments applicable to that commitments applicable to that entity.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls

Risk Assessment
CC 3.1 COSO Principle 6: The The company specifies its objectives Inspected documentation to determine No
entity specifies objectives with to enable the identification and that the company specifies its objectives exceptions
sufficient clarity to enable the assessment of risk related to the to enable the identification and noted.
identification and assessment of objectives. assessment of risk related to the
risks relating to objectives. objectives.
The company has a documented risk Inspected the risk management program No
management program is in place that to determine that it provides guidance on exceptions
includes guidance on the the identification of potential threats, noted.
identification of potential threats, rating the significance of the risks
rating the significance of the risks associated with the identified threats,
associated with the identified threats, and mitigation strategies for those risks.
and mitigation strategies for those
CC 3.2 COSO Principle 7: The The company has a documented Inspected the company's business No events to
entity identifies risks to the business continuity/disaster recovery continuity/disaster recovery (BC/DR) plan test.
achievement of its objectives (BC/DR) plan and tests it at least to determine that it was in place and
across the entity and analyzes annually. approved and that the company tests it
risks as a basis for determining at least annually.
how the risks should be
The company's risk assessments are Inspected documentation of the No
performed at least annually. As part company's risk assessments to determine exceptions
of this process, threats and changes that: noted.
(environmental, regulatory, and - these are performed on an annual basis,
technological) to service - threats and changes to service
commitments are identified and the commitments are identified and the risks
risks are formally assessed. The risk are formally assessed,
assessment includes a consideration - the potential for fraud and how fraud
of the potential for fraud and how may impact the achievement of
fraud may impact the achievement of objectives are considered.
The company has a documented risk Inspected the risk management program No
management program is in place that to determine that it provides guidance on exceptions
includes guidance on the the identification of potential threats, noted.
identification of potential threats, rating the significance of the risks
rating the significance of the risks associated with the identified threats,
associated with the identified threats, and mitigation strategies for those risks.
and mitigation strategies for those
The company has a vendor Inspected the company's vendor No
management program in place. management program to determine that exceptions
Components of this program include: it provides a process for documenting noted.
- critical third-party vendor inventory; and managing vendor relationships.
- vendor's security and privacy
requirements; and
- review critical third-party vendors at
least annually.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
CC 3.3 COSO Principle 8: The The company has a documented risk Inspected the risk management program No
entity considers the potential for management program is in place that to determine that it provides guidance on exceptions
fraud in assessing risks to the includes guidance on the the identification of potential threats, noted.
achievement of objectives. identification of potential threats, rating the significance of the risks
rating the significance of the risks associated with the identified threats,
associated with the identified threats, and mitigation strategies for those risks.
and mitigation strategies for those
The company's risk assessments are Inspected documentation of the No
performed at least annually. As part company's risk assessments to determine exceptions
of this process, threats and changes that: noted.
(environmental, regulatory, and - these are performed on an annual basis,
technological) to service - threats and changes to service
commitments are identified and the commitments are identified and the risks
risks are formally assessed. The risk are formally assessed,
assessment includes a consideration - the potential for fraud and how fraud
of the potential for fraud and how may impact the achievement of
fraud may impact the achievement of objectives are considered.
CC 3.4 COSO Principle 9: The The company's penetration testing is Inspected the company's penetration No
entity identifies and assesses performed at least annually. A testing to determine that it was exceptions
changes that could significantly remediation plan is developed and performed at least annually. noted.
impact the system of internal changes are implemented to
control. remediate vulnerabilities in
accordance with SLAs.
The company has a documented risk Inspected the risk management program No
management program is in place that to determine that it provides guidance on exceptions
includes guidance on the the identification of potential threats, noted.
identification of potential threats, rating the significance of the risks
rating the significance of the risks associated with the identified threats,
associated with the identified threats, and mitigation strategies for those risks.
and mitigation strategies for those
The company's risk assessments are Inspected documentation of the No
performed at least annually. As part company's risk assessments to determine exceptions
of this process, threats and changes that: noted.
(environmental, regulatory, and - these are performed on an annual basis,
technological) to service - threats and changes to service
commitments are identified and the commitments are identified and the risks
risks are formally assessed. The risk are formally assessed,
assessment includes a consideration - the potential for fraud and how fraud
of the potential for fraud and how may impact the achievement of
fraud may impact the achievement of objectives are considered.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls

Monitoring Activities
CC 4.1 COSO Principle 16: The The company performs control self- Inspected documentation to determine No
entity selects, develops, and assessments at least annually to gain that the company performs control self- exceptions
performs ongoing and/or assurance that controls are in place assessments at least annually to gain noted.
separate evaluations to ascertain and operating effectively. Corrective assurance that controls are in place and
whether the components of actions are taken based on relevant operating effectively and that corrective
internal control are present and findings. actions are taken based on relevant
functioning. findings.
The company's penetration testing is Inspected the company's penetration No
performed at least annually. A testing to determine that it was exceptions
remediation plan is developed and performed at least annually. noted.
changes are implemented to
remediate vulnerabilities in
accordance with SLAs.
The company has a vendor Inspected the company's vendor No
management program in place. management program to determine that exceptions
Components of this program include: it provides a process for documenting noted.
- critical third-party vendor inventory; and managing vendor relationships.
- vendor's security and privacy
requirements; and
- review critical third-party vendors at
least annually.
Host-based vulnerability scans are Inspected the vulnerability scans to No
performed at least quarterly on all determine that they were performed at exceptions
external-facing systems. Critical and least quarterly on all external-facing noted.
high vulnerabilities are tracked to systems. Critical and high vulnerabilities
remediation. are tracked to remediation.
CC 4.2 COSO Principle 17: The The company performs control self- Inspected documentation to determine No
entity evaluates and assessments at least annually to gain that the company performs control self- exceptions
communicates internal control assurance that controls are in place assessments at least annually to gain noted.
deficiencies in a timely manner and operating effectively. Corrective assurance that controls are in place and
to those parties responsible for actions are taken based on relevant operating effectively and that corrective
taking corrective action, findings. actions are taken based on relevant
including senior management findings.
and the board of directors, as
The company has a vendor Inspected the company's vendor No
management program in place. management program to determine that exceptions
Components of this program include: it provides a process for documenting noted.
- critical third-party vendor inventory; and managing vendor relationships.
- vendor's security and privacy
requirements; and
- review critical third-party vendors at
least annually.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls

Control Activities
CC 5.1 COSO Principle 10: The The company has a documented risk Inspected the risk management program No
entity selects and develops management program is in place that to determine that it provides guidance on exceptions
control activities that contribute includes guidance on the the identification of potential threats, noted.
to the mitigation of risks to the identification of potential threats, rating the significance of the risks
achievement of objectives to rating the significance of the risks associated with the identified threats,
acceptable levels. associated with the identified threats, and mitigation strategies for those risks.
and mitigation strategies for those
The company's information security Inspected the company's information No
policies and procedures are security policies and procedures to exceptions
documented and reviewed at least determine that they are documented and noted.
annually. reviewed at least annually and that all
employees accept these procedures
when hired.
CC 5.2 COSO Principle 11: The The company's access control policy Inspected the company's Access Control No
entity also selects and develops documents the requirements for the Policy to determine that it was in place, exceptions
general control activities over following access control functions: approved, and documents requirements noted.
technology to support the - adding new users; for adding, modifying, and removing user
achievement of objectives. - modifying users; and/or access.
- removing an existing user's access.
The company has a formal systems Inspected the company's systems No
development life cycle (SDLC) development life cycle (SDLC) exceptions
methodology in place that governs methodology to determine that it noted.
the development, acquisition, governs the development, acquisition,
implementation, changes (including implementation, changes, and
emergency changes), and maintenance of information systems and
maintenance of information systems related technology requirements.
and related technology requirements.
The company's information security Inspected the company's information No
policies and procedures are security policies and procedures to exceptions
documented and reviewed at least determine that they are documented and noted.
annually. reviewed at least annually and that all
employees accept these procedures
when hired.
CC 5.3 COSO Principle 12: The The company's data backup policy Inspected the data backup policy to No
entity deploys control activities documents requirements for backup determine that it documents exceptions
through policies that establish and recovery of customer data. requirements for backup and recovery of noted.
what is expected and in customer data.
procedures that put policies into
The company requires changes to Inspected the changes to software and No
software and infrastructure infrastructure components to determine exceptions
components of the service to be that they are authorized, formally noted.
authorized, formally documented, documented, tested, reviewed, and
tested, reviewed, and approved prior approved prior to being implemented in
to being implemented in the the production environment.
production environment.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
The company has formal retention Inspected the company's retention and No
and disposal procedures in place to disposal procedures to determine that it exceptions
guide the secure retention and provides guidance on secure retention noted.
disposal of company and customer and disposal of company and customer
data. data.
The company has a formal systems Inspected the company's systems No
development life cycle (SDLC) development life cycle (SDLC) exceptions
methodology in place that governs methodology to determine that it noted.
the development, acquisition, governs the development, acquisition,
implementation, changes (including implementation, changes, and
emergency changes), and maintenance of information systems and
maintenance of information systems related technology requirements.
and related technology requirements.
The company has security and privacy Inspected the company's security policies No
incident response policies and to determine that the company has exceptions
procedures that are documented and security and privacy incident response noted.
communicated to authorized users. policies and procedures that are
documented and communicated to
authorized users.
The company specifies its objectives Inspected documentation to determine No
to enable the identification and that the company specifies its objectives exceptions
assessment of risk related to the to enable the identification and noted.
objectives. assessment of risk related to the
The company has a documented risk Inspected the risk management program No
management program is in place that to determine that it provides guidance on exceptions
includes guidance on the the identification of potential threats, noted.
identification of potential threats, rating the significance of the risks
rating the significance of the risks associated with the identified threats,
associated with the identified threats, and mitigation strategies for those risks.
and mitigation strategies for those
Roles and responsibilities for the Inspected the company's security policies No
design, development, to determine that roles and exceptions
implementation, operation, responsibilities for the design, noted.
maintenance, and monitoring of development, implementation,
information security controls are operation, maintenance, and monitoring
formally assigned in job descriptions of information security controls are
and/or the Roles and Responsibilities formally assigned.
The company's information security Inspected the company's information No
policies and procedures are security policies and procedures to exceptions
documented and reviewed at least determine that they are documented and noted.
annually. reviewed at least annually and that all
employees accept these procedures
when hired.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
The company has a vendor Inspected the company's vendor No
management program in place. management program to determine that exceptions
Components of this program include: it provides a process for documenting noted.
- critical third-party vendor inventory; and managing vendor relationships.
- vendor's security and privacy
requirements; and
- review critical third-party vendors at
least annually.
Logical and Physical Access
CC 6.1 The entity implements The company's access control policy Inspected the company's Access Control No
logical access security software, documents the requirements for the Policy to determine that it was in place, exceptions
infrastructure, and architectures following access control functions: approved, and documents requirements noted.
over protected information - adding new users; for adding, modifying, and removing user
assets to protect them from - modifying users; and/or access.
security events to meet the - removing an existing user's access.
entity's objectives.
The company ensures that user access Inspected user access to in-scope system No
to in-scope system components is components to determine that they are exceptions
based on job role and function or based on job role and function or require noted.
requires a documented access a documented access request form and
request form and manager approval manager approval prior to access being
prior to access being provisioned. provisioned.
The company has a data classification Inspected the company's data No
policy in place to help ensure that classification policy to determine that it exceptions
confidential data is properly secured ensures that confidential data is properly noted.
and restricted to authorized secured and restricted to authorized
personnel. personnel.
The company's datastores housing Inspected the company's datastores No
sensitive customer data are encrypted housing sensitive customer data to exceptions
at rest. determine that they are encrypted at noted.
The company restricts privileged Inspected the company's Cryptography No
access to encryption keys to Policy to determine that the company exceptions
authorized users with business needs. restricts privileged access to encryption noted.
keys to authorized users with a business
The company restricts privileged Inspected the firewall configuration to No
access to the firewall to authorized determine that the company restricts exceptions
users with business needs. privileged access to authorized users with noted.
a business need.
The company requires passwords for Inspected the company's passwords for No
in-scope system components to be in-scope system components to exceptions
configured according to the determine that it is configured according noted.
company's policy. to the company's policy.
The company restricts privileged Inspected access to the application to No
access to the application to determine that the company restricts exceptions
authorized users with business needs. privileged access to authorized users with noted.
a business need.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
The company restricts privileged Inspected access to databases to No
access to databases to authorized determine that the company restricts exceptions
users with business needs. privileged access to authorized users with noted.
a business need.
The company restricts access to Inspected access to migrate changes to No
migrate changes to production to production to determine that the exceptions
authorized personnel. company restricts privileged access to noted.
authorized personnel.
The company maintains a formal Inspected documentation to determine No
inventory of production system that the company maintains a formal exceptions
assets. inventory of production system assets. noted.
The company restricts privileged Inspected access to production network No
access to the production network to to determine that the company restricts exceptions
authorized users with business needs. privileged access to authorized users with noted.
a business need.
The company restricts privileged Inspected access to the operating system No
access to the operating system to to determine that the company restricts exceptions
authorized users with business needs. privileged access to authorized users with noted.
a business need.
The company's production systems Inspected the company's production No
can only be remotely accessed by systems to determine that they can only exceptions
authorized employees via an be remotely accessed by authorized noted.
approved encrypted connection. employees via an approved encrypted
The company's production systems Inspected the company's production No
can only be remotely accessed by systems to determine that they can only exceptions
authorized employees possessing a be remotely accessed by authorized noted.
valid multi-factor authentication employees possessing a valid multi-factor
(MFA) method. authentication (MFA) method.
The company requires authentication Inspected the company's authentication No
to systems and applications to use to systems and applications to determine exceptions
unique username and password or that they use unique username and noted.
authorized Secure Socket Shell (SSH) password or authorized Secure Socket
keys. Shell (SSH) keys.
The company requires authentication Inspected the company's authentication No
to the "production network" to use to the production network to determine exceptions
unique usernames and passwords or that they use unique usernames and noted.
authorized Secure Socket Shell (SSH) passwords or authorized Secure Socket
keys. Shell (SSH) keys.
The company requires authentication Inspected the company's authentication No
to production datastores to use to production datastores to determine exceptions
authorized secure authentication that they use authorized secure noted.
mechanisms, such as a unique SSH authentication mechanisms, such as a
key. unique SSH key.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
CC 6.2 Prior to issuing system The company's access control policy Inspected the company's Access Control No
credentials and granting system documents the requirements for the Policy to determine that it was in place, exceptions
access, the entity registers and following access control functions: approved, and documents requirements noted.
authorizes new internal and - adding new users; for adding, modifying, and removing user
external users whose access is - modifying users; and/or access.
administered by the entity. For - removing an existing user's access.
those users whose access is
administered by the entity, user
system credentials are removed
when user access is no longer
The company ensures that user access Inspected user access to in-scope system No
to in-scope system components is components to determine that they are exceptions
based on job role and function or based on job role and function or require noted.
requires a documented access a documented access request form and
request form and manager approval manager approval prior to access being
prior to access being provisioned. provisioned.
The company conducts quarterly Inspected the access reviews for the in- No
access reviews for the in-scope scope system components to determine exceptions
system components to help ensure that access is restricted appropriately. noted.
that access is restricted appropriately. Required changes are tracked to
Required changes are tracked to completion.
The company completes termination Inspected the termination checklist to No
checklists to ensure that access is determine that access is revoked for exceptions
revoked for terminated employees terminated employees within SLAs. noted.
within SLAs.
The company requires authentication Inspected the company's authentication No
to the "production network" to use to the production network to determine exceptions
unique usernames and passwords or that they use unique usernames and noted.
authorized Secure Socket Shell (SSH) passwords or authorized Secure Socket
keys. Shell (SSH) keys.
CC 6.3 The entity authorizes, The company's access control policy Inspected the company's Access Control No
modifies, or removes access to documents the requirements for the Policy to determine that it was in place, exceptions
data, software, functions, and following access control functions: approved, and documents requirements noted.
other protected information - adding new users; for adding, modifying, and removing user
assets based on roles, - modifying users; and/or access.
responsibilities, or the system - removing an existing user's access.
design and changes, giving
consideration to the concepts of
least privilege and segregation of
duties, to meet the entity’s
The company ensures that user access Inspected user access to in-scope system No
to in-scope system components is components to determine that they are exceptions
based on job role and function or based on job role and function or require noted.
requires a documented access a documented access request form and
request form and manager approval manager approval prior to access being
prior to access being provisioned. provisioned.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
The company conducts quarterly Inspected the access reviews for the in- No
access reviews for the in-scope scope system components to determine exceptions
system components to help ensure that access is restricted appropriately. noted.
that access is restricted appropriately. Required changes are tracked to
Required changes are tracked to completion.
The company completes termination Inspected the termination checklist to No
checklists to ensure that access is determine that access is revoked for exceptions
revoked for terminated employees terminated employees within SLAs. noted.
within SLAs.
The company requires authentication Inspected the company's authentication No
to the "production network" to use to the production network to determine exceptions
unique usernames and passwords or that they use unique usernames and noted.
authorized Secure Socket Shell (SSH) passwords or authorized Secure Socket
keys. Shell (SSH) keys.
CC 6.4 The entity restricts The entity does not operate any Not Applicable - Control is implemented No
physical access to facilities and physical hardware such as servers and and maintained by subservice exceptions
protected information assets (for network devices but rather uses organizations. noted.
example, data center facilities, subservice organizations and relies on
backup media storage, and other its own controls for physical access.
sensitive locations) to authorized
personnel to meet the entity’s
CC 6.5 The entity discontinues The company completes termination Inspected the termination checklist to No
logical and physical protections checklists to ensure that access is determine that access is revoked for exceptions
over physical assets only after revoked for terminated employees terminated employees within SLAs. noted.
the ability to read or recover within SLAs.
data and software from those
assets has been diminished and
is no longer required to meet the
entity’s objectives.
The company has electronic media Inspected the company's Asset No
containing confidential information Management Policy to determine that it exceptions
purged or destroyed in accordance provides guidance for proper asset noted.
with best practices, and certificates of disposal. Electronic media containing
destruction are issued for each device confidential information is purged or
destroyed. destroyed in accordance with best
practices, and certificates of destruction
are issued for each device destroyed.
The company purges or removes Inspected documentation to determine No
customer data containing confidential that the company purges or removes exceptions
information from the application customer data containing confidential noted.
environment, in accordance with best information from the application
practices, when customers leave the environment, in accordance with best
service. practices, when customers leave the

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
The company has formal retention Inspected the company's retention and No
and disposal procedures in place to disposal procedures to determine that it exceptions
guide the secure retention and provides guidance on secure retention noted.
disposal of company and customer and disposal of company and customer
data. data.
CC 6.6 The entity implements The company uses secure data Inspected the company's secure data No
logical access security measures transmission protocols to encrypt transmission protocols to determine that exceptions
to protect against threats from confidential and sensitive data when they encrypt confidential and sensitive noted.
sources outside its system transmitted over public networks. data when transmitted over public
boundaries. networks.
The company uses an intrusion Inspected the company's intrusion No
detection system to provide detection system to determine that it is exceptions
continuous monitoring of the configured to continuously monitor the noted.
company's network and early company's network and early detection
detection of potential security of potential security breaches.
The company's network and system Inspected the company's network and No
hardening standards are documented, system hardening standards to determine exceptions
based on industry best practices, and that they are reviewed at least annually noted.
reviewed at least annually. based on industry best practices.
The company reviews its firewall Inspected the firewall rulesets to No
rulesets at least annually. Required determine that it is reviewed at least exceptions
changes are tracked to completion. annually. Required changes are tracked noted.
to completion.
The company uses firewalls and Inspected the company's firewall No
configures them to prevent configuration to determine that they exceptions
unauthorized access. prevent unauthorized access. noted.
The company's production systems Inspected the company's production No
can only be remotely accessed by systems to determine that they can only exceptions
authorized employees via an be remotely accessed by authorized noted.
approved encrypted connection. employees via an approved encrypted
The company's production systems Inspected the company's production No
can only be remotely accessed by systems to determine that they can only exceptions
authorized employees possessing a be remotely accessed by authorized noted.
valid multi-factor authentication employees possessing a valid multi-factor
(MFA) method. authentication (MFA) method.
The company has infrastructure Inspected the infrastructure supporting No
supporting the service patched as a the service to determine that they are exceptions
part of routine maintenance and as a patched as a part of routine maintenance noted.
result of identified vulnerabilities to and as a result of identified vulnerabilities
help ensure that servers supporting to help ensure that servers supporting
the service are hardened against the service are hardened against security
security threats. threats.
The company requires authentication Inspected the company's authentication No
to the "production network" to use to the production network to determine exceptions
unique usernames and passwords or that they use unique usernames and noted.
authorized Secure Socket Shell (SSH) passwords or authorized Secure Socket
keys. Shell (SSH) keys.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
CC 6.7 The entity restricts the The company uses secure data Inspected the company's secure data No
transmission, movement, and transmission protocols to encrypt transmission protocols to determine that exceptions
removal of information to confidential and sensitive data when they encrypt confidential and sensitive noted.
authorized internal and external transmitted over public networks. data when transmitted over public
users and processes, and networks.
protects it during transmission,
movement, or removal to meet
the entity’s objectives.
The company has a mobile device Inspected the company's mobile device No
management (MDM) system in place management (MDM) system to exceptions
to centrally manage mobile devices determine that it is in place to centrally noted.
supporting the service. manage mobile devices supporting the
The company encrypts portable and Inspected the company's portable and No
removable media devices when used. removable media devices to determine exceptions
that they are encrypted when used. noted.
CC 6.8 The entity implements The company deploys anti-malware Inspected the company's anti-malware No
controls to prevent or detect and technology to environments technology to determine that it is exceptions
act upon the introduction of commonly susceptible to malicious configured to be updated routinely, noted.
unauthorized or malicious attacks and configures this to be logged, and installed on all relevant
software to meet the entity’s updated routinely, logged, and systems.
objectives. installed on all relevant systems.
The company has a formal systems Inspected the company's systems No
development life cycle (SDLC) development life cycle (SDLC) exceptions
methodology in place that governs methodology to determine that it noted.
the development, acquisition, governs the development, acquisition,
implementation, changes (including implementation, changes, and
emergency changes), and maintenance of information systems and
maintenance of information systems related technology requirements.
and related technology requirements.
The company has infrastructure Inspected the infrastructure supporting No
supporting the service patched as a the service to determine that they are exceptions
part of routine maintenance and as a patched as a part of routine maintenance noted.
result of identified vulnerabilities to and as a result of identified vulnerabilities
help ensure that servers supporting to help ensure that servers supporting
the service are hardened against the service are hardened against security
security threats. threats.
System Operations
CC 7.1 To meet its objectives, the The company requires changes to Inspected the changes to software and No
entity uses detection and software and infrastructure infrastructure components to determine exceptions
monitoring procedures to components of the service to be that they are authorized, formally noted.
identify (1) changes to authorized, formally documented, documented, tested, reviewed, and
configurations that result in the tested, reviewed, and approved prior approved prior to being implemented in
introduction of new to being implemented in the the production environment.
vulnerabilities, and (2) production environment.
susceptibilities to newly
discovered vulnerabilities.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
The company's formal policies outline Inspected the company's formal policies No
the requirements for the following to determine that they outline the exceptions
functions related to IT / Engineering: requirements for IT-related functions noted.
- vulnerability management; such as vulnerability management and
- system monitoring. system monitoring.
Host-based vulnerability scans are Inspected the vulnerability scans to No
performed at least quarterly on all determine that they were performed at exceptions
external-facing systems. Critical and least quarterly on all external-facing noted.
high vulnerabilities are tracked to systems. Critical and high vulnerabilities
remediation. are tracked to remediation.
The company's risk assessments are Inspected documentation of the No
performed at least annually. As part company's risk assessments to determine exceptions
of this process, threats and changes that: noted.
(environmental, regulatory, and - these are performed on an annual basis,
technological) to service - threats and changes to service
commitments are identified and the commitments are identified and the risks
risks are formally assessed. The risk are formally assessed,
assessment includes a consideration - the potential for fraud and how fraud
of the potential for fraud and how may impact the achievement of
fraud may impact the achievement of objectives are considered.
CC 7.2 The entity monitors An infrastructure monitoring tool is Inspected the infrastructure monitoring No
system components and the utilized to monitor systems, tool to determine that it is utilized to exceptions
operation of those components infrastructure, and performance and monitor systems, infrastructure, and noted.
for anomalies that are indicative generates alerts when specific performance and generates alerts when
of malicious acts, natural predefined thresholds are met. specific predefined thresholds are met.
disasters, and errors affecting
the entity's ability to meet its
objectives; anomalies are
analyzed to determine whether
they represent security events.
The company uses an intrusion Inspected the company's intrusion No
detection system to provide detection system to determine that it is exceptions
continuous monitoring of the configured to continuously monitor the noted.
company's network and early company's network and early detection
detection of potential security of potential security breaches.
The company utilizes a log Inspected the infrastructure configuration No
management tool to identify events to determine that the company utilizes a exceptions
that may have a potential impact on log management tool to identify events noted.
the company's ability to achieve its that may have a potential impact on the
security objectives. company's ability to achieve its security
The company's penetration testing is Inspected the company's penetration No
performed at least annually. A testing to determine that it was exceptions
remediation plan is developed and performed at least annually. noted.
changes are implemented to
remediate vulnerabilities in
accordance with SLAs.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
The company has infrastructure Inspected the infrastructure supporting No
supporting the service patched as a the service to determine that they are exceptions
part of routine maintenance and as a patched as a part of routine maintenance noted.
result of identified vulnerabilities to and as a result of identified vulnerabilities
help ensure that servers supporting to help ensure that servers supporting
the service are hardened against the service are hardened against security
security threats. threats.
The company's formal policies outline Inspected the company's formal policies No
the requirements for the following to determine that they outline the exceptions
functions related to IT / Engineering: requirements for IT-related functions noted.
- vulnerability management; such as vulnerability management and
- system monitoring. system monitoring.
Host-based vulnerability scans are Inspected the vulnerability scans to No
performed at least quarterly on all determine that they were performed at exceptions
external-facing systems. Critical and least quarterly on all external-facing noted.
high vulnerabilities are tracked to systems. Critical and high vulnerabilities
remediation. are tracked to remediation.
CC 7.3 The entity evaluates The company's security and privacy Inspected the company's security and No
security events to determine incidents are logged, tracked, privacy incidents to determine that they exceptions
whether they could or have resolved, and communicated to are logged, tracked, resolved, and noted.
resulted in a failure of the entity affected or relevant parties by communicated to affected or relevant
to meet its objectives (security management according to the parties by management according to the
incidents) and, if so, takes company's security incident response company's security incident response
actions to prevent or address policy and procedures. policy and procedures.
such failures.
The company has security and privacy Inspected the company's security policies No
incident response policies and to determine that the company has exceptions
procedures that are documented and security and privacy incident response noted.
communicated to authorized users. policies and procedures that are
documented and communicated to
authorized users.
CC 7.4 The entity responds to The company's security and privacy Inspected the company's security and No
identified security incidents by incidents are logged, tracked, privacy incidents to determine that they exceptions
executing a defined incident resolved, and communicated to are logged, tracked, resolved, and noted.
response program to affected or relevant parties by communicated to affected or relevant
understand, contain, remediate, management according to the parties by management according to the
and communicate security company's security incident response company's security incident response
incidents, as appropriate. policy and procedures. policy and procedures.
The company tests its incident Inspected the company's incident No events to
response plan at least annually. response plan to determine that it is test.
tested at least annually.
The company has security and privacy Inspected the company's security policies No
incident response policies and to determine that the company has exceptions
procedures that are documented and security and privacy incident response noted.
communicated to authorized users. policies and procedures that are
documented and communicated to
authorized users.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
The company has infrastructure Inspected the infrastructure supporting No
supporting the service patched as a the service to determine that they are exceptions
part of routine maintenance and as a patched as a part of routine maintenance noted.
result of identified vulnerabilities to and as a result of identified vulnerabilities
help ensure that servers supporting to help ensure that servers supporting
the service are hardened against the service are hardened against security
security threats. threats.
Host-based vulnerability scans are Inspected the vulnerability scans to No
performed at least quarterly on all determine that they were performed at exceptions
external-facing systems. Critical and least quarterly on all external-facing noted.
high vulnerabilities are tracked to systems. Critical and high vulnerabilities
remediation. are tracked to remediation.
CC 7.5 The entity identifies, The company has a documented Inspected the company's business No events to
develops and implements business continuity/disaster recovery continuity/disaster recovery (BC/DR) plan test.
activities to recover from (BC/DR) plan and tests it at least to determine that it was in place and
identified security incidents. annually. approved and that the company tests it
at least annually.
The company's security and privacy Inspected the company's security and No
incidents are logged, tracked, privacy incidents to determine that they exceptions
resolved, and communicated to are logged, tracked, resolved, and noted.
affected or relevant parties by communicated to affected or relevant
management according to the parties by management according to the
company's security incident response company's security incident response
policy and procedures. policy and procedures.
The company tests its incident Inspected the company's incident No events to
response plan at least annually. response plan to determine that it is test.
tested at least annually.
The company has security and privacy Inspected the company's security policies No
incident response policies and to determine that the company has exceptions
procedures that are documented and security and privacy incident response noted.
communicated to authorized users. policies and procedures that are
documented and communicated to
authorized users.
Change Management
CC 8.1 The entity authorizes, The company requires changes to Inspected the changes to software and No
designs, develops or acquires, software and infrastructure infrastructure components to determine exceptions
configures, documents, tests, components of the service to be that they are authorized, formally noted.
approves, and implements authorized, formally documented, documented, tested, reviewed, and
changes to infrastructure, data, tested, reviewed, and approved prior approved prior to being implemented in
software, and procedures to to being implemented in the the production environment.
meet its objectives. production environment.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
The company has a formal systems Inspected the company's systems No
development life cycle (SDLC) development life cycle (SDLC) exceptions
methodology in place that governs methodology to determine that it noted.
the development, acquisition, governs the development, acquisition,
implementation, changes (including implementation, changes, and
emergency changes), and maintenance of information systems and
maintenance of information systems related technology requirements.
and related technology requirements.
The company's network and system Inspected the company's network and No
hardening standards are documented, system hardening standards to determine exceptions
based on industry best practices, and that they are reviewed at least annually noted.
reviewed at least annually. based on industry best practices.
The company's penetration testing is Inspected the company's penetration No
performed at least annually. A testing to determine that it was exceptions
remediation plan is developed and performed at least annually. noted.
changes are implemented to
remediate vulnerabilities in
accordance with SLAs.
The company restricts access to Inspected access to migrate changes to No
migrate changes to production to production to determine that the exceptions
authorized personnel. company restricts privileged access to noted.
authorized personnel.
The company has infrastructure Inspected the infrastructure supporting No
supporting the service patched as a the service to determine that they are exceptions
part of routine maintenance and as a patched as a part of routine maintenance noted.
result of identified vulnerabilities to and as a result of identified vulnerabilities
help ensure that servers supporting to help ensure that servers supporting
the service are hardened against the service are hardened against security
security threats. threats.
Host-based vulnerability scans are Inspected the vulnerability scans to No
performed at least quarterly on all determine that they were performed at exceptions
external-facing systems. Critical and least quarterly on all external-facing noted.
high vulnerabilities are tracked to systems. Critical and high vulnerabilities
remediation. are tracked to remediation.
Risk Mitigation
CC 9.1 The entity identifies, The company has Business Continuity Inspected the Business Continuity and No
selects, and develops risk and Disaster Recovery Plans in place Disaster Recovery Plans to determine exceptions
mitigation activities for risks that outline communication plans in that they outline communication plans in noted.
arising from potential business order to maintain information order to maintain information security
disruptions. security continuity in the event of the continuity in the event of the
unavailability of key personnel. unavailability of key personnel.

Results of
Trust Services Criteria for the Service
Description of EvaBot Inc.'s Controls Service Auditor Test of Controls
Security Category Auditor Test
of Controls
The company's risk assessments are Inspected documentation of the No
performed at least annually. As part company's risk assessments to determine exceptions
of this process, threats and changes that: noted.
(environmental, regulatory, and - these are performed on an annual basis,
technological) to service - threats and changes to service
commitments are identified and the commitments are identified and the risks
risks are formally assessed. The risk are formally assessed,
assessment includes a consideration - the potential for fraud and how fraud
of the potential for fraud and how may impact the achievement of
fraud may impact the achievement of objectives are considered.
The company has a documented risk Inspected the risk management program No
management program is in place that to determine that it provides guidance on exceptions
includes guidance on the the identification of potential threats, noted.
identification of potential threats, rating the significance of the risks
rating the significance of the risks associated with the identified threats,
associated with the identified threats, and mitigation strategies for those risks.
and mitigation strategies for those
CC 9.2 The entity assesses and The company has written agreements Inspected the company's written No
manages risks associated with in place with vendors and related agreements with vendors and related exceptions
vendors and business partners. third parties. These agreements third parties to determine that they noted.
include confidentiality and privacy include confidentiality and privacy
commitments applicable to that commitments applicable to that entity.
The company has a vendor Inspected the company's vendor No
management program in place. management program to determine that exceptions
Components of this program include: it provides a process for documenting noted.
- critical third-party vendor inventory; and managing vendor relationships.
- vendor's security and privacy
requirements; and
- review critical third-party vendors at
least annually.


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