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CWD Strategic Plan and Agency Actions – 2023-2027

A 5-year Strategic Plan has been developed as an internal guidance document for staff as we continue
to respond to Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). The Plan’s technical nature and length may be challenging for partners
and stakeholders to digest. This document outlines the overarching actions the agency has taken since its discovery,
and actions we will be taking over the next five years.
Since December 2018, the TWRA has been responding to the discovery of Chronic Wasting Disease in Tennessee.
Over the past few years, we have accomplished the following:
• Implemented the Agency’s CWD Response Plan.

• Increased monitoring and surveillance in the CWD-affected area and across the state.
Increased from 5,466 samples tested in 2018 to 16,703 in 2021.
• Developed infrastructure and laboratory partners to support increased testing.
Through 2021, tested over 60,000 samples statewide with 1,953 total positive from 16 counties.
• Increased staff to support CWD response, sample collection, testing, and research.
• Received grants for and partnered on cutting-edge research projects about CWD, its spread, and
environmental impacts.
• Established regulations to better manage the disease, control its spread and help hunters fight CWD.
• Partnered with UT Extension to educate the public, landowners and hunters on the disease, its impacts
and how they can help fight CWD.

Strategic Planning efforts by agency staff have identified these activities as our focus for the next 5 years:

• Regulations and Management Actions:


• Minimize the spread of CWD from natural animal movements, human activities, and the captive
cervid industry.
• Minimize and mitigate the impacts of CWD in areas where the disease is known to exist.
• Surveillance and Monitoring
• Continue surveillance to promote early detection and monitoring to track disease prevalence
over time.
• Respond proactively to detections of CWD in new areas.
• Research
• Understand Tennessee deer population dynamics and movement patterns to better understand
possible CWD spread.
• Improve our understanding of the disease and options to better manage it.
• Understand overall deer mortality by county, including harvest rate, hunter distribution, and
deer-vehicle collisions.
• Better understand stakeholder opinions & attitudes towards CWD and associated management.
• Public Education/Outreach
• Continue to educate and manage the disease with our partners, including hunters, landowners,
processors and taxidermists and the public.
• Develop and distribute scientifically based information regarding CWD and its management.
• Ensure TWRA staff are well-trained and have current CWD informational materials on CWD and
its management.
• Maintain or increase the number of licensed deer hunters in CWD-affected area.
This document was prepared by the Chronic Wasting Disease Strategic Planning Team:
Stephanie Durno Karns (Team Lead) James Kelly, MS, CWB®
Sonia M. Mongold, MS (Team Lead) Jason Harmon
Alexa McCourt, DVM (TN Dept. of Agriculture) Jeremy Dennison
Binod P. Chapagain, PhD Jeremy Hooper, MS (TN Dept. of Env. Cons)
Brad Miller, MS, PhD, CWB® Joy Sweaney
Brian Elkins, Major Kerra L. Gaona
Casey Mullen Robert Brien, Captain
Daniel Grove, DVM (UT Extension) Tabitha Lavacot
Garrett Clevinger, MS, PhD, AWB® Whitnie Smartt, DVM (TN Dept. of Agriculture)

CWB® - Certified Wildlife Biologist with The Wildlife Society

AWB® - Associate Wildlife Biologist with The Wildlife Society

Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission

Angie Box, Chair
James S. “Steve” Jones, Wildlife Committee Chair

Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency

Jason Maxedon, Executive Director
Brandon Wear, Deputy Director of Field Operations
Frank Fiss, Deputy Director of Business Operations
Emily Buck, Outreach and Communications Director
Joe Benedict, Wildlife and Forestry Division Chief
Darren Rider, Law Enforcement Division Colonel

Special thanks are extended to the following partner agencies and stakeholder groups for engaging with TWRA during the
planning process: Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation,
Tennessee Wildlife Federation, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation, US Fish and Wildlife Services, US Forest
Service, USDA Wildlife Services, National Park Service, Campbell Co Outdoor Recreation Association, Tennessee Farm
Bureau Federation, National Deer Association, Natures Legacy Taxidermy, Reindeer Retreat, Rocky Mountain Elk
Foundation, Southern Woods and Waters, Tennessee Cattleman’s Association, and University of Tennessee.
Special thanks are also extended to the following individuals for providing input, time, energy, and/or support at various
stages throughout the development of this plan: Phil T. Seng (DJ Case and Associates), Nick Crafton, and the following
current (and former) TWRA staff: Amy Snider, Michelle Barnes, Barry Cross, Matthew Cameron, (Chuck Yoest, Walter
Cook, and Michael Parsley).

Suggested citation: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. 2023. Chronic Wasting Disease Response and Management
Plan 2023 – 2027.

For additional information visit or contact Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency at
[email protected].

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................................... ii
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................... iii
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... v
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
CWD Response and Management Plan............................................................................................................... 2
History of CWD in Tennessee ................................................................................................................................... 3
Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Abbreviated Glossary ............................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Prevention Goal ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Surveillance and Monitoring Goal ..................................................................................................................... 8
3. Response and Management Goal .................................................................................................................. 10
4. Research Goal ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
5. Outreach and Communications Goal ........................................................................................................... 16
Appendix A. Background .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Scientific Foundation ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Pathogenesis............................................................................................................................................................... 19
Epidemiology ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Environmental Persistence of Prions ......................................................................................................................... 20
Sampling and Diagnostics ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Surveillance ................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Geographic Distribution ................................................................................................................................................ 22
CWD in Tennessee .................................................................................................................................................... 23
Monitoring ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Best Management Practices ........................................................................................................................................... 27
Prevention .................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Management............................................................................................................................................................... 28
CWD Management Permits ................................................................................................................................... 29
Targeted Removal .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Hunter Incentive Programs .................................................................................................................................... 29
Earn-A-Buck ...................................................................................................................................................... 30
Replacement Buck ............................................................................................................................................. 30
Fight CWD Incentive Program .......................................................................................................................... 30
Deer Management Unit Alignment................................................................................................................................ 30
Elk Implications ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
CWD Research .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Human Dimensions of CWD ..................................................................................................................................... 31
Human Dimensions of CWD in the United States ................................................................................................ 31
Human Dimensions Research of CWD in Tennessee ........................................................................................... 31
Statewide Opinions on Deer Management in Tennessee....................................................................................... 32
Perspectives in CWD Affected Tennessee Counties ............................................................................................. 33
Future Human Dimensions Research in Tennessee ............................................................................................... 33
Fiscal Considerations and Expenditures ............................................................................................................ 35
Appendix B. Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................................. 36
Appendix C. References ............................................................................................................................................ 42
Appendix D. Statutory Authority ............................................................................................................................... 45
Appendix E. TWRA Statutes, Rules, and Regulations Related to CWD ........................................................... 46
Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-4-113. Use of bait, pitfalls and certain other devices in taking birds and animals prohibited
— Penalty — Exceptions........................................................................................................................................... 46
Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-1-302. Duties and functions — Agency advertising. ............................................................ 47
Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-4-107. Hunting and fishing seasons — Bag and creel limits — Nonprotected wildlife. ...... 50
Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-1-206. Duties and Functions. ................................................................................................ 51
TWRA Rule 1660-01-11. Rules and Regulations Governing Shooting .................................................................... 52
TWRA Rule 1660-01-15. Rules and Regulations for Animal Importation ............................................................... 55
TWRA Rule 1660-01-18. Rules and Regulations of Live Wildlife .......................................................................... 57
TWRA Rule 1660-01-34. Rules and Regulations for Chronic Wasting Disease Counties ....................................... 59
TWRA Proclamation 21-05 Manner and Means of Hunting, Taking, and Trapping ................................................ 61
Appendix F. Updated CWD Testing and Reporting Protocol ............................................................................ 64
Appendix G. Tennessee Department of Agriculture Regulations on Captive Cervids ............................ 67
CWD Herd Certification Program (HCP) .................................................................................................................. 68
Appendix H. CWD Strategic Planning Process ..................................................................................................... 73

Executive Summary
The chronic wasting disease (CWD) strategic The following are the objectives of this plan:
planning group was assembled in June of 2021 with the
goal of producing a five-year strategic plan for • Minimize the spread of CWD from natural animal
addressing CWD in free-ranging deer and elk in movements.
Tennessee. Currently, there is no straightforward, • Minimize the unnatural spread of CWD across the state
universally accepted approach for management of the from human activities.
disease; thus, this plan provides a comprehensive • Assist TDA to minimize risk of introduction and spread
approach based on the best available science. The of CWD by the captive cervid industry.
TWRA CWD Response and Management Plan serves as • Maintain a systematic, rigorous risk-based surveillance
the third version of Tennessee's previous CWD strategy to promote early detection.
Response Plan (Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency • Within positive counties, monitor CWD prevalence to
2016, 2018a) and should be considered a supplement to detect changes over time.
the existing Elk (Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency • Maintain rigorous and contemporary CWD testing and
2018b) and White-tailed Deer (Tennessee Wildlife reporting protocols.
Resource Agency 2019) Strategic Management Plans. • Optimize statewide CWD sampling of free-ranging
Objectives, Strategies and Actions are focused heavily cervids.
on white-tailed deer; however, we will take appropriate • Maintain a current 5-year TWRA CWD Response and
actions as outlined in this plan should an elk test positive Management Plan.
for CWD. Given the current distribution of CWD in • Respond proactively to initial detections of CWD in
Tennessee, this document has been devised as both a novel areas.
response and management plan, documenting the
• Develop management actions to minimize and mitigate
agency’s intended response to the detection of CWD in
the impacts of CWD in areas where the disease is known
new areas and outlining the agency’s ongoing
to exist.
management of the disease in areas where it is known to
occur. • Incorporate Suspect, Not Confirmed CWD cases (see
Appendix F. Updated CWD Testing and Reporting
This plan contains the following five (5) overarching
Protocol) into Agency designation, response, and
goals to address CWD in Tennessee:
communication efforts.
1. Prevention Goal: Prevent the introduction or • Understand the population dynamics and movement
spread of CWD to areas where the disease has not patterns of free-ranging white-tailed deer in Tennessee.
been detected. • Improve understanding of the characteristics of CWD, its
2. Surveillance and Monitoring Goal: Maximize infectious agent, and management-related options.
the probability of early detection in areas where • Understand white-tailed deer mortality by county,
CWD has not been detected and monitor the including harvest rate, hunter distribution, and deer-
prevalence and geographic distribution of CWD in vehicle collisions.
areas where it has been detected. • Understand and detect changes in stakeholder
3. Response and Management Goal: Minimize perspectives of and attitudes towards CWD and
and mitigate the impacts of CWD where the disease associated management over time.
has been detected and proactively respond to • Obtain external funding to support CWD research
detections in novel areas. projects as principal investigators or in collaborations
4. Research Goal: Optimize the contribution of with partners.
research to TWRA’s CWD programs. • Develop and distribute scientifically based information
5. Outreach and Communications Goal: Foster regarding CWD and its management.
increased understanding about CWD with the public, • Ensure TWRA staff are well-trained and have accurate
partners, and all TWRA staff. and current informational materials on CWD and CWD
• Maintain or increase the number of licensed deer hunters
in CWD-affected area.

The mission of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources handling or consuming meat from a CWD-infected
Agency (TWRA) is “…to preserve, conserve, manage, animal.
protect, and enhance the fish and wildlife of the state To date, there have been no reported cases of
and their habitats for the use, benefit, and enjoyment CWD infection in humans (Centers for Disease
of the citizens of Tennessee and its visitors.” Chronic Control 2021). Since 1997, the World Health
wasting disease (CWD) is the most recent and significant Organization has recommended that the agents of all
threat to the health and persistence of Tennessee’s free- known prion diseases be prevented from entering the
ranging white-tailed deer and elk populations. This human food chain and the Center for Disease Control and
TWRA CWD Response and Management Plan provides Prevention (CDC) states if CWD were to be detected in
internal guidance to TWRA on short-term response and humans, it would most likely be from consuming meat
long-term management of CWD; serves as a from an infected deer or elk (Centers for Disease Control
clearinghouse of current science, the status of CWD in 2021). Some animal studies suggest CWD may pose a
Tennessee and nationally; and provides accessible, risk to some non-human primates, which raises concerns
reliable information to TWRA, partners and stakeholders that CWD may present a risk to people (Centers for
regarding our strategic actions to address the disease. Disease Control 2021). Studies are ongoing to assess the
potential transmissibility to humans as zoonotic
information regarding CWD is still limited.
TWRA’s mission is to preserve, White-tailed deer and elk are an important feature
of Tennessee’s landscape and culture. The infectivity,
conserve, manage, protect, and persistence, negative population effects, and potential for
enhance the fish and wildlife of the human health impacts from CWD demand that TWRA
develop and implement effective response and
state and their habitats for the use, management strategies, and support research to develop
benefit, and enjoyment of the citizens new tools to fight CWD. Management of CWD is
complex and requires numerous long-term techniques to
of Tennessee and its visitors. be applied, monitored, and adjusted to appropriately
gauge their effectiveness over time.
With the current tools and strategies available to The TWRA CWD Response and Management
wildlife managers, it is likely that eradication of CWD in Plan (2023 – 2027) contains five (5) overarching goals to
wild populations is not feasible (Baeten et al. 2007, Miller address CWD in Tennessee. Objectives (and associated
and Fischer 2016). Currently, a cure for CWD does not strategies, actions, tasks, when applicable) are outlined
exist and the disease is 100% fatal. A prion for each goal statement and depict the steps TWRA will
(proteinaceous infectious protein) is the infectious agent take to achieve each Goal.
of the disease and is highly transmissible. A prion can
persist in the environment for years due to the inability to
be easily destroyed. Increased disease prevalence leads to Management of CWD is complex
negative population-level impacts and can be detrimental
to cervid populations (see Appendix A. Background). and requires numerous long-term
Licensed deer hunters are TWRA’s primary ally techniques to be applied, monitored,
in the management of CWD. However, hunter
participation may decline due to uncertainty in the and adjusted over time.
potential transmissibility of CWD to humans from

CWD Response and
Management Plan
The CWD strategic planning group was Currently, there is no straightforward, universally
assembled in June of 2021 with the goal of producing a accepted approach for management of the disease; thus,
five-year strategic plan for addressing CWD in free- this plan provides a comprehensive approach based on the
ranging deer and elk in Tennessee. The CWD strategic best available science. The TWRA CWD Response and
planning group consisted of representatives from TWRA, Management Plan serves as the third version of
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Tennessee's previous CWD Response Plan (Tennessee
(TDEC), and Tennessee Department of Agriculture Wildlife Resource Agency 2016, 2018a) and should be
(TDA) Animal Health Division. This document was considered a supplement to the existing Elk (Tennessee
drafted with the assistance of a neutral, third-party Wildlife Resource Agency 2018b) and White-tailed Deer
facilitator and was developed through an inclusive and (Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency 2019) Strategic
engaging process. Internal discussions between TWRA Management Plans. Given the current distribution of
and partner agencies were regularly held during team and CWD in Tennessee, this document has been devised both
small working group meetings. An internal review of the as a response and management plan, documenting the
document was conducted prior to external peer review. agency’s intended response to the detection of CWD in
Stakeholders were involved throughout the development new areas and outlining the agency’s ongoing
of the plan (Fall 2021), including one-on-one phone management of the disease in areas where it is known to
interviews, two stakeholder focus group meetings (both in occur.
April 2022), and a Facebook Live event followed by a
public comment period (December 2022 – January 2023).

Research on prion diseases, including CWD, and the effectiveness of

management options is ongoing. Furthermore, each detection of CWD exists in a
unique set of circumstances that must be considered when deciding which CWD
management programs or actions should be applied. Therefore, TWRA and its
stakeholders should remain flexible in CWD response and management activities
as there is not one universal option for addressing CWD.
This plan uses the legal numbering system, • Goal – The purpose or result to be achieved through
shown below, depicting goal statements and the nested identified efforts.
levels of activities needed for achieving each goal. The • Objective – Specific things that need to be
nested levels include objectives, strategies, actions, and accomplished to achieve the goal.
tasks. Objective statements are only stratified into the • Strategy – Overall approach used to achieve
lower levels when necessary. objectives.
1. Goal • Action and Task – Specific things that must be
1.1. Objective accomplished to achieve strategies/objectives.
Target Audience • Target Audience – To whom the efforts are directed.
1.1.1. Strategy • Timeframe – The dates and/or frequency in which a
Timeframe strategy will occur. Action Task Additional supporting materials are referenced throughout
the plan as appendices, in which some remain as “living”
documents and may be updated as new research becomes
available or protocols are revised.

History of CWD in Tennessee
Beginning in 2002, due to increasing national from a deer harvested in Madison County. This high
concerns over CWD and the serious nature of the volume of positive results within the first year of
disease, TWRA began CWD surveillance of white-tailed detection signified the potential for a much larger
deer and elk. In fall of 2016, a new pilot strategy was affected area than originally anticipated. TWRA would
implemented, to significantly increase the number of need to apply multiple years of intensive surveillance
samples obtained on an annual basis. The new approach and monitoring to fully understand the extent of the
was to enlist the assistance of taxidermists and game disease.
processors, paying them to collect samples. In 2016 and Currently, TWRA is beginning to grasp the
2017, sample sizes for CWD testing increased by more distribution of CWD in western Tennessee. As of
than 590% (2,014 and 1,799 samples in 2016 and 2017, September 2022, CWD has been found in free-ranging
respectively). In 2018, TWRA implemented an enhanced white-tailed deer in sixteen counties including Chester,
surveillance strategy (Schuler et al. 2018), which is Crockett, Dyer, Fayette, Gibson, Hardeman, Hardin,
designed to both assess the risk of CWD introduction Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Lauderdale, Madison,
into Tennessee, and implement a weighted sampling McNairy, Shelby, Tipton, and Weakley (Figure 4
strategy that integrates deer population and key risk Appendix A. Background). Additionally, five counties
factors. The overall goal of this surveillance approach is have been designated as high-risk after CWD was
to maximize the chances of early detection of CWD. detected within 10 miles of their borders: Carroll,
By 2018, a total of 12,282 free-ranging white- Decatur, Lake, Obion, and Wayne County borders
tailed deer and 109 free-ranging elk had been tested for (Figure 4 Appendix A. Background). Surveillance of
the disease. On December 14, 2018, TWRA was Tennessee’s elk population is ongoing through the
informed by its CWD diagnostic laboratory that 10 sampling of all harvested elk and any elk found dead
hunter-harvested white-tailed deer taken from Hardeman (i.e., roadkill). Currently, free-ranging elk in Tennessee
and Fayette Counties tested positive for CWD. This remain unaffected by CWD.
notification set off a chain reaction prescribed in New CWD detections outside of the current
TWRA’s CWD Response Plan (Tennessee Wildlife affected area will likely occur at a far less prevalence
Resource Agency 2016, 2018a). Unit CWD was created compared to the prevalence found in western Tennessee.
as a deer hunting unit which included the two newly Effective management at any CWD detections in novel
affected counties and an additional six surrounding, at- areas will require immediate and focused action and may
risk counties (i.e., counties with a border within 10-miles include increased sampling of deer in the immediate
of a known CWD positive deer). Carcass transportation vicinity, implementation of the targeted removal
and feeding restrictions were implemented, and the deer program, and issuance of CWD Management Permits.
hunting season was extended with mandatory check Hunting regulations, such as increased bag limits and
stations. liberalized method of take, may not be implemented
As result of the extended deer hunting season within the first year of a new detection to ensure
and mandatory check stations, over 3,100 deer were management activities are based on a complete
sampled, 186 of which tested positive for CWD. Most understanding of the specific circumstances surrounding
positive samples came from deer harvested in Fayette the new detection.
and Hardeman Counties while one positive sample came

Acronyms are defined during their initial use in the body of the text and provided here for quick reference.

AFWA – Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies sCJD – Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
APHIS – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
APR – Antler Point Restriction SOP4CWD – Surveillance Optimization Project for

BMPs – Best Management Practices Chronic Wasting Disease

TCA – Tennessee Code Annotated
BSE – Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
TDA – Tennessee Department of Agriculture
CDC – Center for Disease Control and Prevention
TDEC – Tennessee Department of Environment and
CJD – Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
CWD – Chronic Wasting Disease
TFWC – Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission
DMU – Deer Management Unit
TME – Transmissible Mink Encephalopathy
ELISA – Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
TSE – Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy
FSE – Feline Spongiform Encephalopathy
TWRA – Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
iCJD – Iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
USDA – United States Department of Agriculture
IHC – Immunohistochemistry
UT – University of Tennessee
HD – Human Dimensions
vCJD – Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
PMCA – Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification
WB – Western Blot
PrP – Prion Protein
WMA – Wildlife Management Area
PSA – Public Service Announcement
WS – Wildlife Services
RPLN – Retropharyngeal Lymph Node
RT-QuIC – Real-time Quaking-induced Conversion

Abbreviated Glossary
Please refer to the Glossary of Terms (Appendix B) for a comprehensive list of terms.
Adaptive management – A rigorous approach for learning through deliberately designing and carrying out management
actions as experiments, specifically to learn how the system responds to management and to increase the level of
certainty regarding how best to achieve desired results (Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2017).
Cervid – Any member of a family (Cervidae, the deer family) of ruminant artiodactyl mammals (such as the elk, moose,
or white-tailed deer) that have solid deciduous antlers borne only by males except for the caribou in which both
males and females bear antlers.
Captive cervid facility – A location that houses, raises, and/or sells cervid species or their products (urine, velvet,
venison, antlers, shooting opportunities), these facilities may or may not be required to have a permit.
Deer management unit - The spatial units at which management alternatives will be applied and responses in program
metrics will be monitored.
Epidemiology – The study of factors affecting the frequency and distribution of disease within populations.
Epizootic – A disease of animals that is occurring in a time or place where it is not expected or at a rate greater than
expected as compared to past experience or pertaining to such an outbreak.
Human Dimensions – How and why humans value natural resources, how humans want resources managed, and how
humans affect or are affected by natural resources management decisions.
Initial detection – The first case of a disease in a new area, for purposes of this document in a Tennessee county.
Infection – The presence of a pathogen or infectious agent within a host, where it may or may not cause disease.
Infectious agent – A living organism or a molecule capable of inducing disease that can be transmitted from one
individual to another, either directly or indirectly.
Prevalence – The number of animals testing positive for a disease divided by the total number of animals tested at a
specific point or period of time. This is not a measure of the true prevalence of the population, but rather the
apparent proportion of animals affected by the disease.
Prion – A transmissible misfolded protein, lacking nucleic acids, that induces abnormal folding of specific normal
cellular proteins in the host to cause disease, the infectious agent of chronic wasting disease.
Spark - CWD detections that are along the leading edge of the known CWD distribution, in areas that contain low
numbers of positive CWD detections, or at initial detections in areas previously unaffected by CWD (Green et al.
Suspect, Not Confirmed – A TWRA test result designation issued when a “suspect” ELISA test result is received from
an accredited lab from a sample derived from outside a CWD-enzootic/established area, but results are inconclusive
with follow-up diagnostics and additional characteristics of the case are not met (see Appendix A. Background –
Sampling and Diagnostics).
Targeted removal - Removal of cervids from a focal area aside from, or in addition, to legal harvest. On private property,
this activity is only undertaken with the clear consent and a written agreement (contract) between the landowner and
TWRA’s contractor (e.g., USDA WS).

1. Prevention Goal
Prevent the introduction or spread of CWD to areas where the disease
has not been detected.

The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies’ of Agriculture Wildlife Services (USDA-WS) and occurs
(AFWA) Technical Report on Best Management Practices after the close of deer hunting seasons and before the start
(hereafter BMPs) for Prevention, Surveillance, and of turkey hunting season. Landowner participation is
Management of Chronic Wasting Disease (Gillin and essential for the program to be effective as it occurs on
Mawdsley 2018) provides recommendations for properties surrounding the spark in which landowners have
prevention of CWD introduction and establishment based expressed written consent for USDA-WS staff access.
on peer-reviewed science. These BMPs have facilitated Targeted removal is also part of a rapid and focused
CWD programs that are relatively consistent across response in newly affected areas. The intention of the
legislative (state) boundaries. The objectives to support program is not to eliminate all deer from the area, but to
TWRA’s Prevention Goal below were developed using remove deer that are most likely to have been in contact
these BMPs as a foundation and after consideration of the with the CWD-positive case. Due to social behaviors, the
most recent scientific research. Implementation of BMPs probability of CWD infection to be found in adult females
for prevention can greatly reduce the risk of CWD is increased if a closely related female is infected with the
spreading to areas not yet affected by the disease and is disease; thus, the matrilineal group should be targeted,
key for maintaining healthy cervid populations. especially at smaller spatial scales (Grear et al. 2010).
The targeted removal program is a management Spark selection for implementing the targeted removal
strategy TWRA may implement to prevent the spread of program will include consideration of the specific
CWD along the leading edge of the known distribution, in characteristics of the positive CWD detection and the most
areas that contain low numbers of positive CWD effective allocation of agency resources. The targeted
detections, or at initial detections in areas previously removal program was initiated in Tennessee in 2021 and
unaffected by CWD. These positive CWD cases are has been conducted on properties within a 3-mile radius of
known as “sparks”. Increased sampling at spark locations sparks. To better focus targeted removal resources in
assists in understanding the extent of the disease as all deer upcoming years of the program however, properties within
removed are tested for CWD. Deer removal is a 1-mile radius of the spark will be prioritized for inclusion
accomplished through a partnership with US Department into the program.

Objective 1.1.
Action Conduct outreach and
Minimize the spread of CWD from communications with landowners in affected spark areas
natural animal movements. and prioritize acquiring land access to property of actual
spark location.
Target Audience: TWRA, Wildlife Veterinarian, partners,
USDA Wildlife Services, landowners
Objective 1.2
Strategy 1.1.1.
Conduct annual, post hunting season deer removal (targeted
Minimize the unnatural spread of CWD
removal) in areas with isolated, low number of positive across the state from human activities.
samples (hereafter: sparks) and/or in areas on the perimeter Target Audience: TWRA, Wildlife Veterinarian, hunters,
of the enzootic area. landowners, processors, taxidermists, stakeholders,
Timeframe: Annually partners, and wildlife rehabilitators
Action Annually evaluate sparks for either
establishment of new targeted removal areas or Strategy 1.2.1.
discontinuation of established targeted removal areas (after Limit the unnatural concentrations of free-ranging cervids
three-year effort). due to feeding practices.
Timeframe: Ongoing

Action Continue to restrict the placement Objective 1.3
of supplemental feed and/or minerals or other practices that
contribute to unnatural concentrations of free-ranging Assist TDA to minimize risk of
cervids within CWD-affected areas.
Action Evaluate the feasibility and value of introduction and spread of CWD by the
applying restrictions on the placement of supplemental feed captive cervid industry.
and/or minerals or other practices that contribute to
unnatural concentrations of free-ranging cervids statewide. Target Audience: TWRA, TDA, captive cervid facility
Strategy 1.2.2.
Strategy 1.3.1.
Ban rehabilitation of free-ranging cervids statewide.
Support TDA’s captive cervid industry regulations as
Timeframe: Spring 2024 – Fall 2025 appropriate, including fencing, live movement prohibitions
Action Collaborate with TWRA Law near CWD detections, enhanced surveillance, and CWD-
Enforcement to evaluate the current free-ranging cervid free accreditation requirements (see Appendix G. State of
rehabilitation regulations (see Appendix E. TWRA Statutes, Tennessee Captive Cervid and CWD Regulations).
Rules, and Regulations Related to CWD; TWRA Rule Timeframe: Ongoing
1660-01-18), develop a recommendation after outreach to
current wildlife rehabilitators, and implement a ban Action Collaborate with TDA annually or
statewide. as detections occur to share information on positive free-
ranging cervid CWD detections and their proximity to
captive cervid facilities.
Strategy 1.2.3.
Maintain existing TWRA rules and regulations that have Action Collaborate with TDA to obtain
been established to limit the spread of CWD in the state information on current CWD status of captive cervid
(see Table 3 in Appendix A. Background – Best facilities throughout the state.
Management Practices).
Strategy 1.3.2. Maintain current prohibition on issuance
Timeframe: Ongoing
of new TWRA Wildlife Preserve Permits (see Appendix E.
Action Annually update any associated TWRA Statutes, Rules, and Regulations Related to CWD;
TWRA position statements and compile recent research TWRA Rule 1660-01-11).
relevant to each of the maintained rules. Timeframe: Ongoing

Strategy 1.3.3. Ensure that all existing TWRA Wildlife

Preserves are carefully regulated/monitored to prevent the
escape of captive animals and/or the entrance of wild
animals into the facility.
Timeframe: Summer 2024 and annually
Action Continue annual inspections of
fencing surrounding Wildlife Preserves to ensure they are
structurally sound.

2. Surveillance and
Monitoring Goal
Maximize the probability of early detection in areas where CWD has
not been detected and monitor the prevalence and geographic
distribution of CWD in areas where it has been detected.
Disease surveillance refers to a systematic process facilities (i.e., processors, taxidermists, captive cervid
intended to support early detection of a disease in a facilities) in an area that may increase the likelihood of
population. Surveillance for CWD in Tennessee’s white- prion movement into the county. (Appendix A.
tailed deer began in 2002 and has since been improved into Background - Surveillance).
a risk-based program and was developed in conjunction Once CWD is detected in an area, monitoring efforts
with Cornell University’s Wildlife Health Lab (Schuler et are needed to determine prevalence over time, track any
al. 2018). Our current sampling strategy focuses on the changes and to help evaluate management actions. After
locations and demographic classes most likely to have the an initial CWD detection it will take multiple years to gain
disease using a weighted quota system. Each county has a a complete understanding of the geographic extent of
quota based on risk factors that might increase the CWD in that area and requires active participation from
likelihood of CWD introduction, including deer population hunters, landowners, and agency partners to achieve
density, the proximity to known CWD occurrences, CWD sampling goals (Appendix A. Background – Monitoring).
prevention efforts in neighboring states, and the number of

Objective 2.1. Within positive counties, monitor CWD

Maintain a systematic, rigorous risk- prevalence to detect changes over time.
Target Audience: TWRA, research partners
based surveillance strategy to promote
early detection. Strategy 2.2.1.
Target Audience: TWRA, Cornell University, partner Incorporate SOP4CWD modeling applications to
agencies determine sampling intensity required for accurate
prevalence estimations over time.
Strategy 2.1.1. Timeframe: Spring 2024 and annually
Continue to apply risk-based surveillance in areas where
CWD has not been detected through use of the Cornell Strategy 2.2.2.
University model (Schuler et al. 2018) and incorporate the Confirm all harvest locations of positive CWD deer.
use of SOP4CWD modeling applications. Timeframe: Fall 2023 and ongoing
Timeframe: Ongoing
Action Annually update the list of known Strategy 2.2.3.
hazards and risks and incorporate into the risk-based Collect and consistently report prevalence data at, but not
surveillance model. limited to, the county level scale.
Action Update county surveillance quotas Timeframe: Fall 2023 and ongoing
for each new sample year (July-June). Action Determine distribution of CWD
sampling efforts within each county.
Strategy 2.1.2. Collaborate with border states on Action Annually calculate prevalence
surveillance efforts near borders. from hunter-harvested deer (by March 15).
Timeframe: Annually Action Calculate and report annual
prevalence from all CWD samples at the end of each
sampling year (1 July – June 30).

Objective 2.2.
Objective 2.3. Timeframe: Ongoing

Maintain rigorous and contemporary Strategy 2.4.3.

Prioritize sampling of clinical cervids.
CWD testing and reporting protocols. Timeframe: Ongoing
Target Audience: TWRA, Wildlife Veterinarian, Action Evaluate and improve the internal
diagnostic laboratories, partner agencies and external components of the current “sick deer
reporting system” (see Appendix A. Background -
Strategy 2.3.1. Surveillance) to streamline submission and review of
Consult diagnostician and practitioners and evaluate reports.
emerging research on CWD testing and diagnostic Action Improve communications and
methods and procedures. outreach on the importance of reporting and how to report
Timeframe: Ongoing sick cervid sightings.
Action Ensure staff review of sick cervid
Strategy 2.3.2. reports is timely.
Update the TWRA CWD Testing and Reporting Protocol
(see Appendix F. Updated CWD Testing and Reporting Strategy 2.4.4.
Protocol) as needed. Ensure staff are fully equipped to conduct CWD sampling
Timeframe: Annually Timeframe: Annually
Action Train staff on protocols for proper
collection, handling, and packaging of CWD samples,
Objective 2.4. including disinfection of tools and/or materials.
Action Support regional and field staffs’
Optimize statewide CWD sampling of sampling efforts by obtaining and maintaining adequate
free-ranging cervids. stock of needed supplies for CWD sampling.
Target Audience: TWRA, hunters, taxidermists,
processors, landowners, interested public, research Strategy 2.4.5.
partners Continue to incentivize the submission of CWD samples
by taxidermists and processors especially in areas where
Strategy 2.4.1. CWD has not been found.
Use the SOP4CWD applications to efficiently allocate Timeframe: Fall 2023 and annually
resources for sampling. Action Adjust incentives programs as
Timeframe: Summer 2023 and annually needed based on the need for increased sampling.
Action Improve quality control of data
Strategy 2.4.2. collected by processors and taxidermists.
Conduct CWD sampling on all elk possible including
hunter harvested elk, roadkill, elk found dead, and elk
removed due to exhibiting signs of illness.

3. Response and
Management Goal
Minimize and mitigate the impacts of CWD where the disease has
been detected and proactively respond to detections in novel areas.
The eradication of CWD in Tennessee is likely However, CWD management tools and programs that
impossible due to the broad distribution, environmental are effective in one region or state may not be effective in
persistence, and potential for transmission of the disease. another. Factors that should be considered when
Rather than focus on disease eradication, management referencing programs used in other areas include
options for areas with known CWD should be designed to differences in the affected species, prevalence,
maintain a low disease prevalence. The AFWA Fish and environmental characteristics, population densities,
Wildlife Health Committee’s BMPs include stakeholder needs, and anthropogenic influences. For
recommendations for management of CWD based on peer- example, CWD management programs that are effective
reviewed science. These BMPs have facilitated CWD for mule deer with low population densities in arid terrain
programs that are relatively consistent across legislative may not be effective for white-tailed deer found in high
(state) boundaries. The objectives to support TWRA’s population densities in the subtropical climate of the
Management and Response Goal below were developed southeastern United States. The best management options
using these BMPs as a foundation and after consideration will not be identical for each situation between states or
of the most recent scientific research. Implementation of even within a state. Management tools should be selected
BMPs for management can reduce the risk of CWD and applied only after considering all the relevant factors
prevalence increasing. (Appendix A. Background - Management).

Objective 3.1. Strategy 3.2.1.

Conduct the prescribed communications actions to confirm
Maintain a current 5-year TWRA and distribute accurate information of the initial detection.
Timeframe: As needed
CWD Response and Management
Action Follow initial internal notification
Plan. process.
Target Audience: TWRA, Wildlife Veterinarian, agency Action Confirm harvest location and other
partners, stakeholders relevant details with the hunter.
Action Provide external communications
Strategy 3.1.1. containing detection information and relevant general
See Appendix H. CWD Strategic Planning Process for CWD information (see Objectives 5.1. – 5.3.).
details on the development of this plan.
Timeframe: Ongoing Strategy 3.2.2.
Identify the extent of the newly affected area.
Timeframe: As needed
Objective 3.2.
Strategy 3.2.3.
Respond proactively to initial Referencing TWRA Rule 1660-01-34, consider
detections of CWD in novel areas. designating a CWD management zone including the newly
positive county and contiguous affected counties.
Target Audience: TWRA, Wildlife Veterinarian, TFWC, Timeframe: As needed
USDA Wildlife Services, agency partners, and affected
hunters and landowners

Strategy 3.2.4.

Evaluate characteristics of the initial detection and any Develop management actions to
applicable factors at the most biologically relevant scale to
inform management actions. minimize and mitigate the impacts of
Timeframe: As needed CWD in areas where the disease is
Action Consider age and sex class of the known to exist.
initial detection.
Action Consider any reported or observed Target Audience: TWRA, Wildlife Veterinarian, TFWC,
clinical symptoms of the initial detection. USDA Wildlife Services, agency partners, and affected
hunters and landowners
Action Consider timing within the fiscal
year or hunting season the detection was made to adjust Strategy 3.3.1.
sampling quotas if possible.
Monitor CWD prevalence to detect changes over time (See
Action Consider fine-scale geographic Objective 2.4).
distribution of historical sampling efforts within the
Timeframe: Spring 2023 and ongoing
affected area (informed by Objective 4.3.).
Action Consider the known deer Strategy 3.3.2.
population densities and known deer movement patterns at
Conduct and/or support field-based research projects that
the DMU scale and if unknown, consider implementing
inform management recommendations at the appropriate
density sampling methodologies (informed by Objective
spatial scale (See Goal 4).
Timeframe: Early 2023 and ongoing
Action Consider current deer management
strategies (i.e., harvest regulations) of the affected area
Strategy 3.3.3.
(including at the DMU level).
Implement management actions that are informed by
Action Consider human dimension data details gathered from Strategies 3.4.1 – 3.4.3.
and hunting culture in the affected area (informed by
Timeframe: As needed
Objective 4.4.) and if unknown, consider implementing
surveys to gather. Action Conduct annual, post-season
targeted removal of deer at spark locations along the
Strategy 3.2.5. leading edge of the distribution of the disease (see
Develop management actions based on findings from the Objective 1.1.).
evaluations of the initial detection (see Strategy 3.2.3.). Action Implement hunter incentive
Timeframe: As needed programs that include, but are not limited to, the Earn-a-
buck Program, Replacement Buck Program, and Fight
Action Evaluate initial detection for CWD Incentive Program (see Appendix A. Background –
possible inclusion in post-season targeted removal (see Hunter Incentive Programs).
Strategy 1.1.1.).
Task Collaborate with other state
Action Communicate availability of CWD agencies to develop new and/or more effective hunter
Management Permits to landowners for removal of deer incentive programs.
outside of regular deer hunting seasons (see Appendix A.
Background – CWD Management Permits). Action Implement hunting regulation
changes as warranted and at appropriate spatial scales that
Action Implement hunter incentive may include, but are not limited to, liberalized method of
programs that include, but are not limited to, the take, increased bag limits, prohibition of antler point
Replacement Buck Program and the Fight CWD Incentive restrictions (APRs; public lands only), extended season(s),
Program. and allowing harvest on public lands during the August
Strategy 3.2.6.
Action Maintain existing TWRA rules and
Adjust county-level CWD sampling quotas in the newly regulations that have been established to limit the spread
affected area to begin monitoring disease prevalence and of CWD in the state (see Table 3 in Appendix A.
understand the extent of the disease (see Objective 2.2.). Background – Best Management Practices).
Timeframe: As needed

Strategy 3.3.4.
Objective 3.3.
Evaluate management actions applied in an affected area Continue to provide internal and external educational
after a 5-year period and consider removing or adding materials that promote understanding of Suspect, Not
management actions as warranted. Confirmed cases and the current CWD Testing and
Timeframe: Spring 2024 and annually Reporting Protocol.
Action Evaluate the efficacy of the CWD Timeframe: Ongoing
Management Permit program to determine/adjust the
spatial scale around individual positive locations at which Strategy 3.4.2.
permits are issued. Conduct the prescribed communications to confirm and
distribute accurate information of the Suspect, Not
Confirmed case.
Objective 3.4. Timeframe: As needed
Action Follow prescribed notification
Incorporate Suspect, Not Confirmed streams for internal communications.
CWD cases (see Appendix F. Updated Action Confirm harvest location and other
CWD Testing and Reporting Protocol) relevant details with the hunter.
into Agency designation, response, and Strategy 3.4.3.
communication efforts. Evaluate surveillance efforts in the areas surrounding the
Target Audience: TWRA, Wildlife Veterinarian, TFWC, Suspect, Not Confirmed sample and increase surveillance
agency partners, and affected hunters and landowners as necessary (see Objective 2.1.).
Timeframe: As needed
Action Collaborate with landowners to
support focused surveillance as close as possible to the
location of the Suspect, Not Confirmed case.

Strategy 3.4.1.

4. Research Goal
Optimize the contribution of research to TWRA’s CWD programs.
A strong foundational understanding of cervid impacts of CWD management actions. For TWRA to
population dynamics, CWD characteristics and the adequately base management recommendations,
social implications of CWD is needed to inform disease collaborative research is warranted to assess these
management decisions. However, cervid population variations at the DMU scale where deer populations are
dynamics vary significantly throughout their range and most similar across space and where sociological
obtaining data at the most biologically and characteristics in stakeholder perspectives may be
sociologically relevant scale allows for maximizing the similar. Ideally, all research objectives would support
efficacy of CWD programs. Therefore, research and data the development of an informative model to better
collection will be prioritized to address knowledge gaps determine the spatial scale at which CWD programs are
in Tennessee cervid populations and to measure the applied (Appendix A. Background – CWD Research).

Objective 4.1. Improve understanding of the

Understand the population dynamics characteristics of CWD, its infectious
and movement patterns of free-ranging agent, and management-related
white-tailed deer in Tennessee. options.
Target Audience: Universities, Wildlife Veterinarian,
Target Audience: Universities, Wildlife Veterinarian, partner agencies and universities, TWRA
partner agencies, TWRA
Strategy 4.2.1.
Strategy 4.1.1.
Collaborate with other agencies and/or universities in a
Measure free-ranging cervid population densities in each genetic analysis of CWD-sampled cervids.
DMU through aerial monitoring, camera trap surveys, or
Timeframe: Spring 2023
other reliable methods (Tennessee Wildlife Resource
Agency 2019). Action Archive tissue samples and their
Timeframe: Spring 2027 and annually CWD test results for future use.

Strategy 4.1.2 Strategy 4.2.2.

Measure free-ranging cervid movement patterns to Explore opportunities to support or conduct research for
understand the likely natural spread of CWD to inform the the development of novel CWD detection methods.
risk-based surveillance model (see Strategy 2.1.1.) and the Timeframe: Spring 2023 and ongoing
spatial scale at which to apply CWD management actions Action Continue to collaborate with
more accurately. Colorado State University to train canines as biosensors
Timeframe: Pilot study: Early 2023 – Fall 2024; Additional for CWD infection in various tissues and in soil.
DMUs: Winter 2025 – Fall 2027
Action Initiate a pilot collared deer study Strategy 4.2.3.
to identify deer home ranges by sex and age class, Seek opportunities to support or conduct research to
document deer excursion events, and yearling dispersal improve the understanding of prions on the landscape.
distances in a CWD affected area within Tennessee. Timeframe: Spring 2023 and ongoing
Action Replicate the collared deer study in Action Continue to collaborate with the
each DMU to create a baseline understanding of deer University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota
movement patterns in various terrain types across the state. in prion dynamics study.

Strategy 4.2.4.
Seek opportunities to support or conduct research to
Objective 4.2. improve the understanding of CWD epidemiology.
Timeframe: Spring 2024 – Fall 2027
Strategy 4.2.5. Action Identify knowledge gaps affecting
Seek opportunities to support or conduct research to the acceptance of CWD management actions.
improve the understanding of CWD pathogenesis. Action Assess how proximity to CWD
Timeframe: Spring 2024 – Fall 2027 affected areas and length of time within proximity to CWD
affected areas influences stakeholder attitudes and
Objective 4.3. opinions.
Action Assess changes in hunting
Understand white-tailed deer mortality practices (e.g., number of trips per hunter, party size,
license purchase) with respect to length of exposure and
by county, including harvest rate, proximity to CWD affected areas (this strategy informs
hunter distribution, and deer-vehicle Objective 5.7).
collisions. Action Assess the impact of CWD on
hunting-related expenditures (this strategy informs
Target Audience: TWRA, hunters, universities, insurance Objective 5.7).
agencies Action Identify public preferences for
learning methods about CWD.
Strategy 4.3.1.
Develop methodology (and outreach materials) for hunters Strategy 4.4.2.
to provide location of harvested deer, regardless of intent Administer a survey of hunters we called to confirm
to submit for CWD sampling. location and other harvest information to assess their
Timeframe: Winter 2024 experience and satisfaction with the interactions.
Timeframe: Fall 2024 and annually
Strategy 4.3.2.
Obtain geographical data of deer-vehicle collisions
throughout the state. Objective 4.5.
Timeframe: Annually Obtain external funding to support
Strategy 4.3.3. CWD research projects as principal
Incorporate data collected in this Objective into modeling investigators or in collaborations with
efforts to improve precision of surveillance and monitoring
Timeframe: Spring 2025 and ongoing Target Audience: State, federal, and private funding
agencies, TWRA, Wildlife Veterinarian
Objective 4.4. Strategy 4.5.1.
Develop and maintain an ongoing list of research needs for
Understand and detect changes over understanding and managing CWD in Tennessee.
time in stakeholder perspectives of and Timeframe: Spring 2023 and ongoing
attitudes towards CWD and associated Strategy 4.5.2.
management. Develop partnerships with universities and other agencies
Target Audience: Hunters, landowners, TWRA, that have common goals in CWD research.
universities, partner agencies and universities Timeframe: Spring 2023 and ongoing

Strategy 4.4.1. Strategy 4.5.3.

Administer a periodic statewide survey to measure Identify CWD related grant sources and funding agencies.
knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and support for Timeframe: Ongoing
management actions related to CWD. Action Develop short synopses for priority
Timeframe: Spring 2024 and periodically thereafter research projects.
Action Determine frequency at which to Action Pursue identified grant
administer the statewide survey. opportunities with partnerships as appropriate.
Action Identify any perceived devaluation
of deer in relation to CWD and management actions.

5. Outreach and
Communications Goal
Foster increased understanding about CWD with the public, partners,
and all TWRA staff.
Outreach and communications are essential CWD and is directed towards TWRA, the TFWC,
components of a successful CWD Response and stakeholders, partners, and the public. Engagement of
Management Plan and must be integrated into all aspects stakeholders throughout the state is critical for support and
of the plan. The focus is to distribute accurate and effective implementation of the CWD Response and
effective information while combating misinformation on Management Plan.

Objective 5.1. Action Explore the value of publishing a

quarterly or monthly newsletter containing CWD updates
Develop and distribute scientifically for external stakeholders.
based information regarding CWD and Strategy 5.1.2.
its management. Distribute education materials to the public, partners, and
Target Audience: TWRA, Wildlife Veterinarian, hunters, all TWRA.
landowners, processors, taxidermists, TWRA social media Timeframe: Ongoing
followers, and interested public Action Utilize the
website as a resource for all CWD-related information in
Strategy 5.1.1. Tennessee and maintain with current information.
Develop relevant CWD informational materials. Task Annually review and update as
Timeframe: Ongoing needed the website prior to the start
Action Publish an Annual CWD Report by of deer hunting season and update with new information
August 15 that documents TWRA and partner CWD when it becomes available.
programs. This report will cover CWD data collection year Action Announce new CWD-affected
from July 1 through June 30. areas through press releases and social media posts as
Task Submit draft for review to the appropriate.
Wildlife and Forestry Division Chief and Assistant Chiefs Action Hold public meetings (in-person,
by July 15th. virtually, or hybrid formats) in newly affected counties and
Task Complete reviews and provide otherwise as needed.
final draft to the Director by August 15th. Action Incorporate CWD informational
Task Present an overview of the videos and printed materials into the Hunter Education
report at a publicly noticed TFWC meeting. classroom and online course.
Action Annually update the TN CWD 101 Action Use social media platforms for
informational presentation. informational posts and advertising prior to season start
date and throughout the deer hunting seasons.
Action Annually update the “Hunting with
CWD” informational flyer, talking points document, and Task Post information related to
frequently asked questions document. CWD on Fridays throughout deer hunting seasons (“Fight
CWD Fridays”).
Action Create videos and podcasts with
pertinent CWD information for TWRA programs such as Task Prevent sharing of
Drop the Tailgate, Tennessee Wildcast, the TWRA misinformation on TWRA-supported social media
YouTube channel, and Tennessee Outdoor Journal. platforms through the regular monitoring of comments on
informational or educational posts.
Action Create and maintain a section on
the TWRA Wildlife Diseases webpage that explains Task Seek partnerships with local
diseases which affect cervids and those that appear social medial influencers to provide CWD-related content
clinically similar to CWD. and interviews.

Task Use geofencing for in CWD programs (as outlined in Strategy 5.1.1. and the
advertisements on social media. following Actions).
Action Seek out opportunities to share Timeframe: Spring 2024 and ongoing
public service announcements and to host question-and- Action Annually provide CWD updates at
answer sessions through local radio, television, and TWRA Law Enforcement District meetings and during the
streaming outlets prior to the start of deer hunting seasons TWRA Law Enforcement Academy.
and as needed. Action Incorporate training and/or updates
Action Utilize the CWD email listserv to annually during LE District or other meetings, the Wildlife
distribute information to external stakeholders and/or to Officer academy and the Wildlife and Forestry Division
distribute a CWD quarterly or monthly newsletter. Wildlife Workshop.
Action Utilize billboard messaging in Action Add a page on TWRA’s staff-
CWD affected areas including on applicable TWRA- accessible intranet website to include CWD literature,
owned properties. references other agency’s CWD plans, reliable websites,
Action Seek opportunities to contribute to and additional information as applicable.
and distribute CWD information with partners (e.g.,
TWRF, TWF, other NGOs) and incorporate CWD Strategy 5.2.3.
information into partner outreach programs (state parks Develop and implement CWD 101 training programs for
and natural areas classrooms). TWRA and make available to partner agencies.
Action Continue to host monthly Timeframe: Spring 2026 and ongoing
conference calls to update partner agencies and Action Create an agency CWD continuing
stakeholders. education certification program that must be maintained
Task Provide written summary of annually by field staff in the affected area.
monthly call to staff and partners.
Action Explore the potential of an annual
CWD awareness day (similar to World Rabies Day) to
increase public awareness of CWD. Objective 5.3.
Maintain or increase the number of
licensed deer hunters in CWD-affected
Objective 5.2. areas.
Ensure TWRA staff are well-trained Target Audience: Deer hunters, TWRA (marketing),
and have accurate and current landowners, interested public
informational materials on CWD and Strategy 5.3.1.
CWD management. Evaluate methods to increase hunter recruitment and
retention in CWD-affected areas.
Target Audience: Foundational knowledge: reference
material for all staff Timeframe: Based on outcome of human dimensions
Comprehensive knowledge: statewide public-facing survey in Objective 4.4.
staff: Wildlife Officers, WMA staff, administrative staff
Strategy 5.3.2.
Strategy 5.2.1. Continue to provide CWD service testing (i.e., at no cost
Provide CWD informational materials supporting a to the hunter) for hunter harvested deer.
foundational knowledge of CWD for all agency staff (as Timeframe: Ongoing
outlined in Strategy 5.1.1.).
Timeframe: Spring 2024 and ongoing Strategy 5.3.3.
Action Incorporate CWD information into Continue to provide incentives to keep hunters harvesting
official agency new employee orientation. deer.
Timeframe: Ongoing

Strategy 5.3.4.
Strategy 5.2.2. Identify factors affecting changes in deer hunting practices
Provide CWD informational material supporting a and license numbers and the needs of deer hunters
comprehensive knowledge for staff that take an active role (informed by Objective 4.4.).
Timeframe: See Objective 4.4.
Strategy 5.3.5.
Ensure that CWD-related hunting regulations are easily
Timeframe: Fall – Winter 2023 (Deer hunting seasons) and

Strategy 5.3.6.
Provide the CWD educational material as outlined in
Objectives 5.1. through 5.4.
Timeframe: Ongoing

Appendix A. Background
Scientific Foundation
Chronic wasting disease is caused by a prion, an infectious protein that lacks nucleic acids, or more simply put, an
infectious, abnormal protein (Prusiner 1997; Prusiner 1998). Prions are not living organisms like bacteria, parasites, or
fungi and are very difficult to destroy. Prions occur when the normal cellular prion protein (PrPC) structure is transformed
from containing 𝛼-helices into numerous pleated 𝛽-sheets (Pan et al. 1993). The resulting structure is an abnormally
folded prion protein (PrPres) that is capable of causing adjacent normal prion proteins to misfold. The accumulation of
PrPres in the lymphatic and central nervous system (CNS) does not trigger an immune response in the animal and leads to
neurodegeneration that is eventually fatal (Haywood 1997; Prusiner 1998). These are all characteristics of the group of
diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) and can be presented as genetic, infectious, or sporadic
disorders (Haywood 1997; Schneider et al. 2008).
Various forms of PrP (PrP , PrP , PrP , etc., according to the particular TSE involved) have been identified in a
res Sc BSE CJD

number of mammals (Chesebro 2003). The first TSE to be recognized in 1732 was scrapie, which affects sheep and goats.
The protein was not proposed as the infections agent until 1967 and Prusiner introduced the term prion in 1982 (Prusiner
1982, Zabel and Reid 2015). Other recognized TSEs include bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or “mad cow
disease” in cattle, transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) in mink, and feline spongiform encephalopathy (FSE) in
nondomestic cats. Other TSEs documented in humans include kuru in the Fore people of New Guinea, iatrogenic
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (iCJD), variant CJD (vCJD; caused by C-BSE), and sporadic CJD (sCJD) (Houston and
Andréoletti 2019). These prion diseases have also been experimentally transmitted to various species including mice, rats,
hamsters, and non-human primates, to model the study of CWD pathogenesis, to study transmission barriers to humans,
and to study potential natural reservoir species (Haley and Hoover 2015).
Chronic wasting disease is the TSE specific to cervids and has been identified in mule deer (Odocoileus
hemionus), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), elk (Cervus canadensis), moose (Alces alces), caribou (reindeer;
Rangifer tarandus), and red deer (Cervus elaphus) (Williams and Young 1980, 1982, Spraker et al. 1997, Kreeger et al.
2006, Baeten et al. 2007). Not all cervids are susceptible through normal transmission routes. In a seven-year experiment
conducted by Rhyan et al. (2011), fallow deer (Dama dama) were housed in a CWD-contaminated enclosure with infected
mule deer and none of the 41 exposed fallow deer became ill nor tested positive for CWD (Rhyan et al. 2011).
Chronic wasting disease is a slowly progressing disease causing neurologic damage over time. Visible signs of
CWD do not begin to appear until 18 to 36 months post-infection. The clinical signs of CWD are similar to that of scrapie
and BSE but tend to be more subtle. The most noticeable clinical signs of CWD in adults are weight loss and behavioral
changes including altered stance with lowering of the head and drooping of the ears. The disease can also cause polydipsia
(increased fluid intake), polyuria (increased urination), flaccid hypotonia of the facial muscles, bruxism (grinding of the
teeth), general listlessness and depression, terminal anorexia, excessive salivation, and regurgitation of ruminal fluid. In
the terminal stages, esophageal hypotonia and dilation as well as difficulty swallowing leads to secondary aspiration
pneumonia (Haley and Hoover 2015).

Prions can essentially be found in all tissues of the body but become more highly concentrated in neurologic
tissues as the disease progresses. The pathogenesis of CWD prions from natural exposure has been found to be similar to
that of scrapie and vCJD (Haley and Hoover 2015). The animal is likely exposed orally to material contaminated with
prions. Exposure to prions may also occur nasally; however, the pathways are not completely understood through this
mechanism. Once contaminated materials are ingested, the prions move to gut-associated lymphatic tissue including the
retropharyngeal lymph nodes and the mesenteric lymph nodes where accumulation occurs (Sigurdson et al. 2002,
Williams 2005, Haley and Hoover 2015). Research suggests the passage of prions to the CNS may occur through the
vagus nerve and accumulate in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve in the obex region of the medulla oblongata
(Haley and Hoover 2015). Prions have also been detected in peripheral tissues and organs including rectoanal lymph
nodes, skeletal muscle, heart, spleen, liver, testes, and antler velvet (Angers et al. 2006, 2009). Infectious prions can
become detectable in the lymphatic tissues within weeks post-exposure while prions may not become detectable in the
brain for months post-exposure (Sigurdson et al. 2002). Widespread distribution of prions throughout the CNS has been
thought to occur near the onset of clinical signs. The distribution of prions throughout peripheral tissues has been
described as occurring after accumulation in the brain. However, prions may become detectable in excreta much sooner.
Prions can be shed by the secretions and excretions of the animal via urine, semen, blood, saliva, feces, and milk
(Mathiason et al. 2006, Safar et al. 2008, Haley and Hoover 2015).
Chronic wasting disease has a very complex epidemiology and has been studied in captive and wild cervid
environments. The epidemiology of CWD must be understood to effectively apply management strategies to wild
populations. The disease can be passed horizontally from one animal to another, and vertically from mother to offspring.
Horizontal movement of the disease is likely to occur within deer family groups due to increased interactions; however,
CWD may also spread to individuals of different deer family groups where home ranges overlap (Xu et al. 2022).
Although all age and sex classes of deer are susceptible to becoming infected with the disease, adult male deer are more
likely to be infected than adult female deer (Grear et al. 2006). Due to buck dispersal behavior, adult males are more
likely to spread CWD across the landscape and may also be responsible for horizontal transmissions to different family
groups. In addition to horizontal transmission within a species, CWD transmission has been observed from elk to mule
deer and white-tailed deer, from mule deer to elk, and from mule deer to white-tailed deer (Williams 2005). Vertical
transmission of CWD has been documented from mother to full term offspring as well as to in utero fetuses (Nalls et al.
Direct transmission of CWD involves “deer-to-deer” contact with an infected animal while indirect transmission
involves exposure to contaminated fomites in the environment. Both modes of transmission have been documented to be
highly efficient in sustaining CWD in populations (Miller and Williams 2003). Exposure to prions in saliva from social
grooming behaviors or the inhalation of prions in mucosa that have been aerosolized during behaviors such as blowing
may explain the direct movement of prions from animal to animal (Denkers et al. 2013). In a study conducted by Miller et
al. (2004), the transmission of CWD to mule deer was documented to occur directly in enclosures where infected and non-
infected deer commingled as well as indirectly without the presence of infected deer but in enclosures contaminated with
excreta and carcasses of CWD-infected deer years prior (Miller et al. 2004).
Environmental Persistence of Prions
The study by Miller et al. (2004) not only demonstrates the possible modes of transmission for CWD, but also that
prions may persist in the environment and remain infections for years (over two years in one portion of the study). Prions
are extremely hardy and difficult to destroy, allowing them to resist common inactivation techniques including ultraviolet
and ionizing radiation (Gibbs et al. 1978). Although the exact number of years in which prions may remain viable in the
environment is currently unknown, studies suggest that this may be for several years, possibly decades (Haley and Hoover
Features of the environment may act as reservoirs for prions, potentially serving as sources of CWD infection for
naive animals. Prions deposited into the soil bind quickly and strongly to various minerals and soil types, especially
montmorillonite clay and quartz. This strong affinity for soils may limit the travel of prions through the water column,
enable protection from physical, chemical, and enzymatic degradation, and allow for movement of prions with particles
involved in overland flow and windborne dust (Smith et al. 2011, Gough et al. 2015). Nichols et al. (2009) detected prions
at low levels in water samples taken from an enzootic area during a time of increased water runoff (Nichols et al. 2009).
Cervids have a very close association with soil due to grazing behaviors and are especially at risk of the uptake of prions
in contaminated soils. Locations used as feeding or bait sites which artificially congregate deer may become CWD
hotspots when infected deer repeatedly shed prions at these focal points. In an ongoing study, prions have been detected in
soil of historical bait sites using real-time quaking-induced conversion (RT-QuIC) assays (Lichtenberg et al., unpublished
data). Elk wallows, antler rubs, and scrapes which may be frequented or investigated by multiple deer may also act as
locations for environmental infection.
Sampling and Diagnostics
The standard tissues used for diagnostic evaluation are the obex of the medulla oblongata and the retropharyngeal
lymph nodes (RPLNs). The RPLNs have become the preferred tissue for testing free-ranging white-tailed deer as it is
easier and less labor intensive to remove than the obex, an important feature for agencies dealing with high sample
volumes (Hibler et al. 2003, Bloodgood et al. 2020). Furthermore, autolysis of the brainstem may occur by the time a
hunter brings a deer in for sampling, or the portion of the brainstem necessary for sampling the obex is often not included
if the head of the animal is not removed properly. The pathogenesis of CWD in mule deer and white-tailed deer also
suggests that testing RPLN as opposed to the obex could allow for earlier detection of disease in the animal as prions
accumulate in lymphatic tissues before the CNS. In a study conducted by Hibler et al. (2003), 22% of mule deer obex
tissue samples tested negative while the RPLN tested positive. Conversely, it is more common in elk for the obex to test
positive while RPLN tests negative (10-15%), therefore the obex is the preferred tissue for diagnostics in elk (Williams
2005). The caveat of using RPLN for CWD testing is that both lymph nodes should be tested whenever possible as the
disease may be detected in one lymph node and not the other. Multiple sections of each RPLN should be used since the
prions may not be evenly distributed throughout the tissue (Williams 2005, Bloodgood et al. 2020).
Accurately identifying CWD was initially limited to microscopic examination of CNS tissues for the presence of
the signature cellular degradation exhibited by the disease. This histopathology is not capable of diagnosing early CWD
infection since spongiform encephalopathy does not tend to occur until clinical signs appear in the later stages of the
disease (Williams 2005). Over time, diagnostic tests have been developed with high sensitivity and specificity for
detection of CWD prions (PrPres) and have evolved from strictly postmortem to antemortem testing (Haley and Hoover
2015). These tests are capable of distinguishing between the normally folded cellular prion protein from the misfolded,
infectious isoform in formalin fixed tissues in the preclinical stage of the disease (Haley and Richt 2017).
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) has been considered the “gold-standard” for CWD diagnostics and uses various antibodies
for antigen identification resulting in high sensitivity and specificity for PrPres (Williams 2005). Rapid tests have also been
developed for CWD diagnostics. Most notably, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA; Bio-Rad Chronic Wasting
Disease Test, BioRad Laboratories, Hercules, CA) is a high throughput test that has been shown to have 98.3% sensitivity
and 100% specificity when compared to IHC in mule deer (using RPLN; Hibler et al. 2003). The use of ELISA has
benefits for large-scale surveillance of free-ranging cervid populations as it is less costly and less labor-intensive than
IHC. Furthermore, IHC testing is not available at all diagnostic labs and protocol requires a minimum of three to five days
of preparation time (i.e., if samples were already adequately preserved in formalin) before specimens are ready for
microscopic evaluation. Processing ELISA tests can be halted overnight for convenience but can otherwise provide results
within five hours. Hibler et al. (2003) noted that the antibodies used in ELISA may have a greater affinity for PrPres than
the monoclonal antibody (MAb F99/97.6.1) used in IHC. It should be noted that results from these laboratory tests are
reported as “not detected” rather than negative because of the unknown sensitivity of modalities for CWD detection in the
very early stages of the disease.
The above-mentioned tests are not practical for detection of prions in samples that may contain extremely low
concentrations of prions such as bodily fluids and soils, and, as such, alternative diagnostic tests should be used. Seeded
amplification methods such as real-time quaking-induced conversion (Rt-QuIC) and protein misfolding cyclic
amplification (PMCA) are in vitro tests that provide high sensitivity for PrPres and have been at the forefront of
antemortem testing and investigations of pathogenesis, transmission, and environmental persistence of prions (Haley and
Hoover 2015).
An updated protocol for CWD testing and reporting has been created for testing free-ranging cervids in Tennessee
(see Appendix F – Updated CWD Testing and Reporting Protocol). This protocol supports a more proactive response in
the case of inconclusive test results by the addition of a third test result category, “suspect, not confirmed.” A suspect, not-
confirmed result will be issued only outside of the currently known CWD enzootic area, when a suspect ELISA result is
returned but receives a not detected result in any subsequent tests, and there is insufficient evidence to support the
designation of a positive test result. Additional evidence to consider may include reported CWD clinical signs, the age and
sex class of the animal, proximity to CWD detections, proximity to suspect, not confirmed cases, proximity to current and
historic captive cervid facilities, and proximity to sick deer reports.
Early detection of CWD is imperative to keep the disease from becoming established in an area. In the case of
New York in 2005, an early detection of CWD in five captive white-tailed deer was made in Oneida County. The
aggressive and quick response that followed resulted in the detection of three additional cases in the captive herds through
depopulation efforts and the detection of two positive free-ranging deer in targeted removal efforts. Since this event,
surveillance efforts were adjusted accordingly and there have been no additional detections of CWD in the state.
TWRA has tested deer and elk in Tennessee since 2002. Historical surveillance strategies have been summarized
in the AFWA Technical Report on Best Management Practices for Prevention, Surveillance, and Management of Chronic
Wasting Disease (Gillin and Mawdsley 2018). These practices have been studied by experts who are well-versed in
management and research of CWD. In summary, these strategies comprised a mixture of general sampling quotas and
weighted surveillance based on qualitative risk factors but were not sufficient to facilitate early detection of the disease
(Walsh 2012, Ballard et al. 2021).
In 2016, CWD was discovered in Arkansas, prompting TWRA to improve and intensify CWD surveillance
efforts. Previously, surveillance efforts in Tennessee were primarily conducted through convenience sampling rather than
sampling based on associated risks. The need to improve CWD surveillance culminated in a risk-based surveillance plan

that the Cornell Wildlife Health Lab helped design and provides a sampling strategy for white-tailed deer (Schuler et al.
2018). The surveillance program focuses on the locations and demographic classes most likely to have the disease using a
weighted quota system. A targeted quota is generated for each county based on factors that might increase the risk of
CWD introduction (Figure 1). Risk factors considered for developing quotas include deer population density, the
proximity to CWD occurrences, CWD prevention efforts in neighboring states, and the number of facilities that may
increase the likelihood of prion movement into the county (processors, taxidermists, and captive cervid facilities).

Figure 1. Surveillance for CWD point quota map developed for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

The point quota assigned to each county does not equate to the number of deer necessary for adequate
surveillance. Rather, each animal is assigned a point value based on its potential for being detected with the disease. For
example, adult males are worth more points than adult females as older aged bucks are more likely to be detected with the
disease. Hunter harvested deer are the primary source for meeting the established sample quotas; however, deer collected
because of a sick deer report and those removed through the targeted removal program are also sampled for CWD.
Agency staff rely on the public to report sightings of sick deer and elk. To efficiently collect and respond to such
reports, TWRA hosts an online reporting form accessible to the public which informs efforts to gauge disease and health
issues that might affect the Tennessee deer population ( All reports are
reviewed by a biologist to evaluate the severity of the circumstances. If the reviewing biologist determines an attempt for
disease sampling is warranted and the contact information was included in the report, the biologist may contact the person
who reported the sick deer for more information. Although many reports may not necessitate an onsite visit by TWRA,
reports that meet the criteria for a suspect CWD case are prioritized for sampling.
TWRA has also worked closely with processors and taxidermists through an incentive program that assists in
obtaining samples from hunter harvested deer. The incentive program is designed in a tiered system to incentivize
participants to either (1) save deer heads for TWRA to later retrieve for sampling, or (2) remove lymph node samples in
preparation for TWRA to submit for laboratory testing. Processors and taxidermists are paid based on the tier level of
their participation. This program may not be utilized to the same extent across all regions of the state as sample target
quotas and staff availability vary.

Geographic Distribution
Chronic wasting disease has been present in North America for over 50 years. The disease was first identified in a
Colorado captive mule deer in 1967 and at the time was described as a syndrome. It was not until the early 1980s that
CWD was classified as a TSE (Williams and Young 1980). Eventually, chronic wasting disease was detected in free-
ranging mule deer as well as other captive and free-ranging cervids including rocky mountain elk (i.e., wapiti), white-
tailed deer, and moose (Williams and Young 1982, Spraker et al. 1997, Sohn et al. 2002, Williams 2005, Kreeger et al.
2006). The first free-ranging detections of CWD were located in Colorado and Wyoming but detections in captive and/or
free-ranging populations have since expanded to 28 additional states and four Canadian provinces (Richards 2021; Figure
2). Detections have also occurred in South Korea from the importation of a Canadian cervid. The first CWD detection in
Europe was in 2016 and of free-ranging reindeer in Norway. Subsequently, CWD was detected in moose in Finland and
Sweden in 2018 and 2019, respectively (Averhed et al. 2019, Richards 2021). Natural and anthropogenic movement of
animals have both certainly played a role in the spread of CWD across the landscape.

Figure 2. Distribution of Chronic Wasting Disease in North America, updated September 26, 2022. (Expanding Distribution of Chronic Wasting
Disease | U.S. Geological Survey (

CWD in Tennessee
In 2002, following the discovery of CWD in Wisconsin, TWRA began to survey deer across the state for CWD.
In 2016, CWD was discovered in Arkansas, prompting TWRA to improve and intensify CWD surveillance efforts
culminating in a risk-based surveillance plan developed in partnership with the Cornell Wildlife Health Lab. This CWD
surveillance program is still ongoing from year to year in every county in Tennessee. During this period, TWRA
implemented measures to keep CWD out of Tennessee, including interstate carcass transportation and urine lure
On December 14, 2018, TWRA was informed by its CWD diagnostic laboratory that 10 hunter-harvested white-
tailed deer taken from Hardeman and Fayette Counties tested positive for CWD. This notification began a chain of
communication and management actions prescribed in TWRA’s CWD Response Plan (Tennessee Wildlife Resource
Agency 2016). Unit CWD was created as a deer hunting unit which included the two newly affected counties and an
additional six surrounding, at-risk counties. Carcass transportation and feeding restrictions were implemented, and the
deer hunting season was extended with mandatory check stations. As result of the extended deer hunting season and
mandatory check stations, over 3,100 deer were sampled to reveal a baseline extent and prevalence of CWD in the area.
Currently, the deer hunting Unit CWD includes twelve counties (Figure 3); However, as of September 2022, the
disease has been found in wild white-tailed deer in sixteen Tennessee counties including Chester, Crockett, Dyer, Fayette,
Gibson, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Lauderdale, Madison, McNairy, Shelby, Tipton, and Weakley
(Figure 4). Additionally, five counties have been designated as high-risk after CWD was detected within 10 miles of
Carroll, Decatur, Lake, Obion, and Wayne County borders (Figure 4).

Figure 3. Deer Hunting Units (including Unit CWD) in Tennessee for the 2022-2023 deer hunting season.

Figure 4. Map of CWD affected counties in Tennessee (updated September 2022).

During the 2021-2022 fiscal year (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022) 16,315 deer were sampled for CWD testing,
11,039 of these deer were sampled from within Unit CWD. Detections of CWD have not been found to be evenly
distributed across the landscape but instead are found in a clustered distribution (Figure 5). Within Tennessee, the
enzootic area remains in Fayette and Hardeman counties where the disease prevalence has increased since 2018 and is
much higher than the surrounding areas (<2%; Table 1 and Table 2). Within these two high-prevalence counties, the
disease is not distributed evenly, and the prevalence essentially represents an average for the county. The remaining
counties where CWD has been detected all had a prevalence below 2% and range from 1.5% (Shelby) to 0.16% (Gibson).
Although it may seem as if the disease has spread rapidly across southwest Tennessee, the reality is the disease was likely
present for many years before being detected. The prevalence also shows an uneven distribution across the sex and age
classes with adult (>2.5 years) bucks having approximately twice the disease prevalence as compared to adult does within
the enzootic zone (Table 1 and Table 2).

Figure 5. Distribution of CWD-positive detections across Tennessee (updated September 2022) with 10-mile buffer circle.

Table 1. CWD prevalence (total number of suspect positives divided by total number of deer sampled) for all deer sampled
with number of suspect positives in parentheses for all positive counties in Tennessee since initial detection in 2018.

County 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

Chester 0.00 (0) 0.17 (1) 0.00 (0) 0.36 (2)
Crockett 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.54 (1)
Dyer 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 1.09 (1)
Fayette 10.62 (108) 13.52 (303) 13.74 (376) 17.86 (346)
Gibson 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.16 (1)
Hardeman 6.81 (77) 7.85 (167) 9.18 (256) 11.82 (236)
Hardin 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.84 (2)
Haywood 0.00 (0) 0.62 (6) 0.16 (2) 1.13 (10)
Henderson 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.18 (1)
Henry 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.20 (2)
Lauderdale 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.12 (1) 0.00 (0)
Madison 0.76 (1) 0.47 (8) 0.32 (7) 0.62 (10)
McNairy 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.61 (6)
Shelby 0.00 (0) 0.70 (6) 0.58 (6) 1.52 (13)
Tipton 0.00 (0) 0.27 (2) 0.46 (4) 0.77 (5)
Weakley 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.20 (1)

Table 2. Adult male CWD prevalence (total number of suspect positives divided by the total number of deer sampled) with
number of suspect positives in parentheses for all positive counties in Tennessee since initial detection in 2018.

County 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

Chester 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.41 (1)
Crockett 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 1.30 (1)
Dyer 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 3.85 (1)
Fayette 17.89 (44) 21.53 (177) 21.58 (216) 30.20 (212)
Gibson* 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0)
Hardeman 12.88 (42) 11.63 (110) 14.27 (170) 17.25 (148)
Hardin* 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0)
Haywood 0.00 (0) 1.33 (5) 0.20 (1) 1.56 (6)
Henderson 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.49 (1)
Henry* 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0)
Lauderdale 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.34 (1) 0.00 (0)
Madison 0.00 (0) 0.66 (5) 0.62 (5) 1.35 (9)
McNairy 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 1.41 (5)
Shelby 0.00 (0) 0.96 (3) 0.76 (3) 1.52 (5)
Tipton 0.00 (0) 0.36 (1) 0.32 (1) 1.34 (3)
Weakley* 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0) 0.00 (0)
* = counties in which only CWD-positive females have been detected

Best Management Practices
Programs for CWD should focus on prevention strategies, surveillance for early detection, and management of
disease at low prevalence levels. The AFWA Fish and Wildlife Health Committee developed a document depicting the
BMPs for prevention, surveillance, and management of CWD (Gillin and Mawdsley 2018). The BMPs are
recommendations based on peer-reviewed science and have been applied by many wildlife management agencies,
facilitating consistent CWD programs across legislative boundaries. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is no
exception to this and has looked to these BMPs for guidance when developing its CWD programs.
Many of the BMPs are designed to limit the anthropogenic movement of prions across the landscape and reduce
the likelihood of CWD being brought into a new area. One such BMP is to prohibit the movement of live cervids. The
importation of white-tailed deer is prohibited in Tennessee; however, importation of other CWD susceptible cervids is
allowed conditionally, under guidelines set by the TDA to ensure the health of the individual and the herd of origin
(TWRA Rule 1660-01-15).
The movement of cervid carcasses and carcass parts is also a means for potential anthropogenic transport of prions
across the landscape. The TWRA has taken steps to minimize this risk by setting statewide carcass importation
restrictions. If a hunter harvests a deer, elk, or moose from anywhere outside the state, it must be processed to remove
neurologic and other tissue types that tend to have relatively higher concentrations of prions, before bringing it back into
the state of Tennessee (TWRA Rule 1660-01-15-.02). Importation, transportation, or possession of a cervid carcass or
carcass parts is prohibited from anywhere outside of the state unless it is on the approved parts list:
● Meat that has been deboned
● Antlers, antlers attached to cleaned skull plates, or cleaned skulls where no meat or tissues are attached to the
● Cleaned teeth
● Finished taxidermy and antler products
● Hides (tanned or green) and tanned products
Furthermore, TWRA has created rules for movement of cervid carcasses and carcass parts from harvested deer to
limit the movement of prions from affected CWD areas to unaffected areas. The current system designates counties as
“positive” when a CWD detection occurred within the county, “high risk” when a CWD detection occurred within ten
miles of the county border, or “outside CWD area” when the county does not meet either of the previous criteria. These
three designations are color-coded on a map (Figure 7) depicting the acceptable directions of movements of whole
carcasses and unapproved cervid parts. As TWRA has developed a more complete understanding of the geographic
distribution of CWD in Tennessee and learned more of the needs of stakeholders, it has become apparent that the current
CWD carcass transportations rules may not be adequate. The current system will be revised to provide stakeholders with
improved ease of moving whole carcasses and unapproved parts while still restricting the anthropogenic movement of
potentially infectious materials.

Figure 7. Transportation rules for movement of approved cervid parts within the state of Tennessee as of October 2022.

Baiting and feeding practices cause unnatural congregations of wildlife into focused areas, increasing the potential
for disease transmission. Direct transmission of CWD, among other diseases of concern, can occur through nose-to-nose
contact but also indirectly when the infectious materials are deposited into and remain in the environment. Bait and feed
sites may then become reservoirs of these infectious agents. Baiting increases the risk of disease transmission not only
among individual deer, but also to other matriarchal deer family groups and even other species of wildlife and
consequently can increase the risk of disease introduction, amplification, and spill-over events. The AFWA BMP
recommendation is to eliminate wild cervid feeding and baiting practices. Tennessee has a long-standing ban on hunting
over bait (Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-4-113), and as part of TWRA CWD response, wildlife feeding restrictions (TWRA Rule
1660-01-34) automatically go into effect when a county becomes positive or high-risk for CWD.
Through this plan, TWRA will continue to support rules and regulations that prevent the spread of CWD into new
areas. A summary of the current Tennessee rules and regulations relevant to prevention of spread are listed in Table 1.3.
Table 1. Established rules and regulations that aid in the prevention of spreading CWD to new areas from human activities.

Rules and Regulations Title Preventative Measure

Tenn. Code Ann. § 70- Use of bait, pitfalls, and Prohibits the use of bait (any grain or
4-113 certain other devices in mixture of any ingredients, used as or for
taking birds and food purposes) as a hunting practice.
animals prohibited
TWRA Rule Chapter Rules and Regulations Operation of Private Wildlife Preserves.
1660-01-11 Governing Shooting
TWRA Rule Chapter Rules and Regulations Requirements for importation permits and
1660-01-15 for Animal Importation lists unapproved wildlife carcass, parts,
and products that may not be imported.
TWRA Rule Chapter Rules and Regulations Prohibits possession & movement of live
1660-01-18 of Live Wildlife white-tailed deer (distinguished from
captive-cervids, under the jurisdiction of
TN Dept. of Agriculture)
TWRA Rule Chapter Rules and Regulations Establishment of CWD Management
1660-01-34 for Chronic Wasting Zones and carcass transportation and
Disease (CWD) wildlife feeding rules within CWD
management zones. In process of being
filed Replaces “Rules and Regulations for
Chronic Wasting Disease Counties.”
TWRA Proclamation Manner and Means of Regulation of the use or possession of
21-05 Hunting, Taking, and natural cervid urine products while
Trapping hunting.

With the current tools and strategies available to wildlife managers, it is likely that eradication of CWD in wild
populations is infeasible (Baeten et al. 2007, Miller and Fischer 2016). The focus of disease management should be to
maintain a low disease prevalence. Prevalence levels that are allowed to increase eventually lead to negative population
impacts. Edmunds et al. (2016) found in an area of high prevalence (28.8% in bucks) that survival was significantly lower
for CWD-positive deer and CWD-positive deer were 4.5 times more likely to die than CWD-negative deer (Edmunds et
al. 2016). During the 2021-2022 deer season in Tennessee, prevalence within the endemic zone of Fayette and Hardeman
counties were found to be at a level that could lead to these negative population-level impacts and adult buck prevalence
was found to be approximately twice that of the adult doe prevalence (22.8% prevalence in adult bucks, 9.7% prevalence
in adult does; Figure 6). The BMPs for managing CWD prevalence include the previously addressed strategies for
limiting anthropogenic movement and environmental contamination but also the utilization of harvest or other removal
mechanisms. Specifically, the recommendation is to target the portion of the population most likely to have CWD,

animals in known CWD hotspots, and adjusting the timing of removal to most effectively target infected animals and
reduce cervid density in CWD positive areas with high density populations.
Management efforts need to be tailored to the particular situation, especially considering disease prevalence. In
areas where CWD has not been detected, optimization of surveillance and implementation of prevention strategies should
be the focus. These strategies can include, but are not limited to, interstate transport of high-risk cervid carcass parts and
the statewide prohibition on baiting practices. In areas in which CWD prevalence is detectable at low levels, the previous
strategies should continue to be applied to reduce the risk of further disease influx, as well as the implementation of
feeding restrictions and in-state carcass transport restrictions. At these lower levels of prevalence, the portions of the
population that are most likely to be detected to have CWD should be targeted. The social behaviors of white-tailed deer
influence the rate of disease spread between the different age and sex classes. Males have larger home ranges and more
social interactions than females and, thus, have increased risk of encountering infected animals and contaminated
environments (Grear et al. 2006). Adult bucks are affected by CWD at higher rates than adult does in Tennessee;
therefore, incentivizing hunter harvest of bucks will aid in targeting the portion of the population most likely to be
detected to have CWD.
Management programs within Tennessee especially rely on landowners and hunters for participation. Landowner
programs include CWD Management Permits and Targeted Removal. A number of hunter incentive programs are
available to encourage hunting in areas with CWD detections.

CWD Management Permits

These permits are issued by county Wildlife Officers directly to landowners or their designated agents at their
request to allow the removal of deer on their property outside of deer season for the purpose of CWD management. This
program is available only in Fayette and Hardeman counties or on properties that are within a 3-mile radius of a TWRA-
confirmed CWD-positive location. If the property lies within a county other than Fayette County or Hardeman counties,
the property owner must submit all deer harvested on the property to TWRA for CWD testing. TWRA provides CWD
testing services for deer removed as a part of this program in all counties except for Fayette and Hardeman.

Targeted Removal
The targeted removal program is a management strategy TWRA may implement to prevent the spread of CWD
along the leading edge of the known distribution, in areas that contain low numbers of positive CWD detections, or at
initial detections in areas previously unaffected by CWD. These positive CWD cases are known as “sparks”. Increased
sampling at spark locations assists in understanding the extent of the disease as all deer removed are tested for CWD.
Targeted removal is also part of a rapid and focused response in newly affected areas. Deer removal is accomplished
through a partnership with US Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services (USDA WS) and occurs after the close of
deer hunting seasons and before the start of turkey hunting season. Landowner participation is essential for the program to
be effective as it occurs on properties surrounding the spark in which landowners have expressed written consent for
USDA WS staff access.
The intention of the program is not to eliminate all deer from the area, but to remove deer that are most likely to
have been in contact with the CWD-positive case. Due to social behaviors, the probability of CWD infection to be found
in adult females is increased if a closely related female is infected with the disease; thus, the matrilineal group should be
targeted, especially at smaller spatial scales (Grear et al. 2010). Spark selection for implementing the targeted removal
program will include consideration of the specific characteristics of the positive CWD detection and the most effective
allocation of agency resources. Evaluation of new sparks for inclusion into the program will occur at the end of each
sampling year (July 30) and sparks will be considered for discontinuation at the end of a three-year establishment period.
The targeted removal program was initiated in Tennessee in 2021 and has been conducted on properties within a
3-mile radius of sparks. To better focus resources and communications efforts in upcoming years of the program however,
properties within a 1-mile radius of the spark will be prioritized for inclusion into the program. In the 2021 and 2022
targeted removal seasons, 100 and 98 deer, respectively, were removed from spark locations, none of which tested
positive for CWD. The TWRA plans to continue to work with USDA WS and affected landowners to carry out this

Hunter Incentive Programs

Incentive programs are agency developed regulations designed to encourage hunters and landowners to participate
in CWD management efforts. The goals of these programs often focus on motivating hunters to harvest more deer;
thereby increasing the scale of CWD sampling throughout target areas. To date, TWRA has implemented multiple
incentive programs – not only in Unit CWD, but throughout the state.

This incentive program allows hunters to become legally eligible to harvest additional antlered deer within Unit
CWD. Hunters can “earn” the take of additional antlered deer within Unit CWD by harvesting antlerless deer (male or
female deer with no antlers or with antlers that are less than three inches in length) and submitting them for CWD testing,
regardless of the test results. This helps to increase the number of deer that are harvested and submitted for CWD testing.
While the regulations associated with the Earn-A-Buck incentive program have changed since its creation, at the time of
this strategic plan, an additional antlered deer is earned for each antlerless deer harvested in Unit CWD and submitted for
CWD testing, regardless of the test results. Earned antlered deer must be harvested in Unit CWD and may only be
harvested in the current deer season.
Replacement Buck
Hunters will receive a replacement buck if they harvest an antlered deer with an official test result of positive.
There is no limit on the number of replacement antlered deer. Replacement bucks may only be harvested in Unit CWD or
in the county where the qualifying CWD-positive antlered deer was harvested. Replacement bucks must be harvested in
the current deer season or during the following year's deer season. The next antlered deer harvested counts as the
replacement buck.
Fight CWD Incentive Program
Hunters who receive a CWD-positive test result for a harvested deer will receive a voucher redeemable for $75 of
processing fees at participating processors. The voucher is not redeemable for cash but may be gifted to another
individual. The voucher may be redeemed during the season year that the CWD-positive deer was harvested or the
following deer season year. Additionally, any resident hunter who harvests two or more CWD-positive deer will be given
an Annual Sportsman license (i.e., an all-inclusive license valid for hunting, trapping, and sport fishing without any
TWRA supplemental licenses or non-quota permits; allows holders to apply for quota permits at no additional fee for the
following hunting season). If hunter has a lifetime license, the earned license may be gifted to another Tennessee resident.

Deer Management Unit Alignment

Refined delineations of deer management units (DMUs) were proposed in the TWRA Deer Management Plan
(Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency 2019) and are intended to be the default scale at which deer research, deer harvest
management, and deer population monitoring occurs. These units are optimally sized and grouped aggregations of
Tennessee’s 95 counties and are intended to remain static over time (Cohen et al. 2021). Since this CWD Management
and Response Plan (2023-2027) is a supplement to the 2019 - 2023 TWRA Deer Management Plan, efforts will be made
to align CWD management strategies with the goals and objectives within the Deer Management Plan. While the scale at
which deer management strategies and disease management strategies are applied may not always align, integration of
approaches between both plans whenever possible will likely still be beneficial for adaptive harvest management of deer
populations in Tennessee.

Elk Implications
The current elk population in Tennessee is a result of reintroduction efforts started in 2000 which brought elk into
an established elk restoration zone (ERZ) in the Cumberland Plateau. The ERZ is centered on the North Cumberland
Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and includes portions of Anderson, Campbell, Claiborne, Morgan, and Scott counties.
As of August 2008, 201 elk from Canada and Kentucky have been released into the area after undergoing thorough
disease screening. Chronic wasting disease has not been detected in Tennessee’s elk population to date, but it remains
crucial for TWRA to remain vigilant in its efforts to keep the disease out of Tennessee’s elk herd and continue
surveillance efforts to ensure early detection if it were to occur. Surveillance for CWD in elk follows guidelines set forth
in this plan and the TWRA will continue to collaborate on projects involving elk herd health monitoring in support of
early detection. Elk sampled for CWD include all hunter harvests, roadkill, and any elk targeted for removal due to it
exhibiting signs of illness. All non-hunter harvested elk carcasses are submitted for necropsy by the University of
Tennessee, School of Veterinary Medicine for further investigation.
If CWD were to be detected in Tennessee’s elk population, CWD programs would be implemented to monitor
prevalence rates and slow the spread of the disease where possible. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency will consider
options for reducing elk densities in select areas and may implement additional hunting opportunities or an agency
targeted removal program. The movement or relocation of nuisance elk will be halted to eliminate the risk of moving
potentially infected elk across the landscape. Guidelines will be provided to hunters for best management practices on
carcass disposal and restrictions may be enacted to address carcass movement and feeding or baiting practices within the
ERZ or other affected areas. The CWD Management and Response Plan (2023 – 2027) often refers to CWD programs as
they relate to white-tailed deer since this is the species in Tennessee that is currently being affected by CWD.

CWD Research
A strong foundational understanding of CWD characteristics, cervid population dynamics, and the human
dimension implications of CWD will support informed disease management decisions. However, cervid population
dynamics vary drastically throughout their range and obtaining data to basis management decisions at the most
biologically and sociologically relevant scale should be implemented at every opportunity to maximize efficacy of CWD
programs. Therefore, TWRA would like to prioritize research and data collection to address knowledge gaps in Tennessee
specific cervid populations and measure the effects of CWD programs.
Since the detection of CWD in Tennessee, TWRA has been the recipient of multiple USDA APHIS funded
cooperative agreements that have supported the collaboration between TWRA and universities to better understand CWD
characteristics and its infectious agent. In an ongoing study, TWRA has partnered with researchers at the University of
Wisconsin to understand the persistence of prions in the environment. Through this project, methodologies in RT-QuIC
have been improved to detect prions in soil and persistence of prions at historical mineral bait sites has been documented.
Future investigations of environmental persistence of prions will test the application of fire as a tool for mitigation and the
response of prions in various soil types over time.
In an additional series of cooperative agreements, TWRA has partnered with Colorado State University to
investigate the ability of biodetectors (i.e., trained dogs) to detect the change in chemical signature of CWD in infected
white-tailed deer tissues. The first phase of the project (testing behavioral responses of biodetectors to white-tailed deer
fecal samples) has been completed and researchers have had success in training dogs to correctly identify fecal samples
from CWD infected white-tailed deer in both laboratory and controlled field settings. The second phase of the project
began in April 2022 and focuses on laboratory trials of dogs to identify CWD infections from gastrointestinal tract
samples with results forthcoming. A third phase of the project has been funded and will focus on canine abilities to detect
the CWD chemical signature in soils.
Monitoring impacts of CWD and CWD management in Tennessee has continued by outsourcing thermal aerial
surveys on twelve focal areas, each roughly 36 mi2 in size, in west Tennessee. Eight of these sites were sampled last year,
with four new sites added to periphery zones outside the core CWD area. Using distance sampling, estimated densities
ranged from a low of 17.7 deer/mi2 in Madison County to a high of 70.0 deer/mi2 in western Hardeman County.
More research is still required to understand CWD dynamics, free-ranging cervid population dynamics throughout the
state, and the effects of CWD management programs over time. To create a baseline knowledge of these aspects of the
disease and free-ranging cervids specific to Tennessee, it will be critical for TWRA to begin conducting primary research.
Human Dimensions of CWD

Human Dimensions of CWD in the United States

Human dimensions (HD) research is crucial for understanding the social impacts of wildlife and disease
management and for developing effective, durable, and socially acceptable wildlife management strategies. In particular,
HD of CWD has been studied for numerous years across the country, although the social aspects have not been
investigated to the same level as biological aspects of the disease. The social aspects of CWD research have been mainly
focused on hunter behaviors since hunters are the primary stakeholders impacted by CWD. These studies examined hunter
participation in response to the disease and associated wildlife management actions, perceptions of potential human health
risks associated with CWD, and concerns about impacts of the disease on wildlife (Jerry J. Vaske 2010). Many studies
have also evaluated changes in hunter behavior after the first detection of CWD in an area. Most studies found a minimal
effect of CWD in hunter participation (Vaske et al. 2004, Haus et al. 2017) while few studies found a decline in
participation after the discovery of CWD (Heberlein 2004, Vaske et al. 2004). Generally, hunter perceptions and
behaviors change over time as they become less concerned about diseases and its associated risk (Holsman and Smail
2006, Vaske and Miller 2019, Holland et al. 2020).

Human Dimensions Research of CWD in Tennessee

Since CWD was first detected in 2018, we have initiated two studies in Tennessee to assess perspectives of hunters,
landowners, and the public regarding the disease. Using a mixed-mode survey method (i.e., mail and electronic mail), the
first study surveyed a sample of deer hunters in CWD positive and CWD high-risk counties to investigate:
● CWD awareness,
● satisfaction with TWRA response,
● attitudes towards best management practices,
● hunting in CWD counties,
● harvest incentives,
● the cost of CWD testing, and
● land access for targeted removal.
The second study focused on similar issues, however included samples of landowners and the public, or residents.
Based on the data collected through these surveys, three peer-reviewed articles have been published (Meeks et al.
2021, 2022, Adhikari et al. 2022). Meeks et al. (2021) found that hunter acceptability of alternative CWD management
actions significantly increased between preseason and postseason surveys (Meeks et al. 2021). Furthermore, hunter
acceptability was significantly affected by concerns related to human health implications, regulatory changes, trust and
confidence of wildlife agencies, and experience of hunting in other states with CWD. This study was integral to finding
management actions acceptable to hunters with little to no conflict. The results highlighted an understanding of hunter
perception of risk, influences of those risks on behavior, and agency trust in CWD management.
Using hunter responses before and after the 2019-2020 deer season, Meeks et al. (2022) found a significant
change in hunter concerns with CWD after the first deer season since the discovery of disease (Meeks et al. 2022). The
hunters’ short and long-term intentions to hunt deer were positively related with their experience of hunting in CWD-
affected areas, their beliefs in the effectiveness of herd reduction to control CWD, their concerns regarding potential
decline in deer quality, the changes in hunting regulations due to CWD, and their trust in wildlife agency action. The
hunters who harvest on public land and those who were concerned with human health risk associated with CWD were less
likely to hunt in the CWD affected areas. The results of this study were useful to identify factors that impact immediate as
well as long-term change in hunter harvest in disease affected regions.
Using the same hunter survey data, Adhikari et al. (2022) assessed hunters’ willingness to participate in a market-
based solution to recover the costs associated with processing diseased game (if the processed deer tested positive) and
estimated an average willingness to pay value of $20 per deer (Adhikari et al. 2022). Adhikari et al. (2022) also found that
half of the hunters surveyed were interested in participating in a financially profitable program to encourage hunters to
harvest more deer to reduce herds and facilitate effective disease surveillance. The unwillingness to participate in such a
program from the remaining respondents may be attributed to self-processing practices, risk of CWD contamination in
venison when a deer processing service is used, and the general attitude that the wildlife agency should reimburse them
for the lost processing cost. In addition, this half of hunters surveyed expressed concern regarding the program details
including whether a purchased voucher would be transferable to another season, year, or person, and the wildlife agency’s
role in implementing such a solution. The study showed the demand for processing services and suggested options to
enhance disease surveillance. It also provided information on the proportion of the harvest that could be reached through
local processors and evaluated processors’ ability to help collect deer samples for disease testing.

Statewide Opinions on Deer Management in Tennessee

The surveys of hunters and residents and landowners were both conducted in summer 2021. For the landowner
and resident survey, a total of 5,995 residents and 6,003 landowners from across the state were selected randomly to
assess their opinions and attitudes towards deer management in Tennessee. Out of 11,998 surveys, 2,613 responses were
obtained with a response rate of 22%. Among the eight different issues related to deer management disease risks, CWD
was one of the top three concerns of both residents and landowners statewide. When asked about CWD, landowners and
residents indicated a high level of concern with CWD. Landowners were slightly more concerned with CWD than
residents and the majority of landowners (66%) agreed that they would allow TWRA to remove additional deer following
the hunting season if CWD was on their land.
In April and May of 2021, the statewide survey of deer hunters was conducted to assess hunters’ opinions on deer
management. A total of 7,200 hunters were selected randomly to ensure representation of hunters from each of the nine
DMUs in which they hunted. The majority of hunters were very concerned with potential effects of the disease including
deer population decline, fewer mature bucks to hunt, safety of consuming infected deer meat, and risk of CWD spreading
throughout the state. About half of the hunters surveyed were very concerned about local processors no longer processing
deer. Hunters were asked to indicate the extent to which the potential detection of CWD might affect their number of
hunting trips to those affected sites. More than two thirds (72%) mentioned they would continue hunting and take
approximately the same number of trips as they did in the previous season. A small percentage of hunters (4%) reported
they would stop hunting altogether if CWD was discovered in a county in which they hunt frequently. The DMU level
results were largely consistent with the statewide results except in the case of W2 DWU (the DMU most impacted by

CWD), where 36% of hunters said they already have CWD and therefore, only 57% reported they would take the same
number of hunting trips as during the previous season.

Perspectives in CWD Affected Tennessee Counties

A series of studies were conducted to investigate hunter, non-hunting public, resident, and landowner perspectives
regarding CWD in West Tennessee. In these surveys, the majority of respondents were aware of the presence of CWD;
Respondents were mostly concerned with the spread of the disease throughout the state, the safety of consuming infected
deer meat, and the potential for a decline in deer population. The majority of respondents were satisfied with TWRA’s
response to CWD and were confident in TWRA’s ability to have an appropriate management plan to suppress further
spread of CWD. Respondents showed the most acceptable actions to manage CWD and motivators for continued deer
harvest included
● requiring hunters to provide samples for testing,
● requiring appropriate disposal of unused deer parts from CWD counties,
● using regulated hunting seasons with liberal bag limits to allow for increased hunter harvest,
● allowing hunters the use of firearms in CWD affected counties that have been limited to muzzleloader or archery
● issuing permits to landowners and hunters to harvest outside of hunting seasons,
● shorter turnaround time for CWD testing,
● receiving a voucher for free processing of a CWD positive deer, and,
● extending the deer season through January 31.
When responses from preseason and postseason in 2019-2020 deer season surveys were compared, a higher
proportion of respondents in the postseason survey believed CWD would have no impact on their hunting activities. Few
respondents said they would stop or reduce hunting in CWD counties, despite the emergence of CWD in West Tennessee.
Some respondents planned to continue to hunt in CWD affected counties due to ease of access to those areas and low
interest in CWD testing for their harvest. For those that planned to reduce hunting, it was due to concern of consuming or
handling diseased deer and fear of paying for processing a deer that may turn out positive for CWD.
The majority of hunters were willing to pay the CWD testing fee of $18 if TWRA were to continue handling the
testing process. Those unwilling to pay the testing fee indicated an average willingness to pay $8.61 to share the cost with
TWRA or other institutions. Similarly, there was willingness to pay on average $21 to purchase a voucher, if offered by
their processor, to earn free processing of a second deer if the first deer tested positive for CWD. Slightly less than half of
respondents in the hunter survey considered a herd reduction strategy that relies entirely on hunters to harvest deer a
viable option. However, the majority of respondents from both surveys were unsure about the effectiveness of herd
reduction and wanted to see evidence of success from other states first to believe it would work in Tennessee.
In the resident survey, the majority of residents (60%) considered a targeted removal program by TWRA or other
contractors as an acceptable management method, however, less than half (42%) were willing to allow access on their
private land for targeted removal by TWRA or contractors. The resident survey suggested motivators to increase
landowner’s cooperation in targeted removal included demonstrating evidence of success in other areas/states and the
removal of participation costs (i.e., no liability, no responsibility for any cost).
Resident respondents in general were not opposed to adopting CWD best management practices on their property to
prevent the spread of the disease. The majority (64%) of respondents were willing to have deer harvested on their land
tested for CWD. Slightly less than half (43%) of the respondents were willing to prohibit the use of mineral licks,
encourage hunters to harvest their bag limit, and avoid planting small food plots.

Future Human Dimensions Research in Tennessee

Studies show hunter behaviors and perceptions related to CWD change over time (Heberlein 2004, Vaske et al.
2004, Haus et al. 2017). The duration of the Tennessee studies on hunters, residents, and landowner perceptions on CWD
were over two consecutive hunting seasons, a relatively short time period; therefore, further studies are needed to evaluate
long-term changes. Similarly, the study conducted in Tennessee shows the impact of CWD on hunter behavior may be
more significant on public hunting lands. Future research should explore potential spillover impacts on private lands or
whether any incentives are needed to encourage hunters to continue harvesting deer on public lands. Considering the
increased number of detections of the disease across the state since its discovery in 2018, continued statewide surveys of
residents, landowners, and hunters are necessary to compare perception and attitude among stakeholders in CWD positive,
high-risk, and unaffected counties in Tennessee. There is also a need for understanding the preferred source for acquiring
CWD news and educational material.

Fiscal Considerations and
● Overview of TWRA funding sources
o License sales and boat registrations
o Federal Wildlife/Sport Fish Restoration Program
o General State Fund Appropriation
● CWD Expenditures
o Initial response
o Testing and surveillance, service testing
▪ CSU/MSU $170,000 (FY22 budgeted)
▪ KORD $170,000 (FY22 budgeted)
▪ Targeted removal, roadkill $50,000 (FY22 budgeted)
o part-time staff
▪ TWRA part time technicians: $140,000 (FY22 budgeted)
▪ Central office CWD biologist
o Full-time positions added
▪ Wildlife Vet Position $150,000
▪ 5 Field staff
▪ Central office positions
o Processor/Taxidermist incentive
▪ FY22: $140,615 actual expenditure
▪ FY21: $179,730 actual expenditure
▪ FY20: $117,745 actual expenditure
o Equipment - incinerators, backhoe, skidsteer
▪ Mobile incinerator: $26,000 for new unit, $8000 for repair of donated unit
▪ Stationary incinerator: $46,000
▪ Backhoe
▪ Skidsteer: $85,000
o Work base and crematory
▪ 1.5M for work base - budgeted
▪ 1M for crematory - budgeted
o Harvest incentives
▪ Fight CWD Incentive Program: $68,000 budgeted
o Other Expenditures
▪ DJ Case and Associates (Strategic Plan): $50,000
▪ USDA Wildlife Services: shared budget between targeted removal program and feral swine
▪ Aerial Monitoring WTD Population: $300,000
▪ SOP4CWD: $24,000
● Outside funding sources
o USDA Aphis grants
▪ Colorado State University Canine detection (Phase 1): $187,000
▪ Colorado State University Canine detection (Phase 2): $223,000
▪ Colorado State University Canine Detection (Phase 3): $239,500
▪ University of Wisconsin Madison – CWD Prion Accumulation (Phase 1): $246,000
▪ University of Minnesota – Fire as a Remediation tool for CWD Prions (Phase 2): $164,500

Appendix B. Glossary of Terms
Adaptive management - A rigorous approach for learning through deliberately designing and carrying out management
actions as experiments, specifically to learn how the system responds to management and to increase the level of
certainty regarding how best to achieve desired results.
Adequate contact - An interaction between an infective and susceptible individual that is sufficient for transmission to
the susceptible individual.
Agent-based model - A simulation model incorporating random variation to describe populations of interacting agents,
such as insects and people, using simple rules that dictate their behaviors.
Antler point restrictions - Antler point restrictions are a type of selective harvest criteria (SHC) for antlered deer to
recruit males into subsequent age classes. Selective harvest criteria require antlered deer eligible for harvest to
have a minimum number of antler points (antler point restrictions; APRs), main beam length, spread width, or
some combination thereof.
Aspiration pneumonia - A disease of the lungs characterized by inflammation of the necrosis commonly due to intake of
liquid into the lungs and possibly a secondary result of esophageal hypotonia.
Average period of infectivity - The average time that an infective individual can spread a disease to a susceptible
Basic reproduction/reproductive number - The average number of secondary infections that occur when one infective
individual is introduced into a completely susceptible host population. R0 is often used as the threshold quantity
that determines whether a disease can invade a population. When R0>1 the infection will spread in a population,
but not if R0<1.
Bait - Any grain, or mixture of any ingredients, used as or for food purposes, or other devices for the purpose of killing,
injuring, or capturing any birds or animals protected by the wildlife laws of this state
Biosensor - A living organism that is able to detect chemicals, often through scent.
Birth rate - The number of births in the population during a specified period of time.
Bruxism - A medical condition of teeth grinding or clenching.
Captive cervid facility - A location that houses, raises, or sells cervid species or their products (urine, velvet, venison,
antlers, shooting opportunities) for which a permit may be required depending on state regulations.
Captive cervid import requirements TN - See Appendix G. for TDA Statutes and Rules. Requirements include
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (valid for 30 days), Official Individual Identification, Entry Permit, must have
a Whole Herd Test or be from an accredited herd AND have one negative Tuberculosis test within 30 days of entry
OR 2 negative TB tests at least 90 days apart with the second test within 30 days of entry, one negative Brucellosis
test within 30 days of entry or originating from a certified Brucellosis-free cervid herd. Chronic Wasting Disease
(CWD) susceptible species such as red deer, Japanese Deer (="sika deer"), mule deer, moose, elk (="wapiti") must
have participated in an approved CWD surveillance program for at least 5 years prior to shipment. The herd of
origin must be located more than 50 miles from any area where CWD has ever been diagnosed. NO importation of
White-tailed deer is allowed in Tennessee.
Cervid - any member of a family (Cervidae, the deer family) of ruminant artiodactyl mammals (such as the elk, moose, or
white-tailed deer) that have solid deciduous antlers borne only by males except for the caribou in which both males
and females bear antlers. This family includes all genera in family Cervidae, regardless of CWD-susceptibility.
Citizen science - the collection and analysis of data relating to the natural world by members of the general public,
typically as part of a collaborative project with professional scientists.
Class I Wildlife (1) - A TWRA wildlife classification that includes all species inherently dangerous to humans. These
species may only be possessed by zoos, circuses and commercial propagators, except as otherwise provided in this
part. The commission, in conjunction with the commissioner of agriculture, may add or delete species from the list
of Class I wildlife by promulgating rules and regulations. The following is a listing of animals considered
inherently dangerous:

(A) Mammals: (i) Primates -- Gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, gibbons, siamangs, mandrills, drills, baboons,
Gelada baboons; (ii) Carnivores: (a) Wolves -- All species; (b) Bears -- All species; and (c) Lions, tigers, leopards,
jaguars, cheetahs, cougars -- All species; (iii) Order Proboscidea: Elephants -- All species; (iv) Order
Perissodactyla: Rhinoceroses -- All species; and (v) Order Artiodactyla: Hippopotamus, African buffalo;
(B) Reptiles: (i) Order Crocodylia: Crocodiles and alligators -- All species; and (ii) Order Serpentes: Snakes -- All
poisonous species; and
(C) Amphibians: All poisonous species; Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-4-403 (2015)
Class II Wildlife (2) - A TWRA wildlife classification that includes native species, except those listed in other classes;
Title 70 Wildlife Resources Chapter 4 Miscellaneous Regulations Part 4 Exotic Animals Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-4-
403 (2015).
Class III Wildlife (3) - A TWRA wildlife classification that requires no permits except those required by the department
of agriculture, and includes all species not listed in other classes and includes, but is not limited to, those listed in
subdivisions (3)(A)-(Q);
(A) Non Poisonous reptiles and amphibians except caimans and gavials;
(B) Rodents -- Gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, mice, squirrels and chipmunks;
(C) Rabbits, hares, moles and shrews;
(D) Ferrets and chinchillas;
(E) Llamas, alpacas, guanacos, vicunas, camels, giraffes and bison;
(F) Avian species not otherwise listed, excluding North American game birds, ostriches and cassowary;
(G) Semi-domestic hogs, sheep and goats;
(H) All fish held in aquaria;
(I) Bovidae not otherwise listed;
(J) Marsupials;
(K) Common domestic farm animals;
(L) Equidae;
(M) Primates not otherwise listed;
(N) Bobcat/domestic cat hybrids;
(O) Hybrids resulting from a cross between a Class II species and a domestic animal or Class III species;
(P) Cervidae except white-tailed deer and wild elk.
Elk originating from a legal source while held in captivity for the purpose of farming shall be regarded as Class III
wildlife. All other elk shall be wild elk and shall be regarded as Class II wildlife. No person shall possess elk in
captivity within the eastern grand division of the state as defined in § 4-1-202 without having documentary
evidence indicating the origin of the elk being held. This documentary evidence will be presented to the agents of
the department of agriculture or the wildlife resource agency upon request. Sale documentation of offspring of
purchased elk is not required; and
(Q) Fur Bearing mammals, including those native to Tennessee, raised solely for the sale of fur.
Class IV Wildlife - A TWRA wildlife classification that includes those native species that may be possessed only by zoos
and temporary exhibitors; provided, that rehabilitation facilities may possess Class IV wildlife as provided by rules
established by the commission if authorized by a letter from the director of the agency:
(A) Black bear (Ursus americanus);
(B) White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus);
(C) Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), including the eggs of wild turkey;
(D) Hybrids of a Class IV species other than bobcat shall be Class IV; and
(E) Animals that are morphologically indistinguishable from native Class IV wildlife shall be Class IV; and
Class V Wildlife - A TWRA wildlife classification that includes such species that the commission, in conjunction with
the commissioner of agriculture, may designate by rules and regulations as injurious to the environment. Species so
designated may only be held in zoos under such conditions as to prevent the release or escape of such wildlife into
the environment.
Clinical suspect - A cervid that appears sick and is exhibiting clinical signs consistent with CWD infection, such as
lowered head, lowered ears, progressive weight loss, rough hair coat, excessive salivation, excessive thirst,
excessive urination, and other behavioral changes.
CWD positive county - A Tennessee county shall be deemed a positive CWD county upon confirmation that a cervid has
tested positive for CWD within the territorial boundaries of said county.
CWD high-risk county - A Tennessee county shall be deemed a high risk CWD county when there is a confirmed case of
CWD within 10 miles of the territorial boundaries of said county.
CWD prevalence monitoring - CWD testing in an area known to have CWD that is sufficiently rigorous to detect
changes in CWD prevalence over time at a biologically- relevant scale.
CWD-resistant genotype - Polymorphisms in the PRNP gene of white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, fallow deer and
reindeer have all been found to influence susceptibility to CWD in wild, farmed, and experimental populations.
CWD service testing - CWD testing provided by TWRA to detect CWD in harvested deer and is free for hunters
CWD surveillance - an active, on-going, formal, and systematic process aimed at early detection of CWD in a
population, or early prediction of elevated risk of a population acquiring CWD, with a prespecified action that
would follow the detection of the disease.
Depopulate - The action of reducing the density of captive cervids as a management tool in response to a disease
outbreak. According to USDA CWD Program Standards for captive cervids, depopulation is listed as one of the
options for response to CWD detection in a captive herd.
Disease severity - The impact that a disease process has on the physiological use of resources, comorbidities, and
DMU (deer management unit) - The aggregation of counties in the state of Tennessee to group deer based on
characteristics that make them most similar within aggregates and most different between aggregates.
Environmental contamination - The binding of infectious prions shed in urine, feces, saliva, and carcasses of infected
cervids to soil and plants.
Environmental pool (of prions) - Sources of prions for indirect transmission, such as feces deposited on the landscape.
Enzootic - A disease of animals that occurs with predictable regularity and rate in a population or area or pertaining to
such a disease.
Epidemiology - The study of factors affecting the frequency and distribution of disease within populations.
Epizootic - A disease of animals that is occurring in a time or place where it is not expected or at a rate greater than
expected on past experience or pertaining to such an outbreak.
Esophageal hypotonia - A medical condition of decreased muscle tone of the esophagus (See Hypotonia).
Established - A stage of the pathogen invasion process of an emerging wildlife disease in which the pathogen is present
in a population or area at a variable but stable prevalence and in which the host population is stable.
Exotic - Non-native or introduced to an area outside of a natural distribution.
Exposed - The class of individuals in a compartmentalized epidemic model that contains infected individuals that are not
yet infectious.
Farmed or captive cervid - Privately or publicly maintained cervids or held for economic or other purposes within a
perimeter fence or confined area or captured from a wild population for interstate movement and release. See Part
81 USDA 9 CFR Ch. I
Feeding - Providing feed supplements to wildlife for purposes other than hunting.
Focal area - A county where CWD has become established, prevalent, or newly introduced.
Fomite - an inanimate object that can be the vehicle for transmission of an infectious agent - CD glossary Just to be a little
more specific a fomite can be any inanimate object that can transfer an infectious agent. Compared to a vector
which is a living organism capable of transmitting infectious agents (i.e., mosquito, tick)
Food plot - A food plot is an annual or perennial planting of grain, cover crops, grass, forbes, legumes, or a mixture
thereof, to provide food for a variety of wildlife.
Free-ranging cervid - Wild populations of animals of the family Cervidae.
Freedom-from-disease - For any given area where a disease has not been detected, the prevalence of that disease is
ascertained to be below some designated target threshold with some level of "assurance" which is driven by sample
sizes of surveillance efforts for that area (e.g., 95% confident that unit x has a prevalence ≥0% and <1%).

Hazard - A condition or physical situation with a potential for an undesirable consequence or to cause harm, e.g., may
introduce or spread CWD prions.
Hemorrhagic disease (HD) - A broad term for a group of vector borne Orbiviruses known to cause disease in wild
cervids including EHD and BTV.
High fence facility - A captive cervid facility with a high fence (typically 8 ft.) along the border to prevent cervids from
entering or exiting and deter trespassing. White-tailed deer, which have been incidentally contained, and exotic
cervids may be present on these properties.
Human Dimensions - How and why humans value natural resources, how humans want resources managed, and how
humans affect or are affected by natural resources management decisions.
Hypotonia - A medical term used to describe decreased muscle tone.
Incentive programs - Programs created to motivate hunters and landowners to harvest more deer in support of CWD
Management efforts, therefore help reduce deer density and prevent the spread of CWD.
Incidence - The proportion or rate of individuals that become infected during a particular time period.
Initial detection - The first identified case of an infectious disease within a population or area.
Infection - The presence of a pathogen or infectious agent within a host, where it may or may not cause disease.
Infection-associated mortality - The increase in mortality (non-specific) hazard resulting from becoming test-positive
relative to an animal that remains test-negative.
Infectious agent - An organism capable of inducing disease that can be transmitted from one individual to another, either
directly or indirectly.
Infectious period - Period of time during which an infected individual is able to transmit an infection to a susceptible host
or vector. The infectious period may or may not coincide with disease.
Infectives - The class of individuals in a compartmentalized epidemic model that contains infected individuals that are
capable of transmitting the pathogen to other individuals.
Invasive - Non-native species to the ecosystem under consideration and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause
economic or ecological harm or harm to human health.
Immunity - The ability of an individual to remain uninfected by an infectious agent or disease-free, despite adequate
contact (link in glossary).
Latent period - The time during which an individual is infected but is not yet infectious.
Leading edge - A stage of the pathogen invasion process of an emerging wildlife disease in which pathogen invasion has
just occurred or is imminent. Pathogen prevalence is zero or below 0.05%, and increasing, and the host population
is stable with no detected declines.
Lower-risk wildlife carcass parts - Those carcass parts that have been identified as having a lesser risk of transmitting
CWD infections
(a) Meat that has bones removed.
(b) Antlers, antlers attached to cleaned skull plates, or cleaned skulls (where no meat or tissues are attached to the
(c) Cleaned teeth.
(d) Finished taxidermy and antler products.
(e) Hides and tanned products.
Management permits - Permits issued by County Wildlife Officers directly to landowners or their designated agents to
allow the removal of deer on their property outside of deer season for the purpose of CWD management.
Mode of transmission - The way in which an infectious agent is passed from an infected host to a susceptible host, such
as direct, vector-borne, food-borne, and air-borne transmission.
Native wildlife - Wildlife which is found in certain ecosystems due to natural processes such as natural distribution.
Neurodegeneration - The loss of functional integrity of cellular structures within the nervous system, especially in the

Non-native wildlife - Wildlife not indigenous to or naturally occurring in a particular place.
One-and-done - A limited occurrence of infection in a population or area that disappears and does not expand into an
epidemic or become established. An outbreak may be considered a one-and-done if the Replacement Number is
less than one.
Pathogenesis - The origination and the manner of development of a disease.
Polydipsia - A medical condition of extreme thirst which may lead to increased fluid intake.
Polyuria - A medical condition of frequent or increased urination.
Population size - The total number of animals in a geographic area or particular group; In this case default will be DMU.
Pre-arrival - A stage of the pathogen invasion process of an emerging wildlife disease in which the pathogen is absent in
a population or area and its arrival is not imminent.
Prevalence - The number of animals testing positive for a disease divided by the total number of animals tested at a
specific point or period of time. This is not a measure of the true prevalence of the population, but rather the
apparent proportion of animals affected by the disease.
Private wildlife preserve - A privately owned or lease-controlled tract of land on which a person may hunt captive
wildlife originating from a legal source. 1660-01-11-.02 OPERATION OF PRIVATE WILDLIFE PRESERVE. As
of July 1, 2009, no new facilities will be issued a permit for the purpose of possessing and/or harvesting big game
species under the authority of a Private Wildlife Preserve Permit. Wildlife indigenous to Tennessee may not be
held, released, or hunted on a wildlife preserve unless specifically authorized by the wildlife preserve permit. All
Class I Wildlife species, white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), and black
bear (Ursus americanus) are specifically prohibited from being held, released and hunted under the authority of a
wildlife preserve permit. Any wildlife on the Endangered or Threatened Species list(s) published by the State of
Tennessee, or the United States federal government are also prohibited from being held, released or hunted on a
wildlife preserve. Game species, excluding black bear, that are naturally occurring within the boundaries of a
wildlife preserve may be hunted in accordance with statewide regulations, license and permit requirements.
Prevalence - The number of animals testing positive for a disease divided by the total number of animals tested at a
specific point or period of time. This does not reflect the true proportion of animals, but rather the apparent
proportion of animals affected by the disease.
Prion - A transmissible misfolded protein that induces abnormal folding of specific normal cellular proteins in the host to
cause disease; the infectious agent of CWD.
Rehabilitation centers - Rehabilitation centers are defined as those facilities which house and treat injured, diseased and
displaced Class II and Class IV wildlife (except wild turkeys) which are temporarily incapable of surviving in the
wild. The objective of the centers will be to return such wildlife to their natural habitat.
Reservoir - Any animal, plant, soil, or substance in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies that acts as a
source of infection for susceptible individuals.
Resistance - The ability of an individual to remain non-clinical/asymptomatic or have low disease severity despite
becoming infected.
Risk - Possibility that something unpleasant will happen or a situation involving exposure to danger.
Risk analysis - Analytical process to identify and assess factors regarding undesirable events.
Risk communication - The exchange of information between experts (risk assessors, risk managers) and those affected
by both the risk and the decisions made before the final policy decisions are taken.
Risk management - The process of identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing policy alternatives in consultation with
interested parties to minimize and control risks.
Spark - CWD detections that are along the leading edge of the known CWD distribution, in areas that contain low
numbers of positive CWD detections, or at initial detections in areas previously unaffected by CWD (Green et al.
Suspect, Not Confirmed - A TWRA test result designation issued when a “suspect” ELISA test result is received from an
accredited lab from a sample derived from outside a CWD-enzootic/established area, but results are inconclusive
with follow-up diagnostics and additional characteristics of the case are not met (see Sampling and Diagnostics).

Targeted removal - Removal of cervids from a focal area aside from, or in addition, to legal harvest. On private property,
this activity is not undertaken without the clear consent and the signing of a contract between the private
landowner and contractor (e.g., USDA-APHIS-WS).
Transmission - The transfer of an infectious agent from one individual to another by direct or indirect means, such as
through direct contact, aerosols, contaminated environment, vectors.
Transmission rate - The rate at which an infectious agent is transferred from an infective individual to a susceptible
USDA CWD susceptible cervid - Captive cervid industry term that identifies those genera whose members have been
confirmed to be naturally infected with CWD. These are animals in the genera Odocoileus, Cervus, and Alces and
their hybrids, i.e., deer, elk, and moose.
See PART 81—CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE IN DEER, ELK, AND MOOSE - A term used in the captive
cervid industry to identify any member of a species identified under United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) CWD Program Standards, as they may be amended from time to time and published by USDA, Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services.
Vector - An insect or other living organism that carries and transmits a disease agent from one animal to another. At this
time, there are no known vectors in prions, but research is being conducted on the potential for ticks as a vector.
Wildlife health - The vitality and integrity of wildlife species at population levels that support their functional roles in
sustaining ecological systems that benefit society and the natural world.

Appendix C. References
Adhikari, R. K., N. C. Poudyal, L. I. Muller, and C. Yoest. 2022. Hunters’ willingness to pay to avoid processing costs
associated with harvesting infected game. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 54:93–113.
Angers, R. C., S. R. Browning, T. S. Seward, C. J. Sigurdson, M. W. Miller, E. A. Hoover, and G. C. Telling. 2006.
Prions in skeletal muscles of deer with chronic wasting disease. Science 311:1117–1117.
Angers, R. C., T. S. Seward, D. Napier, M. Green, E. Hoover, T. Spraker, K. O’Rourke, A. Balachandran, and G. C.
Telling. 2009. Chronic wasting disease prions in elk antler velvet. Emerging Infectious Diseases 15:696–703.
Averhed, G., C. Brojer, N. Doose, G. Hestvik, A. Neimanis, J. Nises, K. O. Sanno, J. Stavenow, H. Uhlhorn, and E.
Agren. 2019. Wildlife Disease Surveillance in Sweden 2019. E. Agren, editor.
<>. Accessed 20 May
Baeten, L. A., B. E. Powers, J. E. Jewell, T. R. Spraker, and M. W. Miller. 2007. A natural case of chronic wasting
disease in a free-ranging moose (alces alces shirasi). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 43:309–314.
Ballard, J., J. Brown, B. Carner, S. Clark, A. Gramza, M. Gray, M. Hutchings, C. Middaugh, R. Meeker, A. Riggs, and W.
Wright. 2021. Chronic Wasting Disease Management and Response Plan (2021-2025).
Bloodgood, J., M. Kiupel, J. Melotti, and K. Straka. 2020. Chronic wasting disease diagnostic discrepancies: the
importance of testing both medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57:194–198.
Bradley S. Cohen, James D. Kelly, Robert E. Kissell. 2021. Delineation of Harvest Management Units for White-tailed
Deer in Tennessee. <>.
Accessed 12 Jun 2022.
Centers for Disease Control. 2021. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) | Prion Diseases | CDC. Chronic Wasting Disease
CDC. <>. Accessed 19 Sep 2022.
Denkers, N. D., J. Hayes-Klug, K. R. Anderson, D. M. Seelig, N. J. Haley, S. J. Dahmes, D. A. Osborn, K. V. Miller, R. J.
Warren, C. K. Mathiason, and E. A. Hoover. 2013. Aerosol transmission of chronic wasting disease in white-
tailed deer. Journal of Virology 87:1890–1892.
Edmunds, D. R., M. J. Kauffman, B. A. Schumaker, F. G. Lindzey, W. E. Cook, T. J. Kreeger, R. G. Grogan, and T. E.
Cornish. 2016. Chronic wasting disease drives population decline of white-tailed deer. PLoS ONE 11.
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Gibbs, C. J., D. C. Gajdusek, and R. Latarjet. 1978. Unusual resistance to ionizing radiation of the viruses of kuru,
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Gillin, C. M., and J. R. Mawdsley, editors. 2018. AFWA Best Management Practices for Surveillance, Management and
Control of Chronic Wasting Disease (cwd): First Supplement. Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
(AFWA), Washington DC, USA.
Gough, K. C., C. A. Baker, H. A. Simmons, S. A. Hawkins, and B. C. Maddison. 2015. Circulation of prions within dust
on a scrapie affected farm. Veterinary Research 46:40.
Grear, D. A., M. D. Samuel, J. A. Langenberg, and D. Keane. 2006. Demographic patterns and harvest vulnerability of
chronic wasting disease infected white-tailed deer in wisconsin. The Journal of Wildlife Management 70:546–
Grear, D. A., M. D. Samuel, K. T. Scribner, B. V. Weckworth, and J. A. Langenberg. 2010. Influence of genetic
relatedness and spatial proximity on chronic wasting disease infection among female white-tailed deer. Journal of
Applied Ecology 47:532–540.
Green, M. L., M. B. Manjerovic, N. Mateus-Pinilla, and J. Novakofski. 2014. Genetic assignment tests reveal dispersal of
white-tailed deer: implications for chronic wasting disease. Journal of Mammalogy 95:646–654.
Haley, N. J., and E. A. Hoover. 2015. Chronic Wasting Disease of Cervids: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives |
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Haley, N. J., and J. A. Richt. 2017. Evolution of diagnostic tests for chronic wasting disease, a naturally occurring prion
disease of cervids. Pathogens 6:35.
Haus, J. M., T. B. Eyler, M. D. Duda, and J. L. Bowman. 2017. Hunter perceptions toward chronic wasting disease:
implications for harvest and management. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:294–300.
Heberlein, T. A. 2004. “Fire in the Sistine Chapel”: How Wisconsin responded to hronic Wasting Disease. Human
Dimensions of Wildlife 9:165–179.
Hibler, C. P., K. L. Wilson, T. R. Spraker, M. W. Miller, R. R. Zink, L. L. DeBuse, E. Andersen, D. Schweitzer, J. A.
Kennedy, L. A. Baeten, J. F. Smeltzer, M. D. Salman, and B. E. Powers. 2003. Field validation and assessment of
an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting chronic wasting wisease in mule deer (Odocoileus
hemionus), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni). Journal
of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 15:311–319.
Holland, A. M., J. M. Haus, T. B. Eyler, M. D. Duda, and J. L. Bowman. 2020. Revisiting hunter perceptions toward
chronic wasting disease: changes in behavior over time. Animals 10:187.
Holsman, R. H., and R. A. Smail. 2006. Tracking DEZ deer hunters: A report of the hunter effort and attitudes for the
2005 deer hunting season with relevant three-year trends. College of Natural Resources: University of Wisconsin-
Stevens Point.
Houston, F., and O. Andréoletti. 2019. Animal prion diseases: the risks to human health. Brain Pathology 29:248–262.
Jerry J. Vaske. 2010. Lessons learned from human dimensions of chronic wasting disease research. 15:165–179.
Kreeger, T. J., D. L. Montgomery, J. E. Jewell, W. Schultz, and E. S. Williams. 2006. Oral transmission of chronic
wasting disease in captive Shiras moose. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 42:640–645.
Mathiason, C. K., J. G. Powers, S. J. Dahmes, D. A. Osborn, K. V. Miller, R. J. Warren, G. L. Mason, S. A. Hays, J.
Hayes-Klug, D. M. Seelig, M. A. Wild, L. L. Wolfe, T. R. Spraker, M. W. Miller, C. J. Sigurdson, G. C. Telling,
and E. A. Hoover. 2006. Infectious prions in the saliva and blood of deer with chronic wasting disease. Science
(New York, N.Y.) 314:133–136.
Meeks, A., N. C. Poudyal, L. I. Muller, and C. Yoest. 2021. Hunter acceptability of chronic wasting disease (CWD)
management actions in Western Tennessee. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 0:1–15.
Meeks, A., N. C. Poudyal, L. I. Muller, and C. Yoest. 2022. Hunter concerns and intention to hunt in forested areas
affected by wildlife disease. Forest Science 68:85–94.
Miller, M. W., and J. R. Fischer. 2016. The First Five (or More) Decades of Chronic Wasting Disease: Lessons for the
Five Decades to Come. Transactions of the 81st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.
Wildlife Management Institute.
Miller, M. W., and E. S. Williams. 2003. Horizontal prion transmission in mule deer. Nature 425:35–36.
Miller, M. W., E. S. Williams, N. T. Hobbs, and L. L. Wolfe. 2004. Environmental sources of prion transmission in mule
deer. Emerging Infectious Diseases 10:1003–1006.
Nalls, A. V., E. McNulty, J. Powers, D. M. Seelig, C. Hoover, N. J. Haley, J. Hayes-Klug, K. Anderson, P. Stewart, W.
Goldmann, E. A. Hoover, and C. K. Mathiason. 2013. Mother to offspring transmission of chronic wasting
disease in Reeves’ muntjac deer. PLOS ONE 8:e71844.
Nichols, T. A., B. Pulford, A. C. Wyckoff, C. Meyerett, B. Michel, K. Gertig, E. A. Hoover, J. E. Jewell, G. C. Telling,
and M. D. Zabel. 2009. Detection of protease-resistant cervid prion protein in water from a CWD-endemic area.
Prion 3:171–183.
Prusiner, S. B. 1982. Novel proteinaceous infectious particles cause scrapie. Science 216:136–144.
Rhyan, J. C., M. W. Miller, T. R. Spraker, M. McCollum, P. Nol, L. L. Wolfe, T. R. Davis, L. Creekmore, and K. I.
O’Rourke. 2011. Failure of fallow deer (Dama dama) to develop chronic wasting disease when exposed to a
contaminated environment and infected mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47:739–
Richards, B. J. 2021. Chronic wasting disease distribution in the United States by state and county. U.S. Geological
Survey. <>. Accessed 8 Jun 2022.

Safar, J. G., P. Lessard, G. Tamgüney, Y. Freyman, C. Deering, F. Letessier, S. J. DeArmond, and S. B. Prusiner. 2008.
Transmission and detection of prions in feces. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 198:81–89.
Schuler, K., N. Hollingshead, J. Kelly, R. Applegate, and C. Yoest. 2018. Risk-based surveillance for chronic wasting
disease in Tennessee.
Sigurdson, C. J., C. Barillas-Mury, M. W. Miller, B. Oesch, L. J. M. van Keulen, J. P. M. Langeveld, and E. A. Hoover.
2002. PrPCWD lymphoid cell targets in early and advanced chronic wasting disease of mule deer. Journal of
General Virology 83:2617–2628.
Smith, C. B., C. J. Booth, and J. A. Pedersen. 2011. Fate of prions in soil: a review. Journal of environmental quality
Sohn, H.-J., J.-H. Kim, K.-S. Choi, J.-J. Nah, Y.-S. Joo, Y.-H. Jean, S.-W. Ahn, O.-K. Kim, D.-Y. Kim, and A.
Balachandran. 2002. A case of chronic wasting disease in an elk imported to Korea from Canada. Journal of
Veterinary Medical Science 64:855–858.
Spraker, T. R., M. W. Miller, E. S. Williams, D. M. Getzy, W. J. Adrian, G. G. Schoonveld, R. A. Spowart, K. I.
O’Rourke, J. M. Miller, and P. A. Merz. 1997. Spongiform encephalopathy in free-ranging mule deer (Odocoileus
hemionus), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) in
northcentral Colorado. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 33:1–6.
Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency. 2016. TWRA CWD Response Plan 2016.
Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency. 2018a. TWRA CWD Response Plan 2018.
Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency. 2018b. Tennessee Strategic Elk Management Plan.
Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency. 2019. TWRA Deer Management in Tennessee 2019-2023 A Strategic Plan for the
Systems, Processes, Protocols, and Programs Pertaining to the Management of White-tailed Deer in Tennessee.
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, Nashville, TN, USA.
Vaske, J. J., and C. A. Miller. 2019. Deer hunters’ disease risk sensitivity over time. Human Dimensions of Wildlife
Vaske, J. J., N. R. Timmons, J. Beaman, and J. Petchenik. 2004. Chronic wasting disease in Wisconsin: hunter behavior,
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Williams, E. S. 2005. Chronic wasting disease. Veterinary Pathology 42:530–549.
Williams, E. S., and S. Young. 1980. Chronic wasting disease of captive mule deer: a spongiform encephalopathy. Journal
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overlapping home ranges. Journal of Theoretical Biology 111135.
Zabel, M. D., and C. Reid. 2015. A brief history of prions. Pathogens and Disease 73:ftv087.

Appendix D. Statutory
TWRA’s mission is “…to preserve, conserve, manage, protect, and enhance the fish and wildlife of the state and
their habitats for the use, benefit, and enjoyment of the citizens of Tennessee and its visitors.”
Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA) Title 70 provides the overall authority to TWRA for all native wildlife (e.g., white-
tailed deer, wild elk, etc.) and its management, conservation, protection and propagation. Pursuant to TCA § 70-1-
302(a)(5), the Agency has the authority to exercise control measures of undesirable species.
Pursuant to TCA § 70-4-107, the Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission (TFWC) has the authority to issue
proclamations in order to set seasons, manner, means, etc.
TCA § 70-4-107(c)(3) authorizes the Commission to summarily close, reopen and/or extend seasons during emergency
Additionally, pursuant to TCA § 70-4-113 the Executive Director and his designees have the authority to use any device
to capture or kill any animal for specific purposes, or when it is considered necessary by the Executive Director to reduce
or control any species that may be detrimental to human safety, health or property.
TCA 70-4-115 provides landowners the opportunity to destroy such wildlife, including big game (white-tailed deer) that
are damaging to that landowner’s property. Landowners wishing to destroy big game must first obtain a permit from the
agency. CWD permits are issued pursuant to this TCA.
Importation and possession of live white-tailed deer is illegal in Tennessee. White-tailed deer incidentally contained
within a property with high enough fencing to prevent escapes remain property of the State. Tennessee Wildlife Resources
Agency is responsible for permitting private big game wildlife preserves. A moratorium on the establishment of new
private big game wildlife preserves exists (Rule and Regulation 1660-01-11-.02 (2)b). The Tennessee Department of
Agriculture (TDA) regulates the possession of cervids other than white-tailed deer (e.g., fallow, sika, domestic elk, etc.).
TDA Rule and Regulation 0080-02-01.
TCA 70-1-206 authorizes the fish and wildlife commission to promulgate necessary agency rules and regulations (Rules
and Regulations).
Rule and Regulation 1660-01-34 Section .01 establishes those counties which are CWD positive counties and those which
are CWD high risk counties. Section .02 enacts export rule of approved cervid carcass parts from CWD positive counties.
Section .03 enacts an export rule of approved carcass parts from a CWD high risk counties. Section .04 establishes a
wildlife feeding ban within CWD positive and CWD high risk counties.
Rule and Regulation 1660-01-15-.02 enacts restrictions to import, transport, or possess in Tennessee a cervid carcass or
cervid carcass part from anywhere outside the state expect approved carcass parts.

Appendix E. TWRA Statutes, Rules,
and Regulations Related to CWD
Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-4-113. Use of bait, pitfalls and certain other devices in taking birds and animals prohibited —
Penalty — Exceptions.

Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-4-113

Current through the 2022 Regular Session.

70-4-113. Use of bait, pitfalls and certain other devices in taking birds and animals prohibited — Penalty
— Exceptions.
(a) It is unlawful for any person at any time to make use of any pitfall, deadfall, cage, snare, trap, net, baited hooks,
poison, chemicals, explosives, set guns, spotlights, electric lights or torches, bait, which includes any grain, or mixture of
any ingredients, used as or for food purposes, or other devices for the purpose of killing, injuring, or capturing any birds
or animals protected by the wildlife laws of this state, except as otherwise expressly provided.
(b) The executive director or the executive director's designees may use any chemical, biological substance, poison or
device under controlled conditions to capture or kill any bird or animal for scientific, propagating, enforcement, humane
or rescue purposes or when it is considered necessary by the executive director to reduce or control any species that may
be detrimental to human safety, health or property. No action on the part of the executive director, directed to the control
of rabies or other diseases spread from wildlife to human beings, shall be taken until the following conditions have been
(1) The county board of health in the affected county shall have met in open session and, by appropriate
resolution, declared that a condition detrimental to the human safety, health or property exists within the affected
(2) An official quarantine by the county board of health has been established on all dogs, cats and pets in the
county; and
(3) An official request has been made by the county board of health, through and with the concurrence of the
commissioner of health, to the executive director to take such action as is necessary by the executive director or
the executive director's designees and by such means as are authorized in this section to bring the disease under
control in the affected county. This subsection (b) is effective in every county in this state.
(c) A violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor; provided, that spot, electric or torch lights may be used in the
hunting and taking of raccoons, opossums and frogs, and box traps may be used for the taking of rabbits during the open
shooting season for the same.

Acts 1951, ch. 115, § 37 (Williams, § 5178.66); Acts 1957, ch. 382, § 4; 1965, ch. 43, §§ 1, 2; impl. am. Acts 1974, ch. 481, §§ 6, 7; Acts 1982,
ch. 738, § 17; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 51-421; Acts 1989, ch. 591, § 113; 1990, ch. 891, § 12.
Copyright © 2022 by The State of Tennessee All rights reserved

Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-1-302. Duties and functions — Agency advertising.

Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-1-302

Current through the 2022 Regular Session.

70-1-302. Duties and functions — Agency advertising.

(a) The wildlife resources agency is directed and authorized to perform the following duties and functions:
(1) Make such expenditures from funds in the wildlife resources fund and the boating safety fund as it deems
advisable subject to titles 9 and 12, and § 70-1-306(c)-(h);
(2) Protect, propagate, increase, preserve and conserve the wildlife of this state, and enforce by proper action and
proceedings, the existing laws of this state relating to wildlife;
(3) Acquire by purchase, condemnation, lease, agreement, gift or devise, lands or waters suitable for the following
purposes and develop, operate and maintain them for these purposes, subject to § 70-1-306(c)-(h):
(A) Fish hatcheries and nursery ponds;
(B) Lands or waters suitable for game, birds, fish, or fur-bearing animal restoration, propagation,
protection, management, or for access to such lands or waters;
(C) Public hunting, fishing or trapping areas to provide places where the public may hunt, trap or fish in
accordance with law or the regulations of the agency; and
(D) The protection, preservation, and enhancement of Reelfoot Lake and the lands surrounding it;
(4) Extend and consolidate by exchange lands or waters suitable for the purposes set out in subdivisions (a)(3)(A)-
(5) Capture, propagate, transport, buy, sell, or exchange any species of game, bird, fish, fur-bearing animal or
other wildlife needed for propagation, enforcement or stocking purposes, or to exercise control measures of
undesirable species;
(6) Enter into cooperative arrangements with farmers and other landowners or lessees for the utilization of lands
under their ownership or control for the purpose of protecting, propagating, conserving, restoring, taking or
capturing of the wildlife of the state, under such rules and regulations as the agency may prescribe; and
(7) Enter into cooperative agreements with educational institutions and state, federal, and other agencies to
promote wildlife management and conservation.
(b) The agency may enter into cooperative agreements with the United States Tennessee Valley authority, United States
fish and wildlife service, national park service, United States forest service, or with any other federal agency, or with any
state for the purpose of regulating fishing, hunting, or trapping in the area under jurisdiction of the federal agencies or the
state or in interstate waters, as the case may be. Such regulations shall become effective as soon as they shall have been
accepted by all parties to the agreement and as soon as thirty (30) days shall have elapsed from the first publication of
such regulations. Agreements involving reciprocal actions relative to wildlife violations shall become effective thirty (30)
days after publication in the same manner as is required for proclamations.
(c) The wildlife resources agency may require creel census reports and reports of all fish taken under commercial fishing
license and all mussels taken under commercial musseling license for any water or waters designated by it, such reports to
be on forms provided by the executive director. This shall apply to license holders, wholesalers and others as required.
(d) The wildlife resources agency shall administer the Reelfoot Lake natural area, as provided in title 11, chapter 14, part
(e) In order to further the public interest in the protection and preservation of wildlife and its habitat, the wildlife resources
agency is authorized to participate in the federal wetlands mitigation banking program. Participation includes, but is not

limited to, entering into agreements for agency or private development, construction and operation on lands that are
affected by the program and that are owned, leased, or controlled in some manner through cooperative arrangement
agreement or otherwise by the agency.
(f) The agency may sell advertising in any magazine or other publication of the agency, under terms and conditions to be
set by the agency. The revenue generated from such advertising shall be deposited exclusively in the wildlife resources
fund provided in § 70-1-401. Any person or entity purchasing such advertising shall include an appropriate disclaimer, as
determined by and subject to approval of the agency, to ensure that the appearance of such advertising in an agency
publication does not constitute, directly or indirectly, any endorsement by the agency of any products, services,
companies, organizations, or other matters referenced in the advertising.
(g) The agency may sell the right to include advertising in mailings sent by the agency, including, but not limited to,
licenses, under terms and conditions set by the agency; provided, that any advertisers must comply with the disclaimer
requirements of subsection (f). The revenue generated from such advertising shall be deposited exclusively in the wildlife
resources fund provided in § 70-1-401.
(1) The agency is authorized to enter into agreements with landowners or persons who control hunting access to
lands to establish deer management assistance plans. The purpose of a plan is to permit a landowner, adjoining
landowners, or persons who control hunting access on contiguous lands to achieve deer management goals on the
contiguous land through management for the specific needs of deer that may at any point in time cross over the
land. Harvests under a particular deer management plan may exceed the normal season harvest in accordance with
the plan.
(2) General guidelines for implementation of a deer management assistance program shall be developed by rule
and regulation. In order to qualify under the program, the total combined contiguous acreage must meet or exceed
one thousand (1,000) acres. Further, a deer management assistance permit must be purchased. Permit fees shall be
established by rule and regulation. It is the intent in creating this program that it shall be revenue neutral to the
agency and the state.
(i) The agency is authorized to enter into agreements with the United States coast guard to enforce federal regulations in
connection with homeland security related activities on Tennessee waters; however, all enforcement activities are subject
to prior approval by the Tennessee office of homeland security.
(j) The agency may enter into cooperative agreements with the United States Tennessee Valley authority, United States
fish and wildlife service, national park service, United States forest service, or with any other federal agency, or with any
public or private landowners in this state for the purpose of creating partnerships for the purpose of planting cover and
food plots along utility easements for the benefit of indigenous wildlife.
(1) The wildlife resources agency is authorized to enter into partnership agreements with nonprofit organizations
for the purpose of promoting and supporting the goals and objectives of the agency including, but not limited to,
marketing opportunities.
(2) This subsection (k) shall not be interpreted to abridge any powers or duties delegated to the agency in this part.
(3) The nonprofit partners shall have their boards of directors elected by a process approved by the governor or
the governor's designee.
(4) The nonprofit partners shall be properly incorporated under the laws of this state, and approved by the internal
revenue service as organizations that are exempt from federal income tax under § 501(a) of the Internal Revenue
Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(a)), by virtue of being organizations described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3)).
(5) Costs to underwrite the nonprofit partners' activities related to marketing opportunities shall be borne from
revenues of the nonprofit partners and no state employee shall benefit from such proceeds. All proceeds in excess

of the cost of operation shall be deposited exclusively into the wildlife resources fund as established in § 70-1-
401 and shall not revert to the general fund.
(6) The nonprofit partners shall annually submit to the governor, the speakers of the senate and the house of
representatives, and the chair of the Tennessee fish and wildlife commission, within ninety (90) days after the end
of their fiscal year, a complete and detailed report setting forth their operation and accomplishments.
(7) The annual reports and all books of accounts and financial records of all funds received by grant, contract or
otherwise from state, local or federal sources shall be subject to audit annually by the comptroller of the treasury.
With prior approval of the comptroller of the treasury, the audit may be performed by a licensed independent
public accountant selected by the nonprofit partner. If an independent public accountant is employed, the audit
contract between the nonprofit partner and the independent accountant shall be on contract forms prescribed by
the comptroller of the treasury. The cost of any audit shall be paid by the nonprofit partner. The comptroller of the
treasury shall ensure that audits are prepared in accordance with generally accepted governmental auditing
standards and determine if the audits meet minimum audit standards prescribed by the comptroller of the treasury.
No audit may be accepted as meeting the requirements of this section until approved by the comptroller of the
(8) All full board meetings of a nonprofit organization concerning activities authorized by § 70-1-207 or pursuant
to subsection (f) shall be open to the public, except for executive sessions that include, but are not limited to, any
of the following matters: litigation; audits or investigations; human resource issues; gift acceptance deliberations;
board training; governance; donor strategy sessions; and security measures.
(9) All expenditures of a nonprofit organization relating to activities authorized by § 70-1-207 or pursuant to
subsection (f) shall be open for public inspection upon specific request to the nonprofit organization.
(l) The agency shall administer Lake Halford pursuant to § 64-1-810.
Acts 1951, ch. 115, § 26 (Williams, § 5178.55); impl. am. Acts 1974, ch. 481, §§ 5-7; Acts 1974, ch. 481, § 21; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), §§ 51-109, 51-
124; Acts 1984, ch. 548, § 3; 1985, ch. 350, § 4; 1990, ch. 891, §§ 1-3; 1995, ch. 298, § 1; 1999, ch. 227, § 1; 2000, ch. 837, § 1; 2002, ch. 566, §
1; 2004, ch. 774, § 1; 2008, ch. 859, § 1; 2011, ch. 332, § 1; 2012, ch. 993, § 13; 2022, ch. 962, § 2.
Copyright © 2022 by The State of Tennessee All rights reserved

Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-4-107. Hunting and fishing seasons — Bag and creel limits — Nonprotected wildlife.

Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-4-107

Current through the 2022 Regular Session.
70-4-107. Hunting and fishing seasons — Bag and creel limits — Nonprotected wildlife.
(a) There is hereby declared a closed season upon all hunting and fishing in this state upon all wildlife protected by the
laws of the state.
(b) Whenever the supply of game or fish, or both, existing in any area, lake or stream shall become adequate to allow the
taking or hunting, or both, of the game or fish without material danger of extinction or undue depletion of such game or
fish, then it is lawful for any person to hunt or fish, or both, in the area, lake or stream within the creel, size, and bag
limits, and in the manner and by the means prescribed by the fish and wildlife commission.
(1) The fact as to whether or not the supply of game or fish, or both, is at any time adequate to allow the taking of
game or fish without the danger of extinction or undue depletion shall be determined by the commission, after a
complete survey of the area in question.
(2) If the commission finds that the supply of game or fish, or both, is sufficient to allow taking without the
danger of extinction or undue depletion, it shall announce such fact by proclamation, in which it shall state the
species of the game or fish, or both, that may be taken without the danger as mentioned in this section, and shall
likewise ascertain and announce the dates and hours of the day between which such game or fish, or both, may be
taken without the dangers set forth. Upon such announcement by the commission, it is lawful for any person
within the area so designated by the commission to take game or fish, or both, of the species mentioned by the
(3) The proclamations shall become effective thirty (30) days after filing with the secretary of state. During
emergency conditions, seasons may be closed, reopened or extended summarily. A copy of all proclamations
issued by the commission shall be immediately filed with the secretary of state and the county clerks for the
counties affected.
(4) The commission shall annually publish a list of such wildlife as are deemed destructive or not to be protected
by law, or both.
(d) During any such open season as promulgated by the commission, the provisions of all general game and fish laws
shall remain in full force and effect with reference to the method and manner of hunting and fishing and all other
restrictions and provisions as to the taking of wild animals and fish as now or hereafter appear in the general game and
fish laws.
(e) The open season on private lakes may be set by the owner and operator thereof, but the creel limits on fish caught from
the waters of such lakes shall not exceed that set by law for public waters.
(1) The commission may establish open seasons, bag and creel limits for the taking of game and fish on state
lands, including lands leased by the state for wildlife management purposes, and may make any regulations it may
deem needful to promote the best interest and enforce these provisions by means of rules and directions.
(2) A violation of this subsection (f) is a Class B misdemeanor.
Acts 1951, ch. 115, §§ 2-4, 27, 53 (Williams, §§ 5178.31-5178.33, 5178.56, 5178.82, 5178.85); Acts 1953, ch. 255, § 4; 1955, ch. 152, § 1; 1974,
ch. 481, § 21; 1978, ch. 587, § 2; 1979, ch. 39, § 1; 1982, ch. 738, §§ 13, 14; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), §§ 51-408 — 51-410, 51-413, 51-414; Acts 1989,
ch. 591, § 113; 1990, ch. 981, § 3; 2012, ch. 993, § 13.
Copyright © 2022 by The State of Tennessee All rights reserved

Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-1-206. Duties and Functions.

Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-1-206

Current through the 2022 Regular Session.

70-1-206. Duties and functions.

(a) The fish and wildlife commission is directed and authorized to perform the following duties and functions:
(1) Appoint and dismiss the executive director;
(2) Approve the budget pursuant to § 70-1-306;
(3) Promulgate necessary rules, regulations, and proclamations as required under this title and title 69, chapter 9.
The commission is also authorized to promulgate rules and regulations to permit a licensed trapper to release
small game animals in counties contiguous to the counties where the animals were trapped;
(4) Establish objectives within the state policy that will enable the wildlife resources agency to develop, manage
and maintain sound programs of hunting, fishing, trapping and other wildlife related outdoor recreational
(5) Establish the salary of the executive director of the wildlife resources agency;
(6) Promulgate rules and regulations for the administration of the Reelfoot Lake natural area, as provided in title
11, chapter 14, part 1; and
(7) Promulgate rules and regulations to adjust fees for licenses and permits in this title and to establish new
hunting, fishing and trapping licenses and permits as deemed appropriate along with necessary fees. Adjusting or
establishing fees shall be in such amounts as may be necessary to administer the wildlife laws; provided, that the
percentage increase in total revenue from a license package containing one (1) or more licenses or permits, or
both, shall not exceed the percent of increase in the average consumer price index, all items-city average, as
published by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, on the first day of March 1990, or,
in the case of any permit, license or permit/license package fee adjustment after the initial adjustment under this
subdivision (a)(7), the difference in the average consumer price index, all items-city average between the dates of
one (1) adjustment and any subsequent adjustment; provided further, however, that individual fee adjustment
amounts may be rounded up to the next dollar amount. All such fees, and any adjustments to the fees, shall be
deposited in the wildlife resources fund and shall be expended solely for the administration and operation of the
agency’s programs and responsibilities authorized pursuant to this chapter. Further, the commission shall report
actions taken on permits, licenses, and fees to be assessed following the promulgation of the proposed rules and
regulations to the energy, agriculture and natural resources committee of the senate and to the agriculture and
natural resources committee of the house of representatives.
(b) The fish and wildlife commission shall become knowledgeable in and familiar with the special needs of handicapped
and disabled veterans.

Acts 2012, ch. 993, § 1; 2013, ch. 236, § 7.
Copyright © 2022 by The State of Tennessee All rights reserved

TWRA Rule 1660-01-11. Rules and Regulations Governing Shooting

CHAPTER 1660-01-11


1660-01-11-.01 Commercial Controlled Shooting Grounds, Dyer 1660-01-11-.02 Operation of Private Wildlife Preserve


Authority: T.C.A. § 70-1-206. Administrative History: Original rule certified May 8, 1974. Amendment filed August 2,
1982; effective August 31, 1982.


(1) Definitions.

(a) "Private Wildlife Preserve" means a privately owned or lease controlled tract of land on which a
person may hunt captive wildlife originating from a legal source.

(b) "Wildlife" means all warm-blooded animals classified under Tenn. Code Ann. § 70-4- 403 as Class
II or Class Ill Wildlife.

(2) Permits.

(a) Any person desiring to operate a Private Wildlife Preserve as herein defined shall make application
to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) for a permit to do so. The TWRA will cause
an inspection to be made of the wildlife preserve and if same shall be found to be meeting the
qualifications of these rules and regulations, a permit will be issued. The permit will grant the privilege
to the owner or operator of said Private Wildlife Preserve to release captive wildlife approved by the
TWRA. All Class Ill species and fowl authorized under this permit must come from sources approved
by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. The species to be released will be indicated on the

(b) As of July 1, 2009, no new facilities will be issued a permit for the purpose of possessing and/or
harvesting big game species under the authority of a Private Wildlife Preserve Permit.

(3) Animal Possession and Release.

(a) Wildlife indigenous to the State of Tennessee may not be held, released, or hunted on a wildlife
preserve unless specifically authorized by the wildlife preserve permit. All Class I Wildlife species,
white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), wild turkey (Meleagris gallipavos), and black bear (Ursus
americanus) are specifically prohibited from being held, released, and hunted under the authority of
a wildlife preserve permit. Any wildlife on the Endangered or Threatened Species list(s) published
by the State of Tennessee or the United States federal government are also prohibited from being
held, released, or hunted on a wildlife preserve. Game species, excluding black bear, which are
naturally occurring within the boundaries of a wildlife preserve may be hunted in accordance with
statewide regulations, license, and permit requirements.

(b) Any wildlife authorized for release on the wildlife preserve may be taken with a gun,
archery equipment, or a trap. Non-indigenous mammals, and elk, as defined in Tenn.
Code Ann. § 70-4-403(3)(P), released on the wildlife preserve and which escape from
the wildlife preserve, must be reported to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture within
24 hours of such escape, and may be recaptured by the owner, operator, or regular
employees of the preserve by means of tranquilizer gun, trap, or with the aid of dogs.
The recapture of escaped animals is permitted only with prior approval from the TWRA;
however, the recapture of escaped indigenous wildlife, except elk, as defined in Tenn.
Code Ann. § 70-4- 403(3)(P), is not permitted.

(c) The following species of Cervidae may only be held or harvested by wildlife preserves if
such animals are obtained from a herd outside of the state that has been certified as
Chronic Wasting Disease free for the past five (5) years, and are authorized for import
by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture:

1. Elk/red deer (Cervus elaphus);

2. Black-tailed deer/mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus);

3. Moose (Alces alces); and

4. Other class Ill wildlife species shown to be susceptible to CWD.

(d) Wildlife preserves may also hold and harvest the species listed in subparagraph (c) if
these animals are obtained within the State of Tennessee from a herd in a CWD
surveillance program, as recognized by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture.
Animals so obtained shall not have been exposed to non-surveillance animals during the
surveillance period. Also, these animals must retain the identification marker(s) placed
on the animals while in the surveillance programs. Animals so obtained must be
harvested and tested for CWD within twelve (12) months of acquisition. Also, animals so
obtained cannot be transferred to any other facility for any reason.

(e) The Tennessee Department of Agriculture or their designee, must be notified within
twenty-four (24) hours of the harvest or death of the species of Cervidae listed in
subparagraph (c). The head and neck of these animals must be retained and refrigerated
by the preserve operator for at least seventy-two (72) hours in order to allow for any
necessary testing by the above agency.

(4) Facilities

(a) The land area for which a permit will be issued must contain a minimum of twenty
(20) acres and this land must be in one continuous tract. No artificial structures or
devices can be used to create a hunting or training area less than twenty (20)
acres. On wildlife preserves that require fencing, the fencing must be done in a
continuous manner along the boundaries in such a fashion to prevent the escape
of animals being held by the preserve. On wildlife preserves where big game
species are hunted, the boundaries must be fenced with woven wire fence of a
minimum twelve and one half (12.5) gauge wire and such fence shall be a
minimum of ninety- six (96) inches. On wildlife preserves where only swine, goats
or sheep are hunted, the boundaries must be fenced with woven wire fence of a
minimum twelve and one half (12.5) gauge wire, and such fence shall be a
minimum of forty eight (48) inches in height. On wildlife preserves where foxes
and raccoons are hunted, the boundaries must be fenced with woven wire fence
of a minimum twelve and half (12.5) gauge wire with a maximum of four (4) inch
spacing, anchored at the base and such fence shall be a minimum of seventy-two
(72) inches in height. On wildlife preserves

where rabbits are hunted, the boundaries must be fenced with wire fence with a
maximum of two (2) inch spacing anchored at the base and such fence shall be
a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches in height. Wildlife preserve boundaries which are
fenced with a minimum of ninety-six (96) inch fencing, must have any entrance to
such preserve posted with signs identifying it as a wildlife preserve. Wildlife preserve
boundaries that are fenced with less than ninety - six (96) inch fencing or no fencing
at all, must have its boundaries posted every fifty (50) yards with signs identifying it
as a wildlife preserve. All signs used to identify a wildlife preserve must be at least
eight and one half (8.5) inches by eleven (11) inches and have the words "Wildlife
Preserve" printed on the sign in letters not less than one (1) inch in height on
contrasting background.

(5) Records.

(a) Permittees will maintain records on forms provided by TWRA showing the number and
species of wildlife purchased, the name and address of the source of supply, number and
species propagated, the number and species released, and the number and species taken.
Also, permittees will maintain records on forms provided by TWRA listing the name and
address of each hunt participant, the date of the hunt, and their hunt record. These records
are to be kept for a minimum of three (3) years and be available for inspection at the
address listed on the permit for the Wildlife Preserve by agents of the TWRA upon request.

(b) Operator and/or owners of a Wildlife Preserve must have at the address indicated on their
preserve permit receipts for all animals held, released, hunted, and/or harvested on such
preserve. These receipts must have the name and address of the supplier and be signed
by such supplier. The receipts are to list species, numbers, sex, and all identifiers for
animal(s) listed on such receipt. These receipts are to be provided to agents of the TWRA
or the Tennessee Department of Agriculture upon request.

(6) Seasons.

(a) Private wildlife preserve seasons open and close as promulgated by the Tennessee
Wildlife Resources Commission.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 70-1-206 and 70-4-413. Administrative History: Original rule certified May 8, 1974.
Amendment filed July 18, 1974; effective August 18, 1974. Amendment filed November 20, 1975.
Amendment filed July 14, 1980; effective August 28, 1980. Amendment filed August 2, 1982; effective
August 31, 1982. Amendment filed June 9, 1986; effective July 9, 1986. Amendment filed May 11, 1990;
effective June 25, 1990. Amendment filed December 14, 1992; effective January 29, 1993. Amendment
filed August 9, 1993; effective October 23, 1993. Amendment filed May 28, 1997; effective August 11,
1997. Amendment filed July 19, 2001; effective October 2, 2001. Amendment filed July 25, 2003;
effective October 8, 2003. Amendment filed July 13, 2006; effective September 26, 2006. Amendment
filed May 29, 2009; effective August 12, 2009. Amendments filed August 13, 2019; effective November
11, 2019.

TWRA Rule 1660-01-15. Rules and Regulations for Animal Importation

CHAPTER 1660-01-15


1660-01-15-.01 Importation Permit 1660-01-15-.02 Importation of Wildlife Carcasses, Parts,

and Products


(1) Before any person in the State of Tennessee may have in his or her possession any live wild
animal species obtained from outside the State of Tennessee, he or she must import such
animal in accordance with the following:

(a) Any permit obtained for importation, other than an annual importation permit, is void
when the shipment of animals or any portion thereof is received or when any condition
or restriction of the permit is violated.

(b) Wildlife, as referred to in these regulations, is either singular or plural, as the case may
be; and is defined as all species normally found in the wild, regardless of whether they
were captured in the wild or raised in captivity.

(c) Wildlife obtained through interstate commerce must be in accordance with federal laws,
as well as be obtained from a dealer licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
under the Animal Welfare Act of 1970.

(d) When any wildlife is being shipped or transported by any carrier, private or public, the
carrier shall possess the shipper’s copy of the importation permit. The shipper’s copy of
the importation permit will be left with the consignee upon delivery of the animals. The
animals and all pertinent records will be open to inspection by a representative of the
Wildlife Resources Agency prior to their release.

(e) Any person, group or business entity importing wildlife for the purpose of release must
notify the regional office within 24 hours prior to the arrival of the shipment. Wildlife
imported for release will be subject to inspection by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources
Agency prior to their release.

(f) Any wildlife imported for release will be subject to the following restrictions:

1. Annual importation permit holders shall notify the Tennessee Wildlife Resources
Agency of the intent to import a shipment of captive wildlife to check to determine
if the source of that species is approved.

2. The importation of animals from states having endemic disease problems in wild
populations that could present a health hazard to native wildlife or the public is
specifically prohibited.

3. The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency will annually compile a list of species
and the states from which they originate that are prohibited from importation. This
list will be provided to the appropriate agency personnel as well as annual
importation permit holders.


(Rule 1660-01-15-.01, continued)

(g) Each request to import will be considered on its own merits, taking into consideration human health
and safety, competition with or effect on native species, prolific breeders, and agricultural pests.

(h) The above mentioned requirements do not apply to Class III Wildlife.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 70-1-206, 70-4-401, and 70-4-404. Administrative History: Original rule filed February 12,
1996; effective April 27, 1996. Amendments filed February 28, 2005; effective May 14,


(1) No person may import, transport, or possess in Tennessee a cervid carcass or carcass part from
anywhere outside the state except as provided herein:

(a) Meat that has bones removed.

(b) Antlers, antlers attached to cleaned skull plates, or cleaned skulls (where no meat or tissues are
attached to the skull.)

(c) Cleaned teeth.

(d) Finished taxidermy and antler products.

(e) Hides and tanned products.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 70-1-206 and 70-4-107. Administrative History: Original rule filed July 12, 2005; effective
September 25, 2005. Amendment filed January 5, 2009; effective March 21, 2009. Repeal and
new rule filed May 3, 2012; effective August 1, 2012. Amendments filed April 20, 2018; effective July 19,

July, 2018 (Revised)

TWRA Rule 1660-01-18. Rules and Regulations of Live Wildlife

CHAPTER 1660-01-18


1660-01-18-.01 General Provisions Governing 1660-01-18-.04 Facilities

Possession of Live Wildlife 1660-01-18-.05 Special Provisions
1660-01-18-.02 Permits 1660-01-18-.06 Class I Qualification Test
1660-01-18-.03 Classes of Wildlife


(1) All live wildlife possessed within the State of Tennessee must be held in accordance with
T.C.A. §§ 70-4-401 et seq., except in those instances where species are addressed under other existing

(2) The possession of state or federally threatened or endangered species is permitted only when the species
have been legally obtained in the state or country of origin. All imported live wildlife must be legally obtained
in the state of origin.

(3) No wildlife may be taken from the wild in Tennessee except as provided for by statute, proclamation, and/or

(4) All individuals possessing live wildlife must be able to produce proof of legal ownership. Proof of legal
ownership includes evidence of legal importation (importation permit), purchase receipt from a licensed
propagation facility, possession of the parent animals, or evidence of disposition of the parent animals.

(5) The following species may be legally released if approval is obtained in advance from the TWRA:

(a) Bobwhite Quail;

(b) Red Fox;
(c) Grey Fox;
(d) Raccoon;
(e) Non-native game birds;
(f) Mallard ducks;
(g) Native species of fish that are not approved for fish farming intended for release into private lakes
and ponds; and
(h) Cottontail rabbit.

(6) Fish that are approved for fish farming may be released into private lakes and ponds without obtaining
approval from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA).

(Rule 1660-01-18-.01, continued)

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 70-1-206, 70-4-403, 70-4-404, and 70-4-405. Administrative History: Original rule
filed July 25, 1986; effective September 8, 1986. Amendment filed February 26, 1987; effective April 12,
1987. Amendment filed April 20, 1992; effective June 4, 1992. Amendments filed November 1, 2021;
effective January 30, 2022.

1660-01-18-.02 PERMITS.

(1) A propagation permit is not required for holders of a fish dealer’s license issued under Rule 1660-01-26-.03.

(2) While all other permits do apply, a possession permit is not required for the following species regulated as
Class II wildlife:

(a) Bobwhite Quail;

(b) Non-native game birds that are released in Tennessee or other states for the purpose of hunting
(chukar, ringneck pheasant, etc.);

(c) Waterfowl defined in Chapter 1, Title 50, of the U. S. Code of Federal Regulations as North
American migratory game birds;

(d) Legally obtained native aquatic species held in aquaria; and

(e) Legally obtained nonpoisonous reptiles and amphibians indigenous to the State of Tennessee.

(3) All information requested on application for permits must be completed accurately.

(4) Permits shall expire on the 30th day of June each year.

(5) An importation permit is required for all fish species except the following:

(a) Any species (including their hybrids) native to Tennessee;

(b) Triploid grass carp certified by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service;

(c) All species that are approved for fish farming; and

(d) Golden orfe.

(6) Class I and Class II species not listed on the permit issued for a facility other than a zoo may not be
possessed at the facility until approved and added to the permit by letter from the director of the TWRA.

(7) Permanent exhibitors cannot engage in the commercial trade of captive wildlife without a valid commercial
propagators permit.

(8) All temporary exhibitors exhibiting Class I wildlife must submit a completed application and an itinerary of
intended dates and locations of their exhibition at least twenty-one (21) days prior to first scheduled

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 70-1-206, 70-4-401, 70-4-403, 70-4-404, and 70-4-405. Administrative History:
Original rule filed July 25, 1986; effective September 8, 1986. Amendment filed February 26, 1987;
effective April 12, 1987. Amendment filed May 11, 1990; effective June 25, 1990. Amendment filed April
20, 1992; effective June 4, 1992. Amendment filed February 3, 1995; effective April 19, 1995.
Amendments filed November 1, 2021; effective January 30, 2022.
January, 2022 (Revised)

2 of 10 pages displayed. To view all pages of TWRA Rule 1660-01-18 visit

TWRA Rule 1660-01-34. Rules and Regulations for Chronic Wasting Disease Counties

CHAPTER 1660-01-34


1660-01-34-.01 Establishment of Positive CWD 1660-01-34-.04 Feeding of Wildlife Within a Positive

Counties and High Risk CWD Counties CWD County or a High Risk CWD
1660-01-34-.02 Exportation of Wildlife Carcasses, Parts, County
and Products from a Positive CWD
1660-01-34-.03 Exportation of Wildlife Carcasses, Parts,
and Products from a High Risk CWD


(1) A Tennessee county shall be deemed a positive CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease) county upon confirmation
that a cervid has tested positive for CWD within the territorial boundaries of said county.

(2) A Tennessee county shall be deemed a high risk CWD county when there is a confirmed case of CWD
within 10 miles of the territorial boundaries of said county.

(3) The Agency shall maintain and publish a map and list of positive CWD counties and high risk CWD counties.

Authority: T.C.A. § 70-1-206. Administrative History: Emergency rules filed December 21, 2018; effective through
June 19, 2019. Emergency rules expired effective June 20, 2019, and the rule reverted back to its previous status.
Original rules filed May 15, 2019; effective August 13, 2019.


(1) No person may export a cervid carcass or carcass part harvested from a positive CWD county.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), cervid carcasses or carcass parts harvested in a positive CWD county may
be exported from a positive CWD county if:

(a) The carcass parts are meat that has bones removed;
(b) The carcass parts are antlers, antlers attached to cleaned skull plates, or cleaned skulls (where no
meat or tissues are attached to the skull);
(c) The carcass parts are cleaned teeth;
(d) The carcass parts are finished taxidermy and antler products;
(e) The carcass parts are hides and tanned products; or
(f) The carcass or carcass part is exported to another positive CWD county and only transported through
other positive CWD counties.

Authority: T.C.A. § 70-1-206. Administrative History: Emergency rules filed December 21, 2018; effective through
June 19, 2019. Emergency rules expired effective June 20, 2019, and the rule reverted back to its previous status.
Original rules filed May 15, 2019; effective August 13, 2019.



(1) No person may export a cervid carcass or carcass part harvested from a high risk CWD county.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), cervid carcasses or carcass parts harvested in a high risk CWD county
may be exported from a high risk CWD county if:

(a) The carcass parts are meat that has bones removed;

(b) The carcass parts are antlers, antlers attached to cleaned skull plates, or cleaned skulls (where no
meat or tissues are attached to the skull);

(c) The carcass parts are cleaned teeth;

(d) The carcass parts are finished taxidermy and antler products;

(e) The carcass parts are hides and tanned products;

(f) The carcass or carcass part is exported to another high risk CWD county and only transported through
other high risk CWD counties; or

(g) The carcass or carcass part is exported to a positive CWD county and only transported through high
risk CWD counties or positive CWD counties, but in no event may a cervid carcass or carcass part be
transported to another high risk CWD county through a positive CWD county.

Authority: T.C.A. § 70-1-206. Administrative History: Emergency rules filed December 21, 2018; effective through
June 19, 2019. Emergency rules expired effective June 20, 2019, and the rule reverted back to its previous status.
Original rules filed May 15, 2019; effective August 13, 2019.


(1) Within positive CWD counties and high risk CWD counties, the placement of grain, salt products, minerals,
and other consumable natural and manufactured products is prohibited.

(2) The prohibition in subsection (1) does not apply to the following:

(a) Feed placed within one hundred (100) feet of any residence or occupied building; or

(b) Feed placed in such a manner to reasonably exclude access by deer; or

(c) Feed placed as part of a wild hog management effort authorized by the agency; or

(d) Feed and minerals present solely as a result of normal agricultural practices, normal forest
management practices, or crop and wildlife food production practices.

Authority: T.C.A. § 70-1-206. Administrative History: Original rules filed May 15, 2019; effective August 13, 2019.

TWRA Proclamation 21-05 Manner and Means of Hunting, Taking, and Trapping

Statewide and on Wildlife Management Areas and State Refuges

Pursuant to the authority granted by Tennessee Code Annotated, Sections 70 -4-107 and 70-5-108, the Tennessee
Fish and Wildlife Commission hereby proclaims the manner and means of hunting, taking, and trapping.

NOTE: All sections contained herein apply to statewide and management area hunting. Special restrictions may apply
on some wildlife management areas. Legislative Private Acts also apply in some counties.

SECTION I. LEGAL HUNTING DEVICES - All firearms, hunting devices , and ammunition listed in the below
table are legal for hunting purposes according to the individual species listed. If a firearm, hunting device, or
ammunition is not listed in the below table it is illegal to hunt with within the State of Tennessee. Wildlife Management
Areas (WMAs) may have restrictions on some legal hunting devices.

Big Game Small Game

Migrat All
Furbearers 4
Firearm, hunting device and ammunition Deer Bear Elk Turkey ory Other
and Crow
Birds Small
Shotguns (including muzzleloading shotguns)
using ammunition loaded with Number Four No No No Yes Yes 3 Yes Yes
(4) or smaller shot
Shotguns (including muzzleloading shotguns)
using ammunition loaded with T shot (0.20 No No No No Yes 3· 6 Yes No
inch diameter) or smaller
Shotguns (including muzzleloading shotguns)
using ammunition loaded with single solid ball Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 1 No
or sluas
Rifles and handguns using rimfire ammunition
and air auns (.25 caliber or smaller) No No No No No Yes Yes
Rifles and handguns using centerfire
ammunition (full metal jacketed ammunition Yes Yes Yes No No Yes1• 5 No
Muzzleloading firearms (rifles and handguns)
.36 cal. or laraer Yes 7 Yes 7 Yes 7 No No Yes •1 7 Yes 1· 7
Muzzleloading firearms (rifles and handguns)
less than .36 cal. No No No No No Yes 7 Yes 7

Air guns .35 cal. or larger Yes 6 Yes 6 Yes 6 No No Yes· 1 6 No

Pre-charged pneumatic gun which shoots an Yes 1· 9

Yes9 Yes 9 Yes 9 Yes 9 No No
arrow (special conditions apply)
Archery equipment (longbows, recurves,
compounds, and crossbows) Yes 2 Yes 2 Yes2 Yes 2 Yes Yes Yes

Raptors that are legally possessed under a

No No No No Yes Yes Yes
valid falconry permit

(1) If using this equipment while hunting during deer, elk, or bear season you must be a legal big game hunter.
(see Section VII, 8)

(2) For big game hunting arrows and bolts must be equipped with sharpened broadheads. For all other game
any points are allowed.

(3) Waterfowl and sandhill cranes may only be hunted with non-toxic shot of size Tor smaller.

(4) Furbearers are defined as beaver, bobcat, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, river otter,
raccoon, skunk, and weasel.

(5) It is illegal to use rifles and handguns using centerfire ammunition from 30 minutes after sunset to 30
minutes before sunrise.

(6) Migratory birds, except waterfowi and sandhill cranes, may oniy be hunted with ammunition loaded with
Number (4) or smaller shot.

(7) Muzzleloading firearms are defined as those firearms which are incapable of being loaded from the

(8) Must use a pre-charged pneumatic firing mechanism in addition the air gun must be equipped with a
built-in manometer (air pressure gauge).

(9) (a) Persons possessing a permanent disabled license may use a pre-charged pneumatic gun which shoots
an arrow during the archery, deer, bear, and elk season as an accommodation for their disability.

(b) A pre-charged pneumatic gun which shoots an arrow is legal for all hunters use during modern gun
season for deer, bear, elk, and turkey .


(1) Possession of ammunition except that as specifically authorized is prohibited while hunting.

(2) The use or possession and/or the accompanying of anyone using or possessing raccoon calls,
squallers, weapons, ammunition, or climbers while training dogs is prohibited during training season,
except raccoon calls may be used during authorized field trials.

(3) The use of dogs in taking or attempting to take deer or elk is prohibited. Taking or attempting to take
deer being pursued by dog, or dogs , is prohibited.

(4) Juveniles under the age of eighteen (18) are prohibited from using handguns for the purpose of

(5) No person shall make use of bait to hunt wildlife unless the bait has been removed and any electronic
feeder disabled at least 10 days prior to hunting.

(6) Possession of firearms prohibited while chasing coyote, fox, and bobcat with dogs from the first
Saturday in November through the end of the deer season.

(7) UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) cannot be used to hunt any wildlife.

(8) Use or possession of the following equipment is prohibited:

(a) Predator calls while night hunting.

(b) Pod arrows (any pod-type device for holding drugs or chemicals on an arrow) or any drugs or
chemicals used in pod arrows while archery hunting.

(c) Explosive arrowheads and explosive broadheads are strictly prohibited.

(d) Firearms capable of fully automatic fire.

(e) Firearms or archery equipment with any device utilizing an artificial light capable of locating

(f) Any electronic light amplifying night vision scope, thermal imaging device, or other similar
devices while in possession of a firearm or archery tackle between sunset and sunrise.
(g) Electronic calls or live decoys while hunting wild turkey, foxes, and waterfowl (except electronic calls
are legal during the Conservation Season for Blue, Snow, and Ross' geese).

(h) Rifles or handguns with full metal jacketed ammunition.

(i) Rifles or handguns with centerfire ammunition between 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before

U) Any loose shot other than non-toxic (as approved by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) or any shotgun
shell loaded with shot other than non-toxic while hunting waterfowl, sandhill cranes, coots,
gallinules, Virginia rails, and sora rails.

(k) Tracer ammunition

(I) The use or possession of natural cervid urine while hunting is prohibited unless the product is clearly
labeled bearing certification from the manufacturer that the urine was produced in a facility that:

i. Complies with a federal or a federally approved chronic wasting disease herd

certification program and any federal chronic wasting disease protocols and
record requirements;

ii. Does not allow importation of live cervids;

iii. Requires that all cervids exported from the facility be tested for chronic wasting
disease upon death and the results are reported to the facility;

iv. Is inspected annually by an accredited veterinarian , including inspection of the herd

and applicable records; and

v. Maintains a fence at least 8 feet high around the facility and, if the facility is located within
30 miles of a confirmed positive occurrence of chronic wasting disease, is double fenced
to prevent direct contact between captive and wild cervids.


(1) Steel foothold traps used for water sets, must have an exterior jaw measurement of nine (9) inches or less
measured at the hinge of the trap. Steel foothold traps used for ground sets must have an exterior jaw
measurement of seven (7) inches or less measured at the hinge of the trap. Steel square instant-kill traps
must have an exterior jaw measurement of sixteen (16) inches or less measured at the widest point, and
steel circular instant-kill traps must have an exterior measurement of twelve (12) inches or less measured at
the widest point.

(2) Live traps are legal for taking any species of wildlife listed as having a trapping season. Live traps are
defined as those traps that act as a cage after capture.

(3) Steel cable snares having a minimum cable diameter of five sixty-fourths (5/64) of an inch and a maximum
cable diameter of three thirty-seconds (3/32) of an inch are legal for all legal furbearer species during the
legal trapping season. Spring activated snares other than Collarum snares are prohibited.

(4) Commercially available dog-proof traps, also known as species-specific traps, are legal for trapping .

3 of 7 pages displayed. To view all pages of TWRA Proclamation 21-05 visit

Appendix F. Updated CWD
Testing and Reporting Protocol

Updated Chronic Wasting Disease Testing and Reporting

Effective August 2022
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) is updating Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
testing procedures for wild deer and elk in Tennessee to follow the best available science and to ensure
the most proactive response for CWD detection. The updated testing procedures will begin with the
2022-23 hunting season.
TWRA has been using both the “ELISA” test and an “IHC” test for CWD sampling. Research now indicates
the ELISA will return all the needed results. This test has commonly been used to detect CWD prions, while
the IHC was used to confirm a “Suspect” result from ELISA. When results of these tests conflict one
another, it can cause difficulty in interpreting sample results. Research now shows that a not detected or
“Negative” IHC result does not mean that the initial ELISA result was incorrect.
Discrepancy between the two could indicate an animal in the early stages of infection or suggest an early
detection in a new area. Such early detections in new areas would be very important to identify for best
management of CWD in Tennessee.
Based on this change, TWRA will now be issuing three categories of test results:
Not Detected
Suspect-Not Confirmed

When an ELISA test does not detect CWD, TWRA will issue a “Not Detected” report.

Moving forward, an ELISA “Suspect” test result will be addressed differently than in the past to
provide additional information to hunters and better track CWD over the long-term.

If an ELISA “Suspect” test result is received and the sample originated from the CWD-affected area (west
of the Tennessee River, or any county already high-risk or positive for CWD), TWRA will issue a
“Positive” test report. No additional diagnostics will be needed.

However, if an ELISA “Suspect” test result is received and the sample originated from outside the CWD-
affected area, the sample will be evaluated for additional evidence of CWD, including, but not limited to,
clinical signs of CWD, proximity to CWD-positive locations, multiple sick deer reports, captive cervid
facilities, other Suspect-Not Confirmed reports, and additional diagnostic testing.
TWRA will evaluate the presence of these additional conditions and will report either a
“Positive” or “Suspect-Not Confirmed” result.
Please note, since Suspect-Not Confirmed results are not positive, they will not trigger any automatic
regulations (feeding, mineral, or transport 1660-01-23). In these instances, TWRA will again look to
hunters, our greatest partners, to provide additional hunter-harvested samples for testing as we work to
identify the most effective management response to CWD.


Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency

Appendix G. Tennessee
Department of Agriculture
Regulations on Captive Cervids
Chapter 0080-02-01: Health Requirements for Admission and Transportation of Livestock and Poultry
0080-02-01-.12 BISON AND CERVIDAE.
(1) Bison. Import and movement of bison shall comply with all requirements for cattle under 0080-02-01-.05.
(2) Cervidae.
(a) Definitions.
1. Certified status herd means a cervidae herd enrolled in a CWD surveillance program for a period of
five years during which time no evidence of CWD or trace back or trace forward concerns were identified for the
herd by a state or federal animal health control official. Certified status is contingent on continued compliance
with annual inspections and CWD surveillance program standards;
2. CWD means Chronic Wasting Disease, a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in cervidae that
causes weight loss and death in infected animals;
3. CWD surveillance program means a program approved by a state or federal animal health official for
monitoring and control of CWD;
4. CWD susceptible cervidae means any member of a species identified under United States Department
of Agriculture (USDA) CWD Program Standards, as they may be amended from time to time and published by
USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services; and
5. Move, ship, transport, or similar words mean to relocate in any manner an item from one real property
to another.
(b) Import.
1. A person shall not import cervidae from an origin within 50 miles of a location where CWD has been
detected by a state or federal animal health control official.
2. A person shall not import cervidae unless the animals are identified by two forms of identification, one
of which must be USDA official identification.
3. Any person who imports cervidae shall have in his possession:
(i) Proof showing each cervid is negative for tuberculosis, by either:
(I) One USDA-approved tuberculosis test within 90 days prior to import, and proof the cervid
originated from a herd that tested negative on a whole herd test for tuberculosis within 12 months prior to
import; or
(II) Two USDA-approved tuberculosis tests conducted at least 90 days apart and the second of
which was conducted within 90 days prior to import.
(ii) A completed certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI);
(iii) An entry permit obtained by the veterinarian who issued the CVI for the cervidae; and
(iv) Proof that any CWD susceptible cervid originated from a certified status herd.
(c) In-state movement.
1. For movement of any CWD susceptible cervidae from a county where any portion of the county lies
within ten miles of a location where CWD has been detected by a state or federal animal health control official, a
person must prior to the movement receive written authorization from the state veterinarian’s office. The state
veterinarian’s office may authorize or deny movement of cervidae based on their likelihood to spread CWD

within the state, as assessed on various factors, e.g. seclusion from CWD detected areas by barrier or distance,
herd testing, or the existence of CWD in the region, etc.
2. A person shall not move CWD susceptible cervidae unless the animals are identified by two forms of
identification, one of which must be USDA official identification.
3. A person shall not move non-CWD susceptible cervidae to a livestock market unless the animals are
identified by two forms of identification, one of which must be USDA official identification.
(d) CWD susceptible herd maintenance.
1. Any person who holds CWD susceptible cervidae within the state must:
(i) Annually report to the department on or before July 1 of each year the herd inventory,
including location, number, and species of cervidae;
(ii) Immediately report to the department any cervid illness or death within 24 hours of discovery;
(iii) Make the carcass of any dead cervid available to the department for testing ordered by the
state veterinarian.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 5, 1974. Amendment
filed April 18, 1979; effective June 4, 1979. Repeal by Public Chapter 261. New rule filed June 20, 1983; effective July
20, 1983. Amendment filed April 30, 1993; effective July 28, 1993. Amendment filed September 14, 1999; effective
January 28, 2000. Amendment filed June 28, 2002; effective October 28, 2002. Amendment filed June 3, 2010; effective
November 28, 2010. Amendments filed March 30, 2017; effective June 28, 2017. Emergency rule filed December 21,
2018; effective through June 15, 2019. Emergency rule expired effective June 16, 2019, and the rule reverted back to its
previous status. Amendments filed January 2, 2020; effective April 1, 2020.
CWD Herd Certification Program (HCP)
9 CFR parts 55 and 81
eCFR :: 9 CFR Part 55 -- Control of Chronic Wasting Disease (
eCFR :: 9 CFR Part 81 -- Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer, Elk, and Moose (

The CWD Herd Certification Program is a cooperative effort between APHIS, State animal health and wildlife agencies,
and deer, elk, and moose owners. APHIS coordinates with these State agencies to encourage deer, elk, and moose owners
to certify their herds as low risk for CWD by being in continuous compliance with the CWD Herd Certification Program
standards. Enrollment in the Tennessee CWD HCP is completely voluntary but required for some species for interstate
movement. In cooperation with the national CWD HCP, the Tennessee CWD HCP follows the APHIS Program standards
and can be found on the USDA APHIS CWD website: Chronic Wasting Disease

General state and federal CWD HCP requirements for enrolled herd owners include fencing, individual animal
identification, and testing of all animals over 12 months of age that die for any reason. Certified status is achieved after 5
consecutive years of enrollment in the program with no CWD detection and compliance with all program requirements.
Interstate movement of CWD susceptible cervids is contingent on enrollment in a CWD certified herd. The full details on
the CWD Herd Certification Program Standards can be found on the USDA APHIS website.

Proposed Amendments
Current regulations on captive cervids in Tennessee are under review and the following are tentative proposed
amendments to Chapter 0080-02-01. Proposed amendments are estimated to be in effect by the end of 2023.


0080-02-17-.01 Scope.

(1) These rules apply to all Cervidae held in captivity.
(2) In addition to these rules, cervids on hunting preserves are regulated by Tennessee Wildlife
Resources Agency under T.C.A. § 70-4-413.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102.
0080-02-17-.02 Definitions.
(1) Cervid means all members of the Cervidae family and hybrids including deer, elk,
moose, caribou, reindeer, and related species.
(2) Certified herd means a Cervidae herd enrolled in a USDA approved herd
certification program (HCP) for a period of five years during which time no
evidence of CWD or traceback or trace forward concerns were identified in the
herd by a state or federal animal health control official.
(3) CWD means Chronic Wasting Disease, a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in
Cervidae that causes weight loss and death in infected animals;
(4) CWD surveillance program means a program approved by a state or federal animal health
official for monitoring and control of CWD;
(5) Move, ship, transport, or similar words mean to relocate in any manner an item or animal
from one real property to another.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102.
0800-02-17-.03 Import.
(1) A person shall not import Cervidae from an origin within 50 miles of a location where CWD
has been detected by a state or federal animal health control official.
(2) A person shall not import Cervidae unless the animals are identified by two forms of
identification, one of which must be USDA official identification.
(3) Any person who imports Cervidae shall have in his possession:
(a) Proof showing each cervid is negative for tuberculosis and brucellosis, by either:
1. One USDA-approved tuberculosis and brucellosis test within 90 days prior to
import, and proof the cervid originated from a herd that tested negative on a
whole herd test for tuberculosis within 12 months prior to import; or
2. Two USDA-approved tuberculosis and brucellosis tests conducted at least 90
days apart and the second conducted within 90 days prior to import.
(b) A completed certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI);
(c) An entry permit obtained by the veterinarian who issued the CVI for the Cervidae;
(d) Proof that any cervid originated from a CWD certified status herd.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102.
0800-02-17-.04 In-state movement.
(1) For movement of any Cervidae from a county where any portion of the county lies within ten
miles of a location where CWD has been detected by a state or federal animal health control
official, a person must prior to the movement receive written authorization from the state
veterinarian's office. The state veterinarian's office may authorize or deny movement of

Cervidae based on their likelihood to spread CWD within the state, as assessed on various
factors, such as seclusion from CWD detected areas by barrier or distance, herd testing, or
the existence of CWD in the region.
(2) A person shall not move Cervidae unless the animals are identified by two forms of
identification, one of which must be USDA official identification.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102.
0080-02-17-.05 Herd maintenance.
Any person who holds Cervidae within the state must:
(1) Annually report to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture on or before July 1 of each year
the herd inventory, including location, number, and species of Cervidae:
(2) Immediately report to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture any cervid illness or death
within 24 hours of discovery;
(3) Make the carcass of any dead cervid available to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture for testing ordered
by the state veterinarian;
(4) Ensure that all captive Cervidae premises are enclosed by perimeter fences at
least 8 feet in height and must be structurally sound, maintained in good repair,
and of sufficient construction to prevent ingress and egress of farmed and free ranging
wild cervids or animals; and
(5) Report captive Cervidae escaping their premises to the state veterinarian's
office within 72 hours of escape. The owner is responsible for the recapture or
harvest of the animal.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102.
0080-02-17-.06 Reporting and Testing Requirements.
(1) Immediate reporting of all deaths 12 months of age or older and subsequent CWD testing of
those mortalities at the owner's expense shall be required and documented by an accredited
veterinarian or state or federal personnel. The National Veterinary Services Laboratory in
Ames, Iowa shall perform testing, and all lab results must be received by the state
veterinarian. Exemptions may be approved only by the state veterinarian after consultation
with the herd owner and herd veterinarian.
(2) Tissues from all CWD-exposed or CWD-suspect animals that die or are depopulated must
be submitted for testing regardless of the age of the animal.
(3) Carcasses and tissues from sampled animals must be disposed of following State regulation.
Remains of CWD-positive or CWD-exposed animals shall be disposed of in compliance with all
Federal, State, and local regulations as approved by the State Veterinarian.
(4) All deaths of Cervidae and any animal exhibiting signs of CWD shall be immediately
reported to the Tennessee State Veterinarian.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102.
0080-02-17-.07 Epidemiologic Investigations.
(1) All animals reported as CWD-suspects will be investigated promptly.
(2) An epidemiologic investigation will be conducted of CWD-positive, CWD-exposed, and

CWD-suspect herds that will include the designation of suspect and exposed animals,
identifying animals to be traced. States that are found to have received any animals involved
in a trace will be notified immediately.
(3) Trace-backs of CWD-positive animals and trace-outs of CWD exposed animals will be
conducted. Appropriate states will be notified promptly after notification of a CWD-positive
animal has been received.
(4) Trace-backs based on harvest or other sampling will be conducted promptly after receipt of
notification of a CWD-positive animal at harvest.
(5) If herds are found to have CWD-positive, CWD-exposed, or CWD-suspect animals, the herd
will be designated as such and the herd will be promptly quarantined until it has been
determined if the herd contains or has contained a CWD-positive animal.
(6) Herds with a positive CWD animal will be subjected to a herd plan as developed by the
Tennessee State Veterinarian with completion of herd plan requirements before quarantines
are removed. Certified status also would be suspended.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102.
0080-02-17-.08 Escaped Cervids.
All Cervidae escaping their premises shall be immediately reported to the Tennessee State
Veterinarian's office and recaptured by the owner within 72 hours of escape. If an escaped farm raised
cervid is returned to the herd more than 72 hours after it escapes, it loses any status that it
may have had in a herd certification or herd status program and is treated as a new addition to the
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102.
0080-02-17-.09 Voluntary herd certification program.
(1) Premises Requirements
(a) All owners of captive Cervidae in Tennessee shall obtain a premise identification number from the
Tennessee Department of Agriculture.
(b) All Cervidae premises that participate in the Tennessee CWD HCP shall have
suitable handling facilities to allow inspection, identification, or testing of animals
in a safe and humane manner.
(2) Identification Requirements
(a) Each animal 12 months of age or older and animals under 12 months of age leaving the premises shall
have a minimum of two forms of animal identification.
1. One is a nationally unique official animal identification approved by USDA Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and must be an 840-visual tag, 840 radio frequency
identification device (RFID), electronic implant, 840 RFID injectable transponder or microchip,
steel USDA tag, or another approved device.
2. The second form of identification must be a unique form of identification to that animal in the
herd and can be any animal identification such as a farm bangle tag or ear or flank tattoo.
(b) Animals that lose their identification should be retagged as soon as possible. All animals 12 months of
age or older must have individual identification and be reconciled in herd records before the herd status
can be advanced.
(3) Enrollment, inspections, and recordkeeping requirements

(a) After receipt of an enrollment application for the program, an initial complete physical herd inventory
is required as well as a recording of all individual identification. Records shall be reconciled during
inspections and inventories. These inspections and inventories shall be submitted on an inspection form
supplied by the state veterinarian's office and signed by an accredited veterinarian or by state or federal
personnel. Owners are responsible for assembling, handling, and restraining animals for physical
inventories or other inspections under conditions that will allow the accredited veterinarian, APHIS
employee, or State Official to safely read all identification on the animals. The owners are responsible for
the costs that may be incurred to present the animals for inspection and must agree that any liability or
injury to the animals during handling rests with the owner.
(b) Inspections shall be conducted annually. Physical inventories shall be conducted every three years by
state or federal animal health officials or Tennessee accredited veterinarians. Annual inspections consist
of an inspection of the facility, a visual inspection of the herd including a count of the cervids and
verification that each cervid twelve months of age or older has at least one official visible individual
identification. Physical inventories shall be conducted in such a manner that the two forms of
identification on each animal twelve months of age or older can be read and recorded. Both annual and
physical inventories should correspond with herd records.
(c) Participants in the herd certification program shall submit their herd
inventories in a format prescribed by the state veterinarian's office. Herds may
not advance in status until the annual inspections have been completed,
submitted, reconciled, and approved.
(d) Herd records must be maintained that include a complete inventory of animals
that states the species, age, and sex of each animal; the date of acquisition and
source of animals not born into the herd; the date of disposal or destination
of animals removed from the herd; and all individual identification numbers
associated with each animal.
(e) Animals can only be introduced into an enrolled herd from herds that are the
same or higher status in the national herd certification program in order to
maintain their existing status. Should animals with a lesser program status be
introduced into the herd, the herd will revert to the status of the newly
introduced animals.
(f) Documentation of any deaths, interstate movements, or any other disposition of
animals since the last inventory shall be included in the records. Annual herd
inventories shall be completed between 10 to 14 months of the enrollment date
and within 10 to 14 months of the anniversary date thereafter.
(4) Enforcement.
(a) Certified status is granted after program enrollment and compliance for 5 years
with no evidence of disease. Renewal of certified status is contingent upon
annual inspection, sampling, and continued compliance with program standards.
(b) Certified status may be revoked for failure to comply with this chapter.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102.

Appendix H. CWD Strategic
Planning Process
Initial Stages and Logistics
● Preliminary/pre-planning meetings began June 1, 2021.
● Development of full committee to include TWRA and representatives from TDEC and TDA (June 15, 2021).
● Bi-monthly meetings occurred during 2021 and weekly meetings occurred beginning in Jan 2022 as a
combination of virtual and in-person.
Comprehensive Literature review
● Review of other agency CWD strategic plans and deer management plans.
● Review of CWD Best Management Practices (BMPs).
● Review of current research in CWD.
● Approval obtained for sole source request to contract with a proven conservation engagement consultant for
facilitation of internal meetings and external stakeholder engagement for entire planning process.
● Proposal details (scope of work and budget) reviewed from DJ Case and Associates for Conservation Engagement
● Contract approved to begin work Dec 1, 2021 (some work completed prior to Dec 1 with limit of $5,000 in
Stakeholder Engagement
• Staff phone interviews
o Phone interviews establish the full scope of CWD in Tennessee and allow the facilitator to understand the
nuances and undercurrents of the topic that may not come to light during regular meetings. Interviews provide
the facilitator with a foundation for higher efficiency during future meetings.
o SWOT analysis listening sessions with internal stakeholders (planning team, deer team, and other affected
staff) to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of CWD program
o Drafted list of interviewees Aug 2021.
o Phone interviews conducted September – October 2021.
● Stakeholder Focus groups
o Preliminary list of stakeholders to include in focus group meetings developed July 2021.
o Revisited, finalized, and submitted for approval, list prior to focus group meetings (Feb-Mar 2022).
o Two focus group meetings held in April (Nashville April 12, Jackson April 13)
▪ Report of feedback provided by DJ Case and Associates.
▪ Feedback considered and incorporated into the Plan.
● Drafted list of segments the plan to be included in the document (June 2021).
● Goal statements and many objectives written as a large group (beginning October 2021).
● Glossary of terms adopted from outside sources and made applicable to CWD in TN.
● Writing assignments on segments of the document made for individuals/small groups (March 2022).
● Designated CWD Team member to work with DJ Case and Associates to create a cohesive voice between each of
the sections as sections are completed.
● Produced draft plan to be concurrent to input from stakeholder engagement.
● Internal reviews to be conducted and comments incorporated.
● Seek out peer review from representatives of agencies in other states.
● Obtain Executive Director’s approval for Commission preview and public comment
● Consider Commission and public comment and account for what’s constructive to obtain
final approval by Executive Director.
● Present final plan to Commission for adoption and share final plan with stakeholders.


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