A2 Unit Test 5

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A2 Unit test 5A

1  Listen to a radio programme about shopping 4 Complete the text with the words in the box.
tourism. Complete the sentences with one or two
words or a number. baker’s butcher’s cash discount
newsagent’s online return sales
1 People shop in other countries because the prices
are ____________________. shopping centre spend
2 Thailand has low-cost ____________________.
3 Switzerland is famous for ____________________. I usually shop for clothes 1__________ because I can
4 New York had ____________________ tourist do it from my house. I go shopping in my local town
shoppers last year. every Saturday morning. I go to the 2__________ to
5 Dubai is popular because it has very large buy bread and the 3__________ to buy meat. There is a
____________________. large 4__________ near the town with lots of different
shops. I sometimes buy clothes there in the
2 points for each correct answer 10 5
__________ because they are cheap. Also it’s easy to
2  Listen and circle the words you hear.
__________ something I don’t like and I can get a
__________ in some shops there because I’m a
1 main man student. I don’t like to 8__________ a lot of money. I
2 sit seat buy milk and magazines from a 9__________ near my
3 not note house. I pay for them with 10__________ because they
4 hat hate don’t take credit cards.
5 coat cot
1 point for each correct answer 10
6 set sit
7 nut not 5 Match the clothes to the part of the body. Write
8 cot cut the clothes in the boxes.
9 read red
10 mat met coat dress glasses gloves hat
hoodie shoes socks top
1 point for each correct answer 10
3  Listen and complete the sentences with the
word you hear. Head

1 I have a new __________.

2 Those __________ are very tall.
3 I wrote you a __________. Body
4 Can I __________ here?
5 I like to __________.

2 points for each correct answer 10 Hands


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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 5A

1 point for each correct answer 10 6 Choose the correct word in italics.

1 My father is a good driver. He drives careful /

2 Susan lives in a very quiet / quietly village.
3 The city can be dangerous / dangerously for people
on bicycles because of the traffic.
4 Well done, all your answers are correct / correctly.
5 I like running but I can’t run very fast / fastly.
6 Mario can’t speak German fluent / fluently.
7 My brothers can play football very good / well.
8 I can’t understand my teacher because she speaks
quick / quickly.
9 Andy plays the piano really bad / badly.
10 Edith is a good student. She studies hard / hardly.

1 point for each correct answer 10

7 Complete the conversation with


Denis What was your city like in the past, Stefan?

Stefan When I was young, children 1__________
play in the park more often. And they
__________ walk to school because there
was less traffic. But shopping was more
difficult. People needed to carry cash because
they 3__________ buy things with a credit
Denis And is life different now?
Stefan Oh yes, it’s very different. Now things are
much easier. You 4__________ shop online
and buy many things in the supermarket. But
you 5__________ travel around the place
very quickly because there is so much traffic.

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 5A

8 Choose the correct answer from the words in 9 Complete the conversation with one or two
italics. words.

1 Kate What’s on TV, John? C = customer A = assistant

John I’m watching / I watch the tennis.
C Hello.

2 I eat / I’m eating salad for lunch every day. A Hi. Can I help you?
C Can I 1____________________ on
3 It’s hot so Juan is wearing / wears a T-shirt and please?
shorts today.
A Of course, the changing rooms are
4 Janette Where are the children? over there.
Robert In the garden. They’re playing / They C I think I like it.
play football. 2
____________________ is it?
A It’s £19.99.
5 At the weekends, I spend / I’m spending time
playing computer games and going to the gym. C Hmm, it’s a little expensive. Do you
do a student 3____________________?
6 Farouk What do you do / are you doing? A Yes, we do. You get 10% off.
Abdi Some work on my essay.
C Great! 4____________________ pay
7 They’re on holiday so they don’t work / aren’t by credit card?
working. A Yes, you can.
C And can I have a receipt,
8 Novak wears / is wearing a suit to work every day. 5
9 I’m driving / I drive to work on Fridays. A Of course. Here you are.

10 Antonio learns / is learning to play the guitar. 2 points for each correct answer 10

1 point for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 5A

10 Read the product reviews. Answer questions 1−5

with a person’s name.

Gao This bag is great. It looks expensive but it cost

£35. I use it for university and the gym. It’s big, light
and has lots of pockets. It’s good value.
Mara I’m very disappointed with this mobile phone.
It’s too small to watch films and it’s difficult to use.
It’s not worth the money and I don’t recommend it.
Elki These shoes are awful. When I wear them my feet
hurt. They’re too expensive − £75, but they look quite
cheap. And they were one week late so my advice is
don’t buy them.
Viktor This is a great watch. It’s comfortable, light
and easy to use. I can also wear it when I’m
swimming! It’s definitely worth the money.
Will This shirt is poor value. It cost £50 but it is not
worth the money. It’s too big and doesn’t look like the
one on the website.

Who says it’s/they’re …

1 not comfortable? __________
2 bad for watching TV? __________
3 good in water? __________
4 not the same as the picture? __________
5 good for sports and studying? __________

2 points for each correct answer 10

Unit test 5A total 100

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