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‫‪Test on Unit 5‬‬

‫ھدف اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎن اﻟوﻗوف ﻋﻠﻲ ﻣﺳﺗواك وﻣﻌﺎﻟﺟﺔ اﻟﺳﻠﺑﯾﺎت ﻟذا ﻓﻛن ﻋﻠﻲ ﻗدر اﻟﻣﺳؤﻟﯾﺔ‬
2. Read the passage and the answer the questions:
The Inuit from northern Canada build igloos out of hard blocks of ice. Ice is a good
insulating material and the igloos are warm and comfortable. The nomadic Bedouin make
tents from animal skins and can move easily from place to place as they look for food for
their animals. People adapt their homes to suit their lifestyles and the conditions where
they live. Birds do this, too.

The golden eagle spends most of its life in the air, flying high above the ground looking
for food. Unlike most birds, it does not build a new nest every year but returns to the old
one and adds more sticks to it. Eagle nests are found high up on cliffs and the largest ones
can be 1.8 metres across and 1.5 metres high. By contrast, the tiny hummingbird builds a
nest less than 3 centimeters long. It uses grass and spiders' webs to construct it.
Woodpeckers build their nests in holes in trees, and weaver birds build beautiful nests
which hang from a single thread. In Holland, storks sometimes build nests on the roofs of
houses and people put wheels on their roofs to prevent the nests falling off. The lazy
cuckoo does not build a nest at all. It lays its eggs in other birds' nests and leaves them to
raise its young.
- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. How many birds are named in the article?
a. Seven b. Four c. Five d. Six
2. What are eagles’ nests made from?
a. gold b. sticks c. glass d. grass
3. What does the word “ones” in bold refer to?
a. nests of birds. b. eagles‟ houses. c. eagles‟ feathers. d. nests of
4. Which of the following is true?
a. Birds adapt their homes to suit their lifestyle. b. Cuckoos build very small nests.
c. Eagles use spiders‟ webs to construct their nests d. All birds‟ nests are the same size.
5. Where does the lazy cuckoo lay its eggs?
a. In its own nest. b. In the desert. c. In other birds‟ nests. d. In nomadic villages.
6. Why are the igloos warm and comfortable?
a. Because they are expensive. b. Because ice is a good insulating material.
c. Because they are built high up cliffs. d. Because they are made from animals skin.
7. To “adapt” means to ………………….
a. check b. alter c. attract d. attack
8. Why do some Dutch people put wheels on the roofs of their houses?
a. To prevent the nests falling off b. To protect houses from the sun
c. To capture solar energy d. To protect nests from the sun
9. An igloo is a house made out of blocks of ……………………..
a. melted ice b. hard ice c. hard bricks d. melted bricks
10. The writer thinks the cuckoo is lazy because it …………………………..
a. doesn‟t fly b. doesn‟t eat well c. doesn‟t work hard d. doesn‟t build a nest

1. Man is exposed to many mental and psychological pressures which affects his behaviour

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