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Blade Master

"The sword is a simple tool, but in the hands of a master it becomes the most versatile of weapons. And
just as the imagination is limitless, so too are the possibilities of the sword."
— Grand Master Vondu Creimish
Many centuries ago, the Atlantean nobility created a fighting style like no other. It embraced two guiding
principles; Creativity and Versatility. Only nobles were allowed to learn The Way. Those that learned
were called Blade Masters. No one but Atlantean nobles were allowed to learn The Way of the Sword.
There was only one academy, located near the royal palace where The Way of the Sword was taught. All
students picked the sword that most spoke to them at their initial training. This weapon stayed with them
throughout their life.

One Grand Master, Grand Master Vondu Creimish, had a different idea. It was his belief the way of the
sword didn’t belong to any one nation. Knowledge of the arts belonged to all. He left Atlantis and headed
into the world.

He took his skills and equipment with him. He met many so-called Blade Masters in his travels, none met
his standards. Eventually he came across a peasant boy with a stick, his humility and earnestness
impressed Vondu. He took the boy in and trained him.

Vondu had left Atlantis with his sword a zulfikar and a phurba, the boy he had found had no sword so
Vondu taught the Way using his zulfikar and phurba. When he felt the boy had learned the Way he had a
zukfikar and phurba forged for him with his name and title in noble Atlantean on the blade. The boy
traveled the world with Vondu.

As they traveled, they found others to train. As the people learned the Way, they began to pick zulfikars
and phurbas as weapons to honor their teachers. Despite Vondu trying to discourage this, the tradition
stuck and now Blade Master carries a zulfikar and phurba not just as weapons, but a symbol of being a
Blade Master. These weapons are the traditional and hereditary weapons of a Blade Master. While they
may learn other weapons (see below) it is these two weapons that he will use above all others and will go
to the ends of the earth to recover.

Vondu’s actions were noted by Atlantean Nobles but they initially believed none of the other species
were intelligent enough to learn the Way. When they saw Vondu’s success they were furious. But in true
noble fashion they declared The Way of the Sword something only for lesser races and banned its
teaching in Atlantis. Rumors persist to this day of an underground training academy that teaches worthy
A small number of Blade Master now roam Dunya practicing their skill and spreading their fame. While
accomplished swordsmen are rare, a true Blade Master is a thing of legend. People know them by their
blades, the zulfikar and the phurba.

The Way of the Sword has two key beliefs that are its core, creativity and versatility. Once trained in the
Way, the new Blade Master takes their weapons and wanders the land. To see someone wearing a phurba
and zulifkar means its bearer has earned the right to call themselves a Master of the Way and demands
respect, and oftentimes deference, in any showdown on the battlefield or counsel in times of peace. The
forms are martial stances that precede specific movements designed for specific outcomes during a deadly
As stated begore The Way of the Sword has two key beliefs at its core; creativity and versatility.

One of the most important parts of swordsmanship is being creative, both on the battlefield and in
everyday life. In order to master the sword, one must be creative as on the battlefield one needs to find
every advantage that can possibly be found.

To be an excellent sword-wielder, versatility is another essential skill for one to possess. A swordsman
must constantly shift from an offensive move to a defensive move with ease. This is shown mostly when
a sword-wielder attempts to strike an opponent with the sword while also remaining on the defensive by
using the sword to block any attack.

Blade Master Class

Requirements: Str 10, Dex 13, Int 13
A Blade Master with a DEX or INT of 16 or higher receives a +5% bonus to all experience points earned,
while a Blade Master with a 16 in both abilities receives a +10% bonus.
Prime Requisite: DEX and INT
Hit Dice: 1d8
Alignment: Any (They may be of any alignment, but due to the disciplined nature of the fighting style,
are rarely chaotic in alignment.)
Armor: None (only rings, bracers, cloaks and other magical protections of this type)/no shields
Weapons: zulfikar, phurba, see below
Weapon Proficiencies: 2 then 1 every 5 levels
Non-Proficiency Penalty: -3
Non-Weapon Proficiencies: 4 then 1 every 3 levels
Non-Weapon Proficiency Categories: Craft, Martial, Pastoral, and Performance

Fighters and most other warriors are heavily armored men at arms, who wield weapons with brutality. Yet
there is a more elegant and civilized form of combat, refined to deadly efficiency – that of the Blade
Master. They wear no armor, and choose to focus all their martial prowess to the mastery of the zulfikar,
the weapon of a Blade Master. Through an agile dance of deadly steel, they are able to defeat less subtle
combatants in a beautiful series of parries, thrusts and reposts.
The Blade Master must choose proficiency in the zulfikar
and the phurba and first level. they only get 2 weapon
proficiencies to start. They gain another weapon proficiency ZULFIKAR
every 5 levels. They rarely find another weapon that sparks
their curiosity enough to learn how to wield it. Any weapon
proficiency taken 1st level MUST be a weapon unknown to
his culture or has a utilitarian purpose. They are given their
zulfikar and phurba upon graduation from an Academy.
These weapons stay with them throughout their life.

They do not wear armor or use shields.

They will not give up their zulfikar or phurba willingly. No
gold, blessing or magic that is offered will cause them to
separate with their weapons. Even if they found an
enchanted zulfikar or phurba they will not wield them. They
can have their zulfikar or phurba enchanted if they have the
While the Blade Master wants and desires to only fight with
their traditional weapons, they recognize that in some
circumstances they won’t work. This is why they learn other
weapons. It might be a mace for skeletons or a wooden
weapon for a rust monster. Note, they will never fight a rust
monster with their zulfikar or phurba.
Zulfikar and Phurba
The zulfikar and phurba are the traditional weapons of the
Blade Master. Zulfikar have great value attributed to them.
Each Blade Master undergoes a ceremony where they are
presented with a zulfikar and phurba that were forged
specifically for them.
There are two exceptions. If a descendant of a previous
Blade Master becomes one, they may wield their ancestral
blade. Apprentices that become Blade Master may wield
their master’s blades. The stipulation is the former Blade
Master must be deceased, for no living Blade Master will
willingly surrender their zulfikar and phurba.
The zulfikar and phurba are forged from Steilaine. This
unique metal is one of the finest "non-magical" kinds
available in Dunya and is a much-coveted possession. It is a
silvery-blue metal weights about 2/3 that of fine steel but is
very close to four times harder. It is also some 20% less
brittle than said steel and about 25% more heat resistant. Its
origins, composition (if, indeed, it is an alloy and not a pure
metal) and manner of working are known only to the most
skilled of smiths.
It effects/strikes all known things (undead to were-creature). All items
made from this metal are considered "+ 1" and of sharpness, just on
PHURBA general principles.

If a zulfikar or phurba is gifted to a non- Blade Master they are also

presented with a medallion that informs other Blade Master the weapon
was obtained honorably. If stolen or taken from the Blade Master by any
other form treachery, the possessor become the target of a blood hunt.
All Blade Master pursues the weapons killing any and all that have
touched the weapons with greed and treachery in their hearts. They will
continue the hunt until the weapons have been returned. The amount of
death that follows a stolen zulfikar or phurba discourages all but the
desperate or stupid from attempting to steal a zulfikar.
The word of stolen zulfikar or phurba will travel from master to master.
Once a PC master hears about the theft, they MUST stop what they are
doing and join the hunt, even if there are in a dungeon on the 3rd level.
They will stop the exploring and leave, with or without the rest of their
If a Blade Master is killed in combat and the victor takes the weapons as
loot they will be approached by a Blade Master and offered a kingly sum
for the weapons. If the victor hands the items over for gold, they are
taken to a Blade Master academy where they are kept in honor.

Some that defeat a Blade Master and take the weapons present them to a
Blade Master with respect, these are gifted with a medallion that entitles
the bearer to be given help, once, from any Blade Master they ask.
Blade Master do not play games with the request; they will understand
the spirit of the request and do
their best up to and including dying to complete the task. There are
legends of Blade Master that honored a request to protect a child until
the child or the Blade Master dies. They will do everything in their
power to keep the child alive. They understand what the person is
If the Blade Master find the victor and the weapons have been placed on
display with honor and respect, including the name of Blade Master if
known, they will leave the weapons there. They will work with the
victor to determine who the Blade Master was if the name is unknown.
They will then ask and if granted permission, commission a plaque to be
displayed by the weapons.
The zulfikar sword is a unique sword unlike any other sword in the world. The blade of the zulfiqar has a
curvature that starts from the middle point until the end, which splits into two separate fork-like tip
points. The zulfiqar sword has the engraved writing, identifying the Blade Master that wields them. The
name of the sword can be translated to ‘spine splitter’ because of the two split points at the end of the
blade. For about 8" of its length from the point the blade is vertically divided along its axis, producing
side-by-side blades, each of which is finished in itself. The sword’s tip is fashioned like a fork, making it
stand out from other blades. The forked tip is the sword’s most distinguishing characteristic. 
The zulfikar sword can have many guard shapes and forms because its primary purpose was decorative
rather than having a practical application. However, the ones used in battle had a diamond-shaped guard
in the middle with two extensions on the left and right sides to provide protection for the user’s hands.

The handle length of the zulfikar is around 5.9 inches long. The swords full length is 33.4 inches and its
weight is 2.2 pounds. It is slightly curved at the bottom, also called the pommel, giving you an excellent
grip when held with one hand. Usually, this curved handle is made from wood for durability’s sake.

The zulfikar does 2d4 damage to S/M creatures, 1d10 if used with two hands. They do 2d8 to L creatures
or 3d6 if used with two hands.

The phurba is a dagger with three distinct segments, one of which is a characteristic three - sided blade or
point, traditionally associated with Blade Master. Having pommel, handle, and blade, phurba are often
segmented into suites on both the horizontal and vertical axes. The pommel of the phurba bears three
faces, one joyful, one peaceful, and one wrathful. The handle is often of a weaving or knotwork design.
The blade is usually composed of three triangular facets or faces, meeting at the tip. The blade measure
12” and the pommel adds another 7”.
The phurba does 1d4+3 damage to S/M creatures and 1d3+3 to L creatures.
Because of what they are forged from, these weapons effect/strike all known things (undead to were-
creature). All items made from this metal are considered "+ 1" and of sharpness, just on general

All Blade Masters carry a zulfikar and phurba as symbols of their status.
Reaching 9th Level: A Blade Master who reaches 9th level is known as a Master of the Way. He can
start a Blade Master academy at his own expense. If he does this 5 – 30 (1d6x5) 1st level Blade Master or
fighters will come to learn from him, and occasionally one or two of them may join him on adventures to
test their newly learned skills on the field of battle.
Armor Class Bonus: A Blade Master focuses his training on agility movement to protect themselves
instead of armor and shields. They receive a bonus to their armor class that increases as they level, as
shown by the chart above. This is in addition to any bonus received from a high dexterity.
I Do Not Run: Beginning at 3rd level, a Blade Master is immune to all forms of fear. He automatically
succeeds in saving throws to resist Cause Fear spells and similar effects.
Not Today: By the time a Blade Master has reached 7th level they have a unique knack for avoiding
death. They may, once per day, automatically resist any effect that would drain a level of experience. In
addition, if they are the target of a Death Spell, Symbol of Death, or any other magical effect that would
instantly slay them they may make a saving throw vs. death to avoid these effects.
Mastery Points: Each round of combat, the Blade Master has a number of Mastery Points determined by
his level of experience. He may spend these points each round, before initiative is rolled, to gain bonuses
to attack, damage, armor class, initiative, or movement. Bonuses granted by the spending of Mastery
Points only last for the round of combat in which they are spent.
A Blade Master may only spend these points when wielding a zulfikar or a phurba. Any unspent points
are lost, though the pool of Mastery Points refreshes each round. If the Blade Master is able to dual wield
weapons, they may only use mastery points for the zulfikar
The bonuses granted by the expenditure of Mastery Points is in addition to any modifier from high
abilities, magical items, magical weapons, or the Blade Master's armor class bonus. If the Nawa
Example: Wesley, a 7th level Blade Master, has 3 mastery points to spend in the first round of combat.
He spends two points to gain a +2 bonus to his attack roll, and a third point to gain a +1 bonus to
initiative. On the second round of combat, these bonuses are lost and his pool of mastery points is
refreshed. He goes on the offensive, spending all three mastery points to gain a +3 bonus to damage with
his zulfikar. When the third round of combat comes, his opponent attempts to flee, but Wesley gives chase
and spends his three points to gain a +30' bonus to his movement and runs his foe down.
Combat Modifier Mastery Point Cost
One Mastery Two Mastery Three Mastery Four Mastery Five Mastery
Point Points Points Points Points
Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Damage Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Armor Class -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Initiative Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Movement Bonus +10’ +20’ +30’ +40’ +50’

Attacks per Round: The Blade Master gains extra attacks as shown on the table below. They use
weapons they are proficient in other than the zulfikar or phurba at the same rate of specialized fighter.
The zulfikar and phurba allow even more attacks. If the Blade Master fights with both zulfikar and phurba
then the phurba on gets one attack a round and the zulfikar the attacks from the chart below.

Level Any Melee Weapon Attacks Zulfikar/ Phurba Attacks

1-6 3/2 2/1
7-12 2/1 5/2
13-19 5/2 3/1
20 5/2 6/2

Progression Chart
Experience Level Hit Dice (d8) Mastery Points Armor Class Bonus Special Abilities
0 1 1 1 0
2035 2 2 1 -1
4065 3 3 1 -1 I Do Not Run
8125 4 4 2 -2
16,251 5 5 2 -2
32,516 6 6 2 -3
65,001 7 7 3 -3 Not Today
120,001 8 8 3 -4
240,001 9 9 3 -4 Master of the Way
360,001 10 +2 hp only* 4 -5
480,001 11 +4 hp only* 4 -5
600,001 12 +6 hp only* 4 -6
720,001 13 +8 hp only* 5 -6
840,001 14 +10 hp only* 5 -7
960,001 15 +12 hp only* 5 -7
1,080,001 16 +14 hp only* 6 -8
1,200,001 17 +16 hp only* 6 -8
1,320,001 18 +18 hp only* 6 -9
1,440,001 19 +20 hp only* 7 -9
1,560,001 20 +22 hp only* 7 -10 Grand Master of the Way
*Hit Point modifiers from Constitution are ignored

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