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Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7

The Tomb of Tokirah

Game Master Adventure

Written by
‘Mad’ Roy Cram
for “BEAN! The D2 Role-Playing Game”

Illustrated by
J. Freels


Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7

To all the folks who looked at this for me and commented on it,
great gratitude and thanks

Chet Cox,
Paul Haynie
Sid Orpin (
Mark Thornton (

And to Jeff “The Podre” Freels (

For his drawing, and editing work,
and for creating BEAN!

Tomb Of Tokirah written by and © ‘Mad’ Roy Cram, 2012, All rights reserved.
FABLED WORLDS GAMES is © 2008 J. Freels. All rights reserved.
BEAN! The D2 Role-Playing Game published by Fabled Worlds Games is © 2008 J. Freels. All rights reserved.
Tomb Of Tokirah published by Fabled Worlds Games is © 2012 J. Freels. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means
(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, telekinetic, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission
of the copyright holder.

Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7

The Tomb of Tokirah
Game Master adventure
for BEAN! The D2 RPG

Introduction Backstory
This is a GM Adventure, which means Backstory to be described to the Players:
that this booklet is for the Game Master’s
eyes only. Were Players to look through The Wizard and Scholar Redstem in the
the information contained herein the city of Khamril-Dhal in Chokran has
game would lose its surprises and any finally translated the last will and
sense of adventure, and that’s just no testament of the Archmage Tokirah. He
fun. is now recruiting a party of adventurers
to take part in a dangerous mission with
You’ll need your gaming group, the the possibility of great rewards. He wants
BEAN! Rulebook, and of course handfuls 2 or 3 Warriors, and 2-3 Rogues to go
of marked beans. Preferably the GM will with him as he seeks to find the tomb of
have had time to read through the Tokirah in the Necropolis west of the city.
adventure before you gather to play so He seeks to gain the staff of Tokirah and
that they may be prepared to host the Wizard’s legendary spell books. The
smoothly. rest of the gold, gems, and armor or
weapons found there will be given to
This should be a challenging adventure the rest of the party to divide as they
with lots of combat. If you don’t have wish. Redstem will equip the party as he
enough Players in your gaming group to is a wealthy fellow with gold to spare.
run the suggested Player Characters (2
or 3 Warriors, and 2 or 3 Rogues) some Redstem; Wizard
of your Players may want to run multiple extraordinaire
Body 3 Mind 4 Redstem
Player Characters. This is permissible as
long as the Player can keep track of their Spirit 5 HPs 4 Wizard
different Player Characters. Has Wizard’s silk
armor suit (3 beans)
and Wizard’s dagger 4
(+2 beans). He also 5
carries a
Blunderbuss which Def +3 HP 4
does 5 beans
damage to a target.
The ammo has a sure shot spell cast on it.
Takes one turn to reload, and he carries
5 reloads. He also carries a healing
potion (5 doses of one bean per dose
taken) and two VOFO’s (Vials of flaming

Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7

oil: ignite when vial is broken. Do 4 speed. After passing the road leading to
beans damage to target on turn one, the Wizards' Academy trouble shambles
and 2 beans damage on turn two.) out of the trees.
Ranged attack must hit target.
The party will meet a band of 3 + 4
Spells: Bring me; Shield; Unseen; Chill; beans of B’norks. The leader of this
Mend, Fireball; Greater shield; Lightning motley group has Body 5 Mind 3 Spirit 2
bolt; and True sight. He also has a scroll HPs 5 def 2 60 XP. His motlier
with a Whisk spell, and another with a companions have Body 4 Mind 2 Spirit
Portal spell that will get him and the 2 HPs 4 Def 1 XP’s 40.
party back to his tower in the city.
Toss 4 beans:
Redstem will provide each party member
with a Glowstone (= torch light), a 3 0 B’norks attack with surprise
dose healing potion (1 bean per dose), 1 B’norks only attack if they
30 feet of rope, and a VOFO. Each of his outnumber the party. Otherwise,
companions will get a dagger, one +1 go to 2
weapon for Rogues, and one +2 weapon 2 B’norks demand one gold piece
for Warriors, and a spear for the Warriors per party member or they will
and a crossbow with ten bolts for the fight (did you remember to bring
Rogues. Warriors will get chain mail your coin purse?)
armor and shield (Def 3), and Rogues 3 B’norks demand one silver piece, if
leather armor and shield (Def 2). Rogues they are outnumbered.
will get a Lock pick if they have Lock 4 B’norks will join party and fight
skills, and a hatchet and a prybar. One with them for a share of the loot.
Rogue and one Warrior will have a First
Aid kit (+1 HP; 5 uses). Each party
member will get a back pack, a fire kit,
B’nork Leader B’nork Grunt
wine or water skin, mess kit, and rations
for 3 days. One Warrior is encouraged to Warrior (60) Warrior (40)
use a war hammer (2 beans) as her 5 4
primary weapon.
3 2
The Journey to the Necropolis 2 2
Def 2 HP 5 Def 1 HP 4
The journey from Redstem's tower at the
edge of town to the Necropolis is a fairly
easy one. The
Wizard spends If allowed to go with the party, they
most of his time should be played as opportunistic
studying a map scumbags. They will fight hard in any
that only he can battle, but have a 50% chance to run
read. Soon the away if wounded.
group is on The
Queen's Road and If more B’norks show up they have a
making good 50% chance to join their own kind.

Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7

A short distance up the road the trees surprise the party, and will fight to the
give way to a very high wall (twice death to protect their lair.
the height of tall Beanfolk). The
Necropolis is contained behind this
wall of black stone covered with Bristlebear
intricate symbols and figures. The
carvings have an unsettling way of (50)
seeming to shift and move if one 5
stares too long at them. Access to 2
this place is gained by passing
through the open base of an ornately 2
crafted seven tiered tower, which is Def 3 HP 5
said to hold its own mysteries in the
upper spaces, but such adventures
are best left for another time. Door to the Stairs of Peril
After crossing into the Necropolis the A heavy door blocks the way onward.
party comes to a long rectangular Rogues may pick the lock with
gazing pool fitted around the edges TossMind3 or TossMind2 if they have
with the same black stone of the lock picks and lock skills. Otherwise they
outer walls. Redstem quickly leads the will have to batter down the door. This
group past the gazing pool and will take 30 points of damage. The
heads through the monuments to the hammer gets double damage. Bladed
mountainous Southern edge of the weapons do half damage. There is a 25%
Necropolis. chance swords will break if used in this
manner (roll 3 beans: zero = broken).
The First Cave
A long steep
It will take some searching to find the stone stairway
true entrance to the cave. Warriors must leads down into
TossMind 3 to find it. Rogues must the darkness.
TossMind 2 to find it. B’norks can’t find it. Water drips here
Each search takes an hour. On the third and there from
unsuccessful hour of searching there is a the ceiling. Party
50% chance another group of B’norks must go single
will show up. Use the chart above, but file. Each party
roll only 3 beans to see how this group member must
will react. TossBody twice.
If they toss a
The cave entrance leads into a small fumble (all
cavern. In the cavern are a pair of Bristle zeroes) they slip
Bears. The Bristle Bears’ stats are: Body 5 and tumble. Roll
Mind 2 Spirit 2 HPs 5 Def 3 XP’s 50 4 beans to see
each. Special attack: see rules about how much
Quill damage in the BEAN rulebook. damage they
There is a 50% chance the Bears will suffer. If by

Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7

chance some bright party member beans worth of giant carnivorous cave
suggested they rope together reduce crickets:
damage by half. Armor does not protect Body 3 Mind 1
in falls. Spirit 1 HPs 4 Cave Cricket
Defense 2 (for chitin Giant Bug (50)
The steps continue down, down, down exoskeleton) Attack
to a narrow bridge of stone in poor 3 for Jump (50% 3
condition across what looks like a chance of surprise; 1
bottomless abyss. Each player must these suckers can 1
TossBody1 here as they cross. A fumble really jump) and Bite
leads to a fatal fall, XP’s 50 each. If they Def 2 HP 4
UNLESS: suffer 2-3 hits
The players are roped together. Then the damage they will
persons before and behind the fallen retreat and flee. The survivors will return
must each TossBody1 or they will go in to eat the deceased when the party
also; then the next before and/or leaves .
behinders have to TossBody2, or in they
go! It takes TossBody3 from the next The Underground Lake
unfortunates to stop the cascade (Do I
hear something roaring with glee in the The path finally ends at the shore of an
darkness far below?). This will continue underground lake. A narrow stone
at TossBody3’s for all subsequent falls, walkway crosses the murky waters. (Was
unless some dirty son of a Hobbean cuts that something swimming there? I saw a
his end of the rope… BIG ripple!).
Of course, any Rogue, or Wizard, can use
a Flap spell to save his own skin. If he In the distance to either side the party
knows it. can see large eyes reflecting their lights.
There are big splashes when the eyes
Cavern of the Cricket Monsters blink out. The party must cross the
walkway single file again.
The other side of the bridge opens up
into a large cavern with a high ceiling. The hooting, flapping things are coming
Unseen thingies flap about and hoot closer now attracted by the party’s lights.
mournfully in the darkness overhead. (any B’norks in the party will have
The floor is rough and uneven, but a torches). Then, in the distance, a hideous
crude path leads onwards into the dark chorus of croaking begins, and grows in
maze of stalagmites and fallen boulders. volume. As the
As our heroes party comes to the
press bravely middle of the Fluttersuck
onward (who walkway they will be (20)
wants to go back suddenly assaulted
and climb those by 10 + 10 beans of 2
darn stairs to get Fluttersucks Body 2 1
out?) they are Mind 1 Spirit 1 HPs 1
suddenly 2 Attack 1 XP 20
attacked by 6 + 6 see rules for special Def 0 HP 2

Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7

attack. All the eyes in the lake have disappeared
too now, and as the party hurries to
Any Fluttersuck or cross the gaps and scurry to the other
party member that side of the lake, they may notice the
has the misfortune water roiling and splashing near where
to fall in the water the victim vanished. Apparently the
will be quickly other denizens of the lake have all
seized and pulled invited themselves to dinner, and are
under. It will require a roll of Body4 to dividing the main course.
wrestle free of the thing beneath the
water and clamber onto the walkway

After the fight, if any survive, they will

notice a lot of eyes at the edge of the
darkness, but much closer now…

In the middle of the walkway some of

the rocks have collapsed and each party
member will have to make 3 jumps to
cross the narrow voids (unless they can
Flap across). This will require three
TossBody1 rolls. Anyone who falls in will
be seized by a monstrous Crockalizard
Body 10 Mind 1 The walkway ends on a dark, gravelly
Spirit 1 HPs 12 Def beach. In the wall a little distance from
Crockalizard 2 for thick hide the water are three doors.
(120) Attack 8 (huge
mouth full of big The Door on the Left
10 teeth) XP’s 120.
1 Door number one is trapped. A Warrior
1 The victim gets one must TossMind3 to see the trap and
roll or quick spell, avoid it. A Rogue can TossMind2 or
Def 2 HP 12 each person on the TossMind1 if they have Traps as a skill. A
walkway gets one Wizard must TossMind4 to get it right. If
round of missile fire, the trap is not found it will be accidently
and, if they fail to inflict at least 7 beans triggered by messing with the door
damage on this gigantic crockadilian, knob, the first person to try the knob will
splash!! The Victim is gone. If the get a rude surprise: a 6 foot long very
monster lets the victim go, being injured, sharp narrow steel blade will shoot up
the character must TossBody2 to from the floor where they are standing,
scramble ashore. If he misses it, there is a and impale them for 8 beans damage.
50% chance a second Crockalizard will
grab him, and here we go again!. (he Inside the door is a wide tunnel whose
gets out on the other 50% chance). floor is covered with bones. Scattered
among the remains are lots of rusty, but

Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7

still functional, weapons and armor. darkness, and its unsettling noises will
Note though: At the not so far end of the get closer and louder every turn. It will
tunnel is a field of intense darkness in take four turns to completely fill the
which something chitters, and chuckles, tunnel to the door. Wise players will shut
and mutters. If anyone touches or enters the door, which, incidentally, resets the
this wave of blackness, they will be trap.
sucked in out of sight. A horrible shriek
will be heard, followed by the sound of The Door in the Middle
something eating something. Messily. If
the character cannot TossSpirit 6 they are Door number two is very solid, and
adamantly refuses to open. It will take 40
points of damage to knock it down.
Same rules apply here as for the door to
the Stairs of Peril (q.v.)

When 40 points of damage have been

done the door falls apart suddenly, and a
big cloud of vile smelling gas comes
rushing out. Everyone will be blinded for
a few moments and nauseated by the
awful stench. When they recover, they
will find a jar. Whoever takes the stopper
out of the jar will release a large Djinni.

He has to grant three wishes to the

holder of the stopper. He is not a happy
Djinni and will not be really helpful. He
can’t do really big stuff either. He will not
fight for the party (Djinni Union rules). If
he can he will twist the wishes to honor
the letter, but not the spirit. The GM
should play him with a bad attitude and
a nasty sense of humor. After he has
granted the last wish he and his jar will

The Door on the Right

no more. Making the role allows them to This door opens into a large circular
break free but with a permanent loss of 1 chamber. There are seven more doors
HP and a lasting fear of the dark (must inside. As soon as all the party are inside,
TossSpirit2 to enter darkened places). or when some member of the party
touches any of the doors, all but the
Each turn spent searching the tunnel fourth door disappear, and six
and the bones will find 5 times 10 beans mummified Warriors emerge.
worth of gems, or coins. But the Body 4 Mind 0 Spirit 0 HPs 4 Attack +3

Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7

for magic sword He laughs again, and disappears. On the
Defense -3 magic Warrior Mummy door of his tomb, words of fire appear:
Ring Mail. XP’s 90
each. They are (90) PEKAS NEDIRF – TUTER ETH DRWOS
immune to lightning 4 TAMDIDET TA SALT DAN OG NI
and cold, but fire
does them triple If they can’t figure it out (and don’t give
damage. Once slain, 0 them more than a few minutes) let the
they crumble to Def 3 HP 4 Wizard solve it with a TossMind3, or the
dust, but their magic Rogues with a TossMind4. Warriors
sword and armor don’t get a chance at this; it is in magic
remain and can be used. runes. The Rogues and Wizards only get
one roll. If they fail, the roof begins to
If all the mummies are slain, or if all the cave in, and they must use Redstem’s
heroes died bravely in the fight (those Portal spell, or a Djinni wish to escape, as
who tried to flee will be eaten by the Tokirah’s laughter mocks them.
now thoroughly aroused Crockalizards
as they try to cross the lake) the ghost of If they solve the puzzle (it says “Speak
Tokirah will appear, laughing. He will friend – Utter the words Admitted at Last
restore the slain to life, and heal all their and go in”). The door to the tomb
wounds, if any. vanishes.

The Tomb of Tokirah

The actual tomb is a small chamber with

walls 15 ft. to a side. The center space is
occupied by what appears to be a
sarcophagus carved from a single piece
of black stone with no apparent
openings. Disturbing this artifact will
cause the place to rumble and dust and
stone will begin to fall from the ceiling.
The characters must find a way out
quickly or be buried beneath tons of
“Solve the last riddle on the door of my stone!
tomb, and what you find there is yours The rest of the chamber is a clutter of
to take.” treasures!


Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7

Redstem will get the Staff of Seven Spells
(it can store seven spells of his choice)
and the priceless magic spell books of
the Archmage. All survivors should be awarded double
the XP’s they garnered in battling and
The rest will find all the gems and gold bean tossing their way to (and from?)
they can haul away up to 200 gold the tomb. And watch out for those pesky
pieces per Body bean. They can now B’nork ambushes on your way back to
use Redstem’s scroll to get home, or a Khamril-Dhal
Djinni wish if they still have one. If they
lack these options, my sympathy, but BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAH!!
they will have to go back out the way Mad Roy Cram
they came in, in reverse order, all the
while hauling their weight in treasure.


Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7


Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7


Joseph Conaway (order #4282074) 7

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